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  • Hardware upgrades coming later this week. Expect downtime during the migration, and hopefully a snappier site when it returns!
    Love, Doc "old moot" Brown

    File : 1320097829.jpg-(16 KB, 450x229, excel-london.jpg)
    16 KB Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)17:50 No.5116347  
    Last thread is autosaging

    Dump your MCM Pictures and stories here.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)17:55 No.5116359
         File1320098152.jpg-(26 KB, 480x640, IMG244.jpg)
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    Sorry for the shitty pic, but if anyone knows this guy tell him I will bear his children.

    But only in this costume, ofc.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)17:56 No.5116361
         File1320098202.jpg-(56 KB, 480x640, IMG248.jpg)
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    These two... loved them. Wolf was lovely, and she said she'd been "hunting" Snakes, which made my day tbh.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)17:56 No.5116362
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    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)17:57 No.5116364
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    >> ZomZom !TroZomZom2 10/31/11(Mon)17:57 No.5116365
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    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)17:58 No.5116368
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    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)17:58 No.5116370
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    >> ZomZom !TroZomZom2 10/31/11(Mon)17:59 No.5116372
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    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)17:59 No.5116373
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    >> ZomZom !TroZomZom2 10/31/11(Mon)17:59 No.5116374
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    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)17:59 No.5116375
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    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)18:00 No.5116378
         File1320098439.png-(668 KB, 458x614, pedobear.png)
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    last one from me, my phone died. :c
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)18:00 No.5116379
         File1320098447.png-(117 KB, 800x900, 1315825053434.png)
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    As a male, I feel entirely alienated by the level of female bickering and drama in the last thread.

    Is /cgl/ always like this? I've been to the expo since 2008 but never really joined the community here.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)18:01 No.5116384

    That's my fault, and no, it isn't. The only reason that happened is I didn't have the balls to tell some people to sod off. :c I'm sorry.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)18:02 No.5116386
    Those were actually men.
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 10/31/11(Mon)18:02 No.5116389
         File1320098573.jpg-(546 KB, 4000x933, valve-panorama.jpg)
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    Here's my dump of photos:

    Also, was it just me, or was the Homostuck group fucking MASSIVE this expo compared to May? I mean goddamn.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 10/31/11(Mon)18:03 No.5116393
    I saw a lot of Hamsteak cosplay now that you bring it up actually. Some pretty good ones, specially dat Vriska in the bar.
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 10/31/11(Mon)18:07 No.5116404
         File1320098820.jpg-(484 KB, 1536x2048, SDC10572.jpg)
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    Yeah, the Vriska was good, and there were a decent number of god-tier Johns.

    Heck, they even had a dog-tier Jade already, and the flash only came out 5 days ago.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 10/31/11(Mon)18:08 No.5116407
    Dogdamn (see what i did there) Homestuck fans don't mess about do they?
    Wish I'd got there earlier on the Saturday, would've liked to have seen it.
    >> Pirate Toaster !c1TjLrVNNA 10/31/11(Mon)18:08 No.5116408
    Wait, what? I'm just rofling at being called the Toastinator, I hope that sticks.

    Not sure if 'Zombie'? If so, HELLO AGAIN.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)18:12 No.5116413

    Honestly, for some reason it's what I always think of you as.
    Same as Blue for some reason becomes Blueregard, like on Foster's Home, only spelled different. Eheh. ^^;
    >> InLucidReverie2 !bCRUELZ0Oo 10/31/11(Mon)18:14 No.5116417
    Hey, do I have you on G+? o-o

    Thought I did, but suddenly don't know.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)18:16 No.5116421

    I don't think so, I don't use it much! How do I add people...?
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 10/31/11(Mon)18:17 No.5116423
         File1320099444.jpg-(336 KB, 1536x2048, SDC10619.jpg)
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    It was more 'creepy games' than 'drinking all night'

    The entire group was a mess anyway, my friend was hosting the fringe meet and there were just too many people, poor girl.

    Anyway, did anyone see any people going round asking for people to show their wristbands this time around?
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)18:17 No.5116425
         File1320099462.jpg-(58 KB, 481x720, 317742_10150761559425084_53862(...).jpg)
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    Yah, sup yo.
    >> InLucidReverie2 !bCRUELZ0Oo 10/31/11(Mon)18:18 No.5116426
    just add them to a circle

    I'm /inlucidreverie
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)18:21 No.5116434
    oops, forgot to change back to my normal trip xD
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)18:23 No.5116448

    done eeeeeet
    >> Pirate Toaster !c1TjLrVNNA 10/31/11(Mon)18:26 No.5116457
    Y u no tripfag? I thought we discussed this, tut tut.

    I think I may actually start on my May cosplay the end of this month if I can actually decide what I'm doing.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)18:28 No.5116463
    I'm totally lost as to what to do for mine, also. Dx

    Will do Touko one of the days though, since I wanna fix it a little.

    You should do it too.
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 10/31/11(Mon)18:28 No.5116464
         File1320100103.jpg-(562 KB, 1124x868, Halftone.jpg)
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    Well what characters do you have in your planned list?
    >> Pirate Toaster !c1TjLrVNNA 10/31/11(Mon)18:33 No.5116475
    Dohoho, Blue wants me to do Touko too, so definitely considering it.

    SO MANY. SERIOUSLY. Off the top of my head;
    >Angel Panty and Bunny Panty PSG.
    >Amber Sweet from Repo!
    >Babydoll from Suckerpunch
    >Ballgown Fionna from Adventure Time
    >Liru the Werewolf from Magipoka
    >Airi from Queen's Blade
    >Amy Pond Kissogram outfit from Doctor Who

    But we're trying to think of couple cosplays, it's hard 3:
    Also, dat editing. Phwoar.
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 10/31/11(Mon)18:34 No.5116478
    Don't forget Fionna and Prince Gumball for July expo

    You should really do Amy Pond too like I said at expo, to go with Blue's PERFECT 10th Who'ness
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)18:35 No.5116479
    This kinda makes me wanna crack out photoshop and illustrator and make a pop art version

    in fact I will
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 10/31/11(Mon)18:35 No.5116481
    I'm totally up for doing anything you wanna do couple-wise, been thinking about maybe doing Link at one point, so just putting that out there.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)18:37 No.5116485

    Cos i never fuckin' post anyway
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)18:38 No.5116488
         File1320100690.gif-(25 KB, 500x500, 1318437513085.gif)
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    If you did Amber Sweet I would love you forever.
    I want to be Mag one day. :c
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)18:40 No.5116497
         File1320100844.jpg-(10 KB, 219x350, sigSBEcg3.jpg)
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    Going to do a full metal Soul Blade Siegfried. Anyone know any blacksmiths, car painters and or have a pedestal drill.
    >> Aoshi !Swa.SQZwmA 10/31/11(Mon)18:41 No.5116498

    Nice edit
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)18:43 No.5116503
    Links to albums please!
    Neo magazine photos would also be nice
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)18:43 No.5116505
    It's amazing what iPad apps can do!
    >> Pirate Toaster !c1TjLrVNNA 10/31/11(Mon)18:49 No.5116513
    Hnnngh, do iiit. I was listening to the Repo! soundtrack in my car earlier and was fantasising about getting a proper Repo! group together. Would be epic.

