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    File : 1321036422.jpg-(99 KB, 639x620, messin with nate.jpg)
    99 KB Shadocon fail!! Disappointed 11/11/11(Fri)13:33 No.5150274  
    So I decided to go to Shadocon again this year since it was so fun last year, big mistake. The staff have no idea what the hell they are doing. They are running around like retards and being rude to everyone. What happened to the people who ran things last year? The vendors room (if you can call it that) was a disaster. No good merch, messy, small, and the vendors were complaining to anyone who would listen about their poor treatment, and being lied to, and how they wanted to leave. The reg people.... ugh... morons. Newsflash... people handling money should know how to make change. Overall super disappointing. I left and am not going back... ever. If you were considering going, don't.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:36 No.5150278
    Yeah. They fired the Metrocon staffers who were running things for them...because they're idiots... They have no idea what they're doing and it shows.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 11/11/11(Fri)13:38 No.5150288
    I have nothing of value to say except I love manatees.

    Sage for OT, although I gotta say that sounds a lot like a tiny 'con' that happens in my area. People only show up to it to get drunk and scream memes, it's a nest of 14 year olds who have just discovered anime.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:41 No.5150292
    I was wondering when this thread would pop up. It's an over-priced hang-out con. But they've got the Nostalgia Critic, so at least it's not a COMPLETE wast of time.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:45 No.5150301
    If its that bad a few hours into the first day then I won't waste my time.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:01 No.5150327
    So I am sitting outside of Shadocon right now in tears. My friend and I were standing out of the way talking when the guys who runs it was walking by, and he yelled at us to get the fuck out of his way. I told him he didnt have to be so rude, and then he said if I didnt like it I could leave. He kicked me out... for nothing. And all that money is wasted. I am so upset!!!
    >> voodoo !!qvvFuwM1gL0 11/11/11(Fri)14:09 No.5150354
    Ive heard this same thing over twitter and facebook, which is sad since its only friday. Oh well. Glad I didnt waste my time or money
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:11 No.5150362
    lulz!!! I'm glad I picked Harry Potter over Shadocon!
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:14 No.5150371
    I'm glad I picked staying home and doing nothing over Shadocon... sheesh, I have never heard so many complaints this early into a con...
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:16 No.5150373

    woah that's brutal. Can you get a refund?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:16 No.5150376
    Oh well.... another copycat convention is gonna bite the dust.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:18 No.5150381
    Manatees are fucking adorable and awesome. Watching them eat lettuce's just darn cute.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:19 No.5150384
    I had my mom came down to try to get a refund, and they told her that they wouldn't give her money back. How can they do this?!?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:25 No.5150403
    Suddenly glad I had a change of plans and couldn't go.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:26 No.5150406
    Manatees!!! <3
    But seriously.... how did the quality go down this drastically from last year? I mean, the guys who runs it was a prick last year too, but everyone else was pretty good. WTF? I'm right there with OP... going home, and not coming back.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:29 No.5150411

    is it in the con pamphlet about rules/blah?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:35 No.5150424
    Yeah.but he kicked me out because I told him he was being rude for swearing at me. My mom is furious, I am crying my eyes out because all I wanted was a good weekend with my friends. I hope that guy doesn't have any kids....
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:37 No.5150433

    yeah that's rough. How old are you? You could say it was harrassment of a minor or something.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:38 No.5150438
    14 My mom is thinking about calling the cops. I dont know if it would do any good. :(
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:40 No.5150448

    no the cops wouldn't be able to help you. You're better off reporting the con company to the BBB. Check the pamphlet rules and see if you can get your money back.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:43 No.5150456
    The guide says no refunds... I will tell my mom about BBB. Thank you!
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:57 No.5150499
    Epic fail!
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)16:16 No.5150678
    Yeah.... what a waste of my time and money. I would have rather gone to school today than this craptastic con.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)16:29 No.5150704
    I saw pedobear himself there... I guess since Roy can't do metrocon anymore he latched on to this piece of crap. I didnt think he was even allowed near minors anymore... underage girls beware!
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)16:48 No.5150730

    Pretty sure he's not allowed near minors and not at the convention at all. Pics or GTFO.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)17:39 No.5150814
    Chris Colina and Roy harms... match made in heaven... a deadbeat dad, and a pedofile... lol
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)17:41 No.5150820

    Roy has a kid, too. Little-known fact it seems.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)18:38 No.5150935
    Shit came up at work last minute so I couldn't go, nor could the people depending on me for a ride. I still feel guilty having to drop plans on such short notice, but hey! From the looks of this thread, I'm not missing much.

