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  • File : 1318878704.jpg-(132 KB, 600x1091, ssj4theofaketutorialproof1.jpg)
    132 KB Living Ichigo Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)15:11 No.5074802  
    New thread since old one is bumping down.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)15:13 No.5074806
         File1318878806.jpg-(44 KB, 1377x308, comments-disabled1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)15:16 No.5074819
    Any new developments in the story?
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)15:17 No.5074825
         File1318879059.jpg-(73 KB, 978x443, LIcheating3.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)15:18 No.5074828
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    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)15:19 No.5074834
         File1318879161.jpg-(240 KB, 1095x1369, LIebaymask2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)15:30 No.5074862
    Got a response from Otaku House. They have been monitoring the votes as well.

    >Hi Arnan,

    >Thank you for your comprehensive email!

    >Regarding the making of costumes; for this contest, we did not set self-made costumes as a criteria for entry as this will be impossible to validate for an online contest. As such we also did not implement this rule to any of the contestants.

    >Regarding the irregular vote jumps, we have been monitoring the vote counts of the contestants as well, and your email will definitely be helpful in our investigation.

    >Rest assured that an on-going investigation regarding this possible glitch is being carried out.

    >Thanks for your time and do let us know if you have any other information.

    >Otaku House
    >Cosplay Idol Committee

    I can tell they tried out the glitch thats been exploited since Jason Reeves went up 10 votes since last night exactly how I told them to. So they now know the exploit and are working on fixing it.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)15:34 No.5074874
    Glad to see they're taking it seriously instead of just brushing it off as random haters.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)15:37 No.5074879
    too bad the real life ichigo is still gonna win. boooo
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)15:52 No.5074924
    Not if he can't cheat his votes anymore. If he would have let the votes come naturally instead of cheating it, he would not even be in the top 3.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)16:01 No.5074951
         File1318881691.gif-(1.29 MB, 300x169, 1308412184869.gif)
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    >my face if Living Ichigo will never be able to show his face at conventions after this without being ridiculed

    Do continue digging your own grave, LI.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)16:30 No.5075089

    Bleach fans to the rescue!
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)16:32 No.5075095
    really?? how was he cheating his votes?
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)16:36 No.5075113
    That Justin Puckett dude must be blind and stupid. The proof is right there and they're still going "Hurrdurr so what if he didn't make it? What's the big deal?" "...he stole images from other people and tried to fake tutorials to claim he did make it all." "Hurrdurr don't be so negative!"
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)16:38 No.5075118
    I've been sharing pikmin link's cosplay to people vote for her these days. she wasn't my fovourite either, but enything's better than LI.

    I hope you guys act just like this for asia& europe too. because people cheat. for votes, for costumes etc.
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 10/17/11(Mon)16:42 No.5075135
         File1318884158.jpg-(3 KB, 77x80, Im Sure.jpg)
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    I still have yet to see proof that he cheated.

    What proof do you have?
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)16:45 No.5075143
    I'd like to think that cosplayers from Europe and Asia are keeping an eye on their own.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)16:48 No.5075153
    Different Anon but if I remember correctly, someone on the old thread said he was using a Facebook hack to multi-vote and the Anon managed to replicate what they used and then contacted Otaku House with instructions on how to replicate it. The other night LI's votes shot up a bunch in a short time before someone posted here with screenshots of it and then the votes suddenly stopped.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)16:49 No.5075158
    I'm not taking sides. However, just because it's possible to hack Facebook doesn't mean Reallife Ichigo did?
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)16:50 No.5075160
         File1318884616.jpg-(17 KB, 493x402, 1303090375375.jpg)
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    He's not even good looking! I don't understand how other girls are so moist by looking at him.

    Yes I mad.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)16:58 No.5075187
    No, it doesn't mean he personally did it but he's been overly confident about declaring himself the winner already, even before the votes jumped. Even if it's not him, I suspect that he knows who's doing it or at least knows that it's being done.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)17:16 No.5075253
    There was mention of google plus and something with the voting code Otaku House used where you could have multiple votes without having to use multiple accounts. Not really a hack. More of a bug in the code that is being exploited. With the way the particular bug worked you could probably setup automatic vote generator for the rest of time without too much effort.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)17:26 No.5075287
    And this is why popularity style contests should just be tossed out when it comes to cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)17:39 No.5075336
         File1318887565.png-(35 KB, 445x223, vote.png)
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    ..yeah, that's a smart thing to admit where everyone can see.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)17:50 No.5075411
    >> Arnan !!HggTlF2m1FO 10/17/11(Mon)17:52 No.5075416
    That was me. I was able to replicate his voting numbers at the same speed his went up that one night. Took the findings and instructions and sent it to Otaku House (their email response is posted above).

    Its actually really really simple that yes, even Living Ichigo could do it. I'm not some genius hacker, just another animefag who hates cheaters (which is why I won't say how to do the cheat here).
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)18:34 No.5075579
    In case you guys hadn't noticed, LI took down the tutorial.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)18:41 No.5075602
    Because if it was a legit tutorial then there would be no reason to take it down...
    >> sage EPIC TROLL XD 10/17/11(Mon)18:46 No.5075623
         File1318891606.jpg-(22 KB, 600x405, dead-horse1.jpg)
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    >> 4ng31 !!hKQFMnsBtJf 10/17/11(Mon)18:48 No.5075631

    Are you fucking dense kid? Jesus...give it up. He has lied about making multiple costumes...and in the process of doing that, stolen pictures from other claiming them as his own (which is also probably why his "tutorial" went down...that's copyright issues and theft).

    Personally, I don't give a shit about his vote cheating (or the contest at all), but if you open your eyes rather than being ignorant about it, it's very easy to see.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)18:53 No.5075649
    Yo Matt it's already been proven that he lied about making that mask. Now the cheating thing is under investigation by the site hosting this bullshit. Why would you befriend and defend such a douchebag, bro? The quality of one's friends is a pretty direct reflection of one's own personal set of standards. Think about it.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)18:53 No.5075652
    Doesn't matter what the hobby is, but once there is lying and cheating involved to gain your way to the top then it's serious business.
    But in those cases it's the liar/cheater who is digging their own grave.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)18:54 No.5075655
    Oh boy, it's this kid again. Not sure why you're in every thread time after time if it's so unimportant.
    >> EPIC TROLL XD 10/17/11(Mon)18:57 No.5075662
         File1318892226.jpg-(30 KB, 339x425, billmurray.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)18:57 No.5075665
    >Epic Troll XD
    Does your mommy know you're online when you should be doing your homework, mister?
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)18:59 No.5075672
    Hey Living Ichigo why are your abs lopsided. They look like they need braces.
    >> sage EPIC TROLL XD 10/17/11(Mon)19:01 No.5075678
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    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)19:04 No.5075687
         File1318892671.jpg-(439 KB, 1500x2729, LIFakeTutorialHR.jpg)
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    Glorious High Res
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)19:05 No.5075695

    Does nobody remember Matt is guilty of the same thing as LI? Lying about making his own costumes?

    Are you really surprised he's defending him?
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)19:12 No.5075717
    yo matt you hitting up yaoi con again?
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)19:15 No.5075729
    I've always disliked that trip since he came about cgl and now I'm finally finding more adequate reasons for it

    well to be honest I wouldn't dislike him any more or less either way, he's pretty dislikable
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 10/17/11(Mon)20:52 No.5076061
         File1318899154.jpg-(30 KB, 239x261, Oh yes.jpg)
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    I wouldn't say that, honestly. Theo may have his dumb moments, but he's a pretty good guy. At times I'm worried his ego may overtake him, but at the end of the day I trust him to do the right thing. if he did cheat then I'm disappointed in him. If he didn't, then there really is nothing to worry about. I'm not truly concerning myself over it because it's not my battle to fight in. If it gets any worse I'll definitely take a side, but for now he can defend himself.

    Too bad I already publicly admitted I didn't make most of my Dante(Which doesn't even fit anymore). Where have you been?

    Hell yeah I am! Day 1 as Straight Cougar and Day 2 & 3 as Kamina.

    It sounds like you're looking for reasons to dislike me, damn shame.

    And I know I don't appeal to every one, but I'm sorry I don't appeal to you. Honestly.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)21:44 No.5076198
    HAHAHA oh wow. No wonder he removed it.
    Fucking liar.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)21:56 No.5076239

    Confirmed for batshit insane youtube girl who posted the video asking for people to vote for him.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)22:23 No.5076342
    This evidence of LI's lying ass is beautiful. I know it can't get him disqualified since it doesn't even matter if he made his stuff, but I hope at least people will KNOW he was lying (for some reason) instead of just admitting his bought and modified costumes/props.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)22:32 No.5076383
    This. I mean, it's totally fine if you have bought costumes. Not everyone is gifted at sewing, I know I have absolutely no sewing talent and I've had my seamstress grandmother teach me for years how to sew. I end up buying all my costumes or occasionally asking her for help making something small. There's no shame in buying costumes but it is shameful and can ruin you if you try to cover it up and say you made it and it'll DEFINITELY ruin you if you try to fabricate evidence to convince others that you made the things you bought.

    If Living Ichigo had just come out in the first place and said he bought his costume pieces then no one would give a shit. Instead he digs himself into a hole faking all this stuff and then trying to get rid of everything that could ruin him once people figured out they were lies.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)23:30 No.5076597
    Just checked the votes.

    Living Ichigo - 3859
    PikminLink - 3517

    Only a 342 difference.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)23:45 No.5076637
    Living Ichigos votes have barely moved at all today. I wonder what's going on.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)23:51 No.5076653

    Just because you admitted you lied, doesn't mean you didn't lie in the first place dude.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)23:51 No.5076654
    he has decided it is not a good idea to cheat while people are watching? (or who ever is cheating for him)
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)23:53 No.5076658
    Guessing he ran out of fans to vote for him, the evidence getting spread around is making non-fans consider voting for other people, and whoever rigged his votes in the first place stopped.

    Hell, the fact that his votes have barely budged since I last checked 20 minutes ago (PL went up 8 while LI went up 1) just further points towards same person multi-voting.
    >> piplup !pipLUpapew 10/17/11(Mon)23:54 No.5076661
         File1318910043.png-(73 KB, 621x423, hurrrr.png)
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    well, then.
    he can go buy 50 dicks, lie about buying them, and then proceed to suck them all.
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 10/17/11(Mon)23:55 No.5076665
    Well at least he admitted he lied, and is now very open about it. That takes a few balls. Sure it was stupid in the first place, but Matt knows better now I am sure.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)23:55 No.5076668
    Yeah, it's better than continuing to lie about it or even admitting it then pretending like it never happened.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)00:34 No.5076826
    >1 Hour Ago
    Living Ichigo - 3859
    PikminLink - 3517

    Living Ichigo - 3861
    PikminLink - 3555
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)01:08 No.5076953
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)01:14 No.5076964
    common guys, vote for PL. I just don't want to see a cheater win...
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)01:16 No.5076973
    as much as I'd rather LI not win because of his activities, what's to stop PL fans from using the exploit?
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)01:19 No.5076981
    Because now that Otaku House is watching for it, they'll spot it and probably remove the votes.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)01:21 No.5076990
    This is assuming they actually have something in their code tracking and recording what account votes for who.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)01:23 No.5077002
    Just voted for LI.

