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    Love, Doc "old moot" Brown

    File : 1320132331.jpg-(43 KB, 720x480, 281424_183458715051978_183448585052991_4(...).jpg)
    43 KB Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)03:25 No.5118024

    I'm just going to leave this here.

    I don't know her well at all, but she has been spamming her local comm with some very questionable sales post and she is convinced she is a French goddess. Any lulzy stories would be amazing. She is a cosplayer more than a lolita according to her bio.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)04:01 No.5118084
    Why subject yourself to such a thing? Why not just leave it be? What do you think making a thread is going to achieve? "I don't like this person so I'm going to invite other people to insult and degrade her, yay me, I'm such a credit to society"???
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)04:03 No.5118087
    I am horrified to learn that what I thought was a 45 year old hambeast is actually one who is 5 years YOUNGER than me! What is this nonsense that I am looking at???
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)04:10 No.5118095
         File1320135047.jpg-(50 KB, 600x800, 192856_188188637912319_1834485(...).jpg)
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    I'm thankful she wear wigs sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)04:17 No.5118100
    Hey man I just wanted to know what her deal was. I had a few friends complain to me about her, and was seeing if I could get some other stories in a more anonymous setting where people could feel more honest. She seems pretty deluded and snarky even from her FB 'fan' page, and I wanted to know if she is like that in person.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)04:23 No.5118107
    Huh. I remember checking out her LJ after I saw her post some crap comments on EGL... now if only I remembered what thread it was...
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)04:24 No.5118108
    >What do you think making a thread is going to achieve?
    Not OP, but seriously, what do most threads here achieve? WTF are you doing on cgl..?
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)04:32 No.5118118
    I am more annoyed by her obnoxious writing, which is pretty much a cheap, badly executed imitation of De Sade's writings >:|
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)04:37 No.5118123
    but shes a NOVELIST~! i wish there was a french equivalent of DESU i could throw in there for good measure.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)04:39 No.5118126

    You're new here, aren't you?

    Anyway, OP. Never mind the hair, what the hell is with that material?! Why are people obsessed with silk/satin costumes? I am more outraged by this than the hambeast in it.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)04:46 No.5118132
    >Why are people obsessed with silk/satin costumes?

    Like most things, it's good in moderation. [spoiler]Just kidding I fucking hate silk and anyone that wears it[/spoiler]
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)05:01 No.5118150
    She probably thinks she looks all lush and decandent... while in reality she looks like a deranged Milanoo reject
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)05:04 No.5118153
    >I'm an eccentric man living on his own fullfilling my eccentric dreams and mannerisms. I do strange things, quite a lot. I am a gentleman living in France, I have visited all over the world including Asia most of Europe and obscure places. I sew my own clothing as well as comsission then. I am mostly a writer writing French satire or erotic sick fuckery.


    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)05:06 No.5118157
    none of that describes her, it is probably her crazy alter ego?
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)05:07 No.5118158
    ...same here. Granted, the OP pic is less flattering than her facebook pics.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)05:08 No.5118159
    After I read around it's either that or a writing journal.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)05:08 No.5118160
    I am assuming it's her creative writing?
    Long-time BDSMer here and I fucking hate people like her. They just write in that pseudo-Sade style and live these lies online.... like wanting to be called 'Empress' or referring to themselves as 'gentlemen' and yapping about their manners and the 'obscure places' they have traveled. Honey, gentlemen of good manners do not go on LJ to brag about them, k?
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)05:10 No.5118163
    This. Whether it is creative writing or alter ego, eccentric men do not usually describe themselves as eccentric.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)05:11 No.5118164
    that pic IS from her facebook.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)05:16 No.5118173
    I can see how painful is being on her body, poor ugly dresses :S
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)05:32 No.5118187

    WHY did you have to bring that up? As a writer myself, with a morbid curiosity for things, I HAD to look.


    "My darling whores do not know how I feel and I can only sigh in discontentment. I want to be there for them more and I want them to always have a place to turn when things become dark. "

    ..... Because being a whore isn't a fucking DARK PLACE? *pulls hair*

    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)05:41 No.5118192
    If she wants to be a writer in English she better get her prepositional verbs right.... "have a place to turn"? What is this, is this a place that you flip over or something? And she describes herself as a novelist...
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 11/01/11(Tue)06:05 No.5118202
         File1320141919.jpg-(82 KB, 396x382, 1313711941203.jpg)
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    What the everloving fuck is she talking about on her journal? Seriously, WHAT?!
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)06:47 No.5118231
    There were also some pics of her either stuffing herself in brand, or stuffing herself in replica dresses.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)07:07 No.5118246
         File1320145639.jpg-(60 KB, 800x600, 313265_216096858454830_1834485(...).jpg)
    60 KB
    You mean like so?
    It's a replica btw. But all teh photos are public since the FB page is a FAN PAGE. Yes, a fan page she made for herself. I don't even care for her weight, there are lolitas her size and bigger that make it work. I just hate how she is so ill-coordinated, with no attention to hair and make-up and yet she finds it fit to post these horrible pics on her fan page.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)07:08 No.5118247
         File1320145713.jpg-(99 KB, 960x720, 294013_216097418454774_1834485(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)07:11 No.5118249
    Her whole writing style is painfully awkward. I mean, "sigh in discontentment"? Ugh! It's reflected quite aptly in the OP's picture though, clothed in swathes of that godawful, cheap costume satin: she's trying her hardest attain the allure of elegance and failing miserably. There's not a better visual metaphor I can think of.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)07:11 No.5118250
         File1320145893.jpg-(62 KB, 800x600, 321084_223192554411927_1834485(...).jpg)
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    The stuff of nightmares
    >> Chanana 11/01/11(Tue)08:19 No.5118313
         File1320149946.jpg-(164 KB, 474x640, 1312677312311.jpg)
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    Si elle était vraiment une déesse, on serait vraiment tous dans la merde.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)09:07 No.5118349
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)09:14 No.5118357
         File1320153279.png-(274 KB, 275x420, myeyes.png)
    274 KB public...WHY?!
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)09:16 No.5118360
    Sweet. We need a new PT.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)09:16 No.5118361
         File1320153419.png-(637 KB, 647x451, penguin.png)
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    ...she looks like the Penguin from that Batman movie.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)09:18 No.5118362
         File1320153537.png-(458 KB, 356x483, boob.png)
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    Is her boob supposed to be sliding like that?
    >> William Moeface 11/01/11(Tue)09:19 No.5118364
         File1320153561.png-(137 KB, 360x360, 1267221421096.png)
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    I absolutely cannot fap to this.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)09:21 No.5118369
    Question...why does the user profile say she's a guy?
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)09:23 No.5118370
         File1320153793.png-(410 KB, 365x490, kaya.png)
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    >Cosplaying Kaya
    The fuck you are! I have a friend that's maybe just smaller than her but she cosplayed that Kaya version and pulled it off way better and wtf is that shitty fabric? Kaya's dress isn't even made out of that kind of material!
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)09:34 No.5118377
    She's so bad her own breasts are trying to escape her.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)09:36 No.5118380
    Walking arround like this is so humiliating it´s self-harm.
    I´d not even go out like this if I had such a body and face if I was paid 5000 usd. I´m dead serious.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)09:40 No.5118383
    >My love burns with the intensity of a million orchestras on fire, and that would be a lot of violins burning.

    Literally lol'd
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)10:00 No.5118401
    What country is she actually from?
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)10:10 No.5118418
         File1320156624.jpg-(69 KB, 720x960, 297639_10150302016827972_77814(...).jpg)
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    My god, I was expecting maybe 30 years old if that's the case, 1990? jesus shit, she's only two years older than me D:


    Fucking agreed.

    Being a whore is not necessarily a dark place. I know plenty of whores who are very comfortable with themselves.

    I think she thinks this is an overbust corset. It isn't.

    Reminds me of Nikki Boston... Augh that poor corset =[
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)10:11 No.5118422
    even pt isn't this big
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)10:16 No.5118426

    Ha, I like how if someone thinks its not cool to degrade people they're suddenly "new". Apparently everyone on /cgl/ is a shit pile.

