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    File : 1316646423.jpg-(39 KB, 400x316, HAHAHAA.jpg)
    39 KB WEEB HORROR STORIES! Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)19:07 No.4991695  
    last thread >>4980195 is maxing. You know the drill! Post:

    -Your drama, past or current, whatever you want to talk about.
    -Cosplay drama/cosplay horror. Some bitch ruin your outfit, did you sew your fingers together while making that sailor skirt?
    -Horror stories; cosplay related/con related/con culture related
    -Hygene horrors, drama's
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)19:10 No.4991707
    NOOO reposts, direct them to where the best posts are archived.

    If they don't have it then do request it here and leave a note on the DA page for it to be archived there.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)19:12 No.4991716
    Have you guys already heard the one about the John who got arrested during a brawl tournament?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)19:16 No.4991724
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)19:22 No.4991752
    Sweet, okay I’ll post mine now there’s plenty of room!
    >I’m male, good looking enough and I’ve been cosplaying for a few years.
    >Last year at a convention I met anon, a psycho otaku stalker girl who was also good looking.
    >For a while I wanted to date her, swapped contacts at the convention and realised we went to the same schools and lived really nearby, like four blocks away from each other. SUPERB.
    >After two weekends of hanging out at home I realise this bitch is crazy and annoying.
    >She would be obsessed with sex and touching me all the time, which I did not have a problem with at first but also I have standards, I won’t fuck women without knowing them first, I’m really not like that.
    >So we became ‘friends’ but mostly talked online, where it became obvious she was obsessed with me only after two weekends of knowing each other and hanging out. I started to see her less and less but kept catching her in town and when I was walking my dog, it got to the point she would know what time I took Poppie out at night (my dog) and would wait on the corner of my block for me. I found another route that she never figured out so I could avoid her.
    >She seemed a ncie girl but she was crazily jealous, wanted to have my facebook and DA password after only two weeks to make sure ‘i didn’t add any other girls’
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)19:24 No.4991758
    This one happened to my friend. I wasn't there, but was told about it many, many times after the fact.

    >My guy friend is good looking, witty, anf almost NEVER mean.
    >Goes to AMA
    >His first con
    >Hambeast is talking to him.
    >She's not being rude and kinda makes a joke.
    >He makes a witty remark.
    >She kinda gets the wrong idea. (He's kind of an unintentional flirt.)
    >He keeps making witty remarks.
    >She lunges over and wraps her arms around him.
    >He flails and pitifully tires to push her away, but she rubs her bottom lip over his moth in, I guess, a kiss-type gesture.

    I'm not sure if it was his first kiss on the lips or not.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)19:24 No.4991759
    Well, this isn't a firsthand account, I had just left the area at the time, and this was actually before I decided I wanted to start cosplaying. I was at Anime Punch for a Protomen concert, and me and some other Protobros had been ambling around from place to place, mostly people watching. So we're sitting in the main area, shooting the breeze until the rally started, when all of a sudden, from the gaming room this kid in a God Tier John outfit, uh homestuck if that's not clear, is getting dragged out of the gaming area by two cops, begging for someone to help him. There's a small crowd of people following behind him, just as fucking puzzled as we all are. Last thing I actually remember of the saga FROM the con is some guy in a fursuit shaking his head and wagging his finger at the guy disappointedly. Now, I get back later, and apparently the guy was in some brawl tournament and he had just SMASHED a controller against something, broke the controller, he was going batshit. And, uh, that's what I know of it. A little underwhelming but there you have it.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)19:31 No.4991788
    >We swapped numbers at the con to get in touch so she would be texting me and calling me, to start with asking when I was taking Poppie out and to meet up at the block, my parents didn’t like her coming round, and I actually told them I didn’t want her round anymore with the way she acted, so they wouldn’t let her into the house, thus she would either turn up when they weren’t in or try and ambush me when I was out.
    >Two months of this and I’d deleted her on my facebook, earning about ten journals on DA about me being horrible and mean to her and denying her feelings for me like I was under some obligation to just be her boyfriend.
    >Getting texts and calls every day now, at least six texts a day that I was also starting to ignore.
    >It was too much now, I’d hinted before to try and be kind to her ‘feelings’, but I made up my mind to point blank tell her to fuck off and delete her off of everything.
    >About to do this when my family finds out that my Uncle, my Mums sister, has cancer, and is given only a few months to live. Offline for a week, phone off, up visiting him and helping Mum and dealing with it.
    >Return, still sad, and see so many messages from her, letters through my door and everything, my phone inbox almost full. We phoned the police and asked if we could get a restraining order or something, but despite this they said ‘she seemed to only do this because communication was cut off and she was worried’ so told me to tell her it’s over, not friends anymore, and warn her not to contact me again, and then if she did anything ‘worse’ they would help out.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)19:35 No.4991802

