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  • File : 1318631669.png-(124 KB, 300x300, tumblr_lfnm87JPvx1qddyb1o1_400.png)
    124 KB CON HORROR STORIES THREAD!! Alejandro !k/ssKNIKew 10/14/11(Fri)18:34 No.5064621  
    I am so fucking ill right now. It is time, need to be in bed reading things and I can't be the only person.

    So CON HORROR STORIES go go go.

    also anything not posted on should be posted here!
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)18:39 No.5064635
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    some creeper story i had saved
    >> Anonymous 10/15/11(Sat)06:02 No.5066143
    >Second anime con
    >Take younger brother this time
    >He's cosplaying vash, we ordered his costume so he looks alright, he's 14 at the time
    >Day goes fine
    >Leave him for one moment at a table in the food court to go piss
    >Come back he's sat with a creeper looking uncomfortable
    >"Hello." I say, staring down at this greasy fat fuck
    >"Hi." he quickly snaps and continues talking in length about yaoi with my little bro
    >"Excuse me but could you fuck off? He's 15, I don't want him knowing about that shit just yet."
    >Get into huge debate on sex at 15 and 'gay rights', all sorts of stuff that was not relevent to me asking him to leave.
    >We end up leaving our table to get away from him

    I would be fine with him discussing yaoi with a decent human being, but not with somebody who was asking us where our hotel was and what kinda undies he was wearing. Nooope.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/11(Sat)08:16 No.5066274
    bump for horrorrrr
    >> Anonymous 10/15/11(Sat)08:24 No.5066283
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    i have so much more in my dads computer but the internet is limited. only posting what i have access to :/ enjoy!
    >> Bratty-chan !!7kSIVz8rDEA 10/15/11(Sat)08:37 No.5066295
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    >> Bratty-chan !!7kSIVz8rDEA 10/15/11(Sat)08:38 No.5066297
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    >> Bratty-chan !!7kSIVz8rDEA 10/15/11(Sat)08:40 No.5066300
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    >> Anonymous 10/15/11(Sat)10:52 No.5066446
    >sheltered from sex

    What are you, Amish? I can understand not wanting him to HAVE sex, but trying to keep knowledge about sex from a 15-year-old won't turn out well.

    However, if you were just using that excuse to attempt and get out of an uncomfortable situation, that's okay.
    >> Bratty-chan !!7kSIVz8rDEA 10/15/11(Sat)10:57 No.5066448
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    >> Anonymous 10/15/11(Sat)11:39 No.5066499
    Bump! I must have more horror stories!
    >> Bratty-chan !!7kSIVz8rDEA 10/15/11(Sat)11:40 No.5066500
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    >> Anonymous 10/15/11(Sat)13:14 No.5066713
    Bump because I'm bored and too hungover to go to sleep just yet.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/11(Sat)13:21 No.5066731
    >be at small scale anime con with friends Moonpie and Platforms
    >Go visit Platform's friend in the Artist Alley
    >Platforms asks her artist friend to show us his "good art"
    >Artist dude pulls out sketchbook full of lovingly rendered dog wieners
    >Platforms is all "Isn't it awesome!?"
    >Moonpie quietly closes sketchbook, hands it to artist dude, and disappears in a puff of smoke.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/11(Sat)13:43 No.5066762
    I'm pretty sure it was to dissuade the grown man who was asking what kind of underwear he was wearing and who was thinking of hitting that
    >> Anonymous 10/15/11(Sat)13:45 No.5066766
    >cosplaying matryoshka miku
    >having fun
    >weird retarded boy comes to me
    > shouts "miiku!"
    >comes to me and sink his face in my boobs
    >im like WTF but didnt do anything cuz boy rlly looked retarded.
    >he goes away
    >random girl comes to me after my attack
    >"he acts retarded so he can do that to all the girls, he rlly isnt"
    >> Anonymous 10/15/11(Sat)13:56 No.5066782
    My current house mate collect and keeps her used tampons, used period pads and doesn't air her room out, or wash her clothing.

