10/30/11(Sun)20:23 No. 5114112 Spaz obviously missed the last thread where we were commenting on all of her "gender bends" Let me sum it up for you; Stop sluttying up characters and naming them genderbends, it gives genderbending a bad name. I
am a full supporter of genderbending, personally, I would never
crossplay, so I think it's a great way to have the experience of
cosplaying a character you like well still being comfortable as a
female. But yours are horrendous, their is no creativity of effort put
into them, all you do it tighten, and shorten, and lengthen the wig, and
slap thigh highs with it. It is absolutely disgraceful to those that
work hard on coming up with something original and creative that still
suits the character. So please, please, STOP.