    Where does she live? i will love the shit out of her
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)19:40 No.4991818
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    >So I did just this, phoned her up only to find she was on her way round with another letter, so stood outside the house and spoke with her, with my Mum and Dad watching from the upstairs bedroom.
    >Tell her I don’t want to be friends anymore. She doesn’t get it. Tell her to stay away from me, I don’t like her, don’t love her back, and I think that she’s crazy. She doesn’t get it.
    >”Nii-san, I don’t understand. I thought you loved me.”
    >So I did just this, phoned her up only to find she was on her way round with another letter, so stood outside the house and spoke with her, with my Mum and Dad watching from the upstairs bedroom.
    >Tell her I don’t want to be friends anymore. She doesn’t get it. Tell her to stay away from me, I don’t like her, don’t love her back, and I think that she’s crazy. She doesn’t get it.
    >”Nii-san, I don’t understand. I thought you loved me.”
    >Just say sorry and that I do not, and go back inside. She cries on my porch for a while and I genuinely feel bad, but she leaves and leaves me alone, for a while, for a week. Although I removed her off everything I couldn’t help but check the DA journals while signed out. All about me, all saying how I was denying myself and my feelings for her. She really was delusional, she was telling me how she was ‘half japanese’ all the damn time, like PT! She was a thin PT.
    >After a week my parents decided to go back for a long weekend with Mum’s brother, and I was left to look after Poppie, this is the horrific part. Pic related, it’s what she did to my dog, but anyway I’ll explain!
    >Friday night spent my evening doing nerdy guy things, levelling up a character on Perfect World, lol yes I have no life, and taking Poppie out like usual. I saw thinPT there on the corner like she used to, and tried to avoid her, telling her to go home, to stop this shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)19:46 No.4991838
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)19:49 No.4991859
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    >Went home, half aware she was following me from a long way back, but ignored it, also ignored my doorbell once that evening but I’m still not sure if it was her or not.
    >Saturday shit went down. My door goes and I was expecting a parcel, it’s early so I ran down in just boxers to open the door, and it’s thinPT. She pushes the door open and comes in, though I did push her back and try not to. Poppie’s barking art her now because I was struggling with her at the door.
    >Poppie’s a golden retriever by the way, this is a picture of her a little bit afterwards. But anyway, she’s a big dog especially when she jumps up. So she started jumping up at thinPT and barking really loudly when I was trying to shove her out the house, and failing, being half asleep and also not wanting to hurt her.
    >As she’s pushing at my arms, saying how mean and cruel I am and what a ‘bad brother’ I have been, she shoves Poppie away really hard, hard enough for Poppie to slip on the floor and land on her side.
    >I shove her at this point, back to the door and tell her not to touch my dog.
    >”Oh, you care about your dog? You actually have feelings?! Well your DOG is a girl, so am I, so why don’t you treat me that good?!” What. She said something very similar to this seriously, it made no sense, she made no sense, she was just crazy.
    >Still trying to shove her out the house so I can call the police, Poppie’s up again and jumping and barking. I give up when she shuts my door and is against it, trying to keep a hold of her, a hold of poppie though I wasn’t then and trying to get my phone out to bluff calling the cops on her.
