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  • File : 1318806625.png-(103 KB, 283x244, 1276227687265.png)
    103 KB In-character acting Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)19:10 No.5071230  
    How many of you get a kick out of staying in-character when in cosplay? I've never cosplayed before, but every time I think of it, that's the #1 reason I want to do it. I don't like playing dress-up so much as I like roleplaying interesting characters. I've got a ton of ideas for what I'd do - cosplay as Venkmen from Ghostbusters, complete with a home-made blippy-boopy hand-scanner thing, walk up to random people, scan them, then give them a funny look and back away sloooowly. Or cosplay as Kyle Reece from Terminator, walk up to all the Miku cosplayers, and do the eye-point thing (I'm WATCHING you, faggot.)

    Really, the possibilities are endless, and in a convention setting you'd have so many chances to play off of other cosplayers. But is that something most cosplayers like to do? Or do they just pose for pictures and spout kawaii desu desu~ bullshit all day?

    This pretty much determines if I want to get into cons and cosplay. I'm too shy to lay out that much money, time and effort just to be super-awkward penguin even among nerds.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)19:40 No.5071335
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    So if /cgl/ is any indication, it's nothing but the same backstabbing bitchy bullshit from high school but with 20-somethings who ought to be far, far past this bullshit.

    Perhaps there's something to the stereotype of nerds as emotionally immature manchildren after all.
    >> Bratty-chan !!7kSIVz8rDEA 10/16/11(Sun)19:44 No.5071351
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    If you go into character comically, it will probably be viewed as amusing. As long as you're not overbearing or acting like a twat, you need to drop the charade sometimes.

    But it's acceptable to be in character and liked.
    >> Schadelbrecher !!VGk3Ris4UGq 10/16/11(Sun)19:50 No.5071373
    It really does depend.
    And from the sounds of it, you're going to take it too far.
    You should only do it if it's obvious that they other person knows what character you are, otherwise you're going to be a total douche.

    Just because you're cosplaying an asshole, doesn't give you a permit to be one.
    Use smart judgment.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)19:50 No.5071374

    I dunno. /cg/ looks nothing like it did even six months ago. Actual cosplay threads are nonexistent. The people who make the threads that dominate /cgl/ are not the kind of people I'd want to be within a mile of.

    Oh well. Guess I'll spend my money on a new computer.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)19:52 No.5071378
    >And from the sounds of it, you're going to take it too far.

    Yeah if I want to really fit in I'll have to physically smash into people like all the psychos trying for "glomps."
    >> Neomeris !B09qAmvStc 10/16/11(Sun)19:52 No.5071379

    There are some cosplays that this aspect of it seems interesting. But there's also others that aren't as appealing. It would seem to be incredibly tiring having to cosplay and roleplay as somebody like Kamina or Finn for example. Or it might come over pretty bad to some people when roleplaying someone as arrogant and a loner as Grimmjow. They would be fun to do for a little while, but I don't know about doing it for a whole day.

    But on the other hand it would be kickass to "roleplay" as the Old Spice guy. And cosplaying Hei would seem pretty relaxing depending on what you're going for.

    So all in all, it depends. With some characters it might appeal to me, with others not so much.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)19:55 No.5071384
    It really depends on the character. If it's a fun and enjoyable character like Deadpool, then hell yeah. If it's some stupid emo jackass character then hell no.

    I do gotta say I loved walking around in my Deadpool cosplay with forks between my fingers and imitating Wolverine - I'm pretty sure the people at the con had the same reaction.

    That is, except for the guy I accidentally scraped with them. Thank God he was pretty cool about it
    >> Neomeris !B09qAmvStc 10/16/11(Sun)19:55 No.5071387

    Oh man, rereading this post makes me realize what kind of a clusterfuck it is. I really ought to be going to bed...
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)20:30 No.5071542
    Are you cosplaying a super-awkward penguin ?
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)21:10 No.5071695
    >cosplay as Venkmen from Ghostbusters, complete with a home-made blippy-boopy hand-scanner thing, walk up to random people, scan them, then give them a funny look and back away sloooowly. Or cosplay as Kyle Reece from Terminator, walk up to all the Miku cosplayers, and do the eye-point thing

