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    Love, mootykins

    File : 1321217595.png-(42 KB, 448x148, Fushi_con_web-large_medium[1].png)
    42 KB Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)15:53 No.5155144  
    5 days to go!

    Predictions for Fushicon? Anyone else going? I'm disappointed at the low registration count but I guess it's only to be expected.
    >> Wise Owl 11/13/11(Sun)17:02 No.5155276
    I'm going but I look into my crystal ball and I make the following predictions.

    - Convention will be a ghost town, anyone who went Firecon will attest that a low turnout means that there will tumble weeds in the Park Inn
    - Events will be badly organised, why the fuck are forms going up 5 days before con start?
    - Masq will be a clustefuck. WTF secret prizes?
    - A con that markets itself on having a security guard and a tuckshop rather than panels and events needs to look introspectivly at thier marketing.
    - Most people will not be going for event, but the fact its the last "big" english event until the big winter con hiatus.
    - I will spend the entire weekend drunk, therefore I will enjoy it more.
    - The hotel staff will be surely, rude, and dismissive of all con goers. As is the norm in the Northampton Park Inn.
    - The locals are semi feral, there will inevitably be an incident involving a con goer and a 15 year old pushing a pram.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)17:12 No.5155300
    I don't have high expectations myself. I'm glad I'm not paying for accommodation and will be staying at a friend's house instead.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)18:54 No.5155485
    Committee need to get a fucking clue. Their website and promotion has varied between batshit stupid, pretentious, and condescending. Check their 'events' page for some seriously cringe worthy text.
    Let's not even go near their events person actually after their 5 year old style temper tantrum on Cosplay Island where they wanted their feet licked by people who should be DAMN GRATEFUL that Fushi were running an event at all.

    They seem to have left loads of stuff until the last minute, they are probably having to take a financial hit due to shitty numbers so events will be on a shoe string, they have a strange idea as to what should constitute a 'guest', and didn't they also claim to have dealers that in fact are not going to be there?

    Someone was asking if the Masquerade was competitive and they said "not officially but there are secret criteria we're judging on." A committee member on Facebook said it would involve audience reaction. Firstly WHAT IS THIS I DON'T EVEN- SECRET FUCKING CRITERIA smells like BULLSHIT and secondly basing a competition on how popular a game or show is or how much cleavage a girl is showing is a piss poor AL quality idea.

    Their last website update according to the frint page was 12th September. FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU!

    If you are going, remember everything is better with enough alcohol. I reckon it will be a lot of alcohol too.
    >> Wise Owl 11/13/11(Sun)18:57 No.5155490

    The charge as much as Kita/Aya/Ame but I suspect we are not going to get anything remotely like that type of con. Makes you wonder where the money is going....
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)18:58 No.5155492
    Not going myself as it didn't look promising. I know a few who are and I hope that they do manage to have a good time at least despite this looking like a complete clusterfuck.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)19:03 No.5155506
    What 'guests' do they have?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)19:07 No.5155517
    I don't think their announcement at Kitacon won them any votes to be honest. It was just awful! And the fact that they felt the need to say they were going to have security guards didn't actually make me feel any safer. It actually made me think "What the fuck is going to happen at this con that they need fucking security?!", which put me off even more.

    I'm quite glad I'm not going now, especially due to the low member count. But what do they expect running so close to fucking Xmas?! we're not all made of money and it was going to cost me close to £350 to go to the fucking thing, and that's without even taking food/drink costs into account. They had nothing spectacular to offer me which made me want to spend THAT amount of money so close to xmas.

    You could argue that Auchinawa manages to sell out memberships for their con in November, but it's one of only 2 conventions that run in Scotland, and a lot of the people who attend are tight fisted bastards that won't spend the money to go to a proper convention run in England. They literally scrimp and save all their money for the next two years so they can go and weeb out with all the other fucking weebs.

    BUT! I'm going off topic here.

    Basically, Fushicon is going to go in the same direction as Fuyucon. Down the fucking drain and forgotten about.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)19:12 No.5155533
    Goin' to Fushi to get drunk and hang with friends. Haven't even looked at promo stuff or events. It is irrelevant to my interests. I'll wait for Kita to actually do that kind of shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)19:12 No.5155536
    One actual guest, two mundane cosplayers and a journalist.
    But hey don't worry as it says there's LOTS MORE TO COME!
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)20:33 No.5155738
    If it turns out to be as abysmal as it sounds, I'm glad my company will be fucking amazing. I'm planning on getting very, very happily drunk too. I go to cons more for the people anyway and rarely attend the events.
    >> Fluttershy !ptEoNJbXvo 11/14/11(Mon)21:27 No.5155936
    I was wondering when this thread would pop up!

    I'm going, and I'm looking forward too it a fair bit. I will admit that the comittee could have done a lot of things differently as far as organization goes, but at the same time, I'm gonna give them the benefit of the doubt. It's the first time the event has run so there's bound to be hiccups and problems. If it's terrible, then they will know what to do so it isn't terrible next time. If it's great, then, well, great!

    It's the last event of the year really in the UK, and I don't see it being small as a problem- It gives me a chance to wind down with friends and people I know for a weekend with minimal fuss and drama. And if it all does go tits up, at least I'm in a relatively comfy hotel with several friends to hang out with for the weekend.

    Everyone who wants Fushi to be good that I've spoken to have put in thier best effort to make it so, so on the strength of that I think it's worth giving a chance.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)04:40 No.5157587
    This is the first time they've called it Fushicon but let's face it many of them were involve with FuyuCon at the same venue.

    The complete apathy towards dealers, only having one person looking at eight email addresses (who then spends their time on Facebook not replying to emails), and the simple fact that they boast having a 'new' fantastic way of running conventions from the lessons they learnt at Fuyu means while around 200 of us (they've included guests, committe, etc in their woefully low paid attendee list) are giving them a chance, frankly we are not sure we should be.

