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    File : 1317600266.png-(490 KB, 1023x646, Homestuck - The 4 pose as a team.png)
    490 KB Homestuck fandom Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:04 No.5027619  
    Ok so I am curious to know /cgl/s opionion on homestuck and it's fans.
    started reading the comic and it's so-so, but the fans seem a tad obsessed and crazy...

    So tell me what you think of it?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:06 No.5027630
    Heard some of the adventure time writers/artists are fans of it.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:07 No.5027635
    I heard it was good but I never started reading it until just now and...

    I am disappoint. I'd rather read fuckin VG Cats or some shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:09 No.5027642
    I'm calling troll on this, and I don't mean the gray skinned variety, because everyone knows cgl hates Homestuck fans.
    Everyone knows that despite Homestuck being enjoyable the numerous crazy fans amongst the normal ones ruin any chance at a decent fandom.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:10 No.5027644
    I heard they bought 50 dicks off of eBay and sucked them all.
    But seriously, a mob of them told a crazy chick to kill herself because she didn't like their silly webcomic, and people are already starting to name their kids after this.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:15 No.5027667
    The only good thing to come out of that shitfest was Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff.
    >> Mitsuki 10/02/11(Sun)20:18 No.5027681
    > tearing apart Homestuck fandom in NCN thread
    >see this right below it

    If you like it good, if you don't that's cool too, fandom has good people but the bad gets way more attention thus HS is not shown in a good light on /cgl/ and tumblr. Shipping/ RP arguments, hate on HS blogs, and crazy antics fill this fandom (as well as other fandoms too) but HS gets the most of it.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:18 No.5027682
    Homestuck: Enjoyable, interesting webcomic. It doesn't bug me one bit if other people dislike it, though; to each their own.

    Homestuck fans: They vary. The few that I know personally are quite lovely, but I've seen many that are unsavory.

    Homestuck Fandom: I can't tell if it has a very vocal (batshit insane) minority, or if the majority of the fandom is really that bad. Either way, I disapprove, in general, and I stay the fuck away from it. I'm sure there are nice, sane people in it, but I don't care enough to stick around and find out.

    That about sums it up.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:22 No.5027702
    Went down the toilet once it started focusing on the trolls
    Especially spiderbitch and boring deadgirl
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:22 No.5027703
    I did start reading it but stopped due to extreme boredom, I just felt it took to long to get anywhere.

    I know /cgl/ doesn't like homestuck but I am more curious to hear of any horror stories regarding the fans.
    I am also readin the NCN thread and heard it the "new" hetalia
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 10/02/11(Sun)20:24 No.5027713
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    Homestuck cosplay is fucking shit because everyone does the trolls, rather than the decent characters (like The Felt, Midnight Crew, or heck, even the kids, who have much more interesting costumes)
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:27 No.5027722
    Yeah, it took me 5 tries to get through act one due to extreme boredom, but after that I really started to enjoy it. As for the fans, this year at AX a friend and I went to the homestuck gathering. There was singing and glomping and rp-ing and people that were way too into character (there was a very fat female karkat that was SCREAMING at everyone and acting like she was the boss of everthing). There was also a doc scratch (?) who was very annoying. I ran away and hid, but my friend waited it out a bit longer, but she soon did the same thing I did.

    I don't interact with the fandom anymore.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 10/02/11(Sun)20:29 No.5027726
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:30 No.5027731
    yeah the fandom is pretty weird. especially the ones that only read 5.1 to ship the trolls. i just dont get it
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:30 No.5027733
    Your opinion is very insightful and I truly respect it.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:31 No.5027739
    > only read 5.1 to ship the trolls
    People do that?

    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:33 No.5027747
    It fucking sucks, period.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:33 No.5027748
    fans/fandom are generally horrifying. the comic's gone on way too long. it's been terrible since act 4 ended. especially because he spent acts 1-4 building up action for a huge conclusion, and just dropped everything for act 5. really killed it for me.

    oh well. ill just stick to problem sleuth, which is still consistently great every reread.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:34 No.5027749

    I might try continuing the comic...

    Why does it seem every cosplayer is obsessed with the trolls, they look boring except for the horns...
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:35 No.5027757
    There were a lot of weirdies at that gathering, (got creeped on by a male nepeta covered in grey acrylic myself) but the Doc Scratch was basically taking control because the organizer wasn't.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:36 No.5027759
    Act 5 makes the Demon Mobster Kingpin fight seem FAST
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:37 No.5027763
    The trolls are the more human then human .
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:38 No.5027772
    yep. 700 pages to introduce a few characters with cut and paste personalities wasnt needed. he could have easily done it in 200 or less. he should have also kept it going concurrently with the kid's story. i mean, that whole thing about rose screwing the world and going around to fuck up as much as she can was a great start, and i would have liked to see that play out without having to wait out 700 pages of troll romance
    >> Rhaeme !!V2FQemIUsrM 10/02/11(Sun)20:39 No.5027775
    It's a very good webcomic, good story and music and animation.

