/cgl/ do you find it weird if you cosplay and people ask if they can take a photo *with* you (despite not being in cosplay themselves)?As in they ask someone to take a photo of you and them together. pic not really related
I like the attention and I take it where I can get it.
I don't mind it, chances are better they'll post it somewhere too
Not really. Could range from both wanting to show that you really saw them to fangirl fantasy to hilarity when discussing with their bro's later.
recently this one guy posted a bunch of photos of him posing with cosplayers. it was awkward as fuck. he looks very, very uncomfortable in all of them.
it's only annoying when they put their arm around you and limit your posing. i usually try not to just stand there when someone takes a picture of me because it looks kind of dopey, depending on the costume
Really, guys? Why would it be weird? Seriously, you're all fucking stupid.
>>5127658Hi retard, did you even read the thread?
naw man i do it all the time. whether i'm in cosplay or not.
>>5127574No, not at all. The more photo opportunities a costume gets, the better.