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    Love, Doc "old moot" Brown

    File : 1320147828.png-(57 KB, 422x361, 1309175632453.png)
    57 KB Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)07:43 No.5118278  
    Seagulls, have you ever befriended someone and then regretted it? I wanna hear your experiences, horror stories and if possible, solutions!

    I recently befriended one of the girls that cosplays with some good friends of mine. She is a nice girl, decent cosplayer and was ok to hang out with at first. But after hanging out with her a few times, now I am seeing a different side. She is really immature and needy, wants help with EVERYTHING (as in, 'google it for meeee!') and she also can't take a hint. I am used to being very open with my friends, but even if I say, 'sorry I need to go, I have work to do' she will still cling and beg me to meet with her or take her with me to stuff that I want to do alone. Even if I say 'no' she will keep asking in hope that after 100000 times I will say yes. It is starting to exhaust me but I find it difficult to shake her off cause of our mutual friends. If I go and meet some cosplayer friends of mine (not in cosplay or an event, just for a casual catching up) and she sees it on FB, she will ask why she wasn't invited and why I am excluding her and all that. I am so used to easy-going, chill friends so I just can't stand this type of behavior. I don't want to defriend her forever or anything, I just need some space. I have tried to set boundaries, but she doesn't get it.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)07:53 No.5118287
    Lay down the line. I used to have a friend like that, and instead of letting her stay obnoxious and annoying without saying anything I talked her about it. She thanked me later.

    If you were doing something incredibly obnoxious, would you want your FRIENDS to sit back and let you do it, or help out by telling you?
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)07:58 No.5118290
    You are right. I think my problem is that she is not outright obnoxious... If she did something big that crossed the line, that's what I'd do. But it's more a steady accumulation of little things that are getting to me.... which is tricky cause if I snap over ONE of them, it's gonna look like I am a bitch making a fuss over something small.... even though she has done a thousand small things that bother me...
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)08:00 No.5118294
    Write her an angry letter then burn it
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)08:09 No.5118301
    Not the person above but god these people are the worst. Never doing anything major (especially in front of other people) but gradually pissing you off more and more in a way that if you do put your foot down it is you who will look bad as if you got upset over a small thing :C

    I realize that my solution may be a bit unconventional but here is it: start acting like you don't care and be a bit of an asshole too. If you have tried being considerate and you have tried being communicative and she doesn't understand, try being a bit more non-caring. Say that before, for example, she complained that you didn't invite her and then you reasonably explained that you just wanted to catch up with an old friend you hadn't seen for some time. And then she doesn't get it and pouts. Your new approach: "Why didn't you invite me?" Answer: "Uh I dunno". "But I wanted to come too..." "Well I guess I just went on my own *walk away*". Surprisingly I just had results like that with some people. Instead of reasoning with them, just give them uncaring, vague answers and leave it at that. You will look a bit like an asshole, but as long as you only use this behaviour with them and you are super-nice with everyone else, no one will blame you.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)08:12 No.5118303
    I vote for a combination of these two:
    First write an angry letter so you get it off your chest (or speak to a close, non-mutual friend about it) and then act like a jerk.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)08:15 No.5118307
    Seconding this.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 11/01/11(Tue)08:18 No.5118312
    I just had this problem and here's what I did:
    1. Tried ignoring it. Couldn't, needed medication to make the stress recede from being around them.
    2. Tried being a bit of a twat. Didn't work, then all I got was "ARE YOU OKAY DO YOU HATE ME YOU HATE ME DONT YOU LOLOLOLO" which makes me worse.
    3. Tried talking to some mutual friends about it, they worked out a way of subtlely showing that girl in question was being a steaming cunt. She ignored the hints and is still being a steaming cunt.
    So now I'm just never going to speak to her again.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)08:21 No.5118314
    Well OP there are several things you can do. One is to stop talking to her. You could also be passive-aggressive right back at her. If you confront her there are three ways to go about it: confront her quietly without getting angry, confront her angrily but confront her about several reasons at once so you won't look like your snapping over little things and keep switching up reasons when she tries to defend herself and finally confront her in the /fit/ approved manner and beat the ever loving shit out her while screaming, "ALPHA AS FUCK."
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)08:22 No.5118315
    I had something similar happen to me too. Some day when I had enough I asked my other friends if the girl was behaving around them the same way and if they're also annoyed by it.
    Turns out they WERE as annoyed with her as I was but didn't dare to say anything because they thought everyone found her nice and they didn't want to look like a bitch. So yeah, maybe you can subtly ask around too, OP. A bit honesty is never wrong, since she really IS getting on your nerves, right?
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)08:23 No.5118317
    Thanks dude. Sorry your case was so difficult that you had to medicate, that sounds harsh. But I get it, a weekend with the person I am talking about totally wiped me out. I feel exhausted. Did your case have anything to do with the bitchy lolitas you were talking about in the Expo thread yesterday?

    I will try this!
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)08:26 No.5118319
    That's a good idea. I don't want to do it yet cause I don't want to be the bitchy one, but if she keeps it up, I might do it at least bring it up with the friends that I trust.

    If she would only get it when I confront her. She just doesn't. I only hope that I won't need to resort to the /fit/ solution lol.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 11/01/11(Tue)08:32 No.5118323

    Yep, it was! I have an acid build up in a weird place, right below my ribs? I don't know what it's called, I know it's pretty normal, but my counsellor said stress and anxiety would make it much worse. I didn't realise how much worse until I nearly vomitted on the underground. I literally felt the burning recede when those two left me at the coach station. Just throwin' it in there that sometimes there's nothing for it and you just gotta say "screw you guys, I am GOIN HOME."
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)08:34 No.5118325
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    My story:
    >Meet nice girl at uni
    >Become friends
    >Behaves ok at first, a bit hyperactive
    >Comes to my house
    >After a few times visiting starts complaining about stuff
    >Ok don't come, let's meet out
    >Invites herself over all the time
    >Bitches that my brother smokes in the house
    >My brother only smokes in his room with the door shut and the window open
    >Bitches that she wants to watch soaps while my brother is watching a football game
    >Tell her that I had already told her that the football game was tonight and she had insisted on coming over anyway
    >Bitches that there is no meat even though she knows we are both veggies
    >Tell her she is welcome to get some meat and cook it here, I don't mind
    >'No, I wanted you to already have some I don't want to spend any money'
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)08:35 No.5118326
    Wow I am so sorry this happened to you. I hope you manage to remove yourself from them for good, they sound terrible
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)08:41 No.5118329
    Is she letting you fuck her or something? Why are you putting up with this shit?
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)08:47 No.5118331
    I am not. I cut all ties. Last time she visited, she came unannounced and was ringing the doorbell. I didn't answer it. She has emailed me a couple of times and says 'oh let's meet soon' and stuff but I either give a vague reply or ignore her. Helps that she moved to a different city recently too.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)08:50 No.5118332
    Do you know how many people like this I know? Fucking tons. What the fuck, I don't even know why they behave like that. Didn't their parents teach them anything about manners, boundaries and accepting hospitality graciously? I know this girl like that who kept inviting herself over to mine and then complained about my dog every time (who happens to have more manners and is more well-behaved than her btw). Bitch, you know I have a dog, if you don't like him, why do you invite yourself here?
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)08:55 No.5118335
    Oh the problems of youth.

    Everyone goes through this. All I can say is that it's a stage people go through as they figure out how to socialize. It's annoying as hell but nearly everyone grows up and just phases out of needing constant attention and approval.

    The people who don't are either shunned or Kardashians.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)08:58 No.5118337
    Had some "friends" in elementary/middle school who were dicks and stole from me. Saw one of them a few years ago and just acted like I didn't know him when he tried to talk to me.

    Befriended these two guys in high school who badgered me into drawing furry art for them. One of them rode my bus and would sit next to me and then flop over and fall asleep right on fucking top of me. The other had one of my classes and generally couldn't use an inside voice (leading to awkwardness from aforementioned furry art) and poked me right in my organs to get my attention. Minor grievances snowballed and I stopped associating with them before a year was up.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)08:59 No.5118339
    My horror story
    >Have friend at uni
    >She has a baby and I agree to help her out a bit since all her family lives abroad
    >Agree to babysit her baby at uni when she has a class and I don't
    >Agree to babysit at my own place when she wants to go out with her husband
    >She tells me that she is moving to a nearby town
    >Asks me to go and babysit there every week (for free obviously)
    >Train tickets cost a fucking fortune but I do it at first
    >Babysitting while she has a class
    >She knows she has to get back before 10 pm cause that's when the last train that I need to catch leaves
    >Comes home at 11 cause she went out with a friend after class
    >'But you can sleep here and leave tomorrow tee-hee'
    >I have classes really early in the morning and won't make it back in time AS SHE VERY WELL KNOWS
    I ditched her like yesterday's garbage in the end, couldn't put up with her presumption and entitlement.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)09:02 No.5118343

    you did the right thing anon. what a bitch.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)09:06 No.5118348
    My aunt is a therapist, and she often has teenage girls as clients. (Not implying that you’re a teenager necessarily, but this is the kind of crap teenage girls deal with).

    Funny thing is, I was in a similar situation to this, so I asked her how I should deal with it. My aunt told me that there is this way of hinting things. Basically, say you had a friend who constantly interrupted you mid sentence (one of the many annoying things my friend did). A way to hint that would be to chuckle about it, saying, “Wow, you totally interrupted me! I was just about to say something important!“. While kindly laughing at her you’re also reminding her of what she’s doing, so she’s more aware of it. This way you’re not being mean, you’re just subtly teasing her like a friend.

    It sounds stupid, but after a while it worked on my friend. I would give it a try if I were you.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)09:09 No.5118351
    Let me tell you the tale of the most obnoxious friend in the world.

    >Friended her in middle school.
    >Became friends with her friends, we all hung out in a massive nerd group.
    >Since we share mutual friends, I'm nice and we all get along.
    >Slowly become more and more embarrassed and humiliated by first friend, distance myself.
    >End up ditching her and half the group for the saner friends. Way better off.

    Now that that's out of the way, let me tell you why I ditched her.

    >Friend is German. Proceeded to shove German heritage down my throat and express her German heritage by snapping in German constantly and blasting Rammstein and German pop in her car constantly.
    >When she got bored of being German, she went through a huge Native American phase. Wanted to change her name to some mystical name, had Native American decorations all over her house and car, actually walked around with feathers and beads in her hair.
    >Went to the park constantly to pick up bird feathers to use for her hair decorations.
    >Also spent whatever time she had left after being German and Native American to be a wannabe Japanese geisha. Bought a bunch of kimonos and made her own hair ornaments (from wire and plastic beads) and did her face up like a geisha for conventions.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)09:10 No.5118353

    >When she cosplayed, it was mostly that catboy from Hellsing. Actually went to a cosplay meet in that outfit (which has tiny shorts) and didn't bother to shave her legs.
    >Had horrible hygiene. Acne, always greasy looking hair, rarely shaved her armpits or legs.
    >Had no inside voice. Laughed and talked and yelled as loud as she could, even in public places.
    >Had no problem getting physical with friends whether it be violent or sexual. No sense of personal space.
    >If you dared let her into your home, she pretty much took over and treated it like her place. She raided your kitchen, used your stuff, wanted to chat (loudly) all night and in one case, raided my kitchen to cook a snack at 3am and woke my parents up.
    >Fancied herself a chef. Wanted to cook all this crazy stuff. Went over to her house once to stay the night, got served some sort of hamburger meal and when I went to eat it, the inside was still raw.
    >Was an Anita Blake super fan. It's all she ever talked about, wrote absurd amounts of fanfiction about, and wouldn't stop going on about it even if you had no idea what it was.
    >Was told from a friend that still hung out with her that her habit of making jewelry out of bird feathers has since escalated. She now keeps trash bags in her trunk and actually pulls over when she sees fresh roadkill and picks it up to take home and use the bones/fur for some of her Native American stuff.
    >Also has since moved in with a guy, neither of them have much money, and though we haven't hung out in ages, she tried to get me to move in with them solely because their third roommate moved out and they need help paying the bills.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)09:11 No.5118354
    Got any of her geisha pics (or any other of her)? That sound super lulzy.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)09:15 No.5118359
    This is passive-aggressive bullshit. If you have people problems communicate with the individual and tell them to stop that shit. It's not hard to do.