    Just popping in from the front page to say that. Carry on.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)10:18 No.5118429
    >My god, I was expecting maybe 30 years old if that's the case, 1990? jesus shit, she's only two years older than me D:
    ....she's one year younger than me. What the fuck is this shit? She looks twice my age in OP's pic.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)10:20 No.5118432
    Only 21.

    She'd probably wouldn't look so much older if she took better care of herself. If she didn't have all the weight, she'd probably look younger.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)10:20 No.5118434
    Dunno where the fuck you are, but this shit is ON the front page.

    And from everything I can see, this person is worthy of mockery.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)10:22 No.5118438
    So you look at all these pictures of her and think "Wow what a gorgeous lady in gorgeous clothing!" ?
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)10:35 No.5118464

    She looks older than I do, and I'm almost 30.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)10:51 No.5118497
    >Dear diary,
    >I did something human today and I am very proud. I helped one of my whores with her hair.

    Well she/he/it/whateverthispersonais just did their good deed for the day and earned a merit badge for helpin' the hoes.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)11:31 No.5118568
    Bricks shat, doods. I go to uni with this girl.

    ...but, I only met her briefly at our school's anime club. We talked about Lolita fashion. I thought she was dressed a little too sexy for Lolita, but she was friendly enough.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)11:39 No.5118583
    OP pic is the worst really, I thought she was 40. the one on your post I can buy for being in her 20s.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)11:39 No.5118585

    I hope.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)11:40 No.5118587
    and by your post I mean >>5118418
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)11:54 No.5118605

    Dear god that's from Dragon*Con. Dear god there's pictures from AWA.

    My god she's Georgian.

    Oh god, guys. Guys I am so sorry.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)13:28 No.5118788
    Dear lord she lives near me.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)14:16 No.5118899
    Oh god, this girl. I've had some limited contact with her, and she's a weirdo.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)14:19 No.5118903
         File1320171561.jpg-(94 KB, 720x480, 1320132331492.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)14:21 No.5118907
         File1320171702.gif-(296 KB, 320x180, 2n7kue.gif)
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    Why would you do this to us, Anon?
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)15:06 No.5119027
    is this a gekka!mana cosplay
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)15:32 No.5119092
    >>be frenchdude lurking /cgl/
    >>find a thread about some ambulocetus lolcow
    >>there's even a link for a facebook group
    >>"france i'm coming for you"

    jesus fuck, if that thing come close to my country beaches, i d'ont think we will have big enough harpoons to repel it
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)15:41 No.5119119
         File1320176480.jpg-(154 KB, 960x720, 309367_211288408935675_1834485(...).jpg)
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    That poor chair, and whoever sat on it next.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)15:44 No.5119134
         File1320176693.png-(61 KB, 230x164, 1269875290867.png)
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    Imagine if you were underneath that chair, looking up.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)15:50 No.5119154
    Well, I'm not going to sleep tonight now.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)15:52 No.5119158
    According to her little page, yes. Yes it is.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)15:58 No.5119178
         File1320177510.png-(61 KB, 252x221, 1318081249471.png)
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    Imagine how it smells. Maybe it's a hot day and you took a seat. Maybe you realize that there's the faint smell of hambeast taint clinging to your chair. Desperate to get away, you go to jump out of your seat, and as you do, you can hear the sound of your clothing (maybe a nice sundress? If you're a gentleman, perhaps a handsome coat) just tearing away from the obscene...stickiness her disgusting hole has wept all over the tear, the fabric straining to come away from the metal with a sickening sclurp.
    >> ei666shii !otnRSDkuZA 11/01/11(Tue)16:07 No.5119202
    >> ei666shii !otnRSDkuZA 11/01/11(Tue)16:08 No.5119206
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)16:10 No.5119214

    I slide underneath the chair. Bits of her flesh poke through the metal, and I greedily lap at her clit. It's like a glistening kidney bean. She moans and grunts, grinding her body into the chair. A smell of ancient coins stuffed into a rotting fish carcass flows over me, and my cock hardens to the point of pain. I long to sink it into her greasy, slimy rolls.
    >> ei666shii !otnRSDkuZA 11/01/11(Tue)16:15 No.5119235
    So descriptive....
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)16:20 No.5119251
    Waffle patterns all day, errryday.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)16:21 No.5119255
    What, seriously? This thing is a woman?

    I suddenly feel a lot better about myself and my looks.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)16:26 No.5119276
    I thought I was the only one who thought that. I lol'd so hard.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)17:03 No.5119386
    Her private FB:
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)17:12 No.5119415
    Her boobs spilling over inside the corset look so comical from that angle. I keep staring, but I can't quite understand what's going on with them, and how she's contorted them to THAT shape with THAT corset. They deserve their own sideshow at a carnival.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)17:24 No.5119457
         File1320182690.jpg-(18 KB, 300x255, 1319833976833.jpg)
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    She dismounts her iron throne and prepares to impale herself on my throbbing member. White mucus mixed with rank vaginal yeast drips down and slides, glistening, down my rock-hard shaft. She begins to ride me and I feel my hips crack, groaning like the old planks of some ancient Parisian whore's opium scented boudoir. She presses her dry, cracked lips to mine. Her throat tastes of old cigarettes and mouldering cheese. I thrust my tongue longingly into her craven jowls as I vomit, spilling a dinner of White Castles and Funyuns into her mouth and down her ruddy, pocked cheeks. She swallows gratefully and pulls a long, greasy hair out of a follicle just below her left nipple.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)17:27 No.5119465

    what the fucking fuck did I just read
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)17:30 No.5119474

    I don't know if you're still here but omg another lolita whose a fan of Sade? And here I thought I'd never find a lolita who shared this common interest. If you're still here do you want to exchange emails or something?
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)17:32 No.5119479
         File1320183167.jpg-(55 KB, 715x560, 1319543702584.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)17:39 No.5119500

    I'm aroused to the point of pain. Like a newborn kitten, I seek the glory of her flabby, distended breast. My lips suck at her hardened nipple. Suddenly, there is a gush into my mouth, as a ripe cyst bursts. A mixture of pus, blood, and oil flows down my chin as I suck. She screeches in pleasure and pain, and tenses her body. A long, fragmented turd is pushed from her bowels, and cradles gently on my acne-studded ballsack.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)17:40 No.5119502
    >>5119474 omg another lolita whose a fan of Sade
    I personally have trouble finding gothic lolitas who aren't into all sorts of BDSM related stuff
    Funny, isnt it
    It helps when you look for older lolitas, and darker styles
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)17:42 No.5119507
    Never before I was so glad that my English is bad and I'm a slow reader.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)17:55 No.5119541

    Please more!
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)17:57 No.5119550

    Hah, maybe thats my problem, I'm a sweet lolita. AP and Baby all day, err day.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)18:01 No.5119562

    I stand after gently pushing her onto her back. The turd falls from my balls, leaving a thick smear of ass-chocolate. The smell arouses me even more. "Eat me," she gargles through her several chins. She lies back and uses her stubby fingers to spread her labia. She is revealed, in all her crusty, congealed piss and chunky yellow smegma smeared glory. Glistening curds of yeast slide from inside her. I moan, and fill myself with the smell of her. It's like a roadkill and piss casserole baked for hours and basted with pure liquid shit. I start at her puckered asshole. I gently nibble the thick black hairs, and months worth of crusty old shit, topped with today's special homemade fudge sauce.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)18:02 No.5119564
    ....I have read a LOT of disturbing and downright sick fanfiction on AFF but this actually made me gag.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)18:07 No.5119574

    I lick up her hairy taint, and get my first taste of her diseased clam. Matted pubic hairs are stuck to her skin with old, crusty smegma. Suddenly, she queefs loudly. I watch in fascination as her stinkhole flaps open, as the smell of sewage and rotting corpses bathes my face. I fill my lungs deeply again and again. I lower my head to her, and begin to take mouthful after mouthful of slimy yeast-curds and greenish clots of vaginal mucus. Without warning, I vomit directly inside her. Her vagina accepts my steaming gift lovingly. "I need you inside me," she moans.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)18:09 No.5119578
    That's nasty, but I need to read more.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)18:10 No.5119579
         File1320185425.jpg-(24 KB, 512x384, swandontwant.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)18:13 No.5119586
    Please send it to her. As "fan"fiction.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)18:14 No.5119592

    I move up, carefully positioning myself on top of her. My cock slides inside, but her hole is so lubricated by now that I only feel the top of her vagina. We kiss, vaginal mucus and vomit swirling around both of our tongues. "I'm almost there," she grunts. Her bloodshot eyes roll back in her head, and she starts convulsing. She queefs again, and the flapping is enough to bring on my orgasm. "FUCK THIS GAY EARTH," I scream at the top of my lungs, as I stand and aim my filthy penis at her face. She has explosive diarrhea, and it bathes my shins as my balls pulse with orgasm. She squeals and relaxes, one last turd popping forth from her anus with a soft smooching sound.