    Serious, she moved in two weeks ago and has washed twice, once every week. She fucking stinks and her clothes smell horirble too, she doesn't even buy washing stuff, stays in her room away from us all the time though we try to encourage her to be a grown up like the rest of us.

    Seriously psychotic weeb situation I'm in. I do want advice on this, it's not con-horror but weeb-horror, we just don't know what to do, we've tried hinting and being blunt that she needs to air the room out as the smell is creeping into the rest of the house, and the other issues, she'll do it once when we say to (washing herself that is) but never again. We, the sane house mates, feel it's kind of rude to keep bugging her about it, and also don't want to mother her any more, she's obviously never grown up, she needs to, we just don't know how.

    I can tell you more of her horrors if you'd like, it gets worse..
    >> Anonymous 10/15/11(Sat)13:59 No.5066790
    >> Anonymous 10/15/11(Sat)14:07 No.5066797
    >My current house mate collect and keeps her used tampons, used period pads

    What the fucking fly? More stories.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/11(Sat)14:09 No.5066802
    A main reason we're also treating her like the special snowflake she is is because she has something on us. Last year, in the first year of uni, her boyfriend near-mollested me and text-stalked myself and my best friend, the other house mate. It was really, really bad, I won't go into details out of slight fear they might see this, but when I told my Mum about what happened she advised me to report it to the police, in the end I didn't though his drama with her continued.

    We told her that he had been harassing us behind her back, and the incident with me, and she sympathised with him and said 'she would talk to him, he'll probably cry about having no friends as his only problem is being terirble with first impressions' MMM, special snowflake!~

    So that happened and we pretty much avoided him like wildfire, but she continued to not see the problem and dated him despite us. We were all signing our contract to rent around abouts then and panicked, it was all on edge because of us not allowed him to the house but she had nowhere else to go and we were rushed into it, so stupidly ended up signing up to live with her for a yeaer in this lovely house.

    So you see, we're in this situation now where she acts batshit insane special snowflake everybody else is wrong but me and we can't reaally do anything, out of fear that she'll bring this psycho rapist boyfriend round into our house, we've banned him from the house but.. It's only been two weeks, we're hoping he will never come round but if we step 'out of line' to her (like advising her to, idk, WASH?) then we think she might turn around all 'FUCK YOU GUYS' and bring him over a lot, which would make life hell..

    Complicated, no?
    >> Anonymous 10/15/11(Sat)14:16 No.5066812
    I'm tempted to run down and take a picture of her pile of used period things as she's not in, but also don't want to go in the room. The stentch of her room hits one in the face hard when you open the door, it seriously smells. Sort of like she's had food (or period items) in the sun and they've heated up through the day, that stale smell. Also not opened her windows though we keep asking her too, she's ruining that room with stinking it up, we're concerned she might ruin the whole house somehow and we'll lose our deposit, and as I said we've only been here for two weeks, it seriously smells already!

    A few other things she does is answer to anyone with a 'kawaii' "Nyah?". Also passes rude little (untrue) insults to us, like saying we smell and stuff when we're fine, commenting on our eyebrows being shaped and shaving our legs is somehow 'gross'. All sorts of shit and we again can't say anything back.

    Also she draws kawaii yaoi boys, her terrible creatures that she copyrights the hell out of allthough they're aweful, and she gives us little characters out of her world to 'be'. Calling us these japanese names all the time. It goes on, want more?
    >> Owl !HZCZPk.2.s 10/15/11(Sat)14:17 No.5066814
    Report him or get a restraining order, then she can't pull that shit on you guys. Who knows, she might even choose to move out in a RAGEQUIT type way. Most contracts require notice of someone moving out, or them to pay a month or two extra to cover them bailing.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/11(Sat)14:22 No.5066820
    Our contract is sort of shitty, i'm 80% sure that if somebody moves out or is kicked out we all have to pay their rent. Or something like that... I don't know. She's insanely tight on money so she won't move out, she'll just have him round all the time despite knowing I'm terrified of him and we all hate him etc.

