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    Love, Doc "old moot" Brown

    File : 1320440674.png-(1.59 MB, 983x772, weeaboo horror times.png)
    1.59 MB Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)17:04 No.5128839  
    NEW stories only. Goodies are here

    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)17:21 No.5128903
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    >Be very androgynous
    >Walke into Forbidden Planet yesterday
    >Looking at the art books with a friend
    >Find the one I'm looking for, fansquirm over it and show my friend the sketch from my sketchbook that I drew from the artists book, been needing to show her for a while for our project.
    >Suddenly a high pitched scream sounds right next to my ear.
    >Fat girl who's somehow taller than me (5'10) grabs me, making me drop the art book and my book and my coffee I was ballencing.
    >"Get the fuck off me."
    >Shove that bitch so hard off me she hits the shelf behind her.
    >"Nyaaah but I remember you from /insert recent con here/ and you look exactly like /insert some boy anime character here, I don't know who it was she meant, but I think someone from Hetalia/ KYAAAAAAAA.
    >Give her a wtf look and clean my stuff up while ignoring her completely, clearly pissed off body language given from myself, back to hear wiping the coffee up with my friend.
    >She grabs me again, picking me up.
    >I punched her in the tit and went to get a staff member who kicked and banned her from the store.

    That's how you deal with them, bird friends.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)17:36 No.5128952
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)17:45 No.5128978
    I was involved in a weeaboo stupidity incident once where I almost drowned.

    A group of us were friends, twelve or so people, but I was new to the group. We were all around 16/17, and drinking and watching anime wa sthe thing, but we started a habbit of drinking and watching anime on a friends laptop at the beach. The beach near us is unguarded and really private at night, dangerous but not in such a big group, nobody was ever around. It was a usual thing.

    But one day the big idiot of the group, the biggest weeb I've ever known, a greasy WOWfag with a horrible blame problem, special snowflake with fake illnesses.He would often do stupid/mean things to me and the other nice people in the group, the kind to let others wlak over them, I was one of them. I started calling him out on his blatent rudeness and behaviour though, so he'd begun doing meaner and meaner pranks to me, one time shutting my cat in a cubboard all day 'for the lols'. The kind to do something horrible then say it was a joke and that I was uptight for getting upset or angry.

    This night, it was no different. He was being a cunt all evening, had poured a drink on me 'by accident' and did little things to bully me, and my friends at the time were shitty and most of them laughed at his asshole ways, aside from a few friends who later left the group with me.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)17:46 No.5128983
    I love stories where you make sweet love to the F5 button.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)17:48 No.5128989
    So this time we sat on the pier drinking and watching anime, and because he was getting to me with his little snide remarks and insults and general bullying tactics, I went off alone, sat at the very end emoing and generally feeling so relieved to be away from him for a while.

    It was now he and the other second-to-worst friend came up behind me. I was pretty drunk by now, as were they but not as much as me. I laid back on the decking when they came over and was friendly, but they were laughing and grabbing at me. Our other friends were calling to us 'what are you doing?' but before they got to me, the girl and the guy were picking me up by my arms and feet. I was scared and struggled as they were moving me too and throw right by the egde chanting 'one, two, three' and on three they threw me in, down the five meter drop into the ocean, at 2 or so in the morning at night, pitch black, freezing cold. They thought it was a 'funny prank', to really push the limit of all the other shit they did. cont.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)17:55 No.5129011

    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)17:56 No.5129017
    So I'd been thrown off the pier, it took me a while to researface and even then I was so close to the support wood of the pier, I got thrown into it shortly after, all my clothes were heavy with being soaked and started to pull me down, my heavy boots didn't help, my sleeves weighed my arms down, it was an effort to stay above the water.

    I could hear them freaking out up above me on the pier but I was being pulled under it to an even darker place between the rafters of it. I hear the guy and girl who threw me off again saying 'it was only for fun, we didn't mean to!' and the three good friends telling them off working out how to even save me. I don't know how, but I somehow managed to use the pillars of the pier to pull myself half way back to shore where I really had no more (drunken) strength left, just out of my depth and still under the pier. I collapsed there and don't remember, but (being told this) my friend swam out and grabbed me out just as I gave up, so I didn't inhale any water. I was in and out of it from being so drunk and exhausted, but I'd savedd myself, then he did the rest. He took me to his house not to get into trouble with the rentals but we owned up in the end to get guy and girl into some serious shit. The girl was actually 21 so she got into leagal trouble with her community college she was going to, but the guy never got into much shit, his parents were as bad as him.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)17:59 No.5129028
    that's a huge bullying tactic, to do horrid shit and to then say 'i'm joking! You're such a bitch for being offended!'

