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    File : 1317318769.png-(548 KB, 504x630, 17889409_p9.png)
    548 KB Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)13:52 No.5018658  
    Anyone got caps of the EGL mod drama?

    Or tell me what happened?
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)14:00 No.5018685
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)16:20 No.5018990
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)16:52 No.5019063
    Someone posted a cap of wonderfinch's post about elerronyar on egl_mod to /cgl/. Mods assume it was someone new, took off all the new mods, freak out, shut everything down, and are apparently using the time to "reorganize the community and get new mods." Laiferr blamed it all on "drama mongerers" (aka /cgl/ even though /cgl/ has helped her ass with scammers quite a few times) instead of the person that did it - btw they never did figure out who it was and didn't even check into the idea that an older mod could have leaked the cap.

    Laiferr also admitted that she talks shit worse than wonderfinch did with elerronyar (and wonderfinch said she wanted to bust elerronyar's teeth in) so isn't it wonderful to know that our admin is such a professional person?
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)17:17 No.5019108
    What did wonderfinch say?
    What did elerronyar do?

    I've never liked Laiferr, she's a conniving bitch, and I've yet to meet someone who has enjoyed her presence.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)17:21 No.5019113
    Said she needed to bust some teeth in, called elerronyar entitled, etc etc, the other mods commented with "UGH I'D HATE TO HAVE TO DEAL WITH THIS BITCH" etc etc. Elerronyar was deserving of such commentary because she was lying to the mods about the situation and being a drama queen, however it's not the type of behavior I personally would expect from mods, especially considering how uppity laiferr is about /cgl/ and getoffegl, yet.... the post was of the same type of language people use here/getoffegl.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)17:23 No.5019118
    Not just laiferr, all of them, they're all entitled bitches. I wish egl was anew, and had different mods. I feel like all of them are monopolizing egl and its not like how it used to be, back in the lolita hand book days.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)17:44 No.5019171
    I think wonderfinch is okay, because she doesn't act like she's "better" than getoffegl or /cgl/ or the many, many people in the communit that go there. Laiferr is just a snarky bitch who will literally refuse to answer your questions or be a downright cunt if you disagree with her/she 'knows' you're from /cgl/
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)18:07 No.5019222
    Mods aren't gods. Are they not allowed to behave like humans and get just as angry as you do at a stupid asshole?

    You sound like one of those BUT LOLITAS R SUPOSE TO B LUVLIES idiots.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)18:11 No.5019234
    As someone who has been a mod on other community type sites, I don't think that it's a huge deal that a mod bad mouthed someone. We try to keep things confidential and it sucks that someone leaked that bit, but who cares? If the person being badmouthed was being an asshole, then whoopdeedoo.

    If it was handled as the other anons say where they just ousted all "new" mods because of blind suspicion, that's stupid.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)18:16 No.5019254
    No shit, mods aren't gods. Is this way laiferr acts like she can do no wrong and threatens to delete the community when people point out she treats people unfairly? Whoops.

    Moderators should know how to behave professionally or at the very least, not be a hypocrite about it. Throwing out "wah you sound like a lolitas should be lovelies person!" just makes you sound retarded. There's a difference between expecting moderators to behave like the professionals that they deem themselves to be (~ we're dealing with this internally~) and "MODERATORS CAN NEVER BE ANGRY."

    Laiferr in particular has shown herself to consistently be a whiny, hypocritical drama queen. Someone points out that she's treating elerronyar better than a regular member and lied about the consequences she was supposed to get? "It's like they WANT ME to delete the community!" A mod leaks a screencap of another mod saying she wanted to bust someone's teeth in/etc? "It's because of DRAMA WHORES that this happened!" Someone points out that shutting down EGL seems a bit unfair and it's not the community's fault? "*SNARK SNARK SNARK*" etc.

    Lolitas don't have to be lovelies, but a moderator of the livejournal community shouldn't be an insufferable cunt.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)18:18 No.5019263
    did you even read the comment I replied to before writing that novel filled with insults?

