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    File : 1320068856.jpg-(44 KB, 648x432, hotel-room.jpg)
    44 KB MuGS !!tZ5esCFs0eJ 10/31/11(Mon)09:47 No.5115341  
    So I've been to several cons, and my group always packs the same things. It's always clothes on top of bathroom essentials on top of alcohol on top of any cosplay. For the most part, this has been all we've brought to cons for the past four or five years. My question is: what would you say is an essential con item you always bring with you? It can be something as simple as a shirt, or perhaps something more unique.

    For example: my brother has brought a full bars worth of alcohol and mixers (5 full boxes worth) to every convention we've been to for the past couple of years.
    >> Medic !lkXrRFQ0/k 10/31/11(Mon)10:11 No.5115363
    First aid kit. Always a first aid kit (though to be fair, I never leave the house without one, let alone travel to another city).
    Something as simple as band-aids and some purell is usually enough, but I like to go God-mode on mine:
    band-aids, tensor bandage (at least one), painkillers, pepto (or equivalent), saline flush (for cleaning larger cuts/scrapes), alcohol swabs, purell, gauze, medical tape, cotton swabs, pen, pen-light, and cold meds (no one likes a cold at a con). Of course, this varies depending on what I've got on hand, but that's a pretty average kit for me.

    Otherwise, the only things you didn't cover are snacks, and music for the car.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)10:16 No.5115371
    Agree with the first aid kit for sure, also emergency sewing kit would be good. As for the Alcohol one convention we had all of ours out (this was Katsucon at the Omni in DC) and secruity confiscated it all and wouldn't return it to us at any point during the con, it pretty much ruined things. SO that being said, just be careful of it and if security comes to your room be sure that the bar isn't in plain sight.
    >> MuGS !!tZ5esCFs0eJ 10/31/11(Mon)10:24 No.5115385

    We usually carry the boxes right through the front lobby and have never been stopped. Everyone in our room is usually of age, and I've never heard of anyone's liquor being confiscated before. Must of been a pretty prude hotel...
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)10:30 No.5115390
    It was, it was terrible. They didn't see it in the lobby because it was packed away but we put all the bottles out on the windowsill of the room and they took it all when security came up to fix our lock. Needless today we tried to do something about it but were pretty much laughed at which INFURIATED me. So we never went back and try and trash their rep whenever possible. We should have called the cops or refused to give it to them or just left to go to another hotel. But anyway, I caution people of it because we were of age, we owned it all , we weren't flaunting it around the con, it was all in our room and they still took it all. I just don't want it to happen to anyone else.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)10:51 No.5115420
    I bring my laptop and my external harddrive to cons, so that when I inevitably fail to bring a girl back to my room for the night, I can at least fap and weep in solitude and get my beauty rest.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)10:52 No.5115421
    I always bring a pack of cards to play drinking games at cons.
    >> Jkid !yYT/u4PSNE 10/31/11(Mon)13:29 No.5115736
    The essential convention item I always bring with me is my camera and camcorder. Even in times where I commute to cons, it's still an essential item. That way the memories of the con will always stay with you forever.

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