    "Can't take a joke" was something said to me very oftne in secondary school...

    Feelin' yo pain, anon.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)18:08 No.5129053

    >never actually happened
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)18:11 No.5129063
    Which Forbidden Planet was it?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)19:28 No.5129227
    Southampton. Most weeaboo's seem to reside in the south for some reason, so it seems...
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)19:38 No.5129250
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    Protip from another anon:
    I feel your pain but usually
    "I'm not fucking laughing"
    "are you just a joke?"
    Usuallys shuts them the hell up.
    Basically reinforce the point that theres
    "A fine line between being funny and being a royal cunt that will get a shit kicking".

    Not saying thats what you should have done anon but advice for the future. i hope those fuckers got what they deserved
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)20:25 No.5129370
    I have dwarfism and cosplay, my whole life is full of horror stories.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)22:50 No.5129761
    There was this balding guy who followed me and my friends around the whole con. At the time I was 14. We were sitting at a table at this video game thing, and he's sitting at the table across from us. I notice him staring at me, and so I look away and pretend not to notice. He starts a nerd sword fight with his friend out of no where, but when he notices me watching, he starts to get serious and kind of aggressive. He ends up cutting his friends hand with some cheap shot, and while his friend is tending to his wounds, this guy just stands there like it happens all the time. He started talking to the room about how he accidentally hurts people sometimes and cant control his strength. He comes over to my table and sits down next to me. My friends are caught up in a conversation and don't notice him talking to me. He starts asking typical break-the-ice questions and then said, "You have very nice legs, by the way." I'm scared shitless but don't say anything and give him a weird annoyed stare to try and scare him of. Then his friend calls him back to their table for some weeb sword shit. I sit there watching my friends talk for a while, then I lean over and tell them, "That guy just told me I have nice legs." My friends were all pissed as hell and one of them went over to lecture him. (Apparently, they noticed him following us)
    My friend goes over to this guy and askes,
    "How old are you?
    "...Your balding and wrinkled."
    "Your 17"
    "Well, my friend is 14, and it is very weird of you to tell her she has nice legs."
    "I know. I'm sorry. I hate myself sometimes."
    "Please stop following us and don't talk to her again."
    He left the room and I didn't see him for the rest of the con. His friends seemed surprised by what had happened and were giving weird looks at each other, I don't think they're going to play with that guy anymore.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)22:55 No.5129786
    I was walking around the women's hospital I volunteer at and saw a fat neckbeard in an Inu-Yasha shirt leaving the postpartum floor with a baby girl balloon.
    They're reproducing.
    >> Tizzy☆ !rohmYgaHWc 11/04/11(Fri)23:00 No.5129805
    are you a bully if you bully a bully?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)23:04 No.5129822
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    >Mind Blown
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)23:10 No.5129843
    You're an idiot. A "balding and wrinkled" guy came over to compliment you? So what? It's not a horror story, grow a backbone and tell him to leave you alone.
    >> Tizzy☆ !rohmYgaHWc 11/04/11(Fri)23:13 No.5129859
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    not related to weebs
    but in jr high there was this kid that all the 'cool' kids picked on

    we were playing basketball and an acquaintance kept just throwing the ball at his head and knocking him down

    I got tired of it and told him to not do it again. He did it anyways then started to mouth off to me and do that chest thing faggots do when they want to fight. He was one of those white gangster type people everyone hates

    I didn't say anything and just clocked him twice in the nose, my/his friend decided to hold me back so it would stop. then the guy got up and decided to try and kick me in the nuts. he kicked and missed a few times then the guy finally let me go. He hit me on the chest a few times, idk wtf he was trying to do. I just knocked him as hard as I could in the temple/jaw area and I guess knocked him out, idk it was the only fight i've ever been in. but he went down and was not getting up very easy. I asked him if we were good and he said no. (obviously we weren't good.. I don't know why people/I say/said that)
    Some one decided to walk him away before it went on

    The kid that was being picked on just stood and stared the whole damn time.

    That kid that I fought: would not look me in the eye through out jr high/high school

    The kid that was being picked on: finally figured out how to tell people to stop it, and he was bullied less, but still bullied.