    If they were running saying "We are a new event, let's pull together, have a good time, and have a laugh when we fuck up and learn from this" like the first Kitacon did, it would not be so bad. The fact that they are strutting around in an absurdly egotistical way with their promotion and website, acting as if they've got a thick 14" cock swinging between their legs is what really pisses me off. Its not as if the Emporer has no clothes, but some random leper has no clothes and the delusion of nobility...
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:51 No.5157699
    KellyJane is a cosplay guest? Really?! hahahhaha
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:23 No.5157714
    Not that shocked by this. She's shit but Demyx Time is after all huge and will probably sell more tickets to weebs, so fair play.

    What disappoints me is she's the second best they've got. Oy...
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)21:10 No.5157889
    In regards to the masquerade there are actually two events running one after the other. As they describe it the first half is the 'serious masquerade' where people sign up and pose on stage to a track set by Fushi.

    The second event is basically like charades where you'll get called up (assumedly you volunteer) and get given an action to perform. This is the one that's won guaged by crowd reaction.

    As far as secret prizes go, I know the dealers have been asked to donate to just about everything including masquerade prizes and auction contents. My guess is secret stands for 'we ain't got shit'.

    Still, the venue is good, it has pool, a bar and cheap food in easy reach. With good company can't go too far wrong. Nice little wind down after expo before the winter hiatus.

    Only 1 day to go now
    >> Anonymous 11/17/11(Thu)11:28 No.5159301
    I would have taken Fushicon more seriously if all their publicity didn't across so much like "aren't we all a bunch of wacky crazy nut jobs HAHAHA". Obviously they think they're hilarious but to me it makes me think you're a bunch of kids who couldn't organise a house party never mind a convention.

    I've noticed their default reaction to anything on Facebook is "sorry we've not responded, we're running around like crazy right now." which again if you'd organised things properly you wouldn't be doing at this point. You'd be finalising all the hard work you've already put in and updating your website to keep the fools who have given you money informed what you've got in store for them.

    What makes me laugh the most is the Ranzatsu manifesto thing they put up first talks a big game how all the major cons are badly run and they're going to do it right. It was all super naive and misguided and maybe now they can appreciate that the other events are actually pretty good by comparison to the car crash they're putting on.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/11(Thu)15:52 No.5159622

    Well obviously all the cash went into their masterpiece of a promotion video
    >> Anonymous 11/17/11(Thu)19:07 No.5159952
    link to this CI dramu plz.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/11(Thu)19:24 No.5159982
    Yet to see a good promo video for a con.

    Not being able to get 500 members is just embarrassing.
    >> Anonymous 11/17/11(Thu)19:47 No.5160022
    Posts have been removed / cleaned up now but it was here:
    >> Anonymous 11/18/11(Fri)04:10 No.5161106
    >Fushicon today
    >Only excited about con badges, if they are organised enough to have them
    >> Anonymous 11/18/11(Fri)06:40 No.5161193

    ANOTHER fucking terrible Team Giblets wannabe pile o' shite. People need to STOP TRYING TO BE TEAM GIBLETS YOU'RE NOT TEAM FUCKING GIBLETS BE FUCKING ORIGINAL.

    Also, WHO THE FUCK IS KELLYJANE? Seriously. I can think of about 20 UK cosplayers who are "Guest worthy". I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO KELLYJANE FUCKING IS. Has she won something at one of the big events?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/11(Fri)07:14 No.5161207
    Has anybody else been curious as to what ranzatsu actually means? "Clutter, muddle, disorder, affray, confusion." Was this meant to be irony, or...?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/11(Fri)09:08 No.5161286
    Fucking hell, they let some retard who can't even type be in charge of 'feedback'? I'm glad I stayed away from Fushi, everything I've heard makes it sound like it's going to be a pile of wank unless you chill with friends ALL CON and don't bother with anything else.

    I've never understood why people go to dying cons. The only good things I can see are seeing friends and seeing what cosplayers there are who are as bored as you. Otherwise, shit lineup of shit events, an overpriced bar, unorganised staff, etc. I wouldn't waste my money.
    >> Fluttershy !ptEoNJbXvo 11/18/11(Fri)09:21 No.5161292
    Yes there are conbadges, and to be honest I really like the art on them.

    As far as I can see, everything is being set up without problems. I'm feeling pretty positive
    >> Anonymous 11/18/11(Fri)09:30 No.5161295
    by the look and sound of it, everyone wants fushi to fail. keep us informed!
    >> Anonymous 11/18/11(Fri)10:11 No.5161308
    I think fushi could have done with paying some attention to the traditional model they seem keen to throw out
    >> Anonymous 11/18/11(Fri)10:16 No.5161310
    So the rumour that at least one committee member is not coming because they all have to pay their own transport and hotel costs due to shit turnout is not true? Or are you just desperately sucking up still?
    >> Fluttershy !ptEoNJbXvo 11/18/11(Fri)10:32 No.5161318
    I'm sucking up because I have my own opinion different from the norm?

    As far as someone not turning up, I wasn't aware? Although saying that, I wasn't really asking about it or digging for info... Any idea who it was?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/11(Fri)10:34 No.5161319
    I heard it was Scott "The Cunt" Barker
    >> Fluttershy !ptEoNJbXvo 11/18/11(Fri)11:05 No.5161343
    Ah in that case I can say it isn't true. He's most definately here, we were both helping out with the bring & buy earlier.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/11(Fri)13:01 No.5161444
    I know exactly who you are. It couldn't be more obvious it's you.
    Grow up and stop being so bitter.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/11(Fri)13:27 No.5161479
    I posted one and not the second, doubt you fucking know me frankly... certainly don't know who the 'cunt' is...
    >> Fluttershy !ptEoNJbXvo 11/18/11(Fri)13:28 No.5161481
    I don't want to be rude, but how about we don't dwell on that and just keep on the topic of Fushicon?