    >It was now she hurt my dog. Continued.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)19:54 No.4991892
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    Tell me moar, dammit! Post faster
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)19:56 No.4991904
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    >While I’m not bluffing now but actually dialling 999, looking at the keypad of my phone, I hear Poppie yelp.
    >thinPT stamps on her at such an angle I really though her leg had purely snapped.
    >I love my dog, I saw red, I used all my strength, no holding back, yanked her partly by her scruff and her jumper to get away from Poppie, who she was kicking at on the floor really damn hard.
    >I threw her out of my house so hard she fell over, slammed the door and dropped the phone, looking at Poppie. It’s horrible seeing a hurt animal, let alone your own that you’ve had all through childhood.
    >Poppie was trying to get up but her whole body was shaking, staying off one back leg that looked twisted, looked wrong. She was whining and yelping and was in so much pain she just gave really loud high pitched barks and collapsed onto her side.
    >First I called my Mum and Dad picked up, told me what to do and phoned the vet himself to phone me as I didn’t have the number. Waited for a while, trying to comfort Pops but she was biting me in her own pain, little frightened nibbles. I got the phone call, told them how it was, and because he and my Dad were friends he said he’d come right round, and advised me to call the police.
    >Called the police next while waiting for him, thinPT long gone, ran away. They came over but took a long ass time to get to my place, seriously like half an hour, the vet got here first.
    >He sedated Poppie at my house and took her away, I had to stay waiting for the cops, told them everything and they instantly served thinPT with a restraining order. I didn’t press charges on her but y family urged hers to get her some therapy and they promised they would.
    >my Dad drove back leaving my Mum with my Uncle, we went to see how Poppie was after sorting more police stuff. She had severely twisted her leg and needed minor surgery to correct it, just a tiny almost keyhole slit. Continued.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)19:59 No.4991915
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    >The surgery was seriously so minor that she came home the next day with that pathetic bandage, but she kept off that leg for a whole month at least, and still walks a little funny today. She had bruised bones on her ribs too, and now she’s really quite frightened and nervous when people come to the door, or if people move right by her she’ll bite their ankles, especially me for some reason but I don’t mind.
    >She’s okay now, despite the changes to her personality and strange walking.
    >Since filing the restraining order and telling her parents how batshit insane she was, I’ve not heard from her, and this happened last year.
    >On the Sunday however, before he DA and facebook disappeared off the internet, this was her DA journal. We spoke to her parents on the Sunday very late when my mother came back, around 11, so before this entry then she deactivated it and closed her FB account. Bitch was fucking off her head.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)20:01 No.4991920
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    What. The. Hell.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)20:01 No.4991925
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    Oh my fucking GOD! Poor Poppie!
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)20:04 No.4991936

