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    Your pal, —missingno

    File : 1320721220.jpg-(70 KB, 525x295, Kirsten Dunst Sailor Moon Tokyo Mcg cosp(...).jpg)
    70 KB Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)22:00 No.5139553

    I know it's old news and all about this video, but I was reminded of it when I saw Cosplay in America share it on his wall. I saw a comment, though they deleted it, how people were calling Kirsten a weeaboo queen or something because of it, and how this video ruined the good reputation the cosplay community built up.

    What was your view on it, /cgl/? Do you guys really think Kirsten ruined peoples image of cosplay or just anyone who likes anime in general?
    >> Movie Theater Lad !/RUz7lnpiY 11/07/11(Mon)22:01 No.5139556
    > Do you guys really think Kirsten ruined peoples image of cosplay or just anyone who likes anime in general?

    I really don't see how that could happen, exactly.

    If it were PT or that SNL skit, maybe. But this? Nah.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)22:05 No.5139564
    No one outside of the anime/cosplay community has ever had a good image of the people in it, so this wasnt really harmful to our alleged 'good reputation'
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)22:06 No.5139568
    The SNL skit could be a real thing though. I'm sure that if I sorted through youtube long enough I would find something just like it. The only difference being that the video would be cellphone quality and everyone would be fat.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)22:10 No.5139580
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    hipster lolita are you fucking kidding me?
    this looks awful why would she think this is a good idea
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)22:11 No.5139585

    You instantly made me think of this. Minus everyone being fat, just the girl being fucking annoying.
    >> 4ng31 !!hKQFMnsBtJf 11/07/11(Mon)22:12 No.5139589
    I'm pretty sure it wasn't Kirsten Dunst who ruined cosplay's reputation...
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)22:12 No.5139591
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    Anger at uncontrollable levels.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)22:16 No.5139603
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    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)22:22 No.5139621

    Good idea. She should sing and McG should direct again. Both are impeccable in their craft.
    >> Fang !!rFoWXKYr2uG 11/07/11(Mon)22:25 No.5139630

    by the looks of this video she didnt help the outlook of what weaboos would do in japan either
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)22:35 No.5139650
         File1320723312.jpg-(173 KB, 400x632, 1317284390048.jpg)
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    >hipster lolita
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)22:46 No.5139681
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    Did a google search on hipster lolita and got panties. Panties fucking everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)23:02 No.5139736

    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)04:56 No.5140323
    OP, it's just the usual cringing by weaboos whenever something they like gets featured outside of the usual fandom circles.

    "They don't understand us!"
    "She's giving us a bad name"
    "Oh noes, they got obscure detail X wrong, unforgivable!"

    Doesn't matter whether the intent was actually to be nice, to some weaboos any sort of outside exposure is a priori bad.

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