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10/09/11(Sun)10:00 No.5046923 File1318168800.jpg-(278 KB, 1000x1000, 1312683591084.jpg)
 One girl. One girl in my life had every disease she could imagine.
>meet up with said girl (call her M) >oh cool, she's an Anime fan just like me >become friends >complain about my parents once >"oh yeah my parents are always blabla too" >gradually confess they've been abusing me >M says her parents abuse her too >have seen nothing of the sort but whatever, bffl due to shared misery, misery loves company >friend admits she has anorexia >M suddenly admits she has anorexia (mind you, she's fat and eats nothing but sweets all the time) >other friend says her mother has cancer >M's mother used to suffer from cancer but it's mostly gone now >scars from cutting myself on my thigh are revealed during sleepover, couldn't cover them up >That's okay, M used to cut herself too, that's why she always wore bracelets!!1! >anorexic friend shows up with a girlfriend (we never really discussed sexuality, was a bit of a surprise) >M, suddenly bisexual, no one ever knew! >two weeks later M is a lesbian for real you guys she always knew it! >year later M has a boyfriend! >convention, M steals someone's food from their bag >M totally has a disease that requires her to eat and she didn't bring her own food, if she'd asked she'd be too late!!1 >lol over Aki online >Oh, but I feel like I'm a boy on the inside, Anon... You shouldn't make fun of people like M!!! >M screams at friend who's mother previously had cancer because she couldn't help her, because her mother died of said cancer >Oh, but M has a disease that makes her act like that, it's part of the symptoms >M
also can't possibly clean, she's mysophobic! But, you know, only when
cleaning, not when frollicking around a forest or painting with little
kids >did I mention M was bipolar, depressed, suffered from PCOS, suicidal, schizophrenic, paranoid? >M cheats on her boyfriend >mfw I bet it's because of one of her fucking diseases |