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    File : 1319397642.gif-(2 KB, 114x90, logo.gif)
    2 KB Stupid/Funny shit on Coscom Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)15:20 No.5093872  
    Surely there have been some amazing things said on coscom the past few weeks. Let's go!
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 10/23/11(Sun)16:07 No.5093948
         File1319400471.png-(75 KB, 304x219, what am i reading.png)
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    Well, the brigade's being dumb as fuck in the pet peeves thread again. Ya' know, going right into their routine of tearing apart people whose opinions differ from their's. Some chick came in and said something about being annoyed by shitty cosplayers and they flipped out.

    Personally, I can find myself annoyed by shitty cosplay too, so what the hell.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 10/23/11(Sun)16:38 No.5093991
    I mean, it's one thing to be a novice, and often times you can really tell when someone worked hard on their outfit. But when it's just outright laziness for no good reason, then that's when I can get a bit bugged. Granted, I would never tell someone outright that they suck because I have no right to spoil their fun, but the peeve is still there.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)16:58 No.5094024
    Well, some of them are new and others are teens that can't really afford to go all out but I've seen the majority of the shitty crowd wearing the same half-assed cosplays for years and when they get new ones, they're still half-asses. We have so few good cosplayers that no one really realizes you can do better, it's a common topic with me and my friend. I mean, even I don't really bother because of the overall mood of the convention. The extreme lack of trying just makes you kind of shrug and go "Well, I can put in the bare minimal of effort and look better than the majority so that's all I need."

    So yes, it is a major peeve but I'm hoping now that we're getting a little bigger as a convention and more detailed cosplays are being worn, that it'll catch on.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)17:08 No.5094047
    Wow, some of them in that thread sound even more judgmental than the OP of that comment then they turn around and say "How dare you judge me for telling you your opinion is shit! I don't judge you!"

    Never been a fan of Spaz, NeonBunny, or Toro. Such is life.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 10/23/11(Sun)17:25 No.5094075
         File1319405143.png-(34 KB, 218x185, 18017355_p3.png)
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    Eh, I ain't even mad. More stuff for us to chuckle at.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)17:32 No.5094088
    Ugh im so damn sick of the brigade. They've turned those forums into their little club and if you don't want to be ignored or hassled you have to agree with everything they say. And I hate the act of how judging others is bad. We all judge, its human nature. Its what you do with those judgements that decide if your an ass or not.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 10/23/11(Sun)17:34 No.5094091
    That's why I make it a point to chime in my honest opinion lately. I've noticed that when I say something that goes against their opinions, it prompts other people to come out of the wood work and be honest as well.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)17:36 No.5094097

    I think I might start posting again to do that to. At this point they have so many followers they'll just keep b relieving those delusions
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)18:15 No.5094161
    It probably won't. You'll have the same good people do good stuff at the big convention, a couple a new guys with good stuff, and rest (majority of cosplayers) do the same 'half-assed' cosplays they always do. Cosplay isn't serious business, and most people don't take it very seriously/ put in a lot of effort. Add to the fact that more and more kids with average costumes joining in and not really caring about the higher quality crowd, and you have what is happening now.

    It really shouldn't bother you. YOU should cosplay to the best of your ability because YOU, not because of the mood of the convention. You can be the best easily it sounds like, if validation/ being the best is what you are looking for. Otherwise go to a major con where you can hang out with others who cosplay to your standards/ have a challenge.
    tl;dr /cgl/'s definition of good is, and probably always will be, the rare exception, not the norm.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)19:32 No.5094320
    I'm getting tired of these people trying to come up with excuses for why someone's cosplay might not be all that great, and oh shame on you for being annoyed by these people they're trying so hard! That is absolute bullshit. You have the choice of doing something simpler, you have the choice of commissioning your costume from someone, and you also have the choice to, GASP!, learn how to sew. You can be in this hobby, be poor as fuck, and still have a decent cosplay, and I have at least two friends living in a lower income situation that are a testament to that and still do their best with what's given to them. These people are never going to get better if there's always someone there to shield and protect them from trying to improve, especially when it's done on the back of "they're just having fun!" You can have fun and still have a decent cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)19:43 No.5094354
    To me, cosplay is more about having fun than showing off so I don't try to go all out if the majority of attendees aren't either. I don't want to be one of those cosplayers that I've seen too often where they're falsely labeled as being snobbish elitists just because they have good costumes. They can be the sweetest person ever but just because they do their best on their costume, they have haters and people all too eager to spread rumors about them.

    So yeah, when I go to larger conventions I do put more effort into my costumes but the thing that bugs me is that there is so little effort at my home convention that it's not even funny. Party wigs, no wigs, Walmart costumes, etc.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)19:45 No.5094360
    >It really shouldn't bother you.
    Just the same way it shouldn't bother those cosplayers when people point how cheap and bad their cosplays look when it's the absolute truth.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)19:45 No.5094361
    But you can also have fun while not improving/ having a shitty cosplay. Some people may just have fun making shitty costumes and dicking around. Maybe the effort to acquire a good costume is not fun/ impede on the fun they have.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)19:46 No.5094363
    Considering they're the majority in conventions these days I'm gonna guess it doesn't.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)19:48 No.5094365
    That's all fine and dandy but given a group of ten shitty cosplays, how many of them are going to admit it's shitty and how many of them are going to proudly show off thinking their costume is the greatest thing ever? I guarantee you that there will be more bragging than admitting.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)19:50 No.5094371
    If it didn't, we wouldn't have /cgl/ because there would be no drama to keep it alive. No one likes hearing their costume is shit, even if it's true.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)19:52 No.5094380
    Bragging or answering a question. Most of the average cosplayers at cons just chill and have fun, not brag. If they answer a question the answer will vary. Some will think they're good. Maybe to them that is a good costume and anything else is gravy/ over the top. Others might admit it.

    Is your problem with them because they are bad and brag? How many people really do that? Where are you where they actively brag about their costumes? All I (mainly) see are kids playing and screaming memes. The bragging is by a few on the internet. Which shows up here on occasion because this place is a drama magnet.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)19:53 No.5094389
         File1319414017.gif-(2.92 MB, 480x271, 1313804883461.gif)
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    Oh coscom. I'm glad I deleted my account from there.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)19:57 No.5094406

    Dude I cannot tell you the number of times I've been in a line behind or in front of shitty cosplayers and had to listen to the bad mouth OTHER cosplayers for being shit while talking about how great their costume is.

    Despite them wearing an illfitting, unhemmed, fraying piece of crap made of broadcloth and ass. Double points for a wig worn wrong and a lack of binding when they're crossplaying.

    A lot of people don't realize they look bad, they think they look fuckall awesome and if anyone says otherwise it's cuz they're "jelly" not because "Oh we're just doing it for fun!"
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 10/23/11(Sun)19:57 No.5094407
         File1319414248.png-(58 KB, 792x161, who cares.png)
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    Homestuck has no voice overs.
    Why do you care to try and sound like a dude who has no voice in the first place.
    Who the hell cares.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)19:57 No.5094408
    Most of the drama is from a few crazy attention whores, like PT who have 60 threads dedicated to them. The bad cosplay threads on here mainly anons posting bad cosplays and ripping on them. Very rarely do I see people come in and defend themselves. Even worse, a lot f the bad cosplay threads are reposts that are years old. Sometimes a vendettafag, but mostly reposts.

    Also /cgl/ is kept alive not only by drama but by tripfag circlejerking, and lolita (but I don't know much about that, I only cosplay), and the occasional helpful thread.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)20:00 No.5094414
    By where I meant which state/ country. Also were you in a line for a costume contest? I've been in a few, that is the only place I hear shit IRL, and even then it is VERY rare.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)20:04 No.5094420

    Nope, in line for badges. Or panels, or hell even just in line for food.

    I'm a East Coast cosplayer so mostly attend cons on the Eastern side of the states, but I heard that shit at AX last year too.

    Maybe you're just lucky.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)20:08 No.5094432
    He's supposed to have a wavy accent. There might not be a set voice to him, but his quirk makes him who he is. Guess she was just trying to get in character.

    But I haven't ran into any Eridan cosplayer that tries to do the whole accent thing.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)20:09 No.5094434
    I'm on the east coast too, I don't hear it anywhere, but mentioned for the most part. How rampant was that shit talking? What percentage of the con? Maybe you're just unlucky? I just know, from what I see, majority of the cosplayers are average kids who are busy waiting in line for a guest's autograph while joking around with friends/ talking about their favorite show.

    Also my bad forgot sage last time.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)20:10 No.5094437
         File1319415012.jpg-(455 KB, 710x1000, 1214.jpg)
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    >OP posts about using tape to bind and getting blisters.
    >Admits that not all her cosplays are open-shirt after people suggest she buy a compression vest
    >Wants to be super flat forgetting that guys aren't even super flat
    >Thanks for your suggestions. I'll just go back to trying tape. Blisters on and around my boobs are ok.
    >The fuck am I reading?!

    I couldn't even comment on this thread... just... what the fuck. I get using tape for open shirt crossplays but for all crossplays?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)20:23 No.5094468
    Another East Coaster here and I hear mostly this shit.

