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    File : 1319998049.jpg-(124 KB, 500x374, 4955586808_36e8af84b6.jpg)
    124 KB Hotel room sharing stories and tips Jkid !yYT/u4PSNE 10/30/11(Sun)14:07 No.5113235  
    There usually are a small minority cosplayers who usually reserve a room for themselves. Nowadays they're forced to consider getting a roommate or finding roommates to reduce their costs due to ongoing recession/depression. With this in mind, why not we share stories and tips on hotel room sharing and rooming?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)14:30 No.5113274
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)14:35 No.5113287
    Keep it under 5 people. We had 6.5 (six one night, seven the other) last con I went to, and there was nowhere near enough space for everyone and their suitcases (we had a suite room) and two of them were horrible roommates. One would judge everyone in the room for everything they did, and one would help herself to everyone else's stuff.

    The judgey one told me off for taking medication, and then ended her rant with "I NEVER take any pills!" like I was supposed to be impressed. No, you're just lucky to not need them. She did the same to another girl in the room who was taking a multivitamin. She also told us that wearing contacts would make us instantly go blind and she knew this because she had an optometrist friend. She also dumped her shit all over the room and would tell us off for not cleaning (we all kept out stuff in our suitcases), brought her friends to the room and wouldn't listen to us when we tried to make them leave (it was late, we wanted to sleep) and then refused to wake up in time to clean the room for check-out the next morning.

    The sticky-fingered girl ate all the snacks and drank all the alcohol that we brought for the con on Friday night. She also wore parts of my cosplay and used my razor without asking me, then said "I don't mind" when I confronted her about it. Bitch, your opinion doesn't matter, it's not your shit you're using. This girl is also one of those weeaboos who only ever talks about her fetishes.

    Both girls made a big deal about how excited they were to sleep on the floor, but of course they were the first to insist on a ~real bed~ when we got to the room. I ended up sleeping on the floor one night so I didn't have to listen to thief-girl whine about how cold it was.

    Obviously we're never rooming with them again.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)14:45 No.5113306
    Try to room with people you know. Makes it less stressful when you can feel more secure about your stuff. Also try to make friends with the people as soon as you know you are going to room with them. I roomed with a bunch of forum goers at PAX and got their facebooks as soon as I knew who I was rooming with. It was a great time!

    Also make it clear if you don't want your stuff touched. Especially props. Everyone was playing with my Portal Gun when I was out of the room and I had to tell everyone I did not like that at all.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)14:47 No.5113312
    I guess its easier with guys but my friends and I went 6 people in a standard room.

    two on the floor and if you could handle it, two per bed.

    Only problem was everyone waking up at the alarm and wanting to all Piss at once.

    Really two straight guy in one bed isn't gay if both are wearing jeans. It's just not what you share with people outside the group.

    My tip is keep it business like and civil and remember you'll probably only have to sleep twice
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)14:51 No.5113321
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    My tips are these:

    -Get a job so you can get your own room or can share with two or three friends. Trust me, it's magic. I come from a group of room packing friends that are greedy with the beds. It's amazing when you go from "always sleep on the floor" to "I'm bringing a someone back with me."
    -Party like a rockstar, nobody likes a prude. Seriously, be responsible and everything, but make sure to be social and to try new things with people you're comfortable with. You only live once and if you don't like something you can say "I tried it, don't like it."
    -Never take a hallucination induce narcotic at a con. You WILL have a bad trip 2/3 times .
    -Pass out when you want, because it's just cosplay, if you miss it it's not the end of the world.
    -Wake up early the last and beat the rush.
    -Most major hotels let you check out from your room, so when you're all ready to evac your room, call the front desk and call out to avoid all the lines.
    -If you want to be tricky and can afford to do it, put a change of clothes in a backpack and check your bags the night before to avoid having to deal with that shit at the last minute.
    -If you're drinking, sober up before sleeping. That way there's no hangover. If you're passing out, drink water to delude it and if you get acid problems because you kids love your sugary drinks, eating some bread so it can take care of acid problems.
    - Always listen to staff.
    - Don't bitch about panels. If you want to see certain panels, make it.
    - As a rule, try to avoid hanging out in your room. Cosplayers should be cosplaying or hanging out at the con that you are PAYING to be at
    - Go to the cgl meet up. Meet tripfags. They tend to be pretty open to everyone, and a real riot.
    - Chill out, it's just cosplay
    >> Jkid !yYT/u4PSNE 10/30/11(Sun)14:52 No.5113325
    The first time I roomed in a con was AnimeUSA 2010, I roomed with about 8 people, some of them staying for the night on Thursday while others stayed on the weekend. Surprisingly, despite some mess we kept things quiet. I had a decent time talking with other roommates. One of the roommates (a male) actually offered me tips for going into the New York Stakehouse (Which is actually a strip-club with the restaurant to bait people in) Another roommate had his iPod and a PS2 so I watched him speedrun one of the .hack//G.U. games and the his entire collection of the Angry Video Game Nerd podcasts.

