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    File : 1316663739.png-(241 KB, 800x1024, 1309143713344.png)
    241 KB Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)23:55 No.4992781  
    Rule 63 Draw thread.

    Post your picture, get drawn as the opposite gender
    >> C̲̯̹̟̹o̗̤͙̠͔͇ͅf͖̹ͅf̣͚̲̣̞̟e̟̠̫e̮̳̫̯̮ !SWAG.x4lSU 09/21/11(Wed)23:59 No.4992799
         File1316663945.jpg-(90 KB, 1000x1200, 1311734012483.jpg)
    90 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)23:59 No.4992807
         File1316663987.png-(176 KB, 500x497, 1309214434236.png)
    176 KB
    Repostan some old ones
    >> Electric Barbarella !!aFbiQgnY8Ay 09/22/11(Thu)00:02 No.4992816
         File1316664147.png-(23 KB, 880x597, 1309166185215.png)
    23 KB
    Opposite gender. Or a spider.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)00:03 No.4992820

    Why did you save that
    >> Electric Barbarella !!aFbiQgnY8Ay 09/22/11(Thu)00:11 No.4992852
    because it made me giggle.
    >> Storm Petrel !HQmqe0QeaQ 09/22/11(Thu)00:13 No.4992859
         File1316664805.jpg-(766 KB, 1800x1079, shot1.jpg)
    766 KB
    I'm game, draw-anon. Here's the pic that The Captioner seems to have saved on his computer.

    Thanks in advance!
    >> !!D4AsZxGzBCf 09/22/11(Thu)00:13 No.4992860
         File1316664805.jpg-(25 KB, 640x480, ksdgvb.jpg)
    25 KB
    I've always wondered what I'd look like as a maaaaan~
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)00:15 No.4992864
         File1316664935.jpg-(36 KB, 480x640, 1303235980845.jpg)
    36 KB
    Really interested in seeing how these turn out.
    >> Lonelyfag !1fOJ1MfRV6 09/22/11(Thu)00:16 No.4992868
         File1316664993.jpg-(297 KB, 1131x1600, mvc3-wesker.jpg)
    297 KB
    >> !!D4AsZxGzBCf 09/22/11(Thu)00:17 No.4992869
         File1316665024.png-(105 KB, 352x371, 1315949367095.png)
    105 KB
    You look like a handsome version of Robert Pattinson.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 09/22/11(Thu)00:17 No.4992871
         File1316665062.png-(297 KB, 624x488, f6.png)
    297 KB
    >> piplup !pipLUpapew 09/22/11(Thu)00:17 No.4992873
         File1316665069.png-(142 KB, 363x498, IDREWAPONY.png)
    142 KB
    I drew poolboy as a pony.
    but he already is a pony. I guess I just drew him.
    >> Storm Petrel !HQmqe0QeaQ 09/22/11(Thu)00:18 No.4992876
    Thank you, ♐!
    >> Iris 09/22/11(Thu)00:18 No.4992877
    Non cosplay or cosplay?
    >> piplup !pipLUpapew 09/22/11(Thu)00:19 No.4992878
         File1316665155.png-(47 KB, 300x312, qrwrtwfqddc.png)
    47 KB
    >> !!D4AsZxGzBCf 09/22/11(Thu)00:19 No.4992881
    Not a problem at all.
    Also, on the plus side, you don't sparkle.
    On the downside, you still look like Robert Pattinson.
    >> Storm Petrel !HQmqe0QeaQ 09/22/11(Thu)00:20 No.4992883
    Holy crap, are pony requests being taken? Because if so, please feel free to pony me up.
    >> !!D4AsZxGzBCf 09/22/11(Thu)00:20 No.4992885
         File1316665251.png-(18 KB, 100x100, 33676622.png)
    18 KB
    >> ka-san !UfIVkdvNro 09/22/11(Thu)00:22 No.4992892
         File1316665343.png-(410 KB, 480x640, tumblr_lrue4dP5qQ1qa4v6oo1_500.png)
    410 KB
    ...draw me?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)00:41 No.4992972
         File1316666489.jpg-(27 KB, 228x355, 305838_1497190807381_176244289(...).jpg)
    27 KB
    I no longer have red hair. It's allll black now. (If you could draw me with a pompadour I would love you forever.)
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)02:42 No.4993447
         File1316673754.jpg-(17 KB, 486x355, 1316666489380.jpg)
    17 KB
    not the OP, but did the last one because I thought it'd be interesting.
    Not really sure if that's pompadour you meant, and sorry it turned out kinda crappy :P
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)02:46 No.4993449
         File1316673962.jpg-(261 KB, 792x1764, 285828_1935565116581_146594096(...).jpg)
    261 KB
    My body is ready
    >> Captain Marvelous !!IB1pZcmTQv/ 09/22/11(Thu)02:48 No.4993453
         File1316674083.jpg-(78 KB, 467x720, facebook 2.jpg)
    78 KB
    fuck you I like playgrounds.
    >> Fe-Minty 09/22/11(Thu)02:48 No.4993454
         File1316674085.jpg-(31 KB, 372x384, hgjfig.jpg)
    31 KB
    I think I'd make a cute boy... yeah?
    >> Sexpot !bUfIXfbaTU 09/22/11(Thu)02:53 No.4993465
         File1316674397.jpg-(73 KB, 400x600, DSC_3612sml.jpg)
    73 KB
    I challenge you.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 09/22/11(Thu)03:03 No.4993486
         File1316675007.gif-(1.49 MB, 300x200, 1281399146709.gif)
    1.49 MB
    >> TheInternetPolice 09/22/11(Thu)03:11 No.4993500
         File1316675493.jpg-(62 KB, 540x720, 217659_1900891012420_154602139(...).jpg)
    62 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)03:17 No.4993508
         File1316675845.png-(162 KB, 600x671, manrykasan.png)
    162 KB
    >> Beloved_Of_Cthulhu !!wIEkitftaKh 09/22/11(Thu)03:18 No.4993511
         File1316675891.jpg-(36 KB, 362x480, 1309763834795.jpg)
    36 KB
    But you make a great girl!
    my poor sanity
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)03:35 No.4993537
         File1316676929.jpg-(69 KB, 640x480, DSC01548.jpg)
    69 KB