    >mfw I saw that guy from that day on
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)23:15 No.5129870
    No. You're a defender of justice.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)23:21 No.5129902
    Mother of god!
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)23:21 No.5129904
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    > Went to whitby goth weekend dressed in a black lolita styled gown, first time at whitby ever
    > Met a few other gothic lolita's, goths etc and decided to go for drinks
    > Kept my coat on and sat in the back whilst band's play on stage
    > Boyfriend got up for drinks and came back pissing himself laughing
    > Said he just saw this god aweful landwhale squeezed into a lolita dress, with smeared make up and greasy hair
    > Assume he's just being a dick and enjoy the night
    > Go to toilet and end up seeing same woman, and truth be told he told no lies
    > It was Rabbit777 from LJ
    > My jawn dropped as I looked away
    > She gave me a smug hacky look before returning to her seat
    > Felt good about finally seeing her in person, and kept trying to take photo's of her all night to prove what a great special snowflake she claims to be
    > Place was too dark, photo's didn't show up right
    > Hopes somone else took advantage of the same situation
    >> Tizzy☆ !rohmYgaHWc 11/04/11(Fri)23:53 No.5130005
    phew, it always bugged me a little
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)01:07 No.5130229
    I generally get along with everybody but time to share weaboo stories!

    So it's High school and Asian girls still love anime. I would always call out/pick on this one chick for enjoying what I don't like(vampire knight) and generally be an assclown to her. But little did I know, the more I did that, the closer I got to watching/liking more anime. Then in a couple of months I became a weaboo(lack of influence until I met 4chan). So jokes on me, I'm the one that's on /cgl/ right now because /a/ is boring. HAR HAR HAR.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)01:28 No.5130276
    >where is the horror?
    Bitches gonna bitch.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)01:32 No.5130290
    Reading that story really pisses me off, actually. It's like women have no fucking understanding of how balding works or any fucking sympathy and empathy for it. They would be the first to throw a fucking fit if someone said childbirth or menstruation wasn't painful, though.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)01:46 No.5130332
    You mean this person? She doesn't look like a landwhale to me...Chubby yes, land whale no.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)01:56 No.5130349

    And when I hear someone complain about menstruation hurting. I used to complain about that, too though, before endometriosis.

    Oh god. Fuck endometriosis. Cramping for WEEKS. Blood EVERYWHERE.
    FUCk. THAT.


    Balding must really suck. I'd hate to have no hair. But most bald dudes I know pull it off. It doesn't much detract from their attractiveness. That's just my bias.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)02:10 No.5130388
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    Horror threads I read the stories but most of the time I enjoy the comments about girls girls being Bitches more when in reality they are just scared by freaks without social skills.

    I always imagine the people who write those sorts of comments took a moment to set down their plate of pizza pockets before posting
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)02:12 No.5130391
    The biggest weeb you knew was involved in a social circle where people drank at 16/17? What is this?
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)02:14 No.5130399
    >at otakon
    >disgusting mouthbreather weeb wont leave me alone, asking my name and where i'm from while i'm trying to eat lunch
    >start screaming RAPE!! RAPE!!!
    >he practically shits himself and goes away

    Works like a charm.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)02:16 No.5130404
         File1320473768.jpg-(126 KB, 612x554, 1287362737515.jpg)
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    >At a small con in socal, about 1000 people tops each day.
    > Filled in as Ludwig for friend's Hetalia group. (we are all over 21 and damned mature about cosplay) No drama llama or faggotry her good sirs
    >At con, wearing my near accurate WWII SS Nazi uni, looked like a boss, made it myself just without the svastica and wool.
    >Pictures up the wazoo, i'm cool with it. Except for one girl that kept following our group around.
    >We've encountered the token snowflake at every con since we started but she took this to a whole new lever of social retardation.
    >Eating lunch after snagging a couple tables when I realized there was something repetedly touching my foot.
    >Look to my boyfriend (Turkey) "Babe, stop that, your gonna scuff my boots...)
    >"I'm not playing footsie with you honey....."
    >THE FUCK. Look under table and there is the creepy chick licking my boot.
    >"The fuck are you doing?" rest of the table looks and freaks out, eventually dragging her out from under the table. She' screaming that she didn't do anything wrong, generally causing a commotion.
    > Get her to shut up and ask her what the hell she was thinking. Her reply: "I'm sooooo into BDSM and I looooooove Germany cause he's so tsundere."
    >LOLWUT. Okay. I'm out.
    > Twin brother (Prussia) pulls out his whip for giggles, (shits legit though, he's a sick mofo) says he'll whip her.
    > SHE COMPLIES. My brother owns a cat of nine, not that soft pussy shit.
    >She bends over and waits for my bro to whip her case she's "soooo into BDSM" bro winds up and gives her a good set of three or four.
    >She falls to the floor crying hysterically. When she regains her composure she turns on my bro and started yelling that he wasn't supposed to beat her that hard. Lolwut
    >"Sorry I though you were soooooo into BDSM"
    >She limps away furious. Never see her again.
    Dumb kids don't even know what they're getting into these days.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)02:20 No.5130423
    oh shut up you fucking baby. Childbirth is fucking painful and periods can hurt like the dickens. Not a chick by the way, but I have seen women handle both of those things like fucking pros. Girlfriend has some mild vomiting and nausea associated with her periods, she goes "fuck that, Ima have an awesome day" pop some anti-nausea and goes on her goddamn day. Yah she's more sensitive, but what chick isn't. There are plenty of balding guys who rock the wig or decide to shave. I'm a fucking dude and you're pissing me off with your pussy attitude. A girl goes through physical pain, you're just loosing some hair, what, your scalp is mildly irritated, maybe a little itchy? DEAL WITH IT.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)02:20 No.5130424
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    I lol'd
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)02:22 No.5130429
    You know.. I kind of get this feeling that you and your friends are the kind of people that I cringe at when I see at cons.. but it just goes to show you that there is always someone worse.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)02:23 No.5130430
    You win the pansy award.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)02:23 No.5130431
    yeah we all did, we laugh our asses off about it all the time. My friends still take me out to dinner and one of them tries (every time) to lick my shoe under the table. Bitch was crazy
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)02:23 No.5130434
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    Yes the drama feeds me it satisfies me soo.....spoon.....
    Im ...... going.....tooo
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)02:25 No.5130438
    I'm curious, how do we make you cringe? (hypothetically of course)
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)02:26 No.5130441
    Because you're gaya nd carry around real whips
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)02:27 No.5130444
    >freaky ass kid licks boot
    >play along with her instead of telling her to get lost
    >assault her
    >she gets mad

