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09/25/11(Sun)10:37 No.5004535 File1316961440.png-(144 KB, 500x211, tumblr_loq7sfgrXA1qaseldo1_r1_(...).png)
 >>5004530 Finally,
Alex passed by looking for me, our doors both open, and I stood up,
lunging for him to drag him inside for help, giving him a pained grin,
“OH, this is my boyfriend Alex!” I said trying to use him as an excuse
to leave, as he was getting me to come and cook with him (for him).
Sakura had changed a little seeing him, she gave him some lip-parted,
eyes heavy bedroom eyed look when I introduced them.
I shrugged
it off to her obvious weirdness, she seemed very immature compared to
the other six I shared with, Alex included who was very normal and
hardly into anime, but loved cosplaying Dragon Ball Z with me, and
occasionally something else I’d get him into. So the first awkward/out
of place thing she did was on that very first night of meeting her. >Be in kitchen just the three of us >I’m sat on the side peeling and preparing the veg for me and Alex, we’re both vegetarians. >Sakura asks if we are, we say yes, and then she proceeds to say how stupid vegetarians are. >She’s quite rude, saying we’re murdering plants like people murder animals, OYA TOTALLY THE SAME. >We
shrug it off and say each to their own, and she leaves in a huff
muttering in Japanese, I heard ‘baka’ and oddly enough ‘otaku’ uttered
from her coleslaw ridden lips. We both discuss her weirdness
quietly whilst cooking, and keep it in mind to maybe avoid her from now.
I told him all about her room and what she showed me as we went to his
room to eat, leaving the door open like usual. It’s sort of the fresher
thing to do in halls to make friends, so anybody can come in and talk to
you or stop by with whatever, it’s just the way. So in the middle of
watching his TV and eating, Sakura waltzes in and sits on the bed next
to him just casually like we’ve known her for ages, not for less than a
day. |