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    File : 1319872552.jpg-(320 KB, 2400x1300, expo-square-logo-JPEG.jpg)
    320 KB Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)03:15 No.5110523  

    Remember, 6pm today at the statue.

    Any Last minute disasters yet?
    >> Beloved_Of_Cthulhu !!wIEkitftaKh 10/29/11(Sat)03:24 No.5110529
         File1319873066.jpg-(95 KB, 524x394, 1318598018660.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)03:37 No.5110540
         File1319873876.jpg-(26 KB, 350x300, beautiful804.jpg)
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    Fuckin' Father wants to come, i'll use ma magic on him.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)04:50 No.5110601
    I sort of wanted to go, but i'm not sure if anyone I know is going. So instead i'm staying in bed
    >> ZomZom !TroZomZom2 10/29/11(Sat)05:13 No.5110626
    Britag, his boyfriend and me are getting ready.
    Saw some good costumes last night, a lit of shit too though.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)11:46 No.5110906
    Anyone on here at MCM at the moment? Just waiting for Eurocosplay finale to start here.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)11:58 No.5110917
    Anything planned for Sunday? That's the only day I'll be there.
    I intend to buy all the merch.
    >> Fluttershy !ptEoNJbXvo 10/29/11(Sat)12:05 No.5110920
    I think I'll swing by with a friend, we're still in cosplay though since we cba to get changed! So don't judge us if we look a bit shitty after a day's wear lol
    >> Pyramid Head !!HotUrWY07W9 10/29/11(Sat)12:14 No.5110925
    Friends of mine are there as an Arkham Asylum guard and Scarecrow. If anyone spots them, care to swing a photo my way?
    >> Aoshi !Swa.SQZwmA 10/29/11(Sat)19:28 No.5111702
    Thread bump.

    Left the /seagull/ gathering really early. Had stuff to do :S
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)00:02 No.5112245
    So how was everyone's Saturday?
    >> Fluttershy !ptEoNJbXvo 10/30/11(Sun)06:01 No.5112785
    Pretty amazing, considering I was super sleepy at like, 10! Hoping my pictures turn out nice, was wearing a sort of dream costume even if it was a bit rushed!
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)06:09 No.5112791
    Only went on the saturday, first ever convention. Was interesting.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)06:28 No.5112799
         File1319970538.jpg-(636 KB, 1600x1200, 2011-10-29_16.34.36[1].jpg)
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    Meet up was OK. I should have planned out where/what we would be doing before hand and personally not being able to drink totally sucked. I'd go again today but my feet are covered in blisters and I didn't get in till 3 last night.

    This was the only photo I got. Took it as I was walking back to my car to drop some stuff off. Sorry for the quality.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)06:48 No.5112810
    I got the impression that people were friendly but that not much actual meeting up or getting to know new people was going on, is this normal?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)08:06 No.5112844
    Yeah. Some people went to hang out in some ones room. That was slightly more open. What we really needed was some kind of apartment style room or warm weather so we could play drinking games and what not to break the ice.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)09:50 No.5112889
    We went on to play truth or dare, which was hilarious.

    Trip taken off becuse nothing is to leave that room. Ever.
    >> Aoshi !Swa.SQZwmA 10/30/11(Sun)12:09 No.5113044

    Shuckle, dat you? Blue? Pirate Toaster? I'm just guessing here.

    Those names are the only ones familiar to me other than Felix and Zom, both of whom I know left before or after I did. Which was 5 mins into the gathering.
    >> zomzom !TroZomZom2 10/30/11(Sun)12:15 No.5113055
    expo has been fun today, hung out with a bunch of assassins and am currently chilling out while they get recorded for cosplay fever.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)12:26 No.5113069
    I must have seen like 3 dozen assassins on saturday.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)12:30 No.5113075
    Oh my god, who is this woman presenting the Sunday masquerade? She's awful, take her away please :/
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)12:30 No.5113076
         File1319992231.jpg-(525 KB, 1600x1200, 2011-10-29_17.52.15[1].jpg)
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    Noting really happened that was horrific. Someone got a little drunk and was saying/doing some cringe worthy things. Although I left around 2ish so I may have missed something.
    >> Felix !!BRZEOMOoX+1 10/30/11(Sun)12:37 No.5113087
    That guy was good.
    >> Fluttershy !ptEoNJbXvo 10/30/11(Sun)12:58 No.5113120
    I went there, but I left before they played truth or dare which I wish I hadn't, it sounded like a lot of fun. My anon friend didn't get back til 7am and I was jelly. Plus I'm grumpy she's sworn to secrecy on what was said lol

    Today I've had a lot of fun dressed as Pamela Isley, getting changed for nighttime Panty photoshoot soon
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)13:00 No.5113127
    They have a night-time panty photoshoot at the expo? Also were you there on saturday as her? saw several poison ivy's.
    >> Fluttershy !ptEoNJbXvo 10/30/11(Sun)13:09 No.5113152
    Nah it's just a friend taking some nice pictures for me, it's a bit of a test run since I'm not sure if I'll be a good Panty.

    I wasn't Ivy yesterday (I was one of the MANY Stockings) but I know what you mean, there were a lot of Ivys around and some of them were gorgeous. I did pre-Ivy Pamela today, with labcoat and whatnot. Bit obscure really lol.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)13:24 No.5113167
    I would have used my labcoat in a cosplay but I also do actual science with it and it was not very clean on saturday. And if you were stocking I probably have a picture of you from saturday if you were paired with someone dressed as panty.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)13:32 No.5113176
    did logseux make an appearnace?
    >> Felix !!BRZEOMOoX+1 10/30/11(Sun)13:36 No.5113183
    That might also have been me. Which version was it?
    >> Fluttershy !ptEoNJbXvo 10/30/11(Sun)13:50 No.5113200
    I was 'default' Stocking, with a prop Katana and I was with a Ball Panty?

    Felix which were you I got some nice pictures with a couple of other Stockings?
    >> Felix !!BRZEOMOoX+1 10/30/11(Sun)13:51 No.5113205
    I was one of the Police Stockings with a Police Panty on the Saturday
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)13:55 No.5113212
    good, but waited to see Fullmetal Fantasy at the Vic M talk and the Fucking DVD died! C.U.N.T, wasnt vic's fault but the Expo guys really fucked that one up! he said that e would play it sunday, but we were only there for saturday!
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)13:57 No.5113216
    >attended anything Vic related
    Faggot detected, please get off /cgl/.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)14:01 No.5113223
    Not really watched the show much... I have a panty and stocking in belly exposing white tops and RTPD caps, purple convention wristbands, panty had a white pistol and red fluffy handcuffs. Seems I only got pictures of one pair of them.
    >> Felix !!BRZEOMOoX+1 10/30/11(Sun)14:02 No.5113228
    Ah that would be me
    Could you email me the photos?
    Email in email field.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)14:06 No.5113230
    Only took one picture but sure.
    >> Fluttershy !ptEoNJbXvo 10/30/11(Sun)14:10 No.5113239
    Aww I saw you around a few times but was a bit too shy to say hi. You looked great! I'm the retard that kept saying 'police panty & stocking!' every time I saw you to my friend, so sorry if that's cringingly embarassing. Derp.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)14:16 No.5113247
    Its sending... slowly. Its probably you, most of the others I saw were not in police costumes.
    >> Felix !!BRZEOMOoX+1 10/30/11(Sun)14:19 No.5113255
    Got it, thanks, yup that's us. Thank you kind anon.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)14:21 No.5113256
    actually wnated to see FmF for the other voice actors! was there for the Steampunk talk and then just sat there! now Chush Sunt!
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)14:22 No.5113257
    No problem. Hope I did not appear creepy when I asked for a picture, had never been to a convention before. Also kind of wish I had started visiting this board before I want not after, would have been nice to talk to some people from here while I was there.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)14:23 No.5113261
    *before I went
    >> Last Minute Disaster Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)14:25 No.5113266
    Got held up by a restaurant so i didn't make it ¬.¬ Still, was a good day ^^ how'd it go?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)14:35 No.5113285
    Was a great day Saturday, I was only there one day and didn't go to the meetup but really enjoyed my first cosplay. Now I've got plans for next years' costume with my friend matching. Can't wait!
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)14:38 No.5113292
    What meetup?
    >> Deripsni !KowIjtB8Og 10/30/11(Sun)15:30 No.5113394
         File1320003016.jpg-(25 KB, 338x402, 379965_133009153471438_1000028(...).jpg)
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    I was around, ended up heading back to a pals place for some more personal things. I got a nice hoodie and met some peeps there too.