    Hetaliafags, ladies and gentlemen.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)02:30 No.5130448
    You like Hetalia.
    You dress in nazi garb.
    Your brother carries around a whip and uses it.
    You like Hetalia.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)02:57 No.5130498
    >Two weeks ago yaoi-con
    >Room with five other people
    >All seem super cool and chill
    >Second night... the rave
    >Roommate comes in with a random guy, yelling and waking everyone up that was sleeping.
    >Both topple over onto the bed I was sleeping in, effectively crushing me (both were fucking fatasses)
    >I say loudly that I would not like any random people in the room.
    >Both look butthurt and chick gives me a lecture on how she payed for part of the room so she can do what she wants.
    >Rest of the roommates practically have to shove the guy out
    >To make her look even more horrid, she proceeded to insult one of our roommates, continuing to push her buttons until she was brought to tears.
    >Kicked the bitch out and told her to sleep elsewhere for the night.
    >She came back after a couple hours to apologize but it was half assed at best then pretended like nothing had ever happened.
    >> Phoenix !!sOcGphiKXtw 11/05/11(Sat)03:13 No.5130521
    To emphasise.
    This is all going on in public.
    The whipping.
    In public.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)03:17 No.5130529
    Not sure if this constitutes a weaboo story

    > Selling my lolita and goth clothes on eBay
    > Sell a Bodyline dress
    > Check the address so I can send it to buyer
    > The buyers title is MR
    > Check out their name on facebook
    > It's a fat middle aged neck beard
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)03:24 No.5130543
    Don't think anyone ever died from going bald. Childbirth does still kill women.

    Buy some Rogaine and stop your fucking whinging.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)03:24 No.5130545
    idk man. Some people don't have their own ebay accounts and have their parents buy crap for them, especially for birthdays/holidays. we can just hope that's all this case was. *fingers crossed*
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)03:45 No.5130586
    >I'm not a girl but..
    Yes you are. Fuck /cgl/. You're all of a bunch of fat bitches that want everyone to love you.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)03:50 No.5130590
    Hostile much? Awww do you need someone to love you? Well then I guess you're no better than the fat bitches on this board huh?
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)03:52 No.5130596
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    haha, someone is butthurt that he got called out on calling the WAAAAHHHHMBULANCE.
    "whaaa, I'm balding. Waaah, girls don't like me, waaah, no one is sensitive to MY feeliiinnngggsss"
    Go buy a box of tampons and a razor you fucking homo fairy.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)03:53 No.5130598
    >comparing balding to childbirth
    You do realize there are non-painful procedures to replace all the hair you lose and that women also experience hair loss?
    Also, you go sit on the toilet and push out an eight pound shit for a couple of hours and then we'll talk about how things compare to childbirth.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:01 No.5130624
    Both men and women experience hair-loss, at a pretty even rate. You just never hear women complaining about it. YOU KNOW WHY? Because they actually do things that ARE PAINLESS to thicken out or replace some hair, like extensions, plugs, and even wigs. SO SHUT THE FUCK UP. No one has died of loosing hair. What you're gonna cry now because you might need some extensions or a wig. You're a piece of shit you whiny asshole. I've seen girls get hospitalized because the pain from their periods were so bad, and I've seen women go to work, vomiting, exhausted and bloated to fuck from pregnancy, only to spend 18 hours trying to push out a 9 pound baby from a hole the size of a mouse hole, and if that doesn't work, she needs her stomach cut open and be scared for life. Like that shit doesn't deserve sympathy. You can buy a wig, but you can't remove a c section scar buddy.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:10 No.5130648
    >Your balding

