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    File : 1317850338.jpg-(147 KB, 1024x768, DSC02787.jpg)
    147 KB Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)17:32 No.5037502  
    Alright congoers. How do you feel about being in character while in cosplay? Yes, no?
    I personally find it adds to the con experience when cosplayers are in character. Example: I didn't say a single word while in my Celty cosplay and typed everything on my phone, which was not easy in my last minute gloves.
    But I have noticed a lot of people don't stick to being IC, either. I have also noticed that some of the meaner characters are actually misinterpreted and people think the person in costume is just being a dick.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)17:37 No.5037519
    I love acting IC, it feels like a beautiful daydream.
    I usually choose characters I like a lot so I can try and pretend I'm them for a day.

    When I see amazing cosplays worn by squeaking weeaboos that glomp anything with a pulse, I die I little inside.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)17:39 No.5037526

    Of course, I also feel this way about many yaoi fangirls who pair off characters that are obviously straight/hate each other. It makes me cry a little.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)17:44 No.5037540
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    I did the same thing while I was in my Celty cosplay, OP. Never said a word- but I didn't have a keyboard phone to type on, either. Instead, my boyfriend (who was Shinra) was able to perfectly translate every hand gesture I made. It was pretty magical, and loads of fun.

    I think being IC is fine as long as you know when it's time to drop the act. When people came up to me obviously not knowing who Celty was and just asking about, like, how I made the helmet, I took it off and chatted with them. I think that's the big problem with people being IC as dickish characters- if they don't know when to stop, people who don't know the character will obviously take their behavior at face value.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)17:50 No.5037556

    I did the same. Especially seeing as my gloves were so hard to type with on my touch screen. My boyfriend was actually Shizuo, which was fun, and he was able to read my gestures perfectly as well. But on the occasion that people wanted to talk about the costume, I would slide the vizor up or take my helmet off. It just worked easier...especially when there was a lot to say.
    Other characters, like my Ennis from Baccano, were a lot easier to stay IC for and there was no risk of offending anyone.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)17:51 No.5037561
    I think acting IC is really fun to do, depending on what that character is and if your not doing it ALL the time. I usually pick characters that are alike me in personality, but when they have different personalities I still put part of myself in my act. (ie: I can't completely be a asshole, and I can't be completely moe uguu either.) I've cosplayed Miku a lot and since she doesn't have a personality you can kinda give her your own. I usually like to act the happy/leek crazed personality though.

    I guess alot of people don't always KNOW your being in character. You could just be acting like yourself, you know? So that's why they get offended.
    >> Crimson !BroTusMC/E 10/05/11(Wed)17:51 No.5037562
    I don't normally get in character. If I try I always end up cracking up or forgetting. And with mean/loner/silent characters it's really hard for me. I'd hate to not be able to say thank you for getting a picture taken or smiling and waving back if someone calls my character's name.

    And people talking to me as if I were my character is the worst. I'm always so awkward with that. Basically, I am in no way an actor.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)17:52 No.5037564

    Does anyone else find themselves beginning to respond to the name of their character by halfway through the first day?
    >> G !!0KLJYlknxts 10/05/11(Wed)18:04 No.5037589
    Being character is in fine as long as you show restraint.

    It's the only reason why people like my outfits really
    >> Crimson !BroTusMC/E 10/05/11(Wed)18:13 No.5037616
    Oh I pretty much will always respond to my character's name. It's how I'd call out another cosplayer as well. I mean you don't know their real name or alias so the only thing you have is their character's name. It's pretty common I think.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)18:14 No.5037624
    I get frustrated when even people within my group call each other by their real name if we're in cosplay. Baha.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)18:37 No.5037691

    It happened with our whole group. "Misty!" "Dawn!" "May!" "Gary!", to the point of we'd call each other the names, just to grab their attention. I'll tell you, 6 hours of being called "Gary", its sometimes easier to hear than your own name.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)22:35 No.5038373
    Were you the Celty running around with Chefpool as well?
    >> Anonymous 10/06/11(Thu)00:16 No.5038689
    Staying in character all day is one of the things I love most about my No Face cosplay. I walk around all day saying only "ah" and offering fake gold. Although the best part was seeing peoples reactions to an 8 foot tall no face creeping up behind them
    >> Anonymous 10/06/11(Thu)00:21 No.5038704
    To me, being in character is another part of it, because it's funny.
    I'm here to have fun, and that is what happens.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/11(Thu)00:50 No.5038775
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    >Be Animazement 2011
    >Cosplay as Integra Hellsing
    >People keep asking me if I saw the Alucard walking around
    >2hrs later, finally stumble upon him in a side hallway at a Kuroshit photoshoot
    >wait until photoshoot is over
    >Stomp over to him and yell in my best British accent "Alucard, where the bloody hell have you been?"
    >Alucard cowers and stutters.
    >I scared Alucard.
    >Disappoint in self.

