Didn't you know that? Must've slipped our minds, I guess, if a thread is nowhere to be found. Looks like /cgl/ is about as pumped for the con as the AUSA staff is.So yeah. Let's pump each other up for a con that feels so close yet so far.I'm working on a new costume for this con. Yeah, it's Hetalia - so? I'm also bringing the costume that I brought to Otakon. No, I still won't say what is, despite the fact that it's not really a secret anymore.
Got just about everything done. I had some wig dying issues but once I finish this wig I'll be done. I'm bringing:- Wakaba (Utena)- Claudia (Assassin's Creed Brotherhood)- FemMC (P3)- Karina (T&B)- June (999)Looking forward to the con! Which Hetalia character are you cosplaying?
Posting b4 bed:>Scar - FMAThat's the only costume I'm bringing. Didn't have the time or money to make another one. Also looking extremely forward to it - my favorite Axel and Larxene are coming so I get to chill with them again!~ :3
I'll be cosplaying as the following-Ness from Earthbound-Some military suit I got from a thrift store.We should do a meet up sometime in the con. Probably in the rock garden at the front of the hotel.
Aaaah still trying finish everything ;_; but I got dis. Still have plenty o time to get shit done~ Bringing-Clover (999)-Aegis (P3)-Bridget (Guilty Gear)-Maybe Kyuubey (Madoka Magica)I'm stupid excited. It's been too long since a con c:
>>5149965If we do a meetup, nobody is going to tell you about it.
>>5150055That's why I'm organizing it myself.
>>5150064Why are you doing it outside? No. No. Inside, at night, preferably at the bar.Wearing: Ikutsuki, Jubei, Mikuni, Renamon.Left to do: Bit of styling on Mikuni's wig, restuff Renamon's legs, bit of fixes on Jubei. Optionally, if I feel I have time: Jubei's Dark War outfit, Xatu hoodie/kigurumi.Ukraine, when's the P3 group going down?
>>5150277Good suggestion.I'll be making a facebook event page sometime in the next few hours.
>5148878>Which Hetalia character are you cosplaying?A little island in the South China Sea. Or, to certain denizens of /new/s, THE INSEPARABLE PART OF GREATER CHINA.I'm coming as the male version, though. (The outfit's based on a drawing that Hima-sensei drew.) I don't have the ovaries to crossplay (Haha) in so much pink.Anyone plan to come to the formal ball in costume? I don't have any costumes that fit the role, anyway, so it's just plain ol' formal gear for me.
>>5150578What. No. Stop that. We don't need a facebook event. It's a cgl meet, word of mouth on cgl is enough.This is why no one likes you, Jkid.
>>5150660>What. No. Stop that. We don't need a facebook event. It's a cgl meet, word of mouth on cgl is enough.Then why not you say the same thing to:>>5150317 ?
>>5150667Ugh, I will. Didn't even notice it since I don't care about PMX.
Anyway I've just removed the facebook event. But the meetup will still happen:When: Friday November, 18th 2011 Time of meetup to be determined, but will be in the evening. Where: Inside the Hyatt Regency Crystal City at the Lobbibar .
>>5149970Guh, seriously can't wait.>>5150277On Friday, there's a SMT gathering at midnight to check out but we can get photos with just us before or after.
you got this thread up right before I made mine. My mistake for missing this. Anyway, I've got four or five to get through! Sailor Uranus, who is awaiting the tiara which I comissioned and I need to finish the skirt and rolls on. Then two Austrias, one in his World Meeting outfit [I'm hoping to do Hetalia MUN] and also a reprise of Steampunk Austria because I love it a lot. I also have Fem Dave, which is all ready except the shirt, and a Hippie America which I'll probably dick around in. I am so excited for this, it is my first AUSA.
>>5151009Good for you. I hope you like this convention.
jkid,if you're going to film the meet up again with your damn camera, i'm going to rip it from you and smash it into little pieces.also i'm going to find your hotel room and call an escort so you can get some action.
>>5151633Dibs on spiking his soda with rum.
>>5151636yeah, i would like to see Jkid get drunk this weekend. no one can drink and drive inside a convention center.
>>5151645>>5151636>>5151633Surely you jest.Good luck trying though, I'm happy a sober and virgin man.
no one's going
As a long time attendee of this con, I implore you all to not be douchebags this year. Last year there were these kids on the same floor as us who were literally screaming bloody murder all day and all night, slamming doors and running down the hall, etc. They were so obnoxious that I couldn't stand it and called hotel security several times. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT COMMON COURTESY DOESN'T VANISH JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE AT A CON!
>>5152297yeah, just joking
>>5152625Don't worry, most people at the con are not douchebags. However I did encounter one at the previous interation of the con a in 2009.
>>5152625...Yeah, I assure you, none of those teenage fucktards are going to be seeing that message here. The large majority of us are responsible adults.>>5152297>I'm happy a ... virgin man.No you're not. Don't lie to us. There is nothing in life greater than the feeling of sharing that with the woman you love. Nothing. Are you really content never knowing that bliss?
>>5152657>No you're not. Don't lie to us. There is nothing in life greater than the feeling of sharing that with the woman you love. Nothing. Are you really content never knowing that bliss?I just don't give a fuck. I got bigger problems to worry about.
>>5152657Some people are asexual aromantics, dude.... Though I doubt he is... so....Anyway, if we do go about a meetup, I probably won't be able to come (not that anyone would care) since I can't afford a room this year .... AND I'm bringing my little sister on Saturday and Sunday.... Speaking of which, you should still be able to get a membership or whatever on Saturday right? I already got my own and I'm going on Friday, but my sister insists on getting hers there since she's young enough to get the age discount.
Well, I'm going to be at the ball Friday night, so I don't know if I can make it to the meet. Maybe I'll drop by if potential /cgl/ drama hijinks are on the horizon.And yes, Jkid, there are douches at cons. Don't believe me? Come to MAGFest. I'm sure that at the Gaylord, the ELUHVAYTER PARTAY will be much more obnoxious with glass elevators.Just checked my inbox, and still ZERO word on volunteer situations. Gathering from this thread, at least I know SOME people still care about the con.