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    Your pal, —missingno

    File : 1320614259.jpg-(85 KB, 622x420, 298324_10150924533455534_514040533_21745(...).jpg)
    85 KB Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:17 No.5134710  
    Im surprised no ones posted about this yet. Yaya, Nigiri, Ridd1e and others all cosplaying as MLP.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:18 No.5134711
         File1320614288.jpg-(93 KB, 821x530, 384760_10150924533065534_51404(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:19 No.5134713
    oh yeah, saw this in my FB news feed from Yaya's page. I love it! XD
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:19 No.5134714
    What is that, the Butterface Convention or something?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:20 No.5134717
    Oh my God Fluttershy looks like a prostitute.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:21 No.5134718
    I don't like how JNig is Fluttershy. She's too tanned.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:23 No.5134723
    JNig always looks like a prostitute. I think she looks sloppy too. But i think the rest of them did a good job.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:25 No.5134727
         File1320614740.jpg-(40 KB, 537x720, 381205_10150446379312533_34905(...).jpg)
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    I present to you a picture of jnig that is easy on the eyes
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:26 No.5134729
    woah, without her super padded wonderbra she is pretty flat
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:27 No.5134732
    All of them (with the exception of fluttershy) are pretty well done. Especially since most of the ponies I see at local cons are bullshit closet cosplays. The only thing that bothers me in this pic is yayas expression....
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:27 No.5134734
    This is >>5134718.
    I don't think JNig looks too bad, I just don't think that she looks good as Fluttershy. Overall, the whole group looks good though.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:29 No.5134739
    I am in love with that Rainbow Dash wig.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 11/06/11(Sun)16:30 No.5134742
    To be honest, much as I like the ponies... a few of them do rather suit their cosplayer counterparts' looks here.Dash and Rarity particularly. Not so much Fluttershy or Pinkiepe though.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:30 No.5134747
    I like it, little iffy on the booty shorts but otherwise good (imo)
    >Pinkie Pie
    Good. Like the wig
    I'm Ok with it, its not as crazy as some Rarity cosplays I've seen but it seems a bit short
    Too much makeup and I would've liked to seen a longer skirt
    >Twilight Sparkle
    Can't see much but the book looks good for a hollowed out storage box from Micheal's
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:32 No.5134751
    Jessica has stated before that she is only a 32B
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:33 No.5134756
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:33 No.5134757
    Her hair is FRIED
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:34 No.5134760
         File1320615257.jpg-(61 KB, 540x720, 297662_2544352693322_138889631(...).jpg)
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    I love you.
    Here, have some more horseface!
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:37 No.5134763
         File1320615452.gif-(190 KB, 674x450, puke.gif)
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    >> dildoes !/SwoleKqOo 11/06/11(Sun)16:43 No.5134780
         File1320615836.png-(64 KB, 500x500, O_O.png)
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    i am furious
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:44 No.5134782
         File1320615897.jpg-(53 KB, 424x640, 3063616.jpg)
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    >> piplup !pipLUpapew 11/06/11(Sun)16:45 No.5134786
         File1320615934.png-(157 KB, 416x480, wut.png)
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    tell me your feelings.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:45 No.5134788
         File1320615954.jpg-(70 KB, 640x480, 3067108.jpg)
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    >> Page !PageMe/drI 11/06/11(Sun)16:46 No.5134790
         File1320616006.jpg-(34 KB, 247x294, glue2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:46 No.5134791
         File1320616007.png-(537 KB, 647x428, 234324.png)
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    I thought I recognized that Applejack. I think she makes a better Dash.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:47 No.5134793
         File1320616022.jpg-(61 KB, 720x478, 3046833.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:47 No.5134795
    they all look okay except fluttershy/jnig needs to lighten her eyebrows if she's going to wear a light pink wig and have dark eyebrows... the applejack does too, but it's not as bad since blonde is a more natural shade of hair.

