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    File : 1316955805.jpg-(48 KB, 400x365, disgaea.jpg)
    48 KB Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)09:03 No.5004459  
    Hey, /cgl/.

    I was wondering whether you had any cosplay of Disgaea. But not Laharl, Etna and co. - I've seen quite a bit of that. I meant more in terms of the 'minor' player characters - your fighters, mages, scouts, what have you. Maybe even some of the monsters?
    >> Iris 09/25/11(Sun)09:17 No.5004482
         File1316956634.jpg-(291 KB, 686x1024, 18468-11993-8.jpg)
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    Sadly, no. I want to do a Healer/Cleric one day but I like this Female Fighter!
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)09:21 No.5004483
    Can't say you'll find much. Those 3 are the biggest when it comes to Disgaea, which isn't exactly a mainstream game to begin with.

    Then there's cosplaying a more obscure character in said obscure game.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)23:21 No.5006590
         File1317007286.jpg-(484 KB, 533x800, Rozalin.jpg)
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    not really a minor character, but still an awesome Rozalin.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)23:28 No.5006610
         File1317007703.png-(445 KB, 375x500, 500_db10313c-1407-4332-b53d-ca(...).png)
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    dumping what ive got - its not much :(
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)23:28 No.5006612
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    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)23:29 No.5006614
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    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)23:30 No.5006616
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    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)23:30 No.5006619
    Getting a class group together for Anime Boston 12, sadly no progress photos.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)23:30 No.5006620
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    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)23:31 No.5006626
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    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)23:32 No.5006631
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 09/25/11(Sun)23:32 No.5006633
         File1317007961.jpg-(83 KB, 403x640, disgaea4.jpg)
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    There are so many Disgaea cosplays I'd do if I could. But Disgaea is just one of those series you don't want to cosplay alone.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)23:33 No.5006634
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 09/25/11(Sun)23:33 No.5006636
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    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)23:34 No.5006641
    finally got a copy of the first game, hope to cosplay from it some time before I begin to look too old
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)23:34 No.5006642
         File1317008094.jpg-(1.23 MB, 1600x1060, 3765303656_e78965e652_o.jpg)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 09/25/11(Sun)23:37 No.5006648
         File1317008242.jpg-(54 KB, 423x525, disgaea11.jpg)
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    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 09/25/11(Sun)23:50 No.5006701
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    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 09/25/11(Sun)23:57 No.5006726
    I don't have some now. But we're assembling a huge group of class characters for PMX, and after talking to a photographer friend today at the Cherry Blossom Festival, some ideas for epic photoshoots out in ghost towns, forests, mansions, and other such things.

    come nov/dec. Many epic disgaea pics!!!
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 09/26/11(Mon)00:03 No.5006748
         File1317009834.jpg-(439 KB, 566x850, disgaea15.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)17:23 No.5008674
         File1317072212.jpg-(136 KB, 375x500, Archer1.jpg)
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    Shoes are wrong, belt is too wide and lacking a belt buckle. Wig doesn't survive close inspection. But still minor character Disgaea costume, hence posting.

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