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!kH8wjcKndo 09/30/11(Fri)04:48 No.5020989 File1317372523.jpg-(52 KB, 200x302, 4778.jpg)
 I've made this kind of picture montage for her
I've made her 'fanart' in the past, I've been told it's ugly and
inaccurate (defamation of my character! baka trolls! baww!), so I
decided to draw her something that she'd really love.
We see
pixy, glancing up at the viewer, pouting slightly. Hair carried by the
breeze; sakura petals gracefully fall around her. As one image of pixy
stares out towards the viewer; another is depicted looking down-wards, a
single tear rolling down her porcelain cheek. Shadowing her, this
represents her Asian-self and is surrounded by the imagery we all
associate with Pixy's tragic hidden past (she is clutching a wind-chine,
wearing a kimono etc). The image of these two pixys is set in front of
the Japanese 'Rising-sun', and is depicted in the style of an old
japanese wall hanging.
It is a very realistic and beautiful drawing and no bakas can tell me otherwise!
have left a space in the corner where we can all sign it, but I'll wait
'til America is awake before posting it. If you want to 'sign' it post
your name (and a little message; "Keep shining!" etc) with a WHITE