    Hoping the AMV disco is fun tonight, be interesting as I've never been to one before.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/11(Fri)13:43 No.5161493
    when did he do?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/11(Fri)15:04 No.5161579
    I know exactly who you think you knew that was, and I can tell you you're wrong.
    Maybe you should grow up and stop clinging to the past.

    Anyone fancy reporting on today's funtastic fushi scheduel?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/11(Fri)16:38 No.5161747
    "Sorry. All the other places I’ve posted seemed to understand. now that u do some feedback would be nice as its ppl like you we are braking are backs for free to try entertain."
    >> Anonymous 11/18/11(Fri)17:27 No.5161847
    What is the context for this quote?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/11(Fri)17:29 No.5161850
    >> Anonymous 11/18/11(Fri)18:24 No.5162022
    Oh Tab, what a guy. I'm reserving my verdict until after Fushicon but from what I have seen, the commitee haven't quite grasped the idea of a convention being a business.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/11(Fri)18:29 No.5162034
    lol this isnt unsp if that's who you're thinking. I'm a guy. I have my own reasons for hating that prick
    >> Anonymous 11/18/11(Fri)18:40 No.5162049
    snap said he hates tab
    >> Anonymous 11/18/11(Fri)20:40 No.5162284
    This has nothing to do with Tab. They're talking about ViewtifulD I think.
    >> Fluttershy !ptEoNJbXvo 11/18/11(Fri)21:34 No.5162369
    >>5162284 Tab is the person who posted in the thread mentioned in >>5161850, whereas the committee member Scott mentioned in >>5161319 is indeed Viewtiful D. But as far as I'm aware he's in no way a cunt, not sure what happened there.

    Anyway, first day of Fushi done, at least for me. Opening Ceremony was your average opening ceremony so that was all good. Games room's got a lot of variety it seems. The AMV disco was imo great. A good laugh to kick off the first night, everyone seemed up for just easing up and enjoying themselves. Didn't make any of the 18+ events, but most of them had a good turn out from what I could see.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/11(Fri)21:49 No.5162392
    So what you're saying is day 1 they just had an opening ceremony, party and some hentai-esque panels? SOUNDS GREAT! Who needs conventions that actually run a packed schedule on day 1 when you can do fuck all instead.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/11(Sat)04:12 No.5163010
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    the level of cosplay at this con
    >> Anonymous 11/19/11(Sat)15:21 No.5163625
    Kellyjane - Mediocre cosplayer, stuck-up cunt who thinks everyone is below her. Created some shit called Demyx time which is the only reason people have a mild interest in her. Asking her to be a guest just means she's going to think she's a "somebody" and she's going to be even MORE stuck up!
    >> Anonymous 11/19/11(Sat)18:12 No.5163932
    Isn't that Leonie on the end?

    This is what bugs me. Why invite someone like Kellyjane. Is it because she has a huge fanbase? I can think of far more worthy cosplayers of note who would make great guests. Lex and Sands being two examples. I would much rather see people like those two as guests.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/11(Sun)10:10 No.5165798
    So, how's it going?
    >> Anonymous 11/20/11(Sun)10:24 No.5165812
    Lex yes, Sands, no.
    >> Fluttershy !ptEoNJbXvo 11/20/11(Sun)13:05 No.5165966
    Just waiting for ending ceremony, meeting Andrea Libman was lovely!
    >> Anonymous 11/20/11(Sun)13:26 No.5165983
    Just curious, but why no to Sands?

    Have you been having a good time?
    >> Anonymous 11/20/11(Sun)13:42 No.5166011
    Lex comes across as a little stuck up
    >> Fluttershy !ptEoNJbXvo 11/20/11(Sun)14:53 No.5166206
    It's been a lot of fun! Although I can't really give feedback because I didn't make all of the panels I wanted to...

    Oh and Lord Ashram is a huge prick but that's a given!
    >> Anonymous 11/20/11(Sun)16:52 No.5166619
    She didn't even create it, she muscled into her girlfriend's project in episode 2.

    So I hear this con has been a fucking trainwreck and the only people not bored out of their skulls are the ones who went with a big group of friends and got pissed, which they could've done in their local.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/11(Sun)18:01 No.5166813
    Just doesn't fit into that zone for me.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/11(Sun)18:35 No.5166893
    Really! I thought she had. Or at least that was the impression I thought.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/11(Sun)19:35 No.5167014
    Apparently someone asked Andrea Libman about fapping in the Q&A?
    >> Anonymous 11/20/11(Sun)19:55 No.5167084
    So is there any interesting news or was this con a ghost town as everyone expected?
    >> Anonymous 11/20/11(Sun)19:58 No.5167103
    Yes they did I was there
    >> Fluttershy !ptEoNJbXvo 11/20/11(Sun)22:26 No.5167532
    A friend told me about this, I think what I remember her saying was that someone asked "how does it it feel to know 40+ year old men fap over your work?"

    I don't know why people think asking questions like that is okay, I really don't.

    On another note, I'll admit that I spent most of this con as the above anon said hanging out with my friends (although I don't drink), the few events I DID attend, I enjoyed.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)05:43 No.5168575
    Any more dramas to report? Just found this thread and enjoying all the bitching.

    What dealers were present?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)09:04 No.5168705
    Still waiting to hear if this convention totally bombed or not. I was expecting a bit more posted about it by now!

    And yeah, we all already know Lord Ashram is a massive prick. A good hard working gopher, but a massive cunt.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)09:18 No.5168722
    Lord Ashram isn't even a good hard working gopher, he's a pointless obstructive prick of a man who does nothing but piss off people who are actually trying to get shit done and organise events, then retires to the bar to perv over young cosplayers and bore any gullible fool within range to tears with his stories about how conventions would fall apart without all his back-breaking effort, i.e. sitting on a door somewhere for a few hours barking rudely at paying attendees. Cunt. Fucking amazed that established cons like Minami still give him a gopher badge after all the complaints he's had. What did he get up to at Fushi, then?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)09:39 No.5168757
    I didn't realise folk thought of his gopher efforts like that. I gophered a con once and didn't really have a problem with him, and the con staff were singing his praises for how hard he was working. I guess I've just not seen that side of him yet. I'm usually too busy enjoying the conventions to take notice.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)09:48 No.5168765

    Oh, he gets stuff done. You can stick on a door and he will be a good badge checker. He just has no people skills and like the above poster mentioned rambled on about "back in the day" and shit like that. he managed to stay away from Ame for a few years and thus no complaints. Then at 10 he returned and annoyed everyone again as he watched the Dealers room, a bit too heavy handed.