    Holy shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)09:20 No.5118365
    >If you dared let her into your home, she pretty much took over and treated it like her place. She raided your kitchen, used your stuff, wanted to chat (loudly) all night and in one case, raided my kitchen to cook a snack at 3am and woke my parents up.
    I have the opposite problem. I have a very clingy friend who can't do anything for herself even though we are both adults. She will come over even if I insist that I am really busy and will say "oh I won't bother you at all". So I say "ok, make yourself at home, help yourself to anything in the kitchen until I am finished with x work". And after 5 minutes she will start pestering me about being hungry. I say "ok, there is food and ingredients in the kitchen, help yourself" and instead she will just proceed repeating that she is hungry and sk me what she can make and if I think that is a good idea and 'oh but I am not sure if that is what I want to eat blah blah blah" until I have to get up, leave my work and start offering her options as if she is a 5-year old and then prepare it for her too. I understand that this is not good hospitality on my part too, I wouldn't do that if I had invited someone over for dinner obviously, but when someone invites themselves despite you saying that you are busy and have work to do and they insist that they will look after themselves.... yeah, it's really frustrating.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)09:26 No.5118371
    Quoted Anon here. I'm sort of like that with my best friend. I've been over to her house a ton but I'm very shy when it comes to places other than my own house so even though they treat me like a second daughter and my friend tells me to just go make something, I'm very hesitant to go raiding their kitchen considering it's not my home and not my food.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)09:35 No.5118379
    Yes, I totally understand. But also, I am assuming since you are a shy and reserved person, if someone told you "You know, I have a lot of work tonight, so I don't think you should come over" you would take the hint and go your own merry way, wouldn't you? But if you insisted "no no, I relaly wanna come over, please let me come over" and then your friends said "ok, but I really need to finish this work, so I am not gonna be able to cook for you, will that be ok?" - I bet you wouldn't pester them to make you a sandwich after that...
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)09:40 No.5118384
    Yeaaah. I don't push myself into a friend's home like that. Your friend was pretty rude.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)09:42 No.5118385

    sounds like someone is going through the usual "finding herself/figuring out who they are" phase. Some people have it till they are well into their 20's

    Usually some life event makes them man up and settle the hell down.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)09:42 No.5118386
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    The only pic I have saved is from about two years ago. She ended up being told to change out of this and had to wear shorts under it. Supposed to be some sort of Fem!Grimmjow
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)09:43 No.5118387
    Exactly! I am fine with shy people and will go out of my way to accomodate them. And I am ok if people take SOME liberties too, but when people take liberties, I expect them to be chill and respect my liberties too. E.g. you can invite yourself over, but as you are frank I will be frank too and tell you that you will need to fend for yourself.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)09:44 No.5118388
    It was a pretty long phase then considering it stretched from high school until probably even now and she's mid 20's.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)09:46 No.5118391
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    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)09:48 No.5118393

    nothing else should be said
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 11/01/11(Tue)09:49 No.5118395
    matt will be all over her let me save this clicking now
    >> OmenMachine !U9T1TX5Wno 11/01/11(Tue)10:02 No.5118405
    I befriended a set of twins once.
    One of them was the attention-seeking "OH NO WOE IS ME I'M GOING TO KILL MYSELF" type, which was concerning for the first couple of times but got pretty old fast. She'd also constantly send me pictures of the things she'd carve into her arms and make up huge stories about how her parents mistreated her.
    Now, I wasn't exactly in the best position within my family myself at the time (Father never home, Mother never feeding us, threatening to beat us with banister poles, constantly cornering me alone in a room and telling me that I was a stupid slut who no one would ever love, stuff like that), so for a while I felt her pain and felt really bad for her and tried to help her through it, until it turned out she was making it all up. That was no fun.
    He sister was a weeb and a yaoi fangirl. She'd constantly ask me to roleplay with her, which generally ended up being me testing out a new D&D or NwN character while she played out sex scenes with her yaoi flavour of the month. I eventually ended up creating a new email account to avoid them because I'm afraid of confrontation.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)10:22 No.5118439
    Cut her off now. Tell her you don't want to be friends anymore and tell her why. I had to do this with someone who took advantage of me at every turn, made me her wig bitch, then only contacted me when she had a wig question or wanted something wig-related.

    It's not worth it, OP. There's plenty of people in the world. You don't have to be or stay friends with anyone you don't want to.

    I know you won't OP, because you feel bad for this girl. But whatever.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)10:26 No.5118448
    OP here, the problem is that I like her as a friend. Not like a best friend for sure, but she is ok to hang out with. It's more like, I like to hang out with her occasionally and do a cosplay or two with her, but she wants us to hang out all the time and be part of everything. It would be easier if I didn't like her at all, all I am asking for is boundaries... But hey, it might come to that if she doesn't calm down I guess.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)10:27 No.5118449
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    Jesus fucking chriiiiiiiist
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)10:30 No.5118456
    I'm seconding the suggestion that Op should talk to her mutual friends. They've probably experienced the same annoying behavior and understand your exasperation. And if they haven't had to put up with her, then there's reason to wonder why she is singling you out. But either way you won't come across as a bitch if you explode, cause you've made them aware of your annoyance.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)10:33 No.5118462
    I am in a similar situation. I made friends with a cosplayer who recently moved to my city. At first I thought that maybe she was being a bit too attached to me cause she didn't know anyone yet, so I took her to cons and introduced her to other people. Now I realise that she is shit at making friends. She will either meet someone and want to be their omg best friend!! immediately and will take offense if she doesn't get invited to everything or she will be a total snob and reject people or judge them. She judges people for the most ridiculous things, she goes on and on bitching about cosplayers, when she is really shit at cosplay herself. She has ridiculously high standards for others and is obviously deluded about herself. I may have to cut ties like some people here suggest if she doesn't get a grip. It's ok to be a bit needy when you are among strangers in a new city at first but after 6 months you need to man up and make your own friends rather than counting on 1 person to invite you to everything :/
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)10:41 No.5118473
    Is it just me or do any of you also find it to be a generational thing too? I have noticed that at least in my country parents have become so lax about teaching their kids how to behave socially. I see my youngest family members as well as other young people and they have no clue about what "boundaries" even means. I am not talking about going through a "rude" phase while a teenager, that's normal. But I have even heard so many younger parents even dismiss manners all together, thinking that if you teach things like that to your kids you are "conservative" or "stuck in the past" or something. WTF. I am not talking about "how to hold your knife" manners, just in general, social dos and don'ts....
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)10:46 No.5118488
    No, it's definitely not just you. I am gonna sound like a crotchety old bat now, but when I was a kid, whining and complaining to people would get you an indefinite grounding, if not a slap (not that I advocate slapping). Today it is somehow ok for kids to bitch in front of others about how they don't like the food (that someone took ages to cook for them), or they wanna leave cause they are bored (when someone is offering hospitality) or insist to strangers when they have already been told no. I get that kids do all these things to their parents, but even at other family or friends? And then they grow up as adults who will bitch about the food that their friend has cooked for them or whine to people if they weren't invited somewhere (like in the many examples here).
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)10:59 No.5118509
    >friend quiet looking guy at a pokemon event
    >should have realized something was wrong when his mom asked me to be his friend at the event
    >Sure, he seems lonely and sad
    >hang out a couple times, couple hours or so
    >every time he brings a backpack, complaining about how he thought we were going to have a sleep over every time we hung out, despite us having just met
    >always a negative Nelly, complaining about his depression, his suicide attempts, how his mother abuses him (despite how much she was obviously trying to help him), talked about how all his friends abandoned him.
    >other friends dreaded hanging with him because as soon as we started to hang, he would complain
    >If he wasn't complaining, all he would talk about was pokemon.
    >We tried to explain to him that he needed to cheer up, and that we weren't going to stop being his friends.
    >Tried to tell him how we felt, and that first step to trying to not be negative is to be positive
    >tried to do fun things with him
    >Tried to help him
    >He would only get more depressed and apologize repeatedly for being depressed
    >in the end, he defriended me, and stopped talking to me

    >better than expected, no longer being harrassed by him to hang out and to sleep over so that he could complain all day about nothing
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 11/01/11(Tue)11:13 No.5118527
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    See, here's my problem. I like all of my friends, so sometimes I feel like I'm that friend that everyone hates. No one ever said anything to me though.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)11:14 No.5118528
    I wouldn't last a day with a person like that.
    >> 1/? Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)12:02 No.5118613
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    Soo, I guess I have one of these stories, saying now that I am kind of a bad person for letting it turn out this way, but fuck it, it happened and I am better for it.
    Also, typos everywhere, sorry.
    So, my freshmen year of uni I made lots of friends, and was introduced to the anime club on campus, it was one of the largest clubs on campus and very active, very fun. By my second year, the president graduated and left it to some of my friends, who tried, but it wasn't the same. They just became really un-active and we still hung out everywhere all the time but it was not anime club anymore.
    Anyway the second semester of my second year they all transfer campuses and leave the club to me, funfun, I step up and try my best to be the best president ever.
    Problem was, we were really short on active members, so I was doing everything I could to get freshmen to join and such. This is when I made one of the worst mistakes of my life. This is when I met D, D is a quirky little chubby thing, with nasty ass curly hair that he never brushed, glasses and is short of stature. One day, I saw D in my uni's game room hanging out with an anime t-shirt on and being the outgoing and friendly person I am, I wandered over to him, introduced myself, gave him a flyer and insisted he come to the club! I had done this to countless people that day, whatever, don't think anything off it.
    I should have known this one was going to be a pain in my ass, I go to go back to my marry ways and D fallows, whatever I'm just chilling in the game room, we start to have a conversation, whatever.
    D fucking tells me his life story.
    >> 2/? Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)12:04 No.5118615
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    That was D, BTW

    About his anger issues, that he had drooped out of RIT because he did not give a crap, flirting. Flirting like mad. He goes on to say that, he could never marry a non-jew, his grandma would kick him off his inheritance. I would have to convert. Haha.
    FUCKING HAHA. I instinctively start talking about my boyfriend and how we have been together for years and how much I love him, to kill his fucking boner.
    I remind you, I have just fucking met this kid.
    So, D starts fucking clinging to me, I was confident I would just see most of these people at anime club tops if we had classes together or something, no, D starts insisting on hanging out with me at all times.
    He starts playing pool because I play pool and I fucking love pool. He fucking sucks at it and says he is the best pool player ever and this fucking pisses me off to no event you do not understand.
    I swear, D never showers. His ratty-ass hair is always a tangled matted greessy mess and he is just a pain to look at.
    So, second semester of my second year goes fine, I have one or two friends still that will help me out on planning things so I do not have to do everything so we get some fun gaming tournaments and move nights in and all have a good time, D slowly inviting himself more and more into my life but what ever, I have friends to hang out with and it is all fun.
    So, JR year roles around, last useful friends transfer, we have club elections because its in our constitution that we have to, regardless that we have as many members as we do board positions.
    Fucking D gets VP.
    >> 3/? Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)12:05 No.5118617
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    This is a big ego buster for D, as he now thinks he is somehow above me (who is still president of this shit btw) And starts trying to fucking push his 'authority' over me in every fucking situation. He always brings that I am a girl into it and that he is a man and men are superior. He insists on MC'ing events, witch was always my job as I did not care about competing and shit and would rather stand on stage introducing people and shit.
    Whatever, give him some tasks so that we can get events done.
    He never does SHIT, I work full time and go to school full time, I can't get everything done. We don't have events because the few other remaining people also have lives and can't do all his work ether.
    Club members start to dwindle, because face it, we are never having events and D is fucking creepy and says sexist things all the fucking time and when its not sexist he is relating it to being Jewish.
    I also slowly find out that D has never watched any anime besides what is on adult swim but claims to be an 'anime expert' also, has never beat any video game 'because of his adhd' but is supper good at video games guys, and especially the FF series! (He has played 1 of them, never beat it)
    Ya, I just can not stand this kid, start trying to avoid him at all costs, skipping my own meetings, getting extra shifts at work to skip my own meetings ect ect.
    Club goes to shit, we have like 3 members at this point.
    >> 4/5 Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)12:08 No.5118622
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    Fuck, in last ditch effort I get funding for all of us to go to an anime convention. Fun, whatever, we all plan to go with other groups of friends as the free tickets are open to all uni students.
    D fucking invites himself to my group. Whatever, fucking mad, try best to not tell him any of the details but one of my friends is a fucking tool and it gets out.
    WHATEVER, we will ditch him at the convention. Ya no, D fucking clings to use like a fucking fly, I am cosplaying Tifa from FF7 advent children and he keeps making stupid comments and staring at my chest the entire time. Fucking god, grab one of my girl friends, WE ARE GOING TO THE BATHROOM NOW, he fucking waits outside despite the rest of the group trying to wander away from the bathroom because they get how uncomfortable I am. try every fucking thing, eventually shake this fucker. FUCKING FINALLY. Have a blast at the rest of the con, leave when tired, don't call D to tell him we are leaving till on the train home.
    So, my SR year of uni roles around, D never fucking takes the hint. Is stalking me by this point. To the point where he fallows me up to the woman's studies center. This fucking sexiest pig, in the fucking woman's studies center.
    Is making everyone uncomfortable, I hang out hear a lot, will come in EVERY TIME I AM.
    >> 5/5 Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)12:09 No.5118625
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    It gets to the point where well, we start talking about vaginas, fuck its the woman's studies center we can fucking talk about vaginas and he starts whining about how it is making him uncomfortable, so the fucking worker there goes "This is the woman's studies center, all topics of discussion are welcome hear, please leave if you are uncomfortable with that"
    Does he leave? No. Just fucking shuts up. But he does not go back in there again thank fucking god, people were starting to get pissed at me about him.
    So, second semester of my SR year, I decide to take anime club out of existence, and cut all ties with this fucker, I think he may have failed out, I have not even seen his greasy ass around school this year.
    I feel bad, as anime club used to be so much fun for me, but fuck, I am better for it.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)12:13 No.5118634
    There is something about being Jewish that seems to produce these greasy aspies at every East Coast universities I've visited/heard about. I have no idea why, but in all the places I/my friends have been, I've always heard about the weird, dirty Jewish kid who has some sort of borderline personality disorder. I'm sure it's different in the midwest/south/west coast but it sure seems to be a thing here.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)12:14 No.5118635
    Izusa/San Khon on G+.