    I'm >>4993447
    this person. I'm so not used to using tablet yet...
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)03:36 No.4993538
         File1316676974.jpg-(75 KB, 640x480, DSC01549.jpg)
    75 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)03:36 No.4993540

    Why did I gain fifty years to my age?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)03:37 No.4993541
         File1316677031.jpg-(2.98 MB, 3648x2736, DSC01511.jpg)
    2.98 MB
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)03:37 No.4993542
         File1316677032.png-(210 KB, 400x576, kasan.png)
    210 KB
    i just turned you into a girlyboy princu
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)03:38 No.4993543
         File1316677081.jpg-(30 KB, 590x447, Capture9.jpg)
    30 KB
    I'll bite.

    sorry for being inferior race.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)03:38 No.4993544
         File1316677093.jpg-(81 KB, 640x480, DSC01551.jpg)
    81 KB
    oops, wrong pic.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)03:39 No.4993546
    because it came out that way.
    I still made you a female.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)03:41 No.4993550
         File1316677297.jpg-(72 KB, 640x480, DSC01553.jpg)
    72 KB

    because I'm sleepy and tired.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)03:42 No.4993551
    Oooh, I like that O_O
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)03:42 No.4993552
    you're male right?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)03:43 No.4993554

    Make me young and beautiful like I know I am.

    I can provide other pictures.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)03:44 No.4993557

    light mustache in the picture since I forgot to shave.
    >> Fe-Minty 09/22/11(Thu)03:45 No.4993560
         File1316677553.png-(34 KB, 200x200, 1316056578759.png)
    34 KB
    this anon is awesome....

    Yes, I make a cute boy....
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)03:49 No.4993563
    lol okay do provide pictures
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)03:52 No.4993567
         File1316677922.jpg-(83 KB, 480x640, DSC01554.jpg)
    83 KB
    I am not creepy I swear
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)03:52 No.4993570
         File1316677932.jpg-(55 KB, 720x540, 38922_1363456094213_1465940962(...).jpg)
    55 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)03:52 No.4993571
    ahaha thank you :)
    >> ka-san !UfIVkdvNro 09/22/11(Thu)03:53 No.4993572
         File1316678005.gif-(258 KB, 400x225, 1313798735103.gif)
    258 KB
    omg I love both of you so much
    >> TheInternetPolice 09/22/11(Thu)03:55 No.4993578
    How did you know I like wearing tiaras?
    >> Iris 09/22/11(Thu)03:57 No.4993581
         File1316678249.jpg-(173 KB, 450x600, WP_000665.jpg)
    173 KB
    Sure. Let's try this
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)04:00 No.4993588
    Bamp for wait
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)04:02 No.4993591
         File1316678568.jpg-(100 KB, 640x480, DSC01556.jpg)
    100 KB
    >> Eri !/YbHGiyNtI 09/22/11(Thu)04:03 No.4993593
         File1316678585.jpg-(49 KB, 480x640, downsize (1).jpg)
    49 KB
    I've got nothing better to do with my night/early morning.....

    I'm a fucking mermaid~
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)04:04 No.4993598
         File1316678695.png-(1.12 MB, 2085x2081, manrysexpot.png)
    1.12 MB

    Oh hey cool, glad you like it.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)04:05 No.4993599
    I just......did? Any pic of you with tiaras? Please?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)04:05 No.4993601
         File1316678725.png-(125 KB, 400x524, 11.png)
    125 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)04:06 No.4993603
         File1316678762.jpg-(33 KB, 600x450, 199819_1015701852558_182546407(...).jpg)
    33 KB
    This lurker is interested... I get told I look like a boy already anyway lawl
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 09/22/11(Thu)04:07 No.4993606
         File1316678841.jpg-(65 KB, 720x480, Durp..jpg)
    65 KB
    Draw me as supersaiyan guts who is a female. Plz.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)04:07 No.4993609
         File1316678859.jpg-(57 KB, 454x340, Untitled-1.jpg)
    57 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)04:07 No.4993610

    This is better. I appreciate it very much.

    Reminds me of a female friend I have.
    >> Beloved_Of_Cthulhu !!wIEkitftaKh 09/22/11(Thu)04:08 No.4993614
         File1316678938.jpg-(213 KB, 1117x1005, 1283789919790.jpg)
    213 KB
    If you look like a boy I must be gay
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)04:09 No.4993618
         File1316678975.jpg-(53 KB, 380x360, 1300143217575.jpg)
    53 KB
    That's awesome.