    Aha yes, completely forgot about that xD
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)18:53 No.5116523
    >Amber Sweet from Repo!
    Face falling off version?

    I'm up for a Seagull group cosplay but I'm not a big fan of Repo!
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)18:53 No.5116525
    The missus partially made a repoman helmet (with lights) and gave up halfway through and my little sister would love to be shilo... D: ONE DAY, ONE DAY
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 10/31/11(Mon)18:57 No.5116532
    GET A RUUM U 2
    >> Pirate Toaster !c1TjLrVNNA 10/31/11(Mon)19:07 No.5116553
         File1320102431.jpg-(459 KB, 1849x1240, ialcr_fullxfull.45539.jpg)
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    Nah I was gonna do the drugged up hooker version. Pic related.


    lolshush I'm going to sleep now.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)19:10 No.5116566

    My favourite version of her is the one with the Shilo hair, Mag eyes and really white skin and skirt, she looks like a Snow White themed hooker. My kind of woman. <3
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)19:14 No.5116571
    Amber Sweet minus half a face. This is actually on my to do list. One day, /cgl/, one day.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)19:18 No.5116580
    I've added you too, I hope you don't mind.
    >The Godoka at the meet
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)19:24 No.5116596
    Really not a problem C:
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 10/31/11(Mon)19:26 No.5116604
         File1320103587.png-(132 KB, 419x411, 1316891994357.png)
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    crap I keep forgetting to ask you for that one picture of me that I like
    I'll ask tomorrow I guess, sleep well.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)19:27 No.5116607
    Well, I think I've added you... I'm new to G+ I never properly made my profile and added anyone.
    Thank you!
    >> Badr !KuHbpirZVI 10/31/11(Mon)19:28 No.5116615
    >Doctor Who and Repo! costly being considered
    Lets be friends.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)19:46 No.5116671
         File1320104770.png-(115 KB, 624x470, PANTY.png)
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    Here's mine... wish i hadn't made it tiny when I traced it in illustrator, then I could have done it with proper screentone instead of pretending.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)19:49 No.5116688
    also could have done with some fiddling with contrast, since the white is so hard... OHWELL
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)20:12 No.5116746
    Yeah, I dunno. I got bored with my original idea and just slapped it on there. The image I ended up with was too small to do anything proper with so I just pissed about. Not something I've ever really done before or looked into properly, so perhaps I'll have another try or do some research at some point.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)20:23 No.5116779
    I was considering doing a Repo! cosplay too, probably one of the henchgirls or Amber Sweet.

    If one of you was Alucard who took a picture of rolling girl and told her it was a cute cosplay, you made me really happy.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)20:27 No.5116795
    Can we have nore photos, less stories? I missed Expo this time around and I want to see the cosplays~
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)20:31 No.5116806

    Does anyone have photos of that beautiful winged dog/wolf costume with the flashing eyes? I wish I had one to share :/ I was in the stupid cash machine queue and couldn't get out to take a picture before she moved on.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)20:34 No.5116820
         File1320107676.jpg-(478 KB, 1495x2048, 335841_10150902502955024_87677(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)20:37 No.5116826
    Does anyone have any photos of the cute zidane that was with a bartz and a terra? they were good too but zidane is always been my fave. I didnt have my camera. =< also, any photos from the final fantasy shoots.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 10/31/11(Mon)20:46 No.5116862
    Only just home now.

    Sorry I didn't stay at the meet for long, but I have to say Blue's brownies were exceptionally nice and probably not poisoned since I'm not dead so, that's a plus. Shame we didn't get better photos though.

    Had an alright time. Still have red body paint on me to scrub off from wearing Scanty.. sigh.
    >> Beloved_Of_Cthulhu !!wIEkitftaKh 10/31/11(Mon)20:47 No.5116863
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)20:47 No.5116864
         File1320108456.jpg-(83 KB, 960x720, 296802_10150343207944147_73199(...).jpg)
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    Got you one, anon!!

    This took it's wearer six months to build. It's partially animatronic (if that's the right word, thats what someone else called it) and her mum manned the controls while she wore it.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)20:50 No.5116871

    That was you?! Aw damn. For some reason I feel like I should have known that.
    >> McVitie's Jaffa Cakes 10/31/11(Mon)20:50 No.5116873
    I've gotten back today, so i didn't see the first thread.

    Was dressed as a human Trenya.

    It was nice seeing you guys at the meet, sorry i was so quiet and awkward, i didn't know anyone, You guys seem cool though :3
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)20:51 No.5116877

    Did I meet you? I was the dick who walked in nearly an hour and half late and then had to leave after about twenty minutes.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 10/31/11(Mon)20:53 No.5116884
    As Scanty? There were a few Scanty's, so maybe not.

    As for at the meet I have bright pink hair sooo.. you'll know if you saw me or not.
    >> McVitie's Jaffa Cakes 10/31/11(Mon)20:54 No.5116888
    Were you cosplaying anyone? I didn't get everyone's names.

    I was (sometimes) wearing a yellow helmet and yellow body warmer.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)20:54 No.5116889
    Anonymouse, I thought you looked so adorable at the meet and I wish that you had stayed a little longer so we could have chatted more!
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)20:58 No.5116910

    Awww I don't think I met either of you! I must have seen Ai-honey around at some point, I did see a few Scantys but because I don't know it very well it was hard for me to tell whether I'd seen them before or not.

    ... Madoka? :D YOU LOOKED AWESOME, your costume was so beautiful. ;-; I do remember your real name btw, I just don't want to post it. :3
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)21:03 No.5116930
    I din't think you'd remember me >.> I'm happy that you do!
    Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked it!
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)21:04 No.5116936

    Yes I doooo! <3 So jealous of your mad costuming skillz, next time I'll be with someone else and I'll be on time so we can chat! :3
    I'm also really sorry you had to hear all that shit about emily, I completely forgot you knew her from meet ups... >.< I hope I didn't make you not want to go to them. I can assure you she won't be a bitch with you, she likes you.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)21:10 No.5116950
    Ahhhhhhh I'm not that good! So many mistakes were made, and I have bruises from how the boning in my skirt sits.
    Yay! Add me on facebook so we can keep in contact more.
    Don't worry about it.
    >> Flynn !MNKvb5gTgI 10/31/11(Mon)21:13 No.5116960
    Thanks so much for this again, I love this photo of us!

    I stuck around the meet in the bar for a wee while, but not too long (had to move away for birthday celebrations), I was cosplaying GT Vriska, so if I spoke to you thanks for listening to my rambling! I met a lot of very lovely people this weekend who it'd be great to see again at future events~
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)21:14 No.5116961

    Done! :3 pfft, I can barely sew so you've got a LOT on me!
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 10/31/11(Mon)21:18 No.5116979
    Possibly. I was the one with Sushi Monster. I was wearing socks at one point because the boots were killing me..

