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    File : 1318190886.jpg-(109 KB, 1854x478, rude.jpg)
    109 KB Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:08 No.5047540  
    Have you ever been turned off to a con because of its staff?

    While people can ask pretty dumb questions, isn't it the people working the con's job to be polite, informative, and helpful?

    If you're a staffer, how do you feel when your peers are rude to con-goers? Have you ever let your bad mood get the best of you at a con?

    Staff general.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:15 No.5047555
    This review cracks me up every time. The staff was rude to the people with the press badges, and when the staff commented on it, they didn't get a shit about how they were behaving instead telling the reviewer it was his fault for not enjoying it.

    I don't really know the con, but the staff's behavior here would definitely keep me from going to it. Still hilarious read every time though.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:20 No.5047571
    Anime Punch
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:20 No.5047572

    Wow. I have never seen such a bad review.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:29 No.5047590
    I'm amused they were so disgusted/bored they left, and then the staffers were yelling at them for writing a review when they weren't there long enough. a better con then if you want people to stay? It's not their fault your con was so shitty they didn't want to stick around.
    >> h.n.elly !!P2ojEMMesl4 10/09/11(Sun)16:31 No.5047600
    To answer, cons usually have a mix of good and bad. If they are all bad, it's a turn-off, but a couple bad won't turn me off.

    When I've staffed, I usually bend over backwards for con-goers. I don't keep tabs on my fellow staffers though.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:32 No.5047602
    I've noticed a trend in cons blaming attendees for when the attendees have a bad time.

    Do they not realize that saying "sorry" probably would make the con look much better than saying "It's all your fault that this con sucked. You just can't handle us!"
    >> Eos !!sviwWkgOtS5 10/09/11(Sun)16:49 No.5047652
    This has been my experience as well, though it's been a little while since I've staffed anything (I've mostly been a panelist for the past few years).
    >> h.n.elly !!P2ojEMMesl4 10/09/11(Sun)16:53 No.5047662
    I think they feel unappreciated because they worked hard, just for people to complain it sucks. It is a bad feeling.

    But cons that don't acknowledge their flaws don't get better.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:59 No.5047677
    Hi Kalajessta
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)17:07 No.5047691

    I don't know who this is, but I doubt she's the only person who has ever been wronged by anime con staff.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)17:14 No.5047701
    I've staffed cons at various levels and one thing I've seen is that often times you will get a grunt (a low level volunteer, working the min requirement to get a badge) posting and saying things while attaching the fact that they are "staff" to their comments. This person knows jack shit. This person can't answer a single question and has no authority but they sure love acting like they do. High level staff should definitely always handle things in a professional manner but sometimes its hard for a con to control what these low level busy work type volunteers go out and say in various places.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)17:45 No.5047781
    aka Megumihime. Haven't seen you complain in awhile.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)17:48 No.5047791
    The person who replied is the Vice Con-Chair, not some low level grunt.

    Then again, it's Youmacon. The staff are hitting the fan quite fast.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)17:49 No.5047796
    It's probably best you don't know who Kalajessta/Megumihime/Tsukeru is. She is a pain in the ass for so many con forums; from my knowledge, she has been banned from a few CONS before.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)17:52 No.5047804
    I was addressing the overall topic of getting turned off to a con by it's "staff." The thread itself is called "staff general"
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)17:55 No.5047815
    Sorry, it really seemed like you were talking about what was going on in OP's pic.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)17:56 No.5047819

    Well that's a double edged sword then. I think the vice con chair's reply sounds rude and pompus as hell, but maybe he only acted like that because he could get away with it, seeing as no one would defend her with her reputation. She brought it on herself.

    However, I don't know if being mean just because you know a person won't be defended is justifiable in itself.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)18:03 No.5047843
    Momocon. I will never go back after how rude they were to everybody last year.

    I staff for another convention and there's this hot-headed girl who likes to yell at crowds in small hallways to keep them moving, but she is sweet to con-goers otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)18:36 No.5047945
    They're letting her have panels at Youmacon?

    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)19:01 No.5048053
    Ikkicon. Jesus Christ, Ikkicon. The third year, I actually didn't compete the cosplay staff were so rude.
    There was literally almost a knock down drag out fight on the forums, and I think it all started with a cosplayer merely asking for clarification about a particular rule, which was something about non-anime cosplays. I think the rule said you HAD to be cosplaying an anime character. A lot of video game cosplayers got upset, shit storm ensued...
    It was just really bad, and the staff, the whole time, took up this really bristly, pissy, "holier than thou" attitude that really rubbed me the wrong way. I was cosplaying as an anime character, so it didn't remotely affect me, but I still didn't compete that year on principle. Those aren't the only staff problems Ikki has had in years past, but the only one I've experienced first hand (apparently, some real shady shit went down with the way volunteers were treated one year). I really wish I could link to that thread, but the archives from the first three years of the con are suspiciously missing...