    Also I don't think I can do anything, the stuff with him happened last year and he would deny everything, she would back him up and it would be a huge mess, I also have to see him everyday at uni, it'd just be.. very very difficult. We're just having to live very on edge and hope that nothing goes wrong. My sensible housemate and I are going to talk to her this week carefully about all the issues of her hygene, hopefully shit will work out, it could go either way.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/11(Sat)14:32 No.5066829
    I wish i could come and help. i'm ruthless when it comes to people like her. i'd barge into her room when shes out in a hasmat suit and decimate and bin her little collection and open the windows and spray and entire can of air freshener in the room and if she has a problem with it i'd give it to her straight and if she brought her freaky boyfriend over i'd manhandle him out the house.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/11(Sat)14:37 No.5066835
    I think I'll probably call the police if she brings him round out of having a general reason to fear him, I don't know the law on it. Surely somebody who mollested you being in your shared home is reason enough for him to be forced to leave? I don't know...
    >> Anonymous 10/15/11(Sat)14:41 No.5066841
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    I've been in a similar situation to you anon! The person I shared with collected their poo in tin foil under their bed. She got commited in the end.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/11(Sat)14:44 No.5066853
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    ...thats a hopeful outlook on what might happen here.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/11(Sat)14:44 No.5066854
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    If you still have the texts and whatnot, the amount of time doesn't matter much. There's also the fact that multiple people are witnesses to the ordeal.

    Also, you may want to check with your landlord - most places require tenants to keep safe and clean living conditions to avoid health hazards and attraction of pests. Keeping a collection of spoiled blood in your room and avoiding bathing/cleaning would both violate that, and could be grounds for forced removal.

    Shit, there could even be something in there about responsibility for guest conduct, so if she invites creepy guy over and he starts to be a creep, that's on her, too.

    Yes, you would have to pay the full rent regardless of how many people are there, but if you can line up another housemate, you may only have to deal with that for one month, tops. If you're fast enough, you may be able to pay the full month rent, but move the new person in halfway through the month and make half of your over-expense back.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/11(Sat)14:50 No.5066876
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    Some of her used period things amongst the clutter of her desk, the pile is covered by things this is only part of it..
    >> Anonymous 10/15/11(Sat)15:08 No.5066919
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    >> Anonymous 10/15/11(Sat)15:32 No.5066986
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    >> Anonymous 10/15/11(Sat)22:51 No.5068264
    If ypu live in northern Nevada I extend this offer to you.

    I can stuff clay pigeons with pleasant scented flower petals and herbs. And Launch them through her windows.

    I'll come to the door and apologize. I'm an engineering student and my catapult/trebuchet malfunctioned.
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 10/15/11(Sat)22:51 No.5068269
    Oh, yay, another N. Nevaden.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/11(Sat)22:55 No.5068280
    Get better hun :<
    I'm sick too, so let's drink lots of fluids and get lots of rest!
    >> Anonymous 10/15/11(Sat)22:55 No.5068285
    Lol pretty sure that one right there is my neighbor. Shes fucking nuts.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/11(Sat)23:14 No.5068363
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    It's just....On her desk...Just sitting there like that's normal....Touching all her other things.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/11(Sat)23:17 No.5068379
    Print photos of the mess and give them to your landlord
    Or post them around uni with a photo of her and her name attatched
    >> Anonymous 10/15/11(Sat)23:19 No.5068387