    +1 internet

    +Infinite love
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)04:11 No.4993622
    i approve of the long nails btw
    >> TheInternetPolice 09/22/11(Thu)04:14 No.4993633
         File1316679288.jpg-(32 KB, 640x480, Picture0050.jpg)
    32 KB
    I don't have any... Will this do?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)04:19 No.4993635
         File1316679564.jpg-(79 KB, 640x480, DSC01557.jpg)
    79 KB
    well... kind of.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)04:21 No.4993638
         File1316679676.jpg-(40 KB, 588x443, Capture10.jpg)
    40 KB
    People say I have feminine hands/nails. I think I keep my nails long like this because they don't break easily, and at worst, they bend a little.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)04:30 No.4993648
    i keep mine long because my fingers feel naked without them
    >> LaughingCavalier 09/22/11(Thu)04:32 No.4993653
         File1316680358.jpg-(267 KB, 1240x1748, nipple cannon.jpg)
    267 KB
    for some reason nipple cannons were appealing. Enjoy.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)04:38 No.4993655
    Not the guy

    But damn,

    that is hella cute, yo.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)04:46 No.4993660
         File1316681217.png-(194 KB, 600x600, manryanon.png)
    194 KB
    Here's a quickie before bed.

    Also goddammit of course I upload the fuck huge version of MANRY Sexpot...
    >> maliciousalice 09/22/11(Thu)05:00 No.4993677
         File1316682041.jpg-(121 KB, 400x569, cgl63.jpg)
    121 KB
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 09/22/11(Thu)05:01 No.4993678
         File1316682087.jpg-(16 KB, 329x298, 27270c19da8cd71a945dd04f14aba9(...).jpg)
    16 KB
    <33 ♥
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 09/22/11(Thu)05:02 No.4993681
         File1316682177.jpg-(3 KB, 120x127, 1265570850257s.jpg)
    3 KB
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 09/22/11(Thu)05:05 No.4993684
    das what i call a final flash~~ K, too many posts.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)05:15 No.4993695


    New Facebook profile picture?
    New Facebook profile picture.
    >> kuromu !Xapq6MpaXw 09/22/11(Thu)05:42 No.4993720
         File1316684561.jpg-(77 KB, 480x640, 0830111750a.jpg)
    77 KB
    Why not. I just redyed my hair in this image, but at least it's a recent one!
    >> LaughingCavalier 09/22/11(Thu)06:12 No.4993752
         File1316686331.jpg-(213 KB, 1240x1748, raspberry.jpg)
    213 KB
    Incidentally my hair is also this colour. Raspberry Beret?
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 09/22/11(Thu)06:30 No.4993778
         File1316687440.jpg-(52 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20110729_2.jpg)
    52 KB
    perhaps someone could do me the favour? I'll post some drawings myself after class
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)06:47 No.4993791
    I'm on it.
    >> maliciousalice 09/22/11(Thu)06:56 No.4993798
         File1316688960.jpg-(96 KB, 509x496, cgl63-2.jpg)
    96 KB
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 09/22/11(Thu)07:03 No.4993806
         File1316689413.gif-(1.79 MB, 300x208, 130832395245.gif)
    1.79 MB
    OMG I love it

    thanks a bunch!
    >> maliciousalice 09/22/11(Thu)07:05 No.4993811
    No worries! I'd attempt to do more than just a portrait but I have horrible hay fever and my eyes are too tired.
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 09/22/11(Thu)07:07 No.4993813
    I know the feeling all too well
    >> kuromu !Xapq6MpaXw 09/22/11(Thu)07:10 No.4993815
    Ah, let me go check the bottle. Raspberry kamikaze. It's one of the many colours my hair has been. Thank you though m'dear! I love it~
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)07:20 No.4993825
         File1316690408.jpg-(316 KB, 576x768, P1080331.jpg)
    316 KB
    late to the party, but what the fuck ever.
    feels like i watched too much Lucky Star recently.
    >> Sieg !VhSiegR26w 09/22/11(Thu)07:34 No.4993838
         File1316691288.jpg-(70 KB, 540x720, hipster harris.jpg)
    70 KB
    Alright, I've never posted in one of these, but it'd be cool if I could be a non hipster. I just lol'd and picked this.
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 09/22/11(Thu)08:03 No.4993870
         File1316693030.jpg-(12 KB, 328x212, 1312508881664.jpg)
    12 KB
    I love this. SO. MUCH.

    I'm in class right now, but I will attempt some drawings this evening
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 09/22/11(Thu)16:52 No.4994780
         File1316724744.jpg-(343 KB, 1650x2550, sieg.jpg)
    343 KB
    first one I've done in a while, so I'm a bit rusty
    >> dill !PicKleqHjM 09/22/11(Thu)16:55 No.4994791
         File1316724941.jpg-(28 KB, 592x500, herpappp.jpg)
    28 KB

    I.... I look like Blue's Rule 63.
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 09/22/11(Thu)16:58 No.4994805
         File1316725098.jpg-(205 KB, 808x615, haruhisipping3.jpg)
    205 KB