    For a first time rooming with a group of people I didn't know, it went better than expected.

    A few tips:
    -Keep your stuff locked and secure. People will steal your stuff. My suitcase has a mini lock so securing my belongings was not a problem.
    -Keep a "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door at all times so that housekeeping doesn't find out what you're really doing.
    -Bring your own towels and hygienic stuff just in case, and a blanket and pillow just in case you have to sleep on the floor.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)15:10 No.5113353
    >offered me tips for going into the New York Stakehouse (Which is actually a strip-club with the restaurant to bait people in)

    please tell me you went to the strip club
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)15:13 No.5113360

    I agree with everything this person said and adding my own bit

    -If you are rooming with people you don't know/don't know well, bring a lock for your bag. Sure, it may seem overreacting, but think about all those horror stories you read on here of strangers trying on peoples clothes/stealing underwear and cosplay and shit. If you don't want to be bitched at for it, buy the small discreet locks and lock it when no one is paying attention/pretend to be fiddling with the zipper.

    -If you want to sleep early, earmuffs (or ear plugs) and eye masks are your friend. Take a corner, tell the people that you're nodding out and to keep partying, put that shit on and pass out.

    -Extra pillows/blankets ARE YOUR BEST FRIEND. When you're packing even just one extra pillow or blanket will help so much. As someone who always takes the floor (I honestly don't care about the bed/floor situations, I just need a space to lay down fully) that extra blanket and pillow really help when the room gets randomly super cold at 4 am.
    >> Jkid !yYT/u4PSNE 10/30/11(Sun)15:28 No.5113390
    No, I didn't went to the strip club. As matter of fact I did went to that strip club the first time I came to Crystal City for the convention when I first thought it was a restaurant. When I first entered, when realized the true face of the restaurant I quickly left.

    Strip clubs and Gentlemen's clubs are not my thing, sorry.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)15:35 No.5113402
    Don't leave your shit on someone else's bed/side of the bed. JFC it's annoying when you come back to crash only to find you have to clean up someone's mess first.
    And don't leave shoes/dirty clothes near the head of someone's bed, it stinks like hell. Or in the middle of the bathroom, making it an obstacle course to get to the toilet.
    >> Zack!! !!14GARo9R68s 10/30/11(Sun)15:46 No.5113415
    1. As stated, Try to room with a small group of friends... Or at the very least try to get to know the people you will room with before hand.

    2. Hygiene. Can't stress this enough, Shower when you can. That's a con rule for anything, Not just rooming.

    3. Partying. As stated, If you're the owner of the room... Discuss it with your roommates. If they don't want a room party, Then find a way around it. Otherwise. Fuck 'em.

    4. Sex. For fuck sakes, I've had this happen to me and it pisses me off.... If you're going to bring a guy or girlfriend with you and wanna do it, Do it when no one is in the room... Or in the shower.. I can't tell you how many times I've got woken up by roomies fucking.

    4. Secure your shit! Even if you have close friends, Those close friends might invite someone you don't know to the room. Inventory your shit, Try to keep it all together and in one spot.

