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    19 KB Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)19:54 No.5005944  
    What are the best and worst panels you've ever attended at any convention?

    You can name a celebrity panel and a fan-run panel, if you choose.
    >> smoker‎ !Umad72YCVU 09/25/11(Sun)19:58 No.5005956
    >worst panel
    A shitty jeopardy thing
    >best panel
    Its a tie between this bad ass iron artist at a-kon or the q/a and drawing panel by egorapter
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)19:59 No.5005959
    banzai arcade

    18+ hetalia panel at fanime
    my body was not ready
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)20:02 No.5005971
    Some dubbing panel

    Jeopardy panel at the same con

    Do tell.
    >> Bad Wolf !XLIjtOmIpc 09/25/11(Sun)20:05 No.5005985
    >Worst panel

    Tiptoe Through the TARDIS at MEWcon this year. Technical problems? Yes. Late night panel slot the last day of con? Yep. All of eight people showed up? Yep.

    >Best panel

    Same panel, Kumoricon this year. Lulz, a metric fuckton of people, half of which were Who cosplayers, run much smoother, charismatic people running it, much better location and timeslot. Still had technical problems but that was because the guy running the computer didn't know what youtube was let alone how to use it.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)20:06 No.5005992
    Sailor Moon panel at Tokyo in Tulsa

    The horror
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)20:07 No.5005993
    I can relate. We sat in on the end of a "how-to write good yaoi fanfiction" panel in order to get seating for the next panel. We almost got kicked out from laughing so hard at all the ridiculousness going on.

    Their powerpoint presentation covered
    - A list of euphamisms for genitalia/ sexual acts
    - A generalized sex ed lesson (this was an 18+ panel, people!!), for the clueless
    - Someone's Q was whether anime characters could get STDs
    - There was a brief debate/discussion about mpreg - at that point I almost hid under my chair
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)20:08 No.5005996
    Whose Line is it anime?

    Your anime sucks
    >> dill !PicKleqHjM 09/25/11(Sun)20:08 No.5005998
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    >Tiptoe Through the TARDIS

    That sounds awesome. Care to explain how it works?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)20:08 No.5006000

    Some cosplayer auction thing, I don't even know. It was sad to watch because the guy who got the most bids was a fucking Kakashi wearing trip pants and who had his fucking nose in his "book" the entire goddamn time.


    There was this hentai panel I went to that was hilarious because of how reserved it was. Imagine a bunch of sweaty neckbeards all together in one room, and that the most "horrifying, disgusting" porn they could think of was guro.

    That, and there was a kid who couldn't have been older than 13 asking for good porn sites that wouldn't give his dad's computer viruses.
    >> Bad Wolf !XLIjtOmIpc 09/25/11(Sun)20:16 No.5006027

    It's a Doctor Who fandom panel. Basically what we do (For the MEWcon one I was sort of drafted into helping with it because I had a computer, and the Kumoricon one I got upgraded to panelist) is we share stories about DW fandom and do impressions, watch videos (The Curse of Fatal Death) and hand out prizes for cosplay if there are enough cosplayers to have a contest. What's been a tradition the last few times has been me distributing my entire collection of Big Finish audio dramas to anyone and everyone who wants them. We also sing Trock and filks, and the woman who's actually in charge of the panel has been after me to read fanfiction for the past three panels for some reason.
    >> dill !PicKleqHjM 09/25/11(Sun)20:24 No.5006053
    Aw. Sounded like they have a model of the TARDIS and they go through how to use it

    clearly I have never been to a panel before
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)20:25 No.5006057
    I dont remember exactly what it was called, but it was something along the lines of "cosplaying for adults", and it was supposed to be about adults cosplaying while dealing with adult things that may get in the way such as college, or starting families or things like that. My friends and i who were all over 21 (and still are) decided to go because it may be fun, and there was a panel about boobs after it in the same room and we all wanted to go to that one. it was run by the 3 kids that didnt look any older then 17, and before the panel started they were just tossing around a bunch of stupid /b/ jokes. And once the panel started it was nothing but a bunch of people bitching about the things they didnt like about cons (bad costumes, bad smells, young kids ruining anime).