    (also, captcha: "identify weenars")
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 09/22/11(Thu)17:17 No.4994868
    Holy crap, she looks like Michelle Chang from Tekken...
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 09/22/11(Thu)17:22 No.4994886
         File1316726557.jpg-(404 KB, 1650x2550, koromu(3).jpg)
    404 KB
    I couldn't NOT give you pink hair
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)17:24 No.4994894
         File1316726688.jpg-(65 KB, 480x648, 168441_191532784204185_1000004(...).jpg)
    65 KB
    Id make a hot boy
    >> Pantsu 09/22/11(Thu)17:26 No.4994900
         File1316726817.jpg-(51 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20110804.jpg)
    51 KB
    This seems fun.
    (sorry, I'm not great at taking pictures)
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:22 No.4995107
    Drawn. Scanning.
    It'll be shitty though.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:29 No.4995130
    Nevermind on that. my scanner fucked itself over.
    >> Badr !KuHbpirZVI 09/22/11(Thu)18:30 No.4995133
         File1316730627.jpg-(82 KB, 897x1236, P5120021.jpg)
    82 KB
    I have red hair, this will not end well.
    >> M3RC !M99////FLU 09/22/11(Thu)18:30 No.4995134
         File1316730635.png-(593 KB, 449x603, ohlookitsme.png)
    593 KB
    These threads are great.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:32 No.4995142
         File1316730769.jpg-(39 KB, 478x480, nohomo.jpg)
    39 KB
    Pretty pretty pleas!
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:45 No.4995183
    whoa you look like lewis from the yogscast
    >> Cutesy !bloNd/iatI 09/22/11(Thu)18:49 No.4995196
         File1316731768.gif-(461 KB, 500x274, tumblr_lks4cxHzTf1qf9wd7o1_500.gif)
    461 KB
    My bi-curious factor has gone up over 9000%
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:01 No.4995243
    I had to google him but yeah I do! Atleast in this picture
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:05 No.4995254
         File1316732744.jpg-(65 KB, 402x604, 26795_10150150786045220_879370(...).jpg)
    65 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:08 No.4995259
         File1316732904.png-(115 KB, 178x402, Picture 9.png)
    115 KB
    This is an epic level quest.

    I miss that watch... I lost it somewhere...
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:16 No.4995289
         File1316733388.jpg-(196 KB, 563x750, 101_4048.jpg)
    196 KB
    I hope it actually resized....

    Can't find a good recent one, so have this. I was dicking around with my's not usually over my face like that...
    >> Kuro !V7hOCNPjSE 09/22/11(Thu)19:16 No.4995290
         File1316733389.jpg-(288 KB, 1280x768, IMAG0136.jpg)
    288 KB
    No one ever draws me... Haha
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:17 No.4995297
         File1316733431.jpg-(23 KB, 640x400, P1107110136494.jpg)
    23 KB
    I guess..
    >> Lobitah !!2pRNZWS4hFK 09/22/11(Thu)19:20 No.4995318
         File1316733648.png-(383 KB, 1920x1080, 7210-rarity-and-pinkie-pie-wal(...).png)
    383 KB
    Omg.You. Are. Beautiful.
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 09/22/11(Thu)19:22 No.4995325
         File1316733733.jpg-(366 KB, 1650x2550, badr.jpg)
    366 KB
    I think I made the head too small
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:24 No.4995334
         File1316733891.png-(432 KB, 375x500, will537.png)
    432 KB
    I'm game. Have a recent photo of me trying out some circley-lenses.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:25 No.4995336
         File1316733908.jpg-(51 KB, 320x240, Picture 243.jpg)
    51 KB
    I usually wear dark rimmed glasses
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:26 No.4995341
         File1316733960.jpg-(158 KB, 563x750, 101_2121.jpg)
    158 KB
    Oh damn. I don't have my glasses on in that one. Augh.
    Great, now I feel like I'm flooding the thread with pictures of me. -_-"
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:28 No.4995347
    Woah definitely not used to getting complimented. Thankyou
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:33 No.4995364

    lolol Thanks!!! :D
    >> smoker‎ !Umad72YCVU 09/22/11(Thu)19:39 No.4995391
         File1316734795.jpg-(645 KB, 1136x4240, people.jpg)
    645 KB
    Rule 69 of all of you.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:54 No.4995434
    i love your style!

    fffff might just have to post my pic now. x-x
    >> OmenMachine !U9T1TX5Wno 09/22/11(Thu)19:58 No.4995449
         File1316735882.jpg-(35 KB, 640x480, image201109110001.jpg)
    35 KB
    U-umm... if you don't mind...
    I might drawfag it up when I wake up if this is still here, if no one would mind.
    I need a new picture of myself
    >> Torii !DraWingsTo 09/22/11(Thu)19:59 No.4995451
         File1316735981.jpg-(28 KB, 849x424, faggotry.jpg)
    28 KB
    M-my waifu dosnt look like that!
    >> smoker‎ !Umad72YCVU 09/22/11(Thu)20:00 No.4995454
    Whoever the fuck you are talking about, I have no clue. And I don't much give a fuck.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:06 No.4995482
         File1316736409.jpg-(112 KB, 640x480, Picture 13.jpg)
    112 KB
    Scary... But, here you go..
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 09/22/11(Thu)20:07 No.4995486
    All the asians look the same... oh...
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:08 No.4995495
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !Pantsu/J9g 09/22/11(Thu)20:09 No.4995499
    You of all people should already know if I'm a man or not. Hurr.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:09 No.4995500
         File1316736583.jpg-(100 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2011-09-23 at 03.06 #(...).jpg)
    100 KB

    marry me?
    >> Torii !DraWingsTo 09/22/11(Thu)20:12 No.4995513
         File1316736722.jpg-(25 KB, 494x474, actaully.jpg)
    25 KB
    Iris! she is cute and adorable!
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:14 No.4995528
    Mh jha you are very kawaii
    >> Badr !KuHbpirZVI 09/22/11(Thu)20:14 No.4995531
    oh my, I have sex eyes.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:14 No.4995535
         File1316736899.png-(263 KB, 850x478, sample_da3b524089005013afa3863(...).png)
    263 KB