    That's all I can think of, My bad experiences have been mainly because of horny roommates, or one person who decided to steal. Otherwise, If you room with a small (5~7) group of good friends, It can be a blast. Some of the best times can be had by just being in the hotel room.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)15:57 No.5113437
    well what about Hooters? that's a great place.

    my friend told me about Hooters at this con and i had a blast. i got drunk with several con goers. a waitress remarked about how pretty some of these costumes witches are and we told her that it was called Touhou and those were men cosplaying.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)16:05 No.5113449
    Why would you go to a place that needs a gimmick to distract from the quality and pricing?
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 10/30/11(Sun)16:09 No.5113458

    In our rooms we always make sure everyone has each other's phone numbers, so that way in case some boning needs to go down, a mass text is sent out and we all avoid the room for an hour.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)16:09 No.5113462
    a) i'm hungry
    b) i need beer and want to get drunk
    c) i don't go to hooters in my local area
    d) i get tried at looking at cosplayers and the convention as a whole so i need a break
    >> Jkid !yYT/u4PSNE 10/30/11(Sun)16:10 No.5113464
    Yes, I did went to Hooters when I was at T-mode 2011. It's a decent place for food.

    Which convention did you went to for Hooters?
    >> sage sage 10/30/11(Sun)16:11 No.5113469
    fuck off
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)16:13 No.5113471
    JERKCON 2010
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)16:15 No.5113477
    Ah, well there might be the thing.
    Never felt inclined to gettign drunk at a restaurant, rather do it with friends and my choice of affordable beverage, or at least at a bar.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 10/30/11(Sun)16:17 No.5113482

    I'm contributing to the thread, because I'm an authority in the matter. Your efforts are futile, moronic queer. :V


    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)16:21 No.5113488
    This is actually a good rule, if they are ok with it.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)16:22 No.5113493
    Just putting this out there. If jkid ever goes vtech i'm blaming you fuckers.

    Cmon, yes he's awkward but he's actually contributing somewhat to the board
    >> Jkid !yYT/u4PSNE 10/30/11(Sun)16:22 No.5113494
    are you >>5113437
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)16:24 No.5113499
    Agreed, luckily most of my friends are as foreveralone as I am so it's never been an issue
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 10/30/11(Sun)16:26 No.5113506
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    I'd personally never share a room with someone I'm not familiar with. I've always roomed with my close friends and there are never really any issues. The obvious advantage to rooming with good friends is that you are practically assured that everyone will pay their part of the hotel expenses. That's really all I've got to say on the matter since everything else has been said already.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)16:26 No.5113507
    oh yeah i forgot, it was for the tits like hatsuu's for example. thanks masa.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)16:30 No.5113523
    I'm cheap as hell, with stuffing rooms, what's the minimum that I can get away with paying for hotel costs?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:18 No.5114098
    I've done it for 20 a night. Book the room a month in advance before its booked and it'll be 90 a night. Now if you put 4 or 5 people in there or that many people pay it'll be 18 to 20 bucks a night.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:27 No.5114128
    My only issue with rooming with others at cons is keeping the room clean. It's not difficult to throw things out or bring an extra bag. Plus most hotel rooms also have a bureau you can store items in.

    I've had to deal with people leaving open containers of food out for days (if you just leave food out sometimes the hotel employees don't know if they can throw the stuff away), leaving their dirty clothes and used towels all over the floors....just because you're not at home doesn't mean you should act like a complete slob.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:30 No.5114140
    I have too much camera gear to room with strangers. Not just no, hell no.
    >> Tim 10/30/11(Sun)20:34 No.5114150
    I don't think I've ever had a bad rooming experience, but that's probably largely due to the fact that I've always roomed with people I knew. Sometimes that isn't always possible, and if you're room-stuffing, you'll probably end up with people you don't know, but at the very least, try to get people who can have others vouch for them. And make sure that personal reference is someone you wouldn't mind staying with yourself.

    Tripfags know what's up. :Y They go to cons all the time, so they're bound to have some mad hookups when it comes to rooms. If you know one or if one is offering space (it happens occasionally), you could do worse than to take them up on the offer. Better than coscom, I'd wager.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:45 No.5114179
    I had fun the only time I've really shared a room. It was pretty great, though I didn't know anyone else and just joined up through a group looking for one more on /cgl/. I should get my own projector, though, so I don't have to rely on someone happening to have one handy for MOVIE NIGHT.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:49 No.5114188
    1st year at AX
    >roomed with roughly 10 people in the Wilshire grand, knew everyone from high school or mutual friend circle except 1 person
    >2 bedroom room, standard size
    >kinda sucked because it was so crowded and messy
    >no drama, split off from group a lot
    >cheap as hell for entire weekend
    not bad, but I didn't really enjoy it that much