    Drama aside, I'm still looking forward to seeing pics of the cosplay, and the results of the costume contest. The progress photos I've seen of some people going looked really cool.

    As for>>5150327, post on their fb page,, make a public post on your own fb and the shadocon forum, DA, whatever outlets you have to let people know you got screwed, and if anything, to get a response from the con.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)18:48 No.5150955
    Awww fuck! I just wanted to go play UMVC3 but if the con is shit nah. I'll just save up for Holiday Matsuri. Thanks for the warning guys!
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)19:34 No.5151042
    What, specifically, do you need an entry badge/armband for besides the dealer's room? I'm going with friends tomorrow but I'm wondering if I should save my money.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:39 No.5152418

    Probably main events, not sure if they are checking at panel rooms.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:36 No.5152484
    Don't waste your time or money on this bullshit wannabe convention. I had to stay all day yesterday because my ride home was in one of the shows. Even the performers are miserable and dont want to be there. I was so bored within the first hour that I wanted to gouge my own eyes out. The cosplays were meh. The dealers room is a joke. Everyone working there was miserable. I'm glad I only bought a day pass.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)16:17 No.5155192
    bumping for pics and stories now that the con has just about ended
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)16:28 No.5155219
    So I went to Shadocon for a few hours today and these whack-ass 14 year olds decided to grab my shoulders and use me as their human shield in a tickle fight. One of them was this short little blonde girl in cyber/raver gear and the other one was this black-haired androgynous... thing. Needless to say, I've been going to cons since 2002 and I've never had my personal space violated like that before. I was taken aback so I wasn't really able to say much to them other than "Uh, could you please get off of me?" but what I really wanted to say was "FUCK YOU."

    I left almost immediately after that because I felt so uncomfortable. Fuck you little 14 year olds. Learn how to behave yourselves in public and don't fucking grab complete stangers from behind. I'm gonna punch the next one of you who tries doing this to me.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)18:44 No.5155463
    How did that .Hack musical come out? Any good cosplays? Pictures!
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)18:58 No.5155495
    Shit... The kids these days are really getting out of hand. You should have reported it to security , though judging by how the this thread is painting the con they would have done a fuck load of nothing.

    Don't punch anyone though. Not worth the assault charge.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)19:14 No.5155541
    Roy' probation JUST ended a week ago. He's advised to stay away from conventions, and not allowed to own or run one. looks like he's being real cautious showing his face at a con so quickly -_-
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)19:24 No.5155556
    Con was absolute shit.
    Cosplays were shit. Nothing but obnoxious Homeshit everywhere. Panels were shit. They were either lame or cancelled. Hotel was shit. Too small, understaffed. Area around the hotel was shit. No other restaurants nearby, and a bad area.
    Shit shitty shit shit.

    First time going, will not waste my money again.
    >> Shit Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)12:27 No.5155606
         File1321291654.jpg-(248 KB, 800x533, garbage.jpg)
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    I had high hopes for Shadocon. There seemed to be a number of good panels, and "celebrities" attending. It ended up being a huge letdown. Most of the panels that I thought would be good, were either cancelled or absolute shit. The flood of retarded homestuck shit ruined every other decent cosplay. The hotel was garbage, and the area was also terrible, right next to a corrections facility. The "popular" panels were put in rooms 5 sizes too small for comfort, and we had to be herded in and packed together on the floor. Don't get me started on the smell there, people need to fucking shower.

    The only thing that was awesome was Uncle Yo. He was in my opinion the best thing the shit con had going for it in terms of panels. (Edit:The sound bytes panel was good too.)

    The whole con had a theme of Cyberpunk. I saw none of the sorts besides garbage rave bullshit. The 1 cyberpunk panel was cancelled.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)12:31 No.5155608
    'sup Metrocon staff? Looks like you were bored this weekend. Still butthurt about not being allowed to come back to ShadoCon I see. Don't worry, you weren't missed.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)12:55 No.5155610
    Metrocon staffers worrying about how bad their boy pussies hurt has nothing in relation to how awful Shadocon was.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)13:14 No.5155614
    I can say with relative certainty that all but about 4 posts in this thread are one or two Metro staff shit talking. Kinda funny how "Florida's largest anime con" feels they have to stoop to this level to feel better about not being needed to run an event that's not theirs. Then again, Metrocon is only theirs in name. The current owners didn't develop any of the con's shows or other content, they BOUGHT IT.