    That's not being in character...
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)02:51 No.5073306
    I'm a little tempted to with a future cosplay. I plan on being Mrs. Briefs and walk around with a plate of sweets and try to fatten people up like she does. As much fun as it seems in my head, I know I couldn't or wouldn't want to stay in character the entire weekend. I'll probably just roleplay I guess around other DBZ characters. Gotta be myself some time.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 10/17/11(Mon)02:59 No.5073332
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    It depends on the character, and to be honest, a lot of people get bugged by those who are in character every waking moment. This is especially so for the asshole types and the outright loud and annoying types. It's one thing to respond to someone in character if they imply that's the kind of reaction they want, or if another character from your series says something to you in character, but regardless, think before you act. People would like to talk to you too, not just your character.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)03:08 No.5073356
    I only like staying in-character if I'm cosplaying something horror related but I do break character if I'm chatting with people or if I notice that I'm scaring them too badly.

    As for bumping into people that stay in-character (and being in-character yourself) there's a fine line between "Oh this is cool!" and "...this is creepy/annoying."

    I'll never forget this one Joker cosplayer that was super in character and refused to break it even when we wanted him to leae us alone. It was very creepy and people in the masquerade line where it was happening were all side-eyeing him and trying to act like he wasn't there.

    Being in-character is fun and adds another element to the realism of your costume but please know when you should break character or back off. Especially if you're making people uncomfortable or if they're trying to talk to/ask you about something that has nothing to do with your character.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)03:12 No.5073367
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    Told this story here once before.
    >Cosplay as Integra of Hellsing
    >Everyone keeps asking me if I've seen the Alucard walking around
    >Can't find him
    >Can't find him
    >Still can't find him ALL I WANT IS A PICTURE WITH YOU, DAMMIT
    >Finally find him at a Kuroshit photoshoot
    >Wait for the shoot to finish
    >Kuro cosplayers disperse NOWS MY CHANCE
    >Stomp up to Alucard yelling "Where the bloody hell have you been, Alucard?! I've been looking for you for hours!" in my best British accent.
    >Alucard stammers and cowers
    >Feel bad about it to this day
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)03:23 No.5073384
    >Be australian
    >cosplay as an Australian character
    >go to cons in america
    >in character 24/7
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)03:30 No.5073402
    It's obnoxious to be in character first. What i mean by that is, it's obnoxious to initiate a conversation or interaction with someone as a character. if someone makes it clear that they know who you are, and like call out a line or wave or ask for a picture, that's a great time to act in character. they're on board with it and it'll get a laugh. it's bad to walk up to someone who wasn't talking to you and act in character, even if they're dressed as something from the same series as you are. It's awkward as fuck, and odds are you'll look like an obnoxious aspie to them and everyone around than that you'll be funny and steal the show.

    You might be able to make somewhat of an exception at a photoshoot, just don't overdo it. Also Freeman posted a really good list of times its never appropriate to be in character but I don't remember them all.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/17/11(Mon)03:35 No.5073414
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    Always fun. Especially when you run into characters that you have any amount of rivalry or dialogue towards. Always fun to challenge Kens when in Ryu. Never a dull moment trying to put out a Natsu's flames or grudgingly butt heads. Yokos? NICE BODY-DA! Cody? JACKPOT! Gettin' in the zone makes it that much more fun~
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)03:40 No.5073436
    A girl tried to tell me she liked my Jan Valentine cosplay as I was rushing by and I gave her the finger and told her to go fuck herself in character. I met up with her later and she was amused, but i got some nasty glares for it from other people.

    It's a decent ice breaker, but if the other person is speaking normal at you for god's sake drop the act.

    I want to cosplay a TF2 class and I'm hoping I can get away with yelling voice macros from the game at other classes.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)03:48 No.5073460
    >I want to cosplay a TF2 class and I'm hoping I can get away with yelling voice macros from the game at other classes.

    You absolutely can, just don't scream.
    >> Raticate !VbtyBtrZ9A 10/17/11(Mon)04:56 No.5073638
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    Staying in-character is super fun, it's just all a matter of knowing when to do it. If someone comes up to me and addresses me as my character, I'll hop in-character and respond in kind. But if they come up and ask about the costume or something, I'm sure to drop into normalmode. It's just a matter of reading social cues, because if you're cosplaying a character who's overwhelmingly weird or who is a total douchefuck, you will come off that way to someone who's not engaging you as said character.

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