    >> Anonymous 10/15/11(Sat)23:23 No.5068409
    This isn't a bad idea , plus when the landlord comes round to repair the damage he can see/smell the mess or shell clean it up
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)00:33 No.5068702
    Except for the used tampons thing, sounds like my sister, she's a disgusting human being.
    Wore the same clothes every day, in and out of the house, and washed her clothes twice maybe three times in three months.
    She only has right now (staying at my place): 2X shorts, 2X tshirts, one pair of pants, and maybe four pairs of underwear and socks.
    She's gone now, but it fucking STUNK LIKE SHIT.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)00:55 No.5068813
    First time lurker here, I've heard a few stories from female friends about what they call "creepers" and it's usually just a well meaning but awkward borderline aspie that ends up being emotionally crushed for saying something unusual. I'd always thought women were cruel and heartless for this reason. After reading these stories however I have to say I'm sorry, I never knew people like this actually existed. How the fuck do you even bring yourselves to go back to these cons?
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)01:02 No.5068845
    Most of the time people are fine and dandy at conventions. I've never actually run into a walking horror story yet. I've seen people that could be candidates for it but never actually witnessed it happen. That and a lot of fun things happen at conventions, weeaboos or not.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)01:04 No.5068854
    OP-best picture for a con horror stories thread I've ever seen.

    Sage for adding nothing of substance.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)01:27 No.5068955
    Can you maybe tattle on her to the landlord about your living conditions and see if you can fix the contract? Surely they could sympathize.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)02:06 No.5069100

    You're an idiot. Really, you just are. A guy molesting you and stalking you doesn't make your situation special. It means you need to go talk to the fucking police if you actually want it to stop. The fact that you agreed to live with this girl after that is retarded. Her being deranged and unhygienic is just the icing on your pathetic little cake. Either you a) report this shit to the landlord and get her evicted. b) Talk to the police about the potential rapist. c) Move out yourself. d) Some combination of the above. Or e) Stop whining cause you're so stupid that you won't even say a damn thing to change to the situation and act like you're so fricking important and special. Grow the fuck up and take some charge of your life already. Quit expecting others to baby you and take care of all your problems. This isn't fucking rocket science.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:33 No.5069534
    she mentioned that they're sorting this out next week, calm yo tits, and the UK (presuming from "mum") police won't do a thing with the guy since it went down last year, they probably wouldn't have done anything then either.

    Also It's more complicated than that, I'm in a shared house too and moving out/getting somebody kicked or dealing with something like this is a lot more difficult than just 'leaving' or complaining. The lanlord wouldn't do anything unless she's causing damage to the room that is visable which right now it's not.

    They can't force her to move out because 1) they have no grounds to 'smelling bad' isn't a right to kick somebody out, and 2) they would have to cover her rent.

    As they said, best thing they can do is talk to her bluntly, which they're doing next week. Sheesh!
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)09:52 No.5069858
    >A guy molesting you and stalking you doesn't make your situation special.

    She said the girl was a special snowflake not that the situation was special, it's a term often used here. lrn2read
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)09:52 No.5069859
    So you have the other half?
    XD It's so horrible
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)13:07 No.5070397

    go look it up yourself.
    >> Hime 10/16/11(Sun)13:19 No.5070426
    Okay so my story has A LOT of back story to it.
    For reference, bff will be Y
    Bffs on again off again bf will be M
    My on again off again gf will be S

    So, S and I were dating for a while. She had been dealing with her sexuality (she's terrified of coming out to her family because they will just leave her at the side of the road.) So after a little bit of drama (aka her mom almost found out) S and I broke up. I was bitter, still madly in love and (little did I know so was she).

    Meanwhile, Y is going to Minessota for the whole Winter Break (three weeks.) Her and M had been dating for over three years and they both needed a break. S, Y, M and myself were on pretty good terms with each other, but S kind of had a crush on M. So when Y left, she and M decided to take a break and date other people and grow up a little. M was free to date anyone he chooses as long as it IS NOT S.

    Two weeks into Winter Break, S calls Y and tells her she and M are dating.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)13:23 No.5070434
    bloody miku comic is so awesome!
    >> Hime 10/16/11(Sun)13:25 No.5070440

    So after the inital shock of finding out they're dating, S breaks of contact with me all together. She writes a letter to not talk to me, gives me all my stuff back and all that jazz, which sends me down an emo spiral all that shit.