    Fuck you vendetta cunts.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)01:28 No.5077011
    Well they have to have something if they're able to investigate it in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)01:31 No.5077025
    I wouldn't be surprised if all they did was fix the hole, if they fixed the hole at all
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)01:37 No.5077038
    This just happened.

    PikminLink's counter was at 1668 when I last refreshed and I refreshed again and it's now 1658.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/18/11(Tue)01:43 No.5077056
         File1318916634.png-(226 KB, 500x386, tumblr_lqbdwu1w6F1qlw12eo1_500.png)
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    ..... Are you fucking serious? Are they literally taking away votes? That's anus and I'm sure it has to do with this whole fiasco of stupid.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)01:44 No.5077061
    Hah, I lol'd

    PL: 1663
    LI: 1011
    >> Sabriel !5IfmPKDj.U 10/18/11(Tue)01:45 No.5077067
    Well now things are looking better.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)01:45 No.5077068
    They're taking away suspect votes. Which means both sides had suspect votes. I fail to see the problem with taking them away.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)01:47 No.5077076
         File1318916847.png-(388 KB, 596x492, whoah.png)
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    Hooooooly shit. I mean, we all knew he had rigged votes but I didn't think THAT many were rigged. Can't wait to see the explosion on his Facebook from this.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)01:48 No.5077080
    Yeah, they're taking away votes that came from one person multi-voting. I think it's pretty damn impressive of them to do it instead of just shrugging and turning a blind eye to it.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)01:51 No.5077098
    It was probably more than one person doing it for both of the frontrunners.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)01:54 No.5077107
    >>5076061 Too bad I already publicly admitted I didn't make most of my Dante(Which doesn't even fit anymore). Where have you been?
    So you did lie?

    Someone pls fill me in on the history behind Matt the Fake and Lying Ichigo.
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 10/18/11(Tue)01:56 No.5077112
         File1318917382.jpg-(12 KB, 220x295, Hmmm.jpg)
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    Yeah, I lied. It was pretty stupid because I wanted to impress people. Those days are faaaaaar behind me.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)01:57 No.5077117
    Yeah definitely more than one person helped boost the votes, just using the term "one person multi-voting" to explain the hack or glitch, whatever it was.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)01:59 No.5077120
    How long ago did it happen? What did you lie about and when did you finally come clean?
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)01:59 No.5077121
    The numbers keep changing. I think they are tallying the votes.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/18/11(Tue)01:59 No.5077124
         File1318917592.png-(252 KB, 500x389, tumblr_lqb0wqY4d01qlw12eo1_500.png)
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    Well since both accounts are losing votes it makes it a bit even. I'm just more, fuck I don't even know what word I wanna use, but whatever it is that I'm feeling about the measures taken in this stupid prom king contest lol.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)02:00 No.5077127
    As it is right now, Living Ichigo not only isn't first, he didn't even make one of the runner up spots.

    First: PikminLink 1669
    Second: Kyle Mathis 1214
    Third: Quantum Destiny 1058
    Fourth: Living Ichigo 1011
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)02:01 No.5077128
    It was last September or thereabouts. People went all batshit hunter mode when he said it was his first cosplay and that he made it himself. Kind of like how they went batshit hunter mode on LI in the last few days. I suppose he came clean within a month of that so let's say he's been clean for a year.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)02:01 No.5077130
         File1318917676.gif-(44 KB, 512x512, fail.gif)
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    OH MAN!
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 10/18/11(Tue)02:01 No.5077136
         File1318917716.jpg-(18 KB, 243x197, Exactly.jpg)
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    Over a year ago. I lied about making the entire Dante outfit when in reality I commissioned about two-thirds of it. It came out like a few hours later.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)02:02 No.5077139
    I say we all sign an online petition for PT to win.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)02:02 No.5077140
    I'm relieved and oddly proud. Even if it is just a basic popularity contest, at least they're taking it seriously and making sure it's as fair as it can be, even if it's just to keep their own reputation good.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)02:03 No.5077142
    Otaku House gave PL back 200 votes so she is at 1871. I wonder how they are tallying this, or if they are just throwing numbers down to even things out a bit.

    I hope they come out with a public explanation.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/18/11(Tue)02:04 No.5077147
         File1318917887.png-(255 KB, 500x385, tumblr_lqb1c0AsBR1qlw12eo1_500.png)
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    Which is good as well. They're putting the effort to keep it fair and that's respectable. But I won't lie, it doesn't really change my view of the contest itself. Is Otaku House a good site beyond this Ms. Cosplay-of-America beauty pageant?
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)02:04 No.5077148
    If they're retallying votes then jeez, I feel bad for livingichigo. Pikminlink has gone up about 200 from the beginning of the vote removal (or at least the first time I saw it happen) til now. Livingichigo has gone up... one vote.

    I think "super cereal/serial" (depending on your word preference) or "tryhard" would be fitting.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)02:06 No.5077154
    They are a store. The biggest ploy is probably to try to get more business via the contest giving them a fair amount of traffic.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/18/11(Tue)02:07 No.5077157
         File1318918063.png-(222 KB, 500x385, tumblr_lqb1y6yOiQ1qlw12eo1_500.png)
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    I don't think either of those words work. Because I'm not involved in it. I think a word I want to use would be flabbergasted

    Also I cannot be a breakfast food.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)02:08 No.5077158
    >>5077128 within a month
    >>5077136 hour
    One of these is not like the other one

    Captcha: principle nssEwit
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)02:08 No.5077160
    I'm pretty sure they are taking away any double votes as well. Such as if the same person voted on Facebook AND Google +, they are having that count as 1 vote rather than 2.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)02:09 No.5077163
    I don't remember the exact dates and don't even remember when things started and when things ended as I stopped caring. I tend to give wide ranges to cover my butt.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)02:10 No.5077166
    You can be to zombies.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/18/11(Tue)02:10 No.5077170
         File1318918238.png-(178 KB, 500x383, tumblr_lqb1zrz9nZ1qlw12eo1_500.png)
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    Fair reason. Nothing wrong with having a contest to build traffic. I just think the contest is dumb~
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/18/11(Tue)02:13 No.5077175
    This is true. Very true.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)02:13 No.5077176
    I wish I could see the look on LIs face when he sees this.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)02:13 No.5077178
    Nice forgetting to put your trip back on after dropping it, Matt. Lol.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)02:14 No.5077180
    It would be so GLORIOUS Jesus may come down and snap a picture.
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 10/18/11(Tue)02:15 No.5077187
         File1318918549.jpg-(4 KB, 69x174, Bored.jpg)
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    I don't drop trip, son.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)02:17 No.5077191
    Did you ever cheat on Zal with the other blonde trip you're currently fucking?
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)02:18 No.5077196
    Nono. One better, I want to see the look on both the Youtube girl's face and that illiterate super fan of his on Facebook's face.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)02:18 No.5077198
    Yes, it's pretty dumb. As a getting your name out thing I think it will prove itself there (perhaps limited given the nature and size of the cosplay community - I'm unsure of just how much of the "rest of the Western anime fans" are paying attention to this). But hey, they're giving away $4000. That's a pretty cheap price for a company.

    I'll be honest, I didn't care about this contest til the drama started. I don't think I'll ever buy things from the store. I would have never posted nor read the threads if it hadn't been for the drama.

    I am a third person. I don't think Matt would post twice, and two different answers, when answering the same question.
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 10/18/11(Tue)02:20 No.5077200
         File1318918816.jpg-(7 KB, 117x181, Not Bad I Guess.jpg)
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    No, actually. The worst I did was make raunchy jokes. But I make raunchy jokes with everyone, ya know. Besides, while I was dating Zal, she was dating Poolboy. I respected that and kept my distance, keeping her as a close friend.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/18/11(Tue)02:21 No.5077204
         File1318918912.gif-(254 KB, 500x388, tumblr_lqb21jtF7g1qlw12eo1_500.gif)
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    It's definitely got its benefits plug wise, both for participants and the site. 4000? I heard it was less but that's still not bad.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)02:23 No.5077207
    Current recounts:

    PL: 1876
    LI: 1012

    So this is the feeling when people post in PT threads.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)02:34 No.5077217
    There are $1000 in prizes for each of the four zones (North America, South America, Europe, Asia) split into $500, $300, and $200 for winner, first runner-up, second runner-up, respectively.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)02:35 No.5077220
    Living Ichigo was planning on buying weeaboo dildos with that 4000 so he can fuck himself in the ass everyday.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)02:54 No.5077262
    I think the votes have finally stopped being messed with.

    PikminLink: 1886
    Kyle Mathis: 1215
    Quantum Destiny: 1060
    Living Ichigo: 1014

    LI is officially in 4th place.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/18/11(Tue)02:56 No.5077266
    Ahh that sounds more plausible
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)02:58 No.5077271
    So the original plan to get him out of the top three worked in the end. Now we gotta vote everyone else in the top 3 up JUST so he can't get back in. . .
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)03:00 No.5077276
    Or we pick someone else to be in 4th and knock him completely out.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)03:01 No.5077278
    Especially when his fans catch on. The FB feed on his contest page has been quiet so far because of how late it is but it won't stay that way, especially with Chibi Chan and that one other lady raising holy hell on their own.

    I'm going to go ahead and place my bet on Living Ichigo's top three fangirls all crying, raging, and at least two of them claiming it's because OtakuHouse hates Bleach.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)03:03 No.5077280
    When I was going through all the profiles, I did see maybe two that had votes in the 900 range. Don't really feel like wading through all the entries again though.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)03:10 No.5077291
    He never shows his face

    See what I did there?
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)03:10 No.5077292
    The next highest was 757 For Hope Smith.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)03:14 No.5077297
         File1318922048.jpg-(5 KB, 184x184, cat.jpg)
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    >heterosexual males
    >going to yaoi con
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)03:15 No.5077301
    I posted a long winded thing. But it seems to have disappeared somehow? hmmm. It was up for a good half hour. I know --I-- Didn't delete it. . .
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)03:20 No.5077317
    Did you sort it? Comments disappear and reappear on there.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)03:20 No.5077318
    Ah, really? Could have sworn there was a mid-900's one. I guess the votes might have gotten rolled back.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)03:21 No.5077319
    I go for press so it's free and it's right next to my house and I'm still iffy on showing up...
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)03:22 No.5077323
    Yeah but it's weird, man...
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 10/18/11(Tue)03:23 No.5077327
         File1318922602.jpg-(15 KB, 295x306, What The.jpg)
    15 KB
    No, it's not. It's just a con.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)03:24 No.5077329
         File1318922689.png-(108 KB, 263x314, 1309136500217.png)
    108 KB
    >not realizing that feigning interest in yaoi gets you all the pussy you could ever want
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)03:25 No.5077331
         File1318922751.jpg-(8 KB, 250x207, viewimage_story_element.php.jpg)
    8 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)03:27 No.5077338
    >also not realizing that even if you remove the dykes and hambeasts, yaoicon still has at least a 3:1 woman:man ratio
    >also not realizing many of the men will also be homos

    if you are a straight male and you can't get laid at yaoicon you're probably doing something wrong. Hell, if you're a lesbian and you can't get laid at yaoicon, you're probably also doing something wrong.
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 10/18/11(Tue)03:28 No.5077339
         File1318922926.jpg-(8 KB, 136x233, You Serious Bruh.jpg)
    8 KB
    The fuck is that image supposed to prove? You're being stupid, man. Yaoicon is primarily a con with Yaoi more or less to the side. It's just a simple con unless you go out a dealer and buy some porn. It's not even pushed in your face.