    Did you're friend even say it incorrectly like that?
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:12 No.5130651
    >Your world experience is not as world as mine is
    >So never share your thoughts, as they are not of good quality

    Calm down. Just because someone's wrong doesn't mean you should tell them to shut up. That's rude and doesn't make you look any better.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:12 No.5130652
    >did you're friend
    Fucking hell! Come on, English is not that fucking hard!

    It's YOUR Not YOU'RE
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:12 No.5130653
    *worldly, not simply world

    mah bad
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:13 No.5130655
    But the guy is clearly ignorant. How will he learn if no one tells him his wrongs?
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:14 No.5130657
    >How will he learn if no one tells him his wrongs?
    Ah, but how will he learn if he never shares either? It's okay to correct, but it's ignorant to suggest someone stops sharing, even if they're wrong.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:15 No.5130658
    >I'm a fucking dude
    No. You're a white knight. Balding is just as emotionally crippling to guys as periods are physically hurtful to girls. My brother had to go to therapy because he spontaneously began to bald at 16. Got picked on all the time for it, hence the need for counseling.

    By the by, I'm a girl.

    Shut the fuck up.

    Polite sage for offtopic rant.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:17 No.5130662
    Hmmm, I disagree. It really depends on the circumstances. In this one, the guy is clearly being derogatory and unsympathetic to other's opinions, so why should he get the courtesy from us?
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:19 No.5130665
    >My brother had to go to therapy
    ROFL!!!!!! Oh god... talk about WAAAHMBULANCE

    Calm the fuck down, your brother could have fixed his balding. It's called seeing a doctor and figuring something out to help him.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:21 No.5130669
    I hope you're aware that you sound incredibly whiny and attention whorish right now. Although this is CGL so I digress but still... calm down chika, it's ok. This is the fucking internet, don't get so offended.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:23 No.5130671
    Yeah... I'm sorry, I just get really pissed at reading white knight comments. I'll shut up now.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:23 No.5130673
    "He" made a post dispelling his gender or qualification to speak, but for the sake of proving my point, let's assume your critique is true.

    Instead of calling someone the villain because they are wrong, try and understand their perspective before you assign them as a bad person. realize that people's worldviews are limited. If the person is unsympathetic and derogatory, try and expand their understanding, instead of reprimanding them for a lack of understanding. Explain the error of their ways, but do so humbly, thus you correct the wrong, while not souring their taste to your ideas.

    Like, when a small child says something racist, for example, out of not knowing any better, we usually don't harshly reprimand the child the same way we would reprimand an malicious adult racist. We explain calmly that their actions were not appropriate, and open their perspective. Same thing applys here, people never stop learning, and understanding that is the key to understanding why other people do things you don't agree with.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:26 No.5130677
    Please, save your lecture for someone who actually gives a shit. Plus, I wasn't the one who told them to shut up in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:28 No.5130678
    >7 sentences

    But really, it's funny that you would reply to a short phrasing about how to approach ignorance by being as ignorant as possible. I hope you realize how this makes you look.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:29 No.5130679
    Your example is flawed. We're talking about adults here, or at least somewhat... I highly doubt this person is that ignorant about period and childbirth to not know that these things can be very crippling physically, just like balding can be mentally to some. From what I've been reading, the person in question is mad because the 'balding' person disregarded childbirth and periods as something trivial compared to hairloss, which if you are a woman, you will take great offense to.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:30 No.5130680
    Also not being the original source of the argument doesn't change a thing, since you still wholly supported their actions, given the circumstances. It applies just as much to you, the sympathizer, as it does to the original actor.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:31 No.5130682
    To be fair, your post did have somewhat of a lecture feel to it...
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:34 No.5130683
    >Your example is flawed. We're talking about adults here
    Did you read the whole thing, I even addressed how it applies to adults, but I'll iron it out more, I guess.