    You're a friend of Rackhams?
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)21:19 No.5116987
    Accepted :D

    >Sage for pointlessness
    >> Flynn !MNKvb5gTgI 10/31/11(Mon)21:46 No.5117083
    >You're a friend of Rackhams?
    You could say that... And by could I mean yes, I guess I am,
    >> Cactu 10/31/11(Mon)22:04 No.5117132
    I was a tiny Dave that talked to you with a dogtier Jade.

    only spoke to you for a couple of minutes and you were obviously a very cool person, and your GT Vriska is probably the best I've ever actually seen, you really suit it.
    also super duper tall!
    >> Flynn !MNKvb5gTgI 10/31/11(Mon)22:22 No.5117191
    Hey, I remember you guys! Some of the only people at the Homestuck meet who didn't hiss and boo at me! So, um, thanks for that! It was really nice to meet you!
    Thanks very much~ Though I get the 'Jegus why you so tall' thing a lot, I should probably give it a rest cosplaying 13 year-olds, huh.

    Do you have a tumblr? I've whacked mine in the email field, if you want to follow me I can do the same back~
    >> Cactu 10/31/11(Mon)23:06 No.5117348

    cosplay who you want! i'm sure you'd do great making any.

    I wasn't paying attention when boos and hisses, If i was I'd probably have told everyone off.

    the group I hang out with socialized inside the huge group most of Saturday and split off for most of Sunday. We probably only pulled out maybe 6 or so people that aren't actually like 13-run-around-screaming.

    but then again thats fandoms & cosplays so yeah.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)04:28 No.5118112

    I have about 500+ photo's of different people, in the middle of resizing them all.
    By the way Pirate Toaster awesome Panty, too bad I didn't get a picture because you ignored me.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)04:30 No.5118115
    This was my second time at the con.
    Confirmed for worst fanbase:
    Harry Potter
    Caramel dansen dancers.

    I didnt see any Yin also, I'm mad.
    >> Readmiww !!VxUJSbD0q1q 11/01/11(Tue)04:39 No.5118127
    I enjoyed Expo but primarily because of the people rather than the event. Also someone needs to tell the Yaoi stall owner to shut the fuck up. Was talking to some other store owners and they are sick of him too.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)04:59 No.5118146
    You mean the one with the colorful flag at the back? I don't even approach his stall, he is so obnoxious. But there were more yaoi stalls this year besides his.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 11/01/11(Tue)06:20 No.5118209
         File1320142839.jpg-(2 KB, 102x126, 1313627589224.jpg)
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    FFFFFFF want, resized yet?
    >> Beloved_Of_Cthulhu !!wIEkitftaKh 11/01/11(Tue)06:25 No.5118213
         File1320143144.jpg-(86 KB, 600x853, ryu-hayabusa-ninja-gaiden-sigm(...).jpg)
    86 KB
    I know how you feel I get ignored alot too

    You'd be surprised what you can get away with when everybody doesn't want to see you
    >> Aya Shameful !I4IrJba9Qw 11/01/11(Tue)06:53 No.5118239
    good morning expoers
    >> Pirate Toaster !c1TjLrVNNA 11/01/11(Tue)07:25 No.5118262
    Oh man, I'm so sorry, seriously! The bangs on my Panty wig obstruct my vision a lot and I'm half deaf anyway. Also if I was walking along the centre either by myself or with Felix I was probably in a rush to meet somebody. So sorry D:
    >> Aya Shameful !I4IrJba9Qw 11/01/11(Tue)07:35 No.5118269
    I use a programe that resizes all my photos that I want exported after I've touched them up alittle so theres no need to do it one by one.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)07:41 No.5118273
    Did anyone find DtB Yin?
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)07:46 No.5118280

    You'd be suprised how easy it is not to hear someone in a massive crowd you know.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 11/01/11(Tue)07:49 No.5118283

    >> RP !!irLdG43K1Dj 11/01/11(Tue)07:52 No.5118284
    Does anyone have photos from the King of Fighters contest?

    Please and thank you!
    >> Aya Shameful !I4IrJba9Qw 11/01/11(Tue)07:59 No.5118292

    I guess you can find a working torrent somewhere
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 11/01/11(Tue)08:00 No.5118293

    I meant your photo collection. :c
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 11/01/11(Tue)08:01 No.5118295
         File1320148894.png-(287 KB, 774x709, 1319543089092.png)
    287 KB
    >Dat noise reduction tool
    Goddamnit Photoshop why don't you have this built in already
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)08:14 No.5118304
    There was a hell of a lot of crossplay this expo seems to be the norm now. Loving it.
    >> Aya Shameful !I4IrJba9Qw 11/01/11(Tue)08:14 No.5118305
    Sorry, I don't like to post my photos on here.

    that image is alittle conceiving(sp) as what is does is to add a burr to the image
    >> Faramon !HK416pk5gI 11/01/11(Tue)08:15 No.5118306
    My Modern Warfare Luigi was recognised as Luigi a fair few times and that was to be honest all I wanted, plus most people loved it when I explained the concept and where the idea came from.

    Also my Flat mates Compare the Meerkat costume went down well as far as I could tell, she loved the attention.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 11/01/11(Tue)08:16 No.5118308

    AWWWW with 500+ I bet you had some really good ones too. :c I didn't get that many, I only had my phone to take them on. Damn, disappointed.
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 11/01/11(Tue)08:18 No.5118311
    D'awww, I really wanted to try and find pictures of myself, haha.
    500+ pics is a goddamn lot.
    >> Aya Shameful !I4IrJba9Qw 11/01/11(Tue)08:24 No.5118318
    I didn't really take that many photos this time around because I had been sick for nearly a week and it didn't let me have a good nights sleep for like five nights in a row :/
    I normally take about 200-300 photos in the day when I go but this time I only took 62.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)08:27 No.5118320
    Awesome thank you very much, i'll be posting soon.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)08:36 No.5118327
    Did anyone bother taking any pics of the bad homestuck cosplayers? Could do with a laugh
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 11/01/11(Tue)08:50 No.5118333
    I have a video that I could upload sometime, but it's not too long.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)08:59 No.5118341

    That would be magical.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)09:01 No.5118342
         File1320152461.jpg-(125 KB, 960x720, MADter.jpg)
    125 KB
    Sorry bro, I was trying to ignore them.
    I have a hatter for you though.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)09:02 No.5118344
    Dat rabbit
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)09:21 No.5118368
    Sure is a circle jerk in here
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 11/01/11(Tue)09:31 No.5118375
         File1320154287.jpg-(27 KB, 338x300, i will kill everyone you love (...).jpg)
    27 KB
    you think this is bad you should've seen the meet up
    we all stood in one big circle and jerked everywhere
    it was great
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 11/01/11(Tue)09:46 No.5118390

    It's not long, and I had to stop because I got asked for a photo, but it's what I have.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 11/01/11(Tue)09:47 No.5118392
         File1320155269.jpg-(31 KB, 600x458, 1318031707774.jpg)
    31 KB

    I lol'd way too much.