    The fans? Way too fanatic over how good it is, better than anything that ever existed, etc. Then there are fans that make really fun things like and just have fun with the whole thing.

    Lots of really bad cosplayers, then again there are lots of REALLY good ones.

    I'd suggest reading it, just because it's worthwhile to read.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:40 No.5027777
    I honestly don't get the point of the comic...
    Anyone feel like explaining???
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:40 No.5027778
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    I'm affiliated with the Homestuck world [sad to say] and just like any fandom there are good people then there are the crazy shits who take things too literal to the point that they want to psychologically make this make believe world their own.

    A lot of the fans I met when I was doing Artist Alley were kind of weird and very very eccentric to the point where I was afraid to say I hadn't even made it past act one. I was selling Homestuck goods because it was at a height of popularity and in the business world, that's usually the best time to get on the bandwagon and make things people will gobble up.

    Some of the fans though, were really sweet and nice. If they're like that all the time, who knows. Point is, yes, homestuck fandom is really shitty because of all the damn teens who explode cause YOU HATE MY PAIRING, YOU HATE THIS COMIC HOW CAN YOU LIVE WITH YOURSELF but then there are those who are oh- don't like Homestuck? That's cool, everyone has their own opinion. Like with most things, the bad will always amplify any good and all the bad will be more memorable than good since sometimes it's more explosive.

    PS: Act I-2 are really really slow paced and boring. I still haven't read the entire series.

    PPS: I like Hetalia and Homestuck but usually only through the amazing fanartists and the sane people I've met through it. I said it. May I burn for it. I wish we could just all get along.
    >> Rhaeme !!V2FQemIUsrM 10/02/11(Sun)20:41 No.5027787
    Sims meets Spore meets Earthbound. It's a text based rpg webcomic.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:42 No.5027789
    I read it to see what the hype was about, and I had to literally force myself to keep going. Text vomit everywhere that could've been avoided by actually getting to the point sooner.

    But you gotta milk it for all its worth, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:43 No.5027796
    some kids play a video game to reinvent the world. it starts really slowly, but gets better
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:52 No.5027833

    Any more stories regarding obsessed fans who get pissed at others if they don't like their pairings or anything
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)21:05 No.5027895

    The fanbase is pretty fucking crazy about shipping to the point that people throw crazy rage fits online if a new update even SLIGHTLY supports a couple
    that interferes with an otp but I haven't seen any
    of it at cons.... YET.

    That being said, the state of the fandom right now is depressing. There are plenty of normal fans and splendid artists but after hearing about what went on
    on tumblr recently I'm starting to wonder if good fans are just a minority now.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)21:23 No.5027960
    Why does basically very single get ruined by obsessive fans ;_______;

    Don't they have lives?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)21:24 No.5027964
    I think my dislike of it is sorta irrational. The main reason I don't like it is because all the people I really hate are fucking obsessed with it to the point of being a circlejerk over it. Since they like it, I don't because I figure that if it appeals to annoying newfaggy trolls then it can't really be good.

    Yeah, I admit it's stupid. By that logic, I should hate wearing pants. Just can't get around that though
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)21:26 No.5027975
    why the fuck do we have to have this thread once a week this is stupid kill yourself

    signed not a homestuck fan just someone who wonders why the fuck you care
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)21:33 No.5028002
    it's /cgl/, it's either this or a PT thread
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)22:33 No.5028217

    link please
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)22:37 No.5028233
    I can't find and HS threads on /co/ was it finally banned?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)22:44 No.5028254
    Just cosplayed from it. And regret it. Currently getting rid of any evidence I ever read it. Homestuck fans are just Hetaliafags that "moved on". Sadly I would prefer seeing Hetalia cosplays everywhere rather than Homestuck. At least Hetalia has a bigger selection of characters.....
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)22:50 No.5028265
    I want a link too man. Been hearing about this left and right for what feels like a goddamn week with no evidence.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)23:23 No.5028359

    Person who asked for link. I guess it has to do with NCN dramu.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)23:46 No.5028408
    I actually started reading it a couple days ago, to see what all the fuss is about. I'm only on chapter 2, but I'm really enjoying it so far. I love the text based adventure motif (used to play those back in the day), the lol pop culture references, and little flash sequences and minigames.