    Nice guy, (sort of) but truely unaware of how annoying/boring/oafish he actually is.

    Almost certainly a confirmed aspie
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)09:52 No.5168771
    Newbie cons that desperately need people to help out for hours on end find him a godsend and are willing to overlook what a completely unpleasant cunt he is to the people who are actually paying to be at their event. Never heard any of the guys at the older cons say much good about him, though. Fuck knows why he still gets to gopher at them. Saying that, didn't he stop going to Aya when they decided not to let him gopher? They seem to have cracked down a bit on the whole nazigopher shit, wish other cons would follow.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)10:20 No.5168793

    I think he was just always busy in August. He turned up to Ame in 10 as I said above and helped out. kept harping on about all the "help" he had done at Kita and how he "ran the dealer room" all that jazz.

    He wasnt pleased when he was told he'd had several complaints and on the whole it would be nice if he didnt gopher again but thanks for helping. I think there was a thread about it on the Ame forum he got involved in. Prolly contains a lot of "back in my day" stories.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)10:22 No.5168798
    The level of cosplay was higher than that which was evident on Saturday. There wasn't much going on Friday and Sunday cosplay wise.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)10:45 No.5168844
    Slow con, didn't quite get off the ground but I had fun. However, as already mentioned, that was mostly due to 'chilling with friends'
    >> Pringles !qxeCkXDFj6 11/21/11(Mon)13:00 No.5169030
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    I'm not going to whiteknight fushi, the con had wayyyyy too much waiting between events, but I have to admit that some of the events were actually brilliant fun. Friendship is survival was pretty much, amazing, worth going to even with the hangover from hell.

    I feel bad to say tho, that it pretty much the company that really helped make it so fun.

    Hi Oppa.
    >> Wise Owl 11/21/11(Mon)13:17 No.5169053
    Ashram I admit is dedicated to the whole gophering lark but he suffers from serious USI (Unwarrented Self Importance). He condescends everyone he talks to, and his favourite topic of conversation is himself. I spoke to him several times over the weekend. I counted how many times he mentioned his fucking armour, at least 20.

    Sitting on a door looking at badges is not difficult in the slightest, there is no ability or talent needed. The difficulty is finding someone will to actually do it. This is why Ashram keeps cropping up. Because he's one of a few who will actually do it.

    That is in itself quite noble. Doesn't give him the right to be a bell end about it though.

    I hope that love pillow he bought in the auction is wipe clean...
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)13:22 No.5169060
    Speaking as someone who has gophered alongside him he is a hard worker, but he has next to NO people skills. When asking for badges or ID when giving out badges he's highly offensive. He's impatient and rude. At KitaCon 2010 he was gophering the dealer's room - I went in looking for a friend, presented my badge and entered but they weren't in there. Left straight away. Barely a minute later re-entered with said friend. He demanded to see my badge and ordered it immediately even though I had JUST shown him it and I'd even spoke to him briefly. I can understand 'keeping security', but there's no need to be a dick. I was wearing a bright, noticable costume as well, so it's hardly as if I was part of the crowd.

    I know he received at least 6 complaints across the duration of AmeCon 2010, including one after reaching down a girl's top to retrieve her badge - no offense mate, but even at a con that's just not something you do, especially not when you're a middleaged old creeper. Doesn't matter if you're trying to "help" or "enforce security". Just because someone is in a revealing costume doesn't mean you can ogle or grab for them.

    TL;DR Ashram's a dick, he shouldn't be allowed to gopher, etc etc.
    >> Emma !c7Hz/u3Rbw 11/21/11(Mon)13:41 No.5169089

    I only learned what a bell end was this weekend

    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)13:46 No.5169095
    Where are the cosplay pics????
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)13:50 No.5169100
    genuinely asking
    did anyone even take any pictures?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)14:29 No.5169169
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    Grabbing Dan's photos off facebook as I didn't have a camera and he's the only one uploading so far
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)14:30 No.5169171
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    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)14:30 No.5169173
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    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)14:31 No.5169174
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    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)14:32 No.5169175
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    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)14:32 No.5169177
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    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)14:33 No.5169181
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    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)14:34 No.5169183
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    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)14:34 No.5169187
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    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)14:35 No.5169190
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    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)14:36 No.5169192
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    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)14:37 No.5169196
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    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)14:37 No.5169198
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    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)14:51 No.5169237
    Upload faster
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)14:54 No.5169240

    That's it so far
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)14:55 No.5169243
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    >Street Angel falls out with Emzone
    >Emzone involved in hot nurse cosplay group at October Expo
    >Street Angel uploads "hot" nurse costume immedietly after Expo

    Spot the difference.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)15:00 No.5169255
    Street-Angel's description

    >Bad timing I know XD
    >NavigatorxNami asked me to do Love Ward with her some time last year but we never found time. After Expo I found I had quite a lot of my Mafuyu fabric left over, enough to make this nurse outfit in fact. Literally just enough as I found out >>;; So I asked Cheetos if she'd ever conciderred Love Ward, knowing she wanted to cosplay Miku, and apparently it was a costume she'd wanted to do for ages so hey, throwing them together to match.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)15:01 No.5169257
    hot nurses eh.....
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)15:05 No.5169268

    I want this hoodie
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)15:07 No.5169271
    whose the chick with street-angel?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)15:08 No.5169276
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)15:08 No.5169278
    Cheetos. She's really sweet and lovely, can't really work out why she hangs out with Street Angel...
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)15:09 No.5169282
    what a mess
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)15:10 No.5169283