    And that is how I lost my virginity.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)18:18 No.5119600
         File1320185893.jpg-(15 KB, 512x384, swansick.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)18:20 No.5119608
         File1320186044.gif-(1.68 MB, 300x225, 1319326119180.gif)
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    I lost it.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)18:26 No.5119622
    nigga u gross
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)18:33 No.5119642


    I agree you send it to her!
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)19:41 No.5119800
    Anyone sent it? Post reaction here please!
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)19:53 No.5119829
         File1320191582.jpg-(136 KB, 500x532, IlikeWherethisisgoing.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)19:54 No.5119833
         File1320191668.jpg-(59 KB, 288x396, 1318273865310.jpg)
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    >>5119457 here. Glad other writers took up the cause.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)19:55 No.5119837
         File1320191736.jpg-(9 KB, 187x270, fuckthisgayearth.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)19:57 No.5119842

    Thanks for your contribution. I had intended it to be a one parter, but after you kept going with it, people kept asking for more. There are worse ways to spend a night.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)20:44 No.5119913
    So I went to a convention back in like 2006 with this bitch. We went to the rave and she complained of chaffing after about 10 minutes.

    I just wept because I stayed in the same room as this creature.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)20:46 No.5119918
    I bet those thighs rubbing together did chafe. Did she stink?
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)20:49 No.5119932
    I think it's a dude, js
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)21:58 No.5120208
    dude so this chick goes to the same college as me and those pictures of her in the corset that doesn't fit were taken on campus. she also wears this shit on campus like a week ago I saw her wearing cat ears.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)22:05 No.5120236
         File1320199536.gif-(2.84 MB, 252x187, 1277665941399.gif)
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    is that bitch wearing her corset upside down. I'm..ju..just...I'm.wdgioahiopw4th[ryjkuuik,li
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)22:05 No.5120237
         File1320199550.jpg-(60 KB, 600x800, 300600_223192707745245_1834485(...).jpg)
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    what the fuck does she have on her head?
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)22:13 No.5120261

    Looks like a giant ejaculated rainbows, cakes and glitter on her head.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)22:15 No.5120271
         File1320200138.jpg-(198 KB, 480x640, 1312401265222.jpg)
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    Oh if only these two would get together.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)22:17 No.5120282
    Holy crap it is upside down!
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)22:24 No.5120307
         File1320200646.jpg-(50 KB, 553x785, 297320_231698926894623_1834485(...).jpg)
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    nice matching bad there. and I think this pic if from the AWA costume contest.... I dont know what the hell she was doing in it
    >> William Moeface 11/01/11(Tue)22:25 No.5120313
         File1320200755.png-(294 KB, 640x429, 1266973680087.png)
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    She's from Georgia and that corset picture was supposedly taken on her campus?

    >>dat quasi-familiar scenery

    She can't be a Scottie, can she?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)00:01 No.5120520
    Any other dramu?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)00:19 No.5120553
    good god that dress is exploding
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)01:15 No.5120677
    I... I think she's trying to do some sort of Rococo-style wig or something? Fuck, I dunno.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)01:20 No.5120694
    Not even being mean... But >>5118024 looks like a 40 year old trucker in drag.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)08:49 No.5121734
    You can see obvious places where she's shaved her face...
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)08:52 No.5121737
    I still can't get over the fact that this woman is a year younger than me. I just can't wrap my head around it. She looks like she should be around my mother's age!
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 11/02/11(Wed)08:52 No.5121738
    I just realised something.

    She's meant to be a 'roccoco era' french duke or something, right?

    So... flat irons?
    Has anyone tried asking her at what point Nicky Clarke travelled back in time...?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)09:15 No.5121762
         File1320239712.jpg-(56 KB, 600x800, troll.jpg)
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    She looks like a little pink troll or something.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)09:20 No.5121770
         File1320240058.jpg-(39 KB, 216x150, Dale-fat-pony.jpg)
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    Kinda makes me think of obese ponies for some reason.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 11/02/11(Wed)09:24 No.5121775
    Haha, oh lord. I wasnt quick enough to get screenshits but here's what just happened:
    me: (on her FB 'fanpage': "Why have you made yourself a fan page? Just wondering."
    her: "Because I'm awesome."
    my friend (who I had just introduced to the thread): "Who else is gonna? Also you going to France would be more horrific than the Normandy landings."
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)09:31 No.5121795
    How can you tell? Just curious
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)09:33 No.5121799
    She really does resemble it...

    She'll be awesome when she stops looking twice her age and ditches the damn satin dresses.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 11/02/11(Wed)09:34 No.5121801
    She says she welcome cgl's attention.

    Well guys, I guess you got permission to give it your all...!?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)09:46 No.5121823

    Holy shit you're right


    How do you not realise that? Does she think that's how it's meant to go?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)09:49 No.5121826
    She'll probably see us as some sort of bizarre French Revolution.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)09:51 No.5121830
    Wow, you are a bitch.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)09:52 No.5121834

    Her explanation was he's a vampire so he lives forever.

    But that doesn't explain shit about how flat irons got to the past unless in her mind time is circular. Just wait long enough and it'll come back around. Like Futurama.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 11/02/11(Wed)09:54 No.5121838

    Hey, I didn't say it. I was literally wondering what her aim was. I just asked her about the flat irons and she's explaining what the hell it means, I'm just talking to her.
    Seems my friend reacts badly to her is all. :'3 She banned him from posting.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)09:55 No.5121839
    >Haha, oh lord.
    Yeah, you are still a bitch.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 11/02/11(Wed)09:59 No.5121847

    Okay anon whatever. The suddenness made me laugh, I didn't think he'd even read the thread let alone have such violent thoughts on it. :'3 I am... so tired of being made out to be some raging cunt lately. If laughing at someone's ridiculously OTT comment makes me some horrendous bitch then what. ever.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)10:01 No.5121850
    You are just an indirect and sly bitch to avoid confrontation. Don't worry, I just have particularly keen bitch sensors; most others won't even notice.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 11/02/11(Wed)10:06 No.5121855

    Sure you have, okay. :/ I don't honestly believe I have the intelligence to be 'sly' though.
    So many other people have said awful things about her and yet you pick me up on something someone else said... that sounds more like a vendetta than keen bitch sensors to me. If you really do mean you 'sense' I'm some megabitch then your sensor is broken, I'm afraid. Unless you're just picking up on my really bad mood residue left over from a traumatic chain of events I've had to deal with... That could be MAKING me sound like a total arsehole...
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)10:08 No.5121862
    Just the first post I seen; I have no vendetta against you. I wasn't going to respond to a post that was left yesterday. I agree, majority of the people that posted here who are equally as bitchy as you. I don't care about your life at all so I'm not going to respond to that or give you any sympathy.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 11/02/11(Wed)10:11 No.5121865

    I didn't mean for you to, I wasn't asking for sympathy I was just offering an explaination
    God there's so much seriousness around cgl today what in gods name is going on.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)10:28 No.5121899
    I don't care. I would hope that people's personalities wouldn't change when bad things happen to them; that is a pretty crummy justification. Doesn't even matter, it's just my opinion...I'm sure others don't even care that you indirectly troll some person on facebook; with your friend being a pawn and taking responsibility for it.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 11/02/11(Wed)10:31 No.5121904

