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    File : 1318162167.jpg-(27 KB, 639x479, tumblr_lm3ew3lpvU1qealkg..jpg)
    27 KB Self diagnosing and pretending in our culture? discuss 10/09/11(Sun)08:09 No.5046784  
    Seaguls, I'm troubled. Things have been going on for a while but recently I've seen more and more of this:

    Fake 'femme'' FTM's.
    Fake/self diagnosed disorders such as Aspergers, Bi-polar and Schizophrenia.
    Fake women wanting to be gay boys, linking to the femme FTM thing but different, like NCN.

    I'm troubled because I've actually just been diagnosed with one of these 'cool' illnesses and it's ruined my life, but I'm ashamed to tell anyone because it's the 'in' thing that everybody has in our culture, the anime manga seagul culture. Seriously, do you know anybody who fakes or self diagnoses these illnesses?

    Share your thoughts and stories please, I've been wanting to discuss this for a while.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)08:12 No.5046787

    I'm sorry for you OP but this has nothing to do with /cgl/
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)08:14 No.5046790
    Yes it does, we see this all the time at conventions, maybe I wasn't clear enough but a lot of people on CGL have seen this around them, the CGL horror stories encounter these problems too, with NCN recently snd gutterface it's often spoken about, so I think it is to do with CGL, a lot of people in the cosplay world do it, that's what I'm asking to discuss.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)08:16 No.5046793
    OP is right a lot of people in the cosplay scene tend to do this.. the young immature attention seeking ones. bump for common interest!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)08:21 No.5046798
    I could link four people in deviantart who are 'friends' of mine, well people I know. One wants to be FTM just to be a gay desu uke boy and also wants to live in japan.
    One has self diagnosed autism when she completely doesn't have it, but uses it as an excuse to be a general bitch and not take art advice from anybody.
    One is a manic sonic the hedgehog fan also self diagnosing aspegers thanks to the autism friend to copy and be cooler than her, who submits anime as fine art and got kicked out of college (who she tried to sue) when she wouldn't listen to not draw anime but try other styles etc.
    One says she has schizophrenia and shows off her self harm to everybody, but acts normal with her family and denies having it. Not been diagnosed, also obviously faking.

    I know that feel op. Also to everyone why do people do this in as OP said our anime culture? You know the cosplayers all do this people who like anime and manga do this the normal ones just don't do it really.

    >> best 10/09/11(Sun)08:24 No.5046801
    anime. girls. always. do this.

    the boys tend to have anger issues and say they have asbergers or some say they have bi polar/schizo BUT GIRLS. GIRLS ALWAYS DO IT ALL.

    I'm a girl myself so not hatin on them all but really! I bet money everybody knows some female that has lied or made out to have some serious illness at some point mental or physical who ALSO COSPLAYS or likes anime and manga.

    Betting $30.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)08:27 No.5046802
    I know someone "FtM" (bare with me on this too, because I refuse to refer to the person as "him") who's faked their way right to legal recognition and surgery. It pisses me of as a true MtF (I actually refused to go through the "change" because I really wouldn't pass I feel) because it's obvious all she wanted to get it done for was so she could Yaoi roleplay. She doesn't even make any effort to look male, wears girls undies still, "crossplays" (i really fucking hate this because she makes sure people know that she's a "man" yet looks SO GOOD AS A GIRL!!!).

    Honestly hope retards like this regret to the max in their later lives.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)08:30 No.5046804
    I know that feel. I have had many mental issues since a few years, skipping through several psychiatrys (is it spelled that way? sorry no native english here) and shit. Which even brought me away from cosplaying for two years. I have been diagnosed with a lot of stuff and never told anyone about it, except for my very close ones. People only see the selfharm cuts on my arm (which are thankly healed for a long time) and probably asume I am an anime emo kid attention fag.

    And then I see all those people claiming whatever mental shit they have and how they brag about it online, or they go and show around their selfharm on DA and such. Srsly wat? Anime fandom is full of fat, lonely weeb kids who only want to get attention somehow, which makes me rage since the stoneage...
    >> Alejandro !GUmTRMPbac 10/09/11(Sun)08:30 No.5046805
    Interested in this thread. I'm guessing because anime glaze of mental conditions to be 'cool', in some ways, that the young immature easily influenced ladies and gentlemen watch this and want to do the same. Lead characters often have something emotionally wrong with them or act in certain ways that aren't acceptable in real life, or in our society, but they copy and act like it, right? For attention and respect among their peers?

    My guess is that anyway, I think it really is an attention thing but some of the people I know who have done it clearly have some other mental problem.

    It's like extreme immaturity, right? They don't actually know how to channel their emotions into something normal, so it seems. I also know a crazy sonic girl who won't take art advice.. Oddly enough. Just anything that she does 'wrong' (as somebody said, submitting anime in an art school is a BAD thing.. here in the uk.) she'll flip and it's eeeverybody elses fault not hers, like she can't take advice, too immature for anyone's opinions.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)08:33 No.5046809
    it's better to have an illness than just be a straight up social retard, so people would rather have aspergers. it's better to have a condition than just be stupid, so people would rather have dyslexia.

    to be fair though i do it myself to an extent, i think there's a good chance i'm an asspie because i have a lot of the traits and many close relatives with it including my brother. that said there is no chance i would tell anyone about it or try to have it diagnosed, and i would never use a hunch i have as a crutch for my own short comings.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)08:34 No.5046813
    Young people go through a phase to be recognized by their peers. This is one of them. After a good number of years, they'll look back and regret what they did.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)08:35 No.5046814
    >people claiming whatever mental shit they have and how they brag about it online
    >they brag about it online
    >they brag about it online
    >they brag about it online
    >they brag about it online

    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)08:36 No.5046815
    But I know about three 24-26 year olds who are still doing it.. Annd have many online friends who know of older people who act that way still.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)08:43 No.5046822
    What is an age to stop doing it? roommate who is older than me, at 20, acts like a total fucking retard. She claims to have all sorts of things and wants to be a 'lizard person' cutting her nails and toe nails to be shaped like claws. So annoying, but she's 20. I'm 19 and very independant and able to look after myself, normal in many respects. But a lot of people older than me still act like social retards and self diagnose themselves.

    I would say they just never grew up, maybe never will. But still, there's a line that they cross to be doing this at a certain age too.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)08:44 No.5046824
    I'm schizophrenic and I spent 2 months in a hospital, it pretty much ruined my life. The worst part of it all is if I ever open up to anyone about it I'm 95% sure they think I'm lying because of the people who think it's 'cool' to be mentally ill. Well, it's not cool, I'm covered in self-harm scars and a year behind in school. I honestly wish that some of these fakers could just experience what it was like for me when I was really ill for a day and they'd just stfu.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)08:49 No.5046831
    Schizophrenia runs in our family and I'm about 90% sure I have it, but I'm putting off telling my family because if I were to be diagnosed with it I'm also sure people would think I was lying or attention seeking. I'm just waiting for the next time I get a really bad moment with the paranoia I'm experiencing to actually say something, and try to keep it between my best friend and my family if I do have it, I'm hoping It's just anxiety but deep down I know it's not.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)08:55 No.5046839
    I went through this too, just like anyone who's having a bad time and has an access to the internet but right now I find this really sad.
    I think it's dangerous to expose "general syntoms" of serious illnesses online and have them so general that every kid could assume they have it or using them as an excuse for not changing their ways/feeling different and quirky. I've recently seen a reportage about people who are seriously sick and that's not pretty, the self diagnosed "sociopaths" are the worst of them all
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)09:01 No.5046845

    If you're able to write this and be objective it might just be anxiety. Not to sound patronizing.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)09:04 No.5046847
    Sociopaths. Kids who think and want to be sociopaths.

    I gotta say I think Dexter really didn't help, so many people watch it and 'relate' and then try to be little murderers. I know two kids who do this, one is 15 and claimed to kill people the other is 20 and has serious anger issues but says they're a sociopath. So annoying, both watch Dexter.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)09:06 No.5046852
    Not surprised, people want attention and to be recognized as speshul snowflakes. They also want to have an excuse for acting in ways that are socially unacceptable, and the easiest cover for it is some kind of mental or personality disorder. Truly sorry for anyone who seriously is ill or feels like they were born the wrong gender.

    Also agreeing with this, my mom thinks she has lupus because she compared some symptoms and lab results with stuff she's read online. Just go to a doctor, lady. WebMD has caused a lot of people to begin self diagnosing.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)09:07 No.5046854
    Most mental illnesses in regards to teenagers are over-diagnosed. The teens are volatile years, and the classic mix of hormones, a lack of worldly experience, and a generally shitty environment at school all contribute to kids who are messed up, uncomfortable and unhappy with their lives. This isn't rare, or even uncommon. Hell, the angsty teen is one of the most common cliches. It's a damn lot easier to ascribe your social awkwardness to Asperger's, your unhappiness to Depression or Bipolar Disorder and your inability to follow social norms and fit in with others on Schizophrenia. Blaming your problems on mental illnesses gives you a free license to be different without feeling bad about it. "It's not my fault, I have Asperger's..."

    It doesn't help that a lot of those mental disorders have a relatively vague set of symptoms, which makes it very easy for people to self-diagnose. Don't worry about what other people think about you, if you have a mental illness, it shouldn't make a damn bit of difference what other people think about you. If people pretend, they pretend, but that doesn't change anything for you. And who are you to say that they don't have it in the first place? Ah well.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)09:07 No.5046857
    I agree with you, tv glamourizing disorders just makes the situation a thousand times worse.
    People see Dexter or House or Bree as cool figures and start thinking that being a sociopath or an asperger's or an ocd person is cool.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)09:21 No.5046877
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    I get sick of seeing cosplayers with these self diagnosed illnesses. One cosplayer on cosplay island has decided she has depression, but it only manifests itself when its convenient for her, and she takes great pride in telling people she suffers from it and is 'not ashamed' and randomly puts it on her CI profile. Just...whut? It's not some special cool label that makes you a unique snowflake, it's not something you proudly display on a bumper sticker - 'DEPRESSED AND PROUD OF IT!!!'
    Nothing annoys me more than seeing her stupid youtube videos about how she suffers and how it's so hard and blah blah. She doesn't suffer from depression, she suffers from selective fucking boredom.

    >I am a very emotional person by nature and suffer from depression at times so I am very grateful to those who support me through my bad patches and are there to make me smile again

    Only at times does she suffer from it, you know, like how at times you suffer from flatulence. Just...No. Call me crazy but why would you go and tell everyone online that you suffer with depression unless you were a raging attention whore. It's something very personal and very private, not something everyone and heir dog needs to know. Seeing the baaaaw in the CI ranting thread before it was locked was pretty lullzy, as it had more flaming attention whores saying they were going to kill themselves and how most of them had more mental problems than you could shake a stick at.


    Most of the stupid FtM in cosplay (not all, some are genuine and kudos to them for trying and wanting to deal with it properly), seem to be little girls who hope if they turn into super kawaii desu boyeess then they will find an ultra special seme to whip their little boy ass into submission and just...*vomits*.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)09:28 No.5046883
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    They do it for attention and to get turned on. That's really all there is to it. It's the ones stupid enough not to see right through it I pity.

    You refused hormones/therapy because you don't think you'd PASS? Wtf? You mean you don't think you'd make a super pretty perfect animu girl? Fuck, you'd rather go through life in the wrong body because you don't think you could bear to transition into an ugly manfaced woman - oh because there are none of them in the world? You sound as bad as her.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)09:32 No.5046885
    I get the feeling you hated Leonie long before she mentioned anything about depression.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)09:35 No.5046888
    When I was going into middle school I always made shit up
    Like I was half blind
    I couldn't walk properly
    And so on
    But years later I have been diagnosed with Autism, Depression and Epilepsy
    I suppose this is what you call karma ey
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)09:36 No.5046890
    I've never believed a single prominent FtM in the cosplay community.

    Even Twinfools, with her tits lopped off and her smoker's voice, seems very much to be doing it to be kawaii uke girl-boy rather than passable male.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)09:43 No.5046893
    >have diagnosed compulsive hoarding syndrome and it's ruining my life
    >family: lol just clean your house what's so hard
    >friends: oh anon you attention whore, you and your ~cool~ illness
    >internets: LOL i have that too!! once I cook some stuff and didn't tidy the kitchen for two day XD

    I know how you feel OP.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)09:45 No.5046898
    Its not just the ladies, there are a large number of guys that pretend to be MtFs on the internet and never do a single thing to pass IRL.

    I know one that turned up to our local lolita meet and started hitting on all of us. When we asked "her" to stop "she" called us all transphobic, started having a bitchfit and we left them there. Checked "her" da later and 95% of it was him in male clothing, his gender was set to male and he talked about how great it was to be a guy in one of his journals.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)09:46 No.5046901
    OP, unless it's something that requires you to take medication within a set amount of hours or the possibility of getting seizures, no one needs to know.

    If you're bipolar and feel you're pushing friends away, tell them, show them medications and doctors' notes if they don't believe you.

    No one who doesn't know you needs to know, so you don't need to throw it around, so no one thinks you're seeking attention.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)09:49 No.5046905
    >"friend" is a self-diagnosed ~sociopath~
    >learn that real sociopaths are super rare and it's a notifiable disease here
    >hey [friend] I think you just want an excuse to be rude and uncaring. how about a real diagnose from a doctor?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)10:00 No.5046923
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    One girl.
    One girl in my life had every disease she could imagine.