    Who's Ridd1e? Never heard of her, I only know of Yaya and Jnig
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:48 No.5134798
         File1320616089.jpg-(73 KB, 640x451, 3068571.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:49 No.5134802
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:49 No.5134804
         File1320616183.jpg-(215 KB, 414x640, pink.jpg)
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    >> dildoes !/SwoleKqOo 11/06/11(Sun)16:49 No.5134805
         File1320616198.jpg-(14 KB, 300x300, deal with it 2.jpg)
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    u know the deal
    >implying i care about any other ponies than the mane 6 + cmc
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:50 No.5134806
         File1320616212.jpg-(70 KB, 640x479, 3069592.jpg)
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    >> Page !PageMe/drI 11/06/11(Sun)16:51 No.5134811
         File1320616278.jpg-(46 KB, 480x940, glue3.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:51 No.5134813
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    >> dildoes !/SwoleKqOo 11/06/11(Sun)16:53 No.5134820
         File1320616385.png-(156 KB, 900x833, dont be silly.png)
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    you're not even shooping them
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:54 No.5134827
         File1320616447.jpg-(146 KB, 427x640, Braeburn.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:54 No.5134828
    How did I guess Yaya would pick Rarity...? Ugh. My favorites are the Dash and Applejack. Cute girls.
    >> Page !PageMe/drI 11/06/11(Sun)16:55 No.5134831
         File1320616513.jpg-(8 KB, 300x235, glue4.jpg)
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    lazy sunday
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:55 No.5134834
         File1320616546.jpg-(241 KB, 600x900, 6231710832_2a1efa6670_b.jpg)
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    >> dildoes !/SwoleKqOo 11/06/11(Sun)16:56 No.5134837
         File1320616595.png-(63 KB, 400x317, laughing horse2 (get it).png)
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:58 No.5134844
         File1320616717.jpg-(344 KB, 680x1024, 6215294491_d09ba62ef0_b.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:58 No.5134845
         File1320616719.png-(614 KB, 702x394, PONIES.png)
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    Superior pony group.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:59 No.5134847
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)17:00 No.5134852
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)17:01 No.5134855
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    >> Page !PageMe/drI 11/06/11(Sun)17:01 No.5134857
         File1320616918.jpg-(55 KB, 360x360, glue5.jpg)
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    >> dildoes !/SwoleKqOo 11/06/11(Sun)17:03 No.5134866
         File1320617002.png-(162 KB, 960x833, this nigga 3.png)
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    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 11/06/11(Sun)17:07 No.5134881
         File1320617241.jpg-(78 KB, 900x599, pinkie_pie_cosplay_by_tenori_t(...).jpg)
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    This girl ♥♥
    >> dildoes !/SwoleKqOo 11/06/11(Sun)17:09 No.5134890
         File1320617358.jpg-(32 KB, 500x431, fucking gold star..jpg)
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    her and the applejack that shes with. ONLY 2 gud ponies i've seen.

    u got taste assassin
    >> Kabuki Mouse !2Ze1d7IESk 11/06/11(Sun)17:41 No.5134998
         File1320619284.jpg-(87 KB, 319x319, 1256665775724.jpg)
    87 KB
    Once again yaya han makes a fool of herself and all her cosplay buddies and deviantart followers tell her she's great. And Jessica Nigri further proving that she should just show her sexy body and stop trying to be a real cosplayer.

    It's funny how most of the well-known cosplayers in America are the ones that do worse cosplays than the unknown ones. The longer they cosplay the more they make people wonder why they were even famous in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:00 No.5135053

    From a purely aesthetic pov, I think Fluttershy and Applejack would switch as I think the girl doing AJ has a sweeter face nad Nigiri's tan would suit AJ better. Yaya just looks plain terrifying and I don't think that dress symbolises Rarity's flashy yet chique personality...I think it's just Yaya styling herself into a dress she likes...a dress that is cutting into her back I might add


    Superior Fluttershy and Pinkypie imo
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:34 No.5135178
         File1320622492.jpg-(135 KB, 960x566, 390110_10150925724075534_51404(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:42 No.5135195
    whoa. for once someone is wearing more ridiculous makeup than yaya. nigiri makes fluttershy look like a prostitute.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:44 No.5135202

    You sound bitter. Had you any sense, you'd realize that none of these cosplayers are "known" to the outside world.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:45 No.5135204
    personally I've never thought Jnig had that great of a body, her stomach and boobs are great, but she doesn't really have hips/ass and her legs are meh. Still better than most, but not close to the best
    >> h.n.elly !!P2ojEMMesl4 11/06/11(Sun)18:46 No.5135207
    For some reason sexy outfit and Rainbow Dash does not compute. I don't feel like like Rainbow Dash would wear shorts like that is all...