    Wow. So I went from being not even noticed in the thread to being manipulative cunt who uses their friends to upset strangers? And you can apparently read my mind and KNOW that I am a huge bitch? And you don't recognise that people sometimes have bad moods?
    I can smell samefag, pretty sure I was *just* talking to you. Sage for more weirdness.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)10:34 No.5121910
    >my friend (who I had just introduced to the thread): "Who else is gonna? Also you going to France would be more horrific than the Normandy landings."
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)10:34 No.5121914
    Pretty sure it's that autistic anon from the other thread. Just stop replying, this argument is going nowhere.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)10:37 No.5121922
    >if we accuse this poster of being autistic, then their opinion means nothing!
    Do you know what an ad hominem is?
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 11/02/11(Wed)10:38 No.5121924

    I thought that too but I'm not so good at recognising samefag sometimes. I will take your advice, anon.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)10:39 No.5121926
    Later, bitch.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)10:43 No.5121936
         File1320245016.jpg-(75 KB, 586x577, wtf.jpg)
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    I know it's a replica, but that poor dress..
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)10:48 No.5121947

    I like you, Anonymouse. You've always come off as kind of sweet-but-awkward to me. Ignore the anon, they're just anally injured because... not sure.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)10:50 No.5121950
    jesus fucking christ
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 11/02/11(Wed)10:51 No.5121952
         File1320245465.gif-(39 KB, 250x219, 1320093919814.gif)
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    Aw. D: Thank you anon! I do panic over shit like that because... well, I'm socially retarded and don't know when people are taking things I've said the wrong way. Sage because I don't want to bump a thread by talking about myself ._. But have this zombie pusheen in thanks. Because he's cute.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)10:51 No.5121955

    Your opinion means nothing anyway. You're just autistic on top of that
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)10:52 No.5121957
    why I think she should stick to satin
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)10:52 No.5121958
    >Haha, oh lord. I wasnt quick enough to get screenshits but here's what just happened:
    me: (on her FB 'fanpage': "Why have you made yourself a fan page? Just wondering."
    her: "Because I'm awesome."
    my friend (who I had just introduced to the thread): "Who else is gonna? Also you going to France would be more horrific than the Normandy landings."
    What a total sweetheart.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)10:53 No.5121961
    Obviously it means something to her:>>5121952
    I'm not autistic, what is your IQ?
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 11/02/11(Wed)10:54 No.5121969

    We just had this conversation. If you want to drag up some horrible shit about me at least find something new, I already explained that in a different thread where you are now being asked if you are autistic because you are the only one who doesn't understand what I mean.
    Well done for revealing your samefag, by the way. I thought you weren't vendettafagging and this is the first thread you've seen me in?

    I'm so creeped out. SAGESAGESAGE. :c
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)10:54 No.5121970
         File1320245693.jpg-(62 KB, 800x600, roflbot-KC0R.jpg)
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    Just ignore the troll, seriously. You haven't even done anything.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)10:55 No.5121971

    Jesus god, I hope it got a decent funeral.


    hi there perversemarquis
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:00 No.5121986

    Higher than yours.


    Challenge accepted.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:01 No.5121988
    I never said I wasn't the other poster in that thread, because I am and that's the only other post of yours I seen. So, I have no vendetta against you. No need to feel "creeped out".
    >being called autistic where there is someone who described themselves as "socially retarded"
    Oh, the irony.
    Not that person, what is up with all the ad hominems you guys throw around? It's like the only argument you have.
    Of course she did nothing. What don't you get? She showed her friend the thread so he would take the blame and she laughed about it. It's a way of getting people to do your dirty work for them, sly bitchiness.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:01 No.5121989
    Higher than 144? I'm impressed.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:03 No.5121993

    I was thinking that looked like a dragon con hotel
    oh god you confirmed it
    fuck yea I love living in the ghetto; I barely see this kind of shit until I run up north/into the city/dragoncon
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:04 No.5121995
    ...the hell is this mediocre shit?

    >The Master: Darling… -He paused holding one of her hands still- Your children…they aren’t at boarding school…

    >Cassandra: -She then stood up and threw the utensils at him- Are you telling me…? –She paused-

    >The Master: -He never looked so uncomfortable in his life.- Yes, I ate them. I ate them and carved their bones to make utensils. I love children and I love virgins. – He smiled-
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:04 No.5121998
    More OT:

    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:06 No.5122001
    >Of course she did nothing. What don't you get? She showed her friend the thread so he would take the blame and she laughed about it. It's a way of getting people to do your dirty work for them, sly bitchiness.

    ....she showed him the page but didn't make him comment. Hell, it was funny and if I lived in France, I wouldn't want this nutjob anywhere near my country.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:07 No.5122002
         File1320246428.jpg-(45 KB, 500x380, lol_cat-12926.jpg)
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    I can't stop laughing over that you actually think you have an IQ of 144.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:08 No.5122007
    I'm the one being accused of being autistic, yet you clearly don't know how bitches operate.
    It's an objective fact, not my opinion.
    >> Raeganon 11/02/11(Wed)11:09 No.5122009
    Well, if it makes any difference, I think you're a bitch too.

    Just one that isn't fully aware of the fact that she is one. You really need to do some Inception shit and fix your bitch once and for all.
    Sometimes, all not being a bitch requires is a ten second pause. Put on your fucking thinking cap...or better, sit down in the thinking chair
    and think
    Because when you use your mind,
    and take it a step at a time, you can be less of a fucking ass.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:10 No.5122010
    Online quizzes don't count, bro.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:10 No.5122011

    Actually, my IQ is 149 or the 99.8th percentile, according to my last psychologist's report. Of course, I'll have to adjust that to take into account your age as I refuse to believe that anyone over 12 thinks that "MY IQ IS HIHER DAN URS" is an acceptable insult, especially considering how utterly fucking meaningless IQ results are.

    Now shut the fuck up, stop yelling at some innocent tripfag and go back to masturbating furiously over closeups of Pandomi's eyebags. Also sage. Because fuck.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:11 No.5122016
    Anyone curious and a little creeped out by this entry?
    I thought at first this journal was for roleplaying or something but it seems like she keeps up this persona in real life because this sounds like her experience at a convention and all the pictures are deleted (from a private album) and obviously based on a real person she met.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:13 No.5122019
    I'm well aware of that, bro.
    It's an acceptable response to being accused of being autistic. I wasn't insulting you. She is so damn innocent, yet she is getting involved in the lives of people who don't affect hers, clearly for trolling purposes since she reports the info back to the admitted trolls.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:14 No.5122021
    Well, not a convention but some sort of actual club in real life that hosted a fetish show and a costume contest.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 11/02/11(Wed)11:15 No.5122024
         File1320246914.gif-(40 KB, 100x100, 1318007263446.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:15 No.5122025
    >she is getting involved in the lives of people who don't affect hers, clearly for trolling purposes since she reports the info back to the admitted trolls.
    90% of /cgl/ right there. When in Rome, do as the Romans.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:17 No.5122030

    Dude, she's asking questions that were asked by people in the threads.

    Rather than speculating and rumormongering she's getting answers for the questions from the people.

    That's like the exact opposite of trolling. Especially since the people she's "trolling" aren't getting mad. The only one mad here is you.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:17 No.5122031
    >argumentum ad populum
    Yeah, I know that this board is full of insecure bitches that need to troll as an outlet for their feelings. Doesn't make it right.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:17 No.5122032
    So did she just have a conversation with some random chick at a club and get some sort of creep obsession over her just because she's French and wore a nice dress? Then she goes and takes private images that were sent to her and puts them up on a public LJ? Wtf.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:24 No.5122047

    Protip: people with asperger's have higher IQs than average

    confirmed for aspergers
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:26 No.5122051
    >hey guys, I will act nice and ask questions while you directly troll and insult her...then I will laugh about it
    <sarcasm>Yeah, totally not a bitch.<sarcasm> Yeah, again with the mad, people have been wishing death upon me, yet I'm the one who is mad? nope.jpg
    I have no mental disorders, and even if I did it wouldn't make my opinion wrong.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:27 No.5122052
    Oh thank God. Anon, print this comment out an take it to your doctor: You've been diagnosed!
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:29 No.5122056
    Who cares? It's not like we're discussing some poor innocent girl out of jealousy. She's crazy out of her mind.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:30 No.5122058
    >How dare you make fun of someone who posts retarded shit and awful pictures of themselves on a public site ? You're just insecure bitches !
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:30 No.5122061

    Hey, not to be rude but... genuinely curious, if you have no mental disorders then how come you have a clinical IQ? Usually the only time psychologists take IQ tests is during diagnosis/treatment for disorders. Why would you have been to a clinical psychologist otherwise? Because your IQ is clinical, right? Not just self-tested?