    >meet up with said girl (call her M)
    >oh cool, she's an Anime fan just like me
    >become friends
    >complain about my parents once
    >"oh yeah my parents are always blabla too"
    >gradually confess they've been abusing me
    >M says her parents abuse her too
    >have seen nothing of the sort but whatever, bffl due to shared misery, misery loves company
    >friend admits she has anorexia
    >M suddenly admits she has anorexia (mind you, she's fat and eats nothing but sweets all the time)
    >other friend says her mother has cancer
    >M's mother used to suffer from cancer but it's mostly gone now
    >scars from cutting myself on my thigh are revealed during sleepover, couldn't cover them up
    >That's okay, M used to cut herself too, that's why she always wore bracelets!!1!
    >anorexic friend shows up with a girlfriend (we never really discussed sexuality, was a bit of a surprise)
    >M, suddenly bisexual, no one ever knew!
    >two weeks later M is a lesbian for real you guys she always knew it!
    >year later M has a boyfriend!
    >convention, M steals someone's food from their bag
    >M totally has a disease that requires her to eat and she didn't bring her own food, if she'd asked she'd be too late!!1
    >lol over Aki online
    >Oh, but I feel like I'm a boy on the inside, Anon... You shouldn't make fun of people like M!!!
    >M screams at friend who's mother previously had cancer because she couldn't help her, because her mother died of said cancer
    >Oh, but M has a disease that makes her act like that, it's part of the symptoms
    >M also can't possibly clean, she's mysophobic! But, you know, only when cleaning, not when frollicking around a forest or painting with little kids
    >did I mention M was bipolar, depressed, suffered from PCOS, suicidal, schizophrenic, paranoid?
    >M cheats on her boyfriend
    >mfw I bet it's because of one of her fucking diseases
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)10:00 No.5046924
    I self diagnose because I'm too poor to see a doctor, but I'm 75% sure I have schizophrenia. It's been getting really scary lately, I see monsters everywhere and I constantly feel like I'm being watched. It gets so bad I can't even leave my room or even my chair at times.

    Then again, I don't really go around bragging about it like it's cool. It's fucking terrifying and I'm really not sure what I should do.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)10:04 No.5046930
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    I knew a girl who self-diagnosed herself with ADHD, ADD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, etc.
    Tons of things.
    But you could tell there was nothing wrong with her, other than the fact that she thought it was cool to have issues.

    I'll never understand any of this.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)10:08 No.5046935
    I know one!

    >She's actually been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder
    >She constantly self-diagnoses herself
    >She claims she has aspergers, eating disorders, dissociation (sp?) disorders, halluciations etc etc
    >She also thinks she's a werewolf/vampire hybrid
    >In short, she's batshit insane

    At least she's not a fakeboi. Luckily I'm not really a friend of hers, more like a friend of a friend. I fucking hate her anyway, since she also treats her friends like shit. What a glorious human being..
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)10:13 No.5046939
    Wait, I forgot a bunch of her madness.

    >She's a 'proud wiccan'
    >She claims to 'remember her past lives'
    >She self harms by cutting, binging, purging and abusing alcohol
    >Her apartment is a bloody mess of sharp objects and pills lying around
    >Oh did I forget to mention she has a kitten living with her in that death-trap of hers?
    >She talks about her issues openly online, including that one time she slept with some random dude and caught chlamydia
    >She also constantly posts pictures of herself in various stages of undress and sliced open and bleeding
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)10:14 No.5046940
    Umm, anything less than a call to the animal welfare office ASAP, anon, and I'll think you're almost as bad as her.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)10:17 No.5046943

    fakeboi, embaressment to the jrock comm, and now the cosplay comm.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)10:24 No.5046953
    Where's it state she's a boi?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)10:26 No.5046955
    A close friend of hers already called a while back. I'm not sure how it went though.
    >> Alexweb !yLbltmDFMQ 10/09/11(Sun)10:26 No.5046957
    I used to know a self diagnosed Schizophrenic, except she couldn't spell it and used to tell people online that she was skitzafrenic as an excuse when people called her out on her behaviour (to this day I do think there is something wrong with her, maybe I just can't believe that someone would pull any of the weird shit she would any how I don't believe she's Schizophrenic and my Aunt who works in the Mental Health Service laughed in her face one time.), she also used to say she had Aspergers until she met my friend who really does have it (he's nothing like the douches online who use it as an excuse, he sometimes does weird things and quite often says things he really shouldn't, but he's always apologetic if you explain what he did wrong and other than that acts like a normal human being), he was having a bad day when they met and came off as a bit of a creep, I never heard her claim Aspergers again after that.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)10:28 No.5046961

    Schizophrenics don't know they're schizophrenic, you're likely having a psychotic episode. Trust me, when I seriously lost it I thought everyone was persecuting me for saying I wasn't being normal/these things aren't actually happening.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)10:29 No.5046962

    >> kitcat 10/09/11(Sun)10:31 No.5046965
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    Oh no!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)10:38 No.5046971
    I've known like three people who have lied about personally knowing (even sleeping with) Miyavi, and LM.C.

    Crazies. It's hillarious to me, who calls them out every single time and starts fights with these batshits, but everyone else gets pissed off with them to the max.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)10:41 No.5046973
    I hate when people say they have Schizofreni, and they don't even know what Schizofreni is.

    >> I have two personalities, I have Schizofreni

    no you don't, if you are gonna lie about a disease you should at least read about it first
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)10:41 No.5046974
    This girl I know. Over the last year:

    >I have schitzu freniar
    >That means i have three personalities
    >Like that anime, you know?

    >I have cancer
    >in a gland that i made up in my brain
    >it's okay they did surgeory i'm fine now! (a week after she said she had this. no scars. 'minimal brain surgeory' she was allowed out the same day!

    >I'm pregnant
    >I lost the baby

    >I'm pregnant
    >I lost the baby

    >I'm pregnant
    >I lost the baby

    >I'm pregnant
    >I lost the baby

    >I'm pregnant
    >I lost the baby
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)10:51 No.5046982
    ITT: A typical drama thread on cgl

    Actually, one of my best friends, who also happens to be into cosplay and lolita, was diagnosed with a form of functioning autism. She's struggled all of her life with it and had told me stories about how when she was little, her parents used to take her to countless therapists to help her spell and speak properly. She's better at it now, but her spelling is still atrocious. Surprisingly enough (or not?), she's way better at math than I am. I've noticed such behaviors until recently, such as when she'll grow quiet and start rocking back and forth without noticing.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)10:58 No.5046991
    lol women
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)11:07 No.5047001
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    >Best friends with a girl who is DEFINITELY schizophrenic
    >Always seeing things (and then chasing them even if it means climbing to the top of a building), not afraid of anything because she's convinced this is all a dream
    >Has got into multiple near death experiences, I'm not even sure how she's still alive
    >Try to tell her I think she's schizophrenic
    >"Oh shut up anon, you just want to be friends with a super cool psycho person"
    >mfw she refuses to take any help because of all these other bullshitters
    >mfw every time we room with other people at cons, half of them try to make her into their kawaii psychotic beautiful maiden who can ~see the things no one else can~
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)11:08 No.5047004
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    Hmm...controversial topic, username like "discuss"...I'm calling troll.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)11:10 No.5047007
    SOME PEOPLE LIKE TO BE ANDROGYNOUS. (or dress up as the opposite gender on weekends, who the fuck cares?)
    Is taking it to the point where you shoop your tits out or you are neo-classic-neko too much? Yes. But ffs, I don't get this obsession with "Oh my gawd they are making all the /true/ FTMs look bad1!!" NO. FFS THEY'RE MAKING THEMSELVES LOOK BAD.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)11:10 No.5047008
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    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)11:12 No.5047011
    You mean they try to make your friend into irl /x/-tan?
    >> Alexweb !yLbltmDFMQ 10/09/11(Sun)11:16 No.5047013
    Pretty sure androgynous people aren't the ones being called "fakebois" here, androgynous people can pass for other genders but they don't scream "I'M A BOY YOU TRANSPHOBIC COCKMUNCHER!" at you if you rumble them...
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)11:16 No.5047014
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    It's not a disorder, though I do I have sleep paralysis fairly often. Went to the doctor, and he says it's most likely due to my crappy sleep schedule. My job flip-flops me from mornings to nights quite often, so yes, that is most likely the cause. It's not a big deal. Yeah, it's scary when it happens, but afterward, I'm fine. Maybe a little sleepy during the day, but otherwise totally fine. My issue is when someone claims they've been "attacked by ghosts/psye-vampires/shadow people" or even "abducted by aliens" (when in reality, it's just sleep paralysis). "No! You don't understand! I SAW shadowy figures! And they LOOKED at me!" ... yep! That can happen with sleep paralysis! I myself often wake up and "see" globby shadowy spider-like things. And once I snap out of it, shadow spiders are gone. It's nothing supernatural! It's a real (non-threatening) medical issue that can be explained... with science! Sorry. TL;DR I am quite annoyed when people play the supernatural card to get attention.
    >> Schrödinger 10/09/11(Sun)11:17 No.5047019
    As a person who was diagnosed with Aspergers by a doctor/psychiatrist when I was 6, and having multiple real FTM friends who are going in theraphy for it, fakes makes me wanna throw them all of a cliff and kill them!

    If you THINK you are something, always have a real psychiatrist check you up before going: "I'M A SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE! HERPA DERPA DERP!! LOOK AT MEEE!!!" And claiming you have everything and nothing.

    Being diagnosed with an disorder only shows that you can name something that has messed up shit in your life, it doesn't give you superpowers. And FTM's, MTF's have probably been going through hell since they've been stuck in a body that isn't theirs since their birth, and have been called names, gone through bullying etc. etc.

    Fakers, I'll throw you all of a cliff if you come near me with that fake-ass attitude and self-diagnosis!!

    (Sorry, upset. Glad someone made this thread though! I apologize for any misspelling, swed-fag reporting in.)
    >> Alexweb !yLbltmDFMQ 10/09/11(Sun)11:20 No.5047020
    Oh fuck I get SP when I'm stressed or sleeping in an odd place (I got it a few times sleeping on my mam's sofa, she seemed to think it was hilarious watching me roll off the sofa making "ERK!" noises because I thought my dad was trying to stab me and I couldn't move or scream for help).
    I had a really bad one a few nights back where I was convinced the guy that owns the club where my boyfriend DJs in his spare time had cornered me into the doorway and was trying to rape me, I woke up when I punched my boyfriend REALLY HARD in the arm :(
    I felt like a domestic abuser for the rest of the day :(
    >> Soni !!BvH0j6gtcGI 10/09/11(Sun)11:25 No.5047021
    The deal with me is that if I meet someone for the first time and they are quick to tell me whatever sort of mental or physical thing they have/are, I'm writing them off as faking it. And I can't even begin to describe how often this has happened with me.

    "Oh, I have asperger's, I have ADHD, I'm MTF/FTM, I'm pansexual, I'm this and that."

    While it may or may not be true, to me, if you're going to tell me as soon as I meet you, you're full of shit. If you tell me later down the road, I'm not going to think you're full of shit.
    >> Schrödinger 10/09/11(Sun)11:30 No.5047030
    I feel it's best to start telling if something is "wrong" with you at earlier point, otherwise:

    >Acting weird
    >People leaves you and don't wanna be friends with you
    >Tells them that you have disorder that changes your mental state
    >Friends return, mad as crap at you, because you didn't tell and messed up everything.
    >All is your fault for trying to act like a normal human being.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)11:32 No.5047035
    Yeah, I've punched my husband a few times in my sleep. I always feel like a jerk. However, he's used to me acting like a loony when I sleep. Like, the first time I saw the shadow spider things, once I snapped to, I ripped all the blankets and sheets off the bed making sure there weren't any spiders in the bed (I was still not fully conscious when this happened). Fortunately, my sleep schedule has been fairly regular the past couple of months, so I haven't had an episode in a while.
    >> Soni !!BvH0j6gtcGI 10/09/11(Sun)11:38 No.5047047
    Let me be more clear. I'm talking, "Hi, I'm Jane and I'm a schitzophrenic" deal. Which has happened multiple of times with whatever the hottest ailment is at the time.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)11:39 No.5047049
    Timing is of the essence. I agree with your point but I have to say Soni's point is also valid.

    I am suspicious of people who tell me they have X disorder(s) right away, like soon after initial introductions of Hi I'm so and so. That and if they start mentioning multiple thigns wrong with them it just screams, "I'm actually just an attention whore!"

    If said disorder is something with noticeable symptoms etc. like autism etc., then yea, by all means, pick an appropriate time sooner than later to mention it. Most people are understanding if they know someone has a disorder that may make them seem a little "off" and won't want to trigger things.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)11:55 No.5047076
    ITT: Annoying attention-whoring teenagers whining about other annoying attention-whoring teenagers
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)11:58 No.5047079
    It's always whine whine whine from you isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)11:59 No.5047082
    Well, I have a problem. A disease. I don't know what it is, because my psychiatrist did not tell me exactly. She just gave me medicine saying "this will help you being more balanced".

    And I notice the difference. With the medicine I feel better, have less anger management problems (I used to beat up stuff and people before), am less paranoid and am generally happier with life. I still have to see my doctor once a month for some "fine-tuning"

    I never talk about it, only my friends know about it. And we joke a lot about it. If someone is angry or paranoid about something, our recurrent joke is "you should take Anons medicine".

    So, whenever I see some kid online saying "I HAVE X DISEASE" I just feel like laughing. I don't even feel angry. Maybe that's an effect of the medicine too. When I was in high-school I convinced myself I was autistic, but the fact is that I was actually under a deep depression. I think it did not solve itself by my own means as I tought and that's why I'm still "sick" today.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)11:59 No.5047083
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    It makes me terribly sad when I see people who think being FTM/MTF is so awesome, like it's some sort of fad. One of my best friends is FTM and he has struggled with his feelings for years and only has he recently told his parents. They were initially upset, but understood. I accepted it, of course, since I've always adored him (even when I still remember referring to him as "her"/"she"), though many friends abandoned him.

    It's very difficult. It's just so unfortunate that some people think it's so "cool" to be different, when the real thing truly brings on hardships and suffering... Just my two cents.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)12:04 No.5047098

    I feel really a whole lot better knowing I'm not the only one that flips out at night. I don't tell anyone about it because it sounds so ridiculous. It's always worse in unfamiliar places, too, which is a real pain the ass. The first time my fiance and I spent the night together was in a hotel, and he said I brutalized him almost all night. I felt so bad, I can't even. He was (and is) really great about it, I couldn't ask for a better guy.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)12:08 No.5047107
    Oh damn. This thread.
    As much as I have deep respect for the trans community, there's this one supposedly FtM girl that I'll always refuse to refer to as male.

    She reminds me of gutterface actuall, except that she apparently had testosterone for a while (but had to stop for unexplained reasons.... )
    She fakes a bitch attitude as a failed attempt to look more "manly" and "rougher", while all she does is make a fool out of herself by being an obvious actress, and a bad one at that.
    As an example, the first time I met her she spat out a bubble on the table and tried to throw it on me while laughing like retards do, although I and my friends were all telling her to stop. Jesus christ disgusting fucktard. I am a guy myself and am not as cheap and dumb as that.

