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    File : 1316989688.jpg-(278 KB, 1000x1000, I NEED ENGLISH.jpg)
    278 KB Con terminology Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)18:28 No.5005728  
    I'm interested in the terminology /cgl/ uses to refer to cons/things at or surrounding the con.

    For example, I noticed a lot of people at Dragon*Con will say things like "I'm so excited for con!" "Can't wait to see you at con." which sounds strange to me - why wouldn't you say THE con? It's seemingly a popular thing because I've seen/heard a lot of people do it. My friend went to her first con this past spring and came back referring to the dealer's room as the "vending area," and when I tried to tell her most people call it the dealer's room, she got miffed.

    What's your con terminology?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)18:38 No.5005769
    I don't get picky about terminology as long as I know what the other person is talking about. If I get confused by a different term used, I explain why I was confused.

    As for Dragon*Con and "see you at con", it's probably more "See you at 'Con" as an abbreviation as it's part of the name. I tend to drop the "con" from the name of cons that end with the phrase. I say "ax" for Anime Expo, "ay-sen" for Anime Central, "Yoh-ma" for "youmacon" (I've heard people sound it out like "yoo-ma" as if the y-o-u is pronounced the same was as "you and me" and it GRATES MY EARS), etc etc etc.

    I've heard some refer to the Dealer's Hall/Room as the "Den of theives". The downstairs area of Ohayocon is "Dead Presidents" (as that's what the rooms are named after). That's the remotely fanciest I can think of. Places like registration is just "reg". Pretty standard abbreviations really.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)18:53 No.5008903
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    >> Jkid !yYT/u4PSNE 09/26/11(Mon)19:25 No.5009033
    I usually call the place where cosplayers congregate and hangout during Otakon and Katsucon as Cosplayers Square.

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