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09/26/11(Mon)06:05 No.5007458 File1317031531.jpg-(64 KB, 565x442, 113575-ehshell_2009_06_29_11_3(...).jpg)
i went to Germany, i took photos at the local graveyeard. Not cosplay,
but still, took photos. It was a breathtaking area.But, before i left,
any stone i took a photo of, i put a flower on/beside 'them' for
respect. Also, but the town i was livng it, almost everyone was related
so it was more of a family graveyard, and no, i didn't just GO to it.
The girl i was staying with told me it would be a good idea and she
enjoyed giving me a history lesson about some of the peolpe she knew, or
knew of.
I know osme friends, that take photos for modeling on sites, but they photo shot the name out off the stone. |