    "omfg i can't believe that wonderfinch said *GASP* something not nice about elerronyar!!!1"

    so mods aren't allowed to say anything negative EVER, not even what is supposed to be a private venue, just because they're mods?

    go clean the sand out of your vagina.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)18:19 No.5019264
    My issue is that laiferr admitted that she has said way worse things-- so how are we to know that she only shit talks about people who are, like elerronyar, lying and being a bitch? I mean, laiferr is a snarky bitch in public posts to people with genuine concerns and questions, so who is to say she's not being nasty about anyone with concerns privately?
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)18:22 No.5019273
    You consider that a novel? Wow, that's fucking sad.

    You clearly didn't read the comment YOU were responding to.

    >"omfg i can't believe that wonderfinch said *GASP* something not nice about elerronyar!!!1"

    >Elerronyar was deserving of such commentary

    >however it's not the type of behavior I personally would expect from mods

    "I expect professional behavior from mods, especially ones who constantly tout how horrible drama communities are" =/= "omg I can't believe she said something negative!"

    Reading comprehension, get some.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)18:25 No.5019286
    >Said she needed to bust some teeth in, called elerronyar entitled, etc etc, the other mods commented with "UGH I'D HATE TO HAVE TO DEAL WITH THIS BITCH" etc etc. Elerronyar was deserving of such commentary because she was lying to the mods about the situation and being a drama queen, however it's not the type of behavior I personally would expect from mods

    >I don't expect the mooooooooooooooooods to say anything baaaaaad about anyone ever even if it's private liek omg!!!1

    You should go back to making sandwiches for your man, sucking his dick, and being fucked like a good girl because it's all you're worth, retard.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)18:25 No.5019288
    >If it was handled as the other anons say where they just ousted all "new" mods because of blind suspicion, that's stupid.

    Oh, it was. Wonderfinch said that because it happened a day or so after they added new mods, they just took off all the new mods, because "an older mod would have posted a much more interesting [and drama worthy] post." They haven't even considered the idea that an older mod could have done it, which is sad.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)18:29 No.5019313
    If that's what you get from it,you are a literal retard. Not expecting moderators WHO ARE CONSTANTLY ACTING "BETTER" THAN DRAMA COMMUNITIES to say the same exact shit as people in drama communities =/= "omigaaawd lolitas are lovelies wah wah."
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)18:32 No.5019324
    Woaaah woahh woahhh. This is why I hate lolitas (and I'm a lolita). You're all trashy nuts. Calm your tits already about this
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)18:34 No.5019335
    Show us proof of every mod acting like they're better than drama communities, then acting like a hypocrite. Back up these sweeping generalizations. C'mon.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)18:34 No.5019337
    at least egl is supposed to open today. i wonder if they didn't open it yesterday because laiffer wanted to power trip.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)18:35 No.5019339
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    All men who throw out insults like this are obese, acne-ridden 20 somethings you mooch off their parents. Congratulations on jerking off to your mom sleeping in a nighty, which is the closet you'll ever get to a sexual encounter with an actual person.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)18:36 No.5019346
    hi mod. how about you get egl back up rather than wasting time on cgl?
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)18:38 No.5019354
    Back to sf_d with you
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)18:39 No.5019358
    Find it yourself. Look up their posts on loli_secret, or any mod post involving an issue, such as the "should real fur be banned?!" fiasco after aonele showed her hate boner for real fur.

    Asking someone to back that it up is like saying "omg, government officials are corrupt? CAPS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN"
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)18:41 No.5019366
    Hi retard. If I were a mod, egl would never come back. Oh, wait...
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)18:44 No.5019387
    since this is the comment that got your veins all bulging in the first place why don't you actually read it?