    Grow up and learn to be more comfortable with sexuality.
    >> Da0 !pv64UU0pH. 10/18/11(Tue)03:40 No.5077360
         File1318923615.png-(284 KB, 600x558, 1310631258338.png)
    284 KB
    This is exactly why I never, EVER want to participate in any internet-based cosplay contest. In the end, it's all who-has-this-many-friends-jerkoff-fuckfest.

    As for Living Ichigo (goddamn, I'm not sure whether that nickname makes me want to laugh or puke), Fuck him.

    Sorry Matt, but I have absolutely no tolerance towards cheaters. I busted my ass making a lot of my costumes for YEARS!! and this fuckface gets that much attention after lying about his cosplay progress? He can go to hell and get fucked by Satan himself for all I care.
    >> Arnan !!HggTlF2m1FO 10/18/11(Tue)03:44 No.5077362
    It looks like they put in an IP Filter so it cut out any votes that were from the same IP. That means even if there are multiple people in the household, they only account for 1 vote.

    This also means that it removes the Google + and Facebook Like and makes it 1 vote. So, if you look at the numbers now:

    LI: 3861 original, 1016 now, Google + 152
    PL: 3559 original, 1891 now, Google + 802

    Let's take LI. He only had 152 G+ votes. Let's subtract that from his original vote count, since they removed double votes and I'm pretty sure everyone who voted with G+ also voted with FB. 3861 - 152 = 3,709.

    Now that means if you subtract the IP filtered vote number, that leaves 3,709 - 1016 = 2,693 votes that used the same IP address. We can knock off say, 300 votes for same house holds, to compensate any discrepancies. That means he still cheated and rigged 2,393 votes!

    Let's look at PL. 3559 - 802 G+ = 2757 Votes. Subtract IP filtered votes: 2757 - 1891 = 866 same IP votes, minus 300 buffer household votes = 566 same IP votes.

    These same IP votes are probably multiple accounts or glitch exploits. PL has a much smaller same IP vote which could be either someone ballot stuffing with the glitch (though you'd think they'd stuff more if that was their intent) or just people voting from multiple accounts. The latter seems much more likely due to the small number.

    Though in the case of LI it is extremely clear he was stuffing his own ballot with well over 2,300 extra votes using the glitch exploit. That is 2/3rds of his previous votes! Jesus Christ.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)03:46 No.5077368
    I am comfortable, which is why I'm going to stick my dick in you to make you squeal at yaoi con.
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 10/18/11(Tue)03:50 No.5077369
         File1318924210.jpg-(39 KB, 500x499, Coolstoryaniki.jpg)
    39 KB
    Good luck with that. I may be Bi, but I'm not single.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)03:53 No.5077373
    I talked to PL and she said quite a few people from her school voted and that would be using the same IP obviously. Not saying that covers 500+ but it's easily 100 if they used Facebook and Google+.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)03:53 No.5077375
    Which is why it's going to be a threesome ;)
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)04:02 No.5077387
    Oh god. I can't wait to see the raging fangirls tomorrow. Someone better screencap that shit!
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)04:09 No.5077397
         File1318925351.gif-(171 KB, 375x375, 1262712726694.gif)
    171 KB
    i will admit to being excited for this as well! i know it is a little early but i keep going back and refreshing the page every 15 minutes or so.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)04:09 No.5077400
    >Steals a pic from a person I used to know
    >more awkward when I'm pretty sure their mum made the outfit or the friend, can't remember
    Full of awkward. If I was going to steal I would've at least gone for an more awesome looking one. Just saiyan.
    >> Arnan !!HggTlF2m1FO 10/18/11(Tue)04:09 No.5077402
    WiFi in schools would definitely inflate that same IP number a lot more, since most schools have one router.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)04:18 No.5077418
    LOL So do I!
    I'm waiting for the shitstorm.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)04:28 No.5077437
    So, are the votes stabilised now? I'm reading the Otaku House pages correctly?

    >Living Ichigo: 1017 people want this cosplayer to win

    >Pikminlink: 1903 people want this cosplayer to win
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)04:32 No.5077445
    Ah /cgl/, this is why I love you.

    no homo
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)04:33 No.5077446
    Yes, that's the correct numbers. Knocks LI into 4th place.
    >> Arnan !!HggTlF2m1FO 10/18/11(Tue)04:38 No.5077451
    They would also now need to create separate accounts since they fixed the glitch exploit that was being used.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)05:05 No.5077473
    I should just stop posting because I am giving ideas on how to make more votes short of IP block bans.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)05:17 No.5077485
    Then you should probably remove your posts.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)05:22 No.5077495
    yeah, I just did. I also stopped myself midpost on another way for most people to easily IP switch.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)11:35 No.5077828
    Does anyone know if he knows about this yet? I don't follow him on Facebook or anything. But thank GOD they did something.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)11:36 No.5077833

    finally fair!

    but I wonder if PL cheated too..if she did..

    dissapointed in you.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)11:38 No.5077836

    Well, she did lose some votes as well, but again, everyone did. It's not very fair to those who didn't cheat, because multiple people can fairly use the same IP address. It sucks that because of this asshole, some people lost genuine votes.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)13:24 No.5078027
         File1318958651.png-(19 KB, 629x122, kyle.png)
    19 KB
    You know shit has officially hit the fan when your co-contestants are ashamed of you.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)13:45 No.5078048

    What "respect" would anyone have for him in the first place? This is just for show.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)13:48 No.5078056

    Possibly the whole body image thing?

    Though I doubt Kyle has heard about the steroids and screwy work out routines - that information doesn't seem to be circulating around LI's contest page as far as I've seen.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)13:50 No.5078057

    Like he or Malinda don't lurk on /cgl./ I think everyone knows of it by now.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)13:58 No.5078069
    I find it truly funny that Living Ichigo was so confident he'd win that he even made a show of it by telling PikminLink he voted for her.
    >> Tim 10/18/11(Tue)14:06 No.5078083
    /cgl/- Internet Police, Cosplay Fraud Unit

    Next round of donuts on me, guys.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)14:08 No.5078086
    More funny than that is the two or three times that he's posted to facebook something along the lines of "I'm in first place, I just KNOW I'm going to win this contest :)"

    It's funny how cocky he was when he was rigging the votes. Even if it weren't him, he at least knew it was happening to have that cocky of an attitude about it. . .
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/18/11(Tue)14:10 No.5078089
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)14:12 No.5078095
    I want one of the seasonal pumpkin spice ones.

    That too. Pretty much dug himself into a hole there too since now he can't claim he didn't know about the mass amount of vote rigging, and even if he didn't, who's going to believe him now?
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)14:14 No.5078101
    I'm a little disappointed, because Hope Smith's Edea is absolutely gorgeous... still, PikminLink is very popular and guaranteed to win at this point.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)14:14 No.5078102
    So would people have gone to such lengths for their detective work had it never been for this contest?
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)14:16 No.5078105
    Eventually it would have all been exposed since people obviously had suspicions before the contest, but the contest definitely put things into overdrive.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)14:16 No.5078106

    Oh my god, thank you! This! There are a lot of cosplayers who have great costumes, but are way too far behind. I think this whole Living Ichigo bullshit made people just vote for those top three, and no one even gave any of the other contestants any thought. Not very fair.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)14:19 No.5078112
    I saved my vote for April Martin. Her Silent Hill's Lurker costume is amazing.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)14:26 No.5078120
         File1318962416.jpg-(112 KB, 550x825, otaku-house-cosplay-contest-fi(...).jpg)
    112 KB
    As for the EU contest:
    I'm angry that both the chick that made that fuckawesome Valkyrie Randgris and Kamui are behind this chick in votes. The amount of work they put in compared to this wrinkly inaccurate mess is just embarrassing.
    >> Tim 10/18/11(Tue)14:28 No.5078122
    There were a lot of reasons why this case got as far as it did. /cgl/ is usually pretty responsive to cosplay contests of any kind (brings out an excuse to be catty), and this one in particular had a pretty considerable number of applicants, both high and low profile. I think most of it had largely to do with Living Ichigo's own efforts. He and his followers kept fanning the flames, and if /cgl/ is anything, it's incendiary. Plus, LI has been on /cgl/'s radar for a while... Nothing to this extent, though. Usually just people ridiculing him for being a but-his-face due to the fact that he's always got a mask on for cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)14:33 No.5078130
    While I definitely think what LI did was wrong, I'm very put off with how PL and Sai have been bashing him every chance they get and plastering "vote for Pikminlink!!!!!!!!" everywhere. It made me lose a lot of respect for her and lost her my vote.

    I'd have been much more impressed if they had remained professional about the whole thing instead of being dramamongers.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)14:35 No.5078133
    please tell me she's not in the top three
    that is fucking horrible
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)14:36 No.5078134
         File1318962975.png-(14 KB, 609x98, miles.png)
    14 KB
    I laughed.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)14:38 No.5078141
    Really? Where? I just checked PL's Facebook and her contest page and she hasn't mentioned him once lately. You got me curious now.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)14:39 No.5078144
    >plastering "vote for Pikminlink!!!!!!!!" everywhere.
    Because that's totally not the point of the contest...
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)14:39 No.5078146

    No one can compete with a guy who has physics.
    >> Neomeris !B09qAmvStc 10/18/11(Tue)14:41 No.5078152

    I wish I had top rate physics as well. It sucks having to obey the normal laws of physics. If I had better ones I could go FTL!
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)14:41 No.5078154
    She's #1, actually.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)14:44 No.5078158
    HAHA. I love Miles.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)14:46 No.5078163
    What are you talking about? I just checked all of her accounts and in neither is she bashing him or creating drama.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)14:48 No.5078167
    I went to look too after you wrote this and the only thing I found was Sai saying how he was disappointed to find out that he was a cheater.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)14:51 No.5078174
    All I see is her asking people on her FB and DA to vote, and she also mentioned the other contestants and how people should vote for them too.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)14:51 No.5078176
    Yeah, after reading that post, I went and checked all of her public accounts. . . Nothing in her Journal, nothing in comments, nothing on twitter, facebook, anything. Care to give us links? Or screenshots? Anything?

    That's what I thought.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)14:52 No.5078177
    Confirmed for butthurt LivingIchigo fangirl.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)14:59 No.5078187
    Has the crazy fangirl Minxy-wannabe chick made a video yet?
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)15:06 No.5078199
    Except Hope's costumes look like shit in person. She's also an annoying cunt.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)15:06 No.5078200
    So you lost respect for PL because she's "bashing" LI, yet there is no proof of this to date. Yet, your loss of respect for her has lost her your vote, but what about LI? Him cheating and lying to his "fans" and then trying to lie about that and trying to cover it up doesn't make him lose any respect from you? Let alone a vote?

