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  • File : 1318821296.png-(45 KB, 753x224, header.png)
    45 KB ALA Thread Jkid !yYT/u4PSNE 10/16/11(Sun)23:14 No.5072370  
    So I am going to Anime Los Angeles. This is my first time going to a Con on the West Coast. I've never been to Los Angeles before either. I've heard great things about the cosplayers on the West Coast that are on here. I am looking forward to meeting them. I'll be taking pictures since I'm a cosplay photographer. I'm planning to cosplay myself. Several guests include Stan Sakai, Dave Merrill, and Tadao Tomomatsu. Is there a theme to this Con? So who else is coming?
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 10/16/11(Sun)23:16 No.5072379
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    >> DERPYHOOVES 10/16/11(Sun)23:16 No.5072381
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    I would be going, if I had enough money
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 10/16/11(Sun)23:19 No.5072390
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    Bringing Boris and my Pop'n Masamune with me for certain. If I manage to fix Barnaby in time I might bring him too.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)23:19 No.5072396
    Eh I didn't really like ALA. I prefer PMX. Go to Comikaze thats in November 5-6.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 10/16/11(Sun)23:22 No.5072413
    Why are you coming we're all just going to get retarded at night anyway just stay on the nerdier side of the country, east coast GOD
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)23:22 No.5072417
    I love ALA. It's like, start of the year-con that gets me excited to see everyone again at Fanime. It's nice and cozy but it's really growing. I hope you have fun!

    I might try and do Artist Alley or just go for fun but cosplays include Ginshuu(Amatsuki), Tomoe(Tiger and Bunny), and hopefully Trap!Katsura(Gintoki).
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)23:27 No.5072448
    From what I've seen of the shitty pictures you've posted, you need a better camera before you can call yourself a "cosplay photographer." For now, you're just someone who takes pictures with, at best, a point and shoot.

    The only reason people go to ALA is to show off their cosplays and to party. It's nice to meet people but it's not really something I'd go cross-country for, I'd save that for Anime Expo or Fanime. Possibly Sakura-con.
    >> Jkid !yYT/u4PSNE 10/16/11(Sun)23:29 No.5072461
    Why do you base my history on events that transpired over the internet? Seriously, I am a good person outside from the internet. You haven't seen that side of me yet. Don't jump to conclusions yet.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)23:29 No.5072467
    please don't.

    oh god please do not come to ala.
    >> Tim 10/16/11(Sun)23:32 No.5072483
    Dunno if it's worth flying in from the East Coast for. It's pretty small and generally a hangout con. Not saying you can't make friends here, but if you don't have people you know already, it might be kinda iffy? You'll probably spend most of the time just wandering around and taking pictures, I guess.

    I'll be going if I snag an AA table. This year was surprisingly good in terms of money, so hopefully next year's will be a repeat of that.
    >> Jkid !yYT/u4PSNE 10/16/11(Sun)23:34 No.5072492
    Deal with it. Deal with me being there as I have dealt with all the bullshit I've experienced in my life. Things turn out well when Hobbes decided to come to a West Coast Con.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)23:37 No.5072517
    Except, and I hate to say it, Hobbes isn't a social reject like you. East coast cons already have to deal with you're incredible awkwardness, and west coast sure as hell doesn't either.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)23:37 No.5072520
    why would you go to ALA if you have to travel that far? just wait for AX if you're really wanting to show up in LA. it's a much bigger convention and one of the major ones where people are going to debut stuff at.
    >> Ash !!/PBda20Hmwn 10/16/11(Sun)23:39 No.5072532
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    oh god
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 10/16/11(Sun)23:42 No.5072562
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    Oh man, I'm going, and bringing Reddickies with me as well as Don Kanonji.

    Grimmjow, Aizen, and Ulquiorra up in this bitch!
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/16/11(Sun)23:51 No.5072616
    The only theme is that Sunday has a theme. and this year I believe the theme is Mecha.

    I'll be there, working and hosting events and panels. Participating in the masquerade hopefully.
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 10/17/11(Mon)00:08 No.5072720
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    So Jkid asked me to post here for him that the Op in this thread isn't him, and that he's being impersonated. He also just stated that he is NOT coming to ALA.

    Huh, well alright.
    >> M3RC !M99////FLU 10/17/11(Mon)00:58 No.5072938
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    I'm bringin' Raoul Duke and Wolfwood.
    Shit's gonna be so cash.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 10/17/11(Mon)01:01 No.5072945
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    I.... what?
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)01:02 No.5072947
    Protip: Hobbes is still a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)01:07 No.5072959
    A faggot with more friends and a better body than you'll ever have. I love that he became popular here because of trolling and kept being a dick and had people flock to him instead of being a nice beta faggot like most of the guys here are
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)01:10 No.5072970
    Sup hobbes.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)01:11 No.5072972
    Don't make me laugh. Hobbes and Jkid are on alternate sides of the same ronery coin.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)01:14 No.5072981
    The Entire /cglchat2/ board
    Him posing happily with the likes of Freeman and Sieg
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 10/17/11(Mon)01:15 No.5072985
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    I talked to him on AIM. Apparently someone stole his tripcode and has been impersonating him.

    Hate to ruin your fun, but Hobbes is a bro of mine.
    >> Kaguya is a !BEaRD8DGAI 10/17/11(Mon)01:16 No.5072987
    Either way, they're getting offered some of Mister Cat's Ghost Vodka.
    >> Dead !Mau55LLxj. 10/17/11(Mon)01:17 No.5072996
    Not going.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)01:18 No.5072999
    Those are internet friends. And the ones who have met him irl laugh at him behind his back.