    At that point I would have stomped the bitch's throat.

    You do not fuck with someone's dog. That is grounds for an ass kicking, regardless of your gender.
    >> Kuro !V7hOCNPjSE 09/21/11(Wed)20:06 No.4991945
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    that bitch.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)20:09 No.4991961
    And, considering how SHIT the english justice system is; we didn't really have any 'grounds' in which to press charges if we had tried to. No 'evidence' that was good enough, despite the logs of clear online stalking, and the actual letters and phone records, oh, and my damn dog being hurt. Americans, I really am envious of your police and the fact they carry guns, they need to bring that shit here, they really do.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)20:12 No.4991974
    the above dog story is posted her for you guys
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)20:12 No.4991976
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)20:13 No.4991984
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    Poppie! *weeps*
    >> !!D4AsZxGzBCf 09/21/11(Wed)20:18 No.4992007
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    Don't fuck with animals, yo.
    Terrabad rage will be unleashed.

    Poor Poppie ;n;
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)20:28 No.4992037
    Omg poor poppie! I'm british to and the justice system sucks sweaty man balls, if any bitch did that to my pet i'd rip their fucking arms off. I'm only a 5ft6 girl and i threatened a 6ft+ man with such anger for trying to chase and scare my kitten. He backed the fuck off because he could see in my eyes, I was not kidding. Ooo people like that make me angry.
    >> Alejandro !GUmTRMPbac 09/21/11(Wed)20:29 No.4992039
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)20:32 No.4992044
    Oh God, sorry anon about Poppie. I had a story of some pet abuse too via a weeb, but I don't want to post it now <__> Too sad, too rage inciting.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)20:41 No.4992072
    I will kill that bitch. what the fuck.
    >> Tae !!FET/wqSOx3X 09/21/11(Wed)20:46 No.4992089
    Oh my god if it's the story I'm thinking of please dont post it
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)21:54 No.4992269
    Back from shopping and entirely too fucking excited for meatloaf tonight.

    Anyway, this is a Gaiafag story (I know how much we all love Gaia). This happened about 8 or so years ago, so the details might be fuzzy and might explain my inability to tell this bitch to fuck off. I was very introverted up until the middle of high school. I sort of let things happen to me without really saying much because of lack of self-esteem and having been bullied by “preps” for being the awkward kid.

    I'll continue in greentext:
    >I'd joined the site in 2004, and thought it was really fun so I decided to stay. It's been a year or so I believe since I joined, and I've made some really nice friends in the roleplaying forums. I didn't have a lot of friends in school, so this is really the highlight of my days and my weekends, getting to come home and chat and roleplay with them.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)21:57 No.4992275
    >The trouble really began when I got into Kingdom Hearts. The first game, at the time, seemed like such a creative and great idea. I fell in love with it and roleplayed it in any decent looking thread that I could. Most of these threads were just very silly “life events/other general silliness” threads. I’d been roleplaying Marluxia religious at this point when she showed up with her terrible batch of OC’s. Let me briefly explain that all of her original characters were abominations that one would find on the late site, fuckyeahterribleart. She was predominantly a Kingdom Hearts roleplayer, without ever actually roleplaying as any of the characters, and all of them had names of a bastardized mix of letters with X’s, brightly colored hair, and “everyone loves me, and no one could ever hate me, and I’m just so irresistible don’t you want to fuck me?” sorts of attitudes. I didn’t notice this trend until later. I'm not sure why I'm even bothering to protect her identity but let's call her Sarah.

