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  • /mu/'s favorite bro deadmau5 is hanging out here:

    Two of three migrations down, one to go. Expect some short downtime tomorrow afternoon or evening. Site should be much faster already.
    Feedback welcome on AIM at SN "MOOTCHAT"

    Server migration complete. New hardware brought online should make things noticeably faster. Enjoy!
    PS: Some more goodies coming later this week.
    Your pal, —missingno

    File : 1320877939.jpg-(29 KB, 467x600, 467px-Ae-tan.jpg)
    29 KB Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)17:32 No.5144805  
    Whats so bad about not sewing the cosplay yourself and just buying? Why is it your not a real "cosplayer"?

    I just sent in my own sketch to cosplay house of the ED mascot, and another of my own idea of a Funnyjunk mascot.

    I can always make them myself, but it would look so much better if I paid someone to make my that so bad?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)17:40 No.5144839
    If you made the designs its ok
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)17:40 No.5144843
    I havent been on ED for a year
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)17:41 No.5144845
    Ive never seen an ed cosplay done..
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)17:42 No.5144847
         File1320878535.jpg-(26 KB, 800x500, 800px-Ae-tan2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)17:43 No.5144853
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    didnt ed die?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)17:44 No.5144858
    I have no problem with cosplayers who purchase their costumes so long as they're honest about it.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)17:45 No.5144868
    This. Just don't lie about where you got it. Go for it.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)17:45 No.5144869
         File1320878753.jpg-(21 KB, 180x315, 5673545400_f9bbe62675 (1).jpg)
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    pretty hot idea, unless your fat
    which you are
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)17:49 No.5144882
    As long as your not fat, ED wont troll you for it
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)17:52 No.5144894
    its still kinda stupid if you didnt make it yourself..
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)18:09 No.5144956
    I'm okay with people who order their cosplay but they just can't enter contests and all that.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)18:14 No.5144981
    stopped reading there

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