    Just letting him know that because a girl says, "good morning" doesn't mean she wants to fuck. Seriously, we can smell desperation. Adding the fact that you just sort of have a shitty personality overall...
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)12:27 No.5118654
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    Oh god yes this. Most kids I run into behave fine if a bit whiny, but some of them are just SO incredibly rude and even destructive, and their parents say nothing! Some even condone it! Story time. Warning for rage.

    My mum really likes to paint. She only started a few years ago and isn't really that good, but she enjoys doing it and spends a lot of time on each painting. She's usually quite proud of them and likes to display them around our house.
    About three years ago, her sister comes to visit and she brings her son. Kid is eight or nine, I don't know. While my mum shows her sister around the house, the kid wanders off for a while. A little while later his mother goes looking for him. Another twenty minutes later we go looking for THEM, and they're in the room my mum uses as a studio. Paint everywhere. Several paintings broken, most with extra splotches of paint, rest on the floor.
    >"Oh hey little [shithead] wanted to paint too, isn't that cute? ^_____^"
    >"What's wrong? It's just paintings. You can always make new ones!"
    Fffffuck. After a lot of talking she finally agreed to reimburse my mum for some of the paint her little crotchspawn got all over the floor, walls, and curtains, but only a small fraction of it because "paint shouldn't be this expensive anyway, try [cheap shitty hobby chain] next time!"

    My mum is wayyyy too forgiving and invited her over again a few months ago, and that bitch and her kid DARED to be offended that I didn't want them in my bedroom (where I keep my sewing stuff, loli dresses etc). If it were up to me, they wouldn't be allowed anywhere near our house again, ever.

    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)12:29 No.5118656
    >D never fucking takes the hint.
    After 3 years, you should have realized a guy that clueless doesn't get hints, and told him straight out. (As nicely as possible at first; harsher and harsher if he doesn't get it.)

    Sad but true, the Jewish culture puts a lot more emphasis on academic development then on things like social skills. He would have done fine in an all male religious environment with an arranged marriage.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)12:33 No.5118665
    2 Stories.

    >Hanging out afterschool with some friends.
    >New guy I didn't recognize is with the group.
    >Befriend him, talk about games and shit.
    >Asks to come over to my house to hang out
    >yeah okay, why not?
    >We shoot the shit for a while, and he eventually leaves..
    >Slowly realize that the filthy nigger stole all the money from my room, my brother's collection of GBC games, and several other little things from my room.
    >Have to deal with the police and courts for better part of a year just to get this fucker a small fine for stealing hundreds of dollars in property and straight cash from me and several friends.
    >Only caught him because the dumb sack of shit left the pawn shop receipts at one friend's house.

    I wanted to choke that fucker to death. I felt so betrayed and naive and stupid. The whole incident made me a bit racist.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)12:33 No.5118668
    Behind every bad kid is a mother who's little angel can do no wrong.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)12:35 No.5118669
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    More recently though...
    >At work!
    >Notice two guys having a very lively discussion..
    >Well.. one guy is talking a lot, very loudly, and the other guy is just kind of staring in disbelief at this giant, fat neckbeard as he goes on about the new sonic game.
    >Noticing the other guy's plight, I approach and offer some help, doing the usual retail thing.
    >Other guy uses this as his opportunity to escape. I can feel him silently thanking me..
    >Fat neckbeard proceeds to follow me around the store, going on at length about the Sonic games and how the are so much more than games to him.
    >Talks at length about how he hates X, Y, and Z gaming sites for giving sonic games bad reviews and how how he'll never listen to them until they positively review a sonic game..
    >Be polite and professional as fuck. I've dealt with awkward people before. chime in occasionally, not outright agreeing with him, but just kind of giving him the "Oh yeah, right. Uh huh..."
    >Starts gushing at me about a character from the Sonic X cartoon and how she was his favorite and how he cried and spazzed the fuck out when she died and how it was like having a family member die
    >Goes on at length about how he commissioned someone on deviant art to make him a custom plushy of the character
    >This is a CWC horror story, standing awkwardly close to me, rambling on like a mad man about how Sonic is a religion to him... Oh! And how Wheel of Fortune is the best thing ever.
    >Eventually he leaves..
    >But not before asking for a piece of paper so he can write down his DA account, his youtube page, and the person who made him the plushie..

    I'm never being nice to anyone ever again. Fuck manners.

    Oh, and his da
    Full of shitty colored pencil sonic fan art and HUNDREDS of pictures of different versions of the spinner and board from wheel of fortune.. Did you even know that you could do fanart of that shit? Because I didn't.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)12:37 No.5118670
    You should post that story to /new/

    Where's story #2?
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)12:38 No.5118674
    Too long to put in one post.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)12:40 No.5118675
    Back in my freshman year of Uni, I joined the anime club. One of the members was an Indian guy (we'll call him B). After I moved into (coincidentally) the same building as him, he would not leave me alone. He was always trying to get into my suite, and making up excuses to be there. He often talked about how as soon as he had his marriage arranged, he was going to fuck as many girls as possible.

    I took every opportunity to make it plain that I was not interested in a relationship with ANYONE at that point, since I was still recovering from a childhood gang-molestation. B would not take the hint. He would invite himself into my room and try to show me videos like 'Earth Day Sex', even when I repeatedly told him I was busy or not interested.

    By virtue of being the only person with any housework skills in that floor, people would come to me all the time asking if this or that was salvageable or how to wash their hurpdurp. He would always comment on how I'd make a good bride.

    He saw me in the lunch line one day and asked "Did something happen to your face?" I had just come back from tutoring, so my first thought was 'little fuckers put marker on me or something.' When I asked if there was marker or shit on my face he shook his head and pointed at his lips. Confused, I asked "You mean my lipstick?" He said "I don't know what it is."

    The black guy behind us in line looked at him like he was the most stupid person on the face of the planet.

    For other reasons, I moved out. But, I was glad to never see him again.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)12:42 No.5118677
    I should have, but fuck I am to nice.
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 11/01/11(Tue)12:43 No.5118679
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    well now that you mention it...
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)12:44 No.5118681
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    >look at this trainwreck of a gallery
    >86000 pageviews
    >4 times as much as mine
    >i am a professional artist with years of experience and original style
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)12:45 No.5118684
    Also related to creepy Indians:

    I spent the summer with my BF (white). He had a super creepy Indian roommate named Nash. He constantly tried to whine and guilt my BF into being his personal driver, and never paid his bills on time.

    He and the rest of the Indians living there left the kitchen in a health-hazard state. I'm talking about milk being left out, open, for days and food splattered on the walls, ceiling, etc. Every time my BF and I tried to clean up, it would be a pig sty the next day.

    Anyway, Nash also tried to repeatedly invite himself out on dates with us, and just would never take 'no' for an answer. His room was right across the hall from my BF's, so it was impossible to ignore him.

    The worst part was that if I got up to use the bathroom, he'd charge down the hall seconds after I got inside and would try to break down the door to the bathroom. Naturally, I'd start yelling for him to GTFO, but he wouldn't pay any attention to it. My BF had to chase him away multiple times, but is stuck living there until spring.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)12:47 No.5118687
    Show us your gallery, big talker.
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 11/01/11(Tue)12:51 No.5118702
    what the hell...WHY SO MUCH WHEEL OF FORTUNE
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)12:57 No.5118716
    >car crash

    And there you have it. Also the fact that he runs around watching everyone who's ever drawn anything Sonic-related, and they all come over to his page to thank him.
    Most professional non-fandommy artists on dA don't have that many pageviews. If you don't draw fanart/kawaii shit, you're not interesting to the general population there.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)13:13 No.5118752
    Why is shaving included in hygiene?
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 11/01/11(Tue)13:16 No.5118761
    I'm a bitch when it comes to friends. I have no fear telling someone off or taking to steps to unfriend them (facebook, phone numbers, etc).
    But anyway, story time:
    >befriend a dude, cool guy, total bro
    >chill with him all year at college, consider him a good friend
    >he gets a gf, no biggie, I encouraged him to ask her out
    >suddenly she's a raging jealous bitch that him and I are friends
    >apolgize to him for the trouble she's causing, he says it's no big deal and that we'll still be friends
    >yay for being friends
    >summer passes, not a word from him
    >go to usually summer con, see him, talk for 5 minutes, he's with his gf so i don't play third wheel
    >college rolls around again, still no word from him
    >invite him to chill, he shows up and chills, fun fun
    >then never see him again, unless he's with his gf
    >text him saying he should hang out with friends more, he's like "yeah..."
    >never hear from him again besides a facebook message with a broken 4chan link to a supposed funny pic
    >delete from facebook, ignore him when he's with his gf, he never initiates contact again

    I assume he was only my friend for the potential to date me, cause he lost all interest in our friendship when he got a girlfriend. I brought it up with friends, they agreed. Sucks since I thought he was a good bro, too.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)14:28 No.5118920
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)14:40 No.5118942

    And that's why I don't post to deviantart anymore.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)15:09 No.5119032

    Because it's generally easier to keep your pits from smelling or your crotch from getting crusty if there's no hair there.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)15:19 No.5119050
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    I've told you about this girl before /cgl/, I just have to share her with you as much as possible.
    >meet girl junior year through mutual friends, let's call her L
    >at first she seems rather nice, if a little off
    >she loves to draw, obviously has a giant ass binder around with her everywhere
    >think that's pretty neat, I like to draw too
    >all downhill from there
    >see inside binder
    >poorly drawn Alvin & the Chipmunks fanart, mostly Alvin
    >poorly drawn Sailor Moon fanart, mostly Chibiusa
    >poorly drawn original character do not steal neko
    >starts telling me all about it over the course of the two years I've known her
    >they all have to be Christians
    >she/her OC is Alvin's cousin
    >she's writing a manga about guardian angels that rips off Sailor Moon
    >spends her time in Graphic Design recoloring Sailor Moon into Chibiusa
    >much too nice/socially paranoid too tell her off

    Later, this year in fact:
    >L is in theater arts
    >lo and behold, so am I
    >start chatting with non-mutual friends about people we can't stand in-class
    >conversation turns to L
    >oh god I'm not alone in disliking her
    >one girl in the group goes to use the restroom
    >comes back with strange half-smile on her face
    >apparently ran into L in the restroom
    >L's scene for the class involved her being a priest
    >friend tries to be nice, says she did a really good job
    >L's face lit up
    >"Well that's because I'm a Christian."
    >why can't I, hold all this second hand embarrassment
    >L is now into Sonic, especially Tails
    >writing a Sonic/Alvin/Sailor Moon crossover deal
    >mfw she keeps pestering me to read it
    >mfw I have to deal with it because she's partnered with me randomly

    Hopefully no one knows who I'm talking about and no one I know comes on /cgl/. Otherwise, I'm fucked. /paranoia.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)15:36 No.5119102
    I was friends with this internet famous person for a while
    Well we'd known eachother for years but never really talked
    And then A couple of months after we made proper friends everything went sour (she would call me names, act really cold etc) and would just be a cunt
    So I stopped talking to her, deleted her off msn (but I left the option 'Allow people who you do not have in yur contacts able to talk to you' on
    For some reason that didn't work so she sent some nasty messages over tumblr
    I was trying to be friendly and work things out
    I apologized for not wanting to deal with her shit
    Never heard from her since
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)16:26 No.5119273
    >visiting my boyfriend at university
    >meet all of his cool, amazing Ethical Hacking friends
    >everything is great, we're hanging out regularly, hitting the cocktail bars and chilling out at the student union together
    >one day on our way to meet the gang my boyfriend turns to me, starts explaining that there will be a new guy there who he wants me to avoid
    >he doesn't go too much into detail, but basically the guys a fatty-chan, furry-creeper
    >upon entering the union I'm immediately greeted by obnoxious, raucous laughter
    >creeper turns his head, our eyes meet
    >pedo smile
    >OH GOD
    >I sit down beside my hacker friends and the first thing creeper does is twist his laptop around to show me his furry-waifu, or whatever the fuck you call it
    >mfw it's an anthropomorphic squirrel girl complete with huge dick and teeny bikini
    >we're due to go out together later that night, creeper has invited himself a long and we're all too nice to say no
    >it was an eccentric accessory night so everybody arrived in tophats, goggles, moustaches etc.
    >creeper eventually showed up at the cocktail bar and proceeded to whine about how nobody had told him it was an accessory night and how badly he wanted the fox ears I wanted because they were sugoi
    >he dances around me for a good 10 minutes trying to snatch them from my hair
    >I'm getting real pissed off at this point, just decide to let him try them on
    >he snatches them from me with his fat hams and clips them into his greasy locks, shiny with unwash
    >oh god the regret
    >I keep asking for them back as they kept sliding off his head due to the grease and they were handmade from real fox fur
    >he keeps refusing and waddling away from my grasping hands
    >I eventually ask my 6'1" boyfriend to go demand them back for me
    >creeper pout and whines for the next 20 minutes about how it's so unfair, shooting me evil glances and scowls, eventually leaves early thank god

    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 11/01/11(Tue)16:28 No.5119279
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)16:34 No.5119296
    Grabbin' my popcorn.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)16:36 No.5119303
    'sup Patricia?
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)16:41 No.5119310
    I may have to try this. I have a very quiet voice, but very loud friends so I'm constantly being talked over :/
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)16:41 No.5119311
    hittin' F5 like a mofo
    >> Eva Expert !GWCY8FQTlE!!Gevmy++QVtu 11/01/11(Tue)16:41 No.5119312
    I never regret befriending anyone.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)16:42 No.5119314

    brb popcorn. can't wait to hear part 2.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)16:47 No.5119328
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    >no one ever wants to do something together with you
    >ask a million times for everything
    >work on personality for years
    >no one cares
    >pay for "friends" movie tickets because you really want to see Tintin but they don't
    >dat feel when some of these bad, clingy friend descriptions could be about you
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 11/01/11(Tue)16:49 No.5119340
    maybe they're just jerks. you're probably pretty nice.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)16:57 No.5119366
    How can I deal with a "friend" who's really, REALLY jealous of me without sounding/acting like an arrogant bitch?
    She's the type that does a million little bad things to you, like discussed at the beginning of the thread. She will act all unsuspecting and shocked when you confront her with what she does.
    Terminate friendship?
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 11/01/11(Tue)17:03 No.5119387
    that reminds me.
    One of my guy best friends blew up on me when I trolled him a couple years ago.