    I ran by today, looked a bit quiet now though?

    No clue if anyone saw me from /cgl/ but I was just walking about like so!

    Next one in May yes?
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 10/30/11(Sun)18:26 No.5113825
         File1320013586.jpg-(195 KB, 559x544, YOU-ARE-VISIBLY-ANNOYED.jpg)
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    I had THE BEST time
    For real
    Anybody else see dat Dick Dastardly or The Mask?
    Both were awesome.

    Also who ate all my brownies after I left
    Just curious
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)18:43 No.5113858
    I had a couple. They were delicious, thank you!
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)18:44 No.5113866
    Anyone get any pictures of a blonde Catwoman on Friday and Saturday?
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 10/30/11(Sun)18:45 No.5113867
         File1320014723.jpg-(16 KB, 273x257, 1313958902582.jpg)
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    Awesome, glad you liked 'em!
    I was a bit nervous about how they'd taste because I changed the recipe at the last second due to running out of the right sugar, so phew.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)19:04 No.5113899
    Where do you UK cosplayers get your cosplaying supplies?
    >> Fluttershy !ptEoNJbXvo 10/30/11(Sun)19:17 No.5113922
    I had one but got concerned that I'd eaten someone else's food since you'd left. They were super nice though!

    Shuckle got mad I ate one of his his smints, so I became a bit paranoid it seems...
    >> Shuckle !GGMBZ7W7Fs 10/30/11(Sun)19:17 No.5113925
    Not me - just got in.
    Oh man am I dead. I got like 3 hours sleep thanks to a rather talkative someone~
    Oh well - home now.

    I have to be honest - I fucking loved the meet, everyone was so nice and so much fun!
    Thankyou everyone!
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)19:19 No.5113930
    Aww you shouldn't have been, they went down a treat! It's a shame you couldn't stay, it was a lot of fun.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 10/30/11(Sun)19:23 No.5113943
    Great, thank you, I'm glad you thought so.

    I'd have loved to have stayed and played Truth or Dare and everything else, but I didn't have a choice sadly. I'll try my best to stay later come May though.

    Oh man.
    600 miles in two days, fun fun. Next time I'm getting a hotel room at Custom House.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)19:24 No.5113945
    How many /cgl/ people were at the meet?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)19:24 No.5113946
    I had so much fun at the meet and then hanging out with a few of you today too. Thank you for a wonderful time!
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)19:39 No.5113987
    If I ever did cosplay and go to one of these meets I feel I would be the only one not dressed as an anime or manga character.
    >> Deripsni !KowIjtB8Og 10/30/11(Sun)19:43 No.5113997
         File1320018195.jpg-(1.53 MB, 2560x1945, 1319294616076.jpg)
    1.53 MB

    Naw man, we coo'!
    >> Shuckle !GGMBZ7W7Fs 10/30/11(Sun)19:43 No.5113998
    Not in the least.
    We had some vidya characters and I stripped down to normal clothes fast enough.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/30/11(Sun)20:04 No.5114053
    >nearly no photos

    What. Is there another thread or something? I'd dump... but I took like 1 and it was awful. My camera is shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:11 No.5114072
    I posted some here >>5111084 but my camera did not seem to do well in the lighting conditions, most of the pics are crap.
    >> Tarocchi !3vxnARAidE 10/30/11(Sun)20:15 No.5114085
    Welp, looks like I missed the meetup again.

    I suck at this socialising thing.
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 10/30/11(Sun)20:16 No.5114092
         File1320020214.jpg-(465 KB, 1536x2048, SDC10514.jpg)
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    About 12-17?

    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 10/30/11(Sun)20:17 No.5114095
         File1320020262.jpg-(444 KB, 2048x1536, SDC10515.jpg)
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    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/30/11(Sun)20:17 No.5114097
    Few people did... I was late back from redoing my cosplay stuff, had to be led to a pub, haha.

    Outside was cold, after all.
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 10/30/11(Sun)20:18 No.5114100
         File1320020326.jpg-(397 KB, 1536x2048, SDC10517.jpg)
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    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 10/30/11(Sun)20:19 No.5114103
         File1320020398.jpg-(318 KB, 1536x2048, SDC10520.jpg)
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    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 10/30/11(Sun)20:20 No.5114105
         File1320020456.jpg-(227 KB, 1536x2048, SDC10538.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:21 No.5114106
    Apparently one or both of those girls posts here?
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 10/30/11(Sun)20:21 No.5114107
         File1320020508.jpg-(319 KB, 1536x2048, SDC10545.jpg)
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    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 10/30/11(Sun)20:22 No.5114110
         File1320020565.jpg-(3 KB, 126x120, ohmy.jpg)
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    >outside was cold
    people kept saying this
    I was snuggly and warm

    Both girls.
    PirateToaster and Felix.
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 10/30/11(Sun)20:23 No.5114113
         File1320020627.jpg-(340 KB, 2048x1536, SDC10547.jpg)
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    Both of them.

    Try and guess which ones! I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 10/30/11(Sun)20:24 No.5114117
         File1320020699.jpg-(504 KB, 1536x2048, SDC10548.jpg)
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    You were in a goddamn suit, not shorts.
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 10/30/11(Sun)20:25 No.5114120
         File1320020748.jpg-(434 KB, 1536x2048, SDC10559.jpg)
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    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 10/30/11(Sun)20:26 No.5114123
         File1320020812.gif-(318 KB, 203x174, fuckyeah.gif)
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    >not wearing a suit to a bar

    i thought i was the youngest
    and yet the most mature
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 10/30/11(Sun)20:27 No.5114125
         File1320020831.jpg-(579 KB, 1536x2048, SDC10560.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:28 No.5114132
    I will probably post some pics tomorrow evening after I go through and resize some of the ones that did not come out horribly.
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 10/30/11(Sun)20:28 No.5114134
         File1320020939.jpg-(414 KB, 1536x2048, SDC10561.jpg)
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    It was in cosplay, and besides, you didn't even come to the room party, you baby!
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/30/11(Sun)20:29 No.5114136
         File1320020948.jpg-(40 KB, 242x269, 1307140058083.jpg)
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    Somehow I have to agree here.
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 10/30/11(Sun)20:30 No.5114138
         File1320021015.jpg-(365 KB, 1536x2048, SDC10563.jpg)
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    >Someone walks past as I take this photo
    >"Hey mate, you've got red on you"
    >Everyone laughs
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 10/30/11(Sun)20:31 No.5114143
    I was there for like ten to twenty minutes or something.
    Also keep dumpin' bro, saving all of these.
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 10/30/11(Sun)20:32 No.5114148
         File1320021168.jpg-(578 KB, 1536x2048, SDC10564.jpg)
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    They're already up on my dA but these are the originals.
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 10/30/11(Sun)20:33 No.5114149
         File1320021220.jpg-(432 KB, 1536x2048, SDC10565.jpg)
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    a nice photo of one of our Anons
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 10/30/11(Sun)20:34 No.5114151
         File1320021271.jpg-(571 KB, 2048x1536, SDC10574.jpg)
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    >> Tarocchi !3vxnARAidE 10/30/11(Sun)20:35 No.5114154
    At least I'm not the only one then.
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 10/30/11(Sun)20:35 No.5114155
         File1320021321.jpg-(493 KB, 2048x1536, SDC10577.jpg)
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    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 10/30/11(Sun)20:37 No.5114160
         File1320021442.jpg-(523 KB, 1536x2048, SDC10570.jpg)
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    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 10/30/11(Sun)20:39 No.5114166
         File1320021562.jpg-(290 KB, 1536x2048, SDC10616.jpg)
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    Cute overload
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:40 No.5114167
    weird question, does anyone know why there was an ambulance parked up by the statue today?
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/30/11(Sun)20:42 No.5114172
    Huh. Gues I left before then.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:54 No.5114206