    >mfw I'm French and into BDSM
    Were the pictures deleted or what?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:33 No.5122070
         File1320248032.jpg-(72 KB, 479x720, 282054_183455758385607_1834485(...).jpg)
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    That is the most unflattering outfit I have ever seen. She looks like a piece of sushi roll.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:35 No.5122076
    Did she attach fake hair in the back that doesn't even MATCH her real hair?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:35 No.5122077
    Jesus christ, her LJ is like one of those old Jrock fanfiction trainwrecks I use to stumble into.

    I can't stop reading for sake of the lulz, but it fills me with such RAGE.

    Jesus fuck, what is the matter with this woman!?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:36 No.5122078
    People can do whatever they want; it doesn't affect them directly so in my opinion they are only doing it out of insecurity. Most of the posts reek of insecurity.
    I don't know anything about this person, but I know she has no affect on me so it really isn't any of my business what she does.
    I had to take an IQ test to get into a school for "gifted"(their word, not mine) children when I was eight years old.
    inb4 someone makes a joke that I got sent to some kind of mental institution or special ed program
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:38 No.5122084
         File1320248324.jpg-(75 KB, 720x478, 282193_1834.jpg)
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    Yep, it's fake hair attached to her real hair. No where close to being the right color.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:41 No.5122089
    If you don't care, then don't get involved and go some where else.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:43 No.5122096
    >it doesn't affect them directly so in my opinion they are only doing it out of insecurity. Most of the posts reek of insecurity.
    They're doing it because it's funny. Really, making fun of retards is funny. Of course, it's not particularly nice, but it has nothing to do with being insecure.
    Besides, claiming you can tell people are doing things because they're insecure is about as retarded as saying you can tell the anon you're arguing with is autistic.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:43 No.5122098

    If you have to base your intelligence on a test you took when you were eight, you obviously haven't accomplished that much in life.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:44 No.5122102
    To be fair, he wasn't the one who brought up IQs.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:44 No.5122104
         File1320248686.jpg-(2.69 MB, 2160x2880, 0000aq37.jpg)
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    I know right? I kept reading until I made it through even though I cringed a ton. Only one person ever comments and I have no idea who they are or if they think she's just roleplaying or not. Their journal too is sort of weird.

    Pic is them.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:47 No.5122109
         File1320248835.jpg-(10 KB, 193x261, 1317418341618.jpg)
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    Inb4 samefag. Gurl, calm the hell down.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:47 No.5122111
    I will do whatever I want. I think over-analyzing some random girls on the internet(pixiteri, this girl and that other girl) is obsessive and not a good outlet for insecurity. Pick up a book or something, this trolling isn't funny or cool, whether or not you believe they "deserve it".
    Why am I important again? If I didn't do anything important in my life(which is incorrect) does that make my opinion on why this person is a bitch invalid? I only brought up the IQ thing after being accused multiple times of being autistic and retarded.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:47 No.5122112
    She looks like Ann from Parks & Rec.

    >>St. Clair replica
    >>Checkered tights
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:52 No.5122124

    1) You're using the word trolling wrong.

    2) You seem to be under the delusion that people are doing these things because they're insecure and not because of things like morbid curiosity or they just plain find it funny.

    I find it hard to believe you've been on the internet or 4chan this long without realizing the difference between the two so I'm beginning to wonder if you're so concerned (And you are concerned otherwise you wouldn't continue to persue the issue in multiple threads) because you're projecting.

    Look I can make brash judgement over the internet too!
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:54 No.5122128
    >BAAAAW STOP BEING MEAN TO PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET, it's not funny, you MUST have issues
    Keep telling yourself that.

    >1) You're using the word trolling wrong.
    Most people nowadays seem to think "trolling" means "being rude".
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:55 No.5122132
    I think the people you should be concerned about are the people we discuss. This one believes she's a sadistic French man and posts private things given to her by someone she met in a club. Pixyteri believes her entire life is a lie and that somewhere in Japan there's an old man that is her real father.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:57 No.5122136
    The subject of this thread banned the bitch's friend for an offensive comment he made. That is what I call trolling.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:58 No.5122142
    Then you don't know what trolling means.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:58 No.5122145

    >>5122011 here. I have high-functioning autism (why I have a clinical IQ). Having autism isn't the insult you think it is - people said that because, to put it bluntly, you are acting like a giant ass-burger. Stop fighting with people on the internet and take a step back. Nothing that we are doing affects you in any way (assuming you are telling the truth about not being Pandomi). Just take a deep breath.

    Being smarter than someone on the internet is not an achievement. It will not win you arguments. Using latin phrases and screaming "AD HOMINEM" will not intimidate anybody.

    Also, I would have hoped that you would not need to be told that a test you took when you were 8 means absolutely jack shit. If you're under 18, IQ scores are tweaked to take account of your age. A score of 144 for an 8 year old means nothing but that they're mentally very mature for their age. If you took the same test now you would get a much lower score, I guarantee it. /psychology student
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:00 No.5122153
    Great. Does any of what you just typed make my opinion of why this person is a bitch any less valid?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:02 No.5122157
    We've spent half this thread arguing with an idiot Anon. Can we just ignore this person (who is probably the same girl we're discussing in the first place) and just go back to shaking our heads in shame at this French Wannabe.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:03 No.5122159
    What is your definition of trolling then?
    None of my business.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 11/02/11(Wed)12:03 No.5122161
         File1320249821.jpg-(27 KB, 500x257, 1313627573544.jpg)
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    Why are you still talking about me?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:07 No.5122170
         File1320250069.jpg-(94 KB, 500x471, 1315896748303.jpg)
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    Picture your Anon as this.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 11/02/11(Wed)12:07 No.5122171

    All my promises that it isn't me and I would rather blowtorch my own eyeballs than pull that kind of shit. Sage.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:08 No.5122175
    They were defending you against my opinion by attacking me personally. As if that is relevant XD
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:09 No.5122179
         File1320250187.png-(91 KB, 368x400, 1291674831942.png)
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    >claims to be French on her facebook fanpage
    >only sentence in French on her LJ is grossly incorrect
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:10 No.5122181
    Oh sorry sweety, didn't mean you, meant the Satin Monster the thread is about.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:11 No.5122185
    Confirmed for /cgl/ noob.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:11 No.5122188
    >calls me a retard to make a person who clearly lacks reading comprehension feel better
    Illustrated by this post:>>5122171
    Hilarious. Can't believe people think I'm mad, I'm laughing.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:13 No.5122195

    You really just have to be autistic. Just have to be.

    Just like this crazy "French" girl is freaking crazy. She cosplayed Napolean and Pip Bernadotte from Hellsing just because they were both French.

    I god.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:14 No.5122198
    >Thinks I called them a retard when I never once said it.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:16 No.5122205
    My bad, you implied it.
    Are you going to read her entire blog and every piece of info you can find about her online?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:19 No.5122215

    Nope, because unlike you I'm not crazy obsessive.

    I just find trainwrecks like this fascinating and the fact she lives in my own state and goes to my local cons means I want to know if she's the type of crazy to be avoided. Or that I might indirectly know her which I want to find out.

    Weren't you going to work? Or are you planning to religiously stalk these threads now?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:21 No.5122219
    They're calling you a retard because you've been arguing for half a thread that this girl is a bitch because she laughed at a mean joke, and are still expecting people to try to prove you wrong even though the discussion moved on.

    Posting that pic is pretty much the same as calling someone a retard, really.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:24 No.5122224
    Who or what am I obsessed with? If you find this shit fascinating, your mind would be blown by a list of classic books or insane people in history to check out. Want me to hook you up with a list? I guaranteed it would be far more interesting than this random person on the internet.
    Oh, that doesn't matter anymore. No one could really tell me that I was wrong for calling her a bitch. I'm more against the bitchy people that post in these threads in general.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:28 No.5122235
    Then why did you post this
    ? You make it sound like you want to keep arguing about this shit and expect others to do the same. That guy was just calling you out on your behavior and the bullshit you said.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:29 No.5122236
    So basically you're just going to sit here and tsk at us while we continue to discuss this girl?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:31 No.5122241
    What behavior or bullshit? My IQ or anything shouldn't have been relevant in the first place. That was just a giant ad hominem attack.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:31 No.5122244
    >The dominatrice is a French plus sized model, artist, domme, cosplayer and novelist. This is the official fan page for her. Join the fun, craziness, insanity and awesomeness that is the Dominatrice Accordéoniste!