    Because Street-Angel is actually really nice, or at least she was all through Fushicon. I bump into her at nearly every event and she's been nothing but nice unless this is somehow all a trick.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)15:11 No.5169286

    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)15:13 No.5169294
    Street-angel is actually a very nice girl. Like a lot of cosplayers she can be a perfectionist and sometimes she gets stressed out and comes off as being bossy but she's a lovely girl. Anyone who has spent time talking to her and getting to know her will be able to back this up. I'm guessing people saying bad things about her are judging her without having spoken and spent time with her.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)15:15 No.5169296
    Do you even know Street Angel? If you did, I'm sure you'd think that she's nice.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)15:22 No.5169311
    really? shes always seemed quiet and hostile whenever i've seen her
    >> Fluttershy !ptEoNJbXvo 11/21/11(Mon)15:24 No.5169316
    Agreeing with everyone on Street-Angel, she's very nice to me and always has been. I'll admit that she has a tendency to take charge, but she's really down to earth and even admits to taking charge herself. I really like her, and I love all of the hoodies she makes!
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)15:26 No.5169323
    I find this hard to believe, but I don't doubt she can come across as nice to people, too.

    Personally to myself, some of my friends and a lot of acquaintances she's appeared stuck up, bullheaded and just plain nasty sometimes.
    Being stressed because of cosplay is an excuse that can only go so far, the way she treats some of her 'friends' as well isn't exactly covered by it either.

    Perhaps I'm biased because she's been an utter dick and said some awful things to and about people I know, but I wouldn't give her the time of day.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)15:31 No.5169337
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    General consensus seems to be that if you went with tons of friends, you were too busy hanging out with your mates to realise it was actually a terrible convention with an empty schedule and very little information.

    Sounds just like Fuyu 09.
    Actually I lie, it sounds WORSE than Fuyu 09.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)15:32 No.5169339

    She's just shy but once she's into a conversation she's great fun
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)15:44 No.5169375
    Any more pictures of the con?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)15:46 No.5169384
    i heard from a friend that she took charge of the masquerade contestants which is a good thing cuz the committee werent doing anything
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)15:49 No.5169392

    Yeah she called out to us when the masquerade started to get the que moving, no one from the con seemed to be around.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)15:52 No.5169400
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    Wow, nobody seems to realise that Emzone fell out with Street Angel because Street Angel is aggressively rude to her cosplay friends - if she thinks you can't make a costume to her "high standards" she will make it herself, then blame it on you when she doesn't win a competition.
    Rather than encouraging her friends to improve like a normal person, she belittles them. That fat sack of shit has a huge ego and her sewing is not even that great. We're talking eye-blistering satin monsters and messy wigs here.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)15:57 No.5169424

    You know what I'm sick of hearing the same things every time, you wanna make those accusations fine but give examples of which cosplays she made because of "standards". She doesn't blame anyone for not winning anything.

    I am her friend and if I want help with a cosplay she'll recomend patterns, techniques and fabrics. So get your fucking shit straight.

    Out of 87 complete costumes on CI only 10 were majority satin.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)16:04 No.5169441
    Its funny that everybody seems to forget that street angel isnt the only one in the wrong there
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)16:07 No.5169450
    The girl doing Miku needs a better wig, and the colours of her costume are too bright, but she makes a cute Miku and the costume suits her.
    Oh Fishy, another classic. He's a great guy, I love seeing all the interesting ideas he has for conventions.

    So what is the general concensus of the weekend? Sounds like people in big groups of friends had fun but first timers weren't exactly encouraged to stick with the convention scene.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)16:08 No.5169457

    Because it was such a small attendance and lots of people did come in groups it got a bit like Minami in the sense that they seemed un-approachable. The quiz was fun, I think they'd have done better with more events that got people involved, getting the con-goers to mix.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)16:15 No.5169474
    where are you getting your information from? Because I know that Emi is a pretty private person and wouldn't talk about these sorts of things unless you are someone directly involved.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)16:17 No.5169484
    Care to enlighten some of the people not hearing the other side then?
    Because what I've heard might only be one side of the story, but it was still pretty fucking rotten of her. And the people involved on the opposite side are NOT the kind of people who go about acting in any way that would victimise someone else.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)16:19 No.5169495

    So far as I heard Street-Angel was feeling on the edge of the group becuase she didn't really know the majority anymore or want to do the cosplays they were doing so she couldn't get involved. Personally I don't see that as bitching about her "friends".
    >> Wise Owl 11/21/11(Mon)16:22 No.5169500
    Paging Dr Loggins...
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)16:26 No.5169509
    does she have a deviantart or cosplayisland?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)16:27 No.5169515
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)16:32 No.5169523
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    Moar pictures
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)16:32 No.5169524
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    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)16:33 No.5169525
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    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)16:34 No.5169528
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    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)16:34 No.5169529
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    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)16:35 No.5169532
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    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)16:36 No.5169533

    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)16:39 No.5169540
    So FUCKING kawaii
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)16:40 No.5169544
    Oh dear.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)16:42 No.5169547
    Is there something I should know about this girl, or is this a personal thing?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)16:42 No.5169548
    Street-Angel is rude and stubborn as fuck. At a con a while back I know some girl (might've been a guy?) was cosplaying with a friend who knew SA, and while they were cosplaying from the same series she ignored them outright because they weren't part of "her" group at the time. Not sure who it was or where it was, though, but I heard from a few of her associates that it was really fucking rude and the person who was ignored got pretty upset over it.

    Tbh, I think her sewing skills are good. She can make costumes at the very least. But she's awful at tailoring and her fabric choices are usually poor. I think that's why she looks like a shiny whale in so many of her costumes, not because they're badly sewn, because they're not fitted right to her body shape at all and the fabric choice is dire.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)16:44 No.5169554
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)16:45 No.5169556

    It's a Fushicon thing, everything was so fucking kawaii
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)16:48 No.5169561

    Ever think they're exagerating? I hear so many stories of 'oh so and so ignored me what a bitch slut whore' and mostly it's because said person doing the ignoring was busy at the time. Communication break down much?