    >I didn’t much notice Sarah in a thread I had joined because I was busying trying to make another ship work until it sunk. Sarah noted this in her out of character comments and said it totally sucked, and as a “pick me up,” she offered to roleplay with me for a while. That was really nice of her, so I accepted. She seemed like a very nice, bubbly, if occasionally unusual, person, but I’d noticed that everyone in the anime community is “occasionally unusual” so I thought nothing of it. We talked more, even after the thread had died, and she asked me for my screen name on aim so we could talk more there.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)22:14 No.4992331
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)22:16 No.4992340
    >We’ve been talking for a bit on aim by now when I start to notice some odd behavior. I’m not a chatterbox, on the phone or online. If I don’t have something to say, I don’t try to find anything to talk about. It just seems really forced and uncomfortable when I do. However with her? If there was a span of at least two minutes where I was not talking to her, she would become overly dramatic, sending me messages in large red letters that “I hated her” and “Why are you ignoring me?” and “If you fucking hate me just say so and I’ll leave you alone!” Things of that nature. The first time it happened I was worried I’d done something wrong, so I told her to just calm down, that I didn’t hate or whatever, and that I was just not that attentive when it came to online conversation. She said something along the lines of “Well if you aren’t going to talk to me, then don’t sign on and get my hopes up” but with a bit more of a snobby tone. It bothered me, but I didn’t say anything on the matter thinking it was just a one time thing, because she resumed her nice bubbly self a day later.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)22:16 No.4992344
    >We were deep in the KH ball pit now, and in every thread I applied for, Sarah would either be there, or would show up close behind with her OC’s. Again, I didn’t think anything of it. Friends like to move in groups, right? Right. Marluxia was already taken at the time, so I was stuck trying to figure out whom I should roleplay as. Sarah was helping me figure out who I should choose through aim, when I noticed Xigbar hadn’t been taken. I really loved his character, but had avoided him because I felt I would butcher him. Sarah told me I was being silly, and that I would make a great Xigbar, so I should just go ahead and take him! Well, take him I did, and I really enjoyed being him, so he became my temporary character of choice. All of this is relevant because of one particular roleplay where I had taken up his character. Sarah had joined after me. I’d been dicking around with her character, some blue haired new nobody with a dragon-cat-fish-whatever familiar, when things started to get a little…steamy. Gaia’s policy was to not do that sort of stuff on their site, so I asked her on aim if she wanted to just skip ahead and “insinuate” that they’d fucked or something? Her reply was something like “Well, but that would be booooring, anon! Let’s just take it to PM’s or something and continue there!” Stupid me for saying “Oh okay then!” So we finished there. It wasn’t the first scene like that that I’d ever done, but it had been a long time since I’d written shit like that, so I felt a bit odd, like a kid whose in a place he’s not supposed to be, but finds it thrilling just to be in a place he’s not supposed to be. Idfk.
    >> Pantsu 09/21/11(Wed)22:18 No.4992349
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    You know, I rage at most stories i see here,but this freaking story is just.. over the line man. I imagine every story i read as happening to me, and i just imagined that happening to my Hanna, and I'm surprised you didn't punch her in the face. I'm glad Poppie is at least kind of okay.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)22:22 No.4992372
    >Sarah had said she’d really enjoyed that, and that I “Was a great smut writer!” I thanked and said that was pretty fun too, and we went on with our shit in the thread.
    All of this is relevant, only because of the fact that when I looked at it all later, whenever I applied for Xigbar, Sarah would be close behind with an original character, in order to seek my character out in the storyline and fuck them. My idea with smut was that while it was fun, it had to be kept interesting, and this shit was not interesting, but more importantly, it happened so frequently that I had begun to avoid choosing Xigbar as a character, thinking that would stop things.

    >Sarah noticed this change, and went back into her melodramatic ways, asking if I hated her, telling me if I did that I was mean and what did she do wrong, ect, ect. I made up a lie saying that I had over-roleplayed Xigbar and I wanted someone new to play with, mostly because I didn’t want to hurt her feelings and tell her that, yes, I was tired of fucking her characters. She instantly went back to being nice and happy, as usual, and said that I should just look for someone else to do if I was so tired of him or whatever.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)22:25 No.4992379
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    Oh god, YES. I fucking love this shit. If it's one thing /cgl/ is good for it's the horror stories. HOLD ME TIGHT AND WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT AND EMBRACE THE FAIL SO LET'S SET SA~IL!
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)22:26 No.4992387
    >I took up Marluxia again after that, because Sarah had avoided getting with him because he was “The token fag of the organization.” In that time, I made two new friends who were roleplaying Saix and Vexen at the time in that thread. We’ll call them Nina and Rin, respectively. Marluxia and Vexen was one of my favorite ships at the time, and coincidently it was Rin’s favorite ship too, so we went for it, all while trying to figure out a decent way to get them together that would be somewhat smooth. About two weeks into it, and leading up to a first kiss, Rin sends me a very hasty message saying that she’s sorry, but she’s going to be leaving the roleplay and promptly deletes herself from the thread’s existence. Worried, I send her a message back asking what was wrong, and we could still roleplay with them on aim or through e-mail if she wanted. She never returned my messages.

