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!dEqJIHAD32 09/25/11(Sun)21:50 No.5006317 File1317001836.jpg-(87 KB, 800x600, 100_1084.jpg)
 >>5006232 Oh
man, /toy/ is right up your alley for that one. Figma, Revoltechs,
Fraulein (offshoot of revoltech) SHF's, Super Action Statues, etc. You
may also wish to include photography, and basically how you want to
avoid showing the joints at all if anything during poses, but like /toy/
can help you more with it.
If you're looking for example figures, mandarake usually has some cheap figmas and SHF's to use.
Back on subject.
Best : Honestly, I have not been to enough cons to decide which ones I like.
: Matsuricon Kamen Rider Panel ; The guy was a fan sure, but he did'nt
know enough about Kamen Rider to run it. Ended up having to help the guy
out, didn't mind it but like, it was still weird. Also spoilers
everywhere, and went on about the Heisei Era, and forgetting about the
Showa era.
... Eh, it's just personal calling on that one. |