    2nd year at AX
    >roomed with boyfriend and 4 other friends at JW marriot
    >still a bit crowded, but 2 bedroom room that was nicer than wilshire grand
    >decently organized for being with a bunch of guys
    >no drama, hung out with group all con
    >more expensive than staying with a shitload of people, but worth it
    much better with fewer people. I'm not the one who organizes this stuff though. but my boyfriend pretty much told everyone to chip in $100 for the weekend and we split on parking. very hassle free.

    definitely recommend building up a close-knit group of friends for conventions. helps a lot if you know them in-person and can hang out with them or meetup with them regularly.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 10/30/11(Sun)20:52 No.5114198

    Be nice. >:l
    >> Tim 10/30/11(Sun)20:53 No.5114202
    Kinda brings up a good point. Honestly, it's worth it to spend a little extra on the room than to get it for dirt cheap. The space to move, sleep, and a not-disgusting shower will keep you fresh and energized throughout the whole con so you can make the most of it while you're there. A shitty room with shitty roommates, no space, and a disgusting bathroom that you wouldn't even want to shower in will leave you drained, cranky, and smelly for the rest of the con. Then, the money that you "saved" on the room will have been wasted anyway on a shitty con experience.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:54 No.5114204
    Do the hotels work that way? I thought they checked for room keys before you entered. Just from what I've heard, they do this so that a room meant for four people only has four people.
    I'm afraid to book the hotel with one room for 7 people if they'll only allow 4 in, and check for cards and stuff.
    ... This is also slightly speaking from experience, because when I dropped someone off at a hotel, they checked me for a card before I went in. They only allowed me in because I left my car running (I had 2 friends in it, too) and I would be out in a few minutes.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:54 No.5114207
    Most of my bad rooming situations come from people thinking they're more entitled than others. That they deserve the room keys over other people and refuse to let others use it, they deserve a bed to themselves, they deserve extra towels.

    I roomed with three guys this last con, two of which I live with. I was told by one who was in chrage of the room when we got there that I was to get a bed to myself. I said that wasn't necessary and as long as I didn't have to share with a certain person I wouldn't mind. I crashed early and got into "my" bed, get woken up about four hours later by the guy I'm uncomfortable sharing with having a hissy fit about needing to sleep on the floor while the other guys tell him that he'll have to share a bed with one of them and not me. He refused to share the bed with another guy, turned the heat up to 80, grabbed one of the extra pillows on my bed, and kept complaining, loudly, about how uncomfortable the floor was. He then refused to let anyone turn the heat down and stole my room key, refusing to give it back or let me use it to go upstairs and change costumes.

    Only thing I regret about quitting my hotel job is the discount I could get on rooms. I stayed at a con for $50 a night as opposed to the $369 it was normally with my employee discount, but, shit, I hated that job so hard.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:57 No.5114210

    Sometimes you can ask for more room keys, depending how chill the people at the front desk are (some of them could give less of a shit if they knew you had more than 4 ppl in your room). If not just have designated people hold onto the keys and split them up.

    Also when checking into the room just have the 2 people lug all the crap up to the room and tip the bellhop really well. Then everyone else goes into the room afterwards.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)21:01 No.5114219
    > Make sure you know who you're rooming with.
    > Make sure to collect money ahead of time. Don't forget money for parking and any other extras.
    > Establish rules beforehand- it's up to the room renter's discretion.
    > Talk about people's routines - at least make it known that people are late sleepers/early risers.
    > Bring your own supplies- pillows, blankets, towels, food, toiletries... if needed, make sure they stay hidden so nosy hands don't get into them.
    > I've found it's a good idea to shower at night. Most people shower in the morning, therefore you might be waiting hours to shower.
    > If you are renting the room, keep a folder with a hard copy of all confirmation emails, numbers, etc. You'd be surprised how many times reservations get "lost" or added charges get added on for no reason.