    Confirmed for that fucking whale that made that video for people to vote for him.

    Some fucking "professional" cosplayer you are haha. Elizabeth was it? Seriously, take a look at everything you've seen here. You've seen how low he is willing to stoop to win a no-name online competition. You've seen him lie, cheat, and deny it all. Yet you still whiteknight him like you want his dick so bad. How could you seriously still want his dick after seeing what a fucking retard he is? Jesus christ you disgust me.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)15:11 No.5078209
    Girls... they love the bad boys, no?
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)15:11 No.5078210
    So, in the course of 12 hours since the voting system got fixed, he's garnered 17 votes? Yeah, bitch has been faking votes. If he had been legitimately gaining votes like he claims to have been, then I'm SURE he would have gone up more than that in this timeframe.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)15:12 No.5078213
    Bad Boy =/= Full Retard

    Maybe it's because he's so stupid that she wants him. She hopes that he is in fact stupid enough to actually stick it in her.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)15:12 No.5078214
    No proof and they stopped posting after that comment. It probably is the video girl or that literate fangirl from Facebook since his third super fangirl types lyk dis.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)15:14 No.5078225
    Latest Activity: 3 hours ago

    I think you hit the nail on the head for Anon's identity.
    >> sage sage 10/18/11(Tue)15:38 No.5078273
    You vendetta-chan's don't even try to come up with something witty anymore, do ya. Sage for bullshiz.

    But THANK GOD LI got rat-ed out. Can't wait to see what he says about all this.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)15:57 No.5078300
    i just realized that this shit is supposed to go til the 6th
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)17:04 No.5078461

    Well, that gives us time to bump him either farther down the list. I wish every good cosplayer in the contest would be above him.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)18:21 No.5078700
         File1318976516.png-(13 KB, 636x83, usrs.png)
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    Please let them be sarcastic...
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)18:24 No.5078709

    Well, I'm sure making all of those fake votes and having to go through tons of other people's progress photos to make a fake tutorial WAS a lot of hard work! So she's right!
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)18:25 No.5078715
         File1318976723.png-(14 KB, 475x89, livingich.png)
    14 KB
    So his tactic is to basically pretend that none of this is happening? There's no way someone has told him.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)18:26 No.5078718
    > hasn't
    Darn typo.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)18:34 No.5078746
    Oh I assure you he knows. He just got more news to brag about, seems like. He wouldn't pass that up.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)18:34 No.5078749
    >waaahh somebody thinks my costume looks like shit, they must have a vendetta against me baaawww

    Seriously? People can think someone's costume looks bad and not have a vendetta.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)18:35 No.5078752
    I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up dropping out. He's the most hated and he wouldn't win anything.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)18:39 No.5078770
    All the contestants were emailed by OH telling them that their votes might change due to fraud voting. So yes, he knows.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)18:45 No.5078790

    I agree, but >>5078199 wasn't just saying they didn't like the costume. Random anon, just giving my opinion. Jellys are really easy to pick out now-a-days.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)18:47 No.5078801
    Well, it's better to let him have his moment because I don't picture him getting invited to many events after this.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)18:57 No.5078822
    i don't think corporations really give a shit what drama comes around if it doesn't affect them in a significant way. i doubt he's going in a representative capacity anyway. it's probably more of a "i know this guy who knows this guy" thing.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)21:12 No.5079390
         File1318986760.jpg-(93 KB, 684x226, LIwhiteknightstotherescue.jpg)
    93 KB

    Even after all of that evidence his followers still support him.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)21:14 No.5079398
    That's probably because he posted a tl;dr statement about how he didn't cheat on his Facebook page.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)21:28 No.5079460
         File1318987704.jpg-(380 KB, 471x1522, LIisinnocent.jpg)
    380 KB
    You guys should be fucking ashamed of yourself. He did nothing wrong.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)21:49 No.5079542
    Because lying about costumes and faking tutorials is doing nothing wrong? Who cares if he didn't personally vote himself up? Someone did it for him and his cocky "I'm declaring myself winner already!" attitude makes it look like he did it or he knew who did.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)22:11 No.5079570

    I stopped reading after the first sentence of the second paragraph. His ego knows no boundaries. Deal with it, LI. People caught you and had proof of your lies. You're in fourth place because you or someone you know rigged the votes in your own favor. You dug your own grave and now your actions have been seen by a large percentage of the cosplay community. All of the prideful comments and the false tutorial spoke volumes. I can't believe he's still trying so hard to defend himself now.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)22:15 No.5079604

    I'm sure that whole fake tutorial thing was all just a massive miscommunication and he really does have a mysterious super brother who knows how to exactly replicate another's person's work down to the paint lines and construction using only pictures. Does anyone know who his brother is? If he really is as great a prop maker, I would be less suspicious, but this whole vague long winded explanation just sounds like piled up excuses.

    I also like how he implied of having a big enough fanbase to compete with PL and kinda ignored how, now that it's limited to 1 IP per vote, that his was slashed so that he fell from first to fourth place. There is no denying that his entry was being stuffed most of all, whether or not he is responsible is up in the air.

    TL;DR- 4chan is a big bunch of meanies and I'm totally lyke innocent guiz :(
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)22:32 No.5079680
    Can we just rename him "Weasel Ichigo"? It would be a lot more true to his character.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)22:37 No.5079695
    Everyone: We have our male version of PT
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)22:54 No.5079699
         File1318992840.jpg-(150 KB, 411x733, LIdefense.jpg)
    150 KB
    How ignorant can you be?
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 10/18/11(Tue)22:59 No.5079724
    aahhahaha sometimes i love you faggots.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)22:59 No.5079726
    The comments on his wall are even more ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)23:04 No.5079759
    >"So as of right now im like 85% sure i can have Saturday off so i can go to Yaoi-con so for my friends still wondering if im still going, then its more than likely yes."

    Have fun guys! He's going to Yaoi Con this weekend to strip his top off in the contest again.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)23:08 No.5079775
    I'm pretty sure chibi-chan is a troll...
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)23:09 No.5079778
    Like I told my friend just now, he could stab someone in front of his fans and they'd still claim the victim fell on the knife. Hell, Chibi Chan would probably stare right at the body and go "What body? I don't see anyone."
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)23:13 No.5079786
         File1318993995.jpg-(53 KB, 604x455, n785744267_1020325_2563.jpg)
    53 KB
    < Chibi Chan
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)23:14 No.5079792
         File1318994091.jpg-(45 KB, 408x213, everythingwasalie.jpg)
    45 KB
    All of the evidence was false anyway.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)23:17 No.5079806
    are you serious? That girl looks like she never seen the light of the day.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)23:33 No.5079876
         File1318995193.png-(12 KB, 665x81, livingichigo.png)
    12 KB
    From his google+ account:

    I came across it and a friend said I should share the lulz. There's also a post about prop guns he ordered not long ago, which is strange because his amazing secret brother seems to be able to replicate ~anything~ (I'll post a cap of that too, just for the sake of argument I suppose.)
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)23:36 No.5079890
         File1318995400.png-(204 KB, 682x604, livingichigo1.png)
    204 KB
    As promised here's the proof he buys (at least some) props despite having an amazing mystery brother who is super skilled at making props.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)23:46 No.5079933
         File1318995982.jpg-(13 KB, 320x240, tweetydisgust.jpg)
    13 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)23:54 No.5079974
    Another Seagull and I tried to hunt down any proof of this amazing movie prop maker brother and there's nothing. I found two possible younger brothers through his Myspace but they're both underage and there's no sign of any older brothers.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)23:57 No.5079990
    Funny thing about those ebony and ivory. . . They aren't for sale. . . The person who made them said they weren't going to make another set. . . And also, the picture is from years ago. I have the exact picture saved on my desktop just for reference of the gun because they do look good. Just goes to show he's still full of shit. Or he got ripped off, and someone used that old picture to sell whatever they're making. . .
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)00:05 No.5080017
         File1318997147.jpg-(70 KB, 408x357, LIfb.jpg)
    70 KB
    Wait, what?
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)00:10 No.5080036
    I await the day LI comes crashing down from his high horse.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)00:11 No.5080043
    Voted for LI.

    fuck you bratty cunts.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)00:23 No.5080092
         File1318998228.png-(79 KB, 772x665, pl.png)
    79 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)00:40 No.5080145

    >Pikminlink saying pretty much the same thing cgl and a few other competitors have been saying since this fiasco started

    what's your point?
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)00:45 No.5080162
    like one vote is going to matter at this point lol
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)00:45 No.5080168
    It's the only public announcement of PL I could find on LI. Just providin'.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)00:47 No.5080176
    And your point is? Everyone has been saying he didn't make the mask, both his mask and the Ebay mask are identical, and even the Ebay seller said they had yet to find anyone that could replicate their product and have it look like theirs since they're the original makers of that design. Hell, PikminLink even said she wouldn't care if he bought it or not, as long as he didn't lie about it.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/19/11(Wed)00:48 No.5080184
         File1318999723.png-(190 KB, 500x385, tumblr_lqb3xt3VQH1qlw12eo1_500.png)
    190 KB
    Dear god this crap's still going on? A part of me just wants to get involved for the sheer joy of debate and arguing.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)00:50 No.5080194

    Ah, gotcha. Wasn't sure if you were the "PL was bashing LI and lost my vote" Anon or not

    To stay on topic, what do you guys make of LI getting invited to IGN or whatever?
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)00:53 No.5080206
    That's your proof? You're an idiot.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/19/11(Wed)00:55 No.5080215
         File1319000158.png-(265 KB, 500x390, tumblr_lqcv8vTrng1qlw12eo1_500.png)
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    Big whoop. I received a couple invites of various degrees and gotten free shit. It happens. Hell I've shown up all on my own and gotten the hook ups.

    Good for him if he gets to have a fun experience. It's no biggie.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)00:56 No.5080218
    Starting to wonder if he used "got invited" just to make himself seem important like they actually asked him to show up.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)00:57 No.5080219
    He wasn't invited. It was public that he decided to go to.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)01:26 No.5080365
    By invite it means "you need to be on a list/get this piece of paper to get through the door." You know how either of those happen for a lot of people? By knowing someone who is press, someone who works at the place, or someone who knows someone, etc. Shit, I have a friend at G4 who gets me free stuff too and you don't see me harping about it.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)01:30 No.5080387
    It makes you the bigger person anon.

    Theodore is the male version of an attention whore. Who's with me on this?
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)01:33 No.5080411
    >Male version of an attention whore

    Guys can't be/weren't attention whores before? I agree that he's an attention whore with a terrible ego, but come on, attention whoring isn't just for the girls haha
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)01:35 No.5080427

    LI's new name is Lying Ichigo
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)01:36 No.5080430

    We get what you're saying though and I agree
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)01:40 No.5080453
    pikminlink being as opinionated and holier-than-thou as usual.

    She always like to pull that "Trust me I am an expert on this topic" bullshit. Like having used fiberglass before qualifies a person to judge if something is a copy or not. You can't possibly judge something like that without looking at it up close, and unless you can actually SEE the fiberglass that is completely irrelevant.