    I don't keep up with Yaya, but she looks old next to all the others.

    I like the others. I love Twillight.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:51 No.5135221
    awww this one is my favorite so far.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:53 No.5135226
    I agree. Girl has no curves and no ass. Maybe my standards are unrealistic, but I don't even think her boobs and stomach are better than average. Her boobs are small and require a lot of padding and pushing up to look good. Her stomach is flat but that's about it. I'm sure to someone who's overweight it looks great, but there's no muscle definition there at all. JNig is average from head to toe. Good thing for her she found a tiny pond of neckbeards to roll around in. Bad news is the bigger the pond gets the less and less she's standing out.
    >> PastelConfections !!ejua3rxYLfa 11/06/11(Sun)18:57 No.5135236
         File1320623822.png-(81 KB, 484x327, 17400 - fluttershy sad.png)
    81 KB

    ....Why is Jnig Fluttershy...? She would be so much better as Applejack....
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:59 No.5135241
    >no definition
    maybe it's because I have seen a recent picture, but I remember her stomach having good definition(not athlete definition, but someone who is active in general life kind of definition)

    though in cosplay she's slightly above average. but yeah, no ass, bad legs.
    Doesn't she have a bf? I'm surprised he doesn't get pissed off that she's still doing the whole slutty costumes thing
    >> Kabuki Mouse !2Ze1d7IESk 11/06/11(Sun)19:00 No.5135245
    I meant known in the cosplay community.

    Stop being jealous. Nigri has a smokin' body.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:44 No.5135403
         File1320626672.png-(245 KB, 542x573, 1316200422935.png)
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    Because she's a fake bitch.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 11/06/11(Sun)19:48 No.5135427
    I did here: >>5131840
    But apparently, absolutely no one gave two fucks about Comikaze.

    Decent con. Was surprised to see Jessica there though. I feel like an idiot for not recognizing Riddle when she called out to me though.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:54 No.5135464
         File1320627260.png-(7 KB, 160x122, 020.png)
    7 KB
    Pinky Pie cosplays always look so ugly to me unless they're thin and cute.
    >> dildoes !/SwoleKqOo 11/06/11(Sun)19:54 No.5135466
         File1320627284.jpg-(172 KB, 945x945, fucker 2.jpg)
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    u better be talking about jnig
    >> Potato 11/06/11(Sun)19:55 No.5135470
         File1320627317.jpg-(1.02 MB, 1036x1552, 0d7be725927c7c62a97c25c2c835c5(...).jpg)
    1.02 MB
    Can we make this into a general pony cosplay thread? I'd love to get some feedback on my AJ.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:58 No.5135488
         File1320627515.jpg-(42 KB, 410x512, sarcasm.jpg)
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    No, I'm talking about you. Defiantly not the fake baked bimbo in the short skirt trying to portray someone shy and modest.
    >> shaynii !j79tVmQJnU 11/06/11(Sun)19:59 No.5135495
    I want to cosplay as a MLP, which one should I be?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:00 No.5135501

    sweetie bell
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:01 No.5135505
    Fluttershy of course...I'm sure that would make dildoes qute proud
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:05 No.5135517
    I'd redo the freckles, but ti looks good
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 11/06/11(Sun)20:07 No.5135526
    What is the easier pony to cosplay as?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:09 No.5135537
    My fav would be Apple Bloom, but I don't think it would work for someone who's over 10 years old.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:09 No.5135539
    Fluttershy. Obviously.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 11/06/11(Sun)20:12 No.5135553
    Actually, isn't Applejack easier?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:13 No.5135561
    Not bad, but lose the dollar bills. Ponies pay in coins.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:16 No.5135576
    Okay, I was looking at these pictures, thinking "Well, these outfits aren't that awful.."

    Then I took a good look at their faces in the second photo and I was confused.. then I started laughing uncontrollably. There is something seriously wrong with some of them.. I'd say the Pinkie looks okay, but everyone else.. there is something hilariously wrong with their faces.
    >> shaynii !j79tVmQJnU 11/06/11(Sun)20:18 No.5135586
         File1320628732.jpg-(74 KB, 1018x723, sweetie.jpg)
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    So when cosplaying a MLP, do you make up your own outfit design, or is there fan art somewhere?