    I'm picky about who I room with, but that's because I've had bad experiences in the past. I make sure roommates are always 21+ to avoid the whole underage drinking thing.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)21:02 No.5114223
    >4 people is the magic number for any hotel.
    >Every needs to pay for the room up front. No exceptions.
    >If everyone is paying, then everyone should get equal rights in the room. That means you switch off on who gets the bed.
    >Under no circumstances does anyone in the room get to steal the only bed just because they are 'tired' or because they got in the room first. If you've had your turn or someone else has already called dibs, you politely take the goddamn floor and you'd better leave some blankets and pillows for everyone else.
    >Don't touch anything you don't have permission to
    >If you value any of your clothing or costumes, do not leave plates of food or open drinks about.
    >Likewise, do not leave your shit all over the room and expect other people not to step on it or move it.
    >If you feel like you are taking up too much space with your shit, you probably are.
    >> reiserFS !!wPpyhreQf6d 10/30/11(Sun)21:03 No.5114227
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)21:24 No.5114254
    >Have enough disposable income to never need to share a room
    >Having your own room is fucking boss
    >Be able to invite one or two friends if they want to tag along, host a party without having to ask if its ok
    >Huge step up from having to share rooms

    I've only ever had two experiences rooming with others, but 1 was a fucking suit with 3 bedrooms, a kitchen and a living room so it hardly counts.

    My advice is be friendly towards everyone else. Being a dick does have consequences, getting on people's nerves is going to bite you in the ass, and for fuck's sake, say something if someone if obviously fucking up something fierce. Most of the time, they don't know they're doing it and nobody's bothered to tell them and enforce it.

    Also, card people if you have a lot of liquor in your room. Not worth spending that week in jail just to have some little shit come in and drink.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)21:41 No.5114292
    >Friend offered to get me and my bestie into a suite with her for our first Otakon.
    >Cool, I've never stayed in a suite before.
    >last minute she can't make it.
    >Me and bestie don't know the people we're staying with and we're meeting up with first friends bro from Canada.
    >Get to room after picking up badges on Thursday
    >5 girls and one guy talking about some show making inside jokes, ignoring everyone else. Suite is pretty big but crowded cause their shit is literally everywhere.
    >one girl is an airbrush artist my bestie paid to do her makeup for Friday and Saturday.
    >Me, bestie, and one other girl get to go to second suite to stay in on 11th floor with 3 Madoka fans, a guy who's only staying 2 nights and his GF.
    >Our suite is fun filled, everyone bonds over stuff. Perfect room with Kitchen.
    >Something comes up Saturday and a friends brother needs to crash with us so we call the chick from first room to see if it's okay.
    >Wants everyone to call her "boss" and demands $60 for the kid to stay the one night.
    >Mind you, room is already paid for.
    >His sister is pissed but comes up with the money.
    >"Boss" comes in "Where's the money?" gets it and leaves. No small talk. Weird.
    >Sunday as everyone is leaving, madoka girls had already checked out. "Boss" calls asking for $50 for Parking.
    >No one had a car. Some people are from canada and France. We figure it was guy and GF.
    >We explain this and she demands we pay the fee claiming our room was a tornado disater.
    >room was spotless and took us 20 mins to clean up on Sunday.
    Room was amazing, people I stayed with were cool.
    However the airbrush girl didn't do my besties makeup either day. Though our first friend got her a refund.
    >> Teh-Vee !BUNNY.UIU. 10/30/11(Sun)21:42 No.5114298
    derp dropped my trip.
    Also, Guy from Friday bought the room some Vodka. Good party.
    >> LittleJelloSalad !YG.DdnIWg6 10/30/11(Sun)21:57 No.5114323
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    I have never had a good experience sharing a hotel room, except this last con with Moe.

    The first time I ever shared a hotel room, was at AX 2010, and our friends crammed 8 people into a double suite, and one girl we didn't know. Somewhere in the middle of the night the new girl robbed my friend and I blind [Camera, money, tried to steal my wallet but I don't carry cash only a debit card, so she ditched it on the kitchen counter] and then fled the room around 5am. Then everyone blamed us for being drama starters.