    The claim is that the poster is a man and that he doesn't understand, though he should. But instead of making the presumption that he does not understand and reprimanding him for his comments, wouldn't it be better to first see even if he DOES understand just by correcting his view? It's jumping the gun to assume everyone knows everything you know. This is 4chan, keep in mind, a haven for shut-ins and the generally uninformed about female bodies.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:36 No.5130685
    >that he does not understand
    should read
    >that he does already understand
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:37 No.5130686
    You both realize your having a pissing contest over nothing? That person probably isn't even on the board any more.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:39 No.5130688
    It helps me iron out these ideas when I type them out for an active audience type, so it's just as much a service to the reader as it is to me. I'm not concerned about "out pissing" anyone.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:41 No.5130689
    Alright, whatever you say. The fact that you replied though says volumes.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:44 No.5130693
    You can hold your view if you'd like. It's a character judgement and I probably can't change it, nor is it my prerogative to.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:46 No.5130694
    Awwww someone's desperate for attention.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:47 No.5130696
    And someone is more than happy to give.

    Would you like to hear my views on human rights? or maybe a weeaboo story?
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:48 No.5130698
    Nah, it's all good.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:48 No.5130699
    Actually I'm going to bed so nvm.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:51 No.5130703
    Goodnight then!
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:52 No.5130706
    Instead of bitching you could have just posted a horror story. But I see bitching is more your style... PMS thread what?
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:53 No.5130708
    >Weeaboo horror stories thread
    >It's just woman PMSing everywhere
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:55 No.5130709
    I know how to avoid stupid people so I don't have any.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:55 No.5130710
    You know, if you wanted to delete your other post and make this new one, try not to make it so obvious that you're the same person next time, kay?
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:56 No.5130712
    >implying it can be helped most of the time
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)04:57 No.5130714
    Then you haven't been to many conventions.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)05:00 No.5130716
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    Let's get off the topic of hair drama, and back to the topic of weeb drama.

    >Second con ever.
    >Throw together a last minute Ellis cosplay, so I can pose with my buddies and their L4D/zombie group.
    >Wasn't too shitty, but I didn't have a gun, so I didn't really have anything to pose with, usually end up getting pounced/attack by zombies for pictures.
    >Like I said, it was last minute, so I wasn't expecting this, nor did I think to run out to pick up a cheap-y toy gun.
    >Go to Con, it's waaaaaaaaaaay bigger than the first one I attended.
    >Having and all around fun time, experiencing lots of new things, the day is going good, etc.
    >Suddenly, I hear it, from across the room:
    >Turn around, and see it.
    >This awkward little man in a suit, with this dirty ass jacket over top of it.
    >I have no idea if he was supposed to be anything aside from creepy.
    >His face was round, his eyes, glossy, like someone who just snorted a lot of laundry soap.
    >He starts wobbling on up to me, slowly but surely, I don't really go anywhere, because I was in the middle of buying a poster for my dad, and I didn't want to leave without it or my change back.
    >My buddy, PS, who was with me at the time just kinda stares at him with me.
    >((The hunter he was referring to was my buddy PS, she and my other friend, N were both part of the zombie group along with me.))
    'Ummm, what? My Nick? I think it's just me and my hunter buddy here.'
    >I had yet to have anyone come up to me, so I was trying to be nice, abet I was highly weird-ed out.
    >So then he comes up REAAAAAAAAAL clooooooooose like, and puts his hand on my shoulder.
    >OH DEAR GOD, THIS IS ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE, I think to myself. I start bracing for the worst.

    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)05:01 No.5130717
    Only been to 3, never seen shit like this.
    /cgl/ kinda put me off cosplaying at all due to all the drama and bullshit that surrounds it.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)05:11 No.5130724
    If he was middle-aged, he could have just been pestered by a younger sister or daughter to buy lolita on ebay, rather than being a creeper.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)05:20 No.5130727
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    Continued from there ^^^^^
    I type like a slow bitch.

    >So his hand is on my shoulder now, and I've pretty much stopped breathing at this point.
    >The air around him is foul, and I can't say I wanted to breath in anymore of it than I had to.
    >At this point PS is flexing her huge destructor muscles she has underneath her hunter hoodie, ready to slap this guy's shit if needed.
    >She's pretty much a lumberjack, so she's my best buddy and my bodyguard all in one.
    >I just give her this this 'I'm okay for now look' and she backs off a bit.
    >Now he's leaning in, nice and close, like he needs to share a secret with me. The air around him is still foul, but nice and hot now, from his labored breathing.
    'Yeah, you need a Nick, you know....
    "A Nick? What for?"
    >I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN WHAT HE MEANT, I'VE SEEN THE FAN ART, but the lack of clean air was making me slow.
    >He pretty much yelled this into my face, despite being about half a foot away, and whispering to me only seconds before.
    >The sheer volume at which he blasted me this information with, coupled with the rank air I was trying not to inhale left me stunned.
    >At this point everyone was turning to stare.