    I think Sweetie would be good as a Rori :3c
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:19 No.5135591
         File1320628766.jpg-(27 KB, 400x400, 1304463590820.jpg)
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    I'd say Applejack's hair is more complicated (if done right) because it's so thick. Where as,Fluttershy only requires a long light pink wig. Those two cosplays for sure though require the least amount of effort.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:21 No.5135602
    I really want to cosplay Pinkie Pie, but I haven't seen many designs I like. Anyone have any good pics? I really want to stay away from the lolita type Pinkie, It doesn't seem right.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:23 No.5135617
         File1320628999.jpg-(392 KB, 700x394, ddefe95216ef77ee4f06525018a92a(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:25 No.5135625
    Seriously, it always backfires and makes her look older to me.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:25 No.5135626
    That Rainbow Dash cosplayer is offensively not at all fit for RD. She's completely slutty looking for RD, who's supposed to be sporty.

    Just putting that out there.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:26 No.5135629
    I think /cgl/ needs to admit that the D*Con 2010 pony group is best pony group.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:28 No.5135637
         File1320629319.jpg-(2 KB, 128x128, 002.jpg)
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    if Rarity's dress wasn't see through...

    granny panties? Really?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:29 No.5135638
    For better or worse, their faces don't make me laugh uncontrollably.
    >> dildoes !/SwoleKqOo 11/06/11(Sun)20:29 No.5135640
         File1320629350.gif-(12 KB, 115x145, angry.gif)
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    u srs?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:32 No.5135655
         File1320629549.jpg-(9 KB, 222x335, 1304656634012.jpg)
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    If jnig can do it, anyone can.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:36 No.5135662
         File1320629772.png-(76 KB, 357x319, 004.png)
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    OMG. DAT FAT MAID in the background.
    >> dildoes !/SwoleKqOo 11/06/11(Sun)20:36 No.5135663
         File1320629776.png-(61 KB, 500x500, durrrr.png)
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    >if pt can cosplay shampoo anyone can do it
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:36 No.5135666

    maybe if >>5134804 was their Pinkie....

    this is why there is no perfect MLP group, there's always at least one uggo or fattie in every group.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:37 No.5135667
         File1320629849.jpg-(25 KB, 389x292, 1298065401843-1.jpg)
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    GOD NO.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:38 No.5135674
         File1320629911.jpg-(2 KB, 126x125, tumblr_l9p1kgdk8M1qcmscx.jpg)
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    So true.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:41 No.5135683

    Oh god this. If only we could combine the best of all groups to create the perfect one.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:44 No.5135692
    That Twilight Sparkle will always look like a man, the Fluttershy will always look too old, that Rarity will always be too fat.

    Shitty pony group.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:44 No.5135694
         File1320630259.jpg-(50 KB, 326x360, 1320616717083.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:47 No.5135705
    /r/ any picture of the Doctor Whooves at AWA this year.

    He was seriously amazing.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:48 No.5135712
    NVM, didn't realize he was already in this thread. As you all were.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:49 No.5135717
    WTF is rarity wearing? That's not sophisticated, it's slutty and white.
    And Pinkie just looks terrible. Her body is light pink, not fuchsia.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:56 No.5135743
         File1320631004.jpg-(1.35 MB, 1299x800, 79869 - applejack cosplay flut(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)21:00 No.5135756
         File1320631219.jpg-(38 KB, 326x308, 1320616717083.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)21:03 No.5135770
    There's a crap ton of fan art.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)21:06 No.5135791
    At first I thought they were all just being tarded, then I got it.

    Then I cracked the fuck up.
    >> Potato 11/06/11(Sun)21:15 No.5135827
         File1320632131.jpg-(328 KB, 768x1024, bullseye.jpg)
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    Make them more natural, you mean? I tried making them different sizes and darknesses, but they do look pretty fake. Any suggestions on how to make them look better?

    Don't worry, it was a gag that I only had for a couple of pictures.

    What about the boots? They're what I had, but I don't know if they work too well. I'm still looking for a decent pair of cowboy boots.