    Is Felix the Stocking? She's really pretty. Pirate kinda has a boyish face though
    >> Tarocchi !3vxnARAidE 10/30/11(Sun)20:58 No.5114213
    It was something to do with the Just Dance 3 thing, I think. Someone must have tripped up or something.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 10/30/11(Sun)21:00 No.5114218
    Aye Felix is the Stocking.
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 10/30/11(Sun)21:03 No.5114226
         File1320022990.jpg-(402 KB, 2048x1536, SDC10623.jpg)
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    >Pirate kinda has a boyish face though
    >> Corky-Lunn !CorkyloMxc 10/30/11(Sun)21:10 No.5114233
         File1320023436.jpg-(232 KB, 945x945, 1298015345934.jpg)
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    oh geez those genderbend Scanty and Kneesocks are a little terrifying.

    But I'm more distracted by the Cooro cosplayer in the bg
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)21:26 No.5114259
         File1320024411.jpg-(306 KB, 1280x960, 6293109688_e2749b83fc_o.jpg)
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    hnng... just found this on flickr
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 10/30/11(Sun)21:37 No.5114281
         File1320025042.png-(16 KB, 179x199, hng.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)21:41 No.5114294
         File1320025310.jpg-(319 KB, 945x945, 12941lyra.jpg)
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    Did Logseux and Beckii Cruel have a fierce lesbian make out session as intended?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)21:41 No.5114295
    ohshit, wow.

    There's loads of photos of Pirate and Felix around it seems. I swear me and Micnax got enough taken, yet we only see one with Micnax in the background.

    Ohwell. I'm sure they'll pop up.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/30/11(Sun)21:44 No.5114301
    Doubtful. Beckii didn't make the meet anyway. Apparently everyone was leaving and it was cold.

    trip broke ;;
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)21:45 No.5114303
    I saw them, wanted a picture, got intimidated and just walked away. Sobs.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)21:47 No.5114306

    Yes, but now the rule63 lobster demon brothers are freaking me out. ;_;
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/30/11(Sun)21:47 No.5114307
    But they're like the friendliest pair you could hope for!
    >> Pirate Toaster !c1TjLrVNNA 10/30/11(Sun)21:48 No.5114311
    Oh man guys, I'm nOt even home yet stop posting photos of me. EXPO STILL ISNT OVER FOR ME I HAVEN'T STOPPED DRINKING YET.
    Totally chillibg with some anons, THUG LIFE,
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)21:50 No.5114314
    Such an awesome day. My boyfriend and I were Team Rocket grunts - if anyone has any photos, I'd love to see them.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/30/11(Sun)21:52 No.5114317
    I was looking for you before I left. Phone died, so I spent an hour looking for someone I knew before I went home. Found nobody. ;;
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)21:54 No.5114319
    Probably very true, but I'm a massive pussy.

    P&S, if you remember a Dave from Homestuck just looking, camera in hand, smiling a bit and then quickly running away... hi, I'm sorry I suck balls.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/30/11(Sun)21:59 No.5114328
    Were you at the pokemon meet? i was the trap Hilda
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)22:04 No.5114341
    Yeah! We were at the pokémon meet. I remember seeing you at some point. I was in a black grunt uni and I'm quite short
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/30/11(Sun)22:05 No.5114344
    Ahh, I think I remember seeing a couple of rocket grunts there~

    I took no photos at all though ^^;
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)22:08 No.5114349
    I took a photo of you and Ruby... shit bro, until you spoke you had me completely fooled. Very impressed.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/30/11(Sun)22:10 No.5114352
    Haha, thanks.... and yeah, I may need to work some on getting a female voice. Any chance of posting the photo? C:
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)03:13 No.5115011
    Since I found this board after I went to the con I am now wondering how many of you people I have pictures of apart from Felix and Pirate.
    >> Aoshi !Swa.SQZwmA 10/31/11(Mon)03:31 No.5115035

    I need to make a note to add a watermark when I get home and start doing the photos.

    Original source:
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 10/31/11(Mon)03:47 No.5115044
    I have about 50 because we went to do a private photoshoot.

    I was mostly holding a flashgun though :V
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)04:06 No.5115057
    Kind of annoyed I did not know about the meet as I went alone this time, next time I will have a friend and as nice as I am sure you all are I doubt I will introduce her to a bunch of people from 4chan.
    >> Aoshi !Swa.SQZwmA 10/31/11(Mon)04:37 No.5115102

    Now now... that just was just as important as holding back plant leaves.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:18 No.5115227
    thought I recognised the name when I found it... but there was only like 3 photos of the expo so it seemed pointless giving the source
    >> Aya Shameful !I4IrJba9Qw 10/31/11(Mon)07:31 No.5115230
    Some of us where smart to wear thermals.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:32 No.5115231
         File1320060770.jpg-(335 KB, 2048x1150, 328374_10150912749870521_54122(...).jpg)
    335 KB
    Hey, I totally saw you guys!

    Here's me and my mate.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:35 No.5115233
    Not much you can do about being cold when your legs, arms or midriff are bare.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:42 No.5115235
         File1320061345.jpg-(357 KB, 1280x960, hurrrdurr.jpg)
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    I was the Celty on the right. It was good talking to the people at the meet and I regret not staying around for the night with you guys.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:45 No.5115239

    GTFO of cgl Joslin
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)08:07 No.5115249
         File1320062834.jpg-(206 KB, 400x594, 1292165305109.jpg)
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    Who are you?
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)09:29 No.5115328
    bump, waiting on more photos
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)09:31 No.5115330
    easy trick, if you dont change the name of a picture you take from facebook you can find the profile it was taken from
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)09:33 No.5115333
    Is that so? How?
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)09:33 No.5115334
         File1320068019.jpg-(1.2 MB, 2000x1576, _MG_4663.jpg)
    1.2 MB
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)09:34 No.5115335
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)09:42 No.5115337
    bump, waiting on more relevant photos.
    >> ZomZom !TroZomZom2 10/31/11(Mon)09:58 No.5115350
         File1320069518.jpg-(72 KB, 760x507, DSC_0773.jpg)
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    Pictures from me will be posted sporadically.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)09:59 No.5115352
    Requesting any/all pics of the saturday one piece group
    >> Fluttershy !ptEoNJbXvo 10/31/11(Mon)10:00 No.5115353
    Late reply, but I heard someone damaged themselves on the Just Dance machine. Nothing serious too though I don't think
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)10:04 No.5115356
    So that's another anon from here I ran into and took a picture of.
    >> Pirate Toaster !c1TjLrVNNA 10/31/11(Mon)10:46 No.5115413
    Awww, I'm so sorry if we intimidated you, that was probably my fault as my default expression seems to look pissed off...

    Cheers for the photos!~

    Aw man, just got home and I'm so tired. My mum had to drive my car so that I didn't crash on the way back. My feet are killing me as well...But it was so fantastic to meet everyone at last!
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)10:51 No.5115419
    I dunno about the default expression thing, haha. Was a fun meet and night thereafter.

