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    Portland, OR folks: THANKS FOR COMING OUT EVERYONE!!!!! And thanks for the cake, cakeguy! It was delicious.

    File : 1317442517.gif-(8 KB, 752x701, TexasFlag.gif)
    8 KB Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)00:15 No.5022370  
    What's going on with Texas lately?
    >> Queen N !!dqP6WAmFwk9 10/01/11(Sat)00:27 No.5022403
         File1317443220.png-(22 KB, 244x165, N Oooh.png)
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    too many fires and the weather is all fucked up.
    idk i haven't heard anything cosplay-wise.

    oni-con and realmscon is coming up?
    >> Twelve-Fifty 10/01/11(Sat)00:38 No.5022425
         File1317443936.png-(803 KB, 497x697, get_her_she__s_got_da_bubbles_(...).png)
    803 KB
    All of the ponds, water holes, streams, and lakes are fucking dried out. But Realms con is coming up next weekend, nothing eventful there though.

    You going to RC?
    >> Queen N !!dqP6WAmFwk9 10/01/11(Sat)00:43 No.5022438
         File1317444229.png-(32 KB, 162x308, N Sad Thoughts.png)
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    no, i was planning on waiting on the review for this years. i heard it sucks and it's not worth the trip.

    hbu? have you gone before?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)00:44 No.5022441
    We're dry'n and burn'n.

    Perry is pray'n 'nd pray'n.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)00:46 No.5022446
         File1317444403.jpg-(531 KB, 1024x717, sanangelodrought.jpg)
    531 KB
    This is what is going on in Texas.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)00:46 No.5022447
    Not too much I am pushing trying to make friends and have some fun .
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)00:50 No.5022458
         File1317444647.jpg-(16 KB, 360x270, 1934-2.jpg)
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    >Hailed as drought of the century .
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)00:50 No.5022460
         File1317444657.jpg-(192 KB, 720x480, Bastrop on Fire.jpg)
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    And this happened.
    >> Twelve-Fifty 10/01/11(Sat)00:52 No.5022465
    It's small but the staff tries to blow it up way bigger than it is. They really don't have their crud together, but it's a nice con. There's really not much to do besides hang out, all of the events and panels are the same every year, they try to change it up, but it's just.... boring....

    Basically, if you're coming from out of town, it's not worth the gas. Plus, Corpus Christi is VERY easy to get lost in, I've been here for 10 years and I got lost for 3 hours a couple months ago doing something so simple. But it's not just an anime convention, it's a science fiction convention and a lot of people forget that. There's a whole section tucked away for stuff like Star Trek, Star Wars, anything on SyFy, anything to do with aliens and all that jazz.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)00:52 No.5022466
         File1317444745.jpg-(69 KB, 720x269, bastropfire-seenfromaustin.jpg)
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    Another view of that fire.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)00:57 No.5022480
    Who are all the trips that are in Texas again?
    >> Queen N !!dqP6WAmFwk9 10/01/11(Sat)00:59 No.5022487
         File1317445191.png-(31 KB, 184x292, N But.png)
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    ah, well damn. i heard the same thing about ikkicon too. that's close to me though, so it doesn't really matter if it sucks. have fun bro.

    is the drought really awful on the beach? i don't remember there being much plant life when i went, but is anything surviving?
    >> Twelve-Fifty 10/01/11(Sat)01:01 No.5022492
    Alpha, Queen N, Smoker, I think Western Fellow (Fella?).... Some guy with Texas in the name... That's all I can remember.... That Miyu chick too, but I honestly have no idea who she is other than that /cgl/ has a problem with her.
    >> The Bear !!XqbuGsXvA4O 10/01/11(Sat)01:01 No.5022494
         File1317445272.jpg-(82 KB, 640x480, 1283409200433.jpg)
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    not a lot, went for a walk, ate at subway, nothing major.
    >> musical jellyfish !!6km7O/DzFvQ 10/01/11(Sat)01:02 No.5022497
    I'm planning a trip to Oni-Con soon, it'll be my first con ever, and I might share a room with a fellow cuggler.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)01:02 No.5022498
    Carry got confirmed last week for being in Texas too. Also, PT is in Texas as well. I think Blue as well maybe.
    >> Twelve-Fifty 10/01/11(Sat)01:04 No.5022502
    Actually, nope. The water's a little low but not by much. But supposedly Red Tide is starting up over here again. Drought wise, the beach is fine.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)01:06 No.5022516
         File1317445612.jpg-(130 KB, 500x720, 281684_264083076937033_1000000(...).jpg)
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    In my Mexican corner? This.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)01:07 No.5022519
         File1317445629.jpg-(77 KB, 423x425, miyuguestinfo.jpg)
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    >> Twelve-Fifty 10/01/11(Sat)01:07 No.5022521
    I thought Blue was in Florida or California or something? But yeah, sadly, PT lives in Victoria.
    >> Twelve-Fifty 10/01/11(Sat)01:09 No.5022526
    I guess that answers my question?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)01:10 No.5022532
    Blue is in Cali, I'm pretty sure. Also, when was Carry ever confirmed? Last time I checked no one even knew who the fuck he was.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 10/01/11(Sat)01:12 No.5022538