    >however it's not the type of behavior I personally would expect from mods, especially considering how uppity laiferr is about /cgl/ and getoffegl, yet
    >how uppity laiferr is
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)19:11 No.5019484
    Wait egl isn't coming back? ;________;
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)19:23 No.5019512
    so no one has caps?
    GTFO seems to be working with EGL and deleted everything.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)19:36 No.5019551
    I'd post them but it seems like any threads with the caps end up being deleted. Probably why no one on getoffegl is willing to speak up, either - the mod decided to kiss ass to the EGL mods. Which is funny because I know for a fact people have asked her to delete posts that have shared private information and she's done the whole "LOL OMG WHAT DO THEY THINK THE POINT OF THIS COMMUNITY IS, OMG, JUST DON'T LOOK AT IT THEN" crap.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)19:41 No.5019564
    This on the highest level.

    Someone post caps on cgl.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)19:44 No.5019577
    I don't think what wonderfinch said was particularly offensive based on who & what she was dealing with, but I really don't like that laiferr basically said: "Lol well I've said worse things" and then attacked all of the concerns people had with smarmy bullshit instead of... owning up to things, basically? It's the reaction that the mods had that bothers me.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)19:53 No.5019607
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    I have other mods' comments too but they're not interesting enough to post.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)19:56 No.5019615
    I was gonna post 2/2 but this thread is bad and you all should feel bad.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)19:57 No.5019617
    I was about to post them.
    Let's see if this thread gets deleted.

    I don't care really if it's not professional or whatever, I'm just mad they shut down the comm in reaction to something silly and tried to justify it with "oh comm needs maintenance" they should be doing maintenance already. They said there was a problem for a while but no one did anything about it.
    And seriously laffier or whatever should quit. Threatening to to get rid of a comm that is a *community* not her personal journal, is nutso.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)20:00 No.5019627
    Sage for double post.
    I don't understand all these bumhole lickers on egl either. Bitch wants to delete your community. NO! Fuck, pass it on then, it's not a catastrophe.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)20:02 No.5019634
    I like aonele. She's nice.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)20:06 No.5019643
    hi aonele
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)20:08 No.5019654
    >Threatening to to get rid of a comm that is a *community* not her personal journal, is nutso.
    Yeah, she makes it sound like she hates the comm and that she doesn't have the time for it, so why won't she let go?
    I'm still wondering how they've concluded that it's a new mod that did it, instead of one of the old mods. I hope their boring shit gets leaked again just to see what explanation she'd come up with.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)20:17 No.5019674
    wonderfinch's conclusion was

    -it happened a day (or two?) after they added new mods
    -they told new mods to browse through the community
    -leaked post was on the first page, and only a new mod would post that because it's the first interesting thing they saw
    >> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)20:43 No.5019682

    >You should go back to making sandwiches for your man, sucking his dick, and being fucked like a good girl because it's all you're worth, retard.

    is that a real girl insult? if so, pretty harsh!


    >thought only guys could go to that level
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)00:21 No.5020281
    Cool, so that means either you're going to volunteer to mod or start your own comm, right?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)00:27 No.5020308
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    Honestly, this just goes to show how entitled and pathetic all lolitas are.

    EGL is a free community. Most lolitas don't contribute a dime to it's upkeep or spend any real time working on it. The mods do. The amount of pissing and whining that's ensued because the mods won't fellate every loli that flounces around demanding free shit is just pathetic.

    Seriously ladies, get your shit together. If you really hate how the community is being run, you need to either volunteer or create an organized counter-movement of like-minded lolis that are willing to shoulder the responsibility of the comm.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)00:28 No.5020313
    >>5019607 this why egl and the comm sales are closed?

    I remember Elleronyarr complaining about that dress she didn't even wear yet. but I didn't expect it to go overboard...then again, I don't really follow lolitas all that closely in general.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)00:37 No.5020354

    I think it was more the final straw--the mods have been trying to keep shit together and now they can't even trust each other to keep mod business. My guess is there's been a lot of issues behind closed doors and this is the final, public thing that made them say they needed a hard shut-down.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)00:39 No.5020360
    Ahh. Thank you for clarifying. Damn. I really miss egl now, or at least, what it used to be.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)00:43 No.5020370
    I love how the only argument people have when presented with legitimate complaints about mods is: "omg why don't YOU volunteer or start your own community!"