    For serious anon, what the fuck do you expect. Tripfags meet up and then what, turn off their trips to talk about it? Wat?


    also, bassetts.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)09:49 No.5118396
    Anyone got any photo dumps they wish to share?
    >> Aya Shameful !I4IrJba9Qw 11/01/11(Tue)09:59 No.5118399
    What, onto a photo or something? :V
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 11/01/11(Tue)10:20 No.5118435
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 11/01/11(Tue)10:24 No.5118444
         File1320157451.png-(39 KB, 452x299, hellsfuckingyeah.png)
    39 KB
    >end of the video
    >"can i get a photo of you please?"
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 11/01/11(Tue)10:28 No.5118450
    Oh wait here's a video from a friend of mine, lots more footage:

    What's wrong with that
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)10:30 No.5118455
    >Homestuck fanbase
    180 thousand miles under NOPE
    >> Aya Shameful !I4IrJba9Qw 11/01/11(Tue)10:32 No.5118458
    watching that video made me felt like I was loosing my IQ =c
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)10:32 No.5118460
    Hey, I can briefly see myself in it. You know, for all the shit you people give the HS fandom, all of them were incredibly nice people.
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 11/01/11(Tue)10:33 No.5118463
         File1320158015.png-(21 KB, 489x429, 1319305956526.png)
    21 KB
    Agreed. They're nice people (I've been to enough meets to know for sure), they just get a little too excited.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)10:35 No.5118465
    Just watched the second video. The Gamzee who had Tavros in her lap is one of my best friends. Not gonna lie, I found that one somewhat cringe-worthy.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)10:39 No.5118470
         File1320158347.png-(1.18 MB, 875x658, MCM1011.png)
    1.18 MB
    Why the chalk. I mean really. One day the Excel are just going to call it quits with the state it's left in every year.

    Have some Tangled. I missed the amazing Flynn there though. Sad times.
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 11/01/11(Tue)10:42 No.5118477
         File1320158539.gif-(309 KB, 468x340, kids-and-fun.gif)
    309 KB
    Yeah, I know that feeling. It's a little embarrassing hanging out with people like this when they're fucking mental half the time, but they're pleasant to be with when they're calm.

    Can't wait for it to end so the cosplay numbers will go down.
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 11/01/11(Tue)10:44 No.5118482
         File1320158681.jpg-(674 KB, 2048x1536, SDC10522.jpg)
    674 KB
    Chalk is easily washable, it did rain a little the night on Saturday so I guess it was gone pretty quickly.

    The Pokémon group was pretty unbearable to be around too, it was just a massive goddamn unorganized mess, I left pretty quickly because there was absolutely nothing happening.
    >> Aya Shameful !I4IrJba9Qw 11/01/11(Tue)10:52 No.5118500
    ad least they used chalk and not felt tip pens thats all I can say
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)11:00 No.5118510
    Oh wow! The one on the front row far right is absolutely beautiful!
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)11:02 No.5118513

    Agreed, and yes. I just found it disrespectful. Especially watching the poor guy power-washing outside the Novotel Monday morning. But it's not like they sharpie-markered the benches, or anything.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)11:02 No.5118514
    I'm nice as well. but I dont act like i'm twelve though.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)11:03 No.5118516

    Oh she was a Pokemon! I saw her several times and wondered what it was from. It was a lovely cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)11:10 No.5118521
    apparently some of them made some hetalia fans cry
    not that I blame them
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)12:17 No.5118641
    I was surprised of how many Persona cosplayers there were with the anime out anyone snap any pictures of them?
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)12:43 No.5118680
         File1320165829.jpg-(315 KB, 1313x2048, 338103_10150338682377061_60782(...).jpg)
    315 KB
    Hey anyone get any more pics of my cosplay? (WH40k Praetorian Guard)
    >> Flynn !MNKvb5gTgI 11/01/11(Tue)12:47 No.5118689
    I kept my distance most of the weekend, because a lot of the people there were intense and downright scary.
    The few who actually spoke to me like normal human beings were lovely, though, I think it's such a shame that their reputation gets ruined by the rest.

    And as for the chalk, as relatively harmless as it was, I guess it wasn't the best plan in the world to graffiti over private property...
    The idea was cute and I'm sure they had a lot of fun doing it, but common sense would dictate that... Yeah.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)13:03 No.5118733
    I have one but it did not come out very well compared to the one you posted, I can post it if you want.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)13:07 No.5118738
    yeah go on then
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)13:11 No.5118743
         File1320167474.jpg-(571 KB, 1229x1639, con7.jpg)
    571 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)13:23 No.5118775
    I know there's a thread for the Euro finals, any opinions on the Saturday and Sunday masquerades? I think the Sunday masquerade actually started on time didn't it?
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 11/01/11(Tue)14:00 No.5118858
         File1320170448.jpg-(441 KB, 2048x1536, SDC10519.jpg)
    441 KB
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 11/01/11(Tue)14:01 No.5118860

    I love you for that reference <3 :'D
    >> Aya Shameful !I4IrJba9Qw 11/01/11(Tue)14:04 No.5118870
    I liked the fact that most people walked away before they said "ahhh!"
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)14:51 No.5118978
         File1320173460.jpg-(616 KB, 1400x1048, pewl.jpg)
    616 KB
    this thread needs more deadpool
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)14:52 No.5118981
    This thread needs more photos in general.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 11/01/11(Tue)15:02 No.5119012
    That is does, and why the heck can't I find any other photos of me beyond Aoshi's?

    What happened to the ones taken by people of me, Micnax Pirate and Leanne all together?

    I wanna see ;;
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 11/01/11(Tue)15:06 No.5119025
         File1320174379.jpg-(870 KB, 1500x1125, circlejerk 2.jpg)
    870 KB
    I have a picture and a mini-story
    >at cgl meet-up
    >have one vodka&coke
    >cant handle alcohol
    >straight to the bathroom
    and it was the best night ever

    Blocked my face out because I don't look fly in any images.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 11/01/11(Tue)15:13 No.5119037
    What even is that facial expression I am pulling.

    Oh well, at least we have one picture. Kinda. Blueeeee, you shouldn't have blocked your face out, it can't be THAT bad.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 11/01/11(Tue)15:15 No.5119041

    I love it *-*

    So pissed I missed this -.-
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 11/01/11(Tue)15:15 No.5119044
         File1320174947.jpg-(278 KB, 600x617, circlejerk 1.jpg)
    278 KB
    I seriously do not photograph well
    Never have been able to.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)15:16 No.5119045
         File1320174968.jpg-(62 KB, 720x540, zechs.jpg)
    62 KB
    His helmet was really well done.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 11/01/11(Tue)15:19 No.5119051
    Yeah, we had a hair dye party after a tea party on friday so it was exceptionally luminous.