    >> Soliloquy !!kknjbumAGMU 09/22/11(Thu)20:15 No.4995536
         File1316736912.jpg-(1.78 MB, 2560x1440, 2011-09-19 22-14-28.262.jpg)
    1.78 MB

    I look like I have a boner in this picture already
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 09/22/11(Thu)20:17 No.4995552
         File1316737064.jpg-(20 KB, 210x230, 1316725346694.jpg)
    20 KB
    You also look twelve more now than ever
    >> Soliloquy !!kknjbumAGMU 09/22/11(Thu)20:19 No.4995565
         File1316737159.jpg-(1.68 MB, 2560x1440, 2011-09-19 22-13-13.825.jpg)
    1.68 MB
    Creeped out enough yet?
    >> smoker‎ !Umad72YCVU 09/22/11(Thu)20:20 No.4995569
    Oh well then we better save that one for masa.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:21 No.4995582
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 09/22/11(Thu)20:22 No.4995587
    Nah actually.
    I just highly doubt you're in your twenties.

    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 09/22/11(Thu)20:29 No.4995620
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 09/22/11(Thu)20:29 No.4995625
         File1316737780.jpg-(67 KB, 320x504, 1313718963269.jpg)
    67 KB
    Gosh, /cgl/ is so pretty. ;~;
    >> Soliloquy !!kknjbumAGMU 09/22/11(Thu)20:31 No.4995632
         File1316737862.jpg-(351 KB, 2560x1440, myageyo.jpg)
    351 KB
    wut wut, also eww /toy/ person shoo
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 09/22/11(Thu)20:32 No.4995644
         File1316737979.gif-(2 MB, 371x331, 1314575036730.gif)
    2 MB
    I bet you get asked for ID all the time.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)20:32 No.4995645
         File1316737979.jpg-(56 KB, 480x640, 200694_1595028637232_128142204(...).jpg)
    56 KB
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 09/22/11(Thu)20:33 No.4995649
    All I want, honestly, is to find a board where your drama doesn't follow to.
    Already happened here twice.
    >> Soliloquy !!kknjbumAGMU 09/22/11(Thu)20:35 No.4995659
    I've never seen my dramu here. I only use this board


    Yes, yes I do
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 09/22/11(Thu)20:39 No.4995685
    ...what the shit was with my email doing that?
    I need a new keyboard.
    Anyway, two threads got derailed...badly for the same shenanigans before but I'm just going to be an optimist on this and assume/hope it won't happen again.
    >> jiru-chan !!BGzIfEqmLpj 09/22/11(Thu)20:49 No.4995752
         File1316738957.jpg-(193 KB, 419x625, jillian.jpg)
    193 KB
    Should be pretty easy with my new hair.
    >> Soliloquy !!kknjbumAGMU 09/22/11(Thu)20:51 No.4995767
         File1316739105.jpg-(155 KB, 1000x798, 100th_Deviations___Goku_by_egg(...).jpg)
    155 KB
    Dude, honestly, I just lurk here. I only started posting under a trip a little over a week ago after meeting a few other people in the chat. I haven't seen my drama posted here nor have I posted any myself. I'm not looking for it, thanks

    But y'know bringing it up and mentioning it usually is a good reason for someone to start pulling that crap

    Just saiyan

    lol captcha: same sheaitu (interpret it as you will)
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 09/22/11(Thu)20:54 No.4995783
    Hence why I didn't bring up specifics.

    But on a positive side, what you've done that lead to here was well received.
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 09/22/11(Thu)21:02 No.4995833
    nice jammies
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 09/22/11(Thu)21:38 No.4995976
         File1316741916.jpg-(382 KB, 1650x2550, kuro(2).jpg)
    382 KB
    Until now!
    >> TheInternetPolice 09/22/11(Thu)21:46 No.4996011
    >> Kuro !V7hOCNPjSE 09/22/11(Thu)21:50 No.4996025

    Enver, I will hug you at the meet up in October for this

    Thank you so much <3 lol
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 09/22/11(Thu)21:51 No.4996035
    Who's all going to the meetup?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)21:52 No.4996040
    Anyone want a crappy hand drawn doodle of them? First few to respond to my post will get one. Just refer to your image in this thread or something.
    >> Lonelyfag !1fOJ1MfRV6 09/22/11(Thu)21:54 No.4996051
    Welp, you got me exactly right.
    >> G !!0KLJYlknxts 09/22/11(Thu)21:55 No.4996055
         File1316742904.jpg-(906 KB, 3456x2304, IMG_0625.jpg)
    906 KB
    Geez, that background looks familiar
    >> Lonelyfag !1fOJ1MfRV6 09/22/11(Thu)21:55 No.4996059
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)22:06 No.4996099
         File1316743560.jpg-(92 KB, 540x720, 221655_10150180092261314_52982(...).jpg)
    92 KB
    Folks at Kaisen know me for my Laughing Man face.If it gets in the way, I might remove it, but 63-ify me with it, please.

    Oh, and the hat, too.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)22:07 No.4996104

    Fuck, wrong picture.