    I think I'm doing it wrong.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 10/06/11(Thu)00:51 No.5038777
    All the time, man.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 10/06/11(Thu)00:55 No.5038779
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    I'm in character for photos mostly, but if someone says something in-character to me I'll reply to them in-character. It's all in good fun. However, I do find that sometimes, people who are in-character all the time are annoying, especially when the character themselves is goddamn obnoxious and annoying. But as a role player, being in-character is pretty fun regardless. Sometimes my cosplay partner and I will make exchanged with one another.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 10/06/11(Thu)00:56 No.5038783
    I get into character if the situation calls for it. If you run into other characters in your series, if someone seems to really like the series you are from, and if someone is taking a picture from you from a distance.

    It's not okay to be in character when:
    -You are shopping for something in the dealers hall or artist's alley.
    -You need to apologize for something you have inadvertently done while in character.
    -When someone asks you a question about the convention or where something is.
    -When someone asks you who you are cosplaying, because they wouldn't get it anyway.

    This is just MY opinion.

    >captcha: Litteral not
    Best captcha for this thread.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/11(Thu)01:03 No.5038804
    I cosplayed as Agito/Akito (kogarasumaru ver.) from Air Gear, my friend happen to do him as well but the orange strait jacket ver. so we decided I would be Agito (the crazy angry one) and she would be Akito.
    Someone asked my friend for a photo, they saw me too and said "Omg! Theres 2 of you!" so I thought I give them a Agito reply "What the hell do you want?!" and they got scared and a little pissed off at me.

    >> Anonymous 10/06/11(Thu)01:04 No.5038807
    You did it exactly right! Alucard, however, failed hardcore.
    >> Smoker !C2zBrEcUbg 10/06/11(Thu)01:07 No.5038823
    Yeah but you have it easy mode of just don't talk and look at everything from a first person view.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 10/06/11(Thu)01:08 No.5038826
    >implying it's easy to keep in character while being in Sexichu
    >> Anonymous 10/06/11(Thu)01:13 No.5038842
    I have no problem with cosplayers acting in character (when appropriate).

    I do, however, have a problem with people (read: weeaboos) that insist cosplayers have to be in character ALL DAY ERRY DAY or talk to a cosplayer like they're the character they're portraying regardless of circumstance.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/11(Thu)01:19 No.5038856
    >Dear AWA Celty
    I think I fell in love with you and your boyfriend.
    When you took off your helmet while you ate lunch, you were super cute.
    >No stalker, just eating at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/11(Thu)01:29 No.5038878
    THIS. Went to a few cons as Yuri Petrov (Lunatic) from Tiger and Bunny. All was well even had hand flames like magicians use, just filled with boric acid :) for green fire.

    Anywho, I had this one really crappy Bunny follow me around all con claiming that I was stealing Tiger away from him/her, apparently Yuri and Kotetsu are a "couple"

    After an hour of this I just turned around and lit my hands (she didn't know I had them) and told her in my best Lunatic voice: "I follow my own code of justice, and now you are breaking that code. Are you ready to meet Thantos?"

    Needless to say I think the fire from my palms is what got her. Never saw her again.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/11(Thu)01:38 No.5038903
    what cons did you go to? I would definitely have loved to see you light you hands up!
    >> cardboardsamurai !!+H702KOLoqi 10/06/11(Thu)01:40 No.5038913
    I have no issues with being in character when I'm like posing and other things like that I know it got some flak at a-fest from people hell we even got a noise complain on us in the middle of the afternoon because of my girlfriends puppet clickers she would use to "talk" to people. Then again sage for me cosplaying from naruto still but whateves I enjoy the character and to hear all the people getting mad over a naruto cosplay getting attention at a con was totally worth it. Asked one hetaila weeb in my best kankuro tone if she wanted a puppet show for her insolent comments toward me kinda made her look at me funny and was totally worth it.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/11(Thu)02:02 No.5038992
    I fucking hate it when people cosplay in character... the only people I've ran into who do it are always obnoxious as fuck high pitched fangirls who cosplay as characters who are complete douchebags. I cosplayed as Megaman this year and there was thins girl who cosplayed as Met at the con... good lord, I would have taken her out back and beaten her to death if it was legal. She kept popping up out of nowhere going "Rah! I kill you!" or some dumb shit like that... FUCK OFF YOU STUPID CUNT I'M TRYING TO HAVE A PLEASANT DAY OF BUYING SHIT AND GETTING MY PICTURE TAKEN AND YOU'RE MAKING ME HOMICIDAL.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/11(Thu)19:29 No.5040846
    I was. It was such a blast.

