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09/24/11(Sat)13:59 No.5001454 File1316887186.jpg-(272 KB, 1280x894, epic gyarados vs altaria battl(...).jpg)
 Story on Hobbes and Solude
Hobbes was a terror troll on cgl for a year prior to what happened. He hacked cglchat, stole their passwords. Opened the room to a lot of ghetto people. He had a team of trolls working under him (Ghost, Rikurai,Zero, and a few others) He rarely got his hands dirty and when he did it was devastating. When
he decided to come out of his airship of solitude and actually make
amends for what he did in the past everybody took him in except for
Solude was not going to have any of that, she hit Hobbes in the face. She banned him, pinned everything to him. Taped his face to a Ban on site poster and hung it on the wall for everybody to see.
being the notorious outlaw was not going to take it sitting down.
Solude being the unmovable guardian of CGLchat was about to meet the
unstoppable force.
Hobbes knew he could not target a vital spot while he was in her house. So he had to take it to a more neutral environment. He
knew she was very self conscious about her looks, he waited and watched
her to open up. He then noticed she had an offspring. He offspring had
serapalsy , Solude would occasionally bring her child in the open.
Hobbes knew if he attacked the child, Solude would go looking for him.
That's exactly what he did. Solude then went on a rampage, turning
everything upside down, she even filed a police report on him.
yet, everything was all in vain, She was dancing to the tune Hobbes was
playing. She eventually took her wounded self and hobbled back to her
home, where Hobbes occasionally visits. |