10/11/11(Tue)17:46 No. 5054994 File1318369563.jpg -(10 KB, 260x190, s-SHAVED-HEAD-large.jpg ) To everyone thinking a choppy cut like >>5053018 , then I'll have to break some bad news for you. I
don't have a camera at hand, so I can't provide pictures, but what I
can tell you is that it's a bitch to have. I do, and have had for half a
year or something now. You have to touch up the short side at the
hairdresser's very often (Like, 4-5 weeks after last haircut. My hair
grows pretty fast, but I imagine somewhere around 5-6 weeks.) Can't
do it yourself unless you plan to shave it. You have to clean one of
your ears really well. It's completely impossible to do anything with
it, since you practically have hair on only one side. If you think you
can swoop it over on the other side, you're wrong. It looks stupid as
fuck. Also, it takes a shitload of time to grow out, not to
mention your hair looks like crap in general when you do that. (In the
process myself. I had dark red hair, going to go into natural-blonde
mode. Fuck yeah Norwegians.) So, don't do it. You'll be all up in
it in the start, but very few people I see with it actually look good
in it. (I think I did, but hey.) After a while you'll be so sick of it,
and the long fringe always gets in the way. I part my hair in the middle
and wear headphones in class to keep it parted because it falls down. Wallpoast,
I know. It looks fancy, but it's a hell to keep pretty. Unless you
enjoy spending money like fuck (I did coloring on top, but that's still
something like 700 kr per cut. Do the math yourself.) Picture related. I have a round face like that, and the hairstyle is very similar to the one I have right now.