    I know AJ is the easiest pony to cosplay, so I did want to do a decent job of it. It's all thrift store stuff since I did it as my get-drunk-and-play-darts Halloween costume, but I did wear it to Ycon and I'd like to wear it again as an easy last-day cosplay.
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 11/06/11(Sun)21:19 No.5135854
    uh using mine as an example try making them lighter and make the pattern more random and organic. Right now it looks like a tribal tattoo /mean.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)21:22 No.5135863
    Jealous of her body? Hahahahahahahahaha
    yeah that's the part that I'm talking about. She has the flat stomach of an average chick that runs occasionally. Not the definition of an athlete. I want to see the definition of an athlete. I want to see some abs. Even just a 4 pack is nice. Until then she doesn't impress me because she's not at all impressive


    It's funny to me how she wears more makeup than Yaya holyshit
    >> Potato 11/06/11(Sun)21:23 No.5135867
    That's not mean at all, that's actually quite helpful. I guess I was sort of going for a cartoony look like I did with Coraline's freckles way back in the day when I cosplayed her, but I guess that doesn't work quite so well. Time to practice!

    I always wanted freckles as a kid, haha. Instead I got acne.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)21:24 No.5135873
    Don't forget that the only curves she has is her B cup overly pushed up boobs.
    I need to find out what bra she uses lawl
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)21:26 No.5135884
    She most likely uses those gel inserts you get at victorias secret, you can also use them in bathing suits for push up
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 11/06/11(Sun)21:39 No.5135949
    Well I guess that makes sense since you're dressing up as a cartoon horse.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)21:51 No.5136051

    this. that Twilight and Rarity ruins >>5134791 too.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)21:51 No.5136060
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)00:37 No.5136919
         File1320644247.jpg-(67 KB, 700x394, 3053164.jpg)
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    Best pony group hands down....ladies just accept it and stop trying.
    >> Mikami 11/07/11(Mon)00:42 No.5136938
    They do not look like ponies, they look like people.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)00:51 No.5136965
    Sorry, but the orange-skin, excessive makeup look doesn't scream Fluttershy to me. Yaya looks a tad out of place as well.

    Really they just seem like every other pony group.
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 11/07/11(Mon)00:53 No.5136973
    This pony shit really needs to stop.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)01:06 No.5137004
         File1320646009.jpg-(74 KB, 720x470, 388864_290153391006182_1811444(...).jpg)
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    similar pose to this group....thought i think these girls look better.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)01:09 No.5137011
    I like their fluttershy a LOT better. Sorry jnig!
    >> dildoes !/SwoleKqOo 11/07/11(Mon)01:10 No.5137017
         File1320646244.jpg-(22 KB, 382x390, dont you look at me..jpg)
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    suck a bag of dicks
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)01:39 No.5137126
    hey thats not being tollerant. you should love and respect all opinions.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)04:22 No.5137241
         File1320657775.jpg-(577 KB, 800x600, 65-025149b7ecdf2c8856a7d27ef04(...).jpg)
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    waifus everywhere
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)04:23 No.5137243
         File1320657829.jpg-(388 KB, 2048x1359, 290423_285980178090170_1811444(...).jpg)
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    >> dildoes !/SwoleKqOo 11/07/11(Mon)04:37 No.5137251
         File1320658641.png-(130 KB, 797x1002, dont give a fuck.png)
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    non-pony lovers dont have opinions
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)04:55 No.5137265
         File1320659739.jpg-(42 KB, 640x480, 1259923976012.jpg)
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    I love that Pinkie's wig!
    Any idea where she got it from?
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)10:47 No.5137588
         File1320680838.jpg-(314 KB, 816x900, 6231713648_412021a14e_b.jpg)
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    >> Sandwich !Kd9ZSo7SyQ 11/07/11(Mon)10:49 No.5137592
    You mean fluttershy? There's no pinkie pie in that picture.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)10:56 No.5137598
    lol retard.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)10:59 No.5137601
         File1320681560.jpg-(265 KB, 1385x2048, 338058_276411265713728_1811444(...).jpg)
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    >> Sandwich !Kd9ZSo7SyQ 11/07/11(Mon)10:59 No.5137603
    Oh nevermind for some reason it linked me to
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)11:00 No.5137604
         File1320681620.jpg-(462 KB, 700x394, 7a82b097a7ad8e77da2712e744a6ca(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)11:07 No.5137616
         File1320682029.jpg-(83 KB, 544x700, 3052236.jpg)
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    This Pinkie Pie has a Gummy. This group is automatically 20% cooler.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)11:09 No.5137619
    I think it's more that she's spray tanned rather than tanned. Don't whitewash the characters.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)11:11 No.5137624
         File1320682319.jpg-(41 KB, 645x428, 1302714027348.jpg)
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    Dat Applejack
    >> Page !PageMe/drI 11/07/11(Mon)11:33 No.5137658
         File1320683626.jpg-(165 KB, 580x340, gluethread.jpg)
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    Guess what dild, this thread is now glue.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)11:44 No.5137674
         File1320684272.jpg-(378 KB, 525x800, RD_paul1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)11:53 No.5137695
         File1320684798.jpg-(4 KB, 100x100, 29497_icon1_thumb.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)11:53 No.5137696
    Anyone else see these and think, "Oh look, some attention whore cosplayers are jumping on the newest bandwagon so they can get quick and easy praise and e-boners"?
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)12:05 No.5137734