    It was pretty bad until one guy stood up and decided to talk about what he hated about cons, which conveniently had to do with shitty panels and panelists who shoot off a bunch of 4chan jokes and dont know what the hell they are talking about. After that it got better, but it was pretty much over at that point. The boob panel was pretty cool tho.

    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)20:26 No.5006060

    Anime press your luck
    So me and our group of friendsgo to otakon, and we bring a friend who has never been to a con before. When we look at the schedule, he insists we all go to anime press your luck. Upon asking why, he reveals that press your luck is his and his family's favorite game show and that they watched it all the time when it was on/rerun. That's all good and well, but what made it so much fun is that this guy is loud and obnoxious normally, and he is also like a 6'7" 450lb college football player. So he is the biggest loudest motherfucker in the room screaming at the top of his lungs "NO WHAMMY NO WHAMMY" "STOP, NO DONT PASS, TAKE THE DAMN SPINS" Needless to say it was quite fun and funny.

    Sorry about such long posts...
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)20:27 No.5006071
    >Those Q&A panels where cosplayers act like the characters they're cosplaying and they do a fucking good job at it - surprisingly, the Homestruck fandom is best at this

    >Vic's Sunday Service
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)20:33 No.5006091
    Sailor Moon 10 year anniversary panel at Sakura Con, they just read from fucking pages and did nothing fun.

    Same con, a tie between the two cosplay chess matches (They do one for all ages and one for adults) They had a Red13 from FF in the kids one as well as a few old characters (fuck they had Utena in the adult one) as well as a really well done Panty and Stocking.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)20:33 No.5006093
    Best: Metalocalypse (Dragon*Con this year)
    There was basically an improv group dressed as the characters drinking and taking hysterical questions from the audience. I have never laughed so hard for an hour straight.

    Worst: Costume Construction with Unusual Fabrics. (Dragon*Con a few years ago)
    Several guys in the audience hijacked the entire panel by talking obsessively about costumes for themselves out of nylon...except they kept talking about the feel and the friction and thinly veiled sexual aspects of it on and on and on. It was annoying at first. Then creepy. The panel people didn't know how to keep things on target and made they mistake of continually calling on these same guys. I don't know if they were trolls or just obsessed, but the panel was seriously derailed.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)20:49 No.5006148
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    Gonzo Gameshow 2010 (DragonCon). Basically what it is, two hosts bring together a bunch of guests from the con and subject them to all kind of weird/awkward challenges. One of my favorite moments was Adam Savage singing Rocketman.

    It was some kind of "Video Hell" panel, implying it was going to be all kinds of super-weird, crazy things people probably haven't seen. No. It was a bunch of meme YouTube videos. I'd seen better things in Synchtube rooms. It was some 3-hour late-night thing, and I left after 45 minutes of no improvement in content.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)20:56 No.5006169
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    I've been to some bad panels before, where I've had to walk out. I'm not going to sit and take it. So, for me I'm going to do a generalization. (pardon as it's semi off topic but I feel that this can be helpful for those wanting to run panels)

    >Don't talk at me like I'm 5.
    I go to panels to learn some new things. I know panelists are not trained public speakers, but is it necessary to talk down to the audience?

    >Multiple panelists trying to take the spot light at once.
    If you and your buddies are going to run a panel, at least section it out and not interrupt the person speaking.

    >Get your shit together.
    If you signed up for a panel, then be prepared. I hate it when panelists complain about how they couldn't have everything ready due to the con not getting back to them in time. Whatever goes on between the organization of the con and panelist selections does not concern those in attendance for your panel. I've ran a panel before and do a ton of public speaking, I know shit happens. Big thing here is that if you sign up to run a panel, be prepared. I'm not there to sit and listen to you have a conversation w/ your buddies.