    Purlease, I am worse. Go check out my latest tagged photos of me in a bowler hat/net curtain/getting my hair dyed. They are all awful. I am even doing a home alone face in one of them. But I leave them tagged because I am a good sport, pfffttttt.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 11/01/11(Tue)15:20 No.5119052
    Totally didn't know that was you. V:

    Also what happened to the group photo I was in time for by milliseconds? Who took that?
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 11/01/11(Tue)15:21 No.5119056
    how much did you throw up?
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 11/01/11(Tue)15:22 No.5119061
    Also, ai-honey looks mad. I bet she's really mean.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)15:23 No.5119066
    Aha you were that guy. Any other tripfag on those tables? Was outside on a table as well with 2 other.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 11/01/11(Tue)15:24 No.5119068
    But I've had pink hair for over a year.. lol. Fail. Yuka took that photo but it came out super dark. I dunno if she can salvage it by lightening it. I can ask her though.

    >> Pirate Toaster !c1TjLrVNNA 11/01/11(Tue)15:25 No.5119073
         File1320175523.jpg-(2.74 MB, 4000x3000, DSCF2886.jpg)
    2.74 MB
    I think it's my camera, it seems to pick up everyone's flaws. Silly camera.

    I only took three photos of the meet, here's the second one.
    >> Felix !!BRZEOMOoX+1 11/01/11(Tue)15:28 No.5119080
    Pretty sure there's a photo of me and PirateToaster with the maid deadpool out there.
    >> Pirate Toaster !c1TjLrVNNA 11/01/11(Tue)15:31 No.5119089
         File1320175866.jpg-(2.71 MB, 4000x3000, DSCF2885.jpg)
    2.71 MB
    Haha yes, he was awesome.

    Oh man, didn't realise how blurry it was, sorry!
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 11/01/11(Tue)15:34 No.5119098
    you're really artsy with your blurry shots.

    why am I even in this thread.
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 11/01/11(Tue)15:35 No.5119100
    I was wearing the stupid white/red hat and the yellow bag drinking a vodka and coke
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)15:38 No.5119108
    Do you guys go to any other UK cons? I did not to the one this weekend due to me not knowing about it, next MCM I will have a non chan friend with me and she cannot really drink so we would be sort of out of place it seems.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 11/01/11(Tue)15:41 No.5119123
    I look good in this one actually

    Not at all bro
    Was the other kind of "popping to the loo"
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 11/01/11(Tue)15:42 No.5119127
    But I didn't really know who you are... am a pretty new trip to the 'knowing people' ranks!

    Dunno, may go to DokiDoki, since Beckii suggested to and it won't cost me much, and will likely to Thought Bubble the week after, since it's here in Leeds. Other than that... pretty much just MCM ones really.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 11/01/11(Tue)15:44 No.5119132
    Been thinking of hitting up Kitacon at some point, but I dunno, mainly going to the MCMs.
    I here Ayacon is nice too, but I dunno.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 11/01/11(Tue)15:46 No.5119137
    We need to create a /cgl/ britfag comprehensive list of cons and who can goes or something, heh.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 11/01/11(Tue)15:46 No.5119138
    Somehow you must've avoided the many ai-honey threads then, you're lucky.

    Aya won't be running till the year after next, if it does run again. Amecon is next summer. Kitacon is good though, but I would suggest staying in a cheaper hotel offsite like I did as the hotel it's ran in is expensive. That or room cramming.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 11/01/11(Tue)15:48 No.5119145
    I knew of you, but I not enough to recognise you ;;

    That has been remedied.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)15:50 No.5119153
    Does this include the Midlands expo?
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 11/01/11(Tue)15:55 No.5119166
    Aye, I'm hoping to go to every MCM possible, I always have a great time when I go.
    Manchester, Midlands, London, all of 'em.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 11/01/11(Tue)15:55 No.5119167
    Not been yet, but with my living in Leeds as of a few months ago, not a town in the middle of nowhere, it's a distinct possibility.
    >> KomaK !DU8.7nfCkU 11/01/11(Tue)15:55 No.5119168
         File1320177330.gif-(1.18 MB, 300x300, Jim GaGa.gif)
    1.18 MB
    Generally Cons>Expos in terms of drinking and partying.
    Hopefully I'm going to Fushi, Mega, Kita, Ame, C6 and Dragon*Con. Attend ALL the cons.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)15:59 No.5119182
    Literally my friend has one drink and things go wrong and I already asked her to the next London MCM, can't ditch her or make her feel left out.

    Well that might be fun.
    >> KomaK !DU8.7nfCkU 11/01/11(Tue)16:03 No.5119195
    Haha, she'd be great at Kita or ALcon then. People only go to get absolutely pissed.
    >> Deripsni !KowIjtB8Og 11/01/11(Tue)16:04 No.5119196
         File1320177856.jpg-(67 KB, 600x450, 1320136956998.jpg)
    67 KB

    Ooo I might go to the ones outside London :)

    When are they?
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)16:07 No.5119203
    The midlands comic con is on the 18th and 19th of February.
    >> KomaK !DU8.7nfCkU 11/01/11(Tue)16:12 No.5119225
    Lolololol. I love how they're marketing themselves as a comic con when 80% of attendees are anime based.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)16:13 No.5119231
    Well if they marketed it as an anime convention there would be even more of them and then it would not be as good.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 11/01/11(Tue)16:14 No.5119234
    Actually, at least for the London one, there's a good deal of comic, film and game characters every time. It's a all-artistic-media-welcome con, wven if anime dominates.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)16:16 No.5119243
    The budget hotel near the venue for london MCM is already fully booked for the Saturday of the convention and that's not until May, that is annoying.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 11/01/11(Tue)16:18 No.5119247
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)16:24 No.5119267
    So is the Premier Inn and at least one of the 4 star hotels for the kind of room I would want. I think a lot of people are going to have to buddy up for a room in one of the expensive hotels and split the cost.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)16:26 No.5119274
    Cons are better generally, but I wish people wouldn't just go to cons to get wasted, drinking is ok but it's all fun until some moron breaks something.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 11/01/11(Tue)16:29 No.5119281
    Perhaps it would be best to start picking buddies NOW, haha.

    I've gotta pay back Micnax for this hotel still though... god I feel useless for that. ;;

    This time I'll play host to a buddy, methinks, so that's not a problem, haha.

    Or get a large hotel room to myself and host the meet party there after, haha.
    >> Deripsni !KowIjtB8Og 11/01/11(Tue)16:29 No.5119283
         File1320179360.jpg-(86 KB, 400x354, 1320150404560.jpg)
    86 KB

    I should rent for Anons.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)16:31 No.5119288
    Well I already have a friend I know IRL to share with. Also son of a bitch, the closest travel lodge is fully booked up as well, people are not hanging around.
    >> Beloved_Of_Cthulhu !!wIEkitftaKh 11/01/11(Tue)16:34 No.5119295
    You a rent boy then?
    >> Deripsni !KowIjtB8Og 11/01/11(Tue)16:36 No.5119301
         File1320179767.jpg-(52 KB, 476x465, 1319985621443.jpg)
    52 KB

    For some, possibly.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)16:48 No.5119331
    Requesting more photos! There's got to have been more good and bad beyond what's shown here...
    >> Felix !!BRZEOMOoX+1 11/01/11(Tue)16:49 No.5119336
    Humbly requesting any of the two photos of my Mari Makinami on Sunday if the people surf here.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 11/01/11(Tue)16:59 No.5119373
    Seriously wishing the person who ran the pokemon meet would post the photos already, If you're the one organising it, it should be a major responsibility to get your photos up promptly.