    Also you and Felix seem to pop up everywhere in my search for photos so far. None of the rest of us though, baww
    >> Beloved_Of_Cthulhu !!wIEkitftaKh 10/31/11(Mon)10:57 No.5115430
    >My feet are killing me
    Have you found the greatness of I cold gel pack on ouched feet?
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)11:04 No.5115438
    Guess I may as well post this, sorry for the quality.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)11:05 No.5115440
         File1320073527.jpg-(508 KB, 1639x1229, con6.jpg)
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    damn picture did not go on.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)11:05 No.5115441
    You're right, the quality IS awful, I can't see anything at all!
    >> Pirate Toaster !c1TjLrVNNA 10/31/11(Mon)11:12 No.5115452
    I've found one of us on DA, but that's already been posted here. I'm so tired I'm not in the mood for photo searching D:

    I'm gonna crack out my portable foot spa in a bit, after my bubble bath~

    Haha oh man, looks like you caught me in between facial expressions or something, thank you though~
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)11:18 No.5115468
    No problem, at the time I had no idea there was a /cgl/ meetup.

    Also if any of you post what costumes you were wearing I can have a look for you and post them when I get back home later if I have a photo of you, no promises on quality though.
    >> Britfag !!VN4BeP6O8RP 10/31/11(Mon)11:22 No.5115475
    I'm home, and I have con aids, yay.

    Had fun during the weekend though, had planned on being penguin all day saturday and pyg all day sunday, but I wasn't happy with the blend of my new prosthetic, so I was pyg most of the weekend, which was a lot of fun, I got to act like an absolute fucking pervert, should be fun if I get into the cosplay fever music video ;)

    There was a LOT of THIS
    Going on all weekend =D
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)11:25 No.5115481
         File1320074757.jpg-(1.76 MB, 3296x2472, DSCF1890.jpg)
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    doubt any of you have any but I was a 40k Ork running around on saturday and sunday, did anyone manage to get a picture of me. I saw a good few photographers and general cosplayers taking pictures of me but noone gave out DA and such.

    If you guys had your picture taken by me I can always drag it out just got my pictures uploaded. And to the Tauren Death Knight, you were epic and I respect that you must have been dying in that suit.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)11:45 No.5115514
    why luminous green?
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 10/31/11(Mon)11:49 No.5115523
    Damn, there are some talented cosplayers in the UK.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)11:52 No.5115530
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)11:53 No.5115533
    So much Adventure Time and Ponies. It made me happy to see barely any Naruto compared to some years.

    Disappointed by the lack of Ace Attorney. There was loads last October, all I saw this year was a Maya, an Edgeworth and the Gumshoe
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)11:53 No.5115535
    That's supposed to be an Ork?

    That is fucking terrible, why the fuck do so many 40k players think that they look, not only good, but fucking PASSABLE as the characters the do?

    Orks are fucking HUGE, you are not.
    Please, never wear that shit again.
    It looks bad, and you should feel bad.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)11:56 No.5115538
    There was a HUGE gathering of Naruto cosplayers at the side of the docks.

    Also, who else hates that naruto cosplayer with the shitty outfit, long blonde hair and free hugs sign?
    I'm not sure he has ever washed that outfit
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)11:57 No.5115540
    I feel the love mate, some of us are in situations where we can't afford to spend hundreds of pounds on fine details. I got a good few compliments, but then again I forget with anonymity comes altered mental state. I'm not saying I look like a perfect Ork. If anything I'm a piss poor grot or snotling, I just got what I could and had fun.
    >> Shuckle !GGMBZ7W7Fs 10/31/11(Mon)12:02 No.5115549
    I'm a bit late for this. I wasn't mad 'cause you ate one of my smints. I had stolen the whole packet from an anon anyway!
    Sorry if I scared you away ;_;
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)12:03 No.5115550
    Can't afford to do it right?

    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)12:04 No.5115551
    Ohgod, missed this post. Them brownies were god tier. Also I kept sitting on bits of brownie so it's all over my cosplay.

    Clearly they liked me too.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)12:05 No.5115553
    I need to make sure my trip is there more, what the hell.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)12:06 No.5115555
    If you don't have the money for a good costume don't do one. I don't understand why people can't grasp that concept.
    Save the money and work on making something worth presenting.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)12:07 No.5115557
    I saw you two there, nice outfits.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)12:07 No.5115559
    I do apologise that my costume isn't up to perfect standards but I had fun. Mind if I see your picture perfect costume? With your body type? Fine details, voice and no photoshop used for this convention? I would very much like to see how you did, or are you just another person judging other people who had fun? I met up with the 40k guys, although the costumes weren't picture perfect, they were nice people and we had a good old laugh.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 10/31/11(Mon)12:07 No.5115561
         File1320077277.jpg-(33 KB, 600x450, 1316821405328.jpg)
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    are you one of those people who sits down looking at cosplay pictures shouting out "BUT THAT'S WRONG" at your computer screen

    he had fun, calm down

    >people liked my brownies
    Oh man, I'm so gonna make some more for May then. Might even bring some muffins next time too.
    Glad you liked 'em man.
    >> Shuckle !GGMBZ7W7Fs 10/31/11(Mon)12:09 No.5115564
    You got them all over my bed too. By the time I realised they weren't pot brownies the only remnants left were plastered to someone's arse so I didn't get to taste the rumoured brownies.

    i wish I was more like that! I go for easy to do cosplays out of fear of being told I'm doing it wrong. ;_;
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)12:09 No.5115565
    I shall also be sure to supply something edible next time too C:

    Though I did put half in for the vodka.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)12:11 No.5115570
    He does not need to have a perfect costume to see that yours is shit.

    Do you have to be a chef to realise you are eating a turd with a sprig of basil?
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)12:12 No.5115572
         File1320077553.jpg-(413 KB, 800x600, Picture 70.jpg)
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    I didn't get THAT much on my backside...

    I wish.
    >> Deripsni !KowIjtB8Og 10/31/11(Mon)12:12 No.5115573
         File1320077558.jpg-(133 KB, 403x400, 1319920247878.jpg)
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    I shall make myself available for May. Couldn't turn down a proposition from a lovely lady friend, so sorry for that :c

    I'll bring /fit/ cookies and shit, They are YUMMY AS FUARK!
    >> Britfag !!VN4BeP6O8RP 10/31/11(Mon)12:12 No.5115574
    Nope Blue, I'm one of those people who makes an effort on costumes and spends an appropriate amount of money to make them look good.

    You want to see one of my "picture perfect" costumes, with my body type? OK then, look up at this post here:

    That's me, as Professor pyg, that costume is nigh on /perfect/ to the source material, with extreme attention to detail.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)12:14 No.5115577
    As long as you feel you did the best you could in the time/ money and skills you have. It doesn't matter what the naysayers and perfectionists say. We don't all have the money of our parents or trust funds or even good jobs. As long as you tried your best and get into the mood of having fun go for it. I know my costume wasn't perfect, but it was as good as I was going to get it for spending 60 quid. Also while the grumpy adults may not have liked it, a few kids kept asking for pictures with me, let them play with the gun, some kid even asked to be used as a meat shield for a picture.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 10/31/11(Mon)12:18 No.5115585
         File1320077906.gif-(2 MB, 371x331, 1314575036730.gif)
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    oh so THAT'S where my brownies went

    Dude made an effort with what he had.
    Fact of the matter is he enjoyed himself and that should be good enough. Can either sit here complaining and arguing about it or just stop bitching about things.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)12:19 No.5115588

    [ ] Not told
    [ ] Told
    [X] Night on Told Mountain
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)12:22 No.5115597
         File1320078175.png-(380 KB, 691x470, 1292101860900.png)
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    >doesn't put effort into the costume
    >upset when someone calls you shit
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)12:23 No.5115598

    To be honest, I'm with Britfag, but that might be because I'm also a perfectionist with things. If I wasn't happy with my Hilda costume to the point I wouldn't be happy with that orc, I wouldn't have worn it. Would have instead left it for May and done something simpler as a closet cosplay.