    While this is happening, Con is coming closer and closer and closer. Originally, S, Y and myself (and one or two more people) Were going to get a hotel room. This is where we introduce P. P is S's friend. She used to be Y and mine but we found out she hated us in the worst way by spreading rumors and a lot of other fun stuff.
    (Switching to green text)

    Con comes
    >S and P are in a hotel room together I heard having a 'good time'
    >Never see them at all
    >Get a call during Cosplay Chess After Dark
    >S is drunk, barefoot and walking from her hotel to the con.
    >Find her sitting with a fucking skirt, jacket, no socks and shoes.
    >Find out P was bringing STRANGERS to the room, getting drunk and having sex
    >S is a minor
    >Call around and find out best case senrio is to take her to my hotel room and figure shit out
    >Call Y (oh god oh god oh god)
    >Its cool with her
    >Soak S's feet to make sure they aren't bleeding
    >Y comes to the room crying
    >M and P are calling the hotel phone and S's cell
    >> Hime 10/16/11(Sun)13:31 No.5070462

    >Somehow gets out where S is and M and P are in the Lobby
    >They call security saying we're holding S against her will
    >She's escorted out of the hotel room
    >We call her mom
    >Mom picks her up at 2 am
    >Y is nearly hysterical, yelling at M and P
    >Things eventually cool between them

    >Go home from con and sleep like a mofo
    >Still have a week of Spring Break
    >Shit hits the fan

    >P harasses us
    >S's mom is gonna press chargers for endangering S
    >Says its our fault
    >Has proof b/c S was slowly drifting back to us

    A lot of other shit happened. We found out P was trying to sleep with M while Y was broken up with him and while S was dating him. We also found out P is a fucking gross as weirdo with tampons in her purse. Used ones.

    Things cooled down, M and Y are kind of dating. After a lot of crying, anger and shame, S and I are back together. She's my forever girl, and I honestly would do anything for her.

    She's currently getting help and support from our local LGBTQ facility so she can come out to her family.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)13:43 No.5070496
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    I'm putting off studying so I'm going to boards I have no interest in and think to myself "I used to go to anime conventions, maybe there's some funny stories here!"

    The girls in these stories scare the shit out of me, I'm going to go back to studying. Thank you ladies.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)13:47 No.5070504
    I'm gonna make mine short since it's not particularly interesting and doesn't involve drama.

    This past AWA was complete and total shit. Friday was ok until about noon, when I started getting HORRIBLE pains in my left arm. I've had the pains before, but it's always after I wake up, and it usually goes away within a few minutes. But this time they started in the middle of the day and lasted ALL FUCKING DAY. And unlike other times, it was excruciating. I couldn't even go to sleep Friday night because I couldn't move an inch without my arm hurting. Finally around 5am I had to wake my friends up so I could get some help. Iced my arm and made it better. I have no clue what is wrong with it. To top it off, I started my period Friday night, and the cramps coupled with my arm made the beginning of the con HORRIBLE.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)14:02 No.5070523
    The fucks with keeping used tampons today? Shits gross, why are girls doing that.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)14:05 No.5070528
    OTHER girls do this?! this is a THING?
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)14:05 No.5070531
    Auuugh I'm still feeling terrible. But the drama over on WH is entertaining, and the stories here so far!

    Keep posting~ Your horrific tales are healing a sick boy haha.
    >> Alejandro !k/ssKNIKew 10/16/11(Sun)14:07 No.5070535
    And.. Somehow dropped my trip. Sage for being a retard. Also I remember in an old thread Sheeps and bike boy had updates for us but never posted them, /r/ing for those!
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)14:36 No.5070586
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    >> Shortcaj !qwYW/g1XDU 10/16/11(Sun)14:53 No.5070621
    I know of an 'artist' who saved up all her period blood then used it as piant on a canvas for her art show.