    > Bragging about crappy costumes to other people (mostly young teen girls gushing about how they look juuuust like Misa/Misty/other basic outfit)

    >Barely good cosplayers with huge ego trips dissing the crappy costumes even though they're only a step above them

    >Crappy and barely good cosplayers both talking about better cosplayers and how "They look nothing like ____!"

    >Good cosplayers pointing out how bad the crappy cosplayers look and some of the flaws in the barely passable cosplays.

    And also the usual "Oh man, look at those Narutards/Homesucks/Hetaliatards."
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)20:26 No.5094479
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    I'm facepalming hard that she did a test run for two hours max and then decided that because two hours was fine that ten hours would be too and even when she saw something was happening to her skin she ignored it and kept it on for three more hours.

    Maximum stupidity.
    >> Washu 10/23/11(Sun)20:27 No.5094481
         File1319416043.jpg-(55 KB, 607x497, $(KGrHqIOKm8E1SLw4sDVBNlBzhtcO(...).jpg)
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    >wear tape wthout a shirt
    I stopped reading after that...what a dumb ass
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 10/23/11(Sun)20:32 No.5094494
         File1319416376.gif-(54 KB, 640x480, Usavich 49.gif)
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    What..? Just... why?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)20:33 No.5094495
    From your post it sounds like everyone is bragging/ having a bad attitude. I'm glad I miss this drama. Also do you all listen out for this shit constantly like it's a second hobby? If you're hostile and on edge you're gonna pinpoint and blow up every little thing.

    Also the gushing part, are they just 2 average cosplayers complimenting each other or doing that while ripping into another? I hear the compliment part but not the ripping apart others part. And it's usually fans just being nice to other fans.

    Also again, what percentage of the entire con experience. So far I got an all the time (so like 80% of the time at the con?) I give myself hearing it like 10% at max.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)20:35 No.5094497
    >So how do I AVOID getting blisters and are there any good TAPES out there to use.

    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)20:43 No.5094515

    When someone starts talking shit near you, you tend to hear it. Especially things that start out like "Oh my god, what the hell is she wearing..." or "Ugggh, that ___ looks like shit..." or "Did you see that ____ running around? Horrible"
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)20:43 No.5094518
         File1319417027.jpg-(21 KB, 500x282, tumblr_ln8dxgNWt61qizvv8o1_500.jpg)
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    And I couldn't resist posting that on the Coscom thread. Oh /cgl/, you'll get me in trouble one day. Or at least when people get irritated with my snark that I tried so hard to hide over there, I can just blame corruption from over here.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)20:46 No.5094529
    I guess it doesn't exist that prevalently cause I almost never hear it.

    I fail at sage.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)20:46 No.5094530
    No, the gushing part meant that Cosplayer A was telling Cosplayer B how she (A) looked just like the girl she was cosplaying. You wouldn't believe how much I've heard that in real life and online.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)20:49 No.5094543
    Yea, I was going to post but seeing OP's reply has sealed the deal, it's obvious that they are going to ignore 2 good suggestions and just continue using tape. I also don't get why she's not sounding the least bit concerned about blisters. Seriously, if you're not doing open-shirt crossplays all the time, why not switch to using something more skin friendly... like, I don't know... a fucking compression shirt like was suggested.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 10/23/11(Sun)20:49 No.5094547
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    Bro, they practically ask for the snark.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)20:54 No.5094555
         File1319417647.jpg-(59 KB, 500x333, uguu.jpg)
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    I...I...could watch you snark all day!
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)20:55 No.5094560
    Ahaha, I love you Officer Boris and 00Beaver, you guys keep me entertained whenever I see your posts over there.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)20:56 No.5094561
    I just hear people complimenting each other. And you hear this "I'm just like the character" all the time (80% and above)? They're never just complimenting each other as friends?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)20:56 No.5094564
    Seriously. Does she not like her skin attached to her body and like having popping blisters in her hotel room? The only time I've ever had a compression vest be tight to the point of discomfort was when I got one a size too small and nearly popped my shoulder out of socket trying to pull it on over my head and when I finally got it on, it was so tight I immediately wanted it off.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)21:01 No.5094574
    I seriously stopped posting there ages ago after my stalker incident and I don't really update it anymore so /cgl/ is the first thing to get me posting again in a long time. I avoided the non-convention sections anyway.

    Chiming in here but I see this sometimes. Mostly from the younger weeabooish crowd. The ones that think they look like a character, act like a character, are the character, etc. I think everyone in the convention scene knows at least one of those types.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 10/23/11(Sun)21:02 No.5094582
         File1319418164.png-(47 KB, 208x213, oh my.png)
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    You flatter me. ~

    Hah hah, thanks, it's what I do.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)21:03 No.5094584
    Indeed, I flip out if my shoes give me a blister on my feet, I cannot imagine having them on really sensitive skin like that. Holy shit. But she was making shitty excuses about compression shirts, the trickiest part about them is trying to get the right size but wearing them is a breeze once you've got the right size.

    I also agree with >>5094437, guys aren't perfectly flat either. Especially if they are muscular because pecs take up some space. I've found it's more about getting the right shape as opposed to being flat as a board.

    And apparently she's never heard of nude bodysuits to cover binding either. Asian cosplayers use them all the time and they don't have to look plain or like shit. That one cosmode tutorial where they painted on some abs, pecs, and a sick tattoo looked pretty believable.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)21:03 No.5094586
         File1319418231.png-(105 KB, 793x425, ugh.png)
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    Oh god, why would you tell her to do this?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)21:07 No.5094594
    >waits for upcoming comment claiming she was already cosplaying Stocking with her daily clothes without knowing it.

    You know it's coming.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)21:12 No.5094611
    I actually had no idea who this was until I member searched her and looked at some pictures. She doesn't really look the type that would cosplay Stocking in the first place, much less put effort into it.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)21:17 No.5094625
    Actually, she is more likely to buy the wig and just take loads of photos and upload them to act like it's a full costume.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 10/23/11(Sun)21:17 No.5094632
    I gave her profile a visit and then back clicked when I saw all of those stupid pictures of her sticking her tongue out. I don't care if it's in character, you look ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)21:18 No.5094634
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)21:18 No.5094635
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    >And apparently she's never heard of nude bodysuits to cover binding either.
    Alright, I'm about to share a very shitty picture from my weeaboo days but if there was one thing I did right, it was this accidental discovery. Go into any Walmart store, go to the shapewear section and get a skin toned top. They stretch, they cling to your body, you can wear them with straps or not. They worked so well for my Ouran Hunny costume that I actually had a staffer dash across a hotel lobby to try and cover me up thinking I was actually walking around topless before she got within a few feet and realized it was a shirt.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)21:24 No.5094645
    Shitty pic or not, that looks pretty fucking amazing. I'm guessing that is a short-sleeved bodysuit? My walmart must be full of fail because they didn't carry anything like that last time I checked and I was about to try and finagle one off Fantasy Sheep's taobao store.

    Either way, I'll have to check back at my Walmart to see. Thanks for sharing that.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)21:26 No.5094653
    I bought it back in late '06 so let me poke around Google and see what brand it is, Walmart might have it online. I didn't pay more than $20 for it.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)21:41 No.5094691
         File1319420507.png-(122 KB, 372x378, waist.png)
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    Okay, apparently what I bought was a longer version of a waist cincher since every upper body shape wear I've found is made in tanktop form. You could buy a cheap skin colored waist cincher like in my picture (Bali Smoothers from JCPenney) and try it out over your usual binding method to see if it'll work for an open shirt cosplay. You'd just have to pull it up from where it is in the picture to where you actually want it.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)21:44 No.5094698
    Ah that makes sense, I was wondering how you managed to get the sleeves to disappear. Alright, those are pretty easy to track down. I thought you had some super rare shirt or something. Gotcha and thanks for looking into it!
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)21:58 No.5094719

    >I never experience it so it must not exist!

    I'm not involved in the conversation but my god you're just like those girls who rampantly defend GLW and Coscom with shit like "Well, I've never had a bad experience so it must not actually happen!"

    Your experiences =/= everyone else's. You ever go to a con and then look at pictures later and see a really fucking awesome costume that was apparently at the con that you never saw?

    Same thing here. Cons are huge events. You don't personally hear the conversations of 1000+ attendees. Just because you don't hear it often does not mean it doesn't exist.

    Sage because holy shit did not know people could be so dumb.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)22:08 No.5094734
    >I guess it doesn't exist that prevalently cause I almost never hear it.

    Try reading fully next time.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)23:27 No.5094919
         File1319426831.jpg-(25 KB, 335x478, 1316754739065.jpg)
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    What boggles me is that she's based her opinion, that binders are not for her, on fucking ACE BANDAGES.
    The fuck? Seriously! They two things aren't even remotely alike. Binders you forget you're even wearing, and meanwhile, when I used to wear ace bandages, it felt like there were two giant hands around my chest, determined to squeeze the life out of me...
    This girl man, this girl.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)23:35 No.5094945
    I'll be interested to see what she actually does. Probably will pick up another roll of tape and go forth. I'm surprised she was too stupid to think of taping OVER a sports bra or something, why did she think it had to always go over bare skin even on crossplays that weren't open shirt. Just wow...