    I mean I've done cosplay groups with my friends and we've bumped into doubles and yeah I'll admit my focus is on my friend group because I know them and they're who I'm cosplaying with.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)16:49 No.5169567
    She's so fucking kawaii
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)16:51 No.5169572
    I dunno, but it's not the only story out there, I doubt -everyone- is exaggerating?
    I don't know her personally, but there's a lot of bile about her and the only time I've ever heard good stuff about her has been since the bust up with Emizone when people who have recently met her have stood up for her. Like in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)16:55 No.5169586
    I met street angel 2 years ago and I still think she's lovely
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)16:58 No.5169591
    Who took all these static as fuck photos against the same wall? "Photographer" or just someone interested in collecting photos of cosplayers?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)16:59 No.5169593

    What doesn't make sense is that all the people that have spoken to her say she's nice and all the people that haven't met her repeat all the things that come up on 4chan like she's makes her friends costumes cause she thinks her friends can't cosplay for shit, which isn't true. Blaming others for not winning competitions, that's not true either. Screaming at people backstage until they cry, also not true. I forget the rest of the usual drivel.

    Fact is, no one gave a damn until she was cosplaying with Emi-zone, now Yuka's cosplaying with Emi-zone and shortly after Aya there's a Yuka hate thread. Surely there are better topics.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)17:00 No.5169595
    Street Angel isn't as bad as people make her out to be. Yes, she can be rude and bossy. I witnessed her shouting at her group at one expo as they were being judged. Not only is this unprofessional in front of the judges but it was rude to the person she was aiming it all at. She should have waited after being judged and she should have talked to that person privately. She has no concept of what is appropriate as I have seen her harass a judge too. Having said that I have met her at other times and she does seem to be okay. Best to avoid her when she is competing it seems.

    Her sewing skill is good and with the right fabric choices it will get better. She does need to learn how to tailor properly and how to judge what works best for people's body shapes.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)17:01 No.5169596

    Dan, I think he just tries to get a nice shot of each cosplayer. There's not really a lot of nice backgrounds at the Park Inn tbh.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)17:06 No.5169605
    Like I said in >>5169595 she is rude. And no it isn't something I made up based on speculation, I have actually witnessed it. Up until I did witness it I thought that what was stated on here and by others elsewhere was just butthurt from others. Its only till I saw it did I realise that there is some truth to it. I do think it has been blown out of proportion by those she has upset. But in some cases I don't blame them.

    Do I think she is a nasty person? Not really. I think she is more of a person who needs to have better judgement when it comes to public situations.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)17:09 No.5169614

    The only time I've seen her shouting at a group backstage was Vesperia, that was after judging, the group hadn't practiced, not once, they had literally been finishing costumes all day, most of them weren't paying attention and Cheetos (who was cosplaying Patty) was about to cry from stagefreight. And no Street-Angel did not shout at her because she was crying, she was trying to organise the group to stop Cheetos from crying.

    The only other 'group' cosplays she's done at an Expo where it was more than her and someone else were PS2 Haruhi, Haruhi in Wonderland, Pandora Hearts (which was Emi-zone's group), Vesperia (already mentioned), and Clamp in Wonderland (Lady Bahamut's group). That's a pretty small selection so which one was it?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)17:13 No.5169619

    Just read their Rantestsu manifesto thingy.
    All the con stress and fallouts they talk about seem to be a disease of the hmmm.. trying to think of a different word.. "lesser cons" as apposed to the established ones. (ones that have well documented hissy fits and fallout between members). heck remember yaz and the wildercon stuff from 2004 or whatever?

    Also that crap about cons not sharing committee is bollocks. Im on two and the chair of Minami is the Chair of Aya. Plus the committee of Aya and Ame both gopher all the key stuff at Minami. They arent the same crew, but it is a massive overlap.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)17:14 No.5169620
    Looks like you did your homework
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)17:19 No.5169632

    It's not hard, it's all on cosplayisland.

    Make accusations fine, but if you can't name what cosplay it was, when all the information is there with pictures and everything, there's no excuse.

    I see the same thing with Tif, rumours everywhere, yes it was proven that she cheated at Hyper Japan and everyone jumped on the rage train because they had nothing better to do.

    I don't like seeing people persectued unjustly and I don't like watching the cosplay community descend as it has into politics and back stabbing and chinese whispers just because people can. Most cosplayers I know sufferred in school and in life because of these exact tactics. So they come to the anime and cosplay community where they have something in common with all attendees and yet they still end up hating on each other? Get a grip people seriously.

    Criticise body types and craftsmanship as you like, you're entitled to your opinions. But if you want to make accusations of events, back that shit up.
    >> Fluttershy !ptEoNJbXvo 11/21/11(Mon)17:46 No.5169685
    May as well bump with the question, anyone see any costumes or photos that really caught your eye for any reason?

    I was really impressed with some of the Sunday Night outfits!
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)17:49 No.5169690
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    This one
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)17:49 No.5169695
    I approve of him choosing a plain background to make them stand out, but that seems to be the extent of his involvement. If he wants to be a good photographer, he should angle his shots in a flattering way or pose his subjects. Some cosplayers know what they're doing but others (as is evident from some of these photos) need a little help to get that bodyshot just right.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)17:51 No.5169700
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    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)17:53 No.5169703

    I think he takes the photo to have a picture of the cosplayer, not really because he's trying to do them a favour or anything.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)17:53 No.5169705
    It was that group and yes it was during judging as I saw them being judged. They missed the pre judging and had asked to be judged before they went up on stage. They were allowed. In fact there were several who got to have last minute judging which normally doesn't happen. I saw her yell at one of the others in her group while the judges were questioning one of the others. To me it looked bad. Maybe it was at Cheetos but I'm not sure which one Cheetos was. Not familiar with Vesperia so won't know which character is which. Whether it was nerves or trying to sort out the group, you shouldn't do that. Try and organise yes, but not shout. Especially not when being judged. Its what I saw, you can take it or leave it.