    Why would I want to put time and money into a cosplay and wear it before I'm done?
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)12:23 No.5115599
    Thanks BLUE, nice to know other cosplayers remember what fun is. But yeah, I'm currently researching what to do next, this year I'll have a bigger budget and time scale. So hopefully for my next costume I'll have something that looks better.
    Also that's a nice Professor Pyg, but have you thought about challenging yourself? Aim for a harder outfit and see if you can do it.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)12:26 No.5115602
    He had two cosplays if you read up. One he wasn't happy with so didn't wear.
    >> Britfag !!VN4BeP6O8RP 10/31/11(Mon)12:33 No.5115616
    Harder outfit?
    Bitch, please, Pyg isn't my hardest costume to wear, but he is NOT easy to wear either.
    That mask is solid Urethane, and it is heavy as fuck, there is mesh for the eyes, which I have to deal with around my eyes, as well as the weight pulling on my head, and the thickness of the urethane being pressed against my head.

    I also do a picture perfect penguin, as well as a picture perfect Haasp.
    Neither of which are easy.

    If we move onto the costumes I've made for my partner, that are "challenging" there's;
    Ezio (that's a whole ton of leatherwork, as well as sewing and pattern making)
    Scratch Built Spiderman Noir (more leatherwork, patttern making, shade matching, essentially doing everything from scratch)
    Sinestro (you try workign with spandex)

    Oh, and We're making him a Firewarrior outfit.

    So your plan there to try and act like a smartarse with your

    That didn't work, since I always fucking challenge myself.

    Oh, also; THIS >>5115602

    I hold myself to high standards, and I do the same to other people.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)12:34 No.5115619
         File1320078863.png-(27 KB, 250x250, 1314939644631.png)
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    Totally not the person to be arguing with about cosplay, you.

    My main gripe with this anon's cosplay is that they used a bodysuit instead of just painting their arms when it's a totally different colour.

    So much why.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)12:34 No.5115620
    You really seem to be misreading my words. I am not accusing you of scraping by with bare basics, I just like to make sure that people constantly try and improve. I have no ill will against you, nor am I upset that you don't approve that I wear what I can make with my current skills and funds. I know your quite used to people making personal attacks on the internet because its easy, but thats not what I'm doing, but Sinestro is a badass one to go for. And while I'm not fan of the Tau, the designs behind them are quite detailed and I wish you the best while making them and hope they turn out better than you wish.
    >> Chi 10/31/11(Mon)12:35 No.5115623
         File1320078941.gif-(2.35 MB, 500x333, popcorn.gif)
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    >> Shuckle !GGMBZ7W7Fs 10/31/11(Mon)12:39 No.5115630
    But you have to factor ability and funds into it, not all of us start off perfectly and there are two ways to get better - one is to try, fail and learn. The other is to never push yourself past your comfort zone.

    I'm actually quite inspired that he'd know people would bitch and whine at him but managed to go out and have fun any way, something I couldn't do.

    You are very good at what you do, amazing in fact. Not everyone can start at that point, not everyone will reach it, but you can't knock someone for trying.
    Are you implying that you made everything spot on from day one of cosplay, or were you just sewing away, tucking each failure under the bed until you got it right? Either way is impressive but it's not something a lot of people can do. Some times you have to make an assery of yourself to see where it is you went wrong.

    either way, I'm not quite sure what we're arguing against here. It's hardly although he's flaunting his cosplay in your face or trying to pull you down, nor is he claiming it to be good. It seems although you're saying what you're saying for the soul reason of emphasising the wall between yourself and the less impressive cosplayers.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)12:40 No.5115632
    I sort of knew there was a /cgl/ meetup, but I'm just a lurker on this board, really. I wasn't in cosplay this time around either (though I'm not that great at all with making costumes anyway, haha)- so I can't help but think I'd be very out of place. Might have a look-see next time though, if things go as I hope they will.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)12:43 No.5115640
         File1320079387.jpg-(76 KB, 720x720, 1313561927718.jpg)
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    >The other is to never push yourself past your comfort zone.
    >way to get better

    No. So much no. I may be pretty new to cosplay, but I'm an artist and this is exactly why I have barely improved at all in 4 years.

    If you don't push yourself (even if it's just to do things again and again), you do not improve.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)12:45 No.5115644
    >That didn't work, since I always fucking challenge myself.
    I bet you do, every single day.
    Like when you put your pants on without mommy's help.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)12:47 No.5115651
         File1320079620.png-(81 KB, 372x375, 1308555268385.png)
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    Looks like a leg.

    Also you're an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)12:54 No.5115662
    At least you had fun my costume was not to bad but fell apart in timely fashion and part of me from being on /cgl/ to much made me feel like a twit and only wore my costume for an hour or so.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)13:00 No.5115672
    You can always have fun with costumes, its just a matter of finding the fun side. Also don't worry I know about costumes self destructing, my chest armour got crushed on the first day. I knew it wouldn't survive but it really died quickly, due to posing and random forced hugs. Was the costume as good as you could make it with the time and resources you had. If so your costume is just fine, all costumes can be improved later on. But if you keep telling yourself your costumes are shit and your terrible at making stuff you'll stop going to conventions and you won't be able to have fun. I'm sure your costume was pretty awesome, got any pictures of it at all?
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)13:03 No.5115677
         File1320080617.jpg-(1.31 MB, 1920x1280, IMG_2207_CC.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)13:06 No.5115681
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    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)13:07 No.5115683
    I think we can safely say that Pirate and Felix's costumes were a landslide success.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)13:07 No.5115685
    I can't get over that the girl on the left's face looks like my cousin jimmy..
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)13:07 No.5115686
         File1320080867.jpg-(972 KB, 1143x1920, IMG_2143_CC.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)13:08 No.5115689
    I have a picture bit is it OK if I cover the face since the my eye derped a bit in the photo and its the only pic that was taken.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)13:09 No.5115691
         File1320080949.jpg-(1.41 MB, 1280x1920, IMG_2181_CC.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)13:11 No.5115695
    Go for it mate, its your picture to do as you please with it. As long as the face isn't super vital to the costume.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)13:13 No.5115699
         File1320081184.jpg-(1.29 MB, 1920x1280, IMG_2223_CC.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)13:15 No.5115702
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    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)13:16 No.5115705
         File1320081396.jpg-(1.19 MB, 1920x1280, IMG_2232_CC.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)13:18 No.5115714
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    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)13:19 No.5115718
         File1320081564.jpg-(534 KB, 648x864, lunatic has no face.jpg)
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    I have NO FACE.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)13:20 No.5115720
    Lunatic! And a Fem version at that. Love your wig.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)13:21 No.5115725
         File1320081719.jpg-(1.86 MB, 1920x1280, IMG_2169_CC.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)13:22 No.5115727
    Thanks the wig is fabulous I love it way to much.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)13:23 No.5115730
         File1320081800.jpg-(936 KB, 1267x1280, IMG_2185_CC.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)13:26 No.5115732
    Your costume is well put together and as you can see people love your wig work. Shame you only wore it for an hour, if I wasn't scuttling around or letting my brain rest I am sure you would be in my folder of pictures taken.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)13:30 No.5115739
    Anyone see the Nazi Zombie on Sunday with an actual swastika on his arm?
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)13:33 No.5115745
    Yeah I saw him briefly, tried to get a picture but he was a brisk walker.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)13:35 No.5115752
         File1320082508.jpg-(71 KB, 500x246, funny-facebook-fails-punch-mys(...).jpg)
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    Hey guys, just got home and I want to apologise for the two girls I dragged into Fox with me. I could not shake them. I don't know, maybe you thought they were nice. But trust me, they were my very own con horror story. One day I might share the whole story but for now here are some gems that came out of their mouths:

    "Oh my god everyone here is black. At least there's ONE english person."
    "HAHAHA look at her (talking about another lolita) her headbow looks stupid, what IS that?! What is she DOING!?" (bearing in mind they both looked way more fail.)
    "Well at least I don't lie about my brand, MY wonder cookie is REAL." (I'd already seen the tag. I didn't realise wonder cookie was a Sweet Fairy original...)
    "I'm so fucked off I just want to go home." (after no one recognised her costume.)
    "This is shit, I wish I hadn't bothered coming." (mcm party, ten minutes in.)
    "Who's Beckii? Oh, you mean that dancer? I thought she was pretty shit."

