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  • File : 1316738491.jpg-(375 KB, 800x1136, mail.jpg)
    375 KB What are you waiting for in the mail? PantsuNugeruMon !Pantsu/J9g 09/22/11(Thu)20:41 No.4995703  
    I just got my package in from Masao today. He sent me one of his shimapan striped pillowcases and a cute necklace. Hnnnnnng shimapillow. Fuck yeah. Picture related, what I got. That's one of my shimapan on the pillow, by the way; no, he didn't send it to me. I'm just so excited it finally got here to TX from CA safely.

    So...I figured I'd make one of these, since I haven't seen one...a general mail thread!
    Anyway, what's got you waiting, /cgl/?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:44 No.4995718
    I'm thinking about buying some undies/socks.
    I'm lame.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 09/22/11(Thu)20:45 No.4995723
    $25 Amazon gift card from Visa Extras.
    Between that and a $32 trade-in (FIFA 11 and a DVD), FIFA 12 is only going to cost me like $3. Fuck yeah, budget gaming.
    >> Claudie !!5M+s+ZHeFhU 09/22/11(Thu)20:46 No.4995734
    OH MY GOD. He told me about this. I hope you are very pleased with your pillow that will match your panties ♥ Also, that necklace is cute. I really can't wait to get mine now~

    I'm waiting for a package from Masao right now. It should be here tomorrow so I'm super duper excited! I have a wig coming in the mail from my Don't Say Lazy Yui cosplay and it is supposed to be here soon. I'm also waiting for my actual Don't Say Lazy cosplay to get here, but it probably won't until late October since it's being made. I hope it gets here in time for trick-or-treating!!

    I love waiting for things in the mail~ ♡
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:47 No.4995739
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    Sadly, nothing. I want to order a new skirt or these shoes, but I hate ordering shoes, rather than trying them on, and I haven't found a lolita skirt for sale that I wanted.

    I'm glad your package arrived!
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 09/22/11(Thu)20:49 No.4995751
    My iphone 5. Yo.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:50 No.4995758
    ugliest shoes ever made.
    >> piplup !pipLUpapew 09/22/11(Thu)20:50 No.4995759
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    a kawaii desu maid costume.

    don't ask.
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 09/22/11(Thu)20:50 No.4995760
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    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:50 No.4995762
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    Waiting for my Stocking wig! It probably wouldn't come for another couple of weeks... haha. I love getting things in the mail! About to order another Taobao batch so I should be waiting for those soon...

    non-/cgl/ related, waiting for my T&B Hero/TV vol 2 books~ But those are not released yet.
    >> Claudie !!5M+s+ZHeFhU 09/22/11(Thu)20:52 No.4995775
    brb, having fun imagining a ToddxPiplup pairing: Maid Outfit ver.
    >> Izusa !dEqJIHAD32 09/22/11(Thu)20:53 No.4995778
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    It's been two weeks mailman, what's taking you so long. I want my Strength and Append Miku already.
    >> Badr !KuHbpirZVI 09/22/11(Thu)20:54 No.4995785
    Some flesh colored fabric, some wire, some LEDs, some colored cellophane, and some auburn clip in bangs.
    ohh boy, can't wait!!
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 09/22/11(Thu)20:54 No.4995788
    Got mine a while ago
    >he doesn't use EMS
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !Pantsu/J9g 09/22/11(Thu)20:55 No.4995790
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    Yes, I am so happy! Aaaah, I can't wait for yors to get in, either. Then we can have the necklaces that go together and be awesome. Also, hnnnnnnnng pics when you get the wig and cosplay, guuurl. <3 Hopefully one day soon I can make it up there and we can have a total moe bro-fest in our DSL cosplays.
    >> Claudie !!5M+s+ZHeFhU 09/22/11(Thu)20:56 No.4995802
    YESSSS! ♡ Of course lots of pics will be taken and I would be so super honored to cosplay with you someday!! LET'S BE K-ON FANGIRLS TOGETHER~!
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:56 No.4995803
    Contacts, boots, thigh highs; only the contacts are for an upcoming con, the other two are from birthday money that I finally decided to buy stuff with (plus use a birthday coupon I was also sent from the company).
    >> M3RC !M99////FLU 09/22/11(Thu)20:56 No.4995805
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    Take a wild guess...
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:57 No.4995807
    lol. anon who posted shoes here. I actually came back to this thread expecting this comment, because that's kinda what I thought of them at first. They grew on me.

    But, seriously, which are uglier, the soles or the ruffles?
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !Pantsu/J9g 09/22/11(Thu)20:57 No.4995809
    yours* haha, excuse the derp post, I'm on my phone
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:57 No.4995811
    Waiting for Disgaea 4....So many good games coming out, and I can't afford them all!
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:58 No.4995815
    I'd like these better if they didn't have the ruffles.
    >> Izusa !dEqJIHAD32 09/22/11(Thu)20:59 No.4995817
    I learned my lesson a long time ago to not use EMS for such small orders (Unless I absolutely, need them ASAP). DHL is a different story though, I can bulk like 3 items from Mandarake, and still come out cheaper than I would two items + EMS.

    I can wait on SAL, but I know it's already been two weeks, I hope it's just delayed at the post office.
    >> Badr !KuHbpirZVI 09/22/11(Thu)21:02 No.4995831

    you better fucking do a good job.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)21:04 No.4995842
    Fuzzy bloomers :)
    >> shoechan 09/22/11(Thu)21:07 No.4995857
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    I see, thanks, anon.
    I have a pair with less rounded toes and no ruffles, but, for some reason I have it in my head that the ruffles are cute when I used to think they are awful. I'm beginning to worry that they look better in my mind's eye than in reality...

    <my shoes.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)21:11 No.4995875
    Also around $200 worth of paint.
    This is why you should buy as you run out. Never really noticed each pot of paint was $4-9 bucks until I ran out of everything.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)21:12 No.4995877
    I'm the same way, I used to think they were horrible but they are growing on me. I was actually thinking of adding a pair to my taobao order earlier but I don't have anything that would go with them.

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