    Bonus points she's not even trying to bind down her boobs, wears heavy failed v-kei makeup, has a feminine hairdoe, tries to lower her voice but only manages to sound as shitty as a man jokingly trying to imitate a girl's voice.
    Constantly brags about successfully passing for a guy and being thrown out of women's public bathrooms...
    Also, this FtM obcession of her apparently began when she decided to form a v-kei band, she started to think she was all the hype and allowed herself to look down upon and bitch her own friends too.

    Now I know real FtMs and MtFs, many of wich are good friends to me, and never do they act as fake and retarded as her. They only stay themselve.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)12:13 No.5047117
    I dated a guy for two years who was into Bleach. Because it was 'cool' in Bleach and Ichigo had his 'hollow' side, he would pretend he had split personalities.
    It would drive me insane..he would 'switch' and call me names, tell me how much he hated me, even strangled me.
    Yes, I know people like this.
    It's freaking stupid. You want to punch them.
    Don't be ashamed, though. You don't flaunt it like it's the in thing. Just let the people close to you know..the rest of the world doesn't need that privilege.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)12:25 No.5047142
    I know I act weird and it's usually other people who will say "You're probably something-or-other. Go get help for that." and I would if I had the money to see psychologists and go through whatever tests they'd want to do as well as buy any drugs they'd prescribe. The only times I will bring up what I have been diagnosed with is either when it's going to affect something people want to do with me or it's currently acting up and keeping me from doing much of anything.

    Depression isn't something that can be predicted or turned on/off on a whim even when whatever triggered it goes away. BAWWing at someone who doesn't notice you, then cheering right up when they do notice isn't depression; it's attention whoring.

    Anorexia/Bulemia isn't eating one twinkie less than you otherwise would. It's eating barely enough for a normal human body to function or going whole days with maybe one or two small snacks. It's cutting as much junk out of your diet and then purging because that one french fry may have been more than you should have eaten.

    MtF/FtM don't go angsting at everyone in earshot at how horrible it is to be the gender they were born as and how much happier they'd be as the other. The few adults I've met who claim to be this will either correct any s/he usage or put up with people calling them by what they see on the outside. Or, better yet, they do what they can to LOOK AND SOUND LIKE WHAT THEY FEEL THEY SHOULD BE if they can't/won't go through the sex change operations.

    *takes a chill pill* Sorry, I just hate when people claim to have something wrong, but it only seems to happen when they don't seem to get their way or they're trying to shame people for calling them what they are... Embarrassing attention whores who need to grow up or go back to their mother's basement.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)12:45 No.5047174
    Oh God, these "OMG I HAVE ____, LOOK AT ME AND FEEL SORRY" people really fucking piss me off. I myself have ADHD and worried a fuckton about it in high school since my father and brother have it - both of them are huge fuckups, so I sorta felt that it'd make me like them too.

    I remember back then, I was talking to this one girl in my school's anime club. Eventually she found out that I have it when I was freaking out one day due to forgetting to take my medication. For the rest of the year, she basically kept trying to get me to diagnose her with it because she got bored in math class.

    Like, the only people I honestly ever told about my condition when I first met them were my teachers... 'cuz, they kinda need to know that I'm not trying to be a jackass to them.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)12:56 No.5047193
    Is it just me or are the majority of the posts in this thread from anons going OMFG I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE CLAIM THEY HAVE DISORDERS BECAUSE I MYSELF HAVE THIS DISORDER AND I AM SO MUCH BETTER THAN THEM?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)13:00 No.5047199
    People who fake mental illness should fuck off. Being mentally ill is one of the worst things that can happen to a person, it's devastating economically, socially, emotionally. People lose their jobs, friends and their families because of mental illness. It's some cutesy excuse anyone can use to excuse their rude behavior, of lack of social skills or the fact that their an immature little brat who refuses to grow up.

    It's really offensive to those of us how actually have a mental disorder or those who work and live with people who have on. Every time I see someone do that I want to punch them through the screen so hard.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)13:00 No.5047200
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)13:04 No.5047214
    >I posted This.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)13:05 No.5047216
    No offense intended here, but why do any of you feel the need to share any of your "illnesses" or personal business online?
    It's one thing to talk about it to your family and close friends, but why on Earth would you announce it to the world?
    Unless it's somehow affecting the means of communication between other people and yourself on the internet, you don't owe anyone an explanation.

    Are the people who are boasting about their "illnesses" and "problems" online in general, and especially in inappropriate situations, seeking extreme attention? Yes they are. So with that said, don't degrade to their level.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)13:07 No.5047221
    lol smack dab in between two of em.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)13:07 No.5047222
    I won't speak for anyone else, but all I was doing was explaining how fucking stupid they sound to me
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)13:10 No.5047226
    I had a little chuckle, but I feel bad...she fits that diagnosis like a textbook definition, minus the part where she has a boyfriend that she tells she will kill herself if he leaves her. Poor kitty. I feel bad for the girl too, that shit must suck.

    I feel so awful for people with mental disorders of any sort...though I do think there are some worse than others I feel bad when I see ANYONE self diagnose because it minimizes the experience of those who really have it. Fuck stupid people so much.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)13:14 No.5047234

    I'm not saying that people with real disorders are inherently better people than those who are only faking. What makes them better is when they put effort into overcoming the disorder to at least pass as fitting in with the world. That long-term and heart-felt effort is what makes them better
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)13:23 No.5047248
    I think the anon was saying that we have no more reason to believe anons here claiming to have omg disorders than loud fangirls claiming the same.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)13:24 No.5047250
    Usually real mental illnesses are a source of shame and guilt, and typically kept secret from others, with the exception of a close friend or two and family. This is certainly the case for me. I don't need people's pity and don't want special treatment. All I want to be is normal, except it's not my choice. People are just clueless of how grateful they should be that they have to *invent* problems for themselves.
    >> . 10/09/11(Sun)13:27 No.5047260
    I completely agree. My close friends and my family (Mom, Dad, sister) know, and that's it. I don't get why some people feel the need to announce something so personal to the world.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)13:29 No.5047264
    They're not necessarily similar situations unless the people in this thread were all tripfags.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)13:36 No.5047272
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    People have a problem with girls acting like boys
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)13:37 No.5047277
    People have problems with girls saying they're boys, have always been boys, but fuck you like like my boobs, vagina and looking like a girl, but don't fucking call me a girl I'm a MAN and you should treat me like one!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)13:38 No.5047278
    I personally have to disagree about that. I mean I don't run around yelling "I HAVE ISSUES" at every passer-by, but I try to be as open and honest as I can, even about my illnesses. They're a rather large part of my life after all, and they're not going to go away by being ashamed of them. If someone asks, I tell them.
    So yeah, I don't really think mental illnesses are a thing that should be actively hidden from other people, though I 100% agree it's nothing to brag about.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)13:42 No.5047290
    For about a year I wanted to change my gender. I shared those feelings only with a close friend (now former friend) and my parents. They discussed it with me, I had researched some of what it took to get a gender change, but ultimately my problem wasn't being the wrong gender.
    My issue was feeling inadequate as a female and comparing myself to other girls. I am not girly so I felt very out of place and uncomfortable. I've since moved past many of my feelings of inadequacy, though I still have issues with my appearance. I am happy with my body as it is now.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)13:44 No.5047293
    okay thank you for clarifying
    I haven't met that kind of girl yet
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)14:01 No.5047319
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    This illustrated scientific chart should help distinguish between fakebois and FTMs.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)14:14 No.5047346
    I'm a self-diagnosed lactose intolerant. I'm sorry I don't have insurance and didn't want to pay a doctor to tell me that milk makes my bowels rage. :C
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)14:25 No.5047362
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    Ohohohoho, zee feminists are vrong now. Zey vould laugh at mich und zay "Oooh, Freud, ze vimminz do not have ze penus envies"

    But who ist laughing now?
    >> Queen N !!dqP6WAmFwk9 10/09/11(Sun)14:30 No.5047371
    i definitely understand the frustration with people who fake these illnesses. i've dealt with them before, and it's not something you want to have. i feel sorry for the fact that they think the only way they're going to get attention is though faking an illness or identity issues. i also understand why people wouldn't want to talk about their issues. a lot of the time they're misunderstood, and it's not everyone's business.

    what i don't understand is why it's (my impression) majority rule that it's NOT okay to talk about your mental issues. i don't think bragging is okay because it's really not something to brag about, but i'd rather make the people around me more aware of what's going on within me. i don't tell complete strangers about my disorders, but if it were to come up i would usually tell them. it generally helps people to better understand why i act the way i act. it's not an excuse, and i have to keep working harder every day to improve my mental health patterns, but people generally tend to like me better when they know what's going on inside my head. i don't give everything about myself away, but the average person can't figure out what the fuck is going on in a person with mental illnesses head. i probably sound like a six year old, but i'm actually really puzzled.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)14:30 No.5047373
    Oh Freud, you wacky old sexist coot.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)14:37 No.5047386
    Ugh, I hate when people pretend to have a mental disorder because they think it's cool. My stepdad is bipolar and schizophrenic, and he's a good guy but his disorder ruined my life and our family. He has manic episodes semi frequently and he went to jail once for stealing a cops gun and trying to kill himself, and he's taken all of our money several times and went to mexico to be "cured". We almost lost our house several times and even with financial aid I couldn't afford real college so I'm in a community college, despite the fact that I was accepted into my dream university.

    So Yeah. It's not something to joke about.

    Also my (ex) girlfriend is going down the fakeboi path. She said that "she thinks she might be trans but she's not sure", and she wants to be a gay boy so she can be a drag queen and cross dress (as a woman) and be flamboyant. What do I do, if anything?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)14:38 No.5047389
    There's a big difference between realizing dairy causes you butt issues and self-diagnosing yourself with a disease for attention
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)14:38 No.5047393
    Somethings can be diagnosed but other things need a doctor.

    I know I'm allergic to nutmeg and I know I have a shitty ass cold right now, but I've never been diagnosed, so I understand where you are coming from.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)14:46 No.5047398
    Same here. It sucks because I've had stomach issues all my life, seen specialists who recommended surgeries, and all that shit. Finally this past year I was in the office for a sinus infection, mentioned my stomach issues, the first thng she said was "Cut dairy for a week. If it doesn't do anything, cut gluten..."

    I never even thought of it and back when I first started seeing all these doctors, no one really talked about food allergies etc. I didn't even know Asians were more prone to being lactose intolerant and apparently neither did my doctors. I guess it's a self-diagnosis but really, dairy causes me to feel horrible, that's as much proof as I need.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:07 No.5047433
    That pisses me off so much. I'm friends with some kids who actually have Aspergers, and they aren't jerks 90% of the time.

    As someone who is OCD, and depressed (diagnosed BY a Psychiatrist) and used to be suicidal. It bothers me a lot that people fake mental disorders to be 'cool'. It makes it harder for those afflicted to be taken seriously.

    A girl in my res committed suicide last week and it really isn't taken as seriously as it should be. She was depressed and upset and the counsellors just told her to smile and be happy.

    Nothing about mental illness is 'cool', my depression and suicidalness ruined my life almost. I don't understand why anyone would want to have a mental illness. It's not sunshine and daisies and wonderful rainbows.


    Can the anime community just grow up already?!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:13 No.5047440
    >I didn't even know Asians were more prone to being lactose intolerant and apparently neither did my doctors
    What the butts?
    The Asian population in my country is crazy crazy crazy low (I have only known two my whole life, one of them an exchange student from China) and even we are told this shit in middle school. Adults drinking milk is very uncommon in Asia and the people have never developed functioning lactase, which is why milk messes you guys up. You are fully entitled to bitch at your doctors for not knowing this.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:20 No.5047458
    As someone who is currently trying to find therapy for something that's really been getting hard to deal with at the moment, and me not being sure what it exactly is, though I have got some information from doctors and recognised a lot of my symptoms in it, people like you, OP, are exactly why I'm fucking terrified no one is going to take me seriously.

    Because yeah. No matter how much you think someone's putting it on, NO ONE's concerns about their own mental health should be dismissed because some of the ones who already have been diagnosed are acting like they're some special fucking club.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:25 No.5047470
    I am, according to medical and psychiatric evaluation, type II bipolar. This does not come up unless it is extremely relevant for some rare reason. I do NOT bring it up it in hopes that it will net me some sympathy or allow me to act like a complete bitch without consequence. It's not some trendy fun disease you use for attention; it is a medical problem, and there are symptoms associated with it that go beyond mood swings. People don't brag about or dandruff or hemorrhoids or herpes; why do people try to brag about "I'm so wrong in the head?" It goes up there with claiming to have broken your leg to get sympathy or special treatment.
    I also know a woman who is self-diagnosed Aspergers, as well as self-diagnosed whatever-disease-someone-around-her-has; this is a trend plenty of people around her have picked up on. She will honestly say something that she knows is out-of-bounds and without a pause say "sorry, that was my Aspergers." All my rage...
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:27 No.5047473

    Being lactose intolerant is the original genetic. Everyone being lactose tolerant actually has mutated genes.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:28 No.5047474
    My sister just confessed to me that she is body dysmorphic and that she's wanted to kill herself over it. She's overweight and doesn't want to lose to weight because it makes her looks more feminine and she doesn't think that's how she's supposed to look.

    I wish I knew what to say to her. I tell her that I'm there for her and support her on whatever decision she makes, but I wish I could do more. She means so much to me. I guess in the back of my mind, I always knew this to be true, even growing up, but didn't want to face it.

    It's because of retards in this community thinking they have this all the time and parade around saying they are transgendered that I don't know what to say to my sister or how to treat her and this devastates me.
    >> h.n.elly !!P2ojEMMesl4 10/09/11(Sun)15:29 No.5047476
    I don't think it should be tolerated. If something thinks they're something, they should be told they can't self-diagnose them self and go to therapy. A therapist does not have reveal what goes on, so ~my parents wouldn't understand~ isn't an excuse.