    Guess what - they volunteered to do this job. There are like two mods who have been mods since the days of MMM, the rest are newer, and it's not like they didn't know the community was huge. If they don't want to do it, they are perfectly welcome to leave. Laiferr herself has expressed the desire to delete the community, and has taken the piss out of a chunk of the community by accusing them of being responsible for her lackluster screenchecking, so why is she still there? People are allowed to criticize the people that run communities. Don''t like it? Too bad.

    And even if someone did want to volunteer, they need to "not be involved in drama or drama communities" (even though most of the mods are) and have "three character references" (lol) and "be a member for at least a year." (even though some of the mods were newer than that when they first became mods.)
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)01:04 No.5020454

    So, where are these so-called "valid complaints"?

    >I've never liked Laiferr, she's a conniving bitch, and I've yet to meet someone who has enjoyed her presence.
    >especially considering how uppity laiferr is
    >Not just laiferr, all of them, they're all entitled bitches
    >. I feel like all of them are monopolizing egl and its not like how it used to be
    >Laiferr is just a snarky bitch who will literally refuse to answer your questions
    >moderator of the livejournal community shouldn't be an insufferable cunt

    These are not real complaints. This is people whining like little children. State a REAL complaint. There are a few half-buried underneath the bawww, but if someone is going to go around calling people cunts and then turn around and argue that the mods are hostile... I'm not going to take them too seriously.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)01:07 No.5020463

    You know, people could have started volunteering waaaaay before this whole thing blew up in all our faces. The fact that NOW they're instituting harsh new measures for incoming mods means they're trying to make sure they have a crack team of people who are community members. Clearly they feel it was a problem (hell, probably some of the mods who became mods in under a year pushed for this--my guess is they felt pretty overwhelmed).
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)01:09 No.5020469
    They ALWAYS had the no drama community and referrers rule for new mods, just number of referrers wasn't stated.

    Ironically, the no drama community rule only brought in clueless newbies who everyone thought can't mod for shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)01:18 No.5020497
    why are we revisiting this? What was done is done and egl is supposed to come back tomorrow. Let this BS die and get on with things. I am bored to tears of this bullshit drama.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)01:43 No.5020551
    No one should have to make a new comm. If she doesn't want the comm anymore, she can give it to someone else. win/win
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)01:58 No.5020589
    Are you new? It's been brought up time and time again here, people don't need to spoonfeed the information every thread.

    Laiferr consistently acts like, well let's be blunt: talia_speaks. Whenever someone questions a decision she makes, or a mod decision, or a mod, or anything involving what she perceives as "her power," she retaliates like a brat. By herself, or imposing it on the entire mod team and community. For example,tweeting that people must want her to delete the community or by trying to ban all real fur or by shutting down the community. And why? Because people had (as it turned out) legit concerns about the mod's treatment of elerronyar, about the mod's bias towards real fur and because a leak and her inability to handle the community.

    If these problems have been going on for weeks and weeks, why only NOW is there an attempt to fix them? Where has laiferr been, then? She made sure to mention that she was 'the most active mod' in her snarky response post to the shut down issue (which is another ball of wax itself) and yet from all we've gotten from other mods, there has been no effort on her part until SHUT DOWN EVERYTHING 2011 to change anything.

    People have brought up issues (or non-issues that she's made issues) to her and the mod team, yet they get ignored and ignored and ignored... until something blows up. What's the point of offering suggestions and offering opinions if nothing gets done?

    If they've always had referrals as a requirement, why did wonderfinch state that farewell_dream (who they suspected of leaking it for some random reason) didn't have any references at all?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)02:08 No.5020615
    The mods that have been here (and a few that I've seen on LJ) invite feedback but never take it without being extremely defensive. They never apologize or admit to making bad decisions, they just lash out at the comm itself. Laiferr does have an attitude problem, and that's probably why her team can't manage a damn Livejournal community.

    This post is true only in that no amount of us talking about it is going to make EGL less shitty. Laiferr's not going to hand off the comm, the mods still won't accept responsibility for mistakes, and it'll melt down again.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)02:24 No.5020667
    The only mod I've seen kind of take responsibility is wonderfinch but, again, the entire team has problems. And I still think it's hilarious that wonderfinch was one of the buttlickers of elerronyar last year and it came back to bite her in the ass.