    That meet was such a goddamn mess, I don't even.
    >> Readmiww !!VxUJSbD0q1q 11/01/11(Tue)17:36 No.5119487
         File1320183400.jpg-(60 KB, 720x480, 309713_10150900440335591_56757(...).jpg)
    60 KB
    I wouldn't mind some pics of the Sat RE Meet. Even if it was about 60% milling around!

    Pic related. What I found thus far
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)18:24 No.5119614
    Anyone got any pictures of the Rainbow Dash from saturday? I didnt think to take any.

    And one of you called me brony scum and didnt give me a hug! Atleast i presume it was one of you, or someone from reddit or something.
    >> Tarocchi !3vxnARAidE 11/01/11(Tue)18:33 No.5119641
    Someone bought me a taxi because the DLR was down. Otherwise I don't think I would actually have gotten there.
    >> Tarocchi !3vxnARAidE 11/01/11(Tue)18:46 No.5119684
    Bluh bluh chalk everywhere.
    > Walked outside.
    > Honks all over the floor.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)20:30 No.5119895
         File1320193842.jpg-(458 KB, 2272x1704, IMG_4514.jpg)
    458 KB
    Here you go!
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)20:32 No.5119897
         File1320193956.jpg-(403 KB, 2272x1704, ponycosplay.jpg)
    403 KB
    And some more ponies
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)21:26 No.5120100
    Cheers, i think these were from sunday though, either that or i missed the brony meetup.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 11/01/11(Tue)21:30 No.5120115
    I think I passed the people in the first image late on the Saturday actually, maybe about 5PM, but I'm not sure.
    Certainly saw them hanging around, seemed nice.
    >> Hybrid 11/02/11(Wed)05:47 No.5121573
    That chubby Pinkie in the background is my best friend, anybody have any more pictures of her?

    Also anybody got any shots of Sunday's TF2 meet? I was the BLU Medic.
    >> Aoshi !Swa.SQZwmA 11/02/11(Wed)06:02 No.5121594
         File1320228175.jpg-(546 KB, 1024x768, PA297488.jpg)
    546 KB
    Only photo I have of gathering. Blacked out one face, I think it's an anon that wants to remain anon.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)06:26 No.5121627
         File1320229572.jpg-(46 KB, 505x384, 1299139989698.jpg)
    46 KB
    Center Fluttershy's face is nightmare fuel.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)06:27 No.5121628
         File1320229620.jpg-(809 KB, 1000x944, IMGP3108.jpg)
    809 KB
    Anyone have any Tifa (FF:AC), Mari (Evangelion) or Gumi (coward mont blanc) photos?

    I have a few photo's of other cosplayers but I haven't put them up anywhere yet, I have a lot to do today so I'll link them tomorrow. Have the first people I photographed on the Friday (not me or anyone I know)
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)07:41 No.5121683
         File1320234115.png-(586 KB, 511x573, potato.png)
    586 KB
    I fixed it.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)07:53 No.5121687
    man, that Panty is exceptionally bad. makes me appreciate the ones that put the effort in more..
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)08:05 No.5121693
         File1320235542.jpg-(77 KB, 720x540, 311360_249714515077098_1000011(...).jpg)
    77 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)08:07 No.5121696
         File1320235632.jpg-(57 KB, 640x480, 295768_10150376313834756_56069(...).jpg)
    57 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)08:08 No.5121697
         File1320235731.jpg-(68 KB, 720x477, 310506_10150519261354782_79194(...).jpg)
    68 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)09:08 No.5121752
    Any pictures of the little No More Heroes group on sunday would be awesome.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)10:26 No.5121891

    I got a glimpse of them in a video, london mcm music videos or something on youtube
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)10:57 No.5121978
         File1320245832.jpg-(74 KB, 259x257, travi.jpg)
    74 KB
    Video link would be much appreciated
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:04 No.5121997

    There, found it again.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:11 No.5122015
         File1320246680.jpg-(162 KB, 600x631, cirno.jpg)
    162 KB
    Many thanks bro
    >> Britfag !!VN4BeP6O8RP 11/02/11(Wed)11:20 No.5122038
         File1320247224.jpg-(119 KB, 720x647, MOLTOBENE.jpg)
    119 KB
    >> felix !!BRZEOMOoX+1 11/02/11(Wed)11:39 No.5122087
    Still looking for Police Stocking and Panty photos~
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)11:51 No.5122122
         File1320249110.jpg-(360 KB, 1144x904, 32.jpg)
    360 KB
    >> Pirate Toaster !c1TjLrVNNA 11/02/11(Wed)12:57 No.5122289
    Oh man, my hat is trying to escape or something.
    Thanks for the photo though!
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)12:59 No.5122292

    what a nasty-looking stocking wig. it's so shiny and cheap-looking it looks like it came from party city, wtf?
    >> Felix !!BRZEOMOoX+1 11/02/11(Wed)13:00 No.5122293
    Oh dear god I derped so hard in that photo.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 11/02/11(Wed)13:01 No.5122297
    It looks much better in person and in other pictures, I'd just chalk it down to a bad photo.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)13:03 No.5122300
    It looks really tangled and frizzy, it need a brush running through it.
    >> Chi 11/02/11(Wed)13:04 No.5122302
         File1320253475.jpg-(422 KB, 1000x666, _MG_4645.jpg)
    422 KB
    To the rescue~
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 11/02/11(Wed)13:06 No.5122305
    I can pitch in and say Felix had to use my brush like 100 times on Saturday.

    It was full of purple and pink afterwards.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)13:10 No.5122320
    Beautiful cosplays but ugly girls, their body's are nice... too bad about the faces, they both look manly.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)13:27 No.5122376
         File1320254841.jpg-(122 KB, 960x720, 312585_2081745768805_139991497(...).jpg)
    122 KB
    Found another nice picture of some Anons.
    >> Pirate Toaster !c1TjLrVNNA 11/02/11(Wed)13:29 No.5122379
    Aaaah, it's my waifu <3
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 11/02/11(Wed)13:51 No.5122422
    Bernie is everyone's waifu
    >> ZomZom !TroZomZom2 11/02/11(Wed)13:53 No.5122428
    Expo in 3 words?
    Bitches. And. Whores.
    >> Pirate Toaster !c1TjLrVNNA 11/02/11(Wed)14:05 No.5122446
         File1320257112.jpg-(2.5 MB, 3742x2557, DSCF2912.jpg)
    2.5 MB
    But...I thought we shared something special ;A;
    >> Barnababy 11/02/11(Wed)14:16 No.5122466
    Damn, my face looks really fat in that picture. But tganks, I haven't seen that one yet.