    I'm similar to >>5047433, moderate OCD, SAD, and suicidal tendencies, actually 100% confirmed diagnosis. Also confirmed PSTD. I get treated as someone who is faking their disorder or as if I don't really have it, even when I have registered with disabilities at school. I have had some of the worst emergency counseling before I found medication that worked--mainly to just get over it, that is wasn't attractive behavior.

    It devalues and denies help to those who do have the issues.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:29 No.5047478
    I feel totally blindsided by it but I live in a state where dairy is one of the big industries so I guess I'm not surprised either. What state doesn't want to try and cash in on it's own people? Food allergies and intolerances were not even discussed in health classes. Then again, the Asian population here is so small. Like my bro and I were the only Asians in the district of white kids.

    Thinking back when I was growing up, I had dairy/milk at every meal, no wonder I thought I was dying after every meal. My parents didn't help either. Since we were adopted and they're white, they didn't know about the lactose intolerance thing either. They'd always harp on me because I needed more dairy to build strong bones so as to not get osteoporosis and whatever. Apparently what I really needed was the vitamin D and calcium with less dairy, lmao.

    I'm mad it took so long to figure this shit out but glad it's not something that did permanent damage and now I know I can still have some dairy if I take Lactaid beforehand.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:45 No.5047498
    I don't think that self-diagnosis is a bad thing, as long as you're well informed and get your information from sources other than the internet, and don't just base your 'illness' on what the popular perception of the illness is.

    I used to think that I have a mild from of OCD and a phobia, then I took a psychology class. We only touched on abnormal for about two weeks, but from that, I learnt that I don't have OCD, but I probably do have a phobia. Until I have it diagnosed by a professional though, there is no way to be sure, though, as we have seen with disorders such as autism, they can be over-diagnosed, so there is no way of telling how prevalent they actually are.

    I don't mean to offend those who actually have these disorders, but most cases, where people claim that they have them are fake, almost a fad sometimes. In relation to the cosplay community, I think that most people are jut attention-whoring themselves by claiming these things, trying to add another dimension to their character, most likely because the cosplay community is such a personal one and they are likely to gain sympathy from their peers. Again, I realise that there are people out there who genuinely have these disorders, and I don't mean them any disrespect.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:54 No.5047515
    >I don't think that self-diagnosis is a bad thing.

    Stopped reading there.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)15:58 No.5047520
    Fuck man, fake FtMs...
    I've been with my boyfriend since we were really young. When he realized that he wasn't a she, I was nothing but accepting, since I had always seen her as more boyish anyway, and it made sense. It never even occurred to me that somebody would lie about it.
    Fast forward to highschool, I meet a girl who introduces himself as a boy, and it doesn't really affect me since it was nothing new to me. Through the year, 'he' is sort of... off, insisting 'he' is into girls but is obsessed with yaoi roleplays, wears my dresses (He stained my first brand dress with tea, asshole), and gets hugely into girl's drama.
    The next year, when everyone was sick of their bullshit, 'he' said he wasn't a boy anymore lol so guys can hit on him again.
    >> Washu 10/09/11(Sun)16:00 No.5047523
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    In high shcool, they treated me like i had "Aspergers" (i was bullied alot in school). As soon as i figured out thats what they were doing i was all like
    >OH HELL NO!!!
    >tested me
    >don't have aspergers
    For fucking real... Nothing again people with aspergers(My father, brother, and bff have it) but it pisses me off how RETARDED people will treat you once they find out you may or may not have it. And it seems like the people that admit they have it, are the ones that don't.
    >> h.n.elly !!P2ojEMMesl4 10/09/11(Sun)16:05 No.5047536
    Um, you need a PHD before you're allowed to diagnose people for a reason. Not just one class.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:08 No.5047541
    I wasn't claiming to diagnose others, I was just saying that I discredited one of my own diagnoses based on that class.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:10 No.5047545
    Should have kept reading, they make a decent point.
    If you know there is something wrong and you know the main symptoms of the disorder you think you might have, it will make it easier to seek professional help, and make it easier to come up with a diagnosis that isn't bullshit.
    If you know what symptoms and habits match different disorders, it'll be harder for a bullshit shrink to diagnose you with 'bulimarexia' just because you have concern about your antidepressants causing weight gain.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:13 No.5047549
    Self-diagnosis works more for physical issues, and even then it should be to figure out your temporary plan of care while you wait for a doctor's appointment/results of testing/etc.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:15 No.5047556
    A lot of people take psych classes for a reason, and it's not to become a psychologist.
    They think they have XYZ, take the class, realize the don't have XYZ, get over themselves and move on. Or they think they have XYZ, realize they have ABC and decide to talk with a psychologist about it so they can get better.

    People take psych classes to self diagnose, few would diagnose anyone else.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:19 No.5047563
    I had a friend who took a psych class and suddenly became a big know it all and thought she knew better than my doctors. Needless to say, we are no longer friends. She's on of the worst people I've ever had the displeasure of meeting.
    >> h.n.elly !!P2ojEMMesl4 10/09/11(Sun)16:27 No.5047585
    I do think a psych class is a great way to become better informed, but still self-diagnosing on it's own is bad. Always see a professional to confirm it. And if you see a professional, it's not really self-diagnosis.

    I would hope such a shrink degree would be a fake.A psychologist or psychiatrist should have a copy of their degree on hand (usually framed in the office) for you to look at, and tell you their credentials right away. If not, find a new one.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:33 No.5047604
    On the topic of self-diagnosis:
    Psychiatrists don't always know their shit either though. Every psychiatrist I've been to has a different opinion-Bipolar, BPD, Major Depressive-at this point I've given up taking the medication they give me and don't worry about the label, but instead just go to therapy and worry about making myself happy. It doesn't always work, but the meds always made me tired and made it hard for me to think, which is unacceptable when I have shit to do. I only take them when I know things are going to go really bad now.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:34 No.5047609
    was her name nikki mcconvile by any chanceee hhahahahahaaaa
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:34 No.5047610
    Former friend was/is this kind of attention whore.

    >My parents are horrible to me, they yell at me all the time and neglect me!
    You start fights with them, make yourself out to be the victim and whine some more.

    >I totally black out and self harm guys, look!
    Tiny red lines on arm, not even a scratch
    >I blacked out and woke up with them, isn't that spooky!
    Didn't you say you cat recently had kittens?

    >OMG that new cute guy gets high and parties
    >I totally get high all the time, I'm high right now
    >I was drinking all last night, I'm soooo hungover right now, LOL
    You're not high or hungover, you sniffed a marker once and had ONE Mike's hard lemonade.
    >LOL whatever, you're such a loser 'cause you don't like to party

    >OMG some of those girls are Wiccans and I'm a Wiccan too
    >They don't like me though, BAW, they're cursing me!!!
    They aren't cursing you, you tard.
    >OMG they totally are, I have this killer headache right now because of them
    You have a headache because you're worried about them cursing you and it's causing a psychosomatic response
    >You just don't believe!

    >I'm pregnant!
    You're a virgin.
    (3 months later)
    >I had a miscarriage but I'm totally fine, it's cool, I couldn't handle a kid anyhow.

    >OMG school is soooooo hard, I can't cope!
    >I need to go to a special school that has shorter days and lighter class loads
    >No I'm not just lazy and whiny, shut up, you don't understand how hard it is for me
    >I'm still gonna show up at Prom and stuff even though I don't attend this school anymore.
    >> Dozer !pvQauU2gsY 10/09/11(Sun)16:35 No.5047613
    I have had depression since pre-highschool, ive been in 3 different psych wards and have tried to kill myself 4 times. shit sucks, some days everything is just fubar from when i wake up, if i dont have my meds i stay awake for up to a week at a time, ive had this insomnia since gradschool. only the last hospitalization did the dr actually take the time to diagnose me with bipolar and adhd. i get pissed at those ppl that fake metal illnesses. its those sort of ppl that make it hard for us ppl that actually have these diseases to actively be open to their family and friends. but on the other hand ive been open with my friends and theyve come and visited me in the hospital multiple times. makes me feel better that i can talk to my friends about my problems.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:39 No.5047621
    I was diagnosed with severe ADHD at a very young age, and it has cost me grades, respect, a job, and has been incredibly difficult to work with. It's also lead to bad anxiety and insomnia.
    A few weeks ago I went to a convention. I met some friends of a friend who I was going to the convention with. At this point, I'm only taking half of my recommended dose of meds, which I usually do on weekends (it helps keep tolerance levels lower.) This is kind of how this went down.

    >we're all talking and eating lunch, and I'm naturally jittery and fast talking.
    >One of the acquaintances says something along the lines of "lol better lay off the caffeine."
    >laugh a little and respond with "heheh yeah I would but I've got it built in."
    >Suddenly, one of them is like "ZOMG ME TOO ADHD ALL TEH WAY!"
    >Another one is like "NO WAI MEE TOO! I'M ALWAYS SO HYPER LOLZ"
    >asked which type of meds the first girl was on (which is usually how I spot the fakers)
    >she looks at me like I'm crazy and goes "...meds?"
    >"yeah, meds. I'm on *insert milligrams and dosing of meds* to help with the focusing and anxiety."
    >Stares blankly at me
    >the other one goes "You take meds for ADHD?"
    >"Yes, most people I know with diagnosed ADHD do."
    >All of them are staring at me like I'm some kind of freak
    >First girl: "Well... maybe I don't have it as bad as you."
    >"What did your doctor say? Sometimes its just ADD, which doesn't usually need meds to bypass."
    >"... Doctor? My teachers told me I had it."
    >Go on a shpill about how ADHD is a medical disability, and usually is accompanied by meds and extra school/work accommodations

    The rest of the con pretty much went with them staring at me like I had the plague, and the other girls who thought they had it looking worried and sick like they had just found out they had cancer. I fucking hate when girls pretend to have ADHD as an excuse to be random and socially retarded. It makes me sick.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)16:42 No.5047627
    And the fun stuff!
    >I've known this guy for a month but we're totally going to get married!
    He's had three kids with three other women, two kids he cannot see due to retraining orders
    >My parents kicked me out, BAW, they don't understand my love for him
    >We're living together now, we party all the time, it's great
    >He left me for another man Bawww!
    He made that up so you wouldn't chase after him
    >I'm pregnant with his baby!

    After the kid was had
    >I'm dating this trucker who has no interest in being a father to my child, uses me solely for sex and beats me
    >But I LOVE him so if you report him I'll hate you forever
    >He left me, BAW

    After she found a new man to be with
    >OMG I got a bad Pap, I have uterine cancer! Bawwwww
    >I need to get pregnant now if I'm going to have two kids like I always wanted
    Seriously? You think you have uterine cancer, so your first thought is 'get pregnant'?
    >LOLwat I don't have cancer, that's stupid, LOL.
    >Look at my precious babies!

    Worst part: She doesn't understand that I don't want to be her friend anymore. I have been curt, short and unkind to her for years and she still thinks we're the best of pals. I've told her I don't want to be friends, but it doesn't sink into her thick head.
    >> h.n.elly !!P2ojEMMesl4 10/09/11(Sun)16:50 No.5047654
    I'm really glad you have people to come visit you. Being alone in the hospital is scary.

    I try to hide it from people as long as possible as it freaks them out, and avoid forming relationships. My so is alright with it though, one person is enough for me.
    >> Dozer !pvQauU2gsY 10/09/11(Sun)16:57 No.5047673
    well my friends I've had since highschool that i associate with know about my depression and adhd. and my one best friend we both see the same psychiatrist, so we check on each other. making sure that we're both feeling ok, and not feeling suicidal. I also met a good friend in my areacode from 4chan /soc/ and we both have mental diseases, so its easy to talk about it. hell while i was in the hospital for 2 weeks about 4 months ago i wrote some poetry that my friends and fellow musicians want to turn into songs. good things can happen that make the bad things feel a alot less bad.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)17:10 No.5047695
    my mom has diagnosed narcassistic personality disorder and bi-polar. I'm incredibly high anxiety and some depression, am supposed to be taking two 150 mg of abilify and welbutrin but I don't because meds scare me. I'm afrai of meds because I was misdiagnosed with adhd in highschool an tripped B's on waaayyy too much aderall (this is because my dad saw the aderall not working and forced me to take even more). So I'm now relying only on cograntive behavioral therapy (had a very abusive childhood and series of in family and intimate abusive relationships) and I'm still working through all this stuff. It's slow going, and I still have depressive episodes (that mix with anxiety attacks) that are very hard :( but I'd rather that than the meds.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)17:13 No.5047700
    Stay strong and know you aren't alone. There are others who have made the same decision.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)17:21 No.5047719
    how the hell has this thread gone from "derp 'tard weebs bragging about their made up illnesses make me rage" to "lets BAWWWWWW together about how miserable our lives are with a real illness!"
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)17:23 No.5047729
    Happened about the time they were arguing that self-diagnosis is legitimate.
    >> Dozer !pvQauU2gsY 10/09/11(Sun)17:24 No.5047730
    its ok, im taking
    400mg welbutrin xr, 60mg cymbalta,
    1600mg neurontin (morning/evening), 300mg serequel xr(morning/bedtime), 30mg adderal xr, 300mg reg serequel(bedtime), 10mg melatonin and 50mg benedryl
    ive worked in the ER for about 6yrs, are you sure its not 15mg? bc they only make 1mg,2mg,5mg,10mg,15mg,30mg
    Abilify is a newer drug but its pretty safe. If i remember correctly you need to have your blood levels monitored through blood tests, this makes it safe, just make sure you stay hydrated.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)17:26 No.5047735
    The sad part is that claiming you have a disease for attention is itself a disease called Münchausen syndrome
    >> Dozer !pvQauU2gsY 10/09/11(Sun)17:29 No.5047742
    well we all like cosplay and some ppl are fakers but some arent, so whats wrong about discusing our problems, and i dont really think its turned into a baww poor me thread. hey if talking about problems helps ppl get through them i dont think it matters where it takes place.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)17:30 No.5047746
    therefore anyone claiming to have that syndrome is automatically right.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)17:31 No.5047750
    Actually, Münchausen is when you deliberately make yourself sick for attention. Stuff like poisoning yourself or, as I have heard in one case, injecting feces under your skin. There's a difference.