    I'm not attacking her as a person. I'm sure she is lovely most of the time. I'm just stating what I saw to back up some of the previous things stated.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)17:59 No.5169720
    That's really lovely.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)18:00 No.5169722

    I remember her shouting at the group to get them organised backstage but not during judging. But there's no point playing your word against mine games. The fact that this thread has gone so massively off topic is a waste.
    >> Fluttershy !ptEoNJbXvo 11/21/11(Mon)18:14 No.5169761
    I did try to get it back to on topic ;A;

    I'll contribute my own favourites possibly with pics when I'm on a PC and not my phoney phone.

    One of my best favourites, though, were the cosplays of the con mascots. They looked so awesome.
    >> Fluttershy !ptEoNJbXvo 11/21/11(Mon)18:16 No.5169767
    I'm sorry, my grammar went to shit in that last post.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)18:17 No.5169768

    I loved the themed dresses on the Sunday, it's a shame they didn't have them up on stage during the openning ceremony though.

    Were they paid to make those costumes? Or were they bought for them? Or were they just asked to do it? Purely curious as to how and why people end up cosplaying con mascots. Do they get anything out of it?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)18:17 No.5169771
    I was there and I saw it I'm not making shit up. Its up to you to believe what you will. Lets agree to disagree and leave it at that.

    Personally, there are far more interesting topics out there than whether or not Street Angel was rude to someone.

    Back to the topic, I hear people were upset that there were no con books at Fushi. Is this true?

    How was the hotel? I understand its staff was their usual helpful selves (Stayed there a few times before).
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)18:19 No.5169775
    Thanks for getting back on topic. Your posts came through as mine got posted so I didn't see your pics until after I posted.

    The costumes are very good. Better than I expected for a small con.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)18:20 No.5169778
    Cheetos was dressed as Patty
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)18:32 No.5169808

    The hotel was as it always is comfortable size room, comfortable bed, decent shower. I know people complained about the breakfast cost but I only payed £102 for 3 nights, breakfast included, that's splitting the room cost between two. Cheaper than most cons and decent selection of food too.

    For the noise complaints...the party went on till about 1 so yeah people were still on a high. Yes it's a shame for those trying to sleep but all I can say is close your windows and bring ear plugs. People were drunk and having fun, these things happen.

    It's a decent location I think for a con, the convention area is compact, there's a pool and food and entertainment aplenty within 10 minutes walk of the venue. The station is also only 10 minutes away. Honestly it's a good place setting.

    Events...I went to none, except the quiz. It was fun but yes a little unfair where it was massive group vs. everyone else and they got a little bit over confident. Could of done with team number limits and trying to mix people up a bit, get the con talking.

    Dealers room had it's usual suspects, bought a few things I've been after for a while, picked up a few good deals at the bring and buy too. It was nice to have it in the same room as the dealers tbh. It meant I didn't have to be in two places at once to try and get the things I wanted that I knew would go fast. Though I heard the dealer's room fell on hard times? Not many spending?

    Cosplay had it's highs and lows, I think a lot of people put their all into expo and then just decided to wind down for the last con of the year. Some cute outfits and some fun costumes, could have been a worse turn out.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)18:32 No.5169813
    The bar is too expensive. Solution...tescos and alcohol in the room. Hotel bars are always expensive, they rely on convenience purchasing, there are easy ways round this so it didn't really affect the con for me.

    Gophers seemed to be a bit thin on the ground, not many volunteers this year? Perhaps that's why there weren't as many events as advertised? Not enough staff.

    Hotel staff were inattentive, but they're used to the venue being used for conventions and I think they're attitude has just become 'let them get on with it'. Not a great attitude but that's not Fushi's fault.

    I'd go again next year for the people, the location and the time of year but the events would need a boost for that to be a pulling factor.

    I had fun though, and whether that's because of the people more than the con, well *shrug* what can you do.
    >> Fluttershy !ptEoNJbXvo 11/21/11(Mon)18:37 No.5169838
    I think they were both comittee, that just did it because they wanted to I guess. I didn't get around to asking if they'd made them themselves, but I'd assumed they had.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)19:15 No.5169937
    Tbh, only a couple of times have I been to that hotel where the staff have been nice. I know its not Fushi's fault. Its a good location to be near shops and food places. Shame about the staff.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)19:31 No.5169984

    You know for all this debate about who shouted at whom and why. Did anyone actually IN the group give a fuck?

    Seeing them in the hotel after they all looked to be having fun. So while you all, as observers, are having your rages and drawing conclusions have any of you even asked any of the people involved?
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)19:47 No.5170051
    This. I think they still managed to have a good time and they managed to win second place. Whether or not there was shouting involved is between the group.

    Street-Angel is passionate about what she does. As are many people. I'm sure that at one time or another everyone have slipped or shouted at others without meaning to. It happens to us all.

    I don't know the girl personally (I know others that were in the group) so I'm not going to speculate what might have happened. To be honest, it is pretty much non-drama compared to the likes of what Tif has done.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)20:01 No.5170107
    >so fucking kawaii

    This got old DURING the con and now everyone's plastering Facebook with it.
    >> Emma !c7Hz/u3Rbw 11/21/11(Mon)20:21 No.5170164

    I'm sorry but, 'amikawaiiuguuu' is so much better.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)20:35 No.5170213
    Its not plastered on my facebook, thank god. I know a few who went and so far all have reported that they had a great time.
    >> Flynn !MNKvb5gTgI 11/21/11(Mon)21:06 No.5170354
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    There was minor yelling, mostly due to the fact whoever the guy was that cosplayed Raven didn't quite 'get' what we were trying to achieve on the stage, even after having it being explained to him over and over.
    She was pretty much stressed to fuck still finishing her costume in her hotel room like just before we left for the masquerade. Not saying that's an excuse, it was a bit over the top and I know if she'd spoken to /me/ like she spoke to him I'd have kicked the fuck off. But she didn't, and he didn't seem to give a shit.
    Only thing that bothered me is I went to Midlands with a fucking good Karol cosplayer and she still insisted Holly be in the masquerade in the hodge podge costume with no wig when my Karol could have easily stepped in. We would have looked a damn sight more polished that way.

