So /cgl/ you have money for cosplay, but what about the Dealers room and Artists alAlley? How much or how little do you spend at conventions in these two areas alone?
At small cons I spend maybe $50-$75 depending on whose selling there. But at larger cons I can easily spend $400 on figmas, box sets, & vocaloid plushies
it's sad, but I usually buy an ass ton of asian snacks/candy (not pocky) i usually don't buy stuff.
At my last con, I spent a total of ~$100 in the Dealer Room (bought only a $1 phone-strap from the AA), but that was the most I've ever spent. However, I'm hoping to keep this up for future cons; I bought some nice stuff.
For the most part $0. Though last con I went to I bought a plushie for my brother as a gift.Honestly I can find the things I see in the AA or DR online on ebay for cheaper. And I really don't need any of the things they are selling. I could be using that money on things I need like gas, or food (and vidya, but that's not a need).
I don't spend any money in the exhibit hall. If I want to buy DVDs or plushies I can do so online at a fraction of the cost.Artists Alley I have no interest in. What am I going to do with printouts of people's fanart? The people in artists alley are even bigger attention whores than the cosplayers.
$30-50 in the artists alley, $175-250 in dealers~
I'd say my spending varies, it depends on whose selling what. My first con I spent $150, but my second con I spent no more than $50 (mainly Asian snacks and Tasty Peach studios cute items). And given that these cons are smaller they usually have the some of same vendors, so I can see myself spending less money there.But I know for ACen I'll be spending at least $400 after looking at their vendor list & websites, (I tend to only buy anime, cosplay or Japanese related items at cons & not at stores for some odd reason). So I guess I'm with >>5129058 on the whole "spend more money at bigger cons" deal.
I usually spend 20-30 bucks in the Artist Alley and nothing or very little in the Dealer's Hall. I'd rather get something fun and handmade than something mass produced that I could get online if I really wanted it. I'm not into collecting much, hardly even DVDs or shows I like so. That's my bias.
100+ AUDMostly on commissions and doujinshi.I have a richfag friend who, without fail, spends around 1000-1500 each con on merchandise and shit and sometimes only in one day.
I don't tend to buy a lot in the dealer's hall (maybe 40 at max?), but I do spend tons in the Artist's Alley. ...the stuff is just so cute.
Y'know, I used to go all out and try to buy things in both the AA and Dealer's room, but now I see that as sorta a waste of money because it's just a bunch of dust collectors.
>dealers room artist alley>all of my moneysI don't really cosplay but I wear lolita, so I buy things gradually and save up for the con at the same time. I know what I'm looking for (and write competitive prices down from other stores) and see if I can get it cheaper at the con or not. I don't impulse buy, because I've learned that lesson from toy preorders. I usually have now about $1,000 set aside for the shopping since more and more lolita brands put their shops in there.
Typically? Not a damn thing.I might see an odd imported soda or snack that you can't find in grocery shops, and I might get one or two just for the hell of itBut things like figures, gundam, posters, etc? Cheaper online.There are exceptions though. Found a Revoltech Vash the stampede that used to go for like $60-90 online for $40 at a dealer's room once. And I found a chick who did fucking sweet Sol Badguy artwork in the Artist's Alley.Those have been my only two con purchases.
Maybe $5 in Artist's Alley or nothing. If there is something I need for future cosplayers or wig styling supplies or some cheap manga being sold or good OSTs for cheap, then I will likely spend $20-$60 in the Dealer's area.
I'm a sucker for blind boxes, so I usually end up spending ~$50 or so on them. My local con has a booth from a great Japanese bookstore, and I usually end up buying about $20-30 worth of stuff there (beats driving out to Beaverton...)AA, about $15-30, depending on who is there, what fandoms are being sold, etc. I usually try to get at least something, to support fellow artists, though.
for a bigger con$200 - $400 dealer room if there is somethings i don't already ownhowever much hotel and con badge>I eat at consmaybe $50-$100gas and travel timeusually between 500$-1000$small consmaybe 150$
I sometimes buy things in the dealers room and artist alley, but it's not that often. Less than $60 total is typical. For artist alley I'm never interested in fan art or most people's handmade things, and I only really ever get nicely made sweets jewelry (if there is any), and maybe a nice wig or brooch.For the dealers room I only care about Hello Kitty items, and maybe a cute animal character plushie if the price is right.
The past two years at this one con, there's been a $5 manga booth. I easily spend $100+ at that booth alone. I also look for figurines and some cheap anime. I usually spend very little at the AA, unless there's a particularly exceptional artist. Half the time at the AA, I feel I could draw better.
I pretty much spend nothing in the dealer's room. Last year at Anime North I didn't even go in!But I usually spend at least $50-75 in the artist alley... I know a lot of people that get tables and I try to buy at least one thing from everyone that I know, so it adds up! But I don't mind supporting my friends.
I usually stick to artist alleys/small press. The only things that interest me in dealer's halls are cheap comics/trades, but that's usually in comic conventions, unless an anime con has a handful of comics vendors as well. I don't buy much at fan artist alleys, usually trading for anything I really want . Professional/comic artist alleys? Takemymoney.jpg. It's also great meeting comic book artists and supporting them so they can keep doing what they're doing.
I've heard that you should never buy anything from the dealer's room because they are way overpriced. Is this true?
>>5131482Yep because usually you can find it at online cheaper like Amiami or something.
>>5131482Not always. Buying from dealers can help you save with shipping and sometimes you can score some sweet deals, but it's always smart to exercise caution because dealers can definitely be a bit skeevy
>>5131484>>5131483so in general it's just safer to not buy anything.
I don't buy anything in the dealer's room. If I really want it, I'll find it online and order it. The only exception to that rule is original items (which are usually in the artist's alley) or small things that wouldn't warrant a shipping charge.I generally don't spend money in the artist's alley either. I have no use for anime styled artwork in my home. I like to look and compliment the artists, though.
It really depends on the convention.On average I spend around $50 at the artist alley and about $150 at the dealers room. Often times I buy pins at the artist alley and cheap manga and anime at the dealers room, and the occasional video game.