    Aside from that, they thought farting on each other was the height of comedy and after making me AN HOUR late to meet you guys, they actually had the nerve to start complaining that it was EIGHT OH FIVE and THE PARTY HAS STARTED WITHOUT US!!111one

    Basically, next year I'm going with the missus and I will bring some form of apologetic gift, just in case they pissed you off as much as me.

    It was nice to see you, the ones I did see anyway! Sorry if I came off as a bit socially retarded, I was just SO RELIEVED to finally have someone to talk to who wouldn't start bitching straight away.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)13:41 No.5115760
    Yeah its just sad every year I get hyped up for expo and only end up being there for a short time but also my poor boyfriend came with me and he was ill again like last year. ( I think he just hates expo really )
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)13:47 No.5115772
    You mean the two lolitas i got a photo of earlier on? They weren't that bad from the little I saw, so perhaps nobody minded.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)13:48 No.5115776
    Well it could be that or he could be more susceptible to disease. What with 60,000 people moving around over the weekend I am sure someone brought something with them that isn't so lovely. Still well hopefully for your next con you'll improve on your costumes as you plan and will be able to be around later in the evening, saturday nights are fun to be around for. Crazy music and fun dancing near the green.
    >> Beloved_Of_Cthulhu !!wIEkitftaKh 10/31/11(Mon)13:51 No.5115780
         File1320083467.jpg-(15 KB, 251x251, 1241627411024.jpg)
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    >Who's Beckii? Oh, you mean that dancer? I thought she was pretty shit."
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)13:51 No.5115781
    I have bad sinuses now and I've an immune system to kill for. I hear that.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)13:51 No.5115782
    I would so love to meet up with the people on /cgl/ since it sounds fun not going to do may since it falls on the weekend my boyfriends birthday is on but I may do hyper japan if anyoen on /cgl/ is there.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)13:53 No.5115784
    Heh, I was helping Beckii's friends hand out cards and one of the people who I gave one proceeded to laugh at 'that girl from that BBC thing' and I couldn't help but cringe, since Beckii was like 4 feet away.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)13:54 No.5115786
    anyone got anymore of these guys
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)13:56 No.5115790
    Generally good constition or do you have the same crazy blood type as me? O Rhesus Negative with positive antibodies.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)13:58 No.5115794
    Yes, those two. I understand they must have come across as nice and happy because you're new to them and they're desperate for new people to talk about. They were like it all weekend.


    I KNOW. I loved Beckii, I had a couple of chats with her and she was lovely. I liked her dancing (embarrassed when I realised I could sing along to her song already...) and oh my god she's SO pretty. I am MAD jelly. Her videos do her no justice.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)13:58 No.5115795
    I'm O+ i know that much... dunno anything else, but I grew a mucky kid living in a trailer or bus and just generally always dirty, so I have a crazy immune system.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)14:00 No.5115799
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    >> Aoshi !Swa.SQZwmA 10/31/11(Mon)14:01 No.5115800
    Friend of mine was given Beckii's card and showed it to me... her face that was totally clueless.... cracked me up bad, I couldn't stop laughing. She asked "Hey who is this Beckii person???"
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)14:05 No.5115807
    Anyone here go to the after party, I went once a few years back and it was absolute shit, But I still like to hear people stories about it.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)14:05 No.5115809
    Actually I did kinda get the shorter girl had decided to latch onto me, which was odd... but yeah, generally seemed happy and smiley.

    Didn't have anything bad to say about me after than, right? ^^;

    Was probably me who gave it to them then. I was practically just shoving them at people. ^^;

    No shortage of fans though, even if your friend was clueless. I was waiting for her after she was on stage and was stood there for like 20 minutes as wave after wave of people went to get photos. It'd seem like they'd all gone and she'd start to walk over, then OUT OF THE WOODWORK ANOTHER 4 PEOPLE. It was pretty funny actually.
    >> Dragonites !P.QtCCvLZA 10/31/11(Mon)14:09 No.5115815
    We tried to get the Spies from the TF2 meet to go and photobomb them on Sunday, but they chickened out.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)14:10 No.5115819
    No, don't worry! :D They liked you all a bit too much actually. If they found out you were from cgl they'd feel personally wounded, of course, because all sites percieved to be wank comms are beneath them and all people who participate are "cunts."

    OH and the taller one kept calling the Top Model girls "syphillitic whores".
    She also kept telling everyone I was a whore.
    "Oh hi! What are you cosplaying?"
    "She's Mr House's whore from New Vegas."
    *awkward silence...*
    Then I have to explain who jane is and that she isn't a whore at all...
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)14:12 No.5115823
    Sounds like everyone had lots of fun.
    Perhaps I'll go from Swedenland and pay a visit in May.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)14:13 No.5115825
    Eep. That sounds overtly annoying.

    Glad they didn't come to Shuckle's meet party then.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)14:14 No.5115833
    > If they found out you were from cgl they'd feel personally wounded, of course, because all sites percieved to be wank comms are beneath them and all people who participate are "cunts."

    You realise you now have to inform them that they participated in the /cgl/ meet now?
    >> Fluttershy !ptEoNJbXvo 10/31/11(Mon)14:15 No.5115835
    My friend brought almost a half full bottle of Vodka back to our room, I was a bit shocked to be honest that it lasted so long! We in turn passed it on to another friend since we were unsure what to do with it upon checkout!
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)14:16 No.5115840

    HAHAHAHAHA no. I don't need that shitstorm at all.
    Do you know they're already planning what ME AND EMILY are going to cosplay TOGETHER next year?

    I'm going as Caitlyn (or Lenne if I can find a Yuna) and my boyfriend is going to be Volke, Malzahar or Singed.
    (I'm pushing for Singed, he's skinny enough to make it perfect!)
    >> Beloved_Of_Cthulhu !!wIEkitftaKh 10/31/11(Mon)14:17 No.5115843
    You making me really regert not attending now

    *looks in mirror* oh yeah
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)14:19 No.5115849
    Haha, yeah. It wouldn't have lasted at all if it had tasted nice. I recall drinking like 2 shots worth neat and then accidentally spitting part out when I coughed on the bad taste.

    Was a good night though. Still trying to work out who >>5113076 refers to and hoping it's not me.
    >> Fluttershy !ptEoNJbXvo 10/31/11(Mon)14:30 No.5115873
    We'd probably have had a little ourselves but I'm not a big drinker and she got back quite late... Although I asked and she told me no one was THAT drunk, so I'm clueless as to who it could be since I left at 11ish...
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)14:33 No.5115880
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    I could understand if it was me, but I can't remember doing anything all that cringeworthy.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)14:34 No.5115885
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    Reading all these people getting drunk at 2AM or god knows how late... how did you people get home? The last trains/tubes stop at 1AM...

    [spoiler]What was the gender ratio like?[/spoiler]
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)14:36 No.5115888
    Some walked, three of us just crashed at Shuckle's.