    IMO yumikuyoi/dandelion_cloud is the worst aside from laiferr. I have seen react with defensiveness or half-assed 'apologies' so many times... for example her recent comment that was a smack against the community for not donating to something that, in the end, she said she didn't even know was important anyway.

    But I think the main problem is the fact that laiferr acts like a brat most of the time and doesn't know how to manage a big community. She makes the same mistakes MMM does, just with a different angle. She has let it get to this point, where more than half of the mods are either on hiatus or not doing shit, but rather than take responsibility for her not addressing it soon enough (much like the many things she didn't address 'soon enough') she lashes out and blames other people and snarks.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)05:59 No.5021025
    why can't everyone just not give a fuck about what other bitches spout at them?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)06:32 No.5021037
    I don't see the point of saying mods can't be members of "drama" communities. There's no way you could stop them from making a sock, hell wasn't one of the old-new mods actually the sock account of someone who had drama in their past or something?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)06:33 No.5021039
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    Because when you a large community of fashion. And since fashion is largely objective and has many views. It often tends to encourage a lot of idiots to throw themselves out and just yell and scream about their dicks.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)06:53 No.5021047
    and it's full of catty, drama-mongering, jealous women
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)07:37 No.5021072
    >IMO yumikuyoi/dandelion_cloud is the worst aside from laiferr. I have seen react with defensiveness or half-assed 'apologies' so many times... for example her recent comment that was a smack against the community for not donating to something that, in the end, she said she didn't even know was important anyway.

    Yeah, you already said that in your secret last week. Your vendetta is showing, and if you haven't noticed from the fact that the secret didn't get any worthy replies besides of czol and what I guess was yourself, you should have seen by now that noone here is joining in in your "omg I can't stand her" parades. WE GOT IT. Yeah she's not the most amazing mod ever, but you act like she killed your beloved baby puppy. Just shut up about it already and get over it.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)07:44 No.5021075
    WHY DOESNT SOMEONE JUST MAKE A WHOLE NEW COMMUNITY, INSTEAD OF HAVING TO DEAL WITH THAT BITCH that says shes going to delete it? really , can it be that difficult if she did it before?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)07:51 No.5021080
    I also dislike Yumi, but it's more because she's just wayyy too inexperienced to make any judgement calls on the sales community. And she gets quite snippy when you call that judgement into question.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)14:35 No.5021513
    Haha oh wow, where have you been? Plenty of people were talking about it during another thread about the mod shutdown.

    But do go ahead and think that only one person could possibly think that yumi was a dumbass for pulling this shit. I'm sure it's nice to be so delusional.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)14:37 No.5021517
    Apparently, you're allowed to call that judgement into question, though I've never seen her say 'contact another mod if you feel this is unfair.'
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)15:04 No.5021591
    I have seen her say it.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)15:18 No.5021626
    I fucking love lolita
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)15:27 No.5021648
    Really? When? All I've seen is her asking for things to be removed and if on the off chance someone dares to say that they think it should be allowed, she just replies with the equivalent of "Nope. Not lolita, sorry."
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)19:48 No.5022126
    TBH the people in drama communities are usually the ones who contribute most to the main community. Sure they're snarky at times, but I'd rather have them around then noobs with a princess complex asking about Milanoo twice a day.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)20:00 No.5022169
    If mods were members of wank communities, you'd be bitching about why are mods members of wank communities, aren't they supposed to be proh-feshunal?