    All of my love Toastie <3 Don't worrie, we did!
    > pufferfish kisses

    I feel insulted and honoured at the same time...
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:42 No.5122529

    more photos please? my camera broke so i wasn't able to take any
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:54 No.5122558
         File1320260058.jpg-(133 KB, 640x960, 386920_10150888986800167_62709(...).jpg)
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    So moe~
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:59 No.5122563
         File1320260356.png-(555 KB, 517x619, Squall.png)
    555 KB
    I was quite impressed with this Squall. Best one I've seen turn up at MCM so far. Looking for the rest of my pictures, but my SD cards have gone walk-about.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:01 No.5122566
         File1320260468.png-(574 KB, 631x699, ANE.png)
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    Quality is awful as they're all video stills. Still hunting for the cards.
    There was a lot more Ao No Exorcist than I thought. Pumped for when my group do it. Was disappointed there were no Mephistos with umbrellas though.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:02 No.5122570
         File1320260571.jpg-(86 KB, 540x720, 315633_2530180504302_154716198(...).jpg)
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    I remember the Just dance 3 Commentator calling this Bill Gaddafi then Che Guevara. I cringed. Really good costumes although the hunters mask doesn't look quite right.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:05 No.5122579
    Does anyone have any picture of that Kefka Palazzo? He was Beyond awesome.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:19 No.5122619
    Was there any GOOD Homestuck this weekend?
    All I saw were a sea of badly painted trolls and a thousand closet Daves with bad hair. In May there was a couple of surpises but I didn't spot any last weekend.
    >> Pirate Toaster !c1TjLrVNNA 11/02/11(Wed)15:23 No.5122632
         File1320261801.jpg-(2.92 MB, 3000x4000, DSCF2881.jpg)
    2.92 MB
    I don't read Homestruck, but I got this photo because I thought the girl was really well done.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:25 No.5122638
    oh wow I really love the color tones of the hunters clothes. the eye-area doesnt look good, you're right, but even the skin-tone is pretty good. are there more pics?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:42 No.5122660
         File1320262953.jpg-(77 KB, 720x540, 299573_10150449152530977_58787(...).jpg)
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    It looks 100x better when his hood hides the top half of his face. Don't get me wrong, the mask looks great, it just doesn't seem like it belongs in a hunter costume.

    It's nice to see hunters who actually put a fair amount of effort into their costumes.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:44 No.5122662
    wow, yeah she's great!
    Where are her wings, though? :(
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 11/02/11(Wed)15:44 No.5122665
         File1320263098.gif-(116 KB, 500x281, tumblr_lr8sd91Ifc1qzfnhho1_500.gif)
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    oh man
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:53 No.5122675
         File1320263618.jpg-(74 KB, 960x720, 383847_2612624201143_142117188(...).jpg)
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    I didn't see these guys but I swear I heard an anon saying she was cosplaying Astrid Hofferson. Kind of a shame, they look great.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:57 No.5122683
    Oh geeze! I saw the Astrid, she's very good, but I missed the Toothless. Gutted.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:07 No.5122693
    Yeah, I forgot, people are doing this thing where they only half ass make costumes because leaving out important parts is cool.

    Why even strat if youre not going to go to the effort to make the entire thing properly.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:25 No.5122727
    Even more moe now that I've realised my G String is half way down my arse.
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 11/02/11(Wed)16:32 No.5122744
         File1320265967.png-(9 KB, 407x395, 1291242524105.png)
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    I thought that was intended

    Oh you, spiderman
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:40 No.5122764
    I was cosplaying the green lantern
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:26 No.5122877
    all i can say was the crowds for the masquerade both days disgusted me they made no effort to cheer the cosplayers and on Saturday they left before the winners were announced !!
    it was alot better in May to be in the masquerade as you felt the crowd cared you took the plunge to get up on stage but not even a naked dance troupe would have stirred the crowd the whole weekend .......
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:48 No.5122950
    Most likely becuase no one really cares about horrible skits and who's THE WINNER, and that I'd only go to see the costumes.
    >> Aoshi !Swa.SQZwmA 11/02/11(Wed)18:04 No.5123000

    Now now... you know it's a given that cosplayers do have to whore it up to get attention.

    I'm not putting down Felix or Pirate Toaster in particular but some of the cosplays... were just downright depressing :<

    "I get it, you've got big boobs... proved your point. Now, maybe you could make it look less store-bought by any chance?"
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)18:29 No.5123067
    Who were the winners though? Pictures?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)19:12 No.5123119
    Hahaha yeah, that Hunter is me. The eyepiece was slapped on in about 30 seconds in the bathroom because people kept complaining about the smell of the latex, it usually looks better.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)19:57 No.5123234
    I agree, anon. Especially so for Saturday. I know that the Saturday masq. is a comparitively tiny event but with a frosty reception like that, no wonder people don't put themselves up for it! There were a couple of good entries, (I liked the Lightning, Dragon Age and Dissidia entries) otherwise most were pretty meh, but everyone deserved applause, no matter what! I felt bad for them.
    >> Captain Price 11/02/11(Wed)19:58 No.5123236
         File1320278309.jpg-(109 KB, 640x427, CoD MCM2011.jpg)
    109 KB
    If any of you have any photos of me (cross-playing Price) and my accompanying Ghost, I'd be so grateful. I've only found five or six so far, and that beard was such a nightmare that I'd really like a bit more record of it than that. I'll remember my camera next time so I don't have to ask!
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)20:08 No.5123262
    Pufferfishkisses <3 and nermenermenerrr face nuzzles!
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)20:12 No.5123273
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)04:08 No.5124537
         File1320307706.jpg-(127 KB, 638x960, sat1.jpg)
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    I think Lightning won overall in the mini Saturday masquerade
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)04:09 No.5124540
         File1320307777.jpg-(140 KB, 960x638, sat2.jpg)
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    I think the CCS either came 2nd or got a Judges award? I didn't see it so I'm no sure, just going by what I heard. Assuming the other two groups got awards too.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)04:10 No.5124543
         File1320307821.jpg-(63 KB, 720x540, sun2.jpg)
    63 KB
    Sunday Judges Awar for 'in character portrayal' which I totally agree with as their performance was adorable
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)04:13 No.5124545
         File1320308001.jpg-(119 KB, 576x768, sun3.jpg)
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    mogwaik and her sister got best performance with Donkey and Puss in Boots having trouble finding any decent masquerade shots
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)04:14 No.5124546
         File1320308050.jpg-(86 KB, 576x768, sun4.jpg)
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    Puss in Boots off of CI as all the albums I'm looking through stop half way through the masquerade
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)04:15 No.5124547
         File1320308102.jpg-(76 KB, 720x540, sun1.jpg)
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    Pandora Hears got best in parade
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)04:17 No.5124548
    I can't find pictures for the last two but a girl in a purple dress got a Judges Award for detail and best Expert went to a girl in a skimpy purple outfit with silver edging and a bow. I saw that one upclose it was really nice, I want to know how she made the silver parts.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)06:32 No.5124698
    Im sorry but isnt it ironic she won again.
    the will is gorgeous but have to say although she pulls it off better than street-angel she used the exact same satin which is a let down
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)07:23 No.5124734
         File1320319383.jpg-(847 KB, 855x1000, IMGP3096.jpg)
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    Here's a few
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)07:23 No.5124736
         File1320319432.jpg-(856 KB, 933x1000, IMGP3111.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)07:24 No.5124737
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    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)07:25 No.5124738
         File1320319523.jpg-(543 KB, 1000x950, IMGP3124.jpg)
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    These guys where super annoying
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)07:26 No.5124740
         File1320319611.jpg-(444 KB, 556x1000, IMGP3126.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)07:27 No.5124741
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    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)07:28 No.5124742
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    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)07:29 No.5124743
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    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)07:30 No.5124745
         File1320319820.jpg-(851 KB, 1000x966, IMGP3166.jpg)
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    Last picture I took on the Friday. Best stocking I saw all week.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)07:33 No.5124748
         File1320320030.jpg-(643 KB, 820x1000, IMGP3745.jpg)
    643 KB
    Going to the Sunday folder now, I took way to many on the Saturday and can't be bothered to sort them out yet.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)07:34 No.5124749
         File1320320070.jpg-(759 KB, 651x1000, IMGP3747.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)07:36 No.5124751
         File1320320160.jpg-(562 KB, 1000x697, IMGP3749.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)07:39 No.5124757
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    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)07:40 No.5124758
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    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)07:42 No.5124760
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    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)07:43 No.5124763
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    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)07:45 No.5124764