    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)05:22 No.5130731
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    Last of it from here ^^^^^^^^^

    >I back up a little and laughed weekly, wanting nothing more than to get my Hobo With a Shotgun poster and get the fuck out of dodge.
    >Why I had told PS to leave him be, and blast me with high-pitched proclamations of homo-erotic love and stench are beyond me. Poor judgment, most likely.
    'HEH HEH, IN THE POOPER.' He blasted.
    >Again, more people stared.
    'Yup, okay.'
    >That was enough of that for me and my shoddy cosplay, and I gave the guy handling my change a look of, 'get me my god damn change, or so help me, I will..well, do nothing, but be highly uncomfortable.'
    >Thankfully he then gave me my change, and the poster for my dad, and me and PS ran off like mad faggots after something with rainbows on it, leaving Mr. Creeper alone in the middle of a the swag shop, hunched and laughing, rubbing his dirty little mitts together.

    And that's my story.

    I'll be attending HalCon in about a week, here's hoping something else exciting happens!
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)05:23 No.5130733
    ellis has been pounced, right?
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)05:33 No.5130742
    >Meet boy at con. Looks okay first day.
    >Tells me he is somebodies slave. Heh.
    >Starts bragging about cosplays he made. Weeb senses tingling.
    >Dressed in LeLouch jacket, Miku Wig, Frilly shirt, and Trip Skirt
    >Says he's dressed as Airship Miku
    >Brags about animu shit NOBODY there cares about it.
    >Finds me, tells me he wants to be Yaoicon bishonen.
    >God no
    >Go to Yaoicon, they actually let him in.
    >I hate everything
    >Friend apparently also had him as a slave once, never did anything she said.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)06:13 No.5130765

    Not in the opening movie I think.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)06:22 No.5130769
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    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)06:33 No.5130773
    Not the best, since there's no real conclusion (in part because it's ongoing). 1/?

    For some background, I generally keep my power level hidden pretty well at college. Few people who aren't my friends know I'm even into animoo or vidya, and I prefer it that way. Now, my friend, who I'll call Moe, and I met in speech class this semester. I gave an informative speech about sewing, and after class she asked if I did only clothing or branched out into other things like costuming. I told her I was a cosplayer, and she was excited and told me how she always wanted to go to a con and cosplay and we got to discussing a few different shows we were into. Moe is a sweet girl, but she's very naive, due in part to the fact that English is her second language. A few weeks after we started hanging out, she asked me to join her in investigating the "Anime Enthusiasts" club on our campus. From what I've seen of the club (my last class of the week ends right before their meeting starts), I could tell it would be full of weeabs, and wasn't interested, but I didn't feel right leaving Moe to venture alone. Like I said, English is her second language, and she's a very cute, very unaware, Filipino girl, and total creeper bait. So I agreed to go with her the following week.

    When we first arrived, I noticed that on the projector was the title screen for a Haruhi DVD (is this 2008? Haven't we moved on from the Haruhi craze?) and that the few people who were there were typical neckbeard weeabs. We sat down and chatted a bit amongst ourselves, waiting for the meeting to start.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)06:34 No.5130775

    That's when Nigger-chan arrived. Nigger-chan was a tall, lanky, pockmarked mess of an unfortunate human being. He zeroed in on Moe like an Asian seeking missile. He came over and introduced himself in shitty Japanese, much to Moe's confusion. After we both stared at him for a minute, he tried again with English, ending his name with a -chan suffix. Moe was very polite, though I had my reservations because I could tell he wasn't one to catch a hint. Once the meeting started, he slinked off to sit next to a short greaseball of a human being, and I could hear them talking about Moe, though I decided to ignore it since it was normal for someone to talk about the new people.