    Also it was pretty balanced.
    >> Aoshi !Swa.SQZwmA 10/31/11(Mon)14:47 No.5115911

    Keep your eyes glued... I've another 20-30 photos coming
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)14:50 No.5115917
    Woo! About time we had more photos.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)14:50 No.5115918
    this is why I don't usually meet up since i would never make it home to surrey
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)14:54 No.5115927
    >Me as Touko
    >5 o click shadow
    I take it back, nobody needs to see that photo of me ;;
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)14:56 No.5115929
    It was nothing too bad, just drunken slurs really from Shuckle. Nothing to worry about.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)15:05 No.5115948
    Wow... you were a guy? I think I saw you there at the con.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)15:11 No.5115959
    who is beckii?
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)15:13 No.5115964
    Yes, I was and am =p

    I saw another awesome Touko actually as I was rushing off back to the hotel to redo my makeup. Didn't see her again though. She was awesome too.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 10/31/11(Mon)15:13 No.5115966
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)15:14 No.5115969
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    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)15:16 No.5115974
    Well congratulations, you would make an excellent trap.
    >> Shuckle !GGMBZ7W7Fs 10/31/11(Mon)15:16 No.5115975
    I thought I did alright, I thought - I told you guys i was light and everyone kept filling me up past the half way mark, you only have yourselves to blame! ;_;
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)15:17 No.5115983

    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)15:18 No.5115988
    >implying I wasn't already trapping

    But yeah, thanks! Time to save up for a permanent solution to facial hair, methinks.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)15:19 No.5115989
    I thought you did alright too, don't worry.
    >> Shuckle !GGMBZ7W7Fs 10/31/11(Mon)15:21 No.5116000
    Other than kicking you off the sofa?
    Sorry about that - but damn was the bed hot.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)15:22 No.5116003
    Ah well, I only started hanging out here on Saturday, MCM this weekend was my first con.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)15:27 No.5116010
    Her name isn't bed.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)15:30 No.5116013
    I don't mind, I had a human pillow for a good while.
    >> Beckii !qOYRoZ/eIg 10/31/11(Mon)15:38 No.5116034
    I was at the after party for a little while, I did another set. It didn't seem as bad as people had been telling me, but not that amazing either. I think a lot of people had lost their energy by then.
    Thank you so much! ;-;
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)15:38 No.5116035
    Who were they? London lolitas? I am curious...
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)15:41 No.5116038
    I saw a Strawberry Panic! group over the weekend did anybody get pictures?
    I'm also requesting masquerade?
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)15:46 No.5116045

    You. Are VERY welcome. Tell your dad to email me that photo, I don't care how awkward I look I'm gonna be like YEAH THAT'S ME AND BECKII LIKE DONS
    (I was the irritating one whose camera wouldn't work for love nor money)


    No no, just a couple of unknowns. One of them won't add you on facebook unless she's met you and if you don't talk to her at least once a week she deletes you, the other won't add you unless the first says it's okay so there's no point even linking you.
    My friend just told me she was sitting at another table when her friend said "What is that pretty girl doing with the man and the ita?" About ME. I don't know whether to feel incredibly flattered or incredibly bad.
    >> Aoshi !Swa.SQZwmA 10/31/11(Mon)15:48 No.5116051
    Okay... photos have all been added for Day 1 & 2. Enjoy.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)15:56 No.5116073
    Do you have a pic of them or a facebook link? I am dying to know who they are and if I met them...
    >> TOM HANKS !KQcWi99D7g 10/31/11(Mon)15:59 No.5116077
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    fuck beckii cruel my mans is gonna be the next jap pop sensation
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)15:59 No.5116080
    I've heard that the london lolis can be intimidating but I doubt that they are racist... at least I hope not :S
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)16:01 No.5116085
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    I believe it's the two on the right.
    >> Aya Shameful !I4IrJba9Qw 10/31/11(Mon)16:04 No.5116095
    I hear you gave one of the tables a signed calender, one of the best tables I mite add.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)16:04 No.5116096
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    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)16:04 No.5116097

    Alright, hold on. I can't link you to their FBs for photos to check with because they're set to private, so here are their names and photos instead:

    The bossy, mean one was Emily Kindleysides

    The quiet one who can't say no to emily EVER and cries a lot is hayley hartnell:

    Hayley is painfully new to lolita and I found myself saying "Please, for god's sake don't wear those cat ears if you're going in lolita."
    She blinked at me, looked at emily and said "but... you said they were okay for lolita..."
    and Emily quickly changed her mind and treated hayley like a steaming retard, like she should have innately known that her *teacher* was fucking her about.

    If you have met them, you likely thought they were nice but overenthusiatic, much like I did the first time I met them.
    Try spending three days listening to them talk about who should and shouldnt be allowed to attend expo based on their opinions.

    I have a bit of a TLDR post to make about something emily did that upset another lolita, interested at all? I dont want to post an essay for no reason and irritate people.
    >> Cactu 10/31/11(Mon)16:05 No.5116099
    Oh my fucking days thats me

    >get drunk
    >rest on floor
    >wake up to ruined life

    fucking WOMEN
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)16:05 No.5116102
    aaa suteki
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)16:07 No.5116106

    Tale I mention involves girl on the right in this photo >>5116085 btw.
    (She didn't do anything bad.)
    (Emily did though and if you know Emi at all you'll rage.)
    >> Aya Shameful !I4IrJba9Qw 10/31/11(Mon)16:07 No.5116107
    I'm sorry but I only had one thing going though my mind when I read your comment, and that was:
    >get drunk
    >rest on floor
    >everybody walk the dinosaur
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)16:10 No.5116109
    aaaa i saw the one on the right on Sunday in a crocodile kigurumi - boy did I have a hard time not believing that it wasn't her own, naked skin!

    She walked past our stall with the most foulest scowl on her face it was ridiculous. She's an actual crossbreed of ReptilexHuman...
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)16:10 No.5116110
    I did think the short blonde one just seemed sort of like a gullible, overenthusiastic, maybe slightly daft kitten.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)16:14 No.5116118

    I have a lot more patience for hayley because I know she's just following emily's lead, and she is easily led. She's nice enough, but yeah, a bit daft. She cried at the meetup because she didn't recognise me when she sat down next me and felt embarrassed, bless her.
    Example or their relationship: I was sitting with Jess having a drink and they went to the toilet. They came back about a year later, Hayley in tears and Emily barking "I CAN'T KEEP AN EYE ON YOU IF YOU KEEP DISAPPEARING. DON'T - RUN - OFF."
    Hayley's 20 and emily's 27 by the way, it's not even like hayley IS a child.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 10/31/11(Mon)16:15 No.5116121
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    I remember them, they seemed nice enough.
    I think one of them was hitting on me at one point, but I can't remember, it was just after I'd had a vodka&coke.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)16:18 No.5116126

    I'm sorry, I was trying to keep them a little... calmer than usual but it wasn't working... >.< That one was technically a man so don't feel bad. Trans and all that.


    Oh JESUS. I'm SO SORRY, Blue, I did NOT hear that. Was it the blonde??? She seems to love male attention. The only reason I'm not 100% fine with her is she creeps me out with the way and the amount she talks about sex and sex toys.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)16:20 No.5116128

    Pretty much this. I came out of the hotel bathroom and hayley ran in sobbing. Emily had "told her off" for touching her petticoat.
    "Because, I mean, you just don't touch people's petticoats, do you?"

    >eckskyooz me wtf r u dooin

    (by the way, if you're reading this thread and talking to someone and you've just said "that's not your friend! you just got that off cgl!", no, I am her friend, this shit went down. ;-;)
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 10/31/11(Mon)16:20 No.5116130
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    You've no reason to apologize, calm down.
    And aye, I'm pretty sure it was her.
    If I recall correctly she seemed to dig my Doctor suit.
    Said something about my hair not being right, but I didn't mind.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)16:22 No.5116139
    >"Well at least I don't lie about my brand, MY wonder cookie is REAL." (I'd already seen the tag. I didn't realise wonder cookie was a Sweet Fairy original...)

    Oh my goodness, I hope that wasn't about me. I was in a Wonder Cookie skirt and I always said it was replica.
    And also, the dark skinned girl with the 'silly head bow' was super nice and when I saw her, her dress was cute so whatever whatever
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)16:22 No.5116140
    What the hell is with these two girls and why were they at the /cgl/ meet-up.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)16:22 No.5116141
    Wow, I didn't notice she was trans, when I normally would. She looked kinda masculine, but no more so than an ugly girl I thought. I suddenly have a MINISCULE bit of respect for her, just for that.

    And now I'm very glad I didn't try anything. That shit would put me off in seconds.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)16:24 No.5116149
    So...those are actually girls?
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)16:24 No.5116150
    Ah, yeah, I saw her. I wasn't sure about the bow either, but figured the rest made up for it.

