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09/27/11(Tue)19:05 No.5012352 File1317164718.jpg-(127 KB, 1243x655, 1300144166304[1].jpg)
 >go out to eat with client and his mother >client is 6 years old (i work in special ed), mother is 40 >both obese as fuck >mother spends all day telling me she is trying to get healthier, cut back smoking, eating better, etc. >I order a tossed salad, spend $3.25 >she
orders appetizer of deep fried mozzerella sticks (LARGE), salad with
extra ranch dressing, extra rolls, shrimp alfredo (For herself only) >orders son deep fried chicken tenders and fries >just before waitress leaves, asks what soups of the day are >waitress replies "vegetable soup or chicken and dumplings >mother
replies "chicken and dumplings, then says to me "that vegetable soup is
cooked in beef broth, it's not good for you. Chicken is way better for
you" >I'm LOLOLLLLLLLOLing inside at this point >waitress brings appetizers, salads, soups >mozzerella sticks are seriously about 20oz. or more >salad is just completely drenched overflowing with ranch >mother says "had to get a salad, I told you I'm trying to eat better >implying better is eating more for the sake of getting a few extra vegetables at the added cost of 300 cal in dressing >mother
is so fat when she eats she can't breath properly, and it makes a large
suction sound from the time she is eating until she is done, with a lot
of grunting
>my salad with about a teaspoon of fat free basalmic is untouchable until she finishes because I am so disgusted.
mother orders deep fried cheese cake for desert, still talking about
how she is making healthier choices to lose weight and how she drinks
protein shakes also TO BE IN SHAPE
this just happened 45 minutes ago. Still feel queasy, and I should be eating one more meal today |