    Him: "Oh god, you're such an asshole. you think you're so funny? You know why I never invite you to parties when I go to Cedar Falls? Because all the girls talk to you."
    Me: "Wait... what?"
    Him: "...nothing."

    Til this day, I still don't know what that was about.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)17:03 No.5119389
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    > Wheel of Fortune fanart
    Wow you have made my night.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)17:05 No.5119393
    >>5118335 Everyone goes through this. All I can say is that it's a stage people go through as they figure out how to socialize.

    Many people just don't. As a teenager I used to believe that once every idiot I knew reached adulthood everyone would be smarter and less annoying
    For some people it just doesn't happen. That's why there are 50 year old bullies in office bureaus, and that's why your aunt always moans about how she's so terribly sick and depressed while she's the healthiest person in the family.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)17:07 No.5119401
    Nope. Though my brother has the masculine form of that name.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)17:09 No.5119406
    Ugh, she's like that too
    But generelly it's more about art. She used to have a deviantart full of bad animu fanart and deleted it after she saw mine (filled with mediocre animu fanart). I can tell she doesn't like me but she still acts like a friend
    It confuses me to no end. I'm your average socially awkward almost-friendless 4channer and I don't know how to behave
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 11/01/11(Tue)17:09 No.5119409
    btw, it's not true that all the girls talk to me. He just thinks that. They don't talk to me more than anyone else. I don't know what his problem was.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)17:13 No.5119419
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    Jealousy does odd things to people. Maybe he was jealous that you seem to natural around girls or other people and he has insecurities about that. But yeah, I wish people would take the less passive aggressive route on things. I mean, I know I do sometimes but I'm trying hard not to anymore because it's not healthy for anyone in the long run.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 11/01/11(Tue)17:14 No.5119421
    she just wishes you could draw as well as you, I guess.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 11/01/11(Tue)17:17 No.5119432
    yeah, that really hurt my feelings because I thought he was cool with me.
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 11/01/11(Tue)17:39 No.5119498
    >Cedar Falls

    FFFFF You should've gone anyway D:
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)17:45 No.5119513
    I went to that site and, seriously, wheels! Wheels, wheels, wheels! I'm lolling because it's so absurd. God forbid somebody would suggest he draw Wheel of Fortune gijinkas.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 11/01/11(Tue)17:49 No.5119523
    Right. because Cedar Falls' bars are so boss...
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)17:50 No.5119524
    I started hanging out with this girl (I'll call her Lisa) I met through LJ. We worked at the same place so we'd have lunch together sometimes and talk about lolita. She seemed wicked ita, but I didn't really care because she seemed to have a nice personality and I thought maybe I could help her dress better eventually. She ended up being very selfish, self-centered, and a little bit crazy :\ She's convinced that anyone who ever does ANYTHING she's done is copying her. Hypothetical example: If Alex wears mismatched socks one day, Lisa won't say anything to her face, but will go behind her back to anyone who will listen to her and complain how Alex is copying her and she's been wearing mismatched socks for YEARS - how dare she?! And if you don't go along with her bitching, she gets annoyed at you too. She has told me about at least 3 people who she believes are copying her (her hair color, way of dressing, the fact that they have similar hobbies). She thinks they’re trying to take over her life or steal her boyfriend, etc.

    Lisa complains about everything and exaggerates things to get attention. She always talks about how poor she is and how she has to pay billlllsss and it's so sad that she can't afford lolita. She uses this as an excuse to buy replicas (which I have no problem with, it's just that that's literally ALL she buys). When she runs out of things in her own life to complain about, she then moves on to her boyfriend's life and complains about things that he has going on.

    She's very immature and can't take honesty at all. We got in an argument and when I was open about what was on my mind in a very non-threatening/accusing way, she flipped out and told me she couldn’t talk to me anymore. Needless to say, I am all set with being friends with her. I let her think she was the one ending the friendship so there would be no hard feelings on her end, as I know how vindictive she can be. I think she might have a mental disorder tbh.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)17:50 No.5119528
    You! Stop with real life right now and finish your story
    You can work, give birth or escape from your burning house later
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)17:52 No.5119531
    Dude, perfect thread for me.

    I have a friend (who is a REALLY nice person) but so obnoxious. Person X seriously feels the need to monopolize my time with talking to them. It really makes me not want to be so friendly to people anymore because I don't have the fucking time to keep up a weekly conversation with someone I don't know very well. I am not aggressive enough to stand up for myself, so yeah, in b4 you're a passive aggressive bitch.

    I also hate when people don't take a hint you're busy. I say it every time I DO answer and they just herp-a-derp away and keep annoying me. I actually know several people like this who seriously expect me to reply to every fucking thing they write.
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 11/01/11(Tue)17:52 No.5119532
    I'm in CF and I'm boss.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)17:55 No.5119536
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    I'm sorry ;; But again, jealousy does odd things to people so it could of been that. At least you're still a good person.
    Do you still talk to him?
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 11/01/11(Tue)17:55 No.5119538
    I guess. And you guys have a subcity, that's boss.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)17:56 No.5119543
    >Make friends with lonely fat chick who has zero friends, buys ebay costumes and claims them as her own
    >Spend many months teaching her how to sew, make props, style wigs
    >She cries after every contest, gets upset when I win awards and she doesn't, says the judging is biased and no one will ever appreciate her stuff. Implies that her cosplays are better than ours.
    >Acts tough, but we find out she is really passive aggressive and breaks down into tears when confronted, criticized or questioned in any way.
    >She shit talks skinny girls, calling them fake and not REAL WOMEN with CURVES like her
    >She loses weight, and while she can't get rid of pancake titties or manface, becomes marginally more attractive
    >Immediately turns around and calls everyone else fat, causes drama, talks insane amounts of shit to mutual friends, strategically plans to outshine others in group by making the same costumes
    >Fails miserably in her attempts to make a better costume
    >Gets caught and called out on behavior. Cries hysterically to her boyfriend, and is too mortified to apologize in person
    >We don't give a fuck, and because she won't accept full responsibility for her actions, we stop hanging out
    >She is now a generic attention whore who ebays slutty costumes, lost her job, sponges off her boyfriend and surrounds herself with other girls who want to be cosplay famous...the same people she used to talk mad shit about.

    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 11/01/11(Tue)18:00 No.5119555
    I always deeply regretted introducing these people to my friends. Because when they go batshit and decide they hate you, they talk shit behind your back to all of your friends. One didn't even bother sticking to facts. Geezus...
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)18:03 No.5119567
    I'm >>5119524 and this is exactly what Lisa is trying to do to me. She basically tried to use me to get invited to meetups since I was friends with all the local lolitas.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 11/01/11(Tue)20:12 No.5119868
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    Hey guys, bumpan' with a success story. OP, you remember the girls we mentioned further up, that I was talking about in the MCM thread? Well I just had a bit of a flaming showdown with the leader of the two on facebook and SHE is now at MY mercy.

    FUCK. YES.

    I feel like a god. She is now no longer lying about brand, lying about my friends, or acting like a crazy bitch because she knows I got all the material I need to secure her removal from the comm. She is, however, trying to blame her slightly slow friend for the lies. :/ I know for a fact Hayley didn't make any of that shit up.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)23:12 No.5120445
    more stories?
    >> Queen N !!dqP6WAmFwk9 11/02/11(Wed)00:11 No.5120539
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    >mfw i saw my real name in this thread, spelled correctly.
    nothing to do with me, but that about gave me a heart attack.

    >Went to the park constantly to pick up bird feathers to use for her hair decorations.

    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)03:51 No.5121317
    >meet girl and her friends at con, they are pretty awesome
    >think girl is pretty attractive, keep it to myself as I don't want to make anything awkward at the con and would much rather tell her after the fact
    >find out the homely-looking hambeast who has been a huge cold bitch to me the whole con is her girlfriend

    >see them next year at same con
    >all of them are being cunts to me despite the fact I'm just trying to be friendly and we had absolutely no disagreements
    >pull girl from last year aside, who seems to be the only one enjoying my company, and ask her what's up
    >apparently their "roommates are being huge assholes" because they are trying to have fun in the room so her gf and other friend have just decided to be huge raging cunts the whole con to everyone
    >oh ok
    >hang out with other people

    >find out later the girl I was friends with is internet notorious and actually kind of a psycho
    >now anytime we talk she asks me to buy stuff from her/commission her, despite the fact I don't even like what she's selling and her art looks like total shit.

    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)05:12 No.5121503
    Well done!
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)05:18 No.5121517
    >I also hate when people don't take a hint you're busy.
    One of my biggest pet peeves. I always make time for my friends and if someone has a problem I will stop whatever I am doing to listen to them and be there for them. But the problem isn't even close friends. With me it's usually acquaintances and it's never even anything serious. More like 'I wanna hang out with you and I don't understand how jobs and studies work so no matter what you say I will stay here and talk to you and annoy you'. I am not even talking about dropping hints. Sometimes, I will straight up tell them 'look, I am busy now, I cannot hang out' and they still won't stop it!
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)05:29 No.5121544

    What is with aspies and Sonic? This aspie girl at my college is obsessed with some green Sonic character and that's all she'll ever talk about.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)06:10 No.5121604
    I have no idea why. In middle school some aspie girl pretty fucking obsessed over sonic and osmosis jones. I had to sit next to hear in algebra and she cried everyday whenever someone told her sonic sucks. She was, however, pretty decent at drawing though all she drew was sonic oc's and osmosis jones characters looking sad. Related to the thread because I hung out with her out of pity so she wouldn't feel too lonely.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)06:38 No.5121639
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    >be young, somewhat of a Kingdom Hearts fan, decide to cosplay Demyx
    >hang out with a group, having fun, one girl in an Axel cosplay is being a bitchin' bro, partying all day long
    >change into normal clothes during the evening because more comfortable/less sweat
    >girl that was being a bitchin' bro ignores me the rest of the evening
    >next day, different costume, short ass responses
    >last day, only brought 2 costumes, rewear Demyx
    >constantly flocked over by girl in Axel costume
    >share MSN, figure she was probably just busy/wanting to act in character etc
    >talk on MSN
    >find out she's been 'roleplaying' shittily as Axel during each and every conversation when she starts discussing how bad her balls hurt and how she wants to bang me
    >get tired of this shi--

    I still wonder to this day why I even contemplated on friendship.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)07:17 No.5121667
    In HS:

    >Goth weeb i sometimes chatted with on the bus.
    >She's nice but kind of creepy at times and makes up lies a lot
    >My cat has kittens and i tell her about how cute they are and so uguu~
    >She tells me a story about how her cat died horribly when she was walking home from school and some kids in middle school threw rocks at her cat until it died.
    >Proceeds to beg me on MSN to give her a kitten the same day
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)07:58 No.5121691
    aren't you going to continue...?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)08:25 No.5121704
    >Talk to a guy one the train ride home from a convention. (He was cosplaying too, so it wasn't completely a random stranger in my eyes. Besides, when it comes to conventions I'm pretty extrovert, I'll talk to anyone if they're not awkward as fuck and respond in turn.)
    >Don't think I ever gave him my skype, he finds it somehow.
    >Contacts me a year later when I practically forgot who he was.
    >Talks about how he wants to meet up with me.
    >Kinda skirt around answering, say perhaps some day. (Too polite to just blow people off, since calling whether someone is socially awkward or creepy can be hard sometimes.)
    >Keeps mentioning how he's all alone in his apartment, and he has a basement where nobody can hear anything.
    >Keeps saying how nice I am, flirting, how pretty I a won't be travelling alone on the train to the next con so he could join me.
    >Kinda get a little awkward here.
    >Start bringing up that I have a girlfriend
    >That's okay, she can come too, but he'd rather have me alone.
    >Keeps saying he wants to come over when I'm alone sometime.
    >Says he's really lonely and misses company.
    >Brings up his basement again.