    They've gotten somewhat better though. Especially in the cosplay staff area.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)19:16 No.5048103
    Wasabi anime in Florida, and they run almost everything anime related in FL.

    >Transformers panel every year

    Not to mention they don't know shit about anything anime other than the 3 anime they watched over 9000 years ago.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)19:31 No.5048146
    I've never been completely discouraged from going to a con because of the staff, but I have avoided certain people/areas/rooms in cons due to staff.

    What I mostly hate are the bottom-level staffers who control the line and have a power trip about it. I had one girl tell me "Oh, the line for autographs is closed" after I let one person go ahead of me so I wouldn't be separated from a friend. She then went on to rattle off all these bullshit "rules" about meet-and-greets, to which I told her, "I read no such thing, and if you're going to follow the policy so strictly, then you should have them posted somewhere."

    There are also a lot of panelists that I immediately avoid, due to not being organized or knowledgeable. I hate nothing more than going to a panel about a topic, and the panelist knows minimal information about it, or is using inaccurate information.

    I was so pissed off at one panelist earlier this year. I went out of my way to attend their panel, waited for it, then 5 minutes after its scheduled start time we're all seated. We get a "Oh, the dvd didn't burn for the panel, so we're showing something else." Half the room left.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)01:13 No.5049424
    speaking of terrible cosplay staff Yule con last year was quite possibly the worst run cosplay contest I have ever seen. They had no qualified judges, acted like they threw the whole thing together 5 minutes beforehand, cursed on stage in front of the audience after continuously reiterating the fact that they were at a "family convention" and then after the con when there was a bitch thread here the cosplay director tripped and blamed the convention chair for all of her problems. I wouldn't completely disregard a con she was working but I sure as hell would avoid going to any event she was in charge of again.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)01:35 No.5049469
    I've staffed for a few cons. One of which i had to resign because the higher ups were on a power trip and screwed half their staffers over. Worse off, anyone with a slightly negative opinion about their convention, they throw a fit and will brand you as a "hater".
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)02:49 No.5049693
    This incident wasn't really the convention staff; it was an officer in charge of vacating the convention center when it was closing. Anyways, this asshole was threatening to arrest me because I couldn't walk down the stairs due to my broken foot.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)02:52 No.5049702

    Pardon me, raging over here.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)03:44 No.5049876
    This past Fanime, when they 'closed down' the path in front of the fountains. The Christian protesters were there and I guess it was when the Scanty and Kneesocks limo came, but they were telling everyone (probably evnnormal passer-bys) to push through a giant crowd of nerds and add an extra 50 seconds to their walk for no real good reason.
    I managed to slip by the staff on one side, but got stopped by some lolita on the other.
    >"Hi you can't go this way, you have to go around the fountain :)"
    >"Excuse me, I just need to get to my hotel"
    >"But we would really like you to go back, and around the fountain, you can't go this way (kthx <3)"
    >repeat the above a couple more times
    >Already on the other side, so I walk around her and say "Bitch" out loud

    I also recall a moving truck and orange jumpsuit staffers sitting around a bunch of boxes with their thumbs up their asses the whole time.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)04:35 No.5050018
    AWA staff this year has completely turned me off going next year. Every time I go I have an issue, and this year was just the breaking point. Also, underaged weebs on the forums/at the con. I just want to try my luck with D*Con next.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)05:18 No.5050073
    lol animu kunbenshuns
    >> Hosenwein !!qUD5ZMGOrbG 10/10/11(Mon)06:03 No.5050137
    Considering that tsukeru is a huge cunt, I'm not faulting the staff for giving her a rude reply. In fact, I applaud it.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:05 No.5050263
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    Same. There really is no pleasing that girl.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)09:49 No.5050311
    I can confirm that shady shit for Ikkicon 1 and 2, as I worked both. I wasn't 18 at the time of working both, but due to my connections with the head of the convention (which I've pretty much severed, he's a cock), I was able to easily volunteer.