    >At the time Nina and I had gotten a little closer, and I asked her if she knew anything about why Rin had left so suddenly. She said she didn’t know. At this point, I was talking to both Sarah and Nina. I’d found out that Nina had had some beef with Sarah, and she didn’t like her for a laundry list of reasons, including her terrible OC’s. After my stint of becoming her “go to girl” for smut, I agreed with her and that I had finally noticed that they were all very much the same, very bland, and used only for the purposes of getting with characters. However, being the derp that I am, suggested that maybe she just needed to take up a canon character and she’d improve? Nina had her doubts, since she didn’t like her, but she agreed that it was possible. I ran this very casually past Sarah, who immediately asked if it was because I didn’t like her characters and hated them. I told her I didn’t (which was a lie, but I didn't want her freaking out at me), but she eventually agreed to try roleplaying canon characters for a while.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)22:28 No.4992396
    Oh. FUCK. No.

    As an EMT I care for human life. Most of the time.

    I care more for animals. Maybe I should've been a vet. :/

    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)22:36 No.4992425
    this better be going somewhere
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)22:37 No.4992434
    This is from a dream I had the other night, but is kinda related.

    I was at a shopping mall, and I saw a big poster ad (lit up from the back), it had a few pictures, in a row.
    The first was a typical yaoi picture of Vegeta and Piccolo french kissing, with something very out of character like, "Oh Piccolo, have my baby!"
    The second was a poorly-drawn (looked like NeoClassicNeko's stuff with CWC coloring) saying "I'm going to be a great manga artist in Japan!"
    The last picture said "Japan will bite back"

    Which makes me think, there needs to be more awareness like that. Something that doesn't really CRUSH their dreams, but says that Japan isn't the magical girl and land of acceptance they think it is.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)22:41 No.4992458
    sorry, it is. i'm trying to proofread and organize it properly.
    >That didn’t help things at all. She continued to seek me out for “Sexy times” as she called it. I remained with Marluxia as a line of defense since she still thought of him as the token fag. This idea of hers didn’t last long, because she had begun to shove the issue of homosexuality into our conversations, talking about this “cute yaoi boy” she’d seen in a show, or how much she loved gay guys and wanted to watch them have sex, and would frequently bother another friend of mine. We’ll call him Larry. He was sweet, painfully polite and Sarah just about had a fit over him when he’d let it slip that he was gay. When Larry and I got closer as friends, Sarah wouldn’t shut up about the fact that I knew a “Real live kawaii yaoi boy!” (her exact words), and wouldn’t stop bothering him or me for his contact info. He hadn’t given it to me, because he was paranoid. I respected that, because I was also paranoid, but also because he’d admitted that he’d gotten a multitude of messages from her, asking him a great deal of personal things and telling him that it had become her life goal to “Convert every gay man into a straight man, and you are my next target L-chan~!” I apologized for her behavior and that he had to deal with that. He said it was alright and that she was probably just easily excitable. This kid was a saint.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)22:42 No.4992464
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    The fuck does this have to do with anything?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)22:46 No.4992482
    >The next few weeks were awkward, with Sarah bouncing between gushing over Larry and still trying to get all up in my shit. I ignored what I could and responded vaguely to what I couldn’t. I’d tried to avoid her by roleplaying with another girl. It was basically the same scenario that had played out with Rin; We got really close, started talking more, and then out of nowhere, my partner angrily quits the thread and cuts all contact with anyone. I tried sending her messages, because I was worried, but also because I didn’t want to loose another person like this again, but she never responded. This happened one more time before I started getting suspicious that something was going on.