    The second time I shared a room my room mate would not let me go anywhere without her. I went to go meet with my aunt and cousin and my room mate insisted she go with me. Then she stopped to talk with her friends for a good 30 minutes, and when I told her I was going to go on ahead she told me to wait. I was 45 minutes late to meeting my aunt. The next day I decided to stay at the con instead of going out to lunch with her [I wasn't feeling well and I preferred to be in one spot.] She had her mom call me and bitch. Me. The. Fuck. Out. Like holy fucking shit I got the bitching out of a life time. This bitching out was so huge, it started at 5pm Saturday night and continued all the way the 10am Sunday morning. I shit you not.

    I now book my own hotel room, I pay for everything, and if you want to stay with me you will follow my "no bullshit" rules. The only people I would ever room with without hesitation is Moe, her boyfriend, and their friend. They were the most polite, fun, responsible, and just plain awesome roomies I've ever had.
    >> Rag 10/30/11(Sun)22:03 No.5114335
    >6 people per room
    >usually the one paying for the room, just so I know who's in it always
    >chill people I've known for a while, always at least half people I've already roomed with.
    >ask for money up front or in advance
    >never had any problems
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)22:07 No.5114347
    I'm so past my days of splitting my rooms 5 or 6 ways. I have one awesome roommate to split rooms with. We have the same kind of mindset (keeping the room clean, being courteous to one another, we pay on time, etc).

    That situation costs a little more, but I'd take that anyday over rooming with a potential thief or somebody who brings strangers back to the room. After almost getting robbed/belongings destroyed I swore I'd never risk getting into that situation again.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)22:20 No.5114378
    My husband and I shared a room with another couple we've been friends with, and it was great. Four I think is the most I'd do again, though now that we've got jobs and income it's more likely we'll just stay in the hotel by ourselves. Nothing beats a good night's sleep after hanging out and partying all day, and it helps to have the added privacy and security.

    When I was younger I didn't mind sharing with a bunch of people, but I've since lost my tolerance for people running in and out of the room all night. I also usually end up with a haul too big to fit in my suitcase, and it's hard to lock it up. When I'm spending hundreds of dollars on cels and figures and stuff, I don't want that shit stolen.
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 10/30/11(Sun)22:46 No.5114429
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    I've not stayed in a hotel for a con YET
    but I will be for youmacon with a couple other people. When looking for the hotel, we looked at criteria such as:
    >Location (~2km away, could be worse)
    >Free Parking
    >Free breakfast (one less meal to pay for in a day, amirite?)
    >Free internet (it's hard to live without it)

    I'm optimistic for this experience, I know who I'm rooming with relatively well, and we've already covered ground rules and finances
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)03:29 No.5115030
    There's a lot of helpful stuff in this thread that I'll be sure to remember for later so thanks guys! I'd like to ask for some advice though. I recently moved to a new area and I don't have any close friends out here just yet. Unfortunately, I won't be 21 in time to reserve the room (the hotel needs 21 reserve and check in). So, I was thinking of finding someone through the con forum to room with. Any suggestions on how to go about it and find someone?
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)03:45 No.5115042
    Goddamn, so much this.
    I roomed with about 9 people at AX last year at the Luxe. That room had no space, one bed, and everyone's shit was everywhere. If you were sleeping on the floor you were basically fucked and probably not sleeping at all. Someone broke a wall plug, there was food and liquid stains in a few places, the room was always a mess, and no one would get their asses up on time for check out, so the charge to my card was ridiculous. My girl and I decided that after that fiasco enough was enough. This year we had a room to ourselves at the Kyoto Grand and it was the best thing ever. I am never looking back. Seriously. If you can afford to have 4 people foot the bill of a room with two beds, that is seriously enough. You will be much happier.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 10/31/11(Mon)04:03 No.5115053
    Lol yeah. At ax I had about 10 people in my room. Was a 2 room suite though. Ala I'm doing a 4 person room.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)04:20 No.5115077
    - you should usually only get a room with people you know and trust
    - bring some luggage locks just in case there's someone you don't trust and always put your valuables in there at night
    - set up some ground rules with your group about bringing back strangers to the room, maybe some other stuff just in case someone need to desperately contact the others, and if there's people you're too trusting of, personal space and touching other's stuff
    - get a guarantee from people or upfront payments when it comes to paying for the room. The last thing you want to do is have to cover for someone else who never intended to pay in the first place
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)04:38 No.5115104
    when you check into a hotel room somebody checks in first and they may be asked to provide a credit card for incidentals -- try not to be this person -- if you must then give the hotel written notice:
    [1] pay-per-view movies are not authorized
    [2] room service is not authorized
    [3] any change in [1] or [2] must be authorized by you in person with photo-ID and same credit card