    I honestly don't get what people have against binders. If you're a poor as fuck teenager, fine, I guess $20-$30 sounds kind of scary, but that's what jobs and earning money are for, so you can buy shit you want and it's your money, no asking mommy and daddy. But really, they're a great investment if you cross frequently, comfortable, easy to take care of, and are pretty safe if you get the right size.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 10/23/11(Sun)23:37 No.5094949
    I bought myself a binder just today actually since I needed one bad. Sports bras weren't doing it anymore and I'm tired of boob showing up in my crossplay photos. Seriously, it's one of the best cosplay investments I've ever made.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/11(Sun)23:43 No.5094959
    What brand did you end up going with? I myself and debating between another Underworks or trying out T-Kingdom but probably will go with Underworks because of domestic shipping and all.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)00:29 No.5095048
    I just think people basically can't believe that they're comfortable. I know my mom still doesn't believe me that my binder doesn't hurt me, and I've been wearing one for two years. All they know is that they're squishing your boobs, and holy crap, it's squishing something, that must hurt!
    And yet women wear shaping underwear all the time without complaining...
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 10/24/11(Mon)00:34 No.5095058
    I went with T-Kingdom. The binder itself was 35 bucks and the shipping was around 7 bucks, so it wasn't all that bad.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)09:08 No.5095948
    What kind did you get from T-Kingdom? I've been wondering about their velcro strap versions since they seem easy to put on.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)09:25 No.5095964

    I've only ever used T-Kingdom, and they're pretty damn good, though their quality has been going down in the four years I've been using them. The only thing I would say is that I use a velcro one, and if I'm wearing a thin top then it does kind of show up.

    I've heard that Underworks is better for people with bigger boobs, though.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)12:27 No.5096371

    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)12:33 No.5096383
    That isn't slightly worrying at all.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)12:38 No.5096403
    please tell me you are being sarcastic.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)12:39 No.5096408
    Heavily sarcastic.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)13:07 No.5096495
    she kinda scares me. I went through her gallery and all her pictures are just her in wigs sticking her tongue out. ewww
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)14:33 No.5096703
    Hey, what do you have against frog-people? Do you know how hard they have to work to catch enough flies to survive in this day and age?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)14:38 No.5096717

    Awww, shit I didn't realized this girl was based in my area. Though this all makes sense now, weebs here be psycho crazy like that.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)14:43 No.5096733
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    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)17:25 No.5097156
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    >People love my tits!
    >You love my tits, don't you?
    >Don't you?

    Can she not talk about how she thinks people comment frequently on her tits? She's not that hot, even with tits attached.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)17:35 No.5097183
         File1319492127.jpg-(53 KB, 750x563, look-at-my-balls.jpg)
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    This image is all I can think of in reference to that post.
    >> Bayonetta !Whip/TdMzQ 10/24/11(Mon)17:38 No.5097194
    What the fuck even.
    Someone's way conceited.
    >> JillyBean !!JNfSKsTtdUC 10/24/11(Mon)17:42 No.5097207
    Dude if your going to work a haunted house- you have to accept that douche's will make comments about that. It's part of the territory.

    I play the doll girl at my local haunted house (I alternate with another girl though) I get sexual comments yeah but I was warned when I was getting dressed in the costume the first time that I was going to get those as one of the girl characters- and if I was ok with that.

    Guys do this to almost every haunted house character that actually looks like a chick. Some not as often as others granted. She's not that special : / Something about this post of hers is- maybe it's just the general attitude. Piss'es me off....
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)20:48 No.5097815

    I prefer to use sports tape as opposed to an ace bandage, but that's just preference. I've been thinking about getting a compression vest though.

    The Duct tape thing makes me want to bash my head in.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)21:02 No.5097865
    Tapes are fine if you either apply them over something like a sports bra or use skin-friendly tape/know a skin-friendly way to remove it. Plus, a lot of retards seem to forget about inhaling to expand the chest to maximum capacity, then taping. I bet this chick taped when she exhaled, hence the pulling/tugging/irritated as fuck skin resulting in blisters. Either way, tape is still slightly safer than Ace bandages which do tighten over time. I never understood the people who ended up with broken/bruised ribs and shit. Wouldn't you say to yourself "Wow, shit this hurts. I should stop and remove these." Apparently not though.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)21:28 No.5097925

    I made that mistake with the bandages this weekend. By the time I got the to con, I looked at my fiance and demanded to go to the bathroom to correct it. It was fine at our hotel but during the ride, I could feel it tightening up to the point it was hurting my back. More reason I hate them, for me it's easy to forget how to apply them and sooner or later they slip and you have a lopsided chest.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)22:23 No.5098123
    Well, Ace bandages are an unideal binding method but at least you were smart enough to stop and fix your problem. There seem to be a lot of people who think pain is part of binding, which it really shouldn't be.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)22:56 No.5098209
    Here's another one for you.

    Must be she's never heard of wearing an appropriate length slip under a petticoat to put a layer between you and the tulle/crinoline so it doesn't itch/scratch your legs. Wtf, that's the first thing my mother told me when I got a petti.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/11(Mon)22:58 No.5098217
         File1319511499.jpg-(108 KB, 780x320, 123112.jpg)
    108 KB
    Well then, captcha ate my pic. Let's try again.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)06:17 No.5099243
    >cosplay lolita
    Well no wonder people keep going on about her boobs. Most of those are low cut.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)15:49 No.5100264
         File1319572145.jpg-(90 KB, 781x321, md1012.jpg)
    90 KB
    HAhaha fucking hell! Her posts, like fine wine, get better by the day. However, one is infinitely more valuable than the other.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)16:35 No.5100363

    Sage for offtopic-

    She makes a terrible Jaina. And takes shitty bedroom shots on a shitty web/phone cam of herself being a terrible Jaina.

    And shipping Thrall/Jaina.

    UHG. FUCK.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)23:00 No.5101652
    So does she go on and on about being Alice every where? It's all I've seen her talk about so far.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)23:06 No.5101666
    I'm seeing a trend. Her Alice to Sweeney's Sweeney but at least Sweeney isn't a stuck up asshat like MD is. Sweeney's just Sweenytastically obsessed.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)23:09 No.5101670
    Erp, actually she mostly talks about how people compliment her tits, being Alice, and before it was about being Jiana which according to her also fetched a lot of compliments because it showed off her tits.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)23:18 No.5101702
    Oh, she's one of /those/. Thinks her tits are the best thing about her and brags about getting compliments but also huffs and complains about all the other comments she gets just to make her tits sound like a burden and how woe is me she is.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)23:36 No.5101755
    DING DING DING - you hit the nail on the head, Anon. That's her in a nutshell.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)23:41 No.5101770
    Ugh. Some of the replies regarding crossplay in the "Do you cosplay or crossplay?" thread are bugging the shit out of me.

    Just because you don't want to crossplay doesn't mean you have to piss on the rest of us and our good time with the way you word your replies. Reminds me of this Zelda cosplayer that came into a crossplay thread and raged at all female crossplayers telling them "Why would you do this to your bodies?!" and just being general crossplay hate all around.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)23:45 No.5101784

    Ughh this girl, and she wonders why her parents are apposed to cosplay...
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)23:46 No.5101787
    Yea some of them have that haughty "I'm better because I cosplay characters my gender" air about them. Good for you there sweetypants. Not everyone feels the way you do nor likes the same shit, deal with it. People can cosplay or crossplay whomever they want.

    Thankfully there were only like 3 comments that really sounded negative.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)23:50 No.5101797
    Yeah. Hate to deanon myself but I asked one girl why she said she would NEVER crossplay under any circumstances but I guess if she hasn't replied yet she's not going to bother.

    I really wish I could remember the name of that Zelda cosplayer that got her panties in a bunch. It was ages ago but she was five seconds from probably going "God made women to look like women!!! I AM A GAWD WARRIOR!" on us.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 10/25/11(Tue)23:56 No.5101810
         File1319601381.png-(24 KB, 198x138, awp.png)
    24 KB
    I'm almost tempted to tell that chick to shut the fuck up about her tits. Like, seriously, just waltz on in the next time she makes a comment about them and just call her out on it. We get it, you have huge floppy tits, now shut up.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)23:57 No.5101811
    I see dat LM.C. <3333
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)23:57 No.5101814
    Dang it Boris, stop making me crush on you and your awesomeness.
    >> Anonymous 10/25/11(Tue)23:59 No.5101819
    That poster and the Psycho le Cemu one behind me have been on my wall for five years now. Got some BACK-ON, G-Dragon, Miyavi, and Kaya to join it but I don't listen to Kaya anymore. I ended up missing seeing him in concert and I still get depressed hearing his music.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)00:04 No.5101829
    Ugh, the Zelda chick sounds batshit insane. It's one thing to not crossplay and just say "I'm not interested in crossplaying" or "it's not for me" but to leave a comment about not crossplaying under any circumstances does make it sound suspicious in a "God gave me boobs so binding them is a sin" kind of way. People who pull the "God made me this way" card concern me. Back in HS, there was a girl who had the worst fucking unibrow ever but she refused to pluck it and refused to shave because "God didn't want her to deface her body". Really? Pretty sure that's at the rock bottom of God's to do list, he's got some crazy ass plagues, storms, and other shit to stir up, if you believe in it like that.