    >Have a plan B.
    Organization is key. Things are going to happen, projectors are not in the room or don't work, no mics, etc.

    >Don't let the audience run your panel.
    There are some really insightful people that can help your panel in the audience. Bottom line, be in control.

    As for the best panels... sad to say I've not been in one for the past 3 yrs. There have been decent ones, but nothing that's standing out in my mind as exceptional.

    pic unrelated; just for cuteness
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)20:58 No.5006173
    Best: Xander's panel at PHX comicon

    Worst: some fan-run thing at a tiny con - saboten? Anyway the whole con was terrible and I left after only like 4 hours.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)21:06 No.5006195
    I hate when you go to a really specific fan-panel, and they start telling you really basic information anyone knows. Get to the good/exclusive stuff!

    I also hate when it's multiple people hosting the panel, and they continually get into side/personal conversations fanboying over whatever.

    I got so mad at the last convention I went to because I was told last-minute that a panel was cancelled because the person's video clips didn't work (didn't burn to disk or didn't download correctly)... if you're running a panel that relies heavily on video content, get your shit together!

    I do like when they get the audience involved a little. It can be interesting, as long as the audience doesn't try to overtake the panel and/or go off-topic.
    >> Corky-Lunn !CorkyloMxc 09/25/11(Sun)21:19 No.5006232
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    since we're discussing con panels and whatnot, I want to make one centered around figures.

    What (if you'd be interested in this kind of panel) would you want to get out of it?

    Differences in brands? (revoltech vs figma joints as an example)
    General Q&A?
    Ways to display figures?
    Different places to buy?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)21:29 No.5006262
    >Worst Panel

    Any where it's "ASK THE CHARACTERS FROM ______", They're awkward as fuck and not funny to anyone who isn't friends with the people hosting or a 13 year old.

    >Best Panel

    I have a weakness for late night panels about a specific thing (eg Mech vs Mech) because it just turns into 7 or 8 people talking about things they like which is nice, but then larger panel wise I'm a fan of casual Q&A's where even if someone important is hosting or being asked, they don't mind breaking off and asking the audience/having a casual conversation with people in the audience.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)21:30 No.5006268
    The one at AX2011 was actually really good. It had a lot of information for people who are starting out collecting including the community and ended with some sort of contest for a couple of figures.

    I had to bolt early to meet someone.
    >> Izusa !dEqJIHAD32 09/25/11(Sun)21:50 No.5006317
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    Oh man, /toy/ is right up your alley for that one. Figma, Revoltechs, Fraulein (offshoot of revoltech) SHF's, Super Action Statues, etc. You may also wish to include photography, and basically how you want to avoid showing the joints at all if anything during poses, but like /toy/ can help you more with it.

    If you're looking for example figures, mandarake usually has some cheap figmas and SHF's to use.

    Back on subject.

    Best : Honestly, I have not been to enough cons to decide which ones I like.

    Worst : Matsuricon Kamen Rider Panel ; The guy was a fan sure, but he did'nt know enough about Kamen Rider to run it. Ended up having to help the guy out, didn't mind it but like, it was still weird. Also spoilers everywhere, and went on about the Heisei Era, and forgetting about the Showa era.