    In before pikminlink's goon squad leaping on grenades for her.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/19/11(Wed)01:43 No.5080466
    Just feeding your fire by responding. That's what you're expecting to happen right? People to respond?
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)01:45 No.5080475
    can we go back to "damn, his 'brother' is good at copying shit?" most art guys will make it their own way instead of try to 1:1 clone something
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)01:50 No.5080505
    You're stupid.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)01:51 No.5080511
    His non existing brother?
    He only has two that are much younger than him.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)01:54 No.5080524
         File1319003653.jpg-(81 KB, 360x259, 1298788897313.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)01:55 No.5080530
    hence the ' '
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)01:57 No.5080544
    Yep, this is true. In some of his old Myspace photos, he's with two younger boys and they both share his last name. All the guys his age or older he's with in photos don't share the last name.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)02:00 No.5080553
    I don't care if he copied it or not. I just think it's retarded that pikminlink always tries to pull the "Trust me I R xpert" routine. Just like how she tried to claim that Jackie's picture was photoshoped because "I have worked with wig dyes a lot and so I know". She wants to look like she's the deciding factor in every argument, thinking that the attention and fans of hers will see her as an authority.

    There is NO possible way she would know for a fact its a copy, she's just going on conjecture of what it appears just like everyone else. Trying to claim decisive authority expertise on something she doesn't actually have in itself is deceptive. Guilty of her own dogmas.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)02:02 No.5080564
    today our expertise is going to be the "if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck" variety
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)02:07 No.5080587
    >>5080553 Just like how she tried to claim that Jackie's picture was photoshoped because "I have worked with wig dyes a lot and so I know"

    /r/ picture? Now I want to see.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/19/11(Wed)02:09 No.5080599
    Working with fiberglass gives you some insight to the process. She also states "the two items are completely the exact same thing." A statement like that reads that with what experience she has, she can see if something in the realm of fiberglass work looks similar or not to another project. We can all make something out of matching materials but no one ever makes something exactly the same way and have it come out twice. We're humans. Shit just don't work that way unless you got a perfect, indestructible, mold and a flawless cast.

    But the biggest and only argument she makes is not "Oh I know fiberglass and I can tell when someone didn't fiberglass." Her claim was "It's clearly obvious this guy has just bought the mask and lied. If he had made it, it probably would have looked different."

    The rest is just her mentioning that she's dealt with cases of bought costumes being claimed as hand made. That pretty much means anything that falls under the word "costume."

    But that's just me arguing a point. Take it as you will.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)02:18 No.5080641
    Do you even know what fiberglass is? It's interwoven cloth that reinforces a prop with resin. It doesn't have it's own distinct surface. Once sanded it's completely sheen with zero texture. No matter how much a person has worked with fiberglass in the past there's absolutely no way to know if such a prop was made from fiberglass, bondo, wood/gesso, or something else.

    She exploits people like you with her statements, hoping that the people she is speaking to has no experience on the subject and will look up to her as the deciding factor on the topic of cosplay. Or whatever else she decides she wants to pretend to be an expert on.
    >> 4ng31 !!hKQFMnsBtJf 10/19/11(Wed)02:24 No.5080660

    Stop talking. might get troll replies out of people who don't know how to work with the material, but to anyone who's familiar with it, you sound like an idiot.

    I've been doing fiberglass work for 10 years now, costuming now and auto-body previously. Fiberglass, FRP, body filler, etc... is something you learn and get better with in time.

    NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE starts off being *that* good with the material. There is no way in hell this jackass made that helmet as his "first". My first Halo helmet was a piece of shit, and that was after doing glass work for 5/6 years. Precise curves like that mask has is not easy but any means.

    So yes, this is someone else who is very experienced in working with fiberglass telling you to shut the fuck up.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/19/11(Wed)02:25 No.5080664
         File1319005503.png-(265 KB, 500x386, tumblr_lqb1wmwdDi1qlw12eo1_500.png)
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    Hook. Line. Sinker.

    To exploit me would mean that I'm doing this on her behalf and she's aware of it. I'm arguing with you because you get mad if I argue against you. I see you missed the rock I fed you earlier.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)02:25 No.5080666
    but his 'brother' is a professional movie prop maker!
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)02:29 No.5080678
    You still never showed us this pic about some wig she was talking about.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)02:48 No.5080694
    Oh great, another moron trying to pull the "trust me i r xpert" routine. Like I'm going to believe your awful cosplays are done by anything but an amateur.

    You don't even know what you're arguing, by the way. You just admitted that the helmet in question is an expertly done job, which would mean it's even harder to tell if its fiberglass or not since a well sanded glassed and resined piece would have zero texture.

    The helmet in question has a completely sheen texture, something you can achieve from a variety of materials. Even an expert on the topic would NOT be able to tell what it was made from unless they had the opportunity to analyze it close up, especially after it's been painted. And pikminlink sure as hell is NOT an expert, regardless of what she would have her little 15 year old deviantart fans believe.

    Keep on trucking with that obvious vendetta, btw.

    I didn't mean she's personally using you to make your dumb whiteknight responses. I was saying that she exploits people LIKE you with their lack of knowledge on craftwork.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)02:54 No.5080712
    >Expert job
    >Guy claims it's his first time making helmet.
    >Pieces aren't adding up.

    If the holes in your argument were any bigger. I'd fall into them.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:01 No.5080716
    No one cares. You are the only one getting worked up over this shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:04 No.5080726
         File1319007867.png-(308 KB, 544x400, 1296951507219.png)
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    >doesn't know who Maguma and 4ng are
    >doesn't know their cosplay skill is 1,000,000x better than LI

    Confirmed for one of LI's retarded white knights, most likely the first one who showed up here in the first thread that began this whole discussion.

    Seriously, these guys KNOW what they are talking about. You clearly don't if you think "it's impossible to ever be able to tell."

    Yes, cosplayers who know what the fuck they are talking about ARE going to pull the "hey, I know what you are talking about and I smell bullshit card" because that's what you do. Not blindly follow some dumbfuck who lies about everything he possibly can to make himself look better.
    >> 4ng31 !!hKQFMnsBtJf 10/19/11(Wed)03:09 No.5080739

    Like I said on the OH page, I've been around long enough to know shit like this...and guess what...I was right.

    For arguments sake though, most of the mask makers in China (and similar Asian countries where these are mass produced) use a method in which they auto-cad the design, and then either 3D print it, sculpt it...aka, build it somehow. They then mold the helmet and cast using FRP (fiberglass reinforced plastic). I know this because I've asked multiple mask makers (mainly the kigurumi community) who sell on ebay, commission privately, etc...

    So yes, again, I'm right and you're an idiot. Send those guys a message asking what their helmets are made out of and see what answer you get...granted, you'll already know the answer because I just told you, but it'll still be pretty funny.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:09 No.5080741
    I'm not arguing if its bought or not (it might not be, you know. the paint jobs look very different), I just think it's bullshit that pikminlink always wants people to THINK she's some kind of decisive authority. Especially when she couldn't possibly know something.

    I am familiar with both them having posted anonymously on this board for a couple years. Neither of them are good cosplayers. Let alone authority voices on craftwork.

    People just loooove to use the "trust me Im an expert" routine because they think it can forge them up a trump card to button up an argument. Life isn't so convenient. It's my pet peeve.

    If you are against this LI guy then fine, I really don't care. But don't start lying about your expertise on a subject like you've just been called into trial as an expert witness. That makes you just as big of a liar as the guy you're accusing of being one.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:12 No.5080746
         File1319008338.jpg-(876 KB, 5000x5000, boxer-small.jpg)
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    >If you are against this LI guy then fine, I really don't care
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:12 No.5080748
         File1319008349.jpg-(45 KB, 300x272, takanechew.jpg)
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    Is this Bunny Mage from the last thread

    Because you sound almost exactly like her

    Read as: you're plugging up your ears and screaming "LALALALA" whenever someone can mention something sketchy and suspect LI has done and screamed "WHERE'S THE PROOF" even with things that are really obvious
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:16 No.5080758
    Still waiting on that wig picture
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/19/11(Wed)03:16 No.5080759
         File1319008593.png-(216 KB, 500x385, tumblr_lqb467G79q1qlw12eo1_500.png)
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    I think your pet peeve may be an actual problem, instead of the former.

    I'm no where in 4ng's league in terms of craftsmanship but if you think 4ng isn't good at what he does, then your view of what is good is a bit jaded.

    Also I'd say you just don't like pikminlink.
    >> 4ng31 !!hKQFMnsBtJf 10/19/11(Wed)03:17 No.5080761
         File1319008639.png-(95 KB, 183x226, 1273621662512.png)
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    >Neither of them are good cosplayers.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:20 No.5080765
    Another dumbass that is so far into your little vendetta against LI that you're not even paying attention.

    I don't give two shits about LI or whether or not he made something. I'm simply saying that pikminlink is NOT an expert on the subject, nor could she garner such decisive information from just looking at a low-res picture.

    If she wanted to say "Those pictures look pretty suspicious. It looks like he might be lying and I don't respect that" then that would be one thing. But giving some stupid routine of "THIS LOOKS SHOPPED I KNOW FROM SEEING A LOT OF FIBERGLASSES IN MY TIME" is just stupid. She doesn't know more than anyone else.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:20 No.5080768
    Bunny Mage confirmed.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:21 No.5080771
    >>5080765 I'm simply saying that pikminlink is NOT an expert on the subject

    No one, not even she said she was an expert. Get over your vendetta.
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 10/19/11(Wed)03:22 No.5080774
         File1319008932.jpg-(12 KB, 198x289, Wut.jpg)
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    >Implying Maguma and 4ng31 aren't good cosplayers

    You seriously just went full retard, and I no longer have interest in reading your posts.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/19/11(Wed)03:22 No.5080775
         File1319008935.png-(262 KB, 500x387, tumblr_lqcvm0W3E11qlw12eo1_500.png)
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    No we hear you. But we don't care about YOUR vendetta against pikminlink. I think that's where things are getting lost in translation.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:22 No.5080776
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    You nigger I was just about to say that
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:24 No.5080781
         File1319009066.jpg-(42 KB, 640x440, 11856306115021a3ff0boa4.jpg)
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    I'm no nigger! You take that back right now!
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:25 No.5080785
         File1319009134.png-(109 KB, 512x512, rape eyes.png)
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    Fine you fatty
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:25 No.5080787
    Did anyone else notice how he didn't actually apologize in this? He called himself "foolish" but didn't apologize for lying to his fans or to the people he stole the images from? It's all just a bunch of excuses.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:30 No.5080795
    No offense, but I think you are looking through rose-colored tripfag glasses if you think either of you make good cosplays. Your circle jerk is held in a very small, empty room. But if it makes you feel any better I really don't care. Even if the both of you were the gods of cosplay you still wouldn't know from looking at a couple dumb pictures whether something is the exact same fiberglass job or not. You're just making guesses same as everyone else.

    And no, I don't like how pikminlink conducts herself online. I find her to be obnoxious and opinionated. It's not a vendetta, just an annoyance.

