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    File : 1319998958.jpg-(189 KB, 1200x1600, 70.jpg)
    189 KB Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)14:22 No.5113259  
    >Go to a nerdy party in hopes of meeting new friends
    >Meet several decent to cute looking girls with fun personalities and am able to strike up fun conversations with them
    >Later find out that all of these decent looking girls (and even some of the really ugly ones) are in relationships

    It's like I'm cockblocked at these events even before I walk into the door
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)14:27 No.5113268
    Take it to /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)14:29 No.5113273
    i wish i got invited to nerdy parties
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)14:31 No.5113277
    >Go to a party under the pretense of "meeting new friends"
    >Be mad at the world because women aren't keeping themselves single in the hopes that you'll grace them with your presence/ penis like the good "friend" you are
    >Don't see the bitter irony in complaining about that and then not lowering your standards and going for one of the "really ugly ones" that you aren't attracted to, much like you expect the cute girls to

    Cry harder.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)14:34 No.5113283

    Keep going to nerdy parties. There will be a single girl there eventually.
    Beats staying home, doesn't it?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)14:40 No.5113296
    It's cons and gatherings too, I'm making new friends and meeting a lot of great people but it always seems weird that even though cosplay is a hobby where the women do outnumber the mean it seems like the amount of decent single women out there is just nonexistent. Forget about me having a shitty pickup game or trying to romance someone, I can't even attempt these things as I don't get a chance to.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)14:46 No.5113309
    Oh cry more. The problem is, people go to events or conventions looking to find someone to hook up with. If you went to just make friends and enjoy yourself instead of thinking you'll find a quick lay or a soulmate, then you'd probably have an easier time of getting a relationship with someone you meet just to chat and become friends with.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 10/30/11(Sun)14:48 No.5113314
         File1320000493.gif-(54 KB, 318x480, Usavich 55.gif)
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    You weren't looking for friends, you were looking for a girl friend. What the hell is up with these sad mother fuckers looking for a girl friend in every situation. Calm down, jesus christ. I wouldn't be surprised if these chicks lied and just said they were in relationships just to avoid being asked out by you. I know I would have, it's easy to pick up on desperate types like you.

    Go back to /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)14:51 No.5113318
    Judging by how whiny you are and how you're still in the phase where you're convinced you need someone else in your life to be happy, you're not old enough (or at the very least, not even close to mature enough) for a real relationship. You'll be better off looking for a "relationship" in underage parties where every tweeny and teen girl will be so impressed that you have an ID. Buy them booze and enjoy your meaningless lays.

    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)14:51 No.5113319
         File1320000699.png-(137 KB, 500x241, tumblr_lthr1itfOO1r2cyaro1_500.png)
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    Fucking this.

    Besides, do you really expect any nerdy girl who's good looking to stay single long? There's about a 1 to 5000 ratio of good looking and admitted nerd girls compared to nerd guys. If I were a good looking nerd girl, I wouldn't go ahead and date the first nerd-loving douchebag who just attends parties to get himself a girlfriend.

    And no, the majority of nerd guys aren't very subtle about it, either, so don't go all 'but she wouldn't notice!!1!'.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)15:25 No.5113383
    Betamales are retards. I met my g/f because she was a nerdy girl in a mediocre relationship that wasn't going anywhere. Most relationships end up failing eventually, if you're a bigger catch no woman would be stupid enough to just let you walk on by.

    I would go to the nerdy parties, just get your head out of the 'now', and show girls a solid handshake and that they have nothing to feel uncomfortable about around you. I don't think of it as a cockblock, just that the girl is momentarily indisposed until she drops the poor sap.

    Unless of course the girl is actually 100% satisfied with her b/f and they're a perfect match, but those relationships aren't as common as you think. You might read a lot of "omg my boyfriend is amazing <3" but that's just her showing off to her friends.

    When a woman truly has someone special, they don't need to tell everyone. On the contrary, they shut the fuck up because all the other women in her social circles would jump on that shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)15:28 No.5113389
    >hoping to make new friends

    Are you sure you know the defenition of 'friend'?

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