    Oh, well. Nevermind the Laughing Man. Just do your thing.
    >> TK-421 09/22/11(Thu)22:10 No.4996120
         File1316743843.jpg-(62 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20110922.jpg)
    62 KB
    Here's me. I had to include the PC.
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 09/22/11(Thu)22:14 No.4996132
         File1316744098.jpg-(368 KB, 1650x2550, soliloquy(2).jpg)
    368 KB
    this is all I could come up with
    >> Bad Wolf !XLIjtOmIpc 09/22/11(Thu)22:15 No.4996137
         File1316744146.jpg-(56 KB, 428x640, 2163254.jpg)
    56 KB
    Go for it.
    >> Kuro !V7hOCNPjSE 09/22/11(Thu)22:20 No.4996159
    Me, lol.
    Other than that, I dunno
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 09/22/11(Thu)22:20 No.4996160
         File1316744412.jpg-(27 KB, 500x610, 09.jpg)
    27 KB
    yay! :D

    I am, for one. AND YOU SHOULD TO. ya hermit.

    but so far, tenlied, bambi, dill, corky-lunn, etc...
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)22:22 No.4996166
         File1316744527.jpg-(33 KB, 402x603, n46903081_30634075_4124.jpg)
    33 KB
    You're very talented. Here, this ought ta be fun.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)22:42 No.4996246

    Oh! A Soldier on /cgl/????????

    brb, drawing you as a girl for America!
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)22:46 No.4996268
         File1316745969.jpg-(37 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20110916.jpg)
    37 KB
    this looks fun
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 09/22/11(Thu)22:57 No.4996339
         File1316746631.jpg-(370 KB, 1650x2550, tk241.jpg)
    370 KB
    don't ask, don't tell amirite?

    This is my last for the night. Sorry I didn't get to everyone, but I've got a life outside photoshop
    >> OmenMachine !U9T1TX5Wno 09/22/11(Thu)22:59 No.4996352
    Man, so wish I wasn't being dragged down to Windsor that weekend.
    /Missing all of the Toronto meetups
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 09/22/11(Thu)23:02 No.4996364
         File1316746969.jpg-(7 KB, 207x187, 1314206106786.jpg)
    7 KB
    there will be others, I'll make sure of it
    >> OmenMachine !U9T1TX5Wno 09/22/11(Thu)23:05 No.4996377
    Thank you, man, thank you.
    >> TK-421 09/22/11(Thu)23:18 No.4996447

    Even though Don't Ask Don't Tell is repealed, does this still mean I am an exception to DADT?

    (Oh, and thank you so much.)
    >> Cirno !mRXaSPDgxw 09/22/11(Thu)23:31 No.4996501
         File1316748710.jpg-(294 KB, 960x544, 2011-08-24 21-55-05.804.jpg)
    294 KB
    I don't like to rag on Windsor, having spent most of my life there, but what in the world is compelling you to go to windsor?
    It's such a shit hole.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:38 No.4996529
         File1316749115.jpg-(29 KB, 402x604, genderbent.jpg)
    29 KB
    I liked your pic's color scheme.
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 09/22/11(Thu)23:43 No.4996550
         File1316749405.jpg-(10 KB, 320x211, 1314765265660.jpg)
    10 KB
    If you have to ask, you already know the answer
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:49 No.4996576
         File1316749792.jpg-(12 KB, 320x240, cirno.jpg)
    12 KB
    just because I felt like it
    >> Rin !U3IN2bbvg2 09/22/11(Thu)23:54 No.4996591
         File1316750042.jpg-(1.12 MB, 1344x1816, half done.jpg)
    1.12 MB
    I wonder how this one would get approached.
    >> Cirno !mRXaSPDgxw 09/22/11(Thu)23:55 No.4996597
         File1316750152.jpg-(294 KB, 960x544, 2011-08-28 01-33-04.417.jpg)
    294 KB
    I can drink to that kind of adorableness.
    >> OmenMachine !U9T1TX5Wno 09/22/11(Thu)23:57 No.4996600
    Family is still down there, going home for early Thanksgiving.
    Going down this weekend for Sabaton and Powerglove and Innistrad stuff... That at least kind of counters the Windsor-ness of it all.

    That said, now that I've lived in Toronto for a bit, I hate going back to Windsor.
    >> Cirno !mRXaSPDgxw 09/23/11(Fri)00:03 No.4996612
    While you're there, you should visit the Beer Market.
    Best pub there, right across the street from the Loop/pogos/coach and horses
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:03 No.4996614
    >want to participate
    >terrified of being ID'd by a seagull I'm not on great terms with

    feels badman

    It's cool that /cgl/ has so many good drawfags though.
    >> Soliloquy !!kknjbumAGMU 09/23/11(Fri)00:05 No.4996623
    I love it, thank you so much for your time and effort
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:06 No.4996626
         File1316750763.png-(2.93 MB, 1245x1087, MannCo.png)
    2.93 MB
    Have at it.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:06 No.4996627
         File1316750798.jpg-(33 KB, 800x600, 4996268.jpg)
    33 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:07 No.4996631
    you are a girl right?
    >> maliciousalice 09/23/11(Fri)00:09 No.4996641
         File1316750980.jpg-(67 KB, 357x502, cgl63-3.jpg)
    67 KB
    Unf. As much as I love your hair as is, I decided to give you a pixie cut.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:14 No.4996653
         File1316751265.jpg-(12 KB, 320x198, mulan4-Shang_takes_away_pole.jpg)
    12 KB
    Somehow I'll...make a man...OUT OF YOU!!!