    This webcomic is obviously suffering from FF7itis, which is to say, it, like several other fandoms I probably don't have to mention, is itself fairly decent and enjoyable, but just happens to be afflicted with a legion of embarrassingly retarded fans. I'll read it and enjoy it, but I sure as shit won't be rushing to the nearest con meetup.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)23:58 No.5028435
    My few experiences with HS has mostly been with people who come into my work looking for cosplay makeup. They're generally enthusiastic, but polite, and while they do mention that they think I should check it out, that's not all that unusual. (I've had customers recommend everything from obscure anime to the Barber of Seville.)
    Then I went to Anime Central and made the mistake of asking someone what their costume was from, as my roommates and I noticed quite a few similar but had trouble placing it. Cue eyerolling, "it's Homestuck, duh. How do you not know that? Get with the program."
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)00:04 No.5028455
    Homosucker anon who wants to apologize for the bad eggs in our fandom. The older fans who've been reading from early last year and before are usually the safest to talk to. The newer ones talk a big game but don't know shit about PS, and frequently skip the intermissions etc.
    The fandom itself usually handles bullshit on its own. Like the Terezi cosplayer who liked a girl in front of her gf and the faggots who starred in that bucket video. I garrentee most of us are sane, a bit excitable but the crazy ones are mostly younger Hetalia fans who didn't read the comic and saw "oh hey Zodiac personification and it's popular?" even though that's not what it is.

    Personally I enjoy the comic mostly for the music and the artwork now. The Ancestors artwork especially.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)00:26 No.5028524
    Same here. I think the comic is extremely impressive from a creative standpoint even if it does have some serious pacing problems like the Troll arc (but then I'm a sucker for any sort of romance so I didn't mind).

    I've never had any problems at conventions with the fans, though when I went to a Homestuck General thread on /co/ I felt like I walked in on some kind of cult that spoke in tongues.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)00:50 No.5028582
    /cgl/ hates homestuck. It makes sense though, as /cgl/ likes to hate on fandoms.
    >> Tim 10/03/11(Mon)00:53 No.5028591
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    The comic has jumped the shark, but the music is good

    The fandom is full of underage idiots who, despite spending copious amounts of time on the internet, are too fucking dense to find one of the numerous resources for their shitty, assburger's-driven cosplays. The fandom is circlejerky and self-righteous. If they aren't acting like a bunch of fucking children and squealing over grey dongs, then they're admonishing them in an attempt to sound cool and mature when they are, in fact, still being fixated on a fucking comic that attracts autists and is about 13-year-old kids playing a game. The collective sense of humor of the fandom is based on unfunny fucking memes and tired jokes that have been outdated for years now mostly because they've been driven into the ground and mercilessly pulverized. They are hypersexual and obsessed with petty and disgustingly idealized relationships between fictional fucking characters because they are either too young or too socially inept to actually engage in sexual activity. Most fancy themselves artists. They are not, and their clumsily-drawn abominations make any professional or hobbyist weep due to their sheer lack of skill and overblown egos fostered by acclaim from their fellow fans, who, like them, probably couldn't tell the difference between an actual human torso and a rancid slab of mutton.

    They are everything terrible about the internet generation rolled up into one horrifying, hambeast of a behemoth dripping with sloppily-applied grey makeup wearing a gaudy pair of orange horns positively dripping with the metaphorical, diseased bodily fluids. They are disgusting and I hate them as a whole. Even you. Especially you. Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)01:13 No.5028631
    Well that's not very polite.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)01:17 No.5028638
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    >Tim tirade
    Wow I've never seen you this angry before.
    >> Tim 10/03/11(Mon)01:24 No.5028654
    Haha right? You have no idea how long that took me to type.

    I don't actually hate the fandom THAT much, though I still dislike it a lot. My opinions are more or less the same as most people's here, but that shit isn't fun to read, you know? I think the fandom is much worse online than it is locally, but that's natural since more people can congregate online.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)01:24 No.5028655
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    I personally loathe it; not just from it taking over conventions, and from the horror stories I've heard of the fanbase, but also because my sister had a socially-awkward friend who would just not shut up about the stupid thing even though nobody wanted to hear his ramblings about it. So that rubbed off on me and contributed to why I hate the thing.
    >> smoker‎ !Umad72YCVU 10/03/11(Mon)01:26 No.5028660
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    Everything about it is awful.
    >> Ash !!/PBda20Hmwn 10/03/11(Mon)01:30 No.5028668
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    be still my heart
    >> MOOGIE !A8981mLiig 10/03/11(Mon)01:31 No.5028670
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    >> Tim 10/03/11(Mon)01:33 No.5028677
    This is the worst part of Homestuck. It's great to have friends who are into it, but it's not a fucking cult or religion. People need to back the fuck up, seriously.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)01:34 No.5028678
    I have a friend who's obsessed with Homestuck. At one point she actually thought she was Dave.