    Face it, both JKid and Hobbes are socially awkward fucks. Hobbes just works out while being forever alone.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 10/17/11(Mon)01:18 No.5073001

    That's not a lot of people. :p
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)01:32 No.5073055
    Explain how Hobbes is always listed in crush threads and favorite tripfag threads.

    How about the thread about his birthday which got an overwhelming amount of positive votes?

    Then there's the fact that /cglchat2/ is the most popular TC room beating out the more "on topic" /cglchat/

    Hobbes is a bro, alpha as fuck, can troll with the best of people and just does not give a damn
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)01:33 No.5073060
    We need beer pong out on the pool deck this year. Do you guys think hotel staff will let that fly?
    >> Dead !Mau55LLxj. 10/17/11(Mon)01:34 No.5073070
    Hell no.

    IF I still did gaming/tabletop, I could have found a way to...

    Room party?
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)01:34 No.5073071
    Also about as deep in the closet as grandma's christmas sweaters
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 10/17/11(Mon)01:46 No.5073106
    Only the mods and jkid himself know the truth behind that one. Seems like a cover story to back out last second, but I will agree the typing style in these posts doesn't match Jkid's autistic touch all that well.

    Either way, I don't hope to see Jkid at ALA.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)01:46 No.5073109
    He does have a few vocal fans. It is then posting in the threads. But this is all over the internet, and meaningless.
    Also, /cglchat, 17 live, /cglchat2 0 live. His chat has been dead for eons. Only occasionally does he rally ppl into there.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)01:53 No.5073124
    I heard hobbes moved on to /soc/ or some shit?
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 10/17/11(Mon)01:53 No.5073128
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    >meanwhile in rl
    >> dildos !/SwoleKqOo 10/17/11(Mon)01:56 No.5073138
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    taken out of context. he fucked 3 bitches in their hotel penthouse suite right after this was taken
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 10/17/11(Mon)01:59 No.5073140

    Dude Hobbes has no game who are you kidding LOL
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)02:03 No.5073152
    I'm bringin my waffle iron, breakfast will be served.

    If I like you, you'll get waffles.

    If I don't, laxative waffles.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 10/17/11(Mon)02:03 No.5073154
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    Not even his shoe wants to be around him.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 10/17/11(Mon)02:17 No.5073186

    Make ambien waffles
    >> Dead !Mau55LLxj. 10/17/11(Mon)02:20 No.5073193
    Just make waffles with Tequila Syrup, and Vodka in the Batter.
    >> THE TRUTH ABOUT JKID THE TRUTH ABOUT JKID 10/17/11(Mon)02:24 No.5073202
    >> dildos !/SwoleKqOo 10/17/11(Mon)02:24 No.5073204
         File1318832663.jpg-(62 KB, 600x337, letmeexplaincaptioned.jpg)
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    >Vodka in the Batter

    alcohol evaporates at a certain, lower than waffle baking temperature
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 10/17/11(Mon)02:24 No.5073206
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    This sounds delicious for the strangest of reasons.
    >> Dead !Mau55LLxj. 10/17/11(Mon)02:28 No.5073213
    Well shit. Explain why EMT puts Jack on EVERYTHING?
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 10/17/11(Mon)02:30 No.5073223
    Brotip: You can bake anything as long as you have cannabutter.

    Brotip: Soak gummy bears in vodka, kids

    Brotip: Mix an alcoholic drink with you in an inconspicuous gatorade bottle and walk around a con at all times with it

    Brotip: Or just be like Charizard and have a bottle of wild turkey in your jacket at all times
    >> dildos !/SwoleKqOo 10/17/11(Mon)02:31 No.5073227
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    because whiskey has flavor, more specifically the taste of the oak barrels it was aged in. Thats why kids can order shit with jack daniels sauce made with real jack daniels at TGIF

    vodka, otherwise known as tasteless alcohol (no that "makes me wants to throw up taste" is not an actual taste) Will do absolutely nothing.

    are u stupid or just plain stupid?
    >> Ash !!/PBda20Hmwn 10/17/11(Mon)02:49 No.5073299

    Lisa Frank flask in pocket all con long!
    >> Dead !Mau55LLxj. 10/17/11(Mon)02:51 No.5073305
    I don't drink much, so I wouldn't know.

    So then put Whiskey in the waffle batter. JUST MAKE SOME TASTY WAFFLES.
    >> dildos !/SwoleKqOo 10/17/11(Mon)02:55 No.5073311
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    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 10/17/11(Mon)02:56 No.5073320
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    It's nearly midnight and I should not be craving Whiskey Waffles right now.
    >> Dead !Mau55LLxj. 10/17/11(Mon)02:58 No.5073330
    Whiskey Waffles with Jack Daniels Bacon.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 10/17/11(Mon)03:04 No.5073343
    >> Ash !!/PBda20Hmwn 10/17/11(Mon)03:13 No.5073369
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    >> itaqueen !!60RF7p3/Emf 10/17/11(Mon)03:16 No.5073376
    I'm going to do my best to make it, but I start college the same week so I'll probably only be there Saturday and Sunday if I do make it.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/17/11(Mon)03:32 No.5073405
    So yeah. ALA. Lets get on topic about that.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/17/11(Mon)03:32 No.5073409
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    ITT: ALAs of years past to hype for the year to come
    >> Duralath !Qd72V9GYSk 10/17/11(Mon)04:00 No.5073492
    Game on, Maguma.

    So you all should come to ALA. Fuck what the haters say. Come by, say hi, and have a drink, I think.
    >> itaqueen !!60RF7p3/Emf 10/17/11(Mon)04:05 No.5073510
    "you think"
    that's not terribly encouraging!
    >> Da0 !pv64UU0pH. 10/17/11(Mon)04:12 No.5073541
    Madatory to be there, what with staffing, panels hostings and other stuffs.

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