    >blue in cali
    LOL just go away
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)01:13 No.5022539
    speaking of tripfags...
    >> Twelve-Fifty 10/01/11(Sat)01:17 No.5022551
    Is that a bad thing?
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 10/01/11(Sat)01:18 No.5022557
    he's in england.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)01:18 No.5022559
    Would you guys worship trip fags more ?
    I think ,y penis could be more flaccid .
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)01:19 No.5022561
    To be fair, some of them can be pretty fucking funny. Not God though. He sucks.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 10/01/11(Sat)01:21 No.5022564
    You're just jelly of my aesthetics, fatty.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)01:21 No.5022565
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)01:22 No.5022567
    You're pretty average man from the pics I've seen.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)01:22 No.5022569
    Aww shit, I would never join the south texas weeaboos but I might drive by while I'm in the area.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 10/01/11(Sat)01:23 No.5022572
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)01:24 No.5022575
    I kind of doubt it...brah.
    >> Twelve-Fifty 10/01/11(Sat)01:26 No.5022581
    I don't know man, he has his moments when he's pretty damn funny.

    There's clearly nothing much else to do on /cgl/.
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !Pantsu/J9g 10/01/11(Sat)01:26 No.5022582
         File1317446790.jpg-(84 KB, 550x412, coalguys-k-on-06-8ba42fb0-mkv_(...).jpg)
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    RealmsCon is next week, wooooooo!
    Oh, and there hasn't really been any DFW Hetalia cosplay lately.
    Anon of Dallas
    Queen N
    ...and me, of course.

    I'm too tired to remember everyone right now. Lol, but that should be us main ones.

    BLUE lives in the UK.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 10/01/11(Sat)01:27 No.5022584
    Silly betafag.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)01:27 No.5022585
    I thought Rika was German or something?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)01:28 No.5022586
    That's not even what beta means...
    >> Twelve-Fifty 10/01/11(Sat)01:28 No.5022588
    Jesus.... I had no idea there were so many....
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 10/01/11(Sat)01:29 No.5022589
    Yes it is. Don't question your superiors.
    >> Scarlet !mtrGCFK8D2 10/01/11(Sat)01:29 No.5022590
         File1317446948.jpg-(100 KB, 450x253, Star_Driver.jpg)
    100 KB
    So, anyone going to Yulecon?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)01:29 No.5022592
    Knew Carry wasn't on there. I bet he's from New York or somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)01:30 No.5022594
         File1317447022.jpg-(102 KB, 417x700, 1312081965290.jpg)
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    I loled a little ,Not sure if i got the joke
    There is plenty to do We dont even meet up with out fights -n- drama breaking out . we are way behind the curve.
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !Pantsu/J9g 10/01/11(Sat)01:30 No.5022595
    I'm most likely gonna hang with both of them at the con. AHAHAHAHAHAHA.

    Also, people might think that he lives in TX because he talks of his plans to visit Smoker and I sometime in the future.
    >> Queen N !!dqP6WAmFwk9 10/01/11(Sat)01:31 No.5022600
         File1317447083.png-(26 KB, 236x168, N Happy & Away.png)
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    i think he said he would come down at one point...? i could be making shit up though.

    damn girl, do you go to every single texas con?
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !Pantsu/J9g 10/01/11(Sat)01:34 No.5022610
    Those are just my bros that I can name off the top of my head. There are many more I could list, but they are not as known on here and/or are just namefags.

    Dudewhat. Rika is Mexican or like...Hispanic.