    just eww
    >> sage Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)16:07 No.5070772
    they're embarassed to throw them away in public?
    From a femanon to all those gross ass tampon keepers out there:
    Every girl has red-sauce coming out her taco every month. Deal with it.
    sage for being unrelated
    >> Sawa !!B+EYtAja0ra 10/16/11(Sun)18:46 No.5071161
    ...are you me?
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 10/16/11(Sun)18:50 No.5071179

    Lemme put my beef in your taco
    >> Sawa !!B+EYtAja0ra 10/16/11(Sun)19:09 No.5071225
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    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)19:32 No.5071306
    None of that information diminishes his/her right to complain.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)20:15 No.5071464
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    Not really a horror story but I'll account for my share of bad experiences. The most recent of which was mostly just really annoying for me.

    Take into account that I've flown half way around the world to be with some of these people. For the first time, I've not booked my own room for the con because I've decided that staying with other people will be a good experience. So basically, I've got about 4 people who I really REALLY like in that room. And then there's 4 people who I don't know at all. I'm more than prepared to be lenient, but even I feel like 9 people to a room is a little much.

    Nevertheless, the 4 people I don't know include one guy with multiple personality problems/disorders who I'll refer to as "shyguy", Carrot-top's faggot son complete with awful jokes and 2 girls who really love Homestuck.

    First day, Carrot-top invades my personal space far too fucking much (cause I sure do love getting yanked around!), one of the girl's grandparents dies, shyguy runs off into the night and, after a few hours of searching, gives the explanation that he's "not good enough for us" and we go to bed extremely late as a result. Second day, shyguy decides to throw a fucking fit because he has to go 10 minutes without being with a specific friend at the con, gets unreasonably mad at this specific person and barges into the room, throws most of his shit in his luggage and leaves. Calls up specific friend crying on the phone about not knowing where he is because he ran off in any direction in the heart of the city, despite me and him getting breakfast and using GPS to find the nearest Dunkin'. Massive drama all day revolving around this, completely killing the mood, as if the death of a grandparent couldn't make the mood any more awkward.

    Homestuck cosplayers pretty much ruin all towels trying to get grey gunk off their bodies. Seriously don't want them touching me at all while they have it on. They do anyway!
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)20:32 No.5071548
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    Basically, I'd decided that after the first day I was just gonna go back to the place that I was staying at the time and just call the third day moot. The con itself was really shitty and I didn't really want to be around this group of people, even if it meant that I had to leave some friends that I highly imagine that I'll not see again for quite some time, i.e forever.

    Third day, shyguy wants to come back with my girlfriend to our house, stay over the night and then have my girlfriend's mom take him to the airport. My girlfriend's mom works a hard fucking shift and can't do shit for him.

    Massive fucking drama when we tell him no.

    He eventually has to have someone STAY with him in a hotel overnight and take him to the airport in a taxi the next morning just to get back home. This guy is as old as me but I'm honestly appalled at how immature and drama-queen he got when shit didn't go his way 100% of the time.

    I mean, I sort of understand being in a strange place and having issues, but I'm 5000 miles from home, in a room full of strangers aside from pretty much 2 other people and it's not like I can just go to the next anime convention and hang out with these guys again. I'm completely alien to this situation and everyone is just a seasoned veteran compared to me. Half these people don't even have a "game plan" and are just fucking winging it. I couldn't really have been more pissed off.

    Overall, my advice is to book your own room and basically never invite anyone who likes Homestuck into your abode.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)01:56 No.5073136
    >>first con
    >>taking medication that may cause nausea
    >>supposed to be running a booth and attracting customers by acting in character in my Deidara cosplay
    >>end up running to the bathroom every ten minutes to throw up instead
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)01:59 No.5073141
    A Germany cosplayer stepped on my feet with steel-toed boots one year. Both big toe nails turned black and fell off.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)14:58 No.5074766
         File1318877889.jpg-(37 KB, 237x141, Nice.jpg)
    37 KB
    Criminal Mastermind mode engaged.

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