    This picture is the one moment you can enjoy ponies without being a colossal autistic faggot.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)14:36 No.5138169
         File1320694576.png-(827 KB, 720x1080, Applebloom copy2.png)
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    Cutie mark crusader!
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 11/07/11(Mon)14:39 No.5138178
    I don't care either way but GOD DAMN RAINBOW HAIR.

    I fucking love it. Stupid ponies.
    >> Local/v/irgin 11/07/11(Mon)14:44 No.5138188
         File1320695090.jpg-(16 KB, 182x170, 1316489935770.jpg)
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    necessary music for this thread. Sage for no good contritbution~ Nice Rainbow Dash though.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)15:07 No.5138241
    Dat chest
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)15:15 No.5138256
    Whoops, sorry, meant to link you here. This Applebloom had a shorter Applejack, but they were "Applebloom and Appletini". --> >>5138169
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)15:16 No.5138261

    It cracks me up that people are ragging on the fact that the Rainbow Dash cosplayers are wearing shorts... saying they're slutty.

    You obviously know nothing about women sport attire. Guess what a lot of sporty women wear during practice, and what most high school sports teams require girls to buy?

    Soffe shorts. Educate thyself. The shorts match the character PERFECTLY.

    And yes, they are suppose to be that short.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)15:32 No.5138292
         File1320697948.jpg-(166 KB, 437x768, Applebloom 4.jpg)
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    How do you not know of this Applejack?
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)15:33 No.5138296

    Not saying some cosplayers don't wear them thinking, 'Oh my my, look at my butt.' I'm sure some do... but still, I mean, it's sporty, it fits.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)15:33 No.5138297
         File1320698034.jpg-(131 KB, 511x768, Applebloom 1.jpg)
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    Er, Applebloom.*
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)15:35 No.5138302
         File1320698155.gif-(40 KB, 100x100, 1124533.gif)
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    >Yaya as Rarity
    >slutty, not classy
    >> dildoes !/SwoleKqOo 11/07/11(Mon)15:38 No.5138308
         File1320698309.gif-(293 KB, 320x180, sqeak.gif)
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    have a bigger version noob
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)15:44 No.5138314
    Never said I hadn't seen her?
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)17:05 No.5138481
    I find it rather entertaining that Yaya constantly cries about how much she hates booth babes, ect. And yet here she is cosplaying with the biggest con whore of them all.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)17:06 No.5138485
    Actually yaya is a bigger whore than nigri. Nigri is just more famous than her.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)17:13 No.5138507
    It's funny how everyone in the cosplay community now wants to hang out with Jessica Nigri because they want to try to mooch off her fame.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)17:25 No.5138547
    What fame? The 50 thousand people she whored her fan page out to?
    That's not fame, just a bunch of internet creeps fapping to her pushed up tits.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)17:27 No.5138550
    your jealousy is oozing through the walls.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)18:14 No.5138739

    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)18:19 No.5138760
    Why do people always make Rarity look slutty? All of the Rarities in this thread have used about three different materials in their dresses and have made them look tarty instead of classy. Too much black, too much lace and frills and no curled hair. URHGGHGH
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)18:23 No.5138779
    >>5137696 Anyone else see these and think, "Oh look, some attention whore cosplayers are jumping on the newest bandwagon so they can get quick and easy praise and e-boners"?