    ... Eh, it's just personal calling on that one.
    >> Corky-Lunn !CorkyloMxc 09/25/11(Sun)22:02 No.5006353
    I considered doing a contest for a figure, do you think giving away a figure I own would bug people? (I take good care of my figures, so it might as well be mint condition in the original box)

    Oh, I'm such a /toy/ lurker, haha. I could do some photography forsure. I could show how to make a lightbox on the cheap.
    Sadly I'm not much for gundams and Kamen Rider figures, which I'd be worried a lot of people would come to see. So I'm probably labelling the panel "anime figures" or something along those lines
    >> Ukraine 09/25/11(Sun)22:08 No.5006387
    I was at Zenkaikon and it was one on Cthulu. I don;t really care either way, but my friend wanted to see it, so I was game. The panel was hosted by Uncle Yo and some writer, CJ something. He spent this whole time, rather then talk about Cthulu, but talked about how he was the expert and how the family of Lovecraft loved his books. It was basically one long, unfunny pitch for his books. I don't care if you pitch near the end, but shut the fuck up about yourself for 10 seconds.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)22:15 No.5006401
    >Worst Panel:
    Sonic panel I went to several (talking maybe 5-6) years back. Expected genuine video game talk, ended up with furries and lots and lots of BEST CHARACTER arguing.

    >Best Panel:
    I don't know if it counts as a panel, but I somehow ended up in a late night "dub your own Hentai" thing at Dragon*Con one year. Whole bunch of funny ass people showed up, and being super late as it was with everyone loopy and/or drunk, shit got out of hand funny.

    That, or a Joss Whedon panel I went to where Joss actually showed up for about 5 minutes. He had some extra time between his signing and his own discussion panels, and took some time to sign free autographs and shake hands with people. Majorly amazing.
    >> Jkid !yYT/u4PSNE 09/26/11(Mon)10:53 No.5007840
    >What was the best panel you've ever attended at any convention?

    The best panel I ever went to at any convention was the Nerdfit Network's Con Zombie Survival Guide. That panel was basically about how to deal with various convention problems, styled in a Left 4 Dead presentation. There was audience particpation, interesting information, comedy and all that good shit. It was so popular that in Katsucon 16 they had a second showing after midnight on the last day of the convention.

    >What was the worst panel you've ever attended at any convention?

    Katsucon 17, Hetalia Model UN Summit. I came there to record the thing I think and took pictures. Problem was it was basically a stage production/skit as a panel.
    >> Harley !!Ocs2iA9hfoy 09/26/11(Mon)10:59 No.5007853
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    I hardly ever attend panels, so I really don't have any bad ones I've attended. Except perhaps for Vic McDerpaderp's panel at AX a few years ago.

    The ones I have attended usually ended up being good or great.

    For example.
    Awesomely Bad J-music Videos. This one was hosted by Hanyaan and friends.
    Plastic Joint's Henshin Heroes and Toy Panels from Anime Conji. These are ran by da0, Rammy, and friends.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)11:02 No.5007859
    Best panel at my last convention:
    Manga-Ka the RPG
    In which I played a 15-year-old high school girl obsessed with gambling, who drew a pornographic comic about mahjong with her 30-ish-year-old partners in crime. Laughed so hard I cried more than once.
    Guy who ran it has pictures and shit on his site:

    >Everyone hating on the Jeopardy panels
    Shit, now I'm worried. I ran One Piece Gameshow at Sakuracon last year, and it was pretty much Jeopardy. Everyone SEEMED to enjoy it, at least.
    What did the Sucky Jeopardy people do wrong?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)14:24 No.5008221
    Q&A with Mayumi Tanaka. I think it was Sakuracon '10? She was the cutest little old lady I have ever have the pleasure of meeting.

    Lots of shitty panels, but I never spend more than five minutes in one. I'm not going to stay in something just to be polite. I don't remember the names of anything.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)14:34 No.5008242

    fuck i am so jealous about the metalocalypse panel. Favorite show ever. Must find it on youtube!
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)14:39 No.5008251
    The Team Rocket panel at AE is pretty fucking awesome.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)14:52 No.5008281
    Yaoi panel ACen...2008 I think?maybe 09? It was awesome and people weren't crazy and the lady running it was highly entertaining it was amazing.

    One of the guest panels talking about "how to write convincing heros/ villains" at Acen like 07/08 was hilarious!