    BE A MAN!
    we must be swift as a coursing river
    BE A MAN!
    with all the force of a great typhoon
    BE A MAN!
    with all the strength of a raging fire
    mysterious as the dark side of the MOON!!!
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:16 No.4996658
         File1316751366.jpg-(39 KB, 604x436, 318626_2462645286474_126246241(...).jpg)
    39 KB
    Me and my boyfriend please Enver?~
    >> Frankie 09/23/11(Fri)00:17 No.4996659
         File1316751422.png-(2.06 MB, 1825x2106, cirno.png)
    2.06 MB
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:17 No.4996660
    Dat nose.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 09/23/11(Fri)00:22 No.4996677
    That's awesome :O
    >> Cirno !mRXaSPDgxw 09/23/11(Fri)00:24 No.4996682
    I know eh?
    Fucking brilliant, bro :3
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:27 No.4996698
         File1316752033.jpg-(23 KB, 402x603, 4996166.jpg)
    23 KB

    My roommate gave me this look when she saw me drawing this...
    >> Rin !U3IN2bbvg2 09/23/11(Fri)00:30 No.4996709

    nope lol
    >> MOMO !!A8BrPmZzO+j 09/23/11(Fri)00:38 No.4996743
         File1316752691.jpg-(24 KB, 640x480, IMG000023.jpg)
    24 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:39 No.4996748
    what??? Nice skills on the right.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:40 No.4996754

    Is this too boring of a picture?
    >> Rin !U3IN2bbvg2 09/23/11(Fri)00:44 No.4996767

    thanks :>
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:55 No.4996815
         File1316753751.jpg-(2.02 MB, 1482x2096, justqqqnew_swimsuit_avenger.jpg)
    2.02 MB
    I'm in, on this awesome proposal.

    I have more photos from the Swimsuit contest if you want to use another one.
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 09/23/11(Fri)00:56 No.4996819
    maybe tomorrow. lazy now

    I really like your technique. shading with opacity is a tricky thing to master

    atleast you're getting a turkey dinner out of it?

    no, I haven't drawn everyone because it's a lot of work to keep up with a whole thread of requests. I was also hoping some more drawfags would join in, which they have
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)01:05 No.4996866
         File1316754306.jpg-(44 KB, 600x750, 4996591.jpg)
    44 KB
    Here. I guess I'm not creative enough to think of new approaches... hope you enjoy.
    >> Rin !U3IN2bbvg2 09/23/11(Fri)01:19 No.4996940

    I still think this is awesome,

    thank you so much :D
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)01:53 No.4997060
    thank you! i really enjoyed that.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)02:06 No.4997120
         File1316757980.jpg-(29 KB, 640x480, Picture0035.jpg)
    29 KB
    Keep the scarf.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)03:20 No.4997309
         File1316762407.jpg-(58 KB, 540x720, fancy.jpg)
    58 KB
    >> maliciousalice 09/23/11(Fri)03:37 No.4997352
         File1316763432.jpg-(164 KB, 554x525, cgl63-4.jpg)
    164 KB
    bumping with content
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)03:49 No.4997367
    so cute :D
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)03:56 No.4997376
         File1316764571.jpg-(182 KB, 800x600, towelrackinbackgroundLOL.jpg)
    182 KB
    Pretty please with sugar and strawberries on top.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)03:59 No.4997381
         File1316764781.png-(224 KB, 325x450, DSCF4375.png)
    224 KB
    pencil and conte?
    >> Cirno !mRXaSPDgxw 09/23/11(Fri)03:59 No.4997382
         File1316764794.png-(133 KB, 785x1751, derp.png)
    133 KB
    I'm remarably terrible
    >> Cirno !mRXaSPDgxw 09/23/11(Fri)04:05 No.4997387
         File1316765105.png-(70 KB, 785x927, DRUG DEALE#r.png)
    70 KB

    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)04:07 No.4997391
         File1316765247.png-(28 KB, 211x324, herdur.png)
    28 KB
    >> Magical Machete !KonabiK9d2 09/23/11(Fri)04:10 No.4997392
         File1316765426.png-(1.03 MB, 600x800, DSCN1242.png)
    1.03 MB
    >> maliciousalice 09/23/11(Fri)04:10 No.4997393
    Custom Photoshop brushes actually, I think it's meant to emulate conte or charcoal.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)04:19 No.4997404
         File1316765993.jpg-(7 KB, 120x120, YES.jpg)
    7 KB

    I think LURVE you
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)04:47 No.4997432
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)04:56 No.4997444
         File1316768167.png-(101 KB, 423x315, 13142518771.png)
    101 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)04:56 No.4997445
    Would love to, but I stopped posting pictures because I'm always spammed with "you look too young," even though that's just how I look.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)05:08 No.4997459
         File1316768921.jpg-(142 KB, 1125x720, drawmecartoon.jpg)
    142 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)05:09 No.4997460
         File1316768965.jpg-(31 KB, 604x483, 3yearsago.jpg)
    31 KB
    Eh, I'm bored enough I guess. Sadly the most recent picture I have.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)05:11 No.4997465
         File1316769097.jpg-(476 KB, 1000x666, IMG_0367.jpg)
    476 KB
    Make me into a pretty girl.
    >> Magical Machete !KonabiK9d2 09/23/11(Fri)05:18 No.4997472
         File1316769518.jpg-(25 KB, 250x192, 1309107787894.jpg)
    25 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)05:20 No.4997473
         File1316769600.jpg-(96 KB, 936x483, blonddrawme.jpg)
    96 KB
    Here's some quick cartoon sketches
    >> Perry !pGt6/pVDLk 09/23/11(Fri)05:26 No.4997480
         File1316770017.jpg-(962 KB, 1536x2175, coolguy.jpg)
    962 KB
    Hnnnnnng!! so cute you were fun to draw!

