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  • Happy 8th Birthday, 4chan *click*

    Server/posting issues should be resolved now.

    Portland, OR folks: THANKS FOR COMING OUT EVERYONE!!!!! And thanks for the cake, cakeguy! It was delicious.

    File : 1318276195.jpg-(59 KB, 640x419, youmacon-demotivational-poster-125840294(...).jpg)
    59 KB Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)15:49 No.5050956  
    General Youmacon thread, plus a hint of Michigan general.

    We are currently discussing the meet up. For sure, we're meeting in the Marriott Lobby (NOT THE 8TH FLOOR). For those of you who don't know, the Marriott is the main hotel (the middle tower of the RenCen).

    Friday afternoon is looking like a strong possibility, as it'll skip over major events in the evening.
    >> Tofu 10/10/11(Mon)16:09 No.5051010
    Sounds good to me! Bumping for more people!
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)16:14 No.5051028
    Got trolled last year with that shit. Looking forward to it this year, though.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)16:19 No.5051045
    I promise you, the hotel lobby exists.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)16:22 No.5051056
    I haven't been to youma in years, I would really like to go this year but I'm not sure if I can afford it... Here's hoping.
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 10/10/11(Mon)17:19 No.5051190
         File1318281574.gif-(267 KB, 234x178, 1313479707699.gif)
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    I am very much interested in a meetup. If I can make, it definitely will be there

    is there a facebook event/group lined u for it yet?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)17:25 No.5051200
    Hotel lobby is where a handful of us met up last year. Mariott that is.
    I think we should regroup there. Instant ye on that one

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