    I've left several panels because they were so bad. The Yaoi panel ACen the next year. I was so excited to go to this panel again and I get in and find out that it's these weeb girls that are the worst representations of the fandom running the panel I left fast.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)14:57 No.5008286
    Who else has gone to one of those panels that seems like it will be really interesting and the panel people seem like they know what they are talking about...however, about 10 minutes into increasing good times one of the audience members decides they know better and hijack the panel causing it to spiral into shittyness?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)15:02 No.5008298
    >Best Panel
    Giant Monsters A-Go-Go, at Otakon 2011. The guys running it really knew their stuff and, well, got a friend of mine into kaiju movies. Marathoned a few on Sunday evening.

    >Worst Panel
    It'd have to be the 2010 Anime USA panel in which these two girls were going over how not to make good fanfics, how to avoid mary sues and yadda yadda. Thing is, they never got to that and only really talked about their own latest works and writing/fiction conventions in the area. Granted, I only stayed for 15 minutes, but, I'm not gonna stay to listen to what amounts to an unofficial ad.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)15:05 No.5008305
    There was a panel at Otacon this year sort of like that... Something about anime villains and antiheros, and the guy brought up Itachi. All the Naruto fans/Narutards in the audience got up in arms and had a debate with him for a good ten minutes about whether he was a villain or not before someone asked him to go on with the presentation. Thing is, he got a lot of things right with all the other characters he used as examples in his panel, and if you only read/watched part 1 of Naruto I can see where one would say Itachi is a psychopathic villain. Apparently they can't understand that though...
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)01:34 No.5010378
    ACen's DJ panel this year. I've always been interested in DJ'ing and I have family members that do it so I wanted to learn more. The hosts were interesting and I wasn't falling asleep like I do in most panels. I also won a Soap Bubble poster signed by the DJs which surprised me because I never win anything.

    Hetalia panel at Motaku last month. I was hoping it would either be hilariously horrible like the Hetalia horror stories say or actually really good. It was just bad all together. The audience was dead and the hosts were like 15 year olds giving an interview about their likes instead of talking about the show. Best part was my sister cracking jokes the entire time.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)01:38 No.5010382
    I don't really have a worst since I'm pretty picky about my panels.
    Magikarp: A history-panel at Fanime 2011. Best shit I have ever seen.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)01:43 No.5010394
    >you DJ and not the computer

    it's seriously easy. just know how the hell you set up works. wether it be CDJ or w/e

    l2scratch so much more fun, talent, etc.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)01:47 No.5010410
    Really? That panel was boring as fuck, and the audience would never shut up so it took forever to get through the stupid slideshow. Needed some interactivity or at least some enthusiastic hosts.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)02:09 No.5010452
    Best Panel
    >>Magikarp: A History.

    Worst Panel
    >>Anime Most Hated, except one of the presenters wasn't there so it was 45min of listening to some overweight Asian rant about his least favorite characters from anime that I never bothered watching.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)02:11 No.5010460

    I dunno, sitting next to and chatting with a fairly hot Dawn cosplayer was the best part about it for me.

    Really should've gotten some contact info from her.
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 09/27/11(Tue)02:13 No.5010468
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    'All Asians Are Smart'
    at Anime STL 2011.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)02:24 No.5010499
    The how to write "adult" fan fiction panel at Ohayocon. It was two overweight, middle aged ladies talking about the yaoi pairings in Gundam. Vomit.

    The hellsing panel at Otakon. Whoever does that needs to bring it back, this is two years in a row it hasn't happened.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)02:28 No.5010506
    >Magikarp: A History.

    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 09/27/11(Tue)02:33 No.5010524
    I would go to see this panel.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)02:41 No.5010552
    Dude, what. Details?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)02:48 No.5010576
    Best Panel:
    Ric Meyers - The guy is often a good speaker and has some interesting things to say.

    Worst Panel:
    Ric Meyers - Until he spends the second half of the panel obsessively talking about his abusive childhood.

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