    I ended up just cutting off contact. That shit was getting too much even for me.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)08:26 No.5121705
    I've got a situation with this girl right now.
    >I'm a foreign exchange student in tokyo, came here a month ago
    > the only other girl in my class that's from the same country as me starts talking to me, seems nice at first so I decide to be friendly
    > Is a landwhale, with an actual beard and moustache, hair is always greasy, showers once a week
    > She start's to become really obnoxious, only talks about how poor she is, and starts insulting me because I come from a wealthy family and don't have any problems with money
    >is in japan, only sits at home in front of her computer watching TV shows with japanese boybands
    > complains about EVERYTHING, that she's so fat (yet she eats like 5000 calories a day), that no one wants to be her friend even though she makes no effort to get friends etc etc
    > claims that japanese people find her attractive because of her blonde hair

    >I get a package with food from home, she keeps bugging me to let her come over here and eat my food
    >starts spreading lies about me being mean to her to the rest of our class

    I'm just ignoring her by now, yet since she's in my class I can't exactly escape her. Oh well, just wanted to get this off my chest
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)08:38 No.5121716

    Oh hay, I'm a foreign exchange student in Tokyo too! Which university are you studying at?

    I haven't met anyone that crazy yet, although there is this girl in my local loli community who lies and steals stuff...
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)08:57 No.5121743
    >aaaaages ago back when I was in middle school
    >wandering around a store and stop to look at some Neopet toys
    >girl my age comes over and asks if I play
    >tell her yes, kinda excited to meet someone else that plays Neopets, exchange usernames
    >start chatting with her on AIM and she seems pretty cool
    >little while later asks for me to RP with her - haven't done it before, but I wanted to try
    >have adventures with our Neopets and other fun stuff
    >girl then brings Harry Potter into our RPs and somehow gets me to RP him
    >get bored of it pretty quickly and tell her I'd rather RP my own characters
    >girl starts going off about how I HAVE to keep RPing as Harry because she hadn't made him into a daddy for her Neopets yet by getting pregnant and only I could be her one true Harry
    >tell her I'm no longer doing this
    >spend the next few months getting harassed by her to come back

    I'm just glad I didn't go to the same school as her...
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)09:02 No.5121749
    That made me laugh. He probably thought it was a really clever way of subtly hinting he wants sex. But he's too stupid to realize how creepy it is to mention a basement where nobody can hear you scream.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)09:10 No.5121754
    Oh god, you did the right thing. Hope your classmates can tell that she's only lying. Do they know or did you correct them?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)09:14 No.5121760
    Now if I'm ever going to say "I know that feel", it's going to be for something like that. I've had to deal with at least 4 guys exactly like that (seriously I have no idea how it got that way). They cling to you like you're some sort of magic wand that will suddenly make their depression go away, but it never happens so they just get more depressed and clingier.

    I've just learnt it's better to get out of there as soon as you can before they start threatening their lives over you. You're not a psychologist so there's nothing you can do except try to get them to see a proper one (and there it's better to talk to their other friends or family about it).
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)09:16 No.5121764
    Sorry I'd rather not tell since the gaijin-community here is so small. In my opinion some of the foreigners living here tends to be socially awkward and obnoxious unfortunately.

    Yeah I called her out on it. They know it isn't true, but I don't know who else she's been talking to either.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:20 No.5122037
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    >In high school, meet cool weird girl first day of school
    >We become instant friends, both like manga and scf-fi
    >Have a couple mutual friends. Overtime, it becomes clear she gets mad when I hang out with them. She needs to be the center of everyone's attention.
    >Realize her cool "style" is just shit she does for attention. Wears tutus and mismatched socks,dresses she's cut up into shreds, duck tape clothing, horribly mismatched colors and patterns, animal tails/ears, etc.
    >Bathes, tops once a week. Hair is always a greasy ratty nest. She cuts it in a really awkward way to look "unique".
    >Go over to her house while we're still friends.
    >So much shit on the floor of her bedroom that you literally cannot walk through it. Clothes and junk piled 2-3 feet high with a small path to her bed which had no sheets and was covered in blood stains.
    >Family had like 6 cats and she and her entire room wreaked of cat shit. They probably shit all over her room. She didn't wash her clothes, just threw them into her pile and them picked new ones out.
    >Showed me her menstrual blood collection. I'm not sure how she collected it, but she had a jar full of clotted menstrual blood.
    >Would occasionally make really spastic movements and would scream in public about manga, just to get people to notice her. Would randomly start singing or shouting and had the most intentionally obnoxious laugh I've ever heard.
    >Finally, stop hanging out altogether. All our mutual friends get tired of her bullshit.
    >Tries to cause all kinds of mad drama, ends up stalking me all over the internet for almost 3 years after high school.

    Soooo glad that's over.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:23 No.5122041
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    I would have bolted out of her house and never looked back.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:25 No.5122050
    >Showed me her menstrual blood collection. I'm not sure how she collected it, but she had a jar full of clotted menstrual blood.
    >Showed me her menstrual blood collection. I'm not sure how she collected it, but she had a jar full of clotted menstrual blood.
    >Showed me her menstrual blood collection. I'm not sure how she collected it, but she had a jar full of clotted menstrual blood.

    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:29 No.5122055
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    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:34 No.5122071
    Oh boy...
    >girl at work is a bit of an outcast, getting bullied by coach.
    >want to provide her some acceptance, invite her along to social outing.
    >she starts talking about all the weird shit she sees and senses. Pay it no mind, she can work that shit out herself, think she's a bit crazy or attention seeking
    >she cheats on her fiance the next week with a colleague. Shows no concern over being a lying, cheating whore and only what rumors will spread about her at work.
    >rumors, of course, spread. But like her legs, she doesnt seem capable of keeping her mouth shut and managed to lubricate the rumors for herself. She takes an interest in my then-boyfriend, trash talking meand trying to masquerade as a geek/gamer. This mystery was resolved when she called my two thousand dollae custom built computer a 'box'.
    >bitch gets pregnant, decide it's most likely the colleague's kid.
    >she's been bitching out her fiance for the last few months
    > fiance asks me if there is merit to rumors, send lengthy email detailing the metric fucktonne of merit.
    > she starts hitting on my parner again (she did this at the beginning of the story, too)
    > we've decided to use it as a tool to destroy her, and her fiance dumped her due to being a lying cheating whore.

    There's more to it, like she wears pinup style but wants to have no hips or ass at all, just be a stick with a small perky pair of tits and she's got such a low opinion of nerdy guys that she thinks they'll fall over backwards to get her in bed.

    My now-fiance and i can only shake our heads and laugh.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:36 No.5122079
    You're so full of shit
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:38 No.5122083
    Sorry abut the typos, i am on a tablet device.
    >> MallowMarsh !!jIcPNMSVBL3 11/02/11(Wed)11:39 No.5122086
    Yup. Last night, I made the terrible mistake of being nice to a self proclaimed otaku. Now he's calling me babe, telling me he doesn't use condoms, and fucking being creepy as hell. This all happened within five hours and I'm not sure what to do short of blocking his ass. But I can't do it because I would hate to hurt someone's feelings because I'm a pussy. Fuck my life and all help is appreciated.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:41 No.5122092
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    I honestly really, really wish that wasn't all true, but it absolutely is.
    Here's a picture.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:44 No.5122103
    Here's a quick one, hopefully quick. Maybe not. Here goes.

    >Used to hang out at nearby arcade during college days
    >Meet people who play same fightan gaem as I do
    >Hang out at mall most of the time, eventually learn that they cosplay too
    >One of them was seemingly gay, had weird breath and oily hair. Didn't mind him being a homo back then
    >Skip to a year later, they build up an epic KH group
    >Introduce (ex)gf and sister (who is a KH fangirl) to group
    >Things are chill, people are nice enough to accomodate
    >Skip to another year later yadda yadda yadda
    >Learn that seemingly gay guy is actually some vendetta-spreading douche who goads circle of friends to focus fire hate on whoever he feels to
    >fucking bad thing about it is, they all somehow agree to hate whoever
    >do this to ex's sister
    >do this to some muscular bro who rejected him
    >do this to former college friend
    >do this to a long time friend from the arcade even before i met their group
    >do this to a college bro I hang out with because he "lied" to him despite the fact that it shouldn't even fucking matter
    >insult to injury being said seemingly gay guy actually acts like some yandere jealous girlfriend towards said college bro
    >insist on crossdressing but not shaving pubes (which he shows)
    >I call him out on being a douchebag
    >tries same shit on me, on rallying up his friends on turning on me
    >fails at it, some of his friends call him out on his behavior
    >he even gets trolled by someone else because idgaf
    >sever ties with him, tell college bro that if ever gay dude tries to go yandere on him again, i'll put his lights out

    So yeah. Sometimes you have to sever ties from people who really can't learn.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:47 No.5122110
    >go to a new school, am 12, don't know anyone
    >am hanging out one day wearing a black band t shirt
    >girl, "x", a couple of years above me runs over, glomps
    >"oh my god you like black too"
    >"uh, i guess"
    >become fast friends, she introduces me to other people, begin to fit in with the weirdos, only clique i want
    >tells me about her life, her parents are always travelling, they're scientists, she lives with her grown-up uncles most of the time, they live at her house, she's poor though so they have to share rooms, she's at the school paid for by her grandparents she's irish, speaks gailic, etc etc
    >mention i have a scholarship
    >"i have two scholarships, that's how i pay for school"
    >a mutual friend's parents are famous actors, they are away a lot and she's looked after by a nanny
    >begin to notice that whenever mutual friend mentions her parents, "x" starts talking about how her parents are away all the time too
    >am stupid, assume that's what they have in common
    >tension with my own mother at home, begin mentioning to friends
    >suddenly "x" hates her mother too, she hits "x" and is abusive
    >getting weirded out but okay, why would she lie
    >go to "x"'s house
    >her parents are super nice, her mum's welsh not irish and the sweetest woman i've ever met
    >"x" has no uncles
    >"x"'s house is massive, nicely decorated
    >"x"'s parents both work less than an hour away, are not scientists, never go on business trips
    >"x" is very well off, has no scholarship, doesn't speak gaelic
    >slowly realise that literally everything that "x" tells anyone about her life is a lie
    >slowly realise that literally everything "x" ever says is a lie
    >literally everything

    Also she used to try and make me fat and humiliate me a lot but those are other stories and this is kind of boring, sorry
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:48 No.5122114
    Screencap it all, post it for lulz (cover the screennames to be nice) and then block him.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 11/02/11(Wed)11:52 No.5122125

    How does someone try to make you fat?? D:
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:59 No.5122151
    Not the Anon who posted the story but it's not unheard of. Purposely making unhealthy food, messing with people's diets, forcing people to eat food. There was this show on TV where they were talking about true life crime or something but this mother hated her daughters and fattened them up to humiliate them and forced one of them to eat an entire box of macaroni and cheese with lard added to it, and would beat her if she threw it up.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:05 No.5122164
    I don't disagree, but this usually happens when parents force feed their kids or a person who is a carer forcefeeds someone in their care.

    For a "friend" to make you fat, when you don't live with them and you are around the same age and they don't have any real power over you? Sorry, no, that sounds bollocks. That sounds like all the greedy bitches who don't have an ounce of self-discipline, and as soon as someone offers them a cupcake, it's all about "sabotaging" their diet and making them fat cause everyone is omg so jealous of them yadda yadda.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:10 No.5122183
    Speaking of friend horror stories, I have a friend who does that
    >Perma-fat, can't be happy with herself
    >Always on a diet
    >Comes over to my place
    >I suggest that we make a salad or something light so that she stays on track with her diet
    >My housemate comes in and he's brought some chips for herself
    >My friend jumps on the chips like there is no tomorrow
    >Housemate is being polite and letting her eat, even though that is her dinner
    >After friend has wolfed down everything she starts complaining to me and asks me why I "let" her eat them
    >Tell her she is an adult and I can't order her around about what to eat
    >"I don't see why you let your housemates parade their junk food around me when you know I am on a diet, you want me to fail so that you are thinner, don't you???"
    >Shrug and walk away from her
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:13 No.5122192
    I dunno. Someone here posted awhile back about a friend that was making her fat. Can't remember all the details but she was on a diet and the friend said her sister was a personal trainer or something and so the friend started making her all her lunches. Turns out the food was making her fatter.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:17 No.5122207
    I feel like I'm going to have GENERIC WEEABOO ASSHOLE STORY #322003, but here we go anyways.

    I was at a con with my best friend, we'd both had a couple of beers, not enough to get us drunk, just a couple of really nice microbrews to ease us into the night after a long night of working artist alley. We landed on going to the Japanese Extreme Horror panel, my friend and I are both HUGE fans of any horror really, and J.E.H was something I was familiar with, but not as familiar as something like Hershel Gordon Lewis or the like.

    I'll expedite this tale a little. Basically, we showed up. Patiently sat through the panel (which was lovely and informative. They even gave us packets with the different genre's of J.E.H, which was cool). Then came the Q & A section. Some hambeast kept asking inane questions like "HOW DEW U FEEL ABOOT THE RANG" which weren't so much a question about the genre, but personal feelings about certain films. My friend and I finally got a word in edge wise, asking about Takashi Miike and the Guinea Pig series.

