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    File : 1317594660.jpg-(302 KB, 855x472, Untitled-2.jpg)
    302 KB reiserFS !!wPpyhreQf6d 10/02/11(Sun)18:31 No.5027223

    This guys kicks ackson's ass, showing how it's done properly.

    General cosplay / convention video thread.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)18:44 No.5027280
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    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)18:45 No.5027284
    What a nice change really, they also seem pretty much into cosplaying and acting.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)18:51 No.5027305
    boy that is some terrible music.
    >> tenleid !R6n4uEROGE 10/02/11(Sun)18:59 No.5027334
    >This guys kicks ackson's ass

    i only watched the first, it turned me off too much to even bother with the second. horrible music, and way too stop-and-go. acksons are much smoother, and showcases the costumes much better. he actually bothers to move to a less crowded area, its too distracting when there's a million cosplayers in focus in the background.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:16 No.5027671

    Better than most cosplay vids but it gave me a headache and I'd never want to watch another one. Plus the color FX were fucking atrocious. Ackson has way more style and imagination.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:20 No.5027688
    >terrible grading
    >dslr artifacts everywhere due to that
    >pulldown abuse
    >that music
    >not enough showcasing

    Fuck, did he use magic bullet looks or something.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:33 No.5027746

    Is magic bullet looks not good, in the right hands? The second video is much better btw, but still seems like a cheap ackson ripoff with no new ideas. And I'm getting motion sickness with all this steadicam abuse.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:35 No.5027754
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    Not that bad the video actually make me want to give cosplay videos that are weeboo tire raids a chance from now on.
    Only question is is this a korean convention ?
    >The weapons policies are intriguing.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:37 No.5027767

    No. Magic Bullet Looks is a very terrible "choose by style" ipod application esqpe program. Red Giant make a much better industry standard grading program called Magic Bullet Colorista which is far superior.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:51 No.5027828
    That was awful. The cosplays were awesome, but the video was really hurting my head and my eyes with all the spinning. I couldn't get past 1:35.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)21:07 No.5027900
    Eh. Guess I'll contribute 2 or 3
    >> reiserFS !!wPpyhreQf6d 10/03/11(Mon)14:01 No.5029783
    >Ackson has way more style and imagination.
    Doing 360 spins all day every day, yep, more imagination all right.
    This is in Taiwan.

    I agree on the grading and dslr artifacts for the first video, but his second is better. The music fits better than ackson's generic pop shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:16 No.5029817
    Is there a reason for all the blue tone in these videos?
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:22 No.5029836
    >not enough showcasing

    Am I the only one that hates showcasing? I really don't want to see the same costume over and over. I like as much variety as possible.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:37 No.5029880
    The fiirst video was horrible, the second was pretty cool though.
    But to be honest, I still prefer ackson.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:45 No.5029905
    The first one made me kind of seasick with the constant speed-up/slow-down motion. Haven't watched the second yet.

    The color SFX seems kind of pointless for a video like this. If the objective of the video was to tell a story or focus on the convention as a whole, then yes, effects can be useful, especially in the former case in order to capture the atmosphere of a particular series. But this video WAS focused on showcasing cosplay, and editing the colors this severely negates that whole purpose.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)14:51 No.5029923
    >>5029905 here again

    I do like the second one better, especially the HOTD scene. I like seeing people acting "in-character", or at least interacting with each other instead of just posing or smiling at the camera. Action's always good! Overall I still prefer Ackson, but I think that's something he can still do more of - the story-telling aspect, that is.
    >> MOOGIE !A8981mLiig 10/03/11(Mon)14:52 No.5029925
    weird, somehow I done goofed and originally commented in the wrong thread sdlfsdf

    anyway, first video made me kinda dizzy. Too much spinning and I didn't think draining the color was necessary.

    second one was much better, but I don't see how it was terribly different from what Ackson does, or better? My favorite parts of Ackson's videos are when he captures really goofy moments in cosplay (staged or otherwise) and the only thing that came close in these was the Highschool of the Dead scene. Overall I just think Ackson's are generally more fun?
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)15:15 No.5029975
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    Am I the only one who's getting fucking tired of cosplay video's involving the camera man just twisting around the people in slow-mo, occasionally walking back with them, throwing a random tune under it?
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)20:36 No.5030962
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)20:47 No.5031007
    only watched the first one, hated the music, but it was a better change of pace than ackson's slow as fuck shit.

    someone should find a good medium for these videos.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)22:08 No.5031403
    i kinda got this feeling too...

    there has got to be a better/different way to make con video's
    >> tenleid !R6n4uEROGE 10/03/11(Mon)22:16 No.5031440
    oh, but there is!
    >> ka-san !UfIVkdvNro 10/03/11(Mon)22:38 No.5031501
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    >start first video
    >"hey this music isn't so ba- HOLY SHIT AM I IN HOT TOPIC RIGHT NOW
    why, just why

    ...Holy shit I want more of this. Dat Zero Suit Samus in the second video hnnnnnnng she's my new waifu ;3;
    >> Musashi !!Y/AVY9bhQfW 10/03/11(Mon)22:43 No.5031522
    That music is horrid. Wtf made them think that was a good choice? Had to put that thing on mute. The song in the second video wasn't as bad thankfully.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)22:54 No.5031550
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/03/11(Mon)22:56 No.5031557
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    I'm going to agree with the first half of Tenleid's post. The first video of this guy's work was just so quick and repetitive that I just didn't find any interest in it.

    This guy also did 360 spins. Just. VERY. FAST. and honestly, I don't see much difference between his work and Ackson's work. Ackson seems to always add some kind of flare to each video. A bit of motif that really expresses more than just "Look at these people in costumes."

    Second one was better.

    In the end though. Welcome to opinion land. Anything artistic always ends in opinions
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/03/11(Mon)23:00 No.5031565
    This was a REALLY fun watch~

    I'd love to see more/be a part of something like this!
    >> Kiwi !Hc6EcVkstI 10/03/11(Mon)23:00 No.5031568
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    >first video

    i can die happy now
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)23:08 No.5031587
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    >> Anonymous 10/04/11(Tue)12:30 No.5032981
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    have I never
    seen this

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