    Maybe. I still don't know yet.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)01:36 No.5022617
    Faggot it's he's pretty much as good as said he's from Texas multiple times.
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !Pantsu/J9g 10/01/11(Sat)01:37 No.5022621
    Nice dubs.

    To answer your question, I pretty much do.
    >> Twelve-Fifty 10/01/11(Sat)01:38 No.5022623
    PT ain't going bro. She's going to Oni con.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)01:42 No.5022637
    I don't have a problem with PT but don't encourage TXfags to be taking pics of her when they should be focused on taking as many of Miyu as possible.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)01:47 No.5022650
    I really don't think TXfags really care enough to make it a point to take pics of either.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)01:49 No.5022655
    Ding Ding! We have a WINNER!
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)01:50 No.5022662
    Most of us dont as there are much more amazing.dramu filled then those two .
    >But you guys have never been the best in taste anyway.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)11:25 No.5023307
    bamp fer Tex-us
    >> Rika 10/01/11(Sat)11:33 No.5023325
         File1317483186.png-(117 KB, 265x325, 1303515194893.png)
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    I feel special that I was mentioned ; u ;
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)12:40 No.5023421
    I don't really care about Texas drama or PT. It'd be cool to see new pics of Miyu though. Just saiyan.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)12:47 No.5023437
    I'm going because it's right there but I'm not expecting much.

    Also going to Oni-con, hoping that it doesn't suck balls like the last 2 years but pretty convinced it will. Earthbound Papas and a beach can't save you from being one of the worst run conventions in the state.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)13:46 No.5023607
         File1317491193.jpg-(126 KB, 1200x705, wolfman-c-screaming-1200.jpg)
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    Well alot of the time we car little for your outlander drama but the board is flooded with it .
    >OUT LANDAR!!!
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)14:12 No.5023715
    Anyone still going to A-kon?

    Most of my friends and I are going to skip it so that we can rent a beach house and do some beachy things.
    >> Mitsuki 10/01/11(Sat)14:17 No.5023729
         File1317493052.jpg-(8 KB, 219x230, glove438.jpg)
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    >gonna head down to the beach, gonna do some beachy things
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)14:27 No.5023755
    It's Summertime lovin' Baby.

    Lovin' in the Summertime.
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !Pantsu/J9g 10/01/11(Sat)15:10 No.5023836
    I'm going, again. Come to think of it, I don't think I'll ever cease going to A-kon.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/01/11(Sat)15:19 No.5023861
    It's summertime and you know what that means!
    >> KittyKazoo !U3Vo78lsG2 10/01/11(Sat)15:50 No.5023931
    I'm going to A-Kon. Actually premiering some costumes and stuff like that. I have a lot of friends who attend, so it should be fun.
    And I get to see, like, a hjiblillion Doctor Who cosplayers there. I'm sure Smoker remembers just how many Doctors there are at A-Kon... haha.
    >> Ruizu 10/01/11(Sat)16:04 No.5023959
    Speaking of Texas and Who, is anyone else planning to go to the Who Day event at the British Emporium tomorrow in Grapevine?
    >> Aesthete !YjIBuFlDSc 10/01/11(Sat)16:07 No.5023973

    I know a few from the group who might be going. Not sure if I will though, too lazy atm to want to be the 9-millionth Amy Pond or 10th Doctor there. /unceative fuck
    >> KittyKazoo !U3Vo78lsG2 10/01/11(Sat)16:13 No.5023984
    I won't be there, I live in TN during the year. Wish I could be, but alas...
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)02:47 No.5025604
    I still go, mostly because I live 30 minutes from Dallas. If I didn't I would have quit a while ago.
    >> smoker‎ !Umad72YCVU 10/02/11(Sun)02:53 No.5025615
    Jesus fucking chirst 80 doctors out of fucking nowhere.
    >> kuromu !Xapq6MpaXw 10/02/11(Sun)02:59 No.5025630
         File1317538788.jpg-(128 KB, 500x500, 20ee77b13d7e50e7ba23cac7904672(...).jpg)
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    Oh pantsu~

    I'll be at this upcoming A-kon. I can't picture myself not going to A-kon unless something drastic happens.