    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:18 No.5122208
    Unless one is a child or a vulnerable adult, they should still man up and take responsibility. Why leave your diet to someone else? I am sick of weak-willed people calling every mention of food "triggering" and considering anyone who offers them food as a "saboteur". Where I work, I am surrounded by treats everyday. All the girls at the office love food so one day someone brings in cookies, the next day someone brings chocolate etc. Yes, I could act like a deluded fatty and go on about what a toxic environment it is and how they are all trying to make me fat. But ultimately, the choice to say yes or no is mine. No one is forcing the food into my mouth, if I don't want to get fat I simply eat in moderation or say "no, thank you".
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:18 No.5122211
    Long story short, this hambeast decided to follow us around the con, talking about how sexy the two of us were and all the things she'd do to us. Eventually that turned into like...GURO level stuff she wanted to do to the two of us. We promptly told her to fuck off, which she took as us joking. After two hours of being her "BOYFRANNNNDS" we decided to hit the hay, ditching her when we ran into a crowd of people heading back to their hotel rooms. We watched on the bus as she frantically looked around for us.

    We didn't see her the next day. That's like the worst experience I've had. Any other's where I've met someone they're usually a normalfag and I we go out to dinner or bone.

    It's always dinner or fucking, polar opposites.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:20 No.5122216
    Shit, this >>5122211
    is the continuation of
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:37 No.5122251
    While I agree with you on everything you said there, I do remember the story anon mentioned and it was not like that.
    Story-anon and her 'friend' were in middle school or high school, and she mentioned to her friend that she wanted to go on a diet and lose weight. I think anon was chubby and the friend was thinner. Friend says "Oh my sister (?) is a personal trainer and knows about this shit, how about I make the two of us healthy lunch from now on so we can lose weight together?" So while anon was probably derping a bit, I really doubt her friend filled her lunch with greasy deep-fried junk. It must have been more subtle. She mentioned that their lunches obviously did contain different things, though. Anon also said something about weight-gain pills.
    I think the friend was pretty obsessive in other ways, but I don't really remember that part.
    >> Tarocchi !3vxnARAidE 11/02/11(Wed)12:43 No.5122266
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    Oh god, does she honestly think roadkill is the usual material for that kind of stuff?

    brb fleeing the earth.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)13:10 No.5122318
    Didn't that one weeb pull a mean girls style trick on her friend with food designed to help starving orphans gain weight or some shit?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)13:18 No.5122347
    I'm not sure if I would consider myself Gaijin since I'm asian too, but my impression of the other exchange students so far have been quite alright.
    Anyways, hope you can sort out your problem with that crazy friend of yours.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)13:21 No.5122358
    It is harder sometimes to lose weight when there are tons of people yelling at you to eat.

    For example, my boyfriend gets really upset when I don't eat because he thinks I'm not fat (I am). He's thin but he eats pizza and chicken nuggets and shit every day. I don't even like food like that, but it smells super good and makes me hungry.
    If he finds out all I had was a salad or something, he flips a shit. Sometimes he even stops talking to me for a while.
    My friends are the same way, "Oh god, just eat a sandwich", putting their food on my plate, making fun of me when I don't order anything at a restaurant and so on.

    Makes it really hard sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)13:32 No.5122387
    I have this really creepy friend. He's friendly and all but he's just really creepy. He likes to stare at you and mumbles to himself often. He also likes to touch people and act like best friends even though they've just met. He acts oddly and makes no sense when he talks. He also prides himself in his anime knowledge even though he only watches whatever's on CN. He likes furries.

    Everything was all fine and dandy until he started creeping on my friends who didn't even like/know him (texting them everyday, sending them pictures of his breakfast, visiting them at work, liking every one of their statuses). He also asked one of my close friends out on a date and kept touching her the first time that they met. She didn't like him at all and told him up front; he didn't get it, obviously. I flipped my shit because he's done it before. He throws a hissy fit about how I'm cockblocking him.

    Needless to say, we are not friends anymore, and I'm totally fine with that.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:16 No.5122467
    This happened at school in my last year before uni:
    >Notice younger girl going upstairs with a Neji (Naruto) keychain hanging from her bag
    >School is full of posh people and preppy girls, so I try to be social and say, 'Nice keychain'
    >Next thing I know she is telling me about how she likes to be called Lilly and is writing a crap novel-length greek mythology fic
    >Alarms go off
    >After a school trip, a couple weeks later, she comes to me and my friends and asks to have lunch with us because her friends are going home
    >We say it's okay
    >Tries to be the center of attention all day, pesters a friend until he buys her a rose
    >Spends all the way home literally attached to other of our male friends, who's too nice to tell her to scram
    >Almost follows him and two other friends home
    >From that day on, she keeps flirting and glomping the two guys in our group and is an attention whore
    >One day she says, dramatically, “If next Monday I'm not here, it means I killed myself”
    >I say, “K”
    >Appalled, she says, “How can you be so cruel?”
    >Me: “To be honest, I don't give a shit about other people's lives”
    >Girl goes into shock and doesn't talk to me anymore
    >Friend's faces torn between horror and laughter

    Later I had to tell my friends that I did indeed care for them, but I just wanted to choke the girl at that moment. They were shocked because I'm the kind of person who is basically quiet and polite to everyone, even if I can't stand them. I... kind of scared them. I would have felt bad if the girl wasn't so damn annoying and my friends didn't think that was a Crowning Moment of Awesome.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:36 No.5122506
    >Makes it really hard sometimes.
    Yeah, because you're doing it wrong. You can eat anything you want when you're losing weight, just a lot less of it.

    Are you even counting calories, or are you just not eating anything when it's tempting and then shoving down greens when your body starts reacting negatively?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:41 No.5122527

    Or possibly an anorexia problem, reading into the boyfriend's reactions. Yeah, those people exist too.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:58 No.5122562
    Had a weeaboo friend of a friend. She was a huge KHfag/Lovelessfag, always talking about fanfics that she read about both of those series and her desktop, of course, was either blatant pornography or dudes making out with other dudes.

    When she realized that her fandoms were topics of ridicule by her other friends, she switched to a "cool" fandom, as if liking homosexual anime porn could make you "cool" and "edgy". She got REALLY invested in the TF2 fandom, a game she had played once (Best quote: "I don't have to play the game or EVEN be good at it to like the fanart, I'm just in it for the fanart."). She would bring up TF2 apropos of started getting really creepy when she would start comparing me to other characters. We were at a beach party, of course I was in a swimsuit, and she compared me to the "sexy physique" of the Sniper.

    I quickly stopped talking to her after she suggested we dress up as TF2 characters and fuck. Will post more if it garners interest.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:03 No.5122573
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    Not a weeb story, but

    >first day of sinq
    >sit with some chill looking dudes
    >two of three are chill
    >one of three has a weird vibe, but seems chillable anyway
    >has a super awful voice that makes everything he says sound condecending and vaguely upset
    >weird vibe dude kind of latches onto me
    >whatever, it's just for a term

    >fourth week
    >"oh hey congrats, dude"
    >unspoken implication that I should go be his birthday friend
    >think he's mad at me, but with that shitty voice, who can tell?

    >next day
    >clearly mad, he's been spending all class trying to undermine me in stupid ways
    >"uh, yeah?"
    >"uh, melee? it's been fucking forever, I only played the first one"
    >repeat for the whole fucking class

    Now we're back to being "friends", but I cannot fucking stand this guy's voice, no matter what he's saying. Yeah, I imagine you don't have many friends when everything you say sounds bored and sarcastic, dude. I can't wait for this term to be over.
    >> Mattie 11/02/11(Wed)15:03 No.5122575
    MY GOD D:
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:05 No.5122577

    I never said she succeeded in making me fat. I am and have always been normal weight but she used to constantly give me sweets and things, american candy that's really fattening, and literally throw tantrums and said I wasn't her friend anymore if I said I didn't want it. She did the same thing to try to get me to skip sports lessons. After I broke off contact with her, a mutual friend told me that x had said she thought I was fat (I was significantly thinner than her) and that she was trying to get me to gain weight so that I could be the "fat sidekick".

    Yeah, it's a stupid thing to try to do and was very unsuccessful, but she still tried to do it and that makes her crayzay.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:05 No.5122583
    Thank you sir, may I have another?
    (aka, yes please continue)
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:07 No.5122587

    Also to add, it was a boarding school and at the time I had no friends that I didn't know through her. I was shy and awkward and terrified of losing my "best friend" so I didn't tell her to gtfo, and I'm sure that happens a lot. Trying to please friends doesn't make you weak-willed, it makes you human.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:12 No.5122600

    Fuck, if somebody asked me during the time I was playing Mass Effect nearly every day I probably would have a hard time saying what class. It's not really that comes up a lot in dialogue or shit I really care about once I'm playing.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:16 No.5122609
    Basically, after the comment about me being a "sexy Sniper" she kept talking about it. At one point, half drunk in her basement, we started playing Silent Hill or something. Out of fucking nowhere she started gushing to me about how ugly she felt and how nobody liked her, it was really awkward. She "cuddled" or should I say latched on like a fucking vampire to my shoulder for comfort. I tried to console her...then it turned into "If only I was like Scout...maybe people would think I'm cute."

    Now, let's recap. I'm half-drunk on Rum and Coke. She's half-drunk on Rum and Coke. She just said "I WISH I WAS CUTE LIKE SCOUT." I should of just left the room, but I chuckled and said "Hehehe...yeah."

    Her next words will stay with me forever. "You know...I have a Scout costume...and this Sniper costume...we could put them on and-" She said, as she fondled my crotch

    NOPE. I kind of walked away, grabbed my fifth of Rum and walked the fuck out of her house. I just kind of walked around her neighborhood until I got less drunk and then snuck back to my car. I was terrified she was going to be inside of it, grabbing me as I pulled away.

    Last time I saw her.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:21 No.5122627
    >"You know...I have a Scout costume...and this Sniper costume...we could put them on and-"
    My brain immediately went to that comic with the guy and his friend and the Konata wig
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:22 No.5122629
    I'm the TF2Anon.

    That joke has been made MANY times in my group of friends.

    That one and the /vp/ Gardevoir costume copypasta
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:30 No.5122738
    Driving under influence.

    *slow clap*
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:45 No.5122775
    I met someone a handful of years ago and became "friends" with them. Unfortunately the more I got to know her, the worse she was. I am pretty sure she is bipolar because she goes from mopey-sad-the-world-is-against-me to anger of a thousand swarming bees in seconds. It's like she's still stuck in the moodiness of teen years though she's in her 20's. Nothing her friends say will ever make the situation ok.

    She's doesn't think anyone else has a single problem in their life, she's the only one in the world to have trouble in her life. (Meanwhile in the Middle East and Africa-). She's such a classic case of all take no give. We need to be there immediately if she needs support, but she'll never be there.

    The first con we roomed together she encouraged me to enter the masquerade, having never done so and being new to the con scene, so I did and won a Best of Weekend award. She was so pissed off she wouldn't talk to me the rest of the con. So from Saturday 8pm to Sunday noon, when I left just to get away, all I got was single word answers with thinly veiled anger. Shit man, I compete at other things and have roommates/friends win, I'm just excited that someone I know won. She can never be happy for anyone but herself and she'll never be happy.

    She also tries to put herself at the center of everything and gets annoyed when it backfires. She only talks about cosplay and cons, dumps personal problems on friends, but how dare you change the subject or want to discuss your own issues with her. I'm just not saying anything to her anymore. Regardless of what I say, she would become angry as fuck then go into some melodramatic depressed state and claim that I ruined her chances of being a well-known cosplayer or some shit. GAH People should've left this behavior back in gradeschool ffs.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:45 No.5122777
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    I somehow attract people that love nothing more than to talk over me. Or anyone else talking. It's so fucking annoying.

    They start out as nice people, and I either don't notice it, or they only start it after you get into a friendship with them, but then it's just constantly on my nerves. I have two friends like this, one more so than the other. She'll even raise her voice to make sure she's heard over who ever is speaking. And it's always about her, always.

    mfw she's doing it, everytime.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:48 No.5122785
    Are you friends with a lot of theater kids perchance? At my college the theater and music kids shared a building, and we often noticed that in their group there would be almost as many conversations as people, and they were all talking without listening to what anyone else was saying.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:50 No.5122794
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    I wouldn't call it befriending, per-say, but talking period.
    Because a lot of people seem to think talking = I like you.
    I'm not even friendly, wtf.
    And it's always the most annoying people too.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:54 No.5122802
    I like to imagine every poster ITT is (not-so) secretly complaining about each other.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:57 No.5122813
    This so much. I am really annoyed with how people mistake being polite with ZOMG WE ARE BEST FRIENDS LET ME TALK TO YOU NONSTOP...and then how they get pissed when you have a life and can't dote on them every day of the week.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:57 No.5122814
    If you are referring to >>5122777 then no.
    The two people I specifically mention are a History and an Art major, respectively.
    I've definitely seen that with theatre kids, though. I learned to mostly avoid them back in highschool, lol.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:13 No.5122844
    Sounds like a regular visitor to Ireland's Potatocon.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)18:07 No.5123014
    I have this problem with a woman (she's almost 25) that I've known for about 18 months. When I first met her (party of a mutual friend) I thought she was a really cool, sorta indie, nerdy chick. We hit it off really well and became really good friends pretty much instantly. At this point she was living about a twenty minute drive from me, which was cool. I had a car then and could quite easily make it out there, and she could bus to my place.