    Who is she a model for, herself? As for claiming to be a novelist, her LJ leaves much to be desired.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:35 No.5122249
    When I say "behavior", I'm talking about you arguing about your IQ with people. Sure, you didn't bring it up yourself, but just because you're replying to retards doesn't mean you need to be a retard too.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:35 No.5122250

    You seem to think I am of a lower intelligence then you and don't actively look for other things that interest me.

    For not having a pony in this race you sure seem adamant that we stop discussing this girl.

    Are you French, by chance? Or maybe a Georgian?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:39 No.5122255
    For every person that gets involved with stuff because they think it is fascinating, there are ten more girls that do it out of insecurity. If you truly think that this person is fascinating, I can show you hundreds of other people that are several times fascinating(in my opinion, you would have to be the judge of that). The over-analyzing and insults border on the obsessive, and it clearly is affecting her(she banned some guy for an insult, clearly she is hurt by this). This isn't that funny, whether or not you believe she deserves it(she doesn't, no one does).
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:40 No.5122257
    I doubt it, since s/h/it is posting in another thread, too, 'defending' another girl. I think they're just argumentative and bored.
    While they're obviously not very good at whiteknighting people, they did manage to derail both threads quite successfully.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:43 No.5122262

    Dude, did you read the page.

    >But... if you welcome it, why did you just delete that comment I saw about Normandy landings being as horrific as you going to france? O-o

    >I welcome everything. I read it laugh about it then delete it and ban the user. I don't need the drama.

    Sounds real hurt and upset to me. She's probably the smartest person /cgl/ has ever discussed in these context. Crazy, yes. But she's secure in herself and knows better than to respond to baiting attacks.

    I direct you to this thread >>5112415 which is the same thing as the two you're already in and yet you've yet to show up defending her.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:48 No.5122272
         File1320252494.png-(58 KB, 234x300, 2m3lq2h.png)
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    I knew I recognized this girl's lj icon!
    She's trying to trade her replica dress here:

    Obviously not damaged at all, right?

    She also tried to trade it for an Angelic Pretty Milky Chan here:
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:55 No.5122282
         File1320252936.png-(301 KB, 577x230, discolored.png)
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    >The only thing kind of discolored is the under arms other than that it's in great condition.

    I would not pay $70 for that dress. It's not even worth $25 with all the grossness on it.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:57 No.5122287
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    >For every person that gets involved with stuff because they think it is fascinating, there are ten more girls that do it out of insecurity.
    Again with that shit.
    Look, you can't claim you know why people do things. That's just assumptions based on what YOU would do. You need to accept some people genuinely have fun bashing some random landwhale on FB, and stop thinking people who do things you wouldn't have issues.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)13:03 No.5122301
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    Didn't read that. And that thread was recently bumped and I haven't seen it. To be honest, I'm not much of a white knight at all. I only posted here because I was talking to this seagull(female) that was bragging to me about pretending to be a "hotmale" and having cyber sex with pixiteri and getting nudes from her. I thought it was sick and I don't think kind of stuff is much better(admittedly, the trolling is a lot worse with pixiteri than this girl). A lot of these threads are full of bitchy behavior and insecurity, not much better than what the person I know did; it's all bad to me. Also, this person's response to trolling(my definition) could just be a defense mechanism, she might still be hurt by it.
    >pic related
    This is a pixiteri stalker. I had to look through my collection of pics for damn long to find it, but I'm glad I did. I understand this is only one person of many that post in these threads...but some of the comments are clearly reeking of insecurity. I can't prove that all those people are insecure though, but it is enough for me to notice a trend.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)13:08 No.5122313
    >high waist 24-30 inches
    Yeah. Not any more.

    I'm not familiar with this replica. Are we sure it's supposed to be a high waist? Because
    >"I prefer stuff that is high waisted"
    just brings back images of PZ wearing Vampire Requiem's high waist around her collarbone.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)13:09 No.5122316
    So you have no proof to back up what you're saying (which is that MOST people bash Internet infamous people out of insecurity, not just one girl), but you're going to keep saying it anyway.
    Your posts are clearly reeking of pretention.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)13:15 No.5122338
    Give me a week. I can gather enough evidence to prove that majority of the people that posts in these threads are deeply insecure in that time. Question about the celebrities though: which demographic do you think the celebrity weight watching reports are for?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)13:18 No.5122348
    Is that kankuro?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)13:21 No.5122356
    >>5122338 go do that, no one cares. This is 4chan for gods sake.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)13:22 No.5122360
    Good luck doing that on an anonymous imageboard (though I guess it would be easier to do that on /cgl/ than on other boards).

    >Question about the celebrities though: which demographic do you think the celebrity weight watching reports are for?
    >weight watching
    You seem to think that /cgl/ hates PT and this girl because of their weight. Noone would care if they weren't so crazy.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)13:44 No.5122408
    >ad populum
    No one really cares, eh? If you say so.
    How can you use such a strong word for people they don't know and never had any contact with? I don't hate anyone, I can't relate to that at all. I don't think that justifies hating someone.
    Here are some insecure comments directly mentioning her body or appearance:
    >>5118087 >>5118126 >>5118173 >>5118349 >>5118357 >>5118361 >>5118362 >>5118377 >>5118380 >>5118418 >>5118422 >>5118429 >>5118438 >>5118464 >>5118497 >>5118583 >>5118903 >>5119027 >>5119092 >>5119119 >>5119134 >>5119178 >>5119214 >>5119255
    Major quote:
    >I suddenly feel a lot better about myself and my looks
    >>5119415 >>5119457 >>5119500 >>5119562 >>5119574 >>5119592 >>5119918 >>5119932 >>5120236 >>5120237 >>5120261 >>5120271 >>5120553 >>5120694 >>5121734 >>5121737 >>5121762 >>5121770 >>5121799 >>5121834
    Enough evidence for now. I have to go, Judging by the slow rate /cgl/ moves this thread might still be alive when I get back. Would love to see your response to this.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)13:49 No.5122419
    So now that's over with, can we get back on topic?

    Has anyone asked her why she insists on using satin for everything?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)13:59 No.5122439
    I have to admit "crazy" and "hate" are pretty strong words that don't fit the situation. I can't hate either of them when I don't even know them. You're right about that.
    That said, harshly criticizing someone's looks doesn't prove the person is insecure about their own looks. All the posts you quoted are just bashing her, with ONE of them showing CLEAR insecurity.
    Again, you're just assuming shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:10 No.5122451
    One more thing : note that the majority of the posts you quoted aren't about her weight. They're mostly about her clothes and the way she takes care of herself, so basically they're bashing her behavior.
    Sage for double post.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:27 No.5122643
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)18:07 No.5123012
    Calling Miyu/Dakota Rose/whoever else ugly = not done out of insecurity. Making fun of this girl for being exactly what she is = insecure!

    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)18:12 No.5123026
    So is she really a plus sized model?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)19:01 No.5123107
    Seriously, no one gives a fuck what you think. People LAUGH AT YOU because you are a delusional, fat, horrible hambeast, some people may feel better about themselves because BY COMPARISON an obese rat in drag looks better, BUT NOT ALL OF THEM DO SO. Some people just laugh at you because you are genuinely funny to look at. THAT IS ALL. Some are just plain entertained by the horrid things you say, the egotistical way you act and so forth. SO SHUT UP
    no one cares what you think, not at all. And trying to win an internet argument is just plain sad. Even sadder than your face, wardrobe and the PATHETIC EXCUSE FOR PROSE LITTERED ALL OVER YOUR FUCKING LIVE JOURNAL.
    Caps not because of rage, but so that you'll notice my main points here.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)19:39 No.5123192
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    This is just...ew.

    People in this thread shouldn't even be comparing themselves (and if you did, well you're just stupid for doing so). Ugh, this is just a trainwreck, nothing more, nothing less.