    OMG you should do this, if you don't, I will with my alt. account on there.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 10/26/11(Wed)00:04 No.5101830
         File1319601896.gif-(68 KB, 640x480, Usavich 53.gif)
    68 KB
    I love you too, anon-kun.

    But anyway, coscom shit to keep this on topic, I just recently read that Axelai is only 17. It certainly explains a lot. Makes me wonder what the fuck she's doing clubbing and what not. She told me on my old account she once went to a club in Prussia cosplay. Yeesh.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)00:08 No.5101833
    Some places have those teen clubs where you have to be under 18 to get in. Don't know if they still have them everywhere or not but they were called 180, some sort of Christian club.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)00:10 No.5101837
    Makes sense. I believe she was also spouting how intelligent and mature she was last year/earlier this year because she's a college freshman. I loled hard because college freshmen are usually the most out of control bunch on a given campus. Most of them it's the first time away from mommy and daddy so it's time to get crazy.

    But yea, clubbing in a cosplay? I... just... what... I wish you were joking but I know you're not.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 10/26/11(Wed)00:18 No.5101858
         File1319602727.png-(26 KB, 110x211, how may i help you.png)
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    Wow, okay. College doesn't magically change you into an adult like some kids like to believe. She never ceases to amaze me.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)00:41 No.5101899
    Because college turns them into scholars instead of drunken partiers....
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)00:47 No.5101910
         File1319604421.png-(14 KB, 495x73, Capture.png)
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    This isn't from Coscom but it was from a group on Facebook for my local convention and I figure this is the best place to share since Coscom has seen this shit as well.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)02:25 No.5102153
    What, did she expect them to pat her on the back and commend her for her "unique" -ness?
    If you make yourself look weird, preppy people will laugh at you. Because you look weird.
    Fact of human nature.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)10:06 No.5102661
         File1319637970.png-(68 KB, 784x311, 754eba9dfd9943f6a64dde5[1].png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)10:57 No.5102709

    That's all I see.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)10:58 No.5102712
         File1319641126.png-(37 KB, 788x297, 134.png)
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    Not...really sure what this is...
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)11:01 No.5102714
    wtf am I reading?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)11:02 No.5102717
         File1319641377.png-(91 KB, 777x327, herpaderp.png)
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    Was kinda hoping this person was just an overenthusiastic teen but I got curious enough to check out their posts and it's just god awful.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)11:07 No.5102721

    Didn't you know? In the beginning the great otaku in the sky created shota and loli and said it was good! That no pervert shall lust for underaged fap material if they accept the great otaku into their lives and listen to all that he teacheth us regarding the ways to love thy hand and covet not thy neighbor's 2D waifu or the new gaming system that they waited in line all night for that you couldn't as well because you had work and when you got off you really didn't want to rummage in storage for your lawn chair and sitting on the sidewalk was just too uncomfortable to be doing it all night and hell, you can just get one on Ebay anyway.

    Otaku in the sky be with you.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)11:15 No.5102728
    Oh dear god.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)11:18 No.5102733
    >I am afraid that you do not like it.
    Feel like I'm on
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)11:23 No.5102734
         File1319642635.jpg-(44 KB, 772x618, idiot.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)19:47 No.5103891
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)17:22 No.5106796
         File1319750565.jpg-(64 KB, 781x321, cos-rules.jpg)
    64 KB
    Rules of cosplay... yea, my only rule is whatever you do, do it well. Is cosplay really some sort of elite secret society where you need to obey rules or will get shunned? This isn't the Skulls.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)17:35 No.5106834
    Gotta follow the rules man. If you don't, you'll be sacrificed in order to assure a better convention the next year.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)18:11 No.5106907
    Actually in theory this sounds plausible. A sacrifice made to the con-gods for their mercy and kind gaze over the next con.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)18:43 No.5106978

    Oh my God, Sweeney. I love Sweeney so much.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:30 No.5107308
    Dammit Sweeney! You let me down this time, you didn't mention Sweeney even once. What is going on?!

    (from the cosplay rules thread Anon linked above)
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)11:58 No.5108747
    Sweeney's obsession is oddly endearing.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)16:01 No.5109150
    That and she's only in HS. We were all obsessed with something at that age. Totally understandable.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)17:54 No.5109488
    Exactly. It just so happens that she found cosplay whilst in an obsessive phase, and that's fine. I'm personally glad I didn't get into it back then because I would have made such a twat of myself, but Sweeney is fine. Plus she actually seems really nice. She's not doing anything wrong so I see no reason to rip into her - I'm glad to see people agree with me on this one too.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)20:00 No.5109724
    Yea, I am very glad I didn't get into cosplay until after HS. I casually made game character costumes for college Halloween parties but got into cosplaying and going to cons after college which may sound late to people but honestly, I had the resources to travel and money to make what I want and no parental restrictions, seems like the perfect time for me.

    But yea, in HS I was obsessed with Rammstein and Ozzy (late 90's, early 00's). Soooo glad I didn't discover cosplay then, it just would've gone shittastically since those were what I would've tried to cosplay and I am by no means some beefed up German male nor... well Ozzy who is an entity of his own.
    >> GumiGumiGo 10/28/11(Fri)20:30 No.5109780

    sorry anon, I was on vacation, I posted my reply if you are interested.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)20:43 No.5109797
    Replied back.

    Anyway, anyone find any good new stuff?
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)20:51 No.5109803
         File1319849473.png-(17 KB, 584x185, wut3.png)
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    What? Okay, I'm all for doing whatever you want, it's your business, but this confuses the fuck out of me.

    "I'm offended that you'd tell me to join a site that does erotic cosplay photos...but I'll do some anyway...just not on their site!"
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)20:55 No.5109807
    Nothing I have seen that is super unusual, just a new thread on the crossplay forum about using ace bandages and whatnot. I can't even bother replying to those any more.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)21:00 No.5109813
    Even without the name included I can tell who made that post. I put my money on it being Miss My Tits Are Such a Burden, But THEY'RE GREAT.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)21:07 No.5109820
    Dingding! We have a winner!
    >> GumiGumiGo 10/29/11(Sat)00:35 No.5110251
    I just found this little gem while chilling in the off topic. he such a douche? ALL THE TIME!?
    >> GumiGumiGo 10/29/11(Sat)00:37 No.5110254
    woopsie forgot the link
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:48 No.5110701
    Whats the story on that Hitomi girl from LA
    >> GumiGumiGo 10/29/11(Sat)17:14 No.5111404
    who now?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)03:52 No.5112635

    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)09:14 No.5112867
    Heeeeer. It's sad I knew what a nutjob she was before even hearing about her through /cgl/. She has some sort of fetish, I swear. Why would you cosplay a building and then go to said building? You just look like a total wacko! Has anyone even seen her costumes?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)09:29 No.5112878
         File1319981368.png-(86 KB, 781x303, misa.png)
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    He's freaking adorable looks wise but the amount of weeaboo is killing me.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)12:19 No.5113062
    Ahahahahahahha oh man I wish I had read this last night when I got home from a party. That would've made it that much funnier. Jokes aside, wow, this girl. I...will never understand the skyscraper fetish. I'm glad she didn't try to get a friend to dress up as a "terrorist/badguy" so they could act out her skit idea... especially in NYC. Pretty sure someone would've beat their asses. Ah well, since it is near Halloween, I'm sure the security guard was like "Well, that's not too out of the ordinary, carry on."

    You know what I really want to see? Someone cosplay as King Kong and find her as a skyscraper.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)12:58 No.5113121
    I remember seeing a picture of one of her skyscraper cosplays a while back. It just weirds me out that she is so fixated with buildings.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)14:28 No.5113272
    Do you have the pic still? She doesn't have anything uploaded to her cc account. Call it morbid curiosity.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)14:32 No.5113278

    I enjoyed watching this bitch get slammed for her stupid ass opinion.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)14:58 No.5113333
    Ugh, her. She made a snotty reply on the "Cosplay or Crossplay?" thread as well.

    >I'll stick to my gender, thank you very much. There's just way too many kick butt female characters left for me to cosplay.

    Yeah, that's all well and good that you have female characters to cosplay, but you don't have to come off as pointing at crossplayers and going "You don't stick to your own gender! Why can't you be like me?! Just look at all these female characters YOU could be doing!"
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)16:09 No.5113459
    This bitch is so dumb. She is just looking for validation and ignoring anyone who disagrees. The whole thread reeks of idiots though, too many MAD people.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)16:18 No.5113485
    Afraid not, I lost everything a few months back. Wish I could find it again myself.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)16:33 No.5113538
    A slip, huh? I thought you were supposed to wear bloomers.