    There's also Münchausen by proxy, where you do it to someone else. Usually, it's a parent that does it to their child because they enjoy taking care of them.
    >> Soni !!BvH0j6gtcGI 10/09/11(Sun)17:34 No.5047754
    This. I heard of a case at my job where the kid was taken away from their mother because of Munchhausen by proxy. Typically, its a generational thing. And that's a completely cool story from my end.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)17:36 No.5047758

    >The DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria for factitious disorder are as follows:

    >The patient intentionally produces or feigns physical or psychological signs or symptoms.
    >The motivation for the behavior is to assume the sick role.
    >External incentives for the behavior are absent.
    >The following subtypes are specified in the DSM-IV-TR.

    >Patients with primarily physical signs and symptoms (300.16)
    >Patients with primarily psychological signs and symptoms (300.19)
    >Combined subtype (300.19)
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)17:37 No.5047761
    Why do you ppl care so much? Just ignore them...they lying for attention and you're just giving them what they want. I know ppl that lie about illness and such, I just ignore them completely and they stop bringing it up.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)17:38 No.5047765
    This seems to be a good thread to express myself.
    Lately I have seen in my group of friends that a lot of them want to be FTM, referred to by male-pronouns or they want to change their name into male names.
    I don't understand this personally, all of these people are very young and I doubt so many of them REALLY want to be actual MEN. I highly doubt they HURT inside when they see themselves in the mirror, I doubt that they are not okay with their female bodies.
    I think they're only doing this as a mean to become more equal to men, but instead of dealing with it as WOMEN they try to take the easy way out by becoming half-boys.
    I fight for equality and this makes me sad, it's like they look at themselves and go "I am less of a person because I am a woman" and instead of fighting that and making themselves STRONG women, they resort to half-assedly change themselves into half-dudes.
    What the fuck.
    This is a huge problem, most of these people are NOT men trapped in female bodies. They are women who are insecure about their position in society due to the extreme amount of misogyny and bullshit gender-stereotypes.
    I just wish they'd think a little more into it before starting to change everything about themselves.

    That's all.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)17:38 No.5047766
    Also, Facitious Disorder is considered the more updated term for Munchausen, much like psychiatrists no longer use the term Manic-depressive, but instead Bipolar disorder.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)17:42 No.5047772
    Yeah, I know about that. Münchausen just sticks in my head more than Factitious, even though Factitious is a better description of what it actually IS.

    I can remember bipolar better than manic depressive though lol.
    >> Dozer !pvQauU2gsY 10/09/11(Sun)17:43 No.5047773
    took multiple psych and soc courses, and you are correct.
    you are also correct.
    Münchausen syndrome can invole making yourself sick or faking being sick. either way the objective is to get attention. That being said, I've had my share of problems in life, just like everybody else. I know
    dont care but theres multiple ppl in this thread that wanted to talk about their problems, so deal with it, or call a mod to move/kill this thread.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)17:43 No.5047774
    This is like being bisexual or pansexual or whoknowswhat-sexual. Every anime fangirl is! Even those that never ever had sex before. They all like errthing~~ or "they care about the soul and not the gender".

    I feel they're too stupid to tell reality from fantasy.

    Pisses me off more than it should.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)17:46 No.5047785
    I think the idea that you don't know what gender you're attracted to before you have sex is silly. I was fucking positive I was attracted to the opposite sex before I even kissed a boy.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)17:47 No.5047786
    >m troubled because I've actually just been diagnosed with one of these 'cool' illnesses and it's ruined my life, but I'm ashamed to tell anyone because it's the 'in' thing that everybody has in our culture, the anime manga seagul culture

    Are you me OP?
    Severe depression and anxiety has tore apart my life and I have an impossible time sharing that with people (even those I'm close with) because I'm afraid of the stigma. I meet am immense amount of "depressed" people at cons and, while it's not my place to judge, it brings me huge agony to hear these people BRAGGING about their condition. I stand there thinking "If you actually knew you wouldn't brag, and you certainly wouldnt be proud".
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)17:47 No.5047788
    That's the point OP was getting at. It's not fair on those who actually are those things.
    >> Dozer !pvQauU2gsY 10/09/11(Sun)17:49 No.5047794
    concerning sexuality i think its more in terms of want to stand out or be different. being able to claim, "my best friend is gay and he like yaoi. . " makes ppl go wtf, and this makes them happy. theres also fans and just like any popular sport theres ultra-fans that are so into it that its part of their life. i like yuri, but i dont go running around at cons asking any group of girls if theyre lesbians. so yeah. . .
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)17:50 No.5047798
    Oh God, I know that feel. I got it too, except didn't find out all about it until end of junior year of high school. Pretty much every teacher since elementry school told me that I could be a straight-A student if I just focused and did the homework. Plus, I really hate having problems with sleep due to my mind not just shutting up.

    I remember my high school physics teacher was talking about how he hated taking his medication (he has it too, and in fact gave me a ton of really helpful info) and then some girl was all like:

    Whenever people found out I had it, knew it wasn't "I don't like school" and knew how it kinda makes school hard for me, I get treated like I'm mentally challenged.

    Though, I love the look on peoples' faces when they find out how medication works.

    Also, isn't it annoying to hear people say "omg, I'm like, SOOO ADD" when they don't notice a small detail or something?
    >> Dozer !pvQauU2gsY 10/09/11(Sun)17:51 No.5047799
    so by your theory you shouldnt tell your friends or family if you have heart disease?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)17:51 No.5047800
    You can kind of know where your sexual preferences lie before having sex.
    If you know who you are attracted to, gender wise, then you know the basis of your sexuality without needing sex.
    Do you get off thinking about the opposite sex, the same sex or both? Do you actively flirt and pursue a relationship with one gender, the other, or both?

    Some people fake Bi/gay/pan consciously and unconsciously. Some girls don't feel feminine enough to date guys so they date other girls, even though they like guys. Some guys are pressured into homosexuality, so they date other guys when they actually like women. Plenty of people brag about being bi to seem open or sexy to someone else.
    >> Alexweb !yLbltmDFMQ 10/09/11(Sun)17:57 No.5047821
    And Münchausen by internet:
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)17:57 No.5047822
    I once knew a girl who kept raging on about how she's asexual and hates regular relationships after breaking up with this one guy.

    After that guy stopped talking to her and stuff, she suddenly stopped being asexual
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)17:57 No.5047823
    I think they are saying you shouldn't parade around with a big banner that you have heart disease, and brag that you have it for sympathy from strangers.
    Telling family and friends is one thing, waving a massive flag around for attention is completely different.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)17:59 No.5047830
    You can know where your sexuality falls before having sex, butsome people, as I said, don't know the differencebetween reality and fantasy. I've always had fantasies about women, but the real thing did nothing to me and was even a bit gross. I've had men admitting the same to me. Since you have those fantasies, you kind of believe you're gay/bi, but you're not.
    >> Dozer !pvQauU2gsY 10/09/11(Sun)18:02 No.5047838
    I can see that they mean that but im open about my bipolar and adhd and dont really think of it as a serious stigma, if a few ppl were talking about mental illnesses in some corner in my classroom at college id step up and talk about myself and how the diseases have affected me and how i deal with the problems that i have.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)18:03 No.5047841

    This thread got BAAWW fast and I'll have no part in such self-pity. Have this delicious fakeboi rage inducing account and if you like feel free to get back to the weeb hate and fake hate we came here for.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)18:07 No.5047853
    I think it's okay to be open about having a problem, but only with the right people. Like I mentioned earlier in this thread, I was open about having ADHD to my teachers in high school. It wasn't because I wanted attention or anything, but just to really ask them to try being patient with me and let them know that me zoning out wasn't because they were bad teachers. Hell, I didn't really even ask for extra time on tests, less homework, an extra set of books or anything. Just for them to let me sit closer to the front so there's less crap distracting me and that's it
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)18:08 No.5047855
    I'm not looking at that page anymore.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)18:10 No.5047861
    I don't care about anime and manga anymore. But I do remember like 2 years ago, talking to this girl at a con cosplaying gerderbender because she was both male and female. All I could see was a fat average fangirl.

    I don't think /co/splay is raiden with this kind of people, thanks heaven.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)18:10 No.5047864
    what the fuck am i reading
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)18:11 No.5047865
         File1318198282.jpg-(25 KB, 450x268, jackie-chan.jpg)
    25 KB
    so that girl I was flirting with wasn't a dyke but a fake boy
    Damn it
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)18:12 No.5047867
    Not really. There's the occasional "LOOK AT ME IM ORIGINAL CHARACTER DONT STEAL" or some fatass dude trying to pull off being GRRR GRIMDARK, but that's about it
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)18:19 No.5047888
    that's it.
    she wanted to raep your ass with her non-existant penis
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)18:22 No.5047896
    That... thing needs to end up on ED... if it isn't already.
    >> Alexweb !yLbltmDFMQ 10/09/11(Sun)18:23 No.5047901
    I knew I was bi when I was still a virgin, I was (and still am) attracted to men and women.
    It is kind of annoying when people fake being bi though, it's kind of annoying when everybody assumes you're a faker because the last ten people were. :/
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)18:25 No.5047912
    no quit projecting
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)18:29 No.5047925
    i think my friend does that, but not consciously. She's too much into yaoi and cosplaying as girly boys.

    Btw, I can enjoy slash now and then, I'm not narrow-minded or anything, but I don't really believe she's a pansexual girly boy inside.was
    >> BlakeRyan !!4E1IEjI9c+/ 10/09/11(Sun)18:31 No.5047932
         File1318199504.jpg-(34 KB, 500x559, 1307498767382.jpg)
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    I don't tell people I'm Bi-polar to be "cool", and honestly couldn't supply the papers and proof that I am due to the fact I'm not on medication for it, and some doctors messed up some records back when my parents first were finding out the issues. My grandfather and sister are. Also, its highly common to be those things in the artist world. I tell people when its relevant because I do have severe manic issues that arise very quickly and it comes across as me purposely trying to be a "bitch" apparently. Like seriously, goddamn OP. Stop being a selfish bitch and thinking you're the only one with real problems.

    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)18:32 No.5047933
    URGH, I hate this shit the absolute most. I've been depressed for a couple years now. At one point, it got so bad that I had to quit school. Depression is NOTHING to be proud of. Not that it's something to be ashamed of, either, but it's not the kind of thing that you want to broadcast to the world if you actually have it. Only my absolute closest friends and family members know, and I want to keep it that way.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)18:33 No.5047936
    How does this person not have trolls crawling up her asshole like NCN?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)18:39 No.5047956
    its highly common to be those things in the artist world.

    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)18:39 No.5047958
    >do you know what it is like to love someone who doesnt love u back?
    >do u know what it is like to love someone who doest know u are even alive or exist?
    do u know what it is like to love someone who is 22 years older than u?
    >do u know what it is like to love someone who it is illegal to have love u back?
    >do u know what it is like to love someone who was an adult already when u were born?
    >do u know what it is like to love someone who was married before u were born?
    >do u know what it is like to love someone who has a child the same age or older than u?
    >do u know what it is like to love someone who u will never meet?
    >do u know what it is like to love someone who u will never be in the same room as?
    >do u know what it is like to love someone and the closest u get to them is a picture?
    >do u know what it is like to love someone that u will never get to hold, or kiss, or comfort/be comforted by?
    >do u know what it is like to love someone that needs someone to love them, and support them, and u can never be that person?
    >do u know what it is like to love someone and never be able to help them with their probloms,a nd struggles?
    >do u knwo what it is like to love someone and never be able to tell them how much they mean to u?
    >do u know what its like to love someone and never be able to tell them everything will be alrigght?
    >do u know what its like to love someone who has a life and family, and ur not a part of it?
    do u know what its like to love someone who is famous?
    >do u know what its like to love someone and never be able to tell them to their face how much u love them?

    >....because i do, and I'll say it right now, i love u. </3

    What the fuck am I reading?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)18:48 No.5047989
    >do u know what it is like to love someone who is 22 years older than u?
    I know what this one is like.

    I think they are posting about having some fantasy love for a rock star or other celebrity.
    They are also telling the world they need to pay attention in English class more.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)18:49 No.5047993
    >>5047958 are a poet
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)18:50 No.5047995
    I have OCD and tics and some other stuff (not self-diagnosed) and actually been jealous of people with "fashionable" diseases.
    If I already have to suffer, why not anorexia, so I'd be skinny or something like borderline?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)18:52 No.5048002
    then everyone knows because 80& of teen girls have loved a movie/rock star
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)18:52 No.5048003
    You really do not want anorexia, that shit sucks.

    Take it from someone who knows.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)18:58 No.5048035
    Because, you know, anorexia isn't highly dangerous and often fatal.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)19:00 No.5048047
    but how many models you know with fucking ticks
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)19:02 No.5048057
    The ignorance, it burns.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)19:05 No.5048067
    I mean, if you'd rather be a dead model, that's cool with me.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)19:06 No.5048071
    i always got really angry at people who faked or glamorized OCD.
    I have it, my entire family has it; my father has it the worst. He's one of those worst-case-scenarios of OCD. Recluse, angry, depressed, drugged up, suicidal, alone.. you know. not fun.
    when i hear people say like "Oh lol i totes can't leave my bed unmade its like OCD or something~~~"
    Makes me rage and hurt all at the same time. When i /know/ it's not OCD it kills me.

    I've tried to not let it get to me and project my angst onto others. I just feel so hopeless for my father and hearing it downplayed for the sake of being ~a unique snowflake~ sucks.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)19:09 No.5048082
    I think some of us are confusing pretending to have mental disorders with using mental disorders as slang. While it might not anger you any less, it's not that they're trying to be "a unique special snowflake", it's just a way for them to emphasize how orderly they are.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)19:10 No.5048084
    "But you have so much potential!"
    stab, stab, stab.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)19:14 No.5048094
    that was a poor example on my part. I have met people who claim to have OCD and i've known people who use it as slang.