    She implied she has expertise in a craft material that is so strong that she can judge it's legitimacy off justgazing at a vague picture. If you believe that then I have a bridge to sell you.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:31 No.5080799
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    not fat either..
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:32 No.5080803
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    >doesn't know more than anyone else.

    So, people that have advanced skill in costume making and using certain materials don't know more than Joe Schmo? CAN YOU GET ANY MORE STUPID???
    >> 4ng31 !!hKQFMnsBtJf 10/19/11(Wed)03:32 No.5080804
         File1319009530.jpg-(138 KB, 500x352, is_this_real_life__3023.jpg)
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    >And no, I don't like how pikminlink conducts herself online. I find her to be obnoxious and opinionated. It's not a vendetta, just an annoyance.
    >obnoxious and opinionated
    >obnoxious and opinionated
    >obnoxious and opinionated
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:34 No.5080808
         File1319009679.jpg-(45 KB, 300x313, 1318553525469.jpg)
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    > "I really don't care"
    > Followed by long-ass post and randomly attacking tripfags who were giving their opinion
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:38 No.5080817
    pikminlink does NOT have "advanced skills". She has a general competency in certain areas. And as I've said several times, even an expert would not be able to decipher if a prop was even MADE from fiberglass from looking at such a picture, let alone judge that it's the EXACT SAME job. An expert fiberglassed and painted prop does not show an obvious texture.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/19/11(Wed)03:39 No.5080819
         File1319009955.png-(202 KB, 500x386, tumblr_lqbdv8Bko81qlw12eo1_500.png)
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    Only been sewing for a year. I can't be all THAT good. But I think I've got a few things down so far~

    Also lol opinions. You have them.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/19/11(Wed)03:42 No.5080828
         File1319010168.png-(196 KB, 500x383, tumblr_lqb08hUdlj1qlw12eo1_500.png)
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    The argument that needs to be made here is not. "I can see expert when I see it" but "This looks too nice to be a first time attempt. I know what a first time attempt looks like, and baby, this ain't it!"
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:43 No.5080832
    LyingIchigo stupid faggot fans:
    > I like the pictures of his costumes. My liking of them *obviously* means He is a beacon of truth and good values and as such, I will always believe in Him, as his word is enough, complete and utter proof of what He is saying.

    Non stupid folks:
    > I saw where he claimed something. Abundant evidence I have reviewed myself points to the contrary. I conclude there's a super high chance of his word being boloney.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:43 No.5080833
    Why are you defending him so much?
    Clearly it's the exact same item >>5074834
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:47 No.5080842
         File1319010441.jpg-(105 KB, 327x638, 1318556468676.jpg)
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    Because miss Bunny Mage is completely batshit, like most of LI's fans
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:47 No.5080844
         File1319010459.jpg-(45 KB, 469x314, 1280187629806.jpg)
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    It's pretty hard to deny the shots here: >>5074834

    It's practically copy+pasted over onto his head. The only major difference between the manufacturer photos and his cosplay photos is the lighting, which make it look much more reflective. I, anonymous, am qualified to say they are the same. My qualifications? Having two eyeballs attached to a brain. It's NOT that difficult.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:48 No.5080846
    chill the fuck out!

    bitches be crazy
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/19/11(Wed)03:49 No.5080848
         File1319010568.png-(241 KB, 500x389, tumblr_lqb28oZuSV1qlw12eo1_500.png)
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    If I could like a 4chan post, this one would be it.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:50 No.5080852
    Way to read the entire statement, dumbass.

    Exactly. Which is why pikminlink should shut up with her constant "Im an expert so Im right" bullshit. All I'm saying.

    I never ONCE defended him. Jesus christ are you people so submersed in your little vendetta crusade that you cant even fucking read? "HURR DURR UR SAYIN A BAD THINK ABOUT PL DAT MUST MEEN UR HIZ SUPPORTER DURR". I don't care about him NOR this pointless contest. Not every post is about your little Team A vs Team B squabble. People who have emotional investments in cosplayers they dont even know are losers.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/19/11(Wed)03:53 No.5080855
         File1319010818.png-(274 KB, 500x388, tumblr_lqbdpgGeBD1qlw12eo1_500.png)
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    Then shut up. This stupid discussion is over. you have made your point that you don't like how PL says things. And we all clearly can tell the helmet was bought. Life goes on.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:54 No.5080856
         File1319010877.jpg-(191 KB, 641x592, 1318384318463.jpg)
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    I was going to sleep but there's seriously so much thinly-veiled mad here that I don't want to leave
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:56 No.5080859
         File1319011009.jpg-(60 KB, 300x298, 1947390_1314856320894.15res_30(...).jpg)
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    >>5080852 Which is why pikminlink should shut up

    You're getting a little too emotional. Time to step away from the computer Living Ichigo.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:59 No.5080865
    >>5080852 her constant "Im an expert so Im right" bullshit.

    Constant? Where are the others? And this barely counts as one, I think you're reading too far into her words. She basically said what everyone else already said. Nothing new, move along.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:28 No.5080884
    Pretty much this. I don't read it as her saying: "I'm an expert, so I'm right," I read it as: "I've had experience in this, so this is my formulated opinion." Not once does she demand what she is saying is absolute truth. It is her own speculation.
    >> Lyper !!gAyq5lzi952 10/19/11(Wed)04:35 No.5080910
    >mfw I've read this thread for about an hour instead of doing anything productive of my time.

    I still find this fucking funny tho. Bleach is hell of a fucking terrible anime, guy is not even /fit/ at all, looks disproportionate as fuck and look like an overall douche.

    I say we try to nominate pixyteri as #1.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:37 No.5080918
    She didn't say it was her opinion, she said it as a fact. "I looked at the pictures and this is wrong. I know because I have experience blah blah."

    She tried to make it sound like she was the confirming factor, but really she doesn't know more than anyone else.
    >> 4ng31 !!hKQFMnsBtJf 10/19/11(Wed)04:39 No.5080924
         File1319013593.jpg-(89 KB, 450x337, lolcatsdotcomttbwex6me2ieahcu.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:43 No.5080929
    Living Ichigo sounds like a nice guy and everything he has said has been respectful and rational. The hate shown in this thread is pretty shameful.

    If a cosplayer irl acted as hateful, bitchy and disparaging as you people are acting here then they would be seen as among the worst people in the community. If you want to attack somebody for vile behavior, try looking within. Just because this board is anonymous doesn't mean it's ok to be atrocious.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:44 No.5080934
    But she *DOES* know more than you...
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:45 No.5080936

    That's what you make of it. And by the sound of it, it's what you WANT to make of it.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:47 No.5080940
    >make a sound point concerning something


    this is why it's pointless to argue with fangirls.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:48 No.5080946

    Mostly people are hating on him cus he has been lying and cheating. That doesn't sound like a nice person to me, regardless of whether he's a jolly good guy irl.

    Also you're on a board dominated by sand-filled vaginas protected by anonymity. Expecting anything but such behaviour is foolish.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:51 No.5080954

    Vice versa, dear. You're the one who's nitpicking one whole comment made by PL and keep on arguing about it refusing to see that perhaps your interpretation of it isn't necessarily the only one, nor necessarily the correct one.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:52 No.5080957
         File1319014348.gif-(328 KB, 319x147, 1316502333285.gif)
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    If it's so pointless arguing, why you still here then? Take yo ass elsewhere.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:52 No.5080958
         File1319014355.jpg-(114 KB, 625x720, makotosuprise.jpg)
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    > That's why it's pointless to argue with fangirls

    > That's why it's pointless to argue with fangirls

    > That's why it's pointless to argue with fangirls

    We've finally reached critical levels of stupid everyone evacuate /cgl/
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:55 No.5080963
    >""I've worked with fiberlgass so much and studying things down to the last details and the two items are completely the exact same thing."

    This is not a statement posing an opinion. This is a statement posed as a FACT. Despite not possibly knowing for sure, she has deemed on her invisible expertise that they are the same mask. How could she possibly know this? She can't. She's guessing, same as the rest of the losers in this thread.

    Read the statement carefully, btw. Pikminlink is trying to tell people that her skills in fiberglassing are so strong that it has enhanced her ability to discern details of photos to the point where she can judge something as factual. This makes absolutely NO SENSE and it would take the most emboldened fangirl to try to spin that in a way where it would be rational.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:57 No.5080971
    You've taken it into yourself to judge him as lying and cheating based on what you want to believe and have automatically rejected everything he has said on the matter because you don't want to accept it.

    You hate him because you WANT to hate him. And probably because you're upset that pikminlink isn't winning. This is personal bullshit, not righteousness.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:00 No.5080981
    >>5080963 and studying things down to the last details

    Yes, if you knew her you'd know that she will sit there for long periods of time studying things, comparing them, etc. It's what she does. She has a good eye for details and guess what? So do a lot of other people which is why All of these people are saying the mask is bought.
    It's no rocket science. Now kindly GTFO.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:00 No.5080982
    I laughed way too hard
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:02 No.5080984
    You're trying too hard. Why are you here again?
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/19/11(Wed)05:02 No.5080986
    Pikminlink is winning. People are making their decisions by looking at what's been put in front of them. Some people aren't believing that he's a liar. Those would be his supporters. There are those who see that the stuff looks far too similar and see that the two items look the same and are calling him a liar. Some people straight up think this is all fucking dumb. And even some think it's some of these combined.

    So yeah. welcome to opinions
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:04 No.5080990
         File1319015046.jpg-(32 KB, 339x476, 1318999580245.jpg)
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    > It's p-much exactly alike
    > Fiberglassing is hard
    > Most people with eyes can see that they're really alike
    > Pikminlink makes one post saying more or less what everyone else thinks
    > Bunny Mage (Still totally think it's you, you have the right amount of mad) shrieks at the astute observation made by a sane-minded individual
    > After making love to her body pillow of LI she storms into /cgl/ saying that she's right and everyone else is wrong
    > Everyone hates her opinion
    > Keeps posting
    > Wondering why everyone's siding against her

    Seriously shut up and stop trying to drag Pikminlink down with your husbando he fucked up and a lot of his lies were bad

    I'm about to pass out but even I can tell you're ignoring all rationality and trying to make an argument about the validity of a statement because the tone used was condescending to you

    And I'll give you a hint that doesn't make it any less true, LI any less of a liar, and everyone else who's winning the competition less way the fuck in the lead

    Going to bed because you're taking too long to reply and seeing you stupid in the same way repeatedly isn't my idea of a fun night
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:04 No.5080993
    No. She says, and I quote: "I've worked with fiberglass so much, and studying things down to the last details, the two items are completely the exact same thing."

    A. She states her experience with fiberglass
    B. She states she looked over his work in scrutiny
    C. She formulates her opinion that they are the same

    Also, Living Ichigo himself states: "I'm no expert with fiberglass but we did use many materials to make the mask: fiberglass, pvc, plaster, not sure what else."

    So, given that PL does have experience using fiberglass multiple times, having been a judge in multiple contests and seeing an array of levels of craftsmanship, and seeing that the guy himself admits he is a novice to fiberglass, PL can easily come to the conclusion that his skill level was not on par with the outcome of the mask to be so identical to the eBay product.

