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    63 KB Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)17:58 No.5012139  
    con horrors, weeaboo stories, or just plain retardation in the fandom you've witnessed, because old threads are auto-saging.

    I'll contribute first.

    Being part of a massive pokemon gijinka gathering, beginning the gathering at noon for the photoshoot. As more cosplayers join in, more photographers show up to take pictures. Photoshoot turns out to be pretty fun for everyone and very successful.
    A month later, talking about the con with some socially awkward dude at a photoshoot. Said dude starts raging as soon as I mention the pokemon gathering... about how it stole all attention from their group of people doing para-para dance and caramel dansen in the hallway nearby.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)18:31 No.5012222
    Bump, going to my first expo/con soon, and I want to know what sort of crazy shit I'm getting into here.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)18:34 No.5012230
    well if your like me nothing, because you will be so fucking manly no one wants to talk to you.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)18:42 No.5012251
    So... Acting manly=no weeabo girls trying to bite chunks out of my arms?
    I could do this...
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)18:45 No.5012260
    Talking about pokemon shoots...

    During one, some girl runs behind me, bumping heavily into my back with a loud SCRATCH sound.
    Somehow, I pay no attention to it.
    30 seconds later, guy to my left changes position, his foot hits something on the ground.
    He pokes my shoulder and points down, I look.
    I get out of the group to try and fix them.
    We move outside to continue the shoot, I sit down on a bench to keep fixing the wings, taking off my mask and putting it down on the bench right next to me.
    Girl arrives, takes off her bag, looks back and forth between the spot where my mask is and the pile of bags people left about a meter away.
    Girl throws her bag on my mask.

    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)18:47 No.5012280
    The anime/manga fandom in general is full of very weird and awkward people, not just cons.
    Piece of advice from a fellow seagull: Be on your guards. Always.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)19:27 No.5012468
    because I can't find the older threads I'll post this here.

    Not a weeaboo but a 4chan tard, so I guess that counts.
    Girl does not make any difference between 4chan and real life and believes she can go around insulting and disrespecting people like jealous fatties do as anons on here. SHE EVEN DOES SO TO HER OWN FRIENDS. She attempts to greentext in each one of her facebook statuses and sometimes in replies/chat too. She calls herself a troll although she's got to be the easiest person to troll and make mad on earth. She even gets all mad and fussy about obvious troll posts that weren't even directed at her. Runs around shouting memes all the time (even as ultimate arguments of doom), yet whenever someone uses a meme to troll her, she starts ranting and bitching about how lame, dumb, overused, unoriginal, and stupid that meme is (or the overall use of memes is).
    Met her at a con once, greeted her with a single jokingly "derp", and she left shouting "DERP DERP DERP HURPY DERP DERP DUURRRP" at the top of her lungs. What.
    Bitch does not seem to realise that nobody appreciates her behaviour.
    Also does not seem to realise that I'm keeping her on my FB only because she is a massive source of lulz.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)19:30 No.5012495
    your chances of being attacked go down dramatically if you are not in costume. if you're in costume you will be a crazy magnet.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)19:41 No.5012562
    True, although I have been attacked even though I wasn't in costume.

    Some girl somehow managed to reconise me from a cosplay I wore - for one afternoon the previous year-, and proceeded to explain that she was that girl who secretly stalked me the whole time after taking my picture without me noticing and she had found my dA and whatnot and added everything... then acted surprised, confused and insulted that I didn't know who the fuck she was.

    I also heard worse tales of people being talke-glomped by retards just being "omg so small and kamaii like a real life chibi omgggg", then said retards not believing them when they said they weren't cosplaying.

    Some people are seriously fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)20:05 No.5012721
    Ohhh man. Those people. I understand someone talking about something on 4chan or whatever, but shiiiit. Leave what's on the internet mostly on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)20:07 No.5012732
    The first-timer here
    Cosplaying as Hope from FFXiii
    Well, fuck.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)20:13 No.5012770
    character is shota bait. if you're halfway cute you might be in trouble. you might be okay because ff13 didn't turn out too huge. i don't think its fandom has any staying power and it's been enough time for most of it to blow over.

    since she stalked you after she saw you in costume i think it still counts.

    for non-costumers to be attacked is going to be fairly rare.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)21:05 No.5013004
    Just 18 years old, roughly 5 and a half foot (havnt measured myself in ages, so probably off, maybe a bit more) and I get mistaken for about 16 wherever I go.
    How fucked am I, /cgl/ on a scale of 1 to 10.
    1 being safe.
    10 being dead by the end of it.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)21:39 No.5013132
    contributing, for great justice.

    >Been running around all day because of my position as as staff.
    >Finally getting a break, goes downstairs, lies down on a couch, removes boots for ultimate feet pain relief.
    >Girls come running at me, arms wide open and a huge smile, asking for a hug.
    >Say no and explain that I'm tired and can barely stand up.
    >Girl stands there in front of me, arms still wide open, and bearing the same large smile as before.
    >I stare back at her without moving for a few seconds.
    >girl finally understands that I'm not joking, gets that disdain look on her face, says "OKAY then." in the most offended tone you could think of.
    >girl turns around and walks away frustrated with her nose high in the air.

    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)21:44 No.5013150
    Can someone link that vid of a vocaloid gathering where a Rin was trying to steal another Rin's Len?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)23:02 No.5013473
    bumping because thread contains stories I never read
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)23:42 No.5013603
    depends on how many hope fans there are there
    personally i wouldn't fear so i'll say 3. maybe that's because i'm used to concerts with moshpits and the inevitable fact that you will encounter the mosh pit at the front of the stage (where i usually end up by the end of the night)
    just if you hear anything that sounds like a running freight train and goes HOOOOOOOOOPE for its whistle, dodge to any side fast.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)03:12 No.5014265
    >Be in a hetalia gathering as Canada for my friend who wanted me to cosplay with her
    >Creepy fat girl keeps stalking me, telling me how cute I was
    >A few days later, girl upped an album of pics from the con and it was full of stalker shots of me in different angles
    >Never go to a hetalia gathering again

    I admit I am shota as FUCK. I am 18, at 4'9" and people always think I am joking when I tell them I am a college student, telling me I look about 10 years old.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)04:18 No.5014369
    >At Every con in Louisiana
    >There is the fat, sociable, annoying Belarus cosplayer

    I need to say no more.

    If you've been to Mechacon or Louisianime this year you will just know.

    >I will not go in to detail as it relives the obnoxious moments.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)04:52 No.5014399
    I raged
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)05:11 No.5014414
    >annoying Belarus cosplayer
    Expanding on this, but what is with Belarus cosplayers. I have yet to meet a single one that was sane in the head that I was not friends with.

    >AX, dressed as Prussia, hanging around giant group of Hetalia cosplayers.
    >Mixture of derp and chill people, so the antics are varied and interesting.
    >Playing around with my Germany and running from her, and accidentally bump into a Belarus.
    >Fall all over myself with apologies and asking if she's hurt, if I tore her cosplay anywhere and holy shit am I sorry.
    >Belarus cosplayer just stares blankly at me. Like that crazy stare.
    >Try to maybe compliment to diffuse the possibility that I upset her. Tell her her contacts are really pretty (they were).
    >Bitch keeps staring at me, not saying shit.
    >Decide to casually excuse myself before shit gets stranger. Going to walk away when she shoves me on the floor, falling on top of me..
    >About to engage survival mode when my Germany comes up behind her, grabs her around the waist and tosses her off like she weighs nothing.
    >My girl spends the rest of the day giving her a "Try that shit again" look.

    My bad for letting my guard down, but booze will do that to you.

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