    I think the major issue with Ikkicon 1 was extreme lack of volunteer crash space. I worked most of the Friday of the con, and didn't see crash space until 7:30am on Saturday, at an entirely different hotel. Ikkicon 2 was similar in that event staff (which I worked on for 1 as well) had no crash space to speak of, so I bunked with the gaming staff with about 15 people in the room. Not comfortable, especially since it was freezing and I didn't get a blanket until around 6am. Luckily the event heads were awesome and allowed me the day off on Saturday.

    Now... Ikkicon 4... this is where some of the REAL shady shit happened. A friend of mine wasn't even volunteering, but she also had connections with the head of Ikkicon. Apparently the underage volunteers were PROMISED that they would be fed. It did not happen. My friend ended up bitching at one of the head staff, someone named Alice (from what I've heard, she's a real bitch), over this. I don't know the end result, but seeing as to how Ikkicon has just gone downhill since Ikkicon 3, fuck that convention.

    That being said, working for San Japan this past year was awesome. The staff is great, the work was fun, and I cannot wait to volunteer again next year.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)10:07 No.5050338
    your connections must have been pretty weak if you don't know why there was no crash space year 1.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)10:10 No.5050340
    I attribute it to the fact that Ikkicon was riding on the death of Ushicon and the head of the convention thought he knew what he was doing, when he clearly wasn't.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)10:21 No.5050350

    I can understand feeling unappreciated if you worked your ass off and people are still complaining left and right, but you never, ever, EVER want to blame your attendees for things not working out as they should have. It just makes you look like a douche and turns people off of your event for next year.
    >> h.n.elly !!P2ojEMMesl4 10/10/11(Mon)11:37 No.5050433
    Well, you're right. Some cons, for reasons unknown, would rather blame the attendees because the staff (staff also has a better idea where/when event's are/what's going on, even if we don't know what's going on) had a good time, so why should anyone else complain? AP is one of them.

    Yeah...I'm really not heartbroken things between me and Mike/Punch didn't work out. He needs someone he doesn't have to worry about being outclassed by , and I want to shoot for as high as I can go.

    I don't think the staff's reply is rude. A little short, but they did answer, and thoroughly explained the situation. Rude would be if they just said "You'll get it when you get it." or to ignore her.
    >> Shortcake !qwYW/g1XDU 10/10/11(Mon)11:57 No.5050454
    Well, it didn't put me off from going, but i thought it was really inapropriate.

    I have very large breasts and was cosplaying Kaname from FMP, and as i was signing in to the masq the guy who was in charge commented saying he couldn't "remember Kaname having shelving put in" then laughing causing people to laugh too.

    i am aware i have large breasts, i don't need people reminding me and making jokes about it, rather than judging my outfit, not my body
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)12:22 No.5050476
    >> Washu 10/10/11(Mon)12:22 No.5050478
         File1318263758.jpg-(40 KB, 480x640, anko1.jpg)
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    AMA, fuck that con! I will never go to that con again. Twice, same con

    >AMA'08 cosplaying Anko, wearing skin tone bra, have been wearing the costume most of the day
    >after dark, rave time
    >don't go to the rave, still wearing Anko costume, just walking around with my group
    >Take jacket off
    >Staff comes up to me
    >yes, he was yelling this.
    >"But im wearing a not nude"
    >...really? I put my jacket on, and go back to the room for the night.

    this year, it was at a diff location
    >Do Anko, AGAIN. This time, instead of wearing a skintone bra, i pinned the shit-out-of my jacket so it was covering my breast, but with the jacket still being open.
    >Leave Narutard shoot due to the yaoi photos being taken...
    >Staff comes up to me and says I have to zip it up.
    >Okay whatever, i zip it up, but leave some cleavage
    >No, yu have to zip itup ALL the way

    So, its okay for a girl to wear a fishnet and a bra....but not for a cosplayer? Sure dude, what ever. Your con sucks anyway. Pic related, its my Anko.

    >captcha: mood" yetheser
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)14:57 No.5050820
    I can actually understand both of these situations. She's supposed to look like she's topless (it's debatable, but come one)- it isn't fair when they enforce dress codes/proper conduct on only SOME con goers, no, but since your chest was skin colored (or ACTUALLY bare and just covered with a jacket, which they may not have realized you had properly secured to yourself), I can see why they would make a bigger deal out of your situation.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)15:08 No.5050852
    Used to "hang out" and "be friends" with the higher-ups at a local con. The shit they did to the con, the lies, and fucking over their staff was enough to make me boycott this con entirely.

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