    Pardon my shitty example. I meant to focus on pretenders.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)19:14 No.5048095
    I keep seeing this lately, who is she? Is she new or something?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)19:14 No.5048096
    This thread just makes me do the imad-face. As a person who has been diagnosed with severe depression and been coping with it for the past several years (meds, therapy, all that jazz), it makes me wanna punch babies when some 15-year-old yaoi"boi" starts telling me about "his" depression or anxiety. I'm fucking private about it, only my family, few friends and boyfriend knows about it and I'd rather die in a fucking car-crash than told people. It definitely does not help that one of my not-so-close friends thinks that depression is only a state of mind and that you can "get over it" in a fucking nanosecond. Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)19:14 No.5048097
    who the fuck are yo guys to tell when somebody is really ill or not
    pretentious fuckers
    >> onok Zazi 10/09/11(Sun)19:18 No.5048109
    I honestly hate fakes as well. I am as ADHD as it gets. I cannot focus 80% of the time. It sucks. Try working drive thru and having shiny items all around ya. Sucks. Ass. When people joke about it, they oftem just confuse it as being on an energy drink. (Lots of energy) "oh anon, you're soo ADD right now". (I just want to kill people). I gotta say, the meds do help me soo much. It's usually the difference ofa D and an A in a class.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)19:18 No.5048112
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    Gutterface is not new.
    Huge scammer, total bitch, jumped on the fakeboi bandwagon for more attention whoring.

    Gutterface is her deviant art name.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)19:19 No.5048113
    mental illness is an intimate fuck up within ourselves. some people feel they're all alone in the world in their struggle and get angry and defensive when someone else comes along claiming to have it the same. But how could someone have hurt as much as you have? They must be lying.
    It's alienating.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)19:19 No.5048115
    I know it is. I still can't help it but get jealous sometimes.
    It's kind of, you suffer, but you get something out of it.
    Nobody thinks it's cute if you can't control your fucking facial movements.
    The borderliners and anorectics I knew had friends and boyfriends. Even the depressed ones. I was the weird one that had to touch things and whos face moved.
    I somehow can see both sites. I tend to think some diseases are "cool". On the other hand I get mad if people think it's fun to have a disease and pretend to have one.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)19:20 No.5048118
    Fakebois as you say are just transexuals. Both are mental disorders.
    >> PichuPower !Lo5lXi7StI 10/09/11(Sun)19:22 No.5048126
    I'm in the same postion as you, OP.

    I'd talk about it, but I've got nothing more to say really...

    C'est la vie d' modern.
    Shitty fucking ignorant people on the rise,
    Attention whoring rampant.

    Just steer. Clear.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)19:23 No.5048128
    What exactly is cute about BPD? You know that they have a stigma in the psychological field as being "difficult" patients, and as being abusive in relationships.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)19:25 No.5048136
    Definitely agree with OP.

    Person says, "I've been so depressed, I haven't been able to see my boyfriend in 2 days and I haven't been out clubbing in a week!"

    I feel like replying, "I've been so depressed, it immobilizes me. I sleep all the time. I spend much of my awake time plotting how I'd like to die. Nobody wants to be around me due to my constant internal turmoil, I've never had an actual boyfriend, and I haven't hung out with another person in a year or more."
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)19:30 No.5048144
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)19:38 No.5048165
    >tried to kill myself 4 times

    attention whore spotted, put your neck on a railway track, eat a shotgun barrel, go skydiving and dont pull the cord etc etc

    tried 4 times to kill myself lol
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)19:49 No.5048185
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    That's like saying people who fake having MPD actually have MPD.

    >best be trollin son
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)19:53 No.5048193
    gpoy of me and ocd
    i know that feel ):
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)19:57 No.5048206
    not trolling
    You think a person that needs to fake such a thin is okay and healthy?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)19:59 No.5048216
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    >mfw girl who has a crush on me just started referring to herself as a he and gave herself a male name
    god fucking damnit this is the opposite of what i want
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)20:00 No.5048218
    Are fakebois mentally unwell? Sure.
    Are they legitimate transsexuals? I have great doubts.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)20:01 No.5048220
    This will sound stupid and off topic-ish, when is a good time to tell someone close to you, that you have a disorder?
    >I haven't told my SO I have aspergers and we been dating a year. I keep wanting to say something to him but then I get too scared he might look at me differently, specially because I waited so long to say something to him.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)20:01 No.5048221

    You said that fakebois are transexual. I disagree. They are ill in another way. They maybe feel put down as women or they have penis-envy or maybe they are just desperate. They are not transexual.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)20:22 No.5048288
    you think transexuals have a mental disorder?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)20:23 No.5048293
    most of them yes
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)20:26 No.5048302
    fucking bigot
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)20:27 No.5048305
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    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)20:30 No.5048314
    i consider homosexuality as a normal healthy thing, but transexual people, while I respect them, are not much different fron anorexics.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)20:31 No.5048317
    Hold up and reign in your anger.
    Many transsexuals have depression and anxiety related to being trans, as well as the possibility for other disorders, such as bi polar, schizo, DID, etc.
    Transsexuals are required to have mental evaluations before any reassignment to make sure they are of sound mental capabilities and there isn't some underlying cause for their feelings.
    I imagine many have some level of body dimorphic disorder.
    Most transsexuals likely do have mental disorders, related or unrelated to their transsexualism.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)20:34 No.5048320
    I have ADHD too, and I'd punch those bitches in the nose.

    I hate it when people use "lol I'm so ADHD" as a euphemism for being hyper or giddy. Um, no. No that's night right.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)20:36 No.5048329
    >Had an online friend once
    >"I have a tumor in my brain!! I won't live past December!!!"
    >Few months past December and she's still alive lol, she also talked about her plans that she was making (around October/November) even though she always reminded me of her "deadly tumor."

    Another one of my friends always goes on about how she's Bipolar, but I think she's just down right crazy as fuck. She's a major attention too.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)20:37 No.5048332
    aspergers is a made up disorder designed to seperate you from your money
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)20:43 No.5048358
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    Actually, half of that sounds like the average 2D waifu lover.

    I hate the 'artists have it so it's DEEP'/'I can't be ~creative~ on medicine, that's why I haven't gone to a doctor!' attitude. If it's your idiot choice that keeps you from seeking treatment, then stop fucking complaining about it because you're the only one responsible for your situation. Shut up or find a new way to create, you absolute cunt.

    (this, uh, isn't aimed at any of you in particular)
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)20:51 No.5048396
    I'm male, my mother is bi-polar, and I may be bi-polar as well. However I haven't been to a doctor to see, and I don't tell anyone I am, as I have no idea if I am or not. I'm generally a very happy person even if shit hits the fan I pretty much blow it off after a couple of minutes. (Friend broke a 100 dollar airsoft gun last night, just kinda sighed, and put it away, then we went back to what we were doing). But I have short but BIG depressive episodes every now and then. Though sometimes it can be set off by nothing, like just a particularly low point of a game or anime or something and I can be depressed for weeks.

    I do have ADHD though, was diagnosed when I was 5 or 6, just recently started taking medication again since I'm in college. I also took medication for depression as well when I was younger, stopped taking both around middle school cause my dad more or less doesn't believe in taking medication for that shit.

    But fuck him, I'm an adult now, it's my choice.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)20:52 No.5048400

    You are definitely having a psychotic episode, but that doesn't mean schizophrenia. It could mean another kind of illness, and VERY OFTEN someone will have ONE terrible episode and then never have a problem again.

    I used to work for a place that did free mental health screenings. We'd get you to a psychologist, psychiatrist, help you get your drugs, help you with your job/landlord/family, anything you needed.

    Look for mental health center or mental health clinics in your area. Call and explain your situation and they'll refer you to the local free place for help.

    ALSO: You will NOT be institutionalized unless you ASK. Only suicidal and homicidal adults can be locked up against their will. If they try to take you in, just say, "I am not a danger to myself or others. I feel safer in my own home."
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)20:58 No.5048435
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    I get sort of frustrated when people blame their social ineptitude on autism, but it's blatantly obvious that they have not been formally diagnosed. Not only that, but the way they act is not representative of any type of autism I know, especially Asperger's which seems to be the cool new thing to diagnose yourself with.

    Then again, I think it's just the self diagnosing in general that bothers me. I was diagnosed with Asperger's recently after I spoke to a counselor for the first time in my life about my difficulty with social interaction and emotional connection. She told me it was high functioning autism and commended me on my ability to have adapted to my environment and teach myself how to fake social interactions. Almost every smile, every laugh and every "oh wow, I'm sorry" I have ever reciprocated has been a result of my self training to fit in. I had it rough when I was a child and it took me until my Junior year of high school to finally start to get it right, and even now I still have a really hard time with it.

    To me it feels like most of these people either cry "AUTISM!" for attention or to cover an excuse to be an asshole or make a mistake. It's become one of those conditions that no one takes seriously because they don't actually understand what's going through the person's head, thanks to these idiots who most likely just suffer from general ADD or retardism (derp). I would never come out and announce that I'm autistic (though I do say it in online conversation once in awhile because speaking with a stranger doesn't directly affect my social life), but fortunately I don't have to because I didn't spend my life hiding behind my abnormalities and using them as an excuse to get away with being awkward or rude. I adapted.

    Whatever. In the end I'm ultimately apathetic.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)20:59 No.5048438
    I've found most people are really surprised when diagnosed with mental illnesses, including myself.

    >having panic attacks, make appointment for therapist
    >explain my job is really stressful and I need better coping skills
    >doctor asks a bunch of questions about my symptoms
    >I tell him I have these thoughts that won't go away
    >he asks a bunch more questions
    >tell him about a lot of the weird rituals I do to help with my stress
    >tells me I'm textbook OCD and gives me OCD meds
    >My world is finally fucking sensical for the first time in my life

    Christ, I wish I'd known ten years ago what I know now...
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)21:00 No.5048446
    That sounds like an anxiety induced psychotic episode. But the whole "I feel like there's someone watching me all the time" is a classic example of anxiety. It sounds pretty severe. I would get that checked out, I'd bet if you started to get medicated for anxiety the episodes would stop.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)21:04 No.5048465
    I'm pretty sure I'm bi-polar, i can have big mood swings, one minute im in a happy mood, then my mom tells me to clean my room or some shit and i just get so mad and depressed, one time i punched the door because she kept asking me to take the trash out or something and i was talking to my bbf on the phone.

    My parents totally don't understand me so I can't talk to them about it, I thought about going to the school counsellor but I don't want to get my parents arrested or anything.

    I have to make do with talking to my bbf, though she has her own problems, she thinks is may be borderline personality disorder or schizophrenia, I went over the symptoms on wiki with her and it all fits,
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)21:06 No.5048479
    who the fuck fails 4 times at killing him/herself? i call attention whore-ing.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)21:08 No.5048489
    >I'm pretty sure I have X, I display all these symptoms!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)21:10 No.5048497
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    > I'm pretty sure I'm bi-polar,

    >> Badr !KuHbpirZVI 10/09/11(Sun)21:11 No.5048503
    I was diagnosed with clinical depression a few years back. It sucks. I cried all the time for no fucking reason.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)21:11 No.5048504
    >My parents totally don't understand me so I can't talk to them about it

    You sound just like any other teenager trying to find something to be "different". If you're that concerned talk to a counselor, I don't even see why you think your parents would get arrested if they don't even know about it.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)21:12 No.5048506
    Someone explain to me why it's rage inducing to have someone who might or might not be gender conflicted change the way they are presented gender-wise from time to time?
    I still don't get it and it's so fucking hypocritical so many ways. Most of the rage seems to come from people who know/are MTF/FTMs, they should be the most understanding about how much of a spectrum gender is.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)21:13 No.5048511
    >I went over the symptoms on wiki with her and it all fits,

    Good lord Anon warn people when you're going to mimic a teenager self diagnosing, spilled my drink everywhere laughing
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)21:14 No.5048518
    You sound like you're still relatively young, possibly in your teenage years (is this correct?). Your mood swings sound a lot like hormones. The reason doctors don't usually diagnose bi-polar disorder before your mid twenties is because of hormones. When I was a teenager I used to have THE worst mood swings. I would be perfectly happy, like my brain was full of motherfucking sunshine, then with a snap of the finger I would feel suicidal. About the time I turned twenty, my personality leveled out. You'd be amazed at what hormones can do to your mental status. Generally if it were bi-polar disorder your mood swings would come about randomly. You'd have a completely euphoric high one minute then suicidal (or homicidal) the next for no reason. To me it sounds like your mood swings have specific triggers from situations you find frustrating. That's definitely hormones.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)21:14 No.5048519

    I imagine it'd be like being a cripple that's bound to a wheel chair, and some dude just walks over, hops into one, and starts pushing it around and saying their legs don't work. It's a mockery of the person that actually has these legitimate issues and has to live with them.
    >> h.n.elly !!P2ojEMMesl4 10/09/11(Sun)21:20 No.5048538
    It's very hard to get your folks arrested, except in extreme situation, i.e., sexual abuse, for just talking to a counselor. They definitely won't be arrested for not taking you to a psych. Check your state laws, but most counselors have a confidentiality policy that they don't report anything unless you or someone is in danger.

    If the above happens, most likely, child services will visit your house first and check things out.

    Also, a big part of being a teenager is extreme emotions and mood swings, so yeah, see someone rather then assume.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)21:24 No.5048563
    You know what I hate? People who are all like "OH MAN I WISH I HAD ADHD TOO! IM SOOOO JEALOUS!" because they want to get adderall.

    They're right up there with this one bitch in high school who kept saying you could get an easier ACT by just saying "I have ADD"
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)21:25 No.5048566
    Back in middle school I went through a (extremely retarded) self harm phase and fucked up my arm pretty bad. I got called to the counselor's and the principle's office. All that happened was a few sessions with the counselor and I was free to go on like nothing happened for the rest of my life.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)21:29 No.5048579

    i heard adderall is good for controlling weight tho
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)21:31 No.5048591
    It is in the sense that it doesn't make you hungry. But people don't get that it works differently on people with ADHD. You'd think that giving a hyperactive person a stimulant would be like trying to put out a fire with gasoline, but turns out it balances things out
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)21:33 No.5048606
    These faggots needs to go to a work camp to know what's a real problem and stop pretending they're something they're not to gain attention.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)21:35 No.5048617
    YEAH! They should put all these ignorant people in like some sort of prison so they know what it's like to have problems! I mean, like those jews in the horrible holocaust know what it's like! THEYSE FAGGOTS DONT
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)21:35 No.5048619
    Yeah that's kind of fucked up. I read an anonymous confession on postsecret that said the man no longer needed to buy meth because his adderall prescription gave him the same effect and was cheaper. Doctors hand those prescriptions out like candy too.