    Once everything was underway and they started to play the DVD, Nigger-chan came creeping back, dragging his chair close to Moe and practially grabbing her and squishing her against his side, saying "I want to sit with my super cute waifu-chan~". Moe was obviously confused and uncomfortable, because she tried to pull away and asked me in a small voice what "waifu" meant. I broke Moe away from Nigger-chan, and told him that grabbing her and calling her things like that was inappropriate as politely as I could, because I didn't want to cause a scene. Nigger-chan gave me a look, and started to pout about how I was being so rude. One of the scant members of the group that wasn't a socially retarded weeab told Nigger-chan to chill out, thankfully, and eventually he moved his chair to give Moe some space, though he still kept eerily close.
    After the meeting, a few people wanted mine and Moe's Facebook and other contact information, and of course Nigger-chan was first in line to get Moe's, cooing at her "moe handwriting" and asking her to draw something for him. We finally left, and I asked Moe how she liked it, and she told me it was fine, though Nigger-chan had made her a little uncomfortable. I shared the sentiment, and we had a good laugh before we separated.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)06:35 No.5130777

    I haven't been back, mostly because I had no interest and also because I work. I think Moe went once or twice, but she also works on the meeting day, so I doubt it's very often. I told her that if she gets uncomfortable to let me know and I'll go with her, and she appreciated it. Nigger-chan, of course, added her on Facebook and comments and likes EVERYTHING. If she changes her profile picture he likes it. If she posts a status about anything, he comments on it. He went through all her photos, liking and commenting on almost all of them. He found out she works as a waitress at a local Japanese steakhouse and he about shit his pants and gushed on her wall that she was the perfect little housewife. It's getting almost stalkerish, and when I see him at school, I make it clear that he is not welcome to approach Moe in my presence. Hopefully it won't escalate, but if it does, I'll update!

    I considering talking about Bitchface from the same club, but she's less of a weeab and more of cunt who takes her animoo shit too fucking seriously.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)06:39 No.5130779
    i would like to hear about bitchface. i'd like a good story before heading off to bed.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)06:40 No.5130783
    I really don't need more distractions from my NaNo but you have me curious. Do tell.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)06:41 No.5130787
    Assuming it's the same person at all.
    I have a weird special snowflake first name and little used Spanish last name, and at last check there were 12 people with the exact same name, 24 with a shortened version of the first name, and 18 with slight variations on the last name. People with more common names are almost impossible to find unless you have an assload of mutual friends.
    If the guy's name isn't Mr Tel Aviv Windowsill McHammerstein von buzzcock the Hitlerdicked of Estonia XIV it's probably not even him.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)06:44 No.5130791
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    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)06:58 No.5130804
    Then here's the story of Bitchface!

    I met Bitchface the same day me and Moe met Nigger-chan. However, since before our arrival she was one of the three females, and the only decent looking one (though not by much) among them, she got a major case of Alpha complex. She came in after most of the other members arrived and saw that Moe and I were the spectacle of the day and immediately turned on the cunt machine. She came up to Moe and I and asked if we "even liked anime, or just that shit on Adult Swim", and when Moe and I named a few shows we liked (ones popular enough to garner some recognition, like Madoka and AnoHana) she didn't recognize any of them. She even accused us of making up Madoka, someone else stepped in and said they had seen it, which soured her mood further. She said her favorites were Kuroshit and Tsubasa, and then proceeded to remark that they were probably too "underground" to be ones we knew. LOLWAT.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)07:04 No.5130810
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    >madoka is made up
    >> Anonymous 11/05/11(Sat)07:13 No.5130818

    I told Bitchface I had read some of Kuroshit but quickly lost interest, and that I enjoyed TRC but it wasn't exactly my favorite by Clamp. She went on about how Kuroshit and TRC are so deep and insightful and I obviously didn't get their deeper meanings, and therefore couldn't enjoy them the way she could. Moe simply sat there looking cute, chiming in that she also liked Sailor Moon and Card Captor Sakura, because she's too oblivious to realize Bitchface was trying to start shit.

    Eventually Bitchface moved on and she for some reason ended up adding me on Facebook that weekend. Recently I saw on her wall that she was discussing the club's plans to go to a local con, where they are apparently doing a large group cosplay of Pokemon, and she is in charge of the whole shenanigan. She had assigned people jobs for their sewing circle at the club that week, when one of the people she had told to bring a sewing machine informed her that they didn't have one. She had a fit, snapping "How can you call yourself a REAL cosplayer if you don't even have a sewing machine?!" When someone said they could bring theirs in instead, she said "No, X just will have to hand sew her costume and anyone's costume she's helping with, since that's obviously what she wants to do! It's not my fault she's going to look bad!"

    She also CONSTANTLY posts about how she hates all these "newbies" coming in and ruining her fandoms because they JUST DON'T GET IT, GOD. Hipster bullshit if you ask me. I personally can't stand her, and don't have her on my feed, but I can't bear to defriend her because it's kind of terribly hilarious to see her get all up in a tizzy over the new ending song for some anime.

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