    Now your argument has been rendered invalid.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:06 No.5080996

    Except you're wrong. I haven't voted in this contest since I don't care about them. I barely know who PL and LI are through these threads alone and from having visited the site out of curiosity.

    I don't hate the guy cus I don't have a reason to hate him. None whatsoever. The only thing I "hate" about him is that retarded workout routine he has followed with his rather abysmal body composition as a result. And even with that I don't hate him, I just view him as an average curlbro.

    Now all that aside - I've looked at the thread, the "evidence" posted, the comments back and forth about it and of course the votes suddenly going down after the glitch was fixed and the only conclusion I can make thus-far, unless he posts evidence to the contrary, is that he has at the very least lied, and most likely also cheated or instigated the cheating.

    There are hardly any personal feelings involved here (except for that workout... ugh). It's just deductive reasoning at work. I still don't hate the guy. I just call em for what its worth.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:06 No.5080997
         File1319015164.jpg-(72 KB, 640x714, 1299396057200.jpg)
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    Holy shit you are dense..

    It makes NO SENSE that you can't accept that it's not that hard to be able to look at the evidence presented and judge that LI is a lying fraud and his mask is of the purchased variety. It doesn't take an "expert."
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:07 No.5081001
    Bunny Mage is just angry that PL is a girl. Caused BM huge emotional trauma when this got revealed.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:10 No.5081008
    From what I've seen in previous threads, Bunny Mage is actually a guy. I know, the "bunny" part is misleading. Though, s/he could've been lying about that.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:12 No.5081012
         File1319015529.jpg-(35 KB, 300x248, 1318387097980.jpg)
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    Oh god he's one of us
    On behalf of the homosexual community I apologize
    We all aren't this retarded over our mancandy
    > God I need to sleep it took me three tries to say homosexual
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:13 No.5081014
    So now you're going to regale me with tall tales of how wondrous pikminlink is and how she shits rainbows and her tears cure cancer. Wonderful. It's just like every other pikminlink thread where her little fangirls try to defend her to the death going as far as to make up whatever stories necessary. Your next statement will be how you met her in real life and both she and her father told you how right you are in the argument.

    But getting back to planet reality, the fact still stands that she doesn't know any more than anyone else who looks at the pictures. She's making her own OPINION but wants people to believe she knows for certain. She doesn't. End of story.

    Opinions are fine. Bullshit is not.

    You should probably go to bed. You're just flailing mindlessly thinking youre defending pikminlink somehow not making any points.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:13 No.5081017
    "Admin's note :
    We have been monitoring the comments for some time and decided to address the issues brought up.

    Regarding self-made costumes in this contest; we would like to reiterate that it is not part of our rules to submit self-made costumes since day 1. If we subjected 1 participant to a certain amount of scrutiny, we would have had to subject all our contestants to the same amount of scrutiny. For an online contest, this is impossible to enforce and hence not added into our rules. We have since put up a clear detailed explanation on our FAQ no. 5 here :

    Having said that, we would also like to address the other issue of integrity that was brought up; to which we have been grateful for the passionate responses and feedback. We were dismayed by the implicit conclusions of some findings regarding this cosplayer's 'tutorial', and are also glad that Living Ichigo have clarified this after we asked him for an explanation and he have admitted that it was "foolish to use pictures (he) found on the internet". We understand that he has since removed the tutorial.

    We welcome all feedback on how we can improve the contest. Please feel free to email if you wish to provide suggestions.

    Thanks to all!
    - Cosplay Idol Team."
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:15 No.5081021
         File1319015735.jpg-(27 KB, 380x302, Surprise_youre_a_retard.jpg)
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    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/19/11(Wed)05:15 No.5081023
    Then shut. Up.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:18 No.5081031
         File1319015922.png-(22 KB, 124x129, 1318999031571.png)
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    Honestly I wouldn't have even voted for her more likely than not
    LOZ ain't my scene
    And the only thing I'm defending is my probably correct view that you're a fucking moron who can't get that PL made a good point, whether their skills in resin or fiberglass or whatever the fuck the mask is made of is valid
    Because that shit is pretty exact
    Why would you willingly copy a company's mask for a cosplay
    Aside from being an asshat
    Anyways thread stopped bumping so I'm going to sleep for reals this time
    Have fun lusting after LI's dick
    You won't have it
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:23 No.5081043
    My god you are stupid.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:24 No.5081046
    What bothers me is that you seem to be assuming what PL's intent is through text. The written language needs to be delicately written since it can only be read literally to form an opinion. For PL, English is her second language, her English is not going to be superb or even have the proper rules of writing.

    So you are, somehow, reading her opinions as having deceitful intent. When in reality, you do not know what she is truly trying to convey.

    Yet, here you are--being the victim of your very own complaint--trying to make others believe (much more matter-of-factly) that you are absolutely right in your formulated opinion of PL's text.

    As they say: Pot, Kettle.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:26 No.5081048
    You can believe it based on them looking similar, but you don't know for certain. And it's stupid to claim you somehow know for a fact because "I work with fiberglass a lot" or because "I spend lots of time looking at details".

    "I used fiberglass several times and judged a masquerade". Gosh, how impressive. If you're trying to elevate your argument you're failing miserably.

    Take your own advice.

    >U SUCK

    Despite you continually replying to me you aren't saying anything. You're just arguing with me because you don't like what I've said.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:26 No.5081049
    Listen to this post, seriously.
    You claim that you don't care about LI at all and are just here to hate on PL.

    Well not all of us are PL "fans" just here for white-knighting. As this guy said, it's simply seeing a WELL-MADE argument and supporting it, rather than supporting a huge tool or any claims in his defense. And it's not because of a vendetta and "oh you'll believe it because you hate him," it's because the evidence against him is as bright as the sun.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:28 No.5081053
    You conveniently left how out Living Ichigo himself said it was made from fiberglass.

    Your point is still invalid.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:30 No.5081056
         File1319016619.png-(86 KB, 373x318, desuyukiho.png)
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    Wow I
    You have bested me in traditional arguments
    I must now counteract with putting words in your mouth
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:32 No.5081060
    So in other words, I shouldn't take pikminlink's statements at face value because her english isn't good. And that her statements clearly posed as fact are actually just humble opinions or suggestions.

    Sorry, but that's a little too far-fetched for me to believe. Almost as hard for me to believe that I'm actually arguing with someone so hell-bent on defending pikminlink that they are actually trying to argue this.

    Seriously, you fangirls are ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:35 No.5081066
    Which is the only reason pikminlink mentioned the term "fiberglass". If he said it was made from wood she'd claim to be an expert at wood.

    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/19/11(Wed)05:36 No.5081068
         File1319016994.jpg-(93 KB, 223x223, Wright - Not sure if serious.jpg)
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    I'd take it if I wasn't making sense and realized that I was being proven wrong. But you just stated that her experience with a building material and status as a masquerade judge at multiple events given to her through the acknowledgement of her skills via the cosplay community here in America and OTHER COUNTRIES is not valid enough to make a judgement at a prop. A prop that we can all clearly see well enough to judge on it's quality of smooth surface and construction. Construction that which looks like it came from someone of experience and skill, contrary to the owner in question who claimed he is not experienced in and lacks the professional skills mentioned above.

    Are you to tell me that clearly with these pieces in tact, that ANYONE! Not just pikminlink, but ANYONE can't say that this obviously looks like the work of a pro and could not come from the work of someone who has no prior skill to a material that requires practice and experience.

    This ain't about pikminlink. This is about using STANDARD reading comprehension to assess a scenario that you are ignoring because you do not like the fact that PL talks like she knows exactly what's going on.

    Read as: You are uppity because you don't like Pikminlink. We don't care, because it isn't about pikminlink. WE ALL SEE THE SAME FUCKING THING AND ARE NOT INFLUENCED BY AFOREMENTIONED LINK OF PIKMINS!

    8/10 because I had to use caps and I'm actually enjoying trying to make a rebuttal that you might be able to understand like a high school graduate should. But that would imply you are one.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:37 No.5081070
    No. You shouldn't be assuming what PL's intent is through her text. You cannot possibly tell why she typed how she did and what her reasoning is behind it.

    Once again, kettle and pot. You are just as guilty as what you believe PL to be doing.

    Still, it does not change the fact that Living Ichigo himself said it was fiberglass and he has never worked with fiberglass before.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:39 No.5081074
         File1319017149.png-(199 KB, 547x311, mamipunch.png)
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    > Somebody says one thing
    > Suddenly they have a shit holier than thou attitude and they're a gigantic cunt about everything
    If you can find a post like that anywhere that doesn't apply to LI's shit mask then maybe I'll believe PL acts like that
    But I doubt you'll find it
    Goddamn stop being funny I need to wake up tomorrow
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:41 No.5081076
    You are being even more guilty to further assume you would know exactly how she would post.

    Bunny Mage, go to bed. Oh, and this is a formulated opinion on how much you hate PL, how often you claim you don't care yet still post, and call everyone PL fangirls, "goons", etc. (same words BM uses).

    Also, I find it funny that Bunny Mage abbreviated to BM stands for Bowel Movement, which pretty much sums up all of their posts, as shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:41 No.5081077
    LI has made several very rational posts concerning the matters at hand and explaning everything. You haven't taken any of it into account and instead have just automatically dismissed it all because it goes against your campaign. You aren't interested in debate, you're interest in being a part of a 4chan lynch mob. No different than what people did with pixyteri or others.


    >"No I didn't, here, let me explain in detail, how things are and why it might appear that way.."


    Go ahead and burn those lynch torches. But don't claim to be a rational individual. This whole thread is stupidity and childishness.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:43 No.5081080
    I haven't "assumed" anything. She posted her judgment as a fact, NOT an opinion. You don't get to say "no she didnt mean what she said because her english is bad".
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:44 No.5081082
         File1319017454.jpg-(45 KB, 500x400, takanestare.jpg)
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    But he admitted to lying and cheating
    In fact it says he admitted earlier in the thread
    It literally makes your entire argument invalid
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:44 No.5081083
    His "explanations" are just as flawed as his tutorial. I have already looked into it and discredited it since it appears faulty and does not match up.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:44 No.5081087
    >You can believe it based on them looking similar, but you don't know for certain.

    Please, I would love for you to give ANY evidence supporting that it's NOT a bought mask. In this hobby, it's REALLY easy to tell when someone makes something and when they don't when you are able to compare it to another (in this case, we are comparing his helmet to an ebay one). When people actually make their own shit, it never looks THIS CLOSE to something made by someone else unless they made a mold and copied it. But he is not claiming that (making THAT possibility invalid), nor would he have the skill to turn out such a perfect copy right off the bat. There is not a single detail that sets them apart. If you can find one, please share so we can laugh at your attempted nitpicking.

    This is the difference between our "opinions." We have evidence. You only have LI's word that he made it and your vendetta against PL and a raging boner saying "THERE'S NO WAY SHE COULD KNOW, SHE'S JUST A DUMB CUNT." You are trying SO HARD to discredit what PL has said that you are completely ignoring any evidence supporting her claim.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/19/11(Wed)05:45 No.5081088
    Alright then. Provide the evidence that proves he made it. Show me his progress pictures of an incomplete helmet. Show me him working on it. Give me facebook posts with pics of his progress as he made his hakama and kimono. Present your evidence that he himself used fiberglass and other materials to craft that mask in such a clean and gorgeous form.

