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!KonabiK9d2 09/25/11(Sun)01:00 No.5003555 File1316926826.png-(1.98 MB, 830x1245, fabbbbbbbb.png)
go to Seoul Comic World here in South Korea. I've been going for over a
year now. SCW98, SCW99, SCW100, SCW101, SCW102, SCW103, SCW104, and
SCW105 is next month.
>Frequency/Location/Etc. Comic
World is held practically every month. It exists in Seoul and Busan.
The event is 2 days, opening at 10:00-10:30AM each day and closing
around 6PM. In Seoul, the event is held at two locations, depending on
which convention centre they book. Indoors, if where the "artist alley"
type of thing is. Outside is where most cosplayers and photogs hang out.
About 1,000-2,000 people attend during the weekends for the con on
average I've been told. IDK for sure though. Language isn't really a
problem because you don't really have to talk to anyone and almost
everyone here speaks even basic English.
>Pricing Everything
is cheap. You don't have to pay to go to the con, but if you want to go
inside to watch the contests or check out what people are selling, you
need to pay 4,000W to get your hand stamped. Even the merch they sell
outside and inside is cheap. I got a Madoka shirt for 7,000W and it's
really nice. You can even buy airsoft guns and swords outside for under
>Cosplay The cosplay
here is kinda meh. Most cosplays are store bought, so you see the same
thing over and over and over again. Lots of terrible cosplays here too.
The wigs make most of them really bad. IDK why Koreans can't figure out
how to hide their own hair under a wig. lol Lots of traps.
>Events The
cons her in Korea very rarely have guests or the events US cons have.
There is a cosplay contest, art contest, talent show, and a few misc
events on stage every now and again. There have only been two special
guests out of any of the times Ive gone. One was a naver comic artist
and the other did something with DRRR!.
Have a fab, korean, male Gakupo. lol |