    Then she got a new boyfriend, and moved to one of the outer suburbs to be close to him (within three months of meeting him). She has two young kids and completely uprooted them from their lives (one had just started school), and she was going to uni four days a week, too, but because she moved so far away she couldn't afford to catch the train and then bus to get there as often. I was working in a family business at the time- so was making very little money- and I couldn't drive for an hour each way just to see her for a little bit every week or so, nor could I afford the train, and she certainly couldn't. CUE GUILT TRIPPING. 'Have I done something to make you mad?' 'Do you not like me any more?' 'WHAT DID I DO TO MAKE YOU NOT LIKE ME ANY MORE' 'ARE WE NOT FRIENDS' and so on. All day erry day. Still. A year later.

    She's still largely a nice person, but the constant... demanding and clinginess really gets to me. I'm not that kind of person at all. At a recent con she called me FOUR TIMES the first day just because I wasn't there yet. NIGGA I GOT COSTUMES TO FINISH, FUCK OFF. It's not like we'd arranged a time to meet, I just said 'yeah, I'll be there that day'. Fuck. Fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)18:10 No.5123021
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    Also when my other friends and I are organising stuff, say even just casual gatherings where we HAVEN'T ACTUALLY INVITED ANY ONE, she will get all passive aggressive and shit ('oh, so.. is this just for you guys?' etc). For that recent con, I wanted to get up on stage in the parade with the group I was in, and she just did this ';-;'. When I asked her what was wrong she was like 'not me too?' BITCH YOU AIN'T EVEN IN THE GROUP. ARGH. I called her out on the bullshit, but she continues to do it.

    I've seen her get REALLY clingy to other cosplayers she hasn't even met over twitter as well. And I mean, if you like them and think you would want to hang out, cool. But don't get all up in their grill, replying to every single thing they say with smiley faces and shit, it's just creepy.

    She's turning into more and more of a.. Storm. Like this And I mean, she's an animal lover. She's a bit of a hippie. I get that. But she's just so... misinformed about shit, and won't listen to any argument that is contrary to her opinions.

    And I just can't deal with that shit, /cgl/. I can't. If she knew what the fuck she was talking about, it'd be fine. But. Ugh. UGHHH. BUT SHE'S STILL NICE LIKE 60% OF THE TIME. FUCK.
    >> 1 of 2 11/02/11(Wed)20:05 No.5123254
    I was just starting university and I felt super awkward, because I'd waited four years after high school to attend. I was generally older than a lot of the student body and while I was friendly I wasn't openly social. I just went to class, very much enjoyed going to class, and then went home.

    One day the guy sitting next to me noticed the star wars patches I'd put on my backpack. We got to chatting about it and it turns out he seemed pretty cool. We started hanging out outside of class, going for lunch, that kind of thing. Not interested in a relationship or anything as I've been in the same one for several years, I just want friends at school.

    We start going on double dates with his girlfriend, things seem to be going well. The more we hang out the more I start talking about some of my more spiritual beliefs, and the more it seems we have in common. I'm ecstatic that I can talk to someone about this and we become closer.

    Suddenly I start to get a lot of weird comments from him. He randomly calls me, for example, and asks me frantically if I'm alright. I'm at home watching a movie with my boyfriend. I say as much, and I can hear him and his girlfriend saying they thought they "heard me cry out for help" in their minds. One confusing conversation later, I hang up and think nothing of it.
    >> 2 of 2 11/02/11(Wed)20:06 No.5123255
    He starts to tell me about all the strange dreams he has where he's basically a new god and everyone follows and worships him, and I start to notice that he is losing a sense of personal space. We are waiting for the bus at a stop near the mall with the entire block and street empty, but he stands right at my side. I move, he simply shifts back to being right at my side.

    I'm getting annoyed as fuck at this point. People in classes we share together are asking me why he's such a twat and all I can do is shrug and wonder why we're still friends. He's so fucking full of himself he corrects our novelist English professor on her grammar and ideas. We all can't believe his shit.

    Go out to lunch, tells me he chokes his girlfriend during sex. At this point, we've been friends for maybe two months.

    Finally at the mall with he and his girlfriend, I notice that he is trying to herd us. He's using his body to direct where we walk like some kind of fucking sheep dog. His girlfriend doesn't notice but I'm having to constantly try not to bump into him because he keeps getting in the way.

    Summer comes and classes are over, and he simply doesn't call me until the day fall semester starts. I tell him "No. I don't want to hang out." And that was the end of that.
    >> LittleJelloSalad !YG.DdnIWg6 11/02/11(Wed)20:21 No.5123285
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    I made an online friend, does that count?

    >Befriend someone from 4chan
    >Actually pretty chill, enjoys the same anime I do
    >Talk on Skype
    >Asks for a Skype call
    >sure why not
    >Spend a fucking hour and a half [I watched the clock] talking non-stop, uninterrupted about himself and his anarchist views.
    >Try to listen since some parts were actually pretty fascinating even if I didn't agree with them.

    >Next day, try to talk about anime
    >Asks me about my cosplay I'm working on
    >Briefly tell him what I'm doing
    >Doesn't listen to anything I've said and asks me the same question 3 more times
    >Cue another hour of anarchist rant/speech
    >This one gets so retarded I have to hang up because holy shit I just could not even

    >Asks me for another call
    >Politely decline
    >Gets mad

    >For once, you're right bro.

    I now only speak to people from /cgl/. I'd rather hear "lol ur fat" over an hour and a half speech about how an officer raped you with a speeding ticket so you now hate America.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)20:35 No.5123312

    pfffft oh god idk why but i just laughed so hard at that.

    I used to know this guy who added me on facebook who liked to blame everything bad in the world on the government. He was convinced the earthquake in Haiti was caused by government geologists. Basically he believed every conspiracy theory in the history of mankind and would tell me about them ALL THE TIME even after I blatantly told him "I don't give a shit, anything is possible but I just do NOT care".
    At one point he was trying to talk to me about politics or some shit while I was playing a video game. I told him I was busy, he wouldn't stfu. I kept telling him I was busy and did not give a rats ass and he started going on and on about how every video game ever is violent and how I'm being brainwashed to murder people.

    I was playing Stacking and Katamari.

    Now he randomly friends and defriends me.
    >> LittleJelloSalad !YG.DdnIWg6 11/02/11(Wed)20:49 No.5123330
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    That is really what he said I'm not even kidding you.
    I wish I had kept the convo, because I thought he was joking at first and thought it was fucking hilarious. [Until he brought in the WELL YOU'RE SO PC] then I realized he was being REAL WORLD.

    Oh gosh, I wonder if we're talking about the same guy because that is exactly what he sounded like.

    >Also Katamari brain washes people to murder.

    Oh gosh that mental image.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)21:10 No.5123357
    I'd shove him some anarchy in the uke, if you know what I mean.
    >> LittleJelloSalad !YG.DdnIWg6 11/02/11(Wed)21:19 No.5123385
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    I won't ever let you be lonely.
    I enjoy your pony reaction images too much.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)21:20 No.5123386
    I wonder if there are people here who knows what I'm talking about.

    > Dude on facebook adds me out of no where
    > Apparently, he's mutual friends with many of my lolita friends (of the Chicago area)
    > thought he was okay at first
    >talked about normal geek stuff
    > later conversations somehow involved his lack of plans for the future (being kicked out of schools several times)
    >he wouldn't quit popping up on my screen, whether it was an IM, a comment on my wall, or something
    > One day, my status was the song "Insane in the membrane" because it was stuck in my head
    >got some weird vibes when the guy commented about him liking that song
    >later that day
    >Mutual friend warned everyone to unfriend and block that guy
    >apparently, he was insane in the membrane, seeing how he'd been harrassing area teachers
    >> Soup [EmJoe member 808] !53NZMMnZYE 11/02/11(Wed)21:24 No.5123399
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    I didn't read the rest of your post by bro I agreed with you, fuck the police. I went to traffic court today to make an appointment for my hearing. If the MAN wasn't waiting for me at the bottom of the hill I wouldn't have to go thru all this trouble. fuck man hills are fun as fuck I shouldn't have to step on my breaks every 5 sec just to follow the speed limit that said man uses to oppress us. dude you should give me your skype so that I can tell you more about it :3
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)21:25 No.5123403
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    >post in a Homestuck meetup thread
    >someone adds me on Facebook from the thread
    >he (I'll call him S, I don't even remember his name) finds my number on my profile
    >calls me
    S talks nonstop for about ten minutes about things that have nothing to do with HS or the meetup. He's apparently 24, lives with his mom, and has no car. I make some shit excuse and hang up. He called me twice a day until the meet, but I'd learned my lesson and didn't answer.

    Then, the meetup.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)21:27 No.5123405
    He posted this huge facebook spiel about how all video games suck and are about killing now and there are no exceptions. I posted an argument, citing a bunch of games that I play that don't involve killing/fighting/destroying of any kind (Katamari, Stacking, Cooking Mama, Animal Crossing, etc etc), and that fighting and killing video games are excellent stress relief and I'm pretty fucking sure violent games aren't created by the government to brainwash people as a lot of my friends are game developers who have worked on violent video games and they definitely don't work for the government etc etc etc.
    He waved off my argument by saying that Katamari and Stacking were stupid games and the graphics for Katamari suck.
    Then he deleted his status and got all angry at me in my messages.

    Guy was a total psycho other than that. I wish he still had me on FB so I could show you some of his pictures. He fancied himself to be supa goffic #1 but just looked like a douche with lipstick.
    >> UKanon 11/02/11(Wed)21:28 No.5123408
    NameFagging cause this might take up a couple posts.

    > Be friends with a great girl for over 7 years
    > Met her in first year of secondary school when I was 12
    > Spend all of school being BFFs, honestly is the most fun person I've ever known
    > Cosplay together, go to Conventions, everything
    > Spend weekends over at each others' houses, go on vacations together, the works.
    > Graduate together
    > I'm 19 now, she's just turned 20

    > Don't hear from her for the entire summer
    > Like, the entire fucking summer. From around mid-May to now I didn't hear one god damned word from her. At all. Just completely out of the blue like she dropped off the face of the planet
    > Send her a message on Facebook or DeviantArt every couple days. Try really hard to get in contact with her for FOUR FUCKING MONTHS. She blatantly and completely ignores me.
    > I'm feeling like shit, wondering what I did. Why is she ignoring me? Did I do something?

    >> LittleJelloSalad !YG.DdnIWg6 11/02/11(Wed)21:30 No.5123412
    Oh gosh, this reminds me.
    I left out his other reasoning why speed limits should be abolished.

    His reasoning was:
    >"So what if people will get hurt or killed if I speed and crash into them? They'll get hurt or killed by murderers too! Or someone else could hurt them!"

    There's a law against that too, bro.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)21:35 No.5123418
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    At the meetup:
    >everyone's nice and a total bro, make several good friends
    >meet S in person
    >he's kind of awkward and yells a lot
    >end of the meetup, we're all at someone's house sitting in a circle for some reason
    >S sits next to me
    >suddenly shouts "RANDOM HUG" and awkwardly grabs me
    Everyone starts heading home, and I get ready to go. S apparently didn't figure out a ride and has no way to get home. I was thoroughly creeped out by him at this point, and had no intention of giving him a ride home. Eventually the girl whose house we were staying at lent him $96 dollars for a taxi home. At this point, I don't think he's paid her back. He apparently spent $300+ dollars to stay at a con that's coming up though. I'm going too, and I REALLY hope I don't see him.
    >> UKanon 11/02/11(Wed)21:35 No.5123420

    > Realize that over the summer she has been hanging out CONSTANTLY with some new girl I've never seen/heard of before. None of my other friends know who this new girl is either. But my BFF (Let's just call her Shiloh, I don't know) hasn't been in contact with any of us for MONTHS but is seeing this strange new chick every fucking day
    > This new girl Shiloh is with? She's 14. Yeah.
    > Shiloh is saying that this new LG is her best friend.
    > Umm. What.

    > Find out from our mutual friends that Shiloh has basically replaced everyone with this little girl. We're all understandably hurt and confused by this.

    > Get ahold of Shiloh around Mid-September via phone and demand to know what's going on

    > Shiloh's new BFF has filthy rich parents. They bought Shiloh a car for her 20th birthday.
    > Shiloh's new BFF has known her for two months. I've known her for SEVEN YEARS.
    > Literally half of this girl's life.

    > Find out over the last few weeks that Shiloh basically has no interest in any of us as friends any more, cause she's rather hang out with a cunty 14-year-old that has rich parents that buy her cars
    > They're going to San Francisco soon too, apparently, for no reason whatsoever.

    >> UKanon 11/02/11(Wed)21:41 No.5123430

    > Shiloh starts doing things like making Facebook statuses about how much she hates us now

    > We go for one last-ditch attempt to tell her "What the fuck, we've been friends with you for over a decade and you're ditching all of us for some Middle Schooler who buys you things"

    > Shiloh basically tells us to fuck off. Today she made a Facebook status saying that she's going to move away to some other country and isn't telling any of us where she's moving to

    > Fuck you then. I gave you over 7 years of my life and in five months you've decided you hate me and don't want any of us as friends cause you're new little 14-year-old BFF bought you a fucking car.

    There's a LOT of other stuff to go along with this, but it's basically "Today Shiloh did this, which was really cunty of her" and "Shiloh's new little friend is buying her a ballgown for some party they're going to, what the fuck" and nobody is interested in that.