    I suggest getting cash in advance from roomies , especially important BEFORE the swap meet or dealer room open , otherwise you know what happens

    EACH person in the room is responsible for using their own towels - you can get them from the maid or from the gym or pool area in the hotel

    HOUSEKEEPING WILL BE ALLOWED TO DO THEIR JOB -- cleaning the bathroom, emptying the trash, changing the sheets -- these are all good things. Ask them to bring extra soap, extra pillows, blankets, and IF THEY DO give them some extra bucks (e.g. $5-$10 day for regular stuff, or maybe more if they have to cleanup really gross stuff, depending on how helpful they are).
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)04:46 No.5115114
    [2.5] outside phone calls (long distance and local if not free) are not authorized
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)05:58 No.5115173
    The way I do it usually works.

    >Stress that the person booking (me) gets a bed.
    >Everyone pays before they're allowed in the room.
    >Everyone has their own corner of the room for their stuff.
    I wake up earliest, have my shower and stuff, then wake up the next person. Once they're done, the next person is woken up and goes in, and so on.
    >Unless you're covered in make-up head-to-toe or in an obstructive costume, help each other with make-up. (Once had a friend ask me to help her with her pure white costume when my hands were covered in liquid latex and blood, but we worked around it somehow)
    Make sure everyone keeps their shit in their bags.

    Thankfully, apart from one guy who thought he could put his heavy bag on TOP of my fragile props, everyone I room with tends to follow these rules without being told. But I only room with friends I trust and they want as easy a time as I do.
    >> Dr. Scientist !!JtQ+aYJUUCb 10/31/11(Mon)07:06 No.5115217
    In past cons I have roomed with many other people, with something like 7 or 8 ppl in a 2 bed room. This can be ok depending on who it is with. For a few cons it was with friends who didn't party, and there was some conflict when I wandered in drunkenly at night. However, when I roomed with some cooler party people, I had more fun and was able to host a party in my room. It does get messy, but as long as everybody has their shit together it should be fine. I suggest reserving the room for an additional day after the con. It gives you some nice wiggle room, and ppl can sleep off the previous night's hangover as long as needed.
    PMX will be the first con when I reserved the room myself, so any potential problems that may come from that I will have to deal with when they come, but I will be rooming with tripfag bros, so I think I will be ok.
    >> Justin = BFI !awN63bWuK6 10/31/11(Mon)08:27 No.5115256
    In case your doing a cosplay that requires body paint and you will be cosplaying it all weekend, bring a towel or two for showering and a sheet for the bed. If said body paint is alcohol based then you don't want to accidently get it all ovoer the hotel stuff.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)08:50 No.5115277
    When i was in HS but

    >First time going away from home, sharing van with 4 other people.
    >Mom pays for my room so i don't have to be with ~vile penis creatures~.
    > 2 other girls besides me, i kind of like girl 1 and girl 2 is an annoying lardass.
    >Van ride is fun as hell aside from girl 2 randomly screaming and being a loud bitch. We meet up with drivers friends bringing the total to 6.
    >Hang out in friends room. It's getting late and drama quickly escalates with girl 2 not wanting to sleep on the floor.
    >Turn to me...since I have a full room while they have 5 people.
    >Rest of the con is kind of awkward and i'm excluded from the group often

    I sometimes wonder if i would have made it into those 'weeaboo horror stories' if i had let them in...
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)08:56 No.5115287
    Went to Katsucon one year, traveling with two friends. One of the friends is the one that was in charge of getting us a room for the weekend, said it was a suite with plenty of room. Get there and nooooope! Over 10 people are staying in there, I only know two of them. Needless to say, I spent most of my time wandering alone while everyone else was in the room asleep. Still sort of bugs me to this day that neither friend seemed to even care that wasn't sleeping or even coming back to the room at all except to change and shower.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)09:05 No.5115297

    would she have offered to pay for half if they stayed in the room or did she want a free ride.

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