    Without this, your entire defense is moot. Welcome to an adult debate.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:46 No.5081089
    You just assumed that if the guy mentioned it was made from wood, PL would say she was an expert as wood.

    Wow, you really are dense. Do you even realize you've already lost this debate long ago?
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:49 No.5081095
    What you are refering to is not an "adult debate". People could submit all of that and you'd just claim it's a lie or its been doctored or the pictures were stolen.

    You have an agenda as a PL fan, same as the rest of these stupid little girls. Nobody gives this much fuck about a stupid helmet.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:50 No.5081096
    Lying Dicktogo made several DAMAGE CONTROL posts.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:51 No.5081099
    >>5081095 Nobody gives this much fuck about a stupid helmet.

    Except you.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:52 No.5081101
    Once again, you are just as guilty for stating an opinion as fact.

    You sure do love to assume a lot. Maybe because it means make an ass out of you and me. That, and you are BM, basically, shit.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/19/11(Wed)05:53 No.5081105
         File1319018034.jpg-(16 KB, 318x318, katt-williams.jpg)
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    If you can prove me wrong. I'd give my word based on the identity that I carry as a tripfag that I'd back off. But you'd need to prove to me that you have proof clearly displaying he made that helmet. I'm not some fucking ignorant ass hat who ignores proof that goes against my beliefs. If you can prove me wrong I will accept that because unlike a 12 yr old ass, I can accept being wrong if proven to be.

    Now I'll wait for that proof. Until then, you can't make a statement against my stance that proves me wrong. I have given you your window of opportunity. Take it or flake it.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:57 No.5081111
         File1319018259.jpg-(65 KB, 305x307, mamilook.jpg)
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    In case you forgot to look or notice anything
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:58 No.5081113
    >LI has made several very rational posts
    >rational posts


    Seriously? He constantly contradicts himself and changes his story virtually the very next day.

    I don't tend to like /cgl/ a whole lot, my gf once got targeted by a thread here, but this guy deserves a shitstorm. I'm not even trying to "be a part of it," I just can't help but be compelled to reply to your god-awful postings. Much like >>5081068
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:01 No.5081116
         File1319018472.png-(157 KB, 250x381, those aren't my breast pads i'(...).png)
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    > mfw QUADS
    I don't feel bad about posting this because this thread is already autosaging
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:01 No.5081119
    So in other words you'll act like a jealous prick and make an ass out of yourself until you get proven wrong. It's Jessica Nigri all over again.

    But contrary to what you and the other PL fangirl dorks keep insisting I am not a fan of LI. I don't care about him, her, or this stupid pointless contest. I've simply argued that PL is not an expert and should stop posing her stupid layman opinions as facts.

    And yes, I've made the mistake of honoring you little whiny minions with replies when I should have just told you all that you're fucking idiots and ignored you. It's like trying to argue with adolescent girls about how Justin Bieber has bad hair.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:05 No.5081127
         File1319018708.jpg-(55 KB, 414x342, 1303708145825.jpg)
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    I love how every LI supporter thinks that we will debunk anything that supports him. It's not like all of the evidence that has been uncovered against him is fake or made up. Have you SEEN these posts?
    Solid evidence. This is something we have been asking for you to present in order to support your arguments, but you have none.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:05 No.5081128
    And again, a hypocrite. There is no way you could possibly tell what PL's intent was through reading broken English text (Doesn't this argument sound familiar? About fiberglass and masks? Hmmm).
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:05 No.5081129
         File1319018743.jpg-(41 KB, 274x325, 1318386154778.jpg)
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    > So what you're saying is you're going to have your opinion until it's proved to be wrong

    Isn't this what people do with opinions I'm confused

    I mean you're doing it right now kind of

    Refusing to back off of Pikminlink (whom you brought up in the first place, classy) until you either convert everyone to your side or until you feel that they know they're wrong

    Also you'd have to be following some shit if you found that image in the first place so stop lying
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/19/11(Wed)06:07 No.5081132
    Hahaha. Diverting to a past issue? Cute but irrelevant.

    This ain't about Jessica, this ain't about Living Ichigo, this ain't about Pikminlink. You want to argue that PL is not an expert. But you have not even once tried to justify this with any other evidence beyond the one comment IN RELATION to Living Ichigo's mask. So obviously like >>5081129 said. If you're gonna gripe about a comment related to this overall issue we've been paying attention to. You care about this to some degree. Defend your point or stop running in circles.

    You made a mistake, and that was thinking that stating the same piece of evidence and why you don't like it is going to make you seem like you can argue.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:08 No.5081134
         File1319018934.jpg-(41 KB, 509x349, haters gonna hate.jpg)
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    >should stop posing her stupid layman opinions as facts
    U mad?
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:09 No.5081135
    Mentions Jessica Nigiri. Another point towards you being Bunny Mage, also again with the PL Fan names and pretending you don't care.

    No one hated on PL until Bunny Mage came in and was the only person hating.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:10 No.5081137

    Her english is fine. Your attempts to dismiss incriminating statements are more than a little desperate.

    >implying your irrational hatred towards LI isn't because you're a PL supporter

    Nah, that couldn't be it. You must just have a REALLY, REALLY passionate love of prop helmet discussions.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:11 No.5081138
    Or rather, is* (not was) the only person hating on PL.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:11 No.5081140
    Yeah out of curiosity Bunny Mage why did you drop your trip

    It's not like anyone can see you and we already hate your dumb ass from the last thread

    Our opinions of you will not change at all
    >> Bunny Mage !TvNZI.MfJE!!K5cz4Oivace 10/19/11(Wed)06:12 No.5081141
    It's kind of funny, since from what I understand "LI" is also pikminlink's first name.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:13 No.5081145
         File1319019235.jpg-(37 KB, 300x293, let me bury myself in the fire(...).jpg)
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    But........ you started....................... the conversation............................ and you wouldn't drop it at all....................................................

    Is this what someone going full retard looks like
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/19/11(Wed)06:14 No.5081146
    Yeah I lol'd at that way back when, but yeah she sometimes goes by Li. Or Liz. *shrug*
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:14 No.5081147
    Coming from someone who has poor English as well, your statement doesn't say much. Her English, no offense to her, is riddled with grammatical errors and improper set-up. This can and will cause some confusion in reading comprehension.

    Yet, I still do not understand how you jumped to such conclusions of her pushing her opinions as fact or even how you believe you can understand her intent.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:15 No.5081149
    I didn't "start a conversation". I gave my opinion. YOU whiny motherfuckers wanted to argue with me.

    Admit it, you just can't stand when ANYTHING negative is said about pikminlink. If someone said they saw her picking her nose in a parking lot you'd leap up to say "NO SHE DIDN'T UR A LIAR IT WAS AN ITCH!"
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:16 No.5081150
    She never goes by "Liz", that was a nickname someone else came up for her. She only refers to herself as "Li".
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:17 No.5081153
    Bunny Mage, stop dropping your trip, we all know its you. You say the same shit all the time.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:17 No.5081155
    >implying your irrational hatred towards LI isn't because you're a PL supporter

    I can't hate him because he's a huge tool?

    It has already been stated that this whole discussion is not about LI or PL or the OH contest or any of that, it's that you are a FUCKING RETARDED and some of us are drawn to reply to you. If this was about the contest, I would honestly like Kyle to win...but, again, that's not the point of what this discussion is about.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:20 No.5081159
         File1319019601.jpg-(17 KB, 310x206, 1295405743646.jpg)
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    >>5081145 Is this what someone going full retard looks like

    I'm afraid it is.
    >> Herbert 10/19/11(Wed)06:20 No.5081160
    SOMEONE is mad.

    I don't know either of these guys, but to me it's pretty obvious one of them has some real growing talent, and the other is an ebayer.

    I've been making stuff sine LOOOONG before Cosplay became popular. I was mainly in the Sci-Fi circuit originally. I'd consider myself of a HIGH skill level when it comes to almost any material now. I work in 'glass, urethane, silicone, latex, wood, paper, metal... you name it, I probably used it.

    From that experience, I can assure you that PL is the real deal. There's a few flaws and faults here and there, but that's how you can tell she's actually good, and that the costumes are hand made.

    LI's mask is TOO GOOD. It's factory grade good. The kind of quality you can only get with machines that cost more than 99% of the people in the world can afford.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/19/11(Wed)06:21 No.5081162
    Then I must have witnessed some strange freak of nature or a weird scenario? oh well. Whatevs.

    You gave an opinion. And people didn't agree with it. So they brought up their point. And you immediately called them out for being PL fans. Then after they decided to present facts about the BIG PICTURE. You kept on rattling on about PL's attitude. All you care about is PL, we are talking about a case of what could be fraud in the realm of prop making.

    You can't seem to look past that to get what's going on and will continue to bash anyone against you for liking PL when in REALITY, and yes, this is my intention, is to make a statement towards or against the integrity of LI and the making of that mask vs it being store bought.
    >> Bunny Mage !TvNZI.MfJE!!K5cz4Oivace 10/19/11(Wed)06:21 No.5081163
    Don't give me that, Miyu! It's obvious it's you!

    It's interesting though that I am now somehow associated with all things negative concerning Pikminlink.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:22 No.5081165
         File1319019722.jpg-(173 KB, 717x720, shocked makoto.jpg)
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    > 2011
    > Not expecting /cgl/ to rip you a new anus for having an opinion

    But seriously you've contradicted yourself a couple of times, put words in people's mouths, and basically been a general asshat

    If you want the argument to die then let it die

    > Implying I didn't vote for Sorceress Edea
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:50 No.5081166
    > 2011
    > Not expecting /cgl/ to rip you a new anus for having an opinion

    But seriously you've contradicted yourself a couple of times, put words in people's mouths, and basically been a general asshat

    If you want the argument to die then let it die

    > Implying I didn't vote for Sorceress Edea
    >> Arcane Static !!bHYCDTmV/8U 10/19/11(Wed)06:51 No.5081170
         File1319021460.png-(72 KB, 698x658, churuyahahaha.png)
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    So I was directed to this thread from the outside. I was having a nap, and when I woke up, this was brought to my attention.

    I cannot, CANNOT believe that you people are having this discussion whatsoever. However, please do not stop doing it! Please keep arguing about whatever you are actually arguing about, because by Jove, this thread makes me giggle. It's like putting two random bugs in a jar, ones that would normally not ever deal with each other, and seeing which one lasts the longest. I'm rooting for the grasshopper with one leg and a lazy eye, though the mantis with the safety scissors and retard helmet is doing just as well.

    I wonder which side will get tired and go back to eating glue first.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:51 No.5081172
         File1319021467.gif-(14 KB, 247x300, Wut.gif)
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    if this thread pics up in a new one, please link it here. Work tomorrow and this is just too damn amusing.

    Also, I have a new respect for Maguma.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:51 No.5081179
    No one gives a shit to what you have to say. GTFO Bunny Mage.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/19/11(Wed)06:56 No.5081188
    Keep on Keepin' on BD

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