    I'm learning more about loli every day. Maybe eventually I'll work up the courage to buy some.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)16:36 No.5113547

    Lost PF account? Original account?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)16:41 No.5113561
         File1320007270.jpg-(39 KB, 566x378, 1945119.jpg)
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    Okay, this is the wackiest take on a wig substitute that I've ever seen and this room is creepy as well.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)17:36 No.5113709
    This girl. As soon as she started posting her attempts at thought-provoking threads, I lost respect for her (not that I had any to begin with). I'm glad enough people were saying "Dude, you're a fucking retard. It's 1 group as guests, the con has more guests than that. Fucking deal with it." She may as well have said that all video games, movies, music, comics, etc need to gtfo of cons too. Glad her ass got handed to her.

    What a bitch. Next con I go to, I'm going to wear my Legolas costume and say "There are elves in animu too, we're bro's. Deal with it."
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 10/30/11(Sun)18:02 No.5113767
         File1320012130.jpg-(40 KB, 226x320, 15536745_m.jpg)
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    So I decided to call out Senvy on her "cosplay". Let's see how that goes.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)18:04 No.5113777
         File1320012289.jpg-(105 KB, 403x600, 1297529937403.jpg)
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    I'm waiting for this.
    >> Kida !!od+/UXkDBQB 10/30/11(Sun)18:04 No.5113779
    Oh, I am so watching how this plays out.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)18:11 No.5113795
    I love you for that.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)18:13 No.5113798
    >Why did you feel the need to ask that, again?

    I facepalmed so hard I now look like Lunatic.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)18:27 No.5113827
         File1320013661.png-(12 KB, 346x119, 804b167afdf540b98bc8433[1].png)
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    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 10/30/11(Sun)18:29 No.5113829
         File1320013768.jpg-(160 KB, 600x450, AHAHAHAHA.jpg)
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    >captcha: eyingni PLAN
    Yes captcha, all according to plan.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)18:31 No.5113832
    Fucking loled. So apparently just wearing a wig and taking 50 photos = cosplaying. Having never seen this idiot at a con, does anyone know if she puts any more effort into what she wears at a con?
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 10/30/11(Sun)18:34 No.5113841
         File1320014094.png-(154 KB, 415x514, Usavich 43.png)
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    She has this tiny ass picture of her Alois cosplay in her gallery but among the sea of Myspace head shots I doubt it counts as much.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)18:37 No.5113843
    Oh ok, I see what you are referring to. I just wondered if she bothered to, you know, actually assemble/buy the rest of the costume beyond just owning a wig. So, 1 confirmed.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)18:39 No.5113847
         File1320014355.jpg-(137 KB, 500x375, 969960282_19e975da93.jpg)
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    Oh she can kiss my rear end.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)18:42 No.5113857
         File1320014579.jpg-(159 KB, 782x596, reply.jpg)
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    ... and a saucy reply has been posted.

    Srsly, there are 3 "costumes" in her gallery which appear to all use the same blond wig or one very similar, just with the bangs swept in a certain direction or something. How the hell would anyone know?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)18:44 No.5113865
         File1320014678.gif-(818 KB, 252x189, 1298262842088.gif)
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    Ha! Oh, boy. A good wig and expression do matter, yes, but, uh, the costume is kind of the most important part.
    >> Schadelbrecher !!VGk3Ris4UGq 10/30/11(Sun)18:48 No.5113870
    >taking pictures out of boredom

    No. You're taking pictures because you're an attention whore and you want gratification.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)18:48 No.5113873
         File1320014919.png-(38 KB, 473x379, d32a49469bb348d6a3a0d2b[1].png)
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    Update on her Facebook butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)18:51 No.5113877
         File1320015099.jpg-(16 KB, 459x453, 10z73v6.jpg)
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    This is hilarious. Even her friends don't agree with her.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)18:59 No.5113893
    I lost it at the part where she says she gets her best pics when only wearing wigs as a "costume".

    Talk about having shit-tier standards. Many myspace cam whores take better cam-whore pics than that. Wow.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)19:15 No.5113917
    I think the Sunshine Brigade's gotten on to you.

    Also, looking at her list of cons, oh, man. I know her. I may have seen her in person at a few cons, actually.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 10/30/11(Sun)19:17 No.5113926
         File1320016669.gif-(131 KB, 478x480, Usavich 56.gif)
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    Uh oh.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)19:17 No.5113927
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)19:22 No.5113940
    Putting on multiple layers of clothes takes her half a hour and leaves her sweaty and red faced from exertion? ...she's not taking a jog around the block. If this is happening to her, she needs to lose some weight.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)19:23 No.5113944
    You recognize her from cons? She looks like a typical chubs weeb that cause my eyes to glance over since they are all the same.

    Also, anyone know what Shana05 is on about? She was like "mirror shots always are bad", then said she doesn't have a camera phone. Is she trying to imply camera phones somehow are better than cameras at taking photos?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)19:26 No.5113949
    Spazmodic is reading this thread.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 10/30/11(Sun)19:30 No.5113958
    Huh, so she is.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)19:31 No.5113959
    Hey, how's it going? Do you want us to say something about you?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)19:34 No.5113964
    Shit, Gypsyangelf4i is asking for a link to the thread.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)19:35 No.5113966

    I was just thinking the same thing. I mean fuck, it's either that or there's something seriously wrong that requires a doctor's visit. Being exhausted, sweaty, and red-faced from GETTING DRESSED? My god, girl, stop cosplaying and get that taken care of first.
    >> Kida !!od+/UXkDBQB 10/30/11(Sun)19:35 No.5113970
    Just because we haven't currently, doesn't mean didn't previously.
    But don't let that bring you down
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)19:38 No.5113978
    Well, since she posted the link, I just want to say this: Sweeney, if you read this, don't worry; we love you over here.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)19:38 No.5113982
    Prepare of incoming buttmad coscom users! AHOY.
    >> Kida !!od+/UXkDBQB 10/30/11(Sun)19:39 No.5113983
    we're always watching.
    LUVZ YOUZ! <3
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)19:45 No.5114005
    Seriously. If you're unable to put on clothing without looking like you've gone running outside, then you really are out of shape.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)19:48 No.5114013
    Heh, I'm glad Spaz asked her why she seems to have so much trouble.
    Now answer the question.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)19:49 No.5114020
         File1320018599.png-(10 KB, 415x78, 19180592a4774156bdb9ccd[1].png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)19:50 No.5114022

    I just want to say not all us Georgians are that fail. Jeezus Christ, I can put on my most complex costumes in 20 minutes or less and easily snap shots of myself without looking like I ran a 10k marathon.

    (I say this because I noticed a lot of the people who end up in this thread are Georgian. We just apparently have a large collection of stupid.)
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)19:52 No.5114023
         File1320018727.jpg-(41 KB, 500x250, 1311628008738.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)19:58 No.5114039
    Obviously hating on her mad cosplay skills.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)19:59 No.5114044

    Just some retarded excuses that's all. Would be more interesting if she just admitted to being lazy rather than "Oh putting on my clothing leaves me sweaty and redfaced cuz I'm more acclimated to cold climates!"

    Is it like 90 degrees in your house all the time or something? Cripes.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:03 No.5114048
    Is it just me or is Shana05 just skipping over helpful tips and just like, goin with the theory her camera is shit, mirror shots will never ever work, and anyone disagreeing is rude troll out to get her... and her little dog too? Srsly.

    Just admit you're wrong: just cause you can't take good mirror shots and never saw others, doesn't mean they can't happen. Either shut up about it or just admit you're wrong. She always digs herself into these holes. It's hilarious and so sad!
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:06 No.5114058
    How old is this shana05 chick? Seriously?
    She acts like a child.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:07 No.5114061

    It's seriously starting to piss me off how childish and rude she's acting.

    Captcha: bro-fatty bmizen
    Captcha, you always know what to say.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:11 No.5114069

    I was wondering the same thing. She looks to be in her late 20s and yet she's acting like a bratty teen. And talks about having her dad take her pictures.

    I really hope she's just an unfortunately aged teenager and not actually in her 20s though. My god.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:15 No.5114084

    Just checked her profile. She talks about having an Associate's degree.

    She's an adult, acting like that.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:16 No.5114091
    jfc, this.
    moved to a warmer country last year after living in a chillier place, and i can still put on layer upon layer of shirts and jackets to take a wig/makeup WIP shot.
    will admit i'm too lazy to put on the lower half of my cosplays if i'm just taking a wig/makeup shot but jesus if your cosplay gallery is 90% lolwigshots you're doing something wrong anyway.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:19 No.5114101
         File1320020384.jpg-(48 KB, 515x400, deal.jpg)
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    Sums up everything right about now.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:19 No.5114102
    The only thing I hate about this girl are her excused for everything.
    >I only closet cosplay cause it's easy.
    And even then her cosplay isn't even cosplay. It's some chick in a wig.
    >It takes an hour to put on good makeup so it's not worth it.
    GOOD Makeup would take an hour. A little subtle eyeshadow and grease paint for the Matryoshka face symbols should take about 30 minutes tops. 2 hours for full body painting.
    >I can't take good pictures of myself.
    She could if she gave a damn.
    >No one asks me to be in photoshoots so I don't dress for them.
    Nobody asks her BECAUSE she doesn't dress for them. Who would want a cosplayer like her to be in their photoshoot?