    I don't like Homestuck, and because I don't like Homestuck she hates everything I like. Which is weird cause some of it is stuff she even used too like.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)01:35 No.5028680
    Hell, i love it. I took a couple breaks in the beggining but it was well worth continuing. I plan on cosplaying all the kids actually. Very dissapointed about the fandom, but oh well, not much that can be done about it. Also, op, many of the joke are references to other mspaintadventures, just so you know.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)01:40 No.5028692
    some of my favorite artists on da only draw homestuck fanart now.

    i don't even hate homestuck, and i think some of the characters are funny.

    but i am sick an tired of seeing portraits of trolls in my fucking inbox
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)01:40 No.5028693
    >> smoker‎ !Umad72YCVU 10/03/11(Mon)01:41 No.5028696
    Which would mean more time devotion to something that just doesn't pay off in the end. There is literally no part of homosuck that is not awful.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)01:42 No.5028700
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    Homestuck fans remind me of bronies for some reason. The way they tear people apart for no reason what so ever and worship the ground lauren faust walks on. The two groups have too much in common and both of the groups scare me quite a bit.
    >> Gakupo !OLJ5tGetNA 10/03/11(Mon)01:44 No.5028708
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    Even as someone who likes/has cosplayed from Homestuck I can get behind all of this.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)01:45 No.5028711
    i've never seen a brony tear someone apart for not liking ponies, but i think both fanbases are similar in the way they insert their fandom into fucking everything
    >> Tim 10/03/11(Mon)01:45 No.5028712
    I've haven't seen much of the MLP fandom online aside from occasion threads on /co/, but much like my experience with Homestuck fans IRL, they've been pretty nice! I absolutely loved the bronies I met at AX. Most were really just adorable and fun haha. But I guess, like with Homestuck, the online community is what makes children cry softly in their sleep at night.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)01:46 No.5028713
    Im having dejavu with your comment anon, is it copy pasta per chance?
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)01:49 No.5028721
    Smoker, we all know you hate all 4000+ pages you never actually read, but I must say your rather obsessed with every thread about it that ever shows up.
    >> smoker‎ !Umad72YCVU 10/03/11(Mon)01:53 No.5028731
    I also post in lolita threads, are you suggesting I have an obsession with them as well?
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 10/03/11(Mon)01:53 No.5028733
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    I'm personally indifferent toward it. People like what they like.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)01:57 No.5028742
    Not copypasta at all, in fact this is my first time ever in a thread dedicated to homestuck.

    I have but a lot of people get defensive when you say you don't like their fandom.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)01:59 No.5028745
    All lolita=\= one specific webcomic. You always post in homestuck threads. Always.
    Jusr sayian
    >> smoker‎ !Umad72YCVU 10/03/11(Mon)02:08 No.5028770
    In my head its all clumped together in the "things that happen at cons I dislike" category. But then again, I think most everything is in that category.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)02:45 No.5028835
    Hmn. I personally like homestuck, I think of headcanons with friends (don't post them to headcanon blogs because those are just full of annoying idiots who get pissed when you disagree with their pairings) and chat about it,draw fanart, but that's it.
    I never do anything that involves a lot of people because i am REALLY intimidated by the fandom, it's a very self righteous fandom, with way too much tumblr drama. I honestly think art wise it's very talented? With great music also, but yea it's totally spoiled by the pissy little idiots who get crazy if you don't like homestuck or a certain pairing and jump down your throat for sharing an idea.
    Although I say that, last con I went to , went to the homestuck meet, I felt so accepted! I know my cosplay wasn't too great but everyone was nice!
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)02:57 No.5028857
    I enjoy Homestuck, and I have a few friends who are also into it, and we have fun together with our casual conversations about it.

    However, a lot of the Homestuck fandom I've seen is a little... off. The mylifeismspa blog at tumblr basically highlights a lot of what I don't like about the fandom.
    >> JillyBean !!JNfSKsTtdUC 10/03/11(Mon)03:08 No.5028883
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    Smoker, this may be offtopic but whenever I think of you this is the only image that ever comes to mind. And I find it fits you more and more....
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)06:17 No.5029185
    >went to the homestuck meet, I felt so accepted!