    >At this point in time, Nina and Sarah had been viciously at each other’s throats about some shit for weeks. I didn’t get involved because it wasn’t my problem. Sarah had begun to message me frequently, whining about how mean Nina was, and how much Nina hated her and said mean things to her, and that I was the only nice one, ect. I told her I was sorry for not being more helpful, but I wanted to stay out of stuff that seemed like it was between the two of them. She said that was fine and that she didn’t want to talk about “Nina’s icky lies” anyway. I really should have asked what the fuck that was about, but I didn’t.
    >> Belts 09/21/11(Wed)22:50 No.4992495
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    The Plot thickens. Continue.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)22:53 No.4992507
    I'm really sorry this is so long. There is quite literally a slew of drama with this girl.
    >After that time, Sarah started getting clingier. There was a time when I had been gone for about a week on vacation, and when I came back my inbox was full of Sarah’s melodramatic messages, asking if I hated her, why I was ignoring her, and a few messages that were a little nasty. In the mean time, I’d been talking to an old friend I’d made a while ago in middle school who found me on Gaia.We’ll call her Heather. I explained my situation with Sarah to Heather and her response was “She’s a cunt, cut the bitch off.” I told her I didn’t really want to “cut her off.” I hadn’t told her I would be gone, so maybe that’s why she was being nuts. Heather went onto say something about me being too nice and stupid, but said that she’d be here if she started any problems.

    >Things were going steadily downhill with Sarah. I never knew why, but she became increasingly more attached to me in a very unhealthy way. She would tell me extremely personal things about herself, how she would sometimes touch herself when we wrote smut, talk about how she wanted to see me and visit me and that I was the only one that was nice to her and understood her, ect. I would have felt genuinely sorry for her if it had not been for the fact that as soon as people in a roleplaying thread got close to my character romantically, they would suddenly leave the thread and never return my messages. I didn’t want to ask Sarah if she had anything to do with this, at the fear of looking like a colossal douche bag, but I did ask if she knew anything about why people seemed to be leaving threads a lot lately. Her response was “They’re just not that dedicated I guess ~”
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)22:58 No.4992519
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    >It was now she hurt my dog.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)23:01 No.4992524
    >It was around this time that Nina finally became active again and we started talking. I’d told her everything that had happened up to that point. Nina was, of course, pissed to hear about Sarah’s comments to me, and also to find out that Sarah was still actively roleplaying. She also told me that I should really just avoid that girl, as she’d told her some weird things about me. I asked her what those things were (although at this point I had an idea), and she’d replied with stuff about how nice I was, and how she wished she could live near me so we could be friends and that she thought Nina was a bad friend to me and was just trying to get in her way. Finally after all this time, that was my red flag, or at least one of them. I figured an awkward internet crush wasn’t bad, but I knew this was going to get really ugly if I didn’t stop it somehow. It wasn’t like she could get to me, since she lived in Canada, but I had let it slip that I lived in California. If she wanted to find me, she could, especially since she frequently asked for my address which I refused to give under the pretext of “I want to google map your house!” or something.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)23:06 No.4992547
    >Shit finally hit the fan when Heather sent me an angry message a week into a roleplay we were working on together. She wanted to know why this “cunt cracker” (Sarah) was sending her harassing messages. I thought maybe she was exaggerating until she copied and pasted an excerpt of text from their conversation. I don’t remember the details, but Sarah had basically said that I was “hers” and “off limits” that anyone getting near me was “going to GET IT.” That’s really all I remember, but it scared the shit out of me and completely explained why people kept joining and leaving threads shortly after my characters got really close with theirs. Sarah had probably harassed them out of the threads in much the same way she was trying to do to Heather, which wasn’t going to work because Heather is…Heather.

    >I told Heather I would bring this up with Sarah and tell her to leave her alone and that we needed to talk, but she said it wouldn’t do much good. She would probably deny it up and down, feed me some lies and that she was going to get in her face about it. Over the course of at least a month, I was getting rapid fire messages from Nina, Heather and Sarah. Nina was urging me to change screennames and avoid Gaia forever, all while trying to get Sarah to leave me alone and chewing her out. Heather kept telling me she wanted to find her and beat the shit out of her for not leaving her alone, calling her a lesbian something or other. Sarah seemed to go through periods of apology and “threatening” to come visit me. I told her that was not a good idea for many reasons, including “what if things don’t work out and you are stuck here” or something. Her response was something along the lines of “Well it will be your damn fault if I’m stuck here. I already bought my planet ticket, so you have to let me stay with you I have no money for anything else!”
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)23:07 No.4992552
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    >> Fe-Minty 09/21/11(Wed)23:09 No.4992561
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    oh shit
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)23:10 No.4992565
    Heather sounds awesome. Not averse to violence, independent, protective. Yeah.
    >> Bad Wolf !XLIjtOmIpc 09/21/11(Wed)23:11 No.4992566
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    >I already bought my planet ticket, so you have to let me stay with you

