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    File : 1319678993.jpg-(87 KB, 375x288, bastioncast.jpg)
    87 KB Rucks !!qcJ6eyn4MSl 10/26/11(Wed)21:29 No.5104308  
    >The Kid fought many kinds of monsters on his way to collecting the cores. Scumbags, Windbags but this place brought him eye to eye with the dreaded hambags. The Kid looks at his old friend, there's going to be a lot of smashing in the near future.

    >This board is a dangerous place for it hands out insults and broken hearts faster than a Fang Repeater. If you wanna prove to the kid that this place mends as much as it breaks go ahead and post your picture here and let him be the judge.

    >You also got to post here if you read the opening post in my voice.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)22:04 No.5104478
    The world needs Bastion cosplay
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)12:59 No.5106206
         File1319734789.jpg-(78 KB, 640x960, 293445_271051362934291_1000008(...).jpg)
    78 KB
    Posting only because I adore Bastion. I wanted to cosplay as the Kid but I think i'm too tall for it. Anyway here you go Kid, I'm the big sheep on the left... Enjoy
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 10/27/11(Thu)15:26 No.5106511
    I want to do a Bastion group for PAX East, but I don't think I know anybody who's played the game to be my Rucks, Zolf and Zia :<

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