    Let's just get back to business where we poke at how bad it is instead of comparing and wanking.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)19:46 No.5123206
    Are we still talking about looks or did we switch over to cock size when I wasn't looking?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)20:04 No.5123250
    I know this girl. She's nice enough and has serious balls for not giving a fuck and wearing what she wants when she wants while dealing with the backlash so kudos to her.

    Obviously she's a little aggressively odd, but it's manageable compared to what I've come to except from anime/weaboo-type people.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)20:14 No.5123276

    >believes she is a french marquis
    >her weirdness is manageable
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)20:17 No.5123280
    Forgot to add exposing private photos of people she just met on her public LJ and talking about them as if she is a French Marquis.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)20:19 No.5123283
    Dude, I'm looking at her fucking journal on LJ and this right here pissed me off:

    >My name is Donatien, or (Le Marquis du fruit de cire) and I am a man

    Why did that piss me off? The Marquis de Sade's full name is Donatien Alphonse François, Marquis de Sade - she's basically roleplaying as Sade and she's doing an awful job at it. I wouldn't care if she had actually done some research instead of just reading a few bios on him and a handful of exerts but as it is she's insulting him.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)20:23 No.5123290
    She's blurring the lines between roleplaying and real life. I had to read through multiple entries just to figure out if it was roleplay or not because the interests/groups and icon are all lolita and her in lolita and some of the entries are on actual real life stuff. It just makes her look crazier.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)20:25 No.5123293
    It's not like that's how she introduces herself to everyone when you meet and she doesn't talk about that stuff all the time. It's more so an internet persona and if she thinks you're okay with it then she'll mention it once in a while. But like with all people, you don't talk about the same thing all the time.

    She still functions in real life. Goes to school, makes the grades, does projects, group assignments. She functions/manages.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)20:39 No.5123317
    Honestly, I think she needs help. I'm not just being a hater, I'm not just saying it because she's insulting my idol, I'm not just saying it because she's a fucking lolcow in cheap satin. If you're THAT delusional that you think you're a French man despite the fact you're a female in America (and from what I've heard she has no accent to speak of so she likely is not French at all) thats a pretty good indicator that something is very wrong with you mentally. That level of delusion can not be healthy.

    But, calling into question all the rest of her story, I can't help but wonder if she's actually a dominatrix at all?? Is that all one big lie too? She's probably never had sex with another person let alone the sordid sexual encounters libertines are known for and that also sort of irks me just because I feel like being fake with your sexuality is one of the most insincere things you can do to yourself. But, then again, given her appearance its obvious she doesn't put a whole lot of pride into herself so making up stories about her sexuality should not surprise me. She clearly lacks respect on any level for herself let alone anyone around her and god forbid the Marquis himself. Anyone who truly admires him would never put on such a shameful charade and bring yet more shame to his already sullied name.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)20:51 No.5123333

    She's definitely not French and does not know the language. The little bits of French on her livejournal are either the simplest phrases, baby level, wrong grammatically or in some cases just meaningless gibberish. Even someone who studied French for a single week would know the language better.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)20:51 No.5123334
    Only thing I know is that she goes to gay and fetish clubs. She's posted pictures from some. I doubt she knows anything about the BDSM scene though, her 'stories' don't reflect any actual knowledge on it.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)21:01 No.5123344

    See, this just gets me. I took Japanese classes for 4 years and even after all that I still don't go around saying Japanese or writing it or pretending to be Japanese though I can speak the language fairly well so I cannot even begin to imagine how someone who doesn't know the first thing about the language could do these sorts of things. This is why weeaboos annoy me as much they do, if anyone should be running around spouting Japanese it should be me but I don't so what does that tell you? Even if it IS just kept to online, its still not something I would never do.


    I haven't even read any of her kinky stuff yet, I'm just browsing at the moment since everything is so god awful but as a very kinky lolita I already feel shamed by her. Once again, I do not run around talking about all the kinky shenanigans I get into - thats just high school shit and I don't think its fun nor do I think it wins me points with people. I honestly think she's doing all of this - ALL of it from the cheap satin costumes to the roleplaying to the rest of her insanity - for attention because she comes off like someone with a high school mentality.

    The worst part of this? She's the same age as me.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)22:30 No.5123541
    She was supposed to come to one of my meets and didn't show. I count myself as lucky.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)22:33 No.5123547
    It's her personal blog though. If there is any place to act like a dipshit that's it, why is that wrong? Her family is French, but I don't know the extent of her knowledge of the language. She isn't a professional dominatrix, it's just an online persona. She does go to fetish clubs but not as a professional dominatrix.

    Whenever I talk to her she doesn't usually throw French in, but I do speak a good amount of French so we've talked in the language one time when I found that out.

    I have no idea why she chooses satin, I think it's an unfortunate fabric choice but she digs it and I'm not wearing it, so I don't really question it.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)22:41 No.5123572
    that post where she talks about "metting a french dominatrix at a club"? It's her. The dominatrix is her.
    She's describing her male marquis alterego going to a club and meeting the "regal" french domme she wishes she was. I'd bet you a million dollars those pictures were of her.
    Go back and read the entry. It becomes 1000000x more creepy when you realize she is BOTH SIDES OF IT.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)22:46 No.5123580
    That's kind of the problem though. The icon is of her and all the communities are lolita or deco. But the info part is describing her roleplay persona, the interests are a mix of hers and his, and the entries are all roleplay. It gives off the impression that she either has a split personality or she's just plain batshit or a man in satin drag.

    If she wants to have a roleplay journal, that's fine. If she wants to have a persona journal, go ahead. But don't mix the two and expect people not to question your mental state...especially when some of her entries reference real life events and real life people she's met but its written in her roleplay persona.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)22:47 No.5123581

    Oh god you're right! I will be plagued by nightmares thanks to this! Why is everything she does so creepy?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)22:48 No.5123583
    Can't really prove it without the photos and the album they come from is locked.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)23:36 No.5123735
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)03:12 No.5124478
    is this real life
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)03:46 No.5124520
    well the desire to fuck yourself or a genderbend version of yourself is pretty common I think

    At least I hope so...
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)03:52 No.5124527
    Quoted person here (I suddenly feel a lot better about myself and my looks bla blah)
    So, what's the problem here? I think I'm average looking and when I see people like this thing, I'm really fucking glad I'm average and not a greasy disfigured hambeast. You guys interpret wayyy too much in this thread
    I guess LOL DEY JELLY AND INSECOOR!!1 is just the perfect answer for anything
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)03:56 No.5124530
    I like the pink dress but it looks too costumy and over the top.
    It'd be a lot cuter if it wasn't made of shiny satin and not paired with white kneesocks and frizzy twintails with ribbons.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)04:09 No.5124541
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    I'm getting this Anne Rice vibe from her journal entries, like I'm reading some off beat fanfiction for The Vampire Lestat.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)04:43 No.5124565
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    The fact that she even went to AWA scares me. It means she lives near me.... I don't like it.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)04:55 No.5124579
    Where is the grease? Where does she have a disfigurement? You seriously believe she looks inhuman? How does this affect you at all? Do you think her being overweight makes you more attractive? To answer that question, I find you completely hideous after reading your posts. This is your post that you believe will prove you aren't an insecure bitch but it is even more insecure and bitchy than the last one.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)04:58 No.5124583
    That isn't that creepy at all; it is extremely tame. Is this your first week on the internet or something?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)05:03 No.5124588
    >its still not something i would never do
    Despite the double negative, it can be simplified to this: "I would never do this because I'm insecure about my own skills in a foreign language and never speak it in public" Therefore, no one should speak a foreign language based on my own standards!"
    Classic insecurity, it's not all looks.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)05:05 No.5124592
    Hilariously insecure ad hominem; too bad it is completely false. Don't even need to read this garbage, lol.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)05:14 No.5124604
    But it is insecurity, because it is none of their business and when they put someone up to their personal and subjective standards, it is because those people worry about those things in particular for themselves and can't handle seeing other people with different standards. So the natural reaction is to try to make that personal feel as bad as they think they should feel. "I would never go around pretending to be french, that is so embarrassing!" "I would never wear that ugly dress!" "I would never go around being that weight!" "I would never write fanfics pretending to be a man, how creepy!" It's all personal insecurities and she is the target for them to release it on. Personally, I'm completely secure with myself so I don't need to do these things to feel better about myself. I don't give a shit if I speak a foreign language incorrectly; I don't give a shit if I wear some clothes someone else isn't going to like; I don't give a shit if someone doesn't like my blog; I don't give a shit if someone thinks I fat. And guess what? I don't give a shit if someone else does any of those things either, so I'm not going to try and take it out on them and make them feel bad.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)05:39 No.5124626
    >boys posting about lolcows
    >girls posting about lolcows
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)05:42 No.5124627
    >ad populum
    If a lot of people do something, it doesn't make it right. When did I ever write anything about what people did to that guy?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)05:44 No.5124628
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)05:53 No.5124641
    I'm not the internet police, and I'm not even that moral. I don't think you guys are sick, depraved, and sadistic freaks like they portray in those shitty news reports. I just think you guys are a bunch of sheep that will do whatever someone else tells you to do, without realizing the consequences.
    This is what a troll sounds like: completely lame. You aren't edgy, cool or funny. You all just seem deeply insecure and have to pick on someone that doesn't fit someone who doesn't feel bad for being confident without fitting whatever you think your social standards are. Go become a hipster or something.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)06:07 No.5124665
    So. If you were to have a not-so-positive conversation with a friend about Britney Spears, would you say that you just trolled Britney Spears?