    Aw! Thank you so much.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/11(Thu)19:30 No.5040851

    Some people take it way too far. That's weeaboo fangirls for you. They're normally the same ones who are trying to ship every yaoi pairing possible and some that aren't.
    >> Apple !!/2oPc4sD1FR 10/06/11(Thu)19:44 No.5040871
    I'm actually a bit embarrassed to be in character a lot. Considering I already cosplay Yu-gi-oh, which has the abridged fandom, I fear that acting in character might get me 'lumped together' with the more insane ones of the fandom. Especially since it's Bakura I cosplay as of late.

    Any tips for that?
    >> Anonymous 10/06/11(Thu)19:47 No.5040879

    Best tip is not to overdo it. Like a previous poster said, popping up around characters from your fandom all the time and shouting random things at them trying to be 'in character' is annoying and goes too far. If someone knows your fandom, and asks for a picture, try to be IC for the picture. For example, if you're Bakura, don't giggle and grin like an idiot girl for the photo.
    I've found it's good to test your waters with people. Not everyone likes being IC. If someone doesn't know your fandom or they're asking you questions on your costume, answer them normally. Little bits go a long way. You don't have to be over the top.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/11(Thu)19:54 No.5040897
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    The Chefpool was my boyfriend. He also did Justin Law, Shizuo, and we did Firo and Ennis for all of Friday and some of Saturday.
    >> Apple !!/2oPc4sD1FR 10/06/11(Thu)19:54 No.5040899
    Figured as much. I am barely in character anyway, unless I, of course, pose for a photo. It feels a bit weird to act like a psychopath all of a sudden and shove cards in people's faces.

    And I'm usually too happy if someone likes my cosplay. So I usually smile and say thank you, regardless of "character personality". I honestly couldn't care less about that.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/11(Thu)19:58 No.5040910
    Not everybody chooses to stay in character. And not everybody cares. For some people it adds to the con. But, for example, my loud mouthed boyfriend was very IC as Deadpool. It was hilarious to those of us who knew the character, but there were a lot of people who didn't. We even had one guy stop to talk to us and he ended the conversation with "I like you" to me and a "not so much you" to my boyfriend before walking off. There is a such thing as too much, especially when the other people don't know your character.
    >> Apple !!/2oPc4sD1FR 10/06/11(Thu)20:02 No.5040923
    It seems fun, but I'd probably only do it when I'm comfortable being that way. Bakura's on the extreme side for me. I respect your boyfriend for daring to do it though. As being said before, weeaboos are generally bad but if someone does it well... Well. All the more praise to him.

    Too bad someone actually said that to him though.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/11(Thu)20:04 No.5040934

    He wasn't worried. He laughed. And we got our kicks out of it..he did a very good Deadpool and we hung out with a few guys that were doing Vegeta and Nappa...the abridged version. I have never laughed so hard in my life seeing all of them together. It was a group of trolls and nothing more.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/11(Thu)20:12 No.5040956
    It's cool if you're not obnoxious about it. Like if you do it to be funny, but your not completely out of line or a dick if your character happens to be one.

    If you can pull it off and do it without gaining a beating, sure why not.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)22:01 No.5043700
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    I'm cosplaying Konata in November.
    I'm going to carry around my Gameboy Advance and possibly a ps2 controller.
    I love Konata to bits, but I just don't know how to act like her at a convention. Could someone help me out?

    P.S Its my first con. So I might get really excited or squeaky if I see one of my favorite characters. Would that be alright? (I know not to take it over the top.)
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)22:06 No.5043708
    Personally, not a big fan of people being in character. Almost 100% of the time, it's weeaboo teenagers thinking they're so "kakkoii".
    >> Anonymous 10/08/11(Sat)01:42 No.5044276
    From someone's Facebook:
    >"If you think I hate you, I probably don't. I was either upset or acting in character."
    This wasn't on a wall or in a message, this literally was about a third of their bio. And the person is 20.

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