    Seriously, I would never want to be a mod. Can't make any of you bitches happy.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)20:01 No.5022173
    in b4 someone accuses you of being a mod

    but i agree, it's impossible
    >> aonele 09/30/11(Fri)21:17 No.5022244
    daw, fanks :B
    I don't have a hater boner for real fur, just that one particular item grossed me out because the head of the fox was attached and the eye sockets were hollow. In the end though it was allowed to stay and I'm better now with fur items. I've never opposed fur (real or fake) before that instance, and never again after.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)22:02 No.5022248
    it's back up
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)00:00 No.5022328
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    Who the fuck would WANT to be Queen of the Retards? You girls bitch and bitch here, while doing nothing productive. Perhaps you need to change the way you live into being more constructive with your time, instead of destructive. If necessary, maybe allow a few more men into the circles to help control your gender's obvious emotionally-charged argumentative flaws--instead of throwing hissy fits everywhere, judgement can be passed through the outcome of a mudfight between the two girls in a dispute. It'd definitely be more helpful and productive than you ladies acting like five year old ninnies every time one of your Queen of the Retards causes some slight discomfort for you retards.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)00:10 No.5022350
    >I'm so mad!! Lemme project my inadequacies on you for a paragraph
    Christopher Lee would be ashamed of your faggotry. Take it back to LJ, bitch.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)00:11 No.5022353
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    >Who the fuck would WANT to be Queen of the Retards?

    Laiferr apparently.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)00:12 No.5022358
    lol you use the same picture in every lolita thread, bitching about our bitching.
    Seriously, just go away and stop getting mad every single day. You must have something better to do.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)00:20 No.5022383
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    Why would I create an LJ to write about how /cgl/ women are repetitive and petty? You girls need to take your LJ-bitching back to LJ.


    Exactly. So let her keep on doing what she does, because no one else would want to deal with you.


    >in every lolita thread

    We all know /cgl/ is a pretty damn slow board for 4chan. If you can find this image in another thread, I cannot do anything but concede. If you cannot, you spend way too much of your life on 4chan that time is starting to lose meaning to you.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)00:23 No.5022394
    I mean just get off /cgl/ if you don't like it?
    Why complain about us all the time...and then stay?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)00:26 No.5022401
    >Bitching about bitching by being a bitch
    >Shitty image that even /b/ would reject

    This is why /cgl/ is the worst board. Hide the thread you dumbshit.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)00:32 No.5022413
    But... what did that have to do with me pointing out that yumi never (or rarely, since someone says to have seen it) leaves her decisions open for discussion?

    And in any case, I have no problem with a mod being a member of a wank community. Being a member of a wank community or going to /cgl/ =/= unprofessional bitch. Laiferr supposedly does neither and she's an immature git all on her own.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)00:37 No.5022421
    In these last few threads it's been similar to EGL, where the valid complaint doesn't get addressed, the complainer just gets bitched out. It's probably a mod or a friend of one trying to cover their friend's asses, they can't handle criticism without flipping out.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)00:37 No.5022422
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    >complain about us all the time

    Livejournal ladies, it isn't just one person who is annoyed by you shitting up an otherwise helpful board--allow that idea to sink in. Now, I know you enjoy your little meetings of anonymous circlejerk-gossip around here, the type you can't have on LJ because you'd be tossed right out if you shat up the community this often, but you girls need to make up for the fact that you're gossipy little rejects by putting in the effort to keep your community going or stop complaining that you community is falling apart because you are allowing it to (if not directly looking to help it go down faster.) That should make sense to you--either you help your community or you keep on pissing your pants here, in which case all you do is keep making new threads on /cgl/ about how bad your little livejournal community has gotten. Come on.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)00:38 No.5022424
    EGL is bitchier than cgl too.
    I'd rather upfront bitches than backhanded little shits.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)00:39 No.5022427
    Again, why are you here? Everything you said is null
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)00:41 No.5022432

    >valid complaint about Livejournal community
    >valid complaint is not posted to Livejournal community, it is posted to /cgl/

    Maybe /cgl/ is getting tired of being whored out to Livejournal's rejects. It is a possibility.
    >> Lonelyfag !1fOJ1MfRV6 10/01/11(Sat)00:42 No.5022435
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    This thread status: tl;dr

    But I have one thing to say, pic related.