    Her online language makes me think she's one of those weebtards who calls for "yaoi photos" which would be another reason people don't want to take pics with her.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:22 No.5114108
    >No one asks me to be in photoshoots so I don't dress for them.
    ever heard of solo shoots, senvy?
    oh wait, that requires the sole focus to be your costume rather than the interaction with other characters.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:23 No.5114111
    inb4 she blames asperger's

    I know she's said she has it before but damn, it's no fucking excuse.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:23 No.5114112
    Spaz obviously missed the last thread where we were commenting on all of her "gender bends"

    Let me sum it up for you; Stop sluttying up characters and naming them genderbends, it gives genderbending a bad name.

    I am a full supporter of genderbending, personally, I would never crossplay, so I think it's a great way to have the experience of cosplaying a character you like well still being comfortable as a female. But yours are horrendous, their is no creativity of effort put into them, all you do it tighten, and shorten, and lengthen the wig, and slap thigh highs with it. It is absolutely disgraceful to those that work hard on coming up with something original and creative that still suits the character.

    So please, please, STOP.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:28 No.5114131

    Yeah, her and the rest of the internet. Ugh, can't wait for the next big fad disease.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:36 No.5114157
         File1320021386.jpg-(35 KB, 500x375, giantisopodis12854118115180875(...).jpg)
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    Reading through all that Coscom crap gave me a headache.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:42 No.5114173
    You know, I bet most of the coscom-ers who are always saying terrible things about the people here on /cgl/ would shit bricks if they knew some of the nice and well liked users over who are known seagulls.
    It would just wreck their pretty little delusion that we're all ugly mean trolls.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:44 No.5114177
    Ah, No link or screenshot to said genderbend thread?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:45 No.5114181
    Pretty much. Most of them don't even think we leave /cgl/, much less go over there.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:48 No.5114185
    Pretty much this. I plan to stay a closeted seagull but I actually do drop helpful info in several forums for the kiddies. Sometimes it gets red, sometimes not, but hey, they asked, I answered, can't say I'm a troll.

    I probs am one of the more unlikely coscom-cgl users and am pretty chill about everything so if I'm here, I think there are other people here who are not that unlike me. That alone proves to me that not everyone's an ass. So YOU JUST FUCKING DEAL WITH IT, COSCOM. lol

    Sorry, couldn't resist using Shanas "Deal with it line". So mature and lady-like.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:51 No.5114193
    >Sometimes it gets red, sometimes not, but hey, they asked, I answered.
    >Sometimes it gets read

    Damn laptop ate my letters
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:53 No.5114200
    Yep. I'm a regular, I'm not exactly despised over there, at least not to my knowledge, but I've never really made it a big secret that I'm a regular /cgl/ poster. I at least have defended it by letting people know that not everyone here is an asshole but of course, they had none of it. Whatfuckingever. They can keep their "all seagulls are trolling bastards" viewpoint for all I care.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:57 No.5114211
    They only label us trolls because we point out the stupid things that go on over there that the Coscom crowd is too polite to say with their name associated to it.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)20:59 No.5114214
    That's... that's very true actually. I tend to avoid saying what I really think on Coscom. God knows why.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)21:00 No.5114217
    I mentioned frequenting cgl before on coscom, but I'm pretty sure people ignored my post because I'm not in the sunshine brigade and said cgl could be helpful if you ask questions after trying to help yourself first. Even so, I have pretty good standing over there but coscom would have none of it. /cgl/ is clearly Satan's playground.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)21:07 No.5114230
    Same Anon here. This is how I was before I stopped posting there. I didn't want to ruffle anyone's feathers and was pretty much a doormat but then I stopped posting and started becoming more "rude" and "bitchy" because I'd point out the stupid stuff. Now that I still don't post there and only go when I see stuff mentioned on /cgl/, I don't really care what I say because I don't know more than a few people there.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)21:12 No.5114236
    That's probably because while stating what you really think probably won't get you outright banned, it will put you at odds with the people who start treating you like an asshole for sharing a different or dissenting opinion, whether their words merited it or not.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)21:15 No.5114241
    I'm starting to be that way. I used to spend almost all fucking day there and now I can't be arsed dealing with it. 90% of the posters just annoy the shit out of me.

    Yeah. I like to be on peoples' good sides and I generally don't like making people feel like shit. I avoid that at all costs and I'd rather stay on good terms with Coscom. But at the same time... ugh.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)21:16 No.5114243
         File1320023806.png-(95 KB, 782x313, vote.png)
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    Because no one ever has the right to ask that! They should just vote for you like you told them to!

    Seriously...EVERY contest has that. It's a part of a every vote based campaign. People ask why you should get their vote and you convince them why.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)21:35 No.5114279
    Except that most of the people /cgl/ makes fun of are WAY older than that and can no longer use the "I'm a retarded 12 year old who insists on being online even though I really shouldn't be" excuse anymore. I was no better at age 12 mind you, but seriously, adults cannot get away with the same stuff that a kid can.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)21:39 No.5114285
    I didn't join in with mocking you, just so you know. Because you're 12, and you're actually much more sane and screwed on than I would have been at that age. I was definitely still using chatspeak everywhere at that point, for one. So you have me beat already. And I don't want to be responsible for upsetting someone who's a full 7 years younger than me, that's a real dick move.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)21:43 No.5114299
         File1320025401.jpg-(56 KB, 289x320, 1304638408074.jpg)
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    Going on topic of posting to posting on here.

    >90% of the posters just annoy the shit out of me.

    This is one of the reasons I stopped posting. These threads also widened my eyes to the shenanigans over there. I'm not one who likes to stir the bees nest, but I'm also not going to sit there and take it. I've not been cosplaying long and my biggest learning curve was forums in general. I've never had a true forum experience prior to this fandom. I lurked forums but never posted, was my first and one I really devoted my time in. Quickly I found out the system and personalities of the sections. So, I stuck with the help forums and bounced in the pet peaves. Then I found this through mentioning of my geeky husband. I knew of 4chan but didn't know there were channels. This has honestly been my saving grace with this fandom.

    Personally, I'll chose this over When I've asked for help, majority of the time there is no response. While not all the time I've gotten responses here, at least people here respond. Truthful/trolling, it's something. As for the 90% that anger me, that's the beauty of anon. At you can't escape some of them.

    /cgl don't change.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)21:45 No.5114304
    You really are being over dramatic. We've only replied to the things you've said so you've pretty much brought it on yourself. So far all we've said about you is that your cosplay is NOT cosplay because it's just a wig and that you're either overweight or have a medical condition because of physical symptoms you said you experienced when doing basic tasks like getting dressed.

    Also, this is a 18+ site.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)21:50 No.5114315
    >But really...tell me that the second I posted a full-body, full-costume picture, that you guys wouldn't jump on the chance to poke fun at my weight?
    Probably not considering you already have one posted. But that picture plus your claims of sweating, going red in the face, feeling tired, and taking half a hour to dress....yeah, then we'd point out your weight.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)21:50 No.5114316
         File1320025842.gif-(416 KB, 500x220, tumblr_ltw8kzwOgG1r50nhmo1_500.gif)
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    Grow up. No really.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)21:54 No.5114320
    Look, I'm going to level with you on this and this is something I had to learn, too.

    One thing you need to do is step away for a bit, let the emotions die down. You need to got get emotionally invested in this. What are we going to do? You're reading posts on the internet. Yes, it can hurt but at the same time take it with a grain of salt.

    From reading the posts, I do think you need to realize that people are going to take this hobby more seriously than you. Only you can decide what your going to get out of it. If someone says, "You are only doing candid pics with a wig." Then admit it, don't make excuses about how hot you get. Say it's what you want to do. That's all you need to say.

    If they keep pushing tell them to back off, or leave the thread. I left because I was finding I wasn't gaining anything from it. If anything I felt it was bringing me down as a cosplayer. Is here any better... no not really, but at least in here I can fuck up and no one is the wiser.

    Don't worry about it kid.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)21:55 No.5114321
         File1320026148.jpg-(95 KB, 460x288, sailoriso.jpg)
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    >I'm 12! How dare you be anything but nice to me!! So what if I lie and say stuff that is excuses? It's because I'm chubby, isn't it?! Well fine, go ahead!'s helping anyway.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)21:58 No.5114326
    God I love your images... man, I'm crying over here. Those crustation things get me every time.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 10/30/11(Sun)21:58 No.5114327
    Iso-anon, I've been meaning to ask, do you have an AIM or something?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)22:05 No.5114343
    Iso-chan. if you had a trip you'd be my fave trip ever.
    Boris a close second.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)22:13 No.5114360
         File1320027198.jpg-(44 KB, 407x405, isopod_motivator1.jpg)
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    Oh jeebus, so my responses. So shy...!

    I love the giant isopod. Gets a lot of amusing reactions.

    I do actually. Sort of shy to give it out but it should be alright since I don't have any drama or feud with anyone here and it's not my main handle.