    I don't like adderall, it makes me feel ill and gives me anxiety. My doctor actually gave me a prescription of ritalin for lethargy. Some days I'm so lethargic I can't get out of bed, but if I pop a ritalin all of a sudden I'm awake and focused. Plus it curbs my appetite so I don't feel the desire to eat all day (because I'm possessed by the demon of gluttony). It's like magic energy and focus in a pill, that stuff is amazing.

    But yeah, ADHD and ADD are extremely over diagnosed.
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 10/09/11(Sun)21:46 No.5048653
    I was diagnosed with ADD back when I was like 8.
    No one told me. I found out when I was going through old records I picked up, read this and was like "...wait, what?"

    I thought I was just really good at multi-tasking.

    Anyway, I don't know if my parents were cheap or told the doctor to fuck off because I didn't get meds for it.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)21:56 No.5048685
    Ha, people who don't actually have ADD or ADHD have NO idea what it actually entails. They think it just makes you hyper, spazzy and random. I love it when people say "Omg, I keep focusing on like 20 different things, I'm so ADD, haha!"
    And it's like no, stupid. No you aren't. I was diagnosed with ADD at the age of 8. I was even in a study once. I can keep focus on one thing INCREDIBLY well, to the exclusion of everything else. It just so happens that the things I focus on are not the things I'm supposed to be doing (like when I clean my room or try to organize my desk or something, I'll find an old diary or something and sit on the ground and get obsessed with reading it for over an hour. And then my room doesn't get clean. Again).
    They also don't realize the way that the medication affects you when you actually are attention deficit. When you're actually ADD, no stimulant jazzes you up and makes you hyper. I can drink an espresso right before bed and still fall asleep (and I have before). More than anything, my meds (Concerta) would make it easier to pay attention in class instead of drawing beautiful masterpieces all over my binder like I normally did. Unfortunately, they also made me a bit zombie like and not want to eat anything, so I haven't been on them since middle school. Like >>5047621 said, I just have ADD, so I don't need the meds to be able to function in work and school (though I have been considering going back on medication now that I'm in college and my procrastination has gotten worse).
    My older brother has severe ADHD though, so he's on medication still to this day, and he's in his first year of law school. Without it, he's messier than me even, severely impulsive and twitchy as fuck.
    So no. ADHD isn't just the "OMG RANDOM disorder." Stop saying that.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:00 No.5048695

    This. 100%
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:04 No.5048705
    >>5047319 least two of those are adorable. Which fakebois aren't.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:06 No.5048720
    Seriously? People claim to be schizophrenic? What my brother has to deal with... Why would anyone want that?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:06 No.5048721
    I don't believe in diganoised cases either. I have been diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, aspergers, bi-polar, borderline, anorexia, bulimia, depression, seasonal affective disorder, manic depression, anxiety, social anxiety, separation anxiety, BDD, and more. Fuck doctors.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:12 No.5048744
    This. AMEN.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:13 No.5048751
    "Fuck doctors" is exactly what people with half of what you just noted say.

    And then they do some stupid shit like run into traffic naked or eat a gun.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:15 No.5048766
    "My doctor diagnosed me with cynicism, but I think he's just looking for a way to get more money from me"
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:16 No.5048767
    You probably don't believe in mental disorders either then.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:20 No.5048779
    I believe something is wrong with me, I do not believe everything I have been diagnosed with is wrong with me. I do not say "fuck doctors" because they are trying to "get money out of me" I say "fuck doctors" because they don't take the time to learn everything about me, and instead just throw on a label of what's wrong with me and prescribe some pills because it's easier.
    I have been on and off medication for 11 years now, I know something isn't right, I have attempted to kill myself many times. I have scars at least somewhere on every single one of my major body parts. I cry because of how I look, and go days without eating, and some days eat until I throw up because I am too full. And then eat more until it happens again. I know I am not right, but the doctors do not take the time to fix me, they just throw pills at me that don't work. And when I tell them they just up the dosage until I am completely numb, instead of switching it like I ask, or doing anything differently.

    Maybe you should ask before you assume things.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:20 No.5048781
    I once had a girl who self-diagnosed herself with ADHD ask me if I had tourettes because I was so jumpy and scattered. When I told her it was ADHD, she said something like "I do too. Doesn't it just make you not focus."

    Cue me having to tell her what it really was, and her looking more and more guilty as I went on. By the end of it, she said that she didn't have ADHD, and she felt bad for thinking so.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:20 No.5048782
    Thyroid conditions
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:20 No.5048783
    And you would be making a very ignorant assumption.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:22 No.5048792
    Maybe you should explain more before listing a long ass list of things people say are wrong with you and then going "But like fuck doctors cuz they don't know shit."

    It makes you look crazy.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:25 No.5048798
    >It makes you look crazy.

    As if I care about looking how I am. Silly anon.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:25 No.5048801
    wait, do people seriously claim to have this without actually having it???
    it's seriously nothing special at all wat
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:26 No.5048803
    I am batshit insane.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:26 No.5048805
    It's mostly fatties that claim this shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:27 No.5048810
    But you must understand that people will make the assumption just based on what you posted that you're one of those people who had been diagnosed and then didn't take their meds because they were so ill that their minds told them they didn't need to.

    So many people I know with bipolar disorder and 1 I know with schizophrenia said the same things you did, and it has lead to damaging and heart breaking results.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:29 No.5048820
    Wow... um... You have had a string of shitty doctors.

    >Take multiple psych classes, including abnormal psych.
    >Professor is also a practicing psychologist, he feels it's necessary to do a more in depth discussion on ADD/ADHD
    >He's tired of misdiagnosis, parents asking for unnecessary meds, wants to clear up what ADD/ADHD entails
    >Realize after the in depth review of symptoms and what they mean that I had ADD pretty badly as a kid
    >I was so bad every teacher I had asked my parents if there was something wrong with me
    >'LOL Anon's just a little spacey, it's fine'
    >I managed to control it on my own in order to graduate high school
    >Parents were shocked when my first high school parent teacher conference had teachers talking about how focused and attentive I was
    >I had to force myself to pay attention, find tricks to help myself focus on the task at hand
    >WHY.jpg when they wanted to medicate my younger brother after he got misdiagnosed with ADHD
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:29 No.5048821

    Most fatties do.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:30 No.5048828

    Oh my god yes. Thyroid conditions effect maybe 11% of the population. Divide that between overactive thyroids and underactive ones and the that 1/3 of the country is overweight and likelihood of you having a thyroid condition that makes you unable to lose weight is a lot smaller than you think.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:30 No.5048831

    This shit will never fail to piss me off to no end. I have a thyroid condition, and I'm NOT fat. There are many different conditions that can make you fat due to thyroid imbalances, but for the most part it usually has to do with how your body stores and maintains it's nutrients.

    All these hambeasts going "UGH I HAVE A THYROID PROBLEM" should really be saying "I CAN'T BE BOTHERED TO EAT RIGHT."
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:30 No.5048832
    Meh, I tried to make it charitable -- I know many, many fakebois (and several FtMs) and I don't think ALL the "fakes" are colossal attention whores with issues surrounding their sexuality. Some are just misinformed.

    And I'd always champion the rights of girls to dress/act like little boys if they damn well please. It's when they start claiming they -ARE- boys because they have short hair and like videogames and aren't like any of those stupid ~girls~ with their gross icky boobs that I'm just like......what?

    I also see so many of them falling all over themselves to take male hormones, then turning right around and shaving off all their body hair and slapping on the makeup because they only ever wanted to be taken seriously as "gay"/androgynous/boyish, but growing a chest rug was never a goal of theirs. There's a precious few who take T for the physical changes it gives them...a lot of the others are just doing it for validation.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:30 No.5048834
    If I must do that you must also ask questions before you assume things. No one must do anything, everyone assumes, so that ends that, no?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:30 No.5048837
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    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:31 No.5048841
    Huh, I've gotten something similar to sleep paralysis from sleeping weirdly. It was a dream that I woke up from a lucid dream and had sleep paralysis.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:32 No.5048844
    I have Major Depressive Disorder, Paranoia, and Generalized Anxiety. The psychiatrist is looking into me having Bi-Polar disorder due to the depression, but I honestly don't think I have it, because I never have the associated 'mania' to go with it.

    I can't talk with anyone about it because they think I will just be one of those attention seeking assholes. I'm really trying to improve my depression and anxiety, but I can't even talk to my friends about it without feeling like i'm associated with the attention whores.

    For a while I was suicidal, but when someone asked me 'what's wrong' and I responded 'I think I don't want to be alone right now, I might hurt myself', they would just give me weird looks and leave. NIGGA I WAS TRYING TO REACH OUT FOR HELP.

    It's a sad life.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:33 No.5048850

    Glorious troll is glorious.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:34 No.5048855
    Are you me? At least, with an older brother instead of a younger?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:35 No.5048860
    I was diagnosed with ADHD, by more than a few shrinks, as a kid and was a little terror. As I got older, I got to the point where I was able objectively observe my behavior as someone else might. Amazingly, when you realize you're even annoying yourself, all your impulses suddenly become magically controllable. Most I do now is dislike sitting in the same position for a long time; keep shifting around.

    Giving kids meds for everything is bullshit. Wait till they get a bit older and see what happens. I don't want to go into the personal hell, "oh, that pill didn't work? Try this one next," caused me.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:35 No.5048862
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    >mfw I actually know 5 close persons who actually suffer from schyzophrenia and had to be hospitalized for it, and don't know ANY person who faked/self-diagnossed that kind of sickness

    It's pretty sad actually. For example one is a woman of ~50. Two years ago she was lucid, albeit a bit all over the place and impulsive, but now she's flat out crazy, full of delusions, mood swings... she's pretty much not a normal human beign anymore.

    Other guy was this extremely smart and awkward kid which everyone through school said could 'beat me in intelligence' (we were the smartest kids in each class, for some reason people always liked me and 'cheered' for me against other smart kids). Get to know him, he was a bit weird, some times he came to home at 8-9 PM to talk, the conversations would end and he would stand there still without saying a word. Awkward as fuck. He took engineering with me (we weren't in the same class) and started working (single-mom's son), and a months later he had to be hospitalized because he had an outbreak, and he was out for 3-4 months. He lost his job, 2 years of college and hasn't been the same since then because he's heavily medicated now.

    It's awful.

    I can't grasp the idea that there may be people who honestly think they are cool faking this, or even TRY to fake this. What the fuck.
    >> h.n.elly !!P2ojEMMesl4 10/09/11(Sun)22:36 No.5048863
    It's not because it's easier. It's because psychiatrist are overloaded, and generally spend 15-20 minutes on a patient. A lot of treatments have a two pronged approach with a psychiatrist to prescribe medicine and a therapist for therapy.

    You probably want to find a therapist who is willing to let you talk as long as you want, and can refer you to a psychiatrist to be tested when they get an idea of what you have.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:37 No.5048864
    Except bi-polar is not minute to minute, or even hour to hour, day to day, or even week to week. It is you will be manic for a month, 4 months, on top of the world amazing beyond belief you are so good. And then? You wont be able to get out of bed for months, you wont eat, bathe, sleep, you'll just lay there. Helpless. Nothing wrong, you just can't do anything.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:39 No.5048879
    Bi polar doesn't always mean manic to depressive. There's normal to depressed, normal to manic and manic to depressed forms of bi polar disorder, so you could very well have it.

    If you are in the US, seek a Psychologist and NOT and Psychiatrist. Psychologists cannot legally prescribe medication, so if you get one that tries to, move on to someone else.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:39 No.5048883
    Being someone with both ADHD and Bipolar disorder, I would NEVER wish this on anyone, and this whole thread made me cry because there are people like this.

    Don't they realize how hard it is to not have control over the one thing everyone NEEDS to have control over, your brain and mind? Don't they realize that not a day goes by where I don't wish I was normal so I could work harder and not hurt the people around me? Every day I wake up and hope that my pills work and I don't screw up or snap.

    People make me sick sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:40 No.5048888
    Except I pay for 2 hour sessions for my therapist, 1 hour for my psychiatrist, and 30-60 min with my doctor. And I have always had a therapist, and a doctor, and a psychiatrist, and they all work together. And yet nothing. I either am upset, or am on meds so high that I feel numb to life.

    I don't like doctors.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:42 No.5048890
    As I've all ready said I've been dealing with this shit for 11 years, I know the difference all ready.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:46 No.5048906
    Um, I happen to have Schizophrenia and I can tell you that I'm hearing voices that are very real :|
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:46 No.5048910
    Why do people think you need to grow chesthair to be a man?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:52 No.5048934
    >Bi polar doesn't always mean manic to depressive. There's normal to depressed, normal to manic and manic to depressed forms of bi polar disorder, so you could very well have it.

    Well, fuck. And because I have horrendous state provided medicaid for the time being, I won't be able to see a therapist for at least 2 months from now because they are overbooked.

    I just really hope I can get through this without medicine. That's the prospect that scares me. That I'm so messed up I have to take medicine that changes the way my mind functions. That's a terrifying thing to think about, like mind control in a way.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:52 No.5048938
    I've been trying to understand who/what I am since I was born, and with a lot of research after this fucking hack of a pediatrician told me for years I had GAD, depression, bipolar, ADD and then threw me on this crazy prozac-wellbutrin cocktail, I think I know what I am. I don't want to say I have Avoidant Personality Disorder even though it fits me to a fucking T, because I haven't gotten it checked out by a doctor. My current doctor is like... off the boat Indian and I can barely understand what she's saying, plus she's probably so busy that I don't want to bother her with something more than a checkup.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:54 No.5048942
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    I found THIS on /adv/. Would you guys consider this a fakeboi?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:54 No.5048945
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:55 No.5048946
    What the hell is this 99% nonsense?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:55 No.5048950
    What the fuck does that have to do with the occupy wall street thing? That's just confusing.
    Also, horrendous hand writing.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:56 No.5048956
    It's a fancy way of saying "IM A VICTIM GIMMIE FREE MONEY"
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:58 No.5048960
    Man, I agree. Lovely wording, trying to act normal or having to hide parts of your life to friends, not close family members and regular people is so stressful.
    >I have to get extra special education help in college but some times it is hard to explain why I have extra time in class or a different schedule to other students because I try to act normal.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)22:59 No.5048964
    When I was a kid, nobody had heard of ADD; teachers thought I was being lazy or something. I can't tell you the number of times that, right after talking about how poorly I was doing in school, they'd say "but you have so much potential!" Only in the late eighties did ADD start to become publicised; I thought I might have it, but also worried that it was the Disease of the Week. In the nineties when I finally tried to go for treatment and get ADD meds, lots of docs/psychs refused because they thought that you grew out of ADD. Only in the aughties was I able to find someone who was willing to prescribe. (And found out at the ripe old age of 35 that I had Asperger's as well, ha ha ha.)