    For those of you following along at home, this weekend Went off without a hitch. Great shows, absolutely packed panels and a small con quality that just isn't seen around Florida much anymore.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)13:59 No.5155623
    I've never even been to Metrocon, let alone that side of Florida. And sorry, but the convention this weekend sucked. I did not enjoy it. Things I would like liked to enjoy either weren't there or got fucked up. The amount of cancelled/abandoned panels was excessive. The hotel is too fucking small for what they are trying to do. And again, the surrounding area is terrible.

    Who the hell packs that many people(cattle?) into such a tiny fucking room, on the fucking floor? I speak of MechaChocobo and the Burlesque show, now. Two panels I was looking forward to, and it should have been apparent that others would too. The yelling and screaming was ridiculous, and I was beyond uncomfortable. I left. I was not about to put up with that kind of shit. Obviously, they should have been in a different room that could accommodate a large number of people. In chairs. Or, oh I don't know, cut off the line. Didn't line up early? Though shit.

    Now, I loved Breakdance Breakdown. Great show, enjoyed it. If the other popular panels were shown like this, I'd be much less upset with the money I wasted this weekend.

    Also, that dealer room was sad. Maybe some halfway decent shit in there, but not much. The tiny front room also was ridiculous. I walked right past the vendor's shoved into that tiny area because I wasn't about to fight past people to even try and see what was at their table. I feel bad for them.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)14:02 No.5155625
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    I like how you passively label legitimate criticisms and opinions of the convention from the people who went as "obviously" being Metrocon staffers. The criticisms are legitimate. The hotel sucked, most of the panels sucked/were cancelled. Disorganized staffers, panel rooms too small, very very small dealer-room.. etc

    I can't verify the story of the girl who was kicked out, but I can vouch support for the criticisms of the con and the sentiment of not wanting to return.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:27 No.5155937
         File1321324025.jpg-(39 KB, 416x431, ak-yall-niggas-postin-in-a-tro(...).jpg)
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    holy shit
    massive metrocon troll thread
    a POORLY constructed one at that, nice try guys.
    you guys are too easy ;D <3
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:37 No.5155975
    Venue is small, what the fuck do you expect from a con thats been going on for 2 years. I guarentee you if they dont move out of there next year, its definitely going to get a bigger venue on its 4th year.
    I love you, Metrocon.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:37 No.5155977
    >messin with nate.jpg

    It's like you Metro staff guys were trying to be obvious.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)21:54 No.5156071
    how do you say Shadocon fail...4 hours after the con starts XD....what a retarded thread you started....sure wish you thought this through more..
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:01 No.5156107
    Looks like Shadocon staff found this thread.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:07 No.5156144
         File1321326433.jpg-(234 KB, 615x714, 1284674216929.jpg)
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    I was annoyed with the venue because it was far too small for the convention, and I can only hope that they find somewhere bigger for next year. However, I thoroughly enjoyed the Shado Tournament, Breakdance Breakdown, the Final Fantasy Ball, and all the panels I went to, even if I had to sit on the floor for the My Little Pony panel, MechaChocobo, and the Burlesque show. My experience at Shadocon left me way more satisfied than Metrocon did this year.

    Pic related. It's me the entire weekend.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:24 No.5156207
    Little known fact: Nate is afraid of Manatees
    Yet another Metrocon inside joke; yet another FAIL.

    ShadoCon staff has been LMFAO at this thread all weekend thanks to free interwebz at the hotel but had a con to run (unlike you Metrotrolls who were left out crying in the rain).

    ShadoCon: congrats on a successful year 2! You need a bigger hotel now! My girlfriend and I had a great time, with few exceptions that were more a fault of your hotel's lack of capacity than any sort of failure on your part. Looking forward to next year and planning to go VIP!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:27 No.5156220
    >Oh Look its one of these threads

    As someone who attended Rudycon 2011 I honestly had a great time, yeah stuff didnt start off so swimmingly but they tried to make the best of it.. Both aniRAGE Improv Panels were Hilarious, the BDBD Was Kickass and the shado tourny was alright, Mecha Chocobo needed a bit more love minus the horrible horrible lady screaming at everyone to scoot together like sardines.. being 6.2 and having your legs cramp on you for the entire time I apologise the people I accidently nudged or bumped with my feet.. the Burlesque panel was great too.. Supposedly as a rumor they are going to tear down that hotel at the end of the year.. but take that as a grain of salt.. and yeah I did see Roy Harms a Few times? Did I see him Creeping? Not at all.. Honestly im tired of all the Roy Harms Bullshit.. that was like what.. 2 years ago? Get over it people.. whats done was done and yes it cant be changed but whatever dont let something bullshitty like that ruin your experience..