    Aww, thanks. I don't think I'll ever be a trip though just because I like posting Anon and then using Iso when I want to be witty or comedic relief.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)22:14 No.5114362
    Thanks for this. I'll try to remember these things the next time I start to get butthurt over everything.
    And also, (I'll stop being snarky/idiotic after this) You guys...the whole point of my post was that I was an idiot and implying that I knew it was all really my fault for being stupid about my wording. You don't have to rub it in my face. *shrugs*
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 10/30/11(Sun)22:16 No.5114365
    Awesome, get online so we can chat about geeky things and I can marvel at how adorable you are.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)22:17 No.5114372
         File1320027465.gif-(1.57 MB, 330x186, 1311624851092.gif)
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    I really need to get this off my chest.

    That sakuratsubasa girl, her statuses on facebook are so negative I just... Like she always posts about being lonely or not having friends. I don't get it, why are you posting this to facebook, maybe spend that time getting friends? And how does she not have friends? She's popular on coscom isn't she? And she's pretty.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)22:19 No.5114376
    You also don't need to pander to /cgl/ by grovelling and being self-deprecating. I don't even read your posts so I really don't know or care who you are, but guess what? You don't know who anyone on here is. Why should you care?

    By all means, use negative feedback as a motivator to make better posts, but don't shape yourself entirely around what /cgl/ thinks. This is a toxic place.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)22:21 No.5114379
         File1320027668.png-(330 KB, 685x348, iso.png)
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    O-Oh goodness. I'm online right now.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)22:23 No.5114385
    It more bothers me how much she fucking posts. It's not uncommon for her to have 30 statuses in one day. It's obnoxious.

    I like her, she's nice and fun to talk to, but jesus christ spend lest time on facebook.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)22:27 No.5114392
    Did it ever occur to you that you can unsubscribe from her posts if they really bother you that much?

    oh wait this is /cgl/, home to hordes of passive-aggressive retards who would rather bitch about other people than actually come up with solutions to their own perceived problems
    >> Rag 10/30/11(Sun)22:32 No.5114408
    because no matter how pretty someone is, if all they talk about when you're hanging out or otherwise is how they are lonely, have no friends, and life always sucks for them... they're no fun to be around.

    And therefore they have no friends.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)22:39 No.5114416
    That Shana05 got way too mad, but I have to agree with her that mirror pics look like shit. Always.
    The one coscomer who posted to try to change her mind posted a HEINOUSLY shooped picture as "proof" that good mirror shots exist. I am simply not convinced. The girl was pretty too, but damn she needs to learn what does not look good in ps.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)22:40 No.5114418
    >>5114372 here, it's not that I dislike her or anything, I think she's a pretty nice girl and I don't see why she always complains about not having friends when I bet there are quite a few people who want to be her friends. I mean if she wasn't so negative I would want to be her friend.

    I guess so. It's just sort of sad that she feels that way.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)22:44 No.5114426
    I'm friends with her on facebook and I honestly have not notice that many negative statuses from her, just a lot of halloween stuff lately xD
    And meh, most teenaged girls with facebook-friendly mobile devices will post 1000000000 statuses a day. I know I do xD
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)23:01 No.5114463
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    I can see why they said no costumes.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)23:04 No.5114470
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    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)23:04 No.5114471
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    Purfect rave if you're still here and if that is you, remember that here we use no emoticons except for ';_;' (and that's more /a/ really.). You will stick out like a sore thumb using them.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)23:08 No.5114479
         File1320030502.png-(108 KB, 777x332, whycantiquityou.png)
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    Why do I think she's so cute /cgl/?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)23:11 No.5114485
    That was probably me. All I did was adjust the color balance and put a white filter over the background/skin. I like how it looks, but it doesn't transfer well in small file format, realized that a little late.

    Then again, I tend to have tacky tastes, so it wouldn't be the first time I like something everyone else thinks is awful, haha.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)23:27 No.5114526
    Um, because she has big eyes and a small mouth, and that's a combination that makes for cuteness?

    I dunno, I've never heard her mentioned before on here. Then again, I'm oblivious sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/11(Sun)23:41 No.5114560
    kinda don't think she'd get mentioned here anyway. she seems pretty harmless, non-obnoxious, and non-confrontational about things so usually those types don't get mentioned.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)01:03 No.5114754
    Ha, I misread the first post, which is why I added the second sentence. I thought it said "cgl, why do YOU think she's so cute?"
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)12:15 No.5115578
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)14:04 No.5115806

    wow complaining about a size 6? if only we all were so unlucky.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)15:42 No.5116040
    Bitch be trippin'. I'm pretty happy and healthy as a size 4 - 6 and 5'5". I was a little upset that my measurements increased a few inches since 8th grade and I pretty much stopped growing by 10th grade, so what. It was going to happen and I still look proportionate so its all good. Years later I look back with a more informed and experienced perspective and can see that shit ain so bad at all.

    Bitch has first world problems.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)15:52 No.5116063
    God fucking dammit why is Axelai into homestuck and hetalia?

    Please she can at least leave Hetalia alone and then in a few months float to the next trend so I can have both of them god damn
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)19:05 No.5116551

    Fucking seriously. It's making me embarrassed to be associated with either of those fandoms.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)19:46 No.5116672
    Jfc, why do I try to even offer helpful advice or information. The fucking sunshine brigade keeps talking and saying stupid pointless shit to back up each other and thereby drowning out other very valid and helpful opinions. I'm not the only one who had posted good points.

    Fuck this. I know /cgl/ is like playing with fire because one minute your cosplays could be getting showered in praised while the next, you're being portrayed as a baby-killing, dream-crushing hell-demon, but at least I can't tell who I'm talking to or who's responding. We all just say shit if we want to and it works unlike on coscom if you're not in the sunshine brigade, your points are invalid and thereby retarded. ok axelai, x-steffi-x etc. enjoy your failboat of cosplay because you refuse to look at other viewpoints to improve anything.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)20:15 No.5116754
    are you talking abouit axelai's defense of not trying or wanting to improve?
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)20:56 No.5116901
    Yesm, that an d her refusal to see that u can shade your eyebrows to go wit a wig. someone posted a chart ans it looks gppd but i guess cosmode tutorials an advice arent enough for her highness. its like shes happy wit being a shitty cosplayer who buys stuff and refuses to attemp things herself.
    sorry, on mobile an keybad is turnin my spellings to shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)23:18 No.5117399
    I personally am finding this thread kind of amusing.

    I never heard of anyone suggesting that cutting dairy leads to a thinner waist. Oh u kids, clearly is the best place for nutritional advice, don't bother seeing a licensed dietitian or doctor to figure out something that's catered to your body and needs.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)10:00 No.5118400
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)10:06 No.5118411
    This just confuses me greatly.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)16:33 No.5119292
    And it's in the "Items characters wear that you want" thread... jfc I hope she has some fucking underwear of her own to wear.

    Derp aside, her comment probs would've fit better in a "Items you and your character both wear" kind of thread because they seem to like "LOOK I COSPLAYED AND DIDN'T MEAN TO" threads on coscom. In which case, I would be able to post about my purple 1-piece swimsuit and how I can "cosplay" as Samus Aran any time in the summer like a badass. Justin Bailey muthafuckas.... except yea most of coscom is too young to even know what I'm saying.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)16:41 No.5119309

    You know I got a crazy idea here. Here me out.

    Maybe she's just being sarcastic. Like she even states in her post. There's stupid stuff said on coscom and then there's the joke.....your head stuff. This is that latter.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)16:48 No.5119330
    Way to be all serious, I was being sarcastic too but it's hard to know that because lol internets.

    Believe me, I know there are far more lulz-worthy things than that posted by the minute. She was joking, so was I. No big.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)16:54 No.5119355

    lolwat. she was a size 0 when she was 12?

    ...yeah, that sounds like puberty.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)17:14 No.5119424
    I always wonder if girls like her want to stay like a child forever
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)19:06 No.5119727
    Sharing this one not because I think it's funny/stupid, but because I could quote this shit all day for its truthiness.

    Were it my post, I'd totally delete the last line about it not being about anyone particular. I'd call people out.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)19:07 No.5119730
         File1320188834.jpg-(68 KB, 777x323, truthiness.jpg)
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    And whats with captchas eating my pics?! Trying this again.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)23:22 No.5120466
    Axelai bitching someone out in the Pet Peeves thread. What's new?
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)23:30 No.5120478
    Uh, excuse me, it's called "Discussing" now, it's the politically correct term for what really happens which is, as you say, bitching someone out for having a different opinion and having other posters back said person up claiming it is all "discussion". Yea, if it's discussion, how about not shutting down anyone who doesn't agree with you. "We're discussing it to tell you you're wrong to have that opinion.. Haters gonna hate".

    I'd love to see Axelai try to survive on a debate team where you can't call "Troll" and try to push someone/people into a corner with words quite as easily since the other team will be debating and fighting just as hard in return.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/11(Tue)23:49 No.5120511
    I wish y'all weren't anon. You remind me of my favorite group of people on the internet - the lovelies over at 6theory media forums. Have you ever considered migrating to a forum (even one like coscom) to share pictures? I'd much rather a forum consisting of brash, no-nonsense truthful people than one of...ass kissers.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)00:03 No.5120525
    I'm on coscom, but don't post as much anymore. People tended to dislike my truthfulness and logic because I didn't bury what I said in 50 lbs of sugar or suggest something super kawaiii!!! They seem to prefer voodoo chants and rituals over something with a few more steps that's gonna produce results.