    Damn elitist bitch, this Emily. V:
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 10/31/11(Mon)16:24 No.5116151
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    Damn, I need to fiddle with the levels on these photos.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)16:25 No.5116152
    Oh, never mind.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)16:26 No.5116153
    Oh god.. the ugly
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)16:26 No.5116154
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    I have an emergency.
    In my pants.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)16:28 No.5116158
    I'm not getting stressed, dw. :3 I'm just disappointed in myself for letting her do that, and in front of the Toastinator as well. I should have stopped her. :/


    No no not you!! I remember a wonder cookie skirt, if you're who I think you are you looked lovely. :3 No, that was about the two girls I was talking about further up.


    Because I'm a fucking pussy and couldn't shake off my fucknut roommates even when they made me a full hour late for the meet. I could have cried, that was my ONE rest from having to listen to them, I was so mad when I realised I'd missed you all and so relieved I found you that I pretty much fell on Pirate Toaster.


    I wouldn't if I were you, pity friendship that way lies. It's a small step from "Oh, she's trans, that's cool!" to "She has a fucking shit personality... but she's trans so I guess she's cool... Like... confidence and all that... right...?! "
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)16:28 No.5116159
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    Gumshoe here.

    I was talking to Emily on the way to the hotel room. She seemed Nice. Although saying that, I was half awake and not really paying much attention to what was going on around me.

    Oh and have some more photos.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)16:28 No.5116160
    If you do not mind me asking, how long have you been trapping?
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)16:29 No.5116161
    I'll do it? Anything to distract me from being hungry.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 10/31/11(Mon)16:31 No.5116165
    I think it was when 'The Toastinator' was getting drinks or on the phone, I'm not sure.
    But don't worry about it, she probably wasn't even hitting on me, just complimenting me on my outfit.
    I did look swagg as phuck in my suit.
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 10/31/11(Mon)16:31 No.5116166
         File1320093090.jpg-(1.29 MB, 1736x2248, Halftone2.jpg)
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    Also, hooray for iPad apps and boredom!
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)16:31 No.5116167
    I fucking saw you dancing you hilarious bastard
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 10/31/11(Mon)16:33 No.5116169
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    At least the weather was nice~
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)16:34 No.5116172
    Umm... I suppose about 2 year since I first tried it and a year since I started learning things how to do it right? Not long really and still learning. This was my first time in public.

    why do you ask?

    > Implying I would every try to talk to her just because we share a fondness for the things of a gender we were not born.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 10/31/11(Mon)16:34 No.5116174
    >dat picture
    oh man
    i freaking love england sometimes
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)16:35 No.5116175
    Oh god. I have met Emily before but only briefly and I didn't think she was bad... did they really say
    >Oh my god everyone here is black. At least there's ONE english person

    If so, all my rage.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)16:35 No.5116176
    Because you pass very well and as I said, only been here a few days so I do not really know people.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)16:36 No.5116179
    >Wonder Cookie

    That's good to know! I must've missed that. Thank you, dear
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)16:36 No.5116180

    Not just for that, I meant more a sense of admiration for an equal kinda thing? I always feel more biased towards liking lolitas because I know what it's like to walk around alone dressed up and I know what you have to put up with?
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 10/31/11(Mon)16:36 No.5116181
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    More P&S. I have too much.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)16:36 No.5116182
    Is she blind as well as a bitch? I barely saw any black people, most of the non whites were Asians.
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 10/31/11(Mon)16:39 No.5116187
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    We didn't even have any black people at the meet

    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)16:39 No.5116188

    Yes. She was also saying things about Peckham being full of black people, no one here is white, everyone is foreign, don't know what they're on about half the time, etc. They were all little passing comments but they always made me
    If you think she's nice you should listen to what she says about people who aren't NICE. Have you seen Misery? YOu know how Annie hates people who are DIRTY BIRDIES? well, to emily, anyone who isn't NICE is a DIRTY BIRDIE.
    She and Annie Wilkes have a lot in common, now I think about it...

    >ohshit D:

    She made a mistake about Laura Nicholls having something of hers and refusing to give it back (it turned out to be a different laura that was meant to be delivering this item) and you should have heard the things she was saying. My ears burned.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)16:39 No.5116189
    So i went to the meet saw a couple of you guys, sadly i couldnt stick around, i was the cold looking grimmjow.

    Wish i had come to the drinking and fun to be honest...
    >> felix !!BRZEOMOoX+1 10/31/11(Mon)16:41 No.5116192
    >This whole thread.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)16:43 No.5116196
    Did anyone happen to snap a picture of zechs while they were there, or the fat guy dressed as a snorlax or the busty cat woman?
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)16:43 No.5116197
    Ah, didn't follow that you were that same anon, sorry! And thanks again!

    Nah. I mean... I'm not trans myself, so I wouldn't get that familiarity thing... and my crossdressing is easy at a con or with a friend. I just don't care about what I'm seen as, so the whole. Outside that I don't really do it, so I don't get that.

    One day plan on just being able to don whatever clothing I like and go out happily as the appropriate gender to match, but that'll be a while I think.
    >> Beckii !GIMRcp.nUc!!w2LjKuI1d2q 10/31/11(Mon)16:43 No.5116199
    Oh did I meet them when I saw you then? I thought they were quite sweet, it sucks to hear that they're like that though.

    (also new trip yeahh)
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)16:44 No.5116201

    I wish you lived near me, I have a friend I know you'd love, you really remind me of him sometimes :,3
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)16:46 No.5116208

    Yeah, they were kinda behind me. Hayley (the saner one who isn't a total bitchtit, blonde, held camera for me) really likes you by the way XD You walked by and I said "Yeah, I thought I recognised her, that's definitly Beckii. I wonder if she'd mind us talking to her, or is she busy?"
    And her face dropped. XD "Ooohh oh oh I know her too she's beckii cruel oh I really like her she was on BBC 3 once and I loved her *rambleramble* " XD
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)16:46 No.5116209
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 10/31/11(Mon)16:48 No.5116213
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    >plan on just being able to don whatever clothing I like and go out
    After a goddamn 2-hour session of shaving and putting on make-up, you mean?
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)16:49 No.5116219
    And where abouts DO you live? V:

    Always up for a coach ride as long as I have the cash at the time.
    >> Beckii !GIMRcp.nUc!!w2LjKuI1d2q 10/31/11(Mon)16:49 No.5116221

    Yeah I thought she was nice! That's sweet of her. Shame for the other one though. Also I will email you asap <3
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 10/31/11(Mon)16:50 No.5116223
    see here:
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)16:51 No.5116225
    There are permanent solutions to facial hair?
    >> InLucidReverie2 !!2KAqEoTU4mE 10/31/11(Mon)16:51 No.5116226

    your trip hates you... maybe it misses being on my computer
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)16:52 No.5116227

    Leicester :D I can link his facebook if you want? He's always up for new people.
    >> InLucidReverie2 !!2KAqEoTU4mE 10/31/11(Mon)16:53 No.5116233
    oops, accidentally secure tripped it

    Yes. Electrolysis, laser treatments and there's a cream that's sold online in very limited runs. All very expensive, time consuming and some take multiple sessions.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 10/31/11(Mon)17:00 No.5116247

    are we autosaging or is cgl really busy today? :o

    (no sage to test)
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 10/31/11(Mon)17:05 No.5116254
    The thread has shitloads of replies

    It must be autosaging
    >> KomaK !DU8.7nfCkU 10/31/11(Mon)17:08 No.5116265
         File1320095306.jpg-(14 KB, 200x313, Secret Six.jpg)
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    Anyone see our Secret Six group on the saturday? I was running around for most of the day as RagDoll, being odd.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)17:37 No.5116313
         File1320097025.jpg-(194 KB, 709x947, download.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)17:53 No.5116352
    New thread.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)04:49 No.5118137
    Oh wow. I am a foreign loli and everyone I have met in the UK has been lovely. It makes me sad to think that other lolis are annoyed by the presence of people like me, just cause I wasn't born here.... I mean what the hell, I work and pay my taxes and all, y'know?

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