    >Btw Homestuckers you guys are alright but God Damn there were alot of you at this con.. what happened to Hetalia? you guys got bored of it?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:29 No.5156231
    Brony Panel host here.. Sorry I had to move all the Chairs.. there were a shit-ton of you at that panel I didnt expect it to get packed that tightly, hopefully next year we'll get the double-wide right? :D
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:31 No.5156239
    I find this WHOLE thread to be asinine!
    The Hotel was too small. YES! But if you think about it that is a good thing, the con is growing. Maybe faster than the owners thought it would. I don’t know, maybe they thought this whole stupid fight with METROCON was going to hurt their numbers so were playing it safe. Maybe they signed a TWO YEAR contract with the hotel year one. If they decide to keep it there then YES I will agree They are FLAMMING IDIOTS but for right now I’ll take it as growing pains.

    Panels sucked….. Panels are run by CON GOERS! NOT STAFF. If someone running a panel decides to cancel, what can Shado do about it? Fire them?? They are Volunteers. If they sucked, YOU make a BETTER one!!
    The two panels “Mecha Chocabo” and Burlesque: This was the first year doing those ones, how could they know two months ago when they were making the schedule how big they were going to be?
    Crammed in Sitting on the floor: They said that they did it so more people could be let into the room. With chairs they only had room for 120-130 people, without they could get up to 200. What would you rather, cramped or not being able to see them at all?

    Dealers room was small: Again Small hotel is small. See what happens next year.

    Constructive criticism is good. Post it somewhere that it will do some good. NOT in Some CRAPPY thread where it will do NOTHING because everybody will assume “Anonymous” is just a Hater who is too much of a PUSSY to put their name to it.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)22:41 No.5156281
    Hey, I totally understand your reasoning for moving the chairs. I still had an awesome time at your panel. :D
    >> Anonymous 11/14/11(Mon)23:02 No.5156299

    I do not know why you people keep on this incessant spree of calling anyone who had a bad experience at Shadocon somehow related in anyway to Metrocon. I'm not OP who posted several hours into the convention. I stayed for all three days and left sunday night, as shown in the hotel receipt. Also, I've never been to Metrocon, nor do I know anyone who works for Metrocon. I did however attend Shadocon and do not plan on returning unless there is indeed a venue change and a serious rework of the way in which panels are handled.

    What do I expect from a con that's been going on for 2 years? A good experience, something I did not have at Shadocon. I spent about $330 to attend the convention. I do not think I received as much enjoyment as the money I spent.

    It does not matter whether the Panels are run by volunteers or by staff, they are what is representative of Shadocon. Without panels, you do not have much to represent a convention. It is inherently the responsibility of the con to have a good panels. On that note, you are right, I will in fact be sending an email to the representatives of shadon about my experience. I do hope the response I get isn't the type of response that is being posted in this thread labelling all criticisms and bad experiences as being "butthurt metrocon staffers." I am not familiar with what seems to be drama between the two conventions, but if the response of the Shadocon staff is what is spread out through this thread, it will give me even more reason never to attend this convention again.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)00:04 No.5156308
         File1321333471.jpg-(307 KB, 719x595, FuckingwithMetro.jpg)
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    Read the JPG name.

    U mad, metro?
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)08:33 No.5156355
    I'm really embarrassed for the metrocon staff that started this thread, it was a poorly done troll thread.
    But that shit aside, my only complaints were probably the room thing for Burlesque. I'm involved in the show and I felt bad for how many people we turned away/the amount of people clusterfucked in there.

    I like the crown plaza but if they're going back there for another year I don't think I'll be as excited for it. It would be like a 10 year old still wearing onesies.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)10:51 No.5156370
    STOP being a CUNT about someone else's OPINION and what they FEEL about their EXPERIENCE you BUTTHURT little FUCK.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)13:22 No.5156377

    Thank you for sharing there, Anon, but I think this belongs in /d and probably goes with a photo.

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