    Anyone making it out to Onicon or Yulecon?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)03:10 No.5025658
    Not many of the cons seem worth it To the seasoned con goers.
    The texas comm should refortify itself .
    >> Jebus !e5qRFt.Sqk 10/02/11(Sun)03:38 No.5025697
         File1317541137.jpg-(33 KB, 313x313, 6Ritsu Tainaka.jpg)
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    >/a/ here
    >saw this thread
    >will do

    Texasfag here. Going to A-Kon next year as well.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)03:54 No.5025718
         File1317542080.jpg-(98 KB, 640x480, ccs21_123.jpg)
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    I'm still going to A-kon!

    Have fun at the beach doing beachy things though, Anon!
    >> Texas !lLTUeKKhVg 10/02/11(Sun)04:04 No.5025732
    Small chance of going to Ikkicon, and i got a friend that wants to go to A-Kon and wants me to tag along with him.
    Of course, i'll always be at San Japan since it has a special place in my heart
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)11:11 No.5026217
    >Anyone making it out to Onicon or Yulecon?

    I'm going to both, and bracing for failure.
    >> cardboardsamurai !!+H702KOLoqi 10/02/11(Sun)11:23 No.5026243
    dawwww pantsu thanks for mentioning me. Me and my girlfriend were going to be going to realmscon, but unfortunately we can't she is going to have to have surgery on her ankle and even yulecon is looking doubtful, however we will be at ikkicon for sure. We go in for her MRI in about 2 weeks so here's hoping everything gets fixed.
    >> Murrie !/rMxiN97Dw 10/02/11(Sun)11:27 No.5026248
    If you go to Ikkicon I will be your friend : , (

    Droughts been really bad. I feel sorry for the farmers.
    >> guava 10/02/11(Sun)11:41 No.5026269
    As a Dallas person, what cons are actually worth the travel around the state? (Always go to akon/afest though)
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)11:43 No.5026271
    Going to Oni-Con.
    Heard PT is going to be there.

    Also have Anime Matsuri in April to plan for.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)11:46 No.5026277
    San Japan is definitely worth the trip

    I personally think Anime Matsuri is worth it as well, but there are others that will disagree with that. At the very least it is considered the best convention in Houston.

    Ikkicon is debatable. It's fairly large and they have a lot to do but none of it really stands out like SJ or AM. It is a good con if you want something between Afest and A-kon.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)11:48 No.5026281
    PT isn't going to Oni-con. She had talked about pre-reging for a convention in her chat, but something she said about it made it sound like AM.

    She just got her internet revoked by her mom, I doubt she would be allowed to run off to Galveston for an animu con in a month.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)12:05 No.5026300
    Realmscon is pretty awesome. Its small but the hotel and convention center are both on the beach. I got to meet Miyu and Yaya last time I went in '09. They also usually have a decent guest lineup.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)12:12 No.5026306
    you're aware thats like a 9 hour drive from Dallas right?
    >> KittyKazoo !U3Vo78lsG2 10/02/11(Sun)12:21 No.5026310
    Oh yeah, Ikkicon! Yeah, I'll be there too. I don't like it very much as a con, but I live in Austin, and I miss all of my con friends now that I'm in Tennessee. Honestly, I don't even know if I'm buying a badge though, especially since I'm not competing, and that's generally what I use my badge for. I'm more going to hang out and show off costumes. Like Barty Crouch Jr. and Sherlock. So excited...
    Hahaha, always when you least expect it!
    >> Murrie !/rMxiN97Dw 10/02/11(Sun)12:31 No.5026317
    main reason Im hitting up Ikkicon too. Being 15 minutes from downtown doesnt leave too many excuses. My only concern is the ticket prices if I only plan on hanging out and not go to panels.
    >> Rika 10/02/11(Sun)12:32 No.5026319
    BAH, I want to go to realms and oni. Most likely I won't. BUT I PLAN ON GOING TO A-KON.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)12:43 No.5026338
    But I'm going to AM too......
    Ah well. As long as I'm not kawaii-desu I think I'll be safe.
    >> Moxxi !!gJu7lcWm9// 10/02/11(Sun)13:04 No.5026368
    >Anyone making it out to Onicon or Yulecon?

    Yule con for me. I really don't travel out of the DFW area for cons aside from SDCC. Too damn broke all the time.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)08:10 No.5029314

    Get off the 12th page!
    >> BlakeRyan !!4E1IEjI9c+/ 10/03/11(Mon)14:04 No.5029790
         File1317665047.jpg-(21 KB, 284x390, 1305381317681.jpg)
    21 KB
    > CTRL F "BLAKE"

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