    TL;DR Someone I knew and loved for more than 7 years turned into a cunty, bitchy, backstabbing little weasel virtually overnight, and replaced ALL of her friends with a bratty rich teenager cause her rich parents buy her things.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)21:47 No.5123438
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    >Shiloh's new BFF has filthy rich parents. They bought Shiloh a car for her 20th birthday.
    U mad, u jelly, u mirin?
    >> Soup [EmJoe member 808] !53NZMMnZYE 11/02/11(Wed)21:48 No.5123439

    yea I couldn't think of anything witty that can be use to reason with what he said, meh.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)21:49 No.5123443

    As I already have one, no.
    Am I angry that a friend I've had for years has totally ditched me for the teenager who BOUGHT her said car? Of fucking course I am. How observant of you.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)00:02 No.5123862
    Keep 'em coming!
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)01:05 No.5124137
    I was really close with this girl named Emily. We became friends my sophomore year of uni and had such a great time together. Emily was a pretty insecure person, and she would lash out at people because of it. I put up with it because I'm also insecure and felt sympathy for her problems. But it was just drama. ALL THE TIME. Everyone was always out to get her and she constantly talked shit about everyone behind their backs. She was also emotionally manipulative and pretty cruel. She knew I have issues with body image (tiny boobs, lots of scars), so she would brag in front of me about her flawless skin and what a burden it was to have huge, perfect boobs. She also mooched a fuck ton of money and other things off of me. She was super possessive of the time I spent with other people, and she would become angry if I went somewhere without telling her. An example that comes to mind was when my grandfather died and I left town for his funeral. I was very upset about it, and I only told my professors and my other friend Ashley. I just didn’t want to talk about it with anyone at that point. He was the only grandparent I’ve ever known who actually cared about me. I would have told Emily about it eventually, but when she heard from Ashley what had happened, she became extremely mad at me for telling Ashley first and not her. She wouldn’t talk to me for about a week afterwards.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)01:07 No.5124145
    Everything boiled over when I invited her and Ashley to be house for spring break. Emily had been being aggressive toward Ashley, because we simply got along better and had more in common. While at my house, Ashley was very kind and engaging with my family but Emily...she sulked either in my room or on a chair the entire time, reading her Kindle, and refusing to talk to anyone. My mother made a really nice dinner that Emily refused to eat and when I took them both on a beach picnic (that my mother had also made) she wouldn’t eat that either and complained that we had to walk too much. At my house, she just hid back in my room and watched tv and sulked. Emily is not a shy person, she's probably one of the most outgoing people I know. I couldn't believe how rude she was to my family.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)01:08 No.5124150
    When I eventually went upstairs to confront her, she burst into tears about how we were ignoring her and she just wanted to go home because she obviously wasn't wanted there. I can't remember another time when I was so pissed off. I'm usually fairly quiet, but I let her have it then. Ashley comforted her and she was fairly okay for the rest of the trip. She offended my father by basically telling him that all of his friends looked like pedophiles, but she was relatively agreeable the rest of the time.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)01:09 No.5124156
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    At the end of the summer, Emily and Ashley got into a fight because Emily left a box in her dorm when she was moving out and blamed Ashley for it. Emily got pissed at me for taking Ashley's side and threatened to beat us both up if she ever saw us again. It’s worth mentioning that she posted the majority of this on twitter, including things I had told her in confidence and threats of smearing Ashley and I so badly that no one at out university would ever talk to us again. Ashley was worried about being assaulted (as Emily is quite a bit larger than both of us), but I knew that Emily never had the guts to do it. I've actually ran into her a couple of times, and she's all sweet and smiling when she sees me. Fake fucking bitch.
    Also, she left these earrings at my house over spring break. I’m not giving them back.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)02:02 No.5124314
    My entire life experience is summed up by "befriending someone and then regretted it", with very few exceptions...
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)02:49 No.5124427
    This girl I met through cons started out really nice and we got along great. I ignored her personality hiccups because I hadn't had any friends since high school, and I thought that maybe this was normal behavior. To make a very long story short, she was incredibly emotional, cried and dramatized situations, but got very offended and snippy whenever someone suggested that she try to get over her issues and move on. Made assumptions about people that she believed had to be correct. Hated people based on those assumptions, but never intended to investigate further to see if assumptions were true or not. Tried to play bulldog on people, but was fairly spineless herself and dramatized herself as the victim. She also had abandonment issues, which exploded in my face after I started seeing someone she didn't like for fuck-knows-why. She complained that I wasn't spending enough time with her and that I'd changed so much that she hardly knew me (Which was bullshit. I'm a full-time student and I hardly saw my SO, as well as my other friends, because of the huge distance gap). Our relationship ended when she over-reacted to something I'd said, assumed a scenario, and then went to smear it to the group of people I was hanging out with until they hated me. I confronted her about it, but she played the victim card, turning it around like it was my fault and acted confused and hurt as to why I was ending our friendship.
    Nothing of value was lost, as the 3 people I explained the situation to later agreed that she went full retard and I was in the right for ragequitting our friendship, but jfc I could have done without that year of my life.
    >> 1/2 Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)07:17 No.5124730
    Let me tell you the epic, retarded, saga of T.

    I met B through mutual friends. I wasn't very close to T (I had heard rumors of drama, but she generally seemed fine, if not a bit of a Debbie Downer at times), but we were on friendly terms. For about two years we had our little group and all was well. Then T introduced G into the picture.
    >> 2/3 Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)07:19 No.5124731
    I lied, 2/3

    G had been friends with T before I met her, and so I only knew of G, not personally. G and I began to chat and realized we had a lot in common, similar interests in shows, games, the works. We added each other on Twitter and would have silly little quips back and forth throughout the day, mostly us being stupid about whatever fandom we happened to be taking a fancy to at the time. I noticed T getting more distant from me, and I was confused when she started treating me coldly and complaining to me to our friends. I attempted to talk to her about it, and it turns out she was apparently jealous of my sudden friendship with G. I apologized, not intending to exclude her, it just happened that she wasn't into the things G and I were into and therefore she couldn't really partake in our conversations (on Twitter mind you. She had to be stalking our conversations to see what we were doing).
    >> 3/3 Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)07:19 No.5124732
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    I asked T what I could do to show her I was sorry. She told me that I was not to talk to G unless she gave me permission. Wat. I explained to her that what G and I did was none of her business, and that she had no right to try to control me and who I was friends with. She then deleted me from everything and had a huge shitfit about the whole ordeal. I talked to G about it, who was unknowingly stuck in the middle, and completely in the dark. She was just as irritated by T's behavior and told me how T is basically a crazy control freak who wants to be the only bestu friendo in someone's life and will throw a tantrum if she doesn't get her way. She's been known to lock roommates out of her room at cons because they didn't want to do what she wanted to do, and quits her job every 6 months, only to then complain that she doesn't have any money for cosuprei and conventions.

    Pretty much the only friend T has left is a mutual friend C, who also pisses me off quite a bit lately. Either way it's just a bunch of stupid high school bullshit that was had by people in their fucking 20's (with T pushing 30). Delightful.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)11:44 No.5125083
    Now for something completely different..... or not, just a little bit weard
    Been con going for short time and finally con best friend into going with me. Been friends with her for years and only recently discovered that I had a huge crush on her. End up going as Red and Blue from pokemon cause it was her first time cosplaying at a big event and wanted it to be super fun. Both of us girls, relatively skinny (her moreso than me) and easy enough to hide our more feminine parts. Got asked for some photo's and just cause I wanted to be silly I started doing some less than pg13 things to my friend who was happy to go alone with it. Lo and behold this tall as hell, freckles and red hair does her little squeal and just HAS to come over and touch us. Not hug. Touch. Our hair, fiddle with costume, play with props. Not really a big thing, we were excited that someone was so excited about us. We are all of the derpy. She hangs with us the rest of the day. Telling us about how cute we were together and how she loved yaoi and yadda yadda. We line up for a panel and are waiting in line for a long time cause we want good seats. My friend is thirsty so I give her some money as ask her to get drinks for the both of us. She totters off happily leaving me with tall and lanky.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)11:50 No.5125094

    Silence for a while when a crossplayer must have walked past cause next thing I know she is going on about how she hates girls that dress as guys cause it confuses her and its not right to trick people. I Just kind of chuckle to myself, not saying anything about myself and my friend being girls. Apparently she actually thought we were guys. Friend comes back and hands me my drink saying 'here you go hunny' in a joking manner. Tall and lanky goes off her nut, saying how cute we were and how she wants to be a boy so she can be 'so kawaii' like us. Friend grabs my arm saying 'Well you cant have her, she's mine' .... -she- ... Tall goes silent. Nothing happens for a while. Go into panel, was a good panel. Come back out and need to pee so bad. Friend holds my stuff while I go into the girls bathroom. Suddenly hear a knock from the stall next to me.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)11:55 No.5125110

    "Hey are you there?" I say yes for some silly reason and this odd convo starts. "So you guys are really girls?" I say yes, cause I dont really want to lie to her but dont want to make her hate me either. Silence for a while before she starts getting confusing. "I thought I was straight, but around you I’m not sure" Well there goes my relaxing toilet time. I fix myself up and get out of there in a hurry. Extremely creeped now but she still hangs with us, just very quiet now. Almost to the end of the day and we are sitting down resting before making one last trip through for shopping. She looks at us. “You two don’t LOOK like a real couple” Huh? I am all of the confused at her suddenly talking, and also not sure how to word next comment to not put my foot in my mouth “Well we kinda arnt a couple” “But you were being all sexy and stuff for photo’s and calling each other nicknames” And me, attempting to be all suave, pulls my friend into a one armed hug and kiss the side of her head “That’s cause she is my OTP” I joke, but am secretly happy my friend is still snuggled up against me. Silence again. Then I notice that my friend is getting tired, which I think is adorable and kinda got a little jealous and wanted to keep her cute sleepiness all to myself. So we get up, got a quick round of the tables and walk down the street to our hotel. Tall follows us.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)11:57 No.5125112

    Ask her where she is going. She says she lives close by and she didn’t want to leave us girls by ourselves in a strange town. Lolwhut? I had been there many times before and knew enough to get by, but chose not to mention that. Try to say good night, doesn’t get the hint, follows us in. Try again at elevator, still doesn’t get it, follows us up. Give my stuff and the key card to friend cause I didn’t really want girly to know where our room was. Now alone with tall and lanky. Awkward insues.
    Hang around pretending to decide what to get from vending machiene, making all of the hints that I (and friend) will be going to bed as soon as I get to the room. She tells me we would look supa cute when we sleep, try to put her off by saying that I probbibly snored or something. She tells me that its ok, she would put up with my snoring cause it would be adorable. Tell her that she doesn’t need to put up with it cause she wasn’t sleeping with us anyway. Offers to stay in our room to check if we snored. Er……. I had no idea what to say. Then she started saying that I would probably also be warm to cuddle in bed, and soft cause I was a girl and something about my PJ’s, im not really sure.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)11:59 No.5125118

    But hell im getting all of the creeped now and don’t know how to exit without seeming like an ass. Bad timeing for my friend, she came back then, in her sleepwear, cause apparently I had been out there for a while and she didn’t know which side of the bed I wanted. Tall lit up like a friggen Christmas tree. “omg your sleeping in the same bed, that’s so cute, I bet your gonna wake up tomorrow cuddleing and stuff, im so jealous, I wish I got to cuddle with you too!” All of the exclamation marks. Friend, hugged my arm. “No, no-one gets to snuggle my girl but me” I am all the happy and am ready for the bedtime cuddles. I wave and we walk of without a goodbye. Though I do get a glance of a horrible death stare being directed our way. And yes. I got snuggles that night.
    Next day, we are holding hands and I am holding doors and we are being terribly cute with each other. We are sitting down, her on my lap, me feeding her chips when we hear from behind. “Gods you guys are disgusting, I cant believe you are doing that in public” Tall is here, telling us off for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)12:00 No.5125123

    We are in costume again and have been doing this stuff all day and no-one seemed to mind, infact some people took photo’s of us when we were just being all flirty and stuff. But she seemed to have this huuuuuge problem with us being like that. As if we were doing it just to get on her nerves, yet she wouldn’t leave us alone and every time I tried to do something flirty with my friend, tall would make this big huff about it. Eventually I got pissed and grabbed my friend and did the whole ‘bend back and kiss’ thing. Safe to say we got some cheers from passers by but tall of not impressed. “Your not a couple you cant just do things like that cause you give off the wrong impression” I was right pissed, she ruined a good moment “Well what if we ARE a couple, can we do our own shit then?” “Yeah but your not” Right then and there I asked my friend if she would date me, she immediately said yes I wore the smuggest of smugs on my face. Tall threw a fit . “Gosh, people are right, homo’s are freaks” She snobbed us and walked off. We only ever got glances of her for the rest of the con but I think we were too wrapped up in each other for the rest of the time to care.
    I guess in a way I have to thank her, its cause of her that I had the courage to ask my friend out. We have been together for a year now and I couldn’t be happier.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)12:13 No.5125165

    I don't know why but the fact you two were cosplaying Red and Blue made the story ten times cuter.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)12:24 No.5125199
    It was obvious she was jealous that you two had something going on that she couldn't be apart of so she tried to shame you to make her feel as shitty as she did. Congrats though a great situation came out of an awkward one!
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)17:22 No.5126129
    I would feel worse for you but you say you're in Uni and you have the spelling of a middle school student. With a mental issue. Please learn how to spell.

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