    This is not trolling. You are stupid.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)06:09 No.5124669
    That is a logical fallacy. Posting negative comments on her facebook and getting banned for it is trolling.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)06:19 No.5124685
    >One. ONE person posts on her facebook.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)06:24 No.5124690
    Main point: many posts are made by insecure /cgl/ bitches who need an outlet for it.
    Someone accuses me of being the internet or moral police, which directly concerns trolling of chris chan: respond saying that I'm not and that trolls are lame as fuck.
    It was a minor point.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)10:00 No.5124938

    Is your name Anthos by any chance?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)10:08 No.5124949
    I don't know who that is, sorry.
    >> jerrysugarav !!ep9CTgjk5Mh 11/03/11(Thu)11:02 No.5125012
    How nasty of you to say that. Whatever issues you have with her don't plan meets if you can't be welcoming to everybody. Also seeing as how there is only one event on the Atl past events calender that she RSVP'd to and didn't attend it's pretty obvious who you are. I don't know what to do about you breaking the cardinal group rule about not posting on 4chan about other local girls. I'll be conversing with the other mods about what to do. feel free to PM me on facebook to discuss the matter.

    P.S. I already capped your post here and the event RSVP list.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)11:07 No.5125021
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    >21 years old
    >A year younger than me

    But how... what... How???
    I honestly thought she was near 40.

    Sage because I have nothing interesting to say.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)11:42 No.5125079
    Oh lawdy, some lolita is about to get a smack on the wrist for not loving eveeeeeeryone. If I was this lolita, I would count myself lucky as well. This crazy Frenchie would have shown up in that pink barf of an outfit with all that shit in her hair and would have made the whole meet-up insanely uncomfortable just by being there. Read her LJ, look at her FB fanpage, browse through her photos. Would you REALLY want to hang out with someone like that? Seriously, give this loli a fucking break. She didn't insult the girl, she didn't post her here, all she said was something truthful about how she felt. She didn't say "Maaaan if she had shown up I'd have told that bitch to gfto!" Lolitas are hardly saints, don't try to tell me that you don't talk shit about each other the moment meet-ups are over with.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)11:46 No.5125085
    Are you serious???? The loli community is one of the worst and most elitist communities ever...
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)11:52 No.5125105
    Exactly! Yet some mod is like "You must be dealt with!!" because a girl said she was relieved Satin Monster didn't show up to her meet.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)11:57 No.5125113
         File1320335871.jpg-(119 KB, 390x390, 1269067796810.jpg)
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    Dang, you sound like a fucking cunt. Do you patrol /cgl/ hoping to find someone misbehaving? What a sad, sad existence. You must be one fat, ugly loli with a complex.

    Also, she's obviously accommodating. She was going to let the girl go. It's not like she said, 'I told her to fuck off, she's not allowed to go.'

    You're the one calling attention to who she is.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)11:59 No.5125116
    True dat. I'm not even in the community and I think I'd be glad she didn't show up...she looks a dang mess to be honest.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)12:03 No.5125134
         File1320336226.jpg-(226 KB, 467x700, omgpommy.jpg)
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    Girl getting fucked over by that mod should tell us who the mod is. :)
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)12:13 No.5125167
    You all only think it is unfair because you're not in the comm and you're bitches. Lolitas may be bitches but we keep that shit to ourselves, /cgl/ used to be a place where you could vent anonymously for us until one bitch decided to leak all out information, pictures and details about meetups on here. What goes on in our public has no business in here, this has been established from the very beginning, it's not a hard concept to learn. Don't talk about other lolitas in your comm on here, whether you hate them, whether they are ita, or ugly and delusional. Even though this post was anonymous it can still be linked back to someone, and for all the bitching people about the atl comm being full of drama, you sure get really upset when we try to stamp it out.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)12:16 No.5125176
    I'm not even a lolita. Though I do frequent lolita secrets. It wasn't as if this girl was spilling deep and dark loli secrets. She was just honestly saying she was relieved Satin Monster (still don't know her real name) didn't show up after seeing all the stuff posted here. She was Anon, who gives a shit. I doubt she's the only one with that opinion.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)12:17 No.5125182
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    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)12:18 No.5125184
    >Lolitas may be bitches but we keep that shit to ourselves
    You must be joking. I wouldn't even know half the names of Lolita's Most Hated if it weren't for /cgl/. You bitches don't keep anything to yourselves.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)12:27 No.5125208
    >Dominatrice Accordéoniste
    >Nanowrimo is this month and i'm going to try and finish something. It will be my fourth novel. Some of you have asked why this page was started and it's mostly an author page. I'm in the process of editing so that I can be published. Everything else on this page is a hobby and doesn't reflect anything but an interest.Thanks for understanding.
    >Like · Comment · 2 hours ago ·

    So.....she's an actual author. I'm finding this hard to believe.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)12:30 No.5125211
    Seconded. And I doubt it was 'one bitch'.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)12:31 No.5125216
    Nanowrimo is for both amateurs and professional writers. Going by the quality of her work, I'm guessing she's the former. Her 'publishing' novels is more than likely her putting them on a website.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)12:33 No.5125220
    I also doubt it isn't a select few. But we'll never I know I guess.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)12:33 No.5125222
    Suppose so. She said it would be her fourth so the other three must be somewhere. Sort of curious to see what they are.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)12:35 No.5125224
    So, is it accepted that most of the posters on this board are bitches or what?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)12:36 No.5125226
    Thankyou for pointing that out
    Excellent point because you just stated THE MAIN REASON THE RULES ARE ENFORCED.

    We already have enough girls saying "Oh Atlanta lolitas are drama mongers so I won't join their comm", what good would it do if everyone was just allowed to flap their mouths here with no consequence
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)12:39 No.5125235
    I got the impression that ALL Loli's were drama mongers...
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)12:42 No.5125242
    stop worrying about it bro, it's /cgl/ of course they will stand up for someone being a bitch even though they are breaking the rules. /Cgl/ might as well be changed to /bitches/

    they want the comm to break out in drama because it'll give them something to talk about, just leave it and let the mods handle this shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)12:42 No.5125245
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)12:51 No.5125273
    What I don't get is why mods of some other site (LJ's EGL comm I'm guessing) thinks they can control what lolitas say here or anywhere else. It's a fucking FASHION not a secret community. Anyone can toss on a frilly dress and be a lolita and just because someone put on the frilly dress doesn't mean someone else has the right to control what they say and where because of it.
    >> miscy !!fXx3gdSfpAG 11/03/11(Thu)12:59 No.5125303
    the mod was from our local facebook group. we have a strict code of conduct to be in the group and one of the rules is to not post about local members here. if you are dumb enough to get caught you're likely to be kicked out of the group (not know when the meetups are, everyone will know you are a drama-monger, etc)
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)13:14 No.5125352
    Does the subject of this thread know about it?

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