    is that...a nipple...?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)07:49 No.5124766
         File1320320958.jpg-(709 KB, 648x1000, IMGP3790.jpg)
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    Can't be bothered, going to upload them somewhere else in bulk.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)07:51 No.5124768
    Yup, took the photo anyways~
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)08:28 No.5124817
    Can you link when done plz?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)08:32 No.5124824

    Why ironic? And it's not the same satin. Street-Angel used economy satin Pandora used a crepe satin.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)08:37 No.5124835
    Sure, sorting out my friends photo's first though and need to send them to them first though
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)13:17 No.5125364
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)13:41 No.5125443
         File1320342078.jpg-(66 KB, 480x720, sunja.jpg)
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    Founds some pictures, this was the girl who got the other Judges Award for detail on the Sunday
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)13:42 No.5125444
         File1320342140.jpg-(72 KB, 480x720, sunexpert.jpg)
    72 KB
    Expert winner on Sunday, I loved this costume but I have no idea what it's from
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)13:45 No.5125452
    World of Warcraft.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)13:57 No.5125482
    >Street-Angel mentioned in the thread.
    Heeeere we go
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)14:00 No.5125490
         File1320343221.jpg-(76 KB, 720x480, sunwin.jpg)
    76 KB
    A shot of all the winners on stage from Sunday
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)14:03 No.5125501
    I have a question:
    So there was this photographer at MCM who took pics of loads of people. He took some pics of me, with no release or anything signed and gave me his card so that I could check his site and download them. Now I see that not only the pics are available for purchase, but that I can't even download a free copy of *my* pics - there is only a very small-sized, watermarked one available and if I want a bigger one I have to pay. Is that normal? It seems dodgy to me. From my experience, I should have signed a release for him to sell them or profit from them and I should be entitled to a free downloaded one (not a print).
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)14:04 No.5125505
    I like how the only photo of me at this meet is only my butt and back.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)14:14 No.5125538

    I think they only need to worry about concent forms if the subject is under 16. As for selling pictures of you without your concent, cosplay portrait had a disclaimer on their site saying they can do just that if you agree for them to take your photo. Which kind of annoys me as I feel I was tricked into them taking mine at a cosplay gathering and I don't like the thought of my picture being used for profit.

    The photographer though has every right to charge you for his work, if you're that unhappy with him having a photo then you could ask him to delete it/take it down?

    If you want free photos try Paul at the Neo stand, you'll get two poses there for free against a nice white backdrop with studio lighting. Foxy is an up and coming roaming cosplay photographer who takes nice shots. Emi-zone, Silver and Yuka are also good photographers. There's Nert and Pouncy but they tend to have obtrusive logos on their pictures. Pouncy more so, that and he creeps me out, nice guy but...creepy. Akaru and Blasteh take gorgeous shots and I think they're doing more general con photography now. I know Akaru had a stand at Aya just gone. Chii takes lovely photos and there's always Cosplay Fever but you're not garuanteed to get your photos back from them, not without going through a requestion process I think. TheMagicalLucy used to do really good photography but I haven't seen much of her work lately. Can't think of any other names right now though I know a lot of people that carry around cameras and would probably do a shoot if you asked them but I can't garuantee the quality.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)14:16 No.5125546
    Out of interest, who was this?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)14:17 No.5125551
    Nah, it wasn't cosplay portraits and he didn't have his terms anywhere. I just think it was a bit dodgy cause it's not like I wanted my pic taken, as much as the guy stopping everyone for a pic while walking by. In such cases I think it is common decency for them to give you a free download of your pics since they are putting them in their portfolio and I think that at least they should let you know if they are planning to make them available for the public to purchase.
    >> Pirate Toaster !c1TjLrVNNA 11/03/11(Thu)14:17 No.5125553
    If he's charging for the photos of you, then he shouldve made you sign a release form. You could file a court order, but that would cost you money. Best bet is just to email him and call him out on it.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)14:21 No.5125569
    This! Every blogger and photographer I know will either state their terms clearly and make peeps sign a release or they will permit you to download a decent size copy of your pic. They can charge for prints but to charge for even a basic download is just bad form.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)14:24 No.5125574
    I actually don't even care for the photos, it just seems inappropriate. And charging £5.00 for a download of the full-size pic? El oh el.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)14:28 No.5125592

    I didn't even realize at first, I just pointed out the pics to a friend and she told me that she had to buy hers, and then I checked and yup... He only lets you download a ridiculously small one that is watermarked...
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 11/03/11(Thu)14:35 No.5125608
    I was wearing pasties.. and tape. Lol, but I guess under the paint it looks the same.

    Kinda more annoyed by how my skirt is acting there. Needs to be pulled up, eurgh. Also lol'ing at my sock boots. Stupid boots crippled my feet.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)15:24 No.5125730

    What are you talking about? I just looked at his site and the images are 900 pixels tall, and the watermark is in the bottom corner. Can't see a problem with that. Are you sure you clicked on the right link? Here's an example:

    So you get a free pic for online use and if you want him to do more work for you, like rescale it etc he wants a fiver. Seems fair enough but maybe that's just me?

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