    I'd much rather that there be stupid twats claiming to have ADD or Asperger's or depression or whatever (and be wrong) than there to be zero awareness of those sorts of mental health issues with no way to get help. I wouldn't wish this stuff on anyone; it sucks.
    >> Eva Expert !GWCY8FQTlE!!Gevmy++QVtu 10/09/11(Sun)23:02 No.5048982
    A slogan used by some protestors at the protests currently being held across the country. You should keep up with the news, yo.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)23:05 No.5048993
    I've noticed that across most of the boards that there is a disdain for the Occupy Wall Street movement. But most of the population on this website should be young, (18 thru midtwenties) and liberal. I really ought to do a survey sometime, this could prove interesting. Sage for offtopic.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)23:07 No.5049006
    Because it's done by hipsters who bitch and moan about their degree in Underwater Basket-Weaving not guaranteeing them a job
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)23:11 No.5049019
    This. 4chan for all it's immaturity, is pretty sharp at recognizing people who are to blame for their own situations.

    Read some quotes from the folks out there. There were more than a few who quite their jobs and went out to protest for long periods of time. What are they protesting about? Unavailability of jobs. I mean, the most brilliant satirist in the world couldn't write this shit.

    sage for off-topic
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)23:11 No.5049021
    A lot of it seems misguided, disorganized and attentions whorish.
    If they had a better plan, were a cohesive group and weren't a load of whiny asshats, more people would feel more supportive.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)23:15 No.5049025

    Fuckin' hell.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)23:18 No.5049039
    I've come to the conclusion that everyone under twenty watches Fox News.

    >watch fox
    >they say ALL the protesters are under educated and unjustified
    >believe them

    great job
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)23:28 No.5049065
    How did this diagnosis ruin your life?
    You were already differently abled/minded beforehand, and a diagnosis doesn't change shit, just helps you put a name on a series of symptoms to get more specific medical or psychological treatment.

    As for the topic, I've never self-diagnosed myself because I've never had to. I go to the doctor, get tests and histories made, visit specialists in each field, and then come home with a list of resources and usually pills.
    Then I head to the internet, and find whatever peer-reviewed information I can find, network with other people who have the same disease or disorder as me, usually join a support group, and advocate for myself, armed with only respected scientific articles until I can get a treatment that works for me.

    Granted, I have been diagnosed with some bullshit before getting properly assessed. Took many years to see the right kind of specialist as well, the former one hadn't even heard of my condition before, how was he going to diagnose me with it?

    It does make me a little ragey when I see these confused angtsy teenagers acting like it's a GOOD thing to want to have fucked up genes, fucked up brain chemistry, emotional devastation, or trauma. Being normal is a GOOD thing, don't waste your life pretending it's not.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)23:28 No.5049070
    Bitch, please. I got all this from NBC and just judging how my generation's been like in general.

    Seriously, college kids need to learn pretty quickly that a degree doesn't automatically get you a job
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)23:28 No.5049072
    >Don't have a TV to watch Fox News on
    >Read twitter, occupywallstreet's forums, other non-mainstream sources
    >Come to same conclusion.

    Already saw the transcript of this video. Yeah, there's a handful that are intelligent and have solid ideals. It ain't the majority or what I've seen. That's cool through bro, pick out the 1 gem from the 5 tons of shit and pretend it's representative of the whole bit.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)23:32 No.5049086
    I once encountered a girl on DeviantART saying she wished she was depressed. I told her if she knew what it was really like, she wouldn't.

    Depression and anxiety are pretty common, but really misunderstood. I was diagnosed almost ten years ago, and I'm pretty open about it because I think it's really important to have an open dialogue about it and I want to do what I can to help other depressives, but I only talk about MY depression in any kind of depth with my closest friends.

    I'm open about it because I want to help fix the stigma against it and allow people to feel comfortable getting help. It's SO common and so easy to take care of when you take the correct steps.

    I don't think that makes me an attention whore, does it?

    This pretending to be ill trend is interesting and disturbing all at the same time; I think a lot of it has to do with the internet giving people all this information about mental illnesses and lots of media glamorizing them combined with angsty teens who want to be's a bad combination. It actually makes sense that a lot of weeaboos fake mental illness because they're often special snowflakes and want to be dark and different.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)23:33 No.5049093
    Again, you're generalizing. I seriously doubt there's more than 30% of the types of people you're talking about in that group. A lot of the protesters there weren't even college aged. I swung by the protest that was being held in Portland and the majority of the protesters were adults who had lost their jobs for one reason or another.

    Alternately, many of them DO have jobs, but understand how difficult it is to obtain them. The small amount of jobs that people try and shove in your face saying "look, America has jobs, you're just too lazy to do them" are shit jobs, with shit pay and no health benefits. Types of jobs you could not support yourself nonetheless a family with. I'm just saying you're completely stereotyping the protest based on a few idiots who don't understand it, but the concept is still completely legitimate and a good majority of the people protesting DO understand what they are doing and are not delusional about how the world works.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)23:36 No.5049103
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    >>(like when I clean my room or try to organize my desk or something, I'll find an old diary or something and sit on the ground and get obsessed with reading it for over an hour. And then my room doesn't get clean. Again)

    What the hell -- this is what I end up doing when I try to clean ANYTHING. I have to end up only doing 10 minutes of cleaning specific things in order to get a room clean within a week. Shit sux.

    I'm weary of psychologists. One of the psychologists I went to did NOTHING -- she sat there and had me talk. About random shit. It wasn't until I went to a session with a person with an MSW that my anxiety got sorted out.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)23:37 No.5049107
    It's funny because that's exactly what you're doing.

    Then again I'm also basing a lot of my observations off the protest that was held in Portland. Portland may be full of hipsters, but apparently they were too cool to show up, because that protest was full of intelligent people, most of which were not college age.

    I just posted that video because it kind of makes me laugh. With the way Fox operates it's obvious that they picked that man to interview because he looks like a typical dumbass redneck. He pretty much owned that reporter and, go figure, Fox News never aired that interview, ha ha.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)23:37 No.5049108
    >are shit jobs, with shit pay and no health benefits

    Typical Americans. Turn down any job that doesn't pay you a ton, turn around and bitch about the "illegals" coming into your country to do them.

    >types of jobs you could not support yourself nonetheless a family with

    Here's a hint: don't fucking have kids if you can't afford to care for them.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)23:43 No.5049129
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    >>turn around and bitch about the "illegals" coming into your country to do them.
    >>illegals are emigrating from US because of financial situation
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)23:43 No.5049131
    Hey, don't preach to me. I support the protesters because I do agree with many of their principles (mostly the corruption in big businesses) but in reality I'm pretty neutral. I don't like the way many things are going around the world, but I have little faith they will change. I mean, hell, I'd support mandatory sterilization of idiots and poor people if someone proposed it. I agree, these people shouldn't reproduce. That doesn't change the fact that things are they way they are, and they way they are is pretty shitty. I'm not looking for an argument, I'm just saying that I don't think it's fair to judge these protesters by a few dumbfuck hipsters in the crowd. It's completely irrational. Just because you have some people that don't understand what the fuck they're doing doesn't make the underlying cause unjustified.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)23:43 No.5049133
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    You won't ever hear me defend Fox News.

    I get most my offical US news from international outlets. BBC and others do a very decent job at being impartial since they don't really have a horse in the race (ex:

    Most the stuff I've seen that totally makes me disagree with these clowns has come out of their own mouths online.
    >> Eva Expert !GWCY8FQTlE!!Gevmy++QVtu 10/09/11(Sun)23:45 No.5049137
    I don't about you, but I would never protest in alliance with American "liberals". If I wanted to hang out with right-wingers... well, I'd just go to an Obama rally or something.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)23:51 No.5049159
    At first I was like
    >Why did this thread go so off topic?
    then I realized we just changed which type of attention whores were were talking about.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)23:52 No.5049160
    Because I can totally support myself, no kids, no wife, on $3 an hour.
    People hire illegals because they don't have to pay them minimum wage.
    If those shit jobs want to pay minimum wage, sure I'll take them.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)23:55 No.5049171
    The day I hear someone use Fox News as a source for an argument, I'll probably break down and start drinking religiously to forget how much I hate everyone.

    I feel like most of what I've seen has been one sided. The news casters speak as though they are neutral regarding the situation, but then they go out and find the stupidest people they can to interview. That's a pretty sneaky way of actually picking a side. I've seen a lot of proof, including physically speaking with people, that most of the protesters are not that stupid. To me it's that whole "silent masses" concept. The majority of the time, the dumb people are the ones that come out and start making youtube videos about what (they think) is going on. They flock the forums and start arguments that are completely illogical. And meanwhile, the intelligent people sit back and watch. And when the masses gather, they hop in without a second thought but they don't go out of their way to make a scene.

    I just feel like this whole thing is a joke. I swear these news programs intentionally search out the idiots. That's why they picked that guy in the video (who looks like an uneducated redneck) and then didn't air the video when he turned out to actually know what he was talking about. Instead, they found another person who made an ass of themselves and showed it. I wouldn't be surprised if other programs did that too then pretended they were actually "neutral" to the situation to make the idiocy look more prevalent.

    I don't trust news anymore. ALL sources of information are biased in one way or another.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)23:56 No.5049179
    >someone doesn't like living in a plutocracy
    >obviously they're liberals
    >liberals are hippies

    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)23:56 No.5049180
    >Someone told me this, so I believe it

    Depends on the state, bro:
    >The average household income for illegal immigrants is $45,748 nationally. In Maryland, it's $58,061; in Virginia, $61,112.

    It's cool though, don't let facts get in the way of your thinking.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/11(Sun)23:59 No.5049187

    this is why it's good to read about the same thing from multiple sources and get as many opinions as possible. the parts of the stories that overlap are probably the truest parts.

    Something useful I learned as a historian.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)00:00 No.5049191
    Eva Expert never said "hippies"

    Reactionary much?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)00:01 No.5049195
    >on topic
    You do realize this thread is about people faking mental illnesses and/or social/learning disabilities, right?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)00:03 No.5049202
    >Here's a hint: don't fucking have kids if you can't afford to care for them.
    Because that's always completely your control.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)00:03 No.5049203
    The newscasters don't care about which side it is, with the exception of FN trying to pander to their base, they just want something that will draw eyes. Sensationalizing the protesters and making them into a sideshow gets viewers.

    It's the same reason they run promos like "the everyday object that could be GIVING YOU CANCER. Tonight at 11."

    It's what happens when your news has to compete for ratings as if it were entertainment programming.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)00:05 No.5049210
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    I don't know if I always agree with that. It's definitely the logical approach to it, but with this particular subject matter I don't trust anyone, because who knows what the producers are thinking (or who possibly paid them off). I just feel like in this sort of situation, the only way to truly know is to actually go out and observe it for yourself. And like I said, I did that. I know Portland has completely different people than New York but of the people I met at the protest, I found that the majority of the people are intelligent and hard working and are just down on their luck because they lost their jobs thanks to some asshole move by the business they were working for.

    It just goes back to the whole- history was written by the conquerors, not the conquered. Media, even in mass quantities, can be easily swayed by many different influences. Because the subject here has a lot to do with money I don't trust it at all. This whole country is run by greed and the media is no different.

    But uh...I'm gonna peace out. Dexter is on. Later everyone.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)00:06 No.5049211
    >>5049202're right, just the other day I was walking along, tripped and got a woman pregnant. You can't overstate the risks of modern living!

    Just keep with that mindset of, "it's not my fault, there's nothing I could do!" it's why most those protesters are out there.

    >Take a loan with terms you could never reasonably payback for a house 3x more than you can afford
    >Default and lose your ass
    >Blame the bank
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)00:06 No.5049212
    What a vile person.

    You could say she's [spoiler]convile[/spoiler]
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)00:09 No.5049219
    >People never get raped
    >People never make mistakes
    >Precautions never fail
    >> Eva Expert !GWCY8FQTlE!!Gevmy++QVtu 10/10/11(Mon)00:10 No.5049222
    I'm not sure what you're trying to say.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)00:14 No.5049233
    >or who possibly paid them off)
    lol, conspiracy theories

    >asshole move by the business they were working for'
    Yeah, businesses are easy to hate because they're faceless monolithic entities, amiright? Let me ask you this: your business is in a situation where you can 1) Lay off 10% of your workforce 2) Keep everyone on for as long as you can with the same compensation, but have the whole company go belly up in a year and everyone be out a job?

    Is laying them off an asshole move?

    Shit, no one I've ever worked with LIKES laying people off. The execs don't like it because it loses knowledge, others waste time taking over their roles and projects, sometimes getting overloaded in the process; not to mention it makes the atmosphere really sober and unproductive for a while. The managers hate it because they have to lay off the the people they've known for years. Their co-workers hate it because they lose friends and inherit a shit ton of work. Hell, even the stock-holders and board hate it because it makes you look like you were mismanaged to begin with and didn't gauge your market and growth well.

    No one involved likes it, but you know what? I'd take a 10% workforce reduction over a 100% one. Shit, it's so easy to sit on the sidelines never having been through a downsize and go "evil big companies hate the little guy," but that's so full of naive shit it's unbearable.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/11(Mon)00:20 No.5049253
    >People never get raped
    >Precautions never fail
    You're going to try to tell me with a straight face that those are the conditions accounting for more than, at most, 1% of people who had kids they can't afford? Moron.

    >People never make mistakes
    Ah, see here you go, you found vaaaast majority. What you're arguing for is that when people make mistakes, there should be no repercussions. That's really cute. It's also not the way the world works.

    Let me explain it simple terms: sometimes, when you do something that has a risk, the undesired outcome happens. Then you have to deal with that outcome. In dealing with it, the situation might not fit your ideal life. Get it now?

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