    ALl of you are amazing and one day I swear I'm going to read one of these thread :3
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)00:43 No.5022437
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    Also, this. EGL is an incredibly snide comm.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)00:44 No.5022443
    I'd rather post here than have laiferr come after me with her vendetta BS, though. It's clear from the lack of change within the mod team that neither she nor they genuinely care about what the community wants - as long as laiferr can hold onto her status as admin and lord it over people once in a while, she's fine.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)00:45 No.5022445
    Maybe it's because every valid complaint is whiteknighted and mocked to hell on LJ. There's a few mods that come here, wonderfinch being one that actually seems to listen without having a meltdown.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)00:48 No.5022454
    You are wrong on the Laiffer thing I don't honestly think she acts like an overlord
    Also isn't Milkteamilk a secrets mod?????
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)00:49 No.5022457
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    >an otherwise helpful board

    As in: this board can be helpful, but you girls seem to be trying for some sort of shitting-record. If it was only a weekly thing, it wouldn't be half as annoying as it is currently. Maybe if it was contained to a sticky, it wouldn't be half as annoying as it is currently. But that isn't the case, and you girls keep making multiple threads about how bad your community has become and how no one knows how to run it correctly, all while doing nothing but complaining on /cgl/ when you're perfectly capable of fixing said problem.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)00:53 No.5022469
    >Waaah I can't figure out how to hide threads help me
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)00:54 No.5022472
    She made a comment suggesting people wanted her to delete the community because they were questioning her treatment of elerronyar - back when E was a mod - and her response to people's concerns about the shutdown were to basically demoralize them by reacting in a snarky manner in response and by blaming a group of people for the mod leak, rather than the person responsible. People have brought up to her several times ideas and suggestions regarding rules and moderation and mod decisions and she has, on several occasions, basically refused to answer them and go off on tangents rather than own up to what the person was suggesting or questioning. I would say that is lording it over people, as she knows she has the power and in the end, can do whatever she wants with it- and she does.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)00:58 No.5022482

    Did you not just finish saying that the exact same happens on /cgl/? >>5022421 If you want to help your livejournal community, either you girls grow a spine or create a new movement for a community built from the girls who suffer as you do from these unfair, bitchy, unhelpful moderators.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)01:00 No.5022489

    >meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta meta
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)01:04 No.5022504
    Oh right :/ I forgot about that comment
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)01:06 No.5022512
    Actually, they said that it's suddenly been happening on /cgl/ within the past few threads on the subject. Which strangely enough has coincided with the EGL shut down when the mods have had more free time. Hmmm.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)01:07 No.5022520
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    wtf @ you. Okay, I'll post 2/2 then.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)01:16 No.5022548
    It's been restricted to these recent threads involving the closure of EGL. Maybe your inability to comprehend what you read is why you can't figure out how to hide threads or even ignore what bothers you.

    I want to post in this thread and also read it, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)01:39 No.5022627
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    Oh please, shut the fuck up already, all of you. You're complaining about someone complaining that you're complaining about their complaining about someone else's complaining.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)02:04 No.5022713
    So they closed down the comms and made a big stink about how terribly overworked they were...

    but they're going to do a newsletter?

    Yeah, this makes sense. So this is what they were doing during the downtime? Cause I don't see shit that couldn't have been done and hasn't been done before while the community is running.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)02:22 No.5022746
    They bullshitted it and used an overhaul of the rules as an excuse for Laiferr's tantrum. I'm curious about how long the newsletter will last because it seems like every Loli newsletter before it was cursed.

    And you're bitching about bitching about bitching about your bitching. You're still not addressing anything.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)02:23 No.5022748
    Actually, a fair amount of lolis asked for (something at least similar to) that in a previous thread just after the closure. The general feel was that "We don't know what the fuck you mods are doing, we don't see any improvements, problems, issues or changes. Why don't we have somewhere you can give us status updates and information sessions, instead of things slowly degrading and mods complaining about invisible workloads? We want transparency here." As long as this newsletter actually contains relevant information on a regular basis, I'm looking forward to it.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)02:26 No.5022760
    But the newsletter isn't about the mod team's actions at all.

    ". The newsletter is going to be a mixture of links to posts around the Lolita blogosphere, links to new brand releases, and some original content."

