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    File : 1317081478.png-(276 KB, 1024x576, Stein's Pose.png)
    276 KB Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)19:57 No.5009185  
    I'm considering cosplaying this guy mostly because it's simple and he drinks about as much Dr. Pepper as I do.

    the biggest problem I have is trying to find a lab coat like his. any suggestions on where to look or what I should do to cosplay him?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)20:03 No.5009204

    If you're looking for local, look for nurse/uniform supply shops.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)20:05 No.5009221
    We had a thread like this on /a/ not to long ago. We found that the most resembling one was this one:

    It's pretty cheap too.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)20:07 No.5009231
    Where can I watch Steins gate besides crunchy roll.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)20:09 No.5009246
    so would I just take a seem ripper to the pockets on the side? and you're sure this is the same length as well?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)20:10 No.5009248
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)20:11 No.5009256
    I went with Commie's subs and was happy with that.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)20:12 No.5009261
         File1317082339.jpg-(113 KB, 1366x768, 1310593594007.jpg)
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    Bro I think your biggest problem is being as handsome as Okarin.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)20:13 No.5009270

    Length is 40 inches. Depending how tall you are, that should suffice. If anything, you might even need to take it in a bit. And yes, a seam ripper should be fine, just be careful.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)20:16 No.5009278
    I'm close enough to count and I'm not cosplaying someone who's a totally different body type than I am. I mean Okabe is relatively tall and in decent shape.

    as for the handsome part. I'll see as soon as I get it all in order.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)20:19 No.5009292
    I'm a little over 6' so in inches that means I'll have it 20 inches off the floor which seems to be a bit much to me. or am I mathing wrong?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)20:31 No.5009327
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    I think that sounds about right. It would go a little below your knee, right? You don't want it too long, otherwise it looks unflattering.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)20:33 No.5009333
    Oh good point. thanks for the reference photo too. He's one of two people on who have photos of that.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)20:38 No.5009347
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    No problem. Try searching curecos too, and possibly deviantart. There's also this blog post that has a few cosplay photos of a steins;gate event.

    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)20:40 No.5009353
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    And this guy. Not sure who he is though
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)20:43 No.5009357
    Problem is he is such a mad scientist that he wears a god damn full length trench-coat of a lab coat, which are not normally made. I mean hell I'm 6'1 and OWN a labcoat which barely reaches past my knees.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)21:06 No.5009419
    yeah that's what I found on closer inspection. it might be easier to commission a friend of mine to custom make the coat.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)21:46 No.5009561
    Would be the best result. And really they aren't that difficult to make.

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