    I certainly thought it. I remind myself that a popular cosplayer is allowed to like stuff. They are a person afterall.

    Chances are though, one of them is a minor fan and called in her popular friends to join her. But again, I remind myself you don't have to be some crazed mega fan to want to dress up. This is supposed to be for fun right?
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)18:24 No.5138783
    Are you all idiots not realizing that Yaya has been selling MLP "ears" and "horns" in her store so she's just using everyone to advertise her bootleg shit?
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)18:27 No.5138791
    Ugh...she's going to claim "patent" on them again, isn't she? Just like those retarded cat ears.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)19:32 No.5139058
    They are just the cat ears with pony slapped on their name.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)20:00 No.5139192
         File1320714019.jpg-(203 KB, 900x1299, 1319502136911.jpg)
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    This Rarity's quite classy in my opinion. Bit of a curl in the hair too.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)20:03 No.5139217
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)20:06 No.5139237
         File1320714405.jpg-(503 KB, 533x800, gummiwummi.jpg)
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    Hey, I dunno if you're still around, but that's me!
    I used
    which I think a lot of pinkies these days are using. I straightened it with my styling iron, then pincurled...pretty much the whole thing...I didn't have a style completely set in mind at that point so I didn't leave the bangs straight or anything. Then I poured boiling water over it, and let it dry for a couple days. Once I undid the curls it was pretty rediculous (think...the grossest jewfro) so I pulled the curls down while having at it with a blowdryer. The bangs were just messed with until they had the right flip (it's a radial skin cap so it was hard to get the bangs so far to the side without pulling hair from way back). If I did it again I'd probably follow a pincurling guide/chart to make it a bit less of a mess, and use curl clips instead of bobby pins. Hope that helps!
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)20:56 No.5139376
    i think they look like really slutty ponies. i only like the RD, AJ, and PP.
    i mean wtf why does twilight look so sexy.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)20:58 No.5139380
    That Rarity is made of Photoshop, unfortunately.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)21:01 No.5139387
    The ugly background says, it's not.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)21:03 No.5139399

    She's done a couple other ponies as well, and says in the comments that they're photoshopped. Sorry to burst your bubble, anon.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)21:05 No.5139407
    >This is supposed to be for fun right?
    Hard to say that's the case when you're a professional attention whore like some of these ladies.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)21:05 No.5139408

    Oh, she shopped the hair. I thought you we're talking about skin and such.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)21:07 No.5139413
    >>5139192 here.

    Yeah, it's a shoop. Her scalp where her hair is parted is also colored purple. I noticed that right before I posted it.
    >> Applecart 11/08/11(Tue)01:31 No.5140101
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    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)01:36 No.5140109

    Two Applejacks?
    >> dildonts !/SwoleKqOo 11/08/11(Tue)01:38 No.5140111
         File1320734302.gif-(1.25 MB, 720x405, aww boo hoo.gif)
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    they got rid of the useless one
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)01:42 No.5140119
    applejack knows kage bunshin no jutsu, duh
    >> Applecart 11/08/11(Tue)01:46 No.5140123
         File1320734794.jpg-(2.52 MB, 4000x3000, comikaze_2011__035_by_anirichi(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)02:02 No.5140149
    >See Pinkie Pies
    >No Trombones in sight
    >Words cannot express my utter sadness and disappointment
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)02:02 No.5140151
    Nobody cares about your stupid group. Stop posting this shit.
    >> RoboticBallerina !!jb0Tt8o63X8 11/08/11(Tue)02:16 No.5140166
    O.o Im sorry but the Rarity in OP scares me.....I dont know why she just seems......i have no idea she just looks scary and off to me
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)02:26 No.5140178
    Oh wow.

    I'm really late to the party but she would be gorgeous if she played up that tomboy wearing teeny tiny wifebeaters over chunky hoodies and boyfriend jeans studded belt kind of look. That semi-lesbian, semi-badass look.

    I'd do her.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)02:29 No.5140181
    Is that you Yaya? you are such a bitch ....
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)02:44 No.5140200
    after seeing the full outfit, i feel like op's twilight sparkle outfit would actually look quite nice on a rarity...

    and why did the pinkie pie have to ruin a perfectly good outfit with random corset? idgi

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