    But eh, it was her group at the end of the day. Whatever.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)21:16 No.5170411
    lol consider what ammunition her haters would get from that though - 'omg did you hear? She kicked out Holly who she'd promised could be in the masquerade with her because some random person came along she decided was better omg omg bitch'.
    >> Flynn !MNKvb5gTgI 11/21/11(Mon)21:26 No.5170456
    Oh, Holly wasn't MEANT to be in the masquerade, she was a stand in for the person who didn't turn up in the first place.
    She wore their costume, but obviously didn't have a wig or anything because she had brought her own cosplay to wear that day.
    >> Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)22:14 No.5170650
    Holly wouldn't have given a flying fuck about being replaced in the masquerade given the circumstances either. She's totally chill.

    What is this "so fucking kawaii" about? Who decided they came up with that one?
    >> Fluttershy !ptEoNJbXvo 11/22/11(Tue)07:18 No.5171456
    I didn't really see one single person start it... I heard all of my friends saying it, it spread like wildfire really.
    >> KomaK !DU8.7nfCkU 11/22/11(Tue)08:30 No.5171480
    It originated with Tim Lunn's karaoke entry.
    It was so. fucking. kawaii.
    >> KomaK !DU8.7nfCkU 11/22/11(Tue)08:47 No.5171488
    Although I still can't remember who first said it, I think the general 'con-meme' was this Imhotep thing, apparently started from the zombie game. Spreading like AIDS over my facebook.

    Anyway, I actually really enjoyed Fushi. Even if it was because I was hanging out with friends all weekend, it still had good parties, (even if the rock night didn't take off as planned) the sunday night was the best party at any con this year. The committee were actually quite busy, running around trying to make everyone have a good time, and I enjoyed a con that wasn't clusterfucked with people. Drinks were expensive, but this is why you buy your own to bring with you. Games room was refreshing, as it didn't have ALL the beat em ups that they always have at cons, but had Just Dance 3, Goldeneye 007, Mario Kart Double Dash... etc etc.
    Generally a fun con.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:49 No.5171489

    Did you make the suggestion to use your Karol?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:50 No.5171490

    Of the three parties, rock night was the let down, I went in about 5 times during the evening and didn't find the music enjoyable to dance to. So went and had a room party instead. Hell yes.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)08:58 No.5171494
    This con made me feel old.

    In that I got the impression everyone else missed out on school discos as kids so that was all they wanted in a party.

    It was the most socially awkward thing I've ever seen. Nobody knew how to have a conversation without resorting to memes and the weekend's in-jokes.

    I'm glad I know that the 'so. fucking. kawaii' thing, which people have been saying for years but never so much, was just a vicious joke at some unfunny aspie's expense.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)09:12 No.5171504
    Does he actually have Aspergers or is he just incredibly socially awkward?
    >> Fluttershy !ptEoNJbXvo 11/22/11(Tue)11:18 No.5171603
    He was nice enough to me, didn't seem Asbergers-y, but that said I probably wasn't around him long enough...
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)13:28 No.5171801
    Any more? What did codewarrior do to piss people off?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:04 No.5172002


    Did you see his sexist spiel on the boards the week before hand? He's complained that Kita doesn't have enough under 18 girls before.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:07 No.5172006
    Forum feedback has no descended into Fushi fanbois railing on anyone who doesn't agree it was awesome. Oh and plugging already unfunny conmemes...
    >> Fluttershy !ptEoNJbXvo 11/22/11(Tue)15:27 No.5172016
    We call him Disco Fu.

    Bit anyways. I hate him, he's a sexist pig. No-one would miss him if he stopped going to cons.

    He's the only person who made me feel uncomfortable at the whole con. Even being near Lord Ashram (who I have previously shown my distaste for) is better than being near him. I feel dirty and disgusting when he looks at me.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:29 No.5172018
    I'm not happy they spent my £45 on one guest that was from a retarded fandom, MLP is no better than Hentalia...
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:37 No.5172026
    Are there any photos of him? I'd like to know who to avoid at future conventions.
    >> Fluttershy !ptEoNJbXvo 11/22/11(Tue)16:07 No.5172086
    Tbh you have to go with what's popular. If you ignore the fact it's MLP, it's actually kind of impressive they got such a great guest at thirty first con. Think of it this way; "they got the voice actress of two of the main characters from a TV show that most of the people in our Target audience are a fan of." Sounds pretty rad to me!
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:20 No.5172109
    Funny how other events can get more guests for the same ticket price....
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:27 No.5172122
    Any more cosplay photos yet?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:51 No.5172229
    And a con book.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)17:11 No.5172284
    "that most of our friends are fans of"
    >> Fluttershy !ptEoNJbXvo 11/22/11(Tue)17:14 No.5172296
    But they have more people paying the reg. fee than Fushi did, so will earn more back, and in turn are usually willing to put more on the line to get good guests.
    >> Fluttershy !ptEoNJbXvo 11/22/11(Tue)17:18 No.5172304
    Why is that a problem? So what that a lot of the attendees were friends with the committee.

    A lot of the Kita committee are friends with their attendees. You gonna call them out on it too?
    >> dildoes !/SwoleKqOo 11/22/11(Tue)17:21 No.5172309
         File1322000463.png-(155 KB, 490x416, she comes.png)
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    ur not a fluttershy
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)17:22 No.5172315
    Personally I'm amazed this MLP is still going, at first I thought everyone was just trolling, now....well what can I say.

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