    Honestly, I know there are several other coscom users who are on cgl too but I'm unsure who posts what and am unsure if they'd want to de-anon themselves too though it would be pretty damn cool to know them more. Coscom just isn't the best environment for that right now.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)00:12 No.5120541

    cant wait to see where this goes
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)00:16 No.5120547
    Oh this thread, I noticed that OP went and edited their first post because everyone was apparently misinterpreting it.

    Also lulz, Shana05's post. Wasn't she the one who flipped off a table of rednecks at Dennys when they laughed at her being in lolita?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)02:10 No.5120894
    The more of Axelai's posts I read, the more I just want to fucking punch her and everyone else that kisses her ass. Everyone that she's replied to that she's "had a different opinion from" has been met with some form of passive aggressive bullshit, or someone white knighting the fuck out of her, or not even bothering to point out the holes in her arguments.
    I think this annoys me even more because my girl was trying to get a cosplay group together, and she said this chick might be joining us ( unless patriotsheep is not one of her aliases, which would be great if it were ). I told her she was drama, but she said we only had to see her at the shoot, so maybe it wouldn't be too bad. I'm hoping between now and next year we can get a replacement person.
    >> ThatGirl 11/02/11(Wed)16:01 No.5122689
    Unfortunately, that's her. Sorry man. I'm just grimacing because she apparently saw a tumblr post and invited herself to join my friend's cosplay photobook, which means she's going to have to come to the East Coast sometime in the next year. Buggering fuck. I am hoping the poorness that she whinges about sometimes prevents this.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:08 No.5122694
    ...I wish you were joking, goddammit.

    We already ahve enough cosplayers with inflated egos and senses of self-importance.

    I never know how "poor" she is. Back in April when she said she was "broke broke" and was whining about AX rooms, overcharging people etc... yea bitch made several offers on wigs and cosplays I had for sale on the coscom marketplace. I deleted the notes as soon as I read her name because it irritated me, wish I kept them for lulz.
    >> ThatGirl 11/02/11(Wed)16:28 No.5122732
    Believe me, I wish I was kidding too. I happen t mostly know decent people here, and just ignore the egotistical freakos, but she just randomly posted on the Facebook group for the book, out of the blue, said she saw on tumblr, and wanted to join. Never mind the fact the photographer is based in Maryland and wants to complete this by next Otakon, she wants to be in it!
    Though I have no clue what in hell she'd cosplay for it. The slots for Hetalia and Homestuck filled up first [I'm probably doing Sailor Uranus or Pyro for it] and I don't think she's done anything really aside from her 'doujin' costumes.

    It would have been priceless if you saved them, too bad. Maybe she has selective poverty.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:56 No.5122811
    >It would have been priceless if you saved them, too bad. Maybe she has selective poverty.

    Yes, that would make sense since she wanted express shipping too (which is hella expensive even when you're not broke). I feel like she's the worst kind of cosplay cancer what with her attitude and dishonesty.

    Srsly hope that group doesn't explode, I'm sorry that was inflicted upon you in such a rude manner... inviting herself, can't fucking stand people that do that unless it was an open invite where it's kinda fair game for anyone along the spectrum.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)19:13 No.5123120
    Herpderp, I forgot that I get PM notifs by email, I've got a copy sitting in my Entourage trash can which apparently never gets purged (seeing shit from 08' in there)

    I would love to post it but feel like her little spies would tell her and it would be traced back to me even if I black out my username and email. Any ideas?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)19:18 No.5123131

    I get what you're saying. I just mean that it would be nice if there were a separate forum for sort of no-nonsense discussion of cosplay as a habit, and real tips for improvement. And the thing that would be nice about a real forum is that a community would probably develop - plus y'all could show the ones over at coscom that you're not just "jelly."
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)20:06 No.5123256
    Yea. In concept that's how coscom was supposed to be separated but given the usership, you can't really get quality replies for more technical inquiries beyond basics.

    Like the wig forum, more often than not, threads consist of "Where can I buy a wig? Is the place/seller ok?" and not "So I've got this wig, how can I do a completely gravity defying hairstyle with it?". Same with makeup: instead of "How can I achieve realistic effects for something" questions are like "Where can I buy this or that?" or "How do I apply foundation?"

    How feasible would it be to create a quality construction/help-based community that keeps its focus on sharing and learning, and discourages drama (or posting it in the wrong place and holds people accountable)?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)20:12 No.5123274
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    I like the concept she's exploring but have a feeling it won't work as intended, it is posted on coscom after all.

    1 of 2 things will happen:
    1.) People will either sugar-coat anything they say (which nullifies the helpful element of the thread) or

    2.) People will just cut too deeply with their words (which nullifies the constructive element).

    Waiting for some takers.
    >> Kida !!od+/UXkDBQB 11/02/11(Wed)20:29 No.5123303
    I'd bite, but I have only one photo, and it's just me, the wig I just got, and the clothes I was wearing.
    What are they going to critique, my shirt choice?
    "Gurl, red ain't your culur. You need dose softer tones."
    >> Hanyaan !OmDdt8anl6 11/02/11(Wed)20:42 No.5123321
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    I bit because I cannot resist that kind of thread. I have the biggest boner for constructive criticism, although I don't post much in the costume critique subforum because I've been burned a few too many times by "you are just ripping me apart because you're jealous!" for my tastes. Even if Coscom, I think it's a valid concept and I hope it catches on! I just hope that:

    >I didn't accidentally break the thread by posting first
    >the things you suggested might happen don't happen
    >people who get critique don't start flying off the handle

    there is a path in between "you suck unless you are a perfect beautiful cosplay model" and "We're doing this for fun why should we even try i mean it's just cosplay!" and i wish more people could strive to find it........

    my thoughts on coscom lol
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)20:54 No.5123339
    ..... sobs, welp, thread broken. i was going to bite until i realised it was you who posted haha.
    i'm sure there's something that you can be given concrit on but i'm too low-tier at the moment to find anything worth bringing up. :C
    >> Hanyaan !OmDdt8anl6 11/02/11(Wed)20:56 No.5123341
    ...that's what I didn't want to happen..... no seriously though go and rip me apart for my iDOLM@STER stuff. My im@s 2 wig is seriously subpar, my posing is all over the place, the luxury outfit's proportions are kind of screwed, and I can't get the makeup right to save my life!!!!
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)21:07 No.5123351
    Someone just bumped the thread, so you haven't murdered it. S'all good.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)21:12 No.5123360
    ah, someone else got in before me. i'm not sure whether i can comment on your stuff in thread again (even if i comment on the next poster's stuff, plus she got a few of the points i was going to say) so i'm just going to... post this here?
    re: makoto and the waving pose; it would look a lot more energetic if you lifted your elbow a little bit more-- hand at about the same level, but with your elbow lifted a bit so your forearm is more parallel with the ground, and with your hip cocked. you've got your hip out in some of the photos and i think it looks good, and the last photo on the costume page is especially nice.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)22:51 No.5123591

    oh lord you have to be kidding
    >> noel <3 11/03/11(Thu)01:24 No.5124207
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    whats with their obsessive need to post USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION RAWR in threads that they really have nothing to contribute to? dont have something constructive to say? GTFO.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/11(Thu)21:23 No.5126708
    It's not so unlike what happens on here when people answer with "Google it you lazy fuck" instead of answering with something helpful or not answering at all.

    Honestly though, the search function only works for some things. It does better with forum thread searches than pics/costumes/series/cosplayer name searches.

    Gotta say, ACP was on the money with their tagging and easy series/character ID system. I think coscom was hoping to institute a less-shitty way of functioning but if Admin and anyone else hasn't visited the bugs thread to look at shit that needs to get fixed from 5+ years ago, I doubt anything's going to happen any time soon.

    So, I agree, telling somene to use the search function only does so much. I do wish people would google/search the site and stickies before asking simple shit though like binding questions, can I dye/bleach a wig, etc. but I digress, they'd need to clean the forums up to actually draw attention to stickies and fix the search engine.
    >> noel <3 11/03/11(Thu)21:29 No.5126728
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    the reason I say this is because of how useless the search function is. the site is kinda buggy and I know it will never get fixed. Ive tried numerous times to search for something only to have it spaz on me, hence my thoughts on the matter of them getting so anal about it
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)15:59 No.5128655
    >> Anonymous 11/04/11(Fri)16:37 No.5128763
    Nah I hear ya, the laundry list of bugs will never get taken care of. What I've always found funny was back a few years ago when Admin was toying with the idea of paid memberships. Anyone in their right mind would not pay for a membership to a broke-ass website. Ironically, or not, all talks of paid memberships ceased, kind of like how they stopped carrying cosworx, airily, etc. products. Also, I never even saw that Goldyboard was available even though it was being promoted like hell on the shopping area "OH LOOK WE CAN GET YOU GOLDYBOARD" but I never saw it up for sale when they were carrying Japanese Imports. Did I miss it?

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