    I went to the gathering at Fanime, and it was probably the best experience of my whole con. I met so many great people, made some very silly memories and overall felt like I was part of some giant family. That's not to say I haven't run into awkward people. I've had to peel off a Terezi from my body once, but she got the message after I told her I was being serious and to not invade my personal space again.
    I must be lucky or just oblivious, because I have never run into these terrible Homestuck fans in person, but it sucks to know that these people are giving us all such a bad name and that a large percentage of the community hates us. I don't want to go to a con dressed as a troll and have people immediately think I'm one of "those" people, because we're not all like that, I swear. Jesus fuck, I just want to draw and cosplay from a series that isn't infested with crazy people for once.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)08:16 No.5029321
    I find a lot of the time that many people who "hate homestuck" actually haven't read past act 2 because of the "walls of text" which is understandable, especially on a cosplay thread because most people here typically watch more anime than they would read a novel.
    If you take the time to read homestuck as something more than what the fandom is, you will probably hate it a little less.
    Personally, I love it. I've grown up reading a shit load of books/literature and Hussie is really impressive at plot writing, humor and foreshadowing. The characterization isn't perfect but for me homestuck is more about plot than anything else but I digress.
    The fandom, as with any community, has a variety of personalities. I'm lucky, where I'm from (not the US) congoers tend to be well behaved and friendly so when I cosplayed as Dave, I met some pretty great people. It all depends, really on who you hang out with.

    >> ZomZom !TroZomZom2 10/03/11(Mon)08:40 No.5029348
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    I love the comic, rereading it from the start right now infact. It's also one of the few comics that has actually made me cry, multiple times even.

    The fandom however scares the crap out of me. I once went to mspachan, saw all the porn and promptly closed the tab, never to return.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)08:41 No.5029351
    Last AWA was my first face-to-face encounter with other Homestuck fans. There was a mini-stampede as soon as I walked in the convention center, but other than that they kept to themselves. A few asked me to take group pictures and they were really polite about it.

    So basically like every other fandom for something that blows up in popularity. Lots of online shitheads that make it to cons for the occasional horror story, some cool people.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)13:46 No.5029754
    I love homestuck drama. Saw shit going down between shippers and it was....kind of terrifying.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)13:51 No.5029762
    >Cosplaying a troll
    >Quite fat
    >Have a young face
    I really hope people don't automatically assume I'm one of the batshit obsessive fans.

    I've also put quite a lot of effort into the cosplay and feel somewhat proud of it.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:02 No.5029785
    I like Homestuck, and I've met people who are really chill.
    I'm so glad I don't meet the general retards I keep reading about.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:34 No.5029874
    It was threads like these that got me wandering what this whole homestuck shit was about. So I went to "quickly" check the summary on TVtropes, lost another year of my life through wikiwalking and then gave it a go.

    I fucking love it. I ain't a shipper or anything, nor would I participate in fandom activities, but I think it's great and maybe one day I'll use it for cosplay.

    So... Thanks /cgl/ for the hate threads!
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:00 No.5030453
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    It never clicked for me. I tried to read it and it didn't make any sense, so I stopped.

    What I want to know is how they've become rivals with the Hetalia fandom. Dunno how I missed this since I've been in the APH fandom since early 2008 and watched it become the most hated series to see at a con ever. But how the hell does Homestuck have anything to do with them?

    I didn't read a lot of it but there aren't any countries involved in Homestuck, right? Why the drama between two polar opposite fandoms? I mean they both have the small, loud minority of fans that ruin the fandom and drive people away, but other than that, what's the connection? Why the drama?
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:08 No.5030482
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    I'll bet you 10 bucks Mallory is in this thread right now
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:08 No.5030485
    because fat teens do not obey the laws of social physics

    hormones and sallow intellectualism create a plasma-like blob of fandom whose super-conductive core discharges hate and opinions in a chaotic, Brownian manner. it is inevitable when two such entities meet they are either repelled by magnetize stink waves or fuse into one hirsute amoeboid cloud.

    in short, idk.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:10 No.5030492
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    This is my fetish
    >> MOOGIE !A8981mLiig 10/03/11(Mon)18:13 No.5030499
    Both are webcomics that one might call viral in popularity. A lot of fans migrated from Hetalia to Homestuck, while in a lot of ways the Homestuck fandom seems to have a lot in common and be just as bad as Hetalia's, but with a superiority complex included ontop of it. it's strange because I've never actually seen any rivalry personally, just arguments over the existence of said rivalry.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:16 No.5030506
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    All of the batshit fans are leaving Hetalia for Homestuck now. This is a good thing. Let them leave our fandom in peace and shit on something else.

    As for the drama, idk. I consider myself pretty active on Tumblr and I see it all the time. No idea what the origins were.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)19:05 No.5030662
    Bump for Drama which happens on Tumblr

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