    MaliciousAlice you are such a fucking boss.
    >> Magical Machete !KonabiK9d2 09/23/11(Fri)05:30 No.4997484
    Haha OMG I LOVE IT! Thanks!~ <3
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)05:34 No.4997489
    /a/ brought me here..
    just wanted to express my surprise that a lot of you are actually really attractive.
    well, back to /a/.
    have fun all of you.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)05:41 No.4997492
         File1316770890.png-(342 KB, 500x383, SqueeEverywhere.png)
    342 KB
    B'D'AWWWWWW. Thank you. c:
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)05:55 No.4997500
         File1316771745.jpg-(136 KB, 826x852, lollololol.jpg)
    136 KB

    I gave it 40% of my all bro. enjoy
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)06:01 No.4997505

    These guys got skipped
    So if you see anything you like drawfags give em a shot
    >> maliciousalice 09/23/11(Fri)06:13 No.4997518
         File1316772815.jpg-(93 KB, 415x557, cgl63-5.jpg)
    93 KB
    >> Parappa the Rapper !WIXxcJoFrc 09/23/11(Fri)06:32 No.4997537
         File1316773929.jpg-(55 KB, 279x423, parappa.jpg)
    55 KB
    Draw me as a lady ;w;
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 09/23/11(Fri)12:07 No.4997900
         File1316794066.jpg-(526 KB, 1650x2550, anon_bf.jpg)
    526 KB
    your boyfriend is Ray Romano

    since you asked nicely and I feel bad about making you wait all night, but here 'tis
    >> logseux !kH8wjcKndo 09/23/11(Fri)12:18 No.4997919
         File1316794717.png-(94 KB, 290x193, sd.png)
    94 KB
    kk make me a beautiful wonan
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)12:19 No.4997923
    dat crazy eyed stare
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 09/23/11(Fri)12:21 No.4997930
         File1316794907.jpg-(58 KB, 400x382, 1313694062399.jpg)
    58 KB
    you already are.

    but I can try to make you a handsome man, seeing as how this is a rule 63 thread
    >> logseux !kH8wjcKndo 09/23/11(Fri)12:24 No.4997936
         File1316795098.png-(172 KB, 500x282, 2dij72d.png)
    172 KB
    heh, that's what YOU think
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 09/23/11(Fri)12:48 No.4998010
         File1316796529.jpg-(496 KB, 1650x2550, logseux.jpg)
    496 KB
    I had to redraw the eyes a few times cuz it was hard to get them to look "logseuxy"

    i think that's it for me right now, I have class soon
    >> Volpin !jKicgoGHZw 09/23/11(Fri)12:59 No.4998045
         File1316797141.jpg-(32 KB, 338x506, 18877_608126183487_39607596_35(...).jpg)
    32 KB
    kind of always wanted to do this...
    >> Belladonna 09/23/11(Fri)13:05 No.4998061
         File1316797544.jpg-(34 KB, 640x480, IMG0266.jpg)
    34 KB
    I am so curious...
    >> logseux !kH8wjcKndo 09/23/11(Fri)13:06 No.4998063

    Thats pretty fantastic bro. Did you use a picture of link as a reference?

    Whatever the case, it's bueno on many levels.
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 09/23/11(Fri)13:10 No.4998078
    link from zelda? nope. I used your picture as a reference.

    Even so, I've drawn Link so many times I wouldn't need a reference pic

    thanks for the compliment :D
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 09/23/11(Fri)13:11 No.4998083
    you guys are so cute
    >> logseux !kH8wjcKndo 09/23/11(Fri)13:13 No.4998087

    Don't you think it looks like Twilight Princess Link? I'm so happy.

    Do you have a deviant art or a tumblr?
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)13:17 No.4998103
    WOW. You are ALSO very beautiful!
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 09/23/11(Fri)13:25 No.4998130
    lol every time I draw guys it comes out like Link, expecially TP Link.

    Oh god, my deviantart sucks out loud, but I guess I'll post it, as well as some other crap I do

    my DA that has terribad stuff dating back to highschool:

    the DA I'm trying to put more professional stuff on:

    and a couple sketchblogs that don't get updated very often:

    that's like all I've got, unless you care about youtube
    >> Belladonna 09/23/11(Fri)13:31 No.4998147

    Why thank you! You flatter me kind anon
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)13:39 No.4998164
    You can only play cute, buxom characters I'd wager. :P
    >> Belladonna 09/23/11(Fri)14:22 No.4998255

    Pretty much yeah. Which I'm surprisingly okay with.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)22:52 No.4999622
    Bamp for more drawfags
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)05:22 No.5000540
    Maximum images in the thread has been reached. We need a second thread, to continue this awesome thread
    >> maliciousalice 09/24/11(Sat)06:05 No.5000606
    I've done you, if someone would like to make a new thread I'll be happy to post it.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)10:34 No.5000968

    Part 2 >>5000967

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