    The fact that they couldn't even tell us what tweaks they made to the rules (hey, thought it was a major revamp? guess not) tells me what they think about actual transparency. Then again, maybe listing what changed (read: nothing major) would make it more obvious that they didn't do anything this past week that couldn't have been done otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)02:28 No.5022767
    isn't that what the twitter is for?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)02:30 No.5022772
    I'm optimistically reading "some original content" to mean comm news and general mod business, even if it as wishy-washy as their current method of stating what they worked on, but not who/where/why/how.

    Meant to be, but never really turned out as planned.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)02:34 No.5022777
    You're far more optimistic than I am! The mods know people want/need transparency and have for aw hile, but it never happens. Hell, it took aonele this long to admit that removing the fur was because of her personal distaste for how that piece looked--before it was all "Noooo noooo it wasn't because of my personal feelings about it at all!"
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)02:37 No.5022782

    >still not addressing anything

    I am addressing the fact that she didn't quite understand the "meta meta meta meta" comment directed to her, which was pointing out how she was complaining about complaining to complaining to complaining by complaining so on and so forth. You ladies can argue yourselves until you're more blue in the face than Violet Beauregarde, damn.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)03:30 No.5022847
    Let it go, then. Goddamn.

    Still laughing over what's essentially "we're overloaded and closing the comm to add a newsletter." Laiferr said she was the only active mod and it wasn't enough. EGL itself only got one new mod after she said the comm couldn't stay open because the workload was unmanageable for her. Did the other mods pledge renewed interest in the job? What's different now?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)11:55 No.5023357
    I've reread and reread the rules and I don't see anything that's so majorly different that it will take a huge workload off the mods. The giant feedback form is still mandatory, the confusing rules about what is/isn't okay are still there, and now we have a shitload of new mods going to jump in and enforce the still confusing rules? On top of a newsletter? What?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)11:59 No.5023366
    LOL. So she shut down the community and had one last power fest before leaving?


    We are fucked.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)12:39 No.5023419
    With colortheory and wonderfinch hopefully it won't go bellyup. At least it's not just the big bad bitch of the west controlling everything.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)12:49 No.5023442
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    I like the cut of your jib
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)13:49 No.5023620
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)14:06 No.5023689
    Yeah I agree. colortheory and wonderfinch will both make really good admins IMO.

    though i wish dandelion_cloud wasn't an admin, at least the other two might balance her out.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)15:41 No.5023915
    honestly, even with the new rules and info post, it feels like nothing's been explained...
    come on mods, after a week, give us something more :/
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)15:47 No.5023924

    1. We hope to revamp and simplify all three communities rules.

    Nope. Still got the huge ass feedback form, nothing is particularly different or less confusing than it was before. Certainly nothing drastic, which was implied by the "revamp."

    2. We hope to increase the size of the moderation team.

    18 mods before, now we have... 18?

    3. Hand-in-hand with that, we hope to reorganize the mod team altogether.

    No idea, which leads me to--

    4. On a similar note, we would like to increase the transparency of the moderation team.

    What happened to the transparency? What did you guys ACTUALLY get done in this entire week that you needed to close down the communities? What has been revamped? "Tee-hee, surprises!" such as (I'm sure) icon contests or other bullshit was not worth shutting down the communities for two weeks.

    5. We also hope to revamp some of the more dated areas of the community, such as the FAQ and the tags.

    Apparently the only thing they really took time on doing, besides getting new mods, which does not require shutdowns.

    6. And finally, we would like to make some purely cosmetic changes to the community, to represent the fact that we are moving into a new era.

    Don't see it, but again, should be on the bottom of the list compared to the complete revamp that wonderfinch, laiferr & other mods have been toting.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)16:26 No.5024015
    just found out they took everyone off the pre-moderated list, i just tried to post a sale..
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)16:39 No.5024039
    that stinks. hope it doesn't take you hours to get it approved!
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)16:47 No.5024057
    heh, thanks :3 me too! i liked being able to post right away...

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