    F5-ing like the wind, oh god.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)23:12 No.4992576
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    Basically, yes
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)23:15 No.4992587
    >At the time, this was a terrifying revelation. I didn’t know if she was bluffing, but considering all that had happened, I was not about to discount the possibility that she was going to get on a plane and hunt me down in my home state somehow. I tried to deal with the situation and get Sarah off this track of wanting to find me, and just basically try to calm and rationalize with her, but nothing was working. She was dead set on coming to find me, and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it. I finally took Nina’s advice and avoided the use of my old screenname, telling Heather not to do anything crazy. Before I left Gaia, I told Sarah through a PM that our friendship wasn’t really working out, it had gone down a very weird path, that I was sorry, but things had gotten out of hand before I cut contact with her. I avoided my account for what felt like years, and kept in contact with Heather, Nina and Larry on and off. On a whim, I signed into my old roleplaying account on Gaia just to see how things had changed and found at least 200 some odd messages from Sarah in my inbox. I didn’t read them before I deleted them.

    Looking back on it, I probably should have handled this situation much better, but I was 15, had very little sense, but mostly this had seriously never happened to me before. I didn’t know what to do, and I felt embarrassed and ashamed that I’d let things get that far.
    Since then I've run into one other girl at a con that was like Sarah, and was old/brave enough to tell her to fuck off before I drag her to con security.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)23:17 No.4992598
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    well that was the worst ending ever
    >> Belts 09/21/11(Wed)23:21 No.4992623
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    That was fucking terrible. anti-climactic. 2/10
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)23:26 No.4992636
    >telling him that it had become her life goal to “Convert every gay man into a straight man, and you are my next target L-chan~!” I

    Christ that's creepy, what is it with weeaboos and gay men anyway?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)23:27 No.4992637
    Yes, basically. Heather is a very small, scary mexican girl who I would not want to upset and frequently points out when I'm being stupid. I'm not sure how we're still friends, but that bullshit probably just brought us closer.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)23:27 No.4992642

    lame. i am disappoint
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)23:30 No.4992664

    Sorry guys, but I pretty much freaked the fuck out when she told me she was going to fly out to find me and cut contact with her. I didn't want to hang around to instigate what possibly could have turned into a face to face meeting with a girl that had an unhealthy attachment to me.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)23:31 No.4992672
    worry not my friend not every story is a winner
    but i for one do apreciate you telling yours here
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)23:50 No.4992748
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    Fucking Axelai. She's the creepiest person ever I swear to god. A friend of mine had a horrid encounter with her once. She was at Hetalia gathering in San Francisco. She was cosplaying as Finland, but Axelai decided that she was cosplaying England for some reason. She wouldn't leave her alone and kept touching her and trying to hold her hand and what not. This kept happening periodically throughout the day and she was getting pretty fed up with it. Later that day Axelai decided it would be okay to take my friends finger and stick it in her mouth and suck it.

    The final straw though was when she cornered my friend and and kept pressuring her to make out with her. She politely declined, but Axelai was relentless and was saying stuff like "Oh it's not that bad, just try it won't you!". She actually had to push her off of her so she could leave.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)23:50 No.4992749
    I wish I could meet heather. I'm also mexican an known to call bullshit on people.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)00:04 No.4992828

    want to post this on coscom sooooo baaaaaad
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)00:25 No.4992910
    Do it please. I don't think my friend has a coscom but she would love it if you could. Yeah Axelai's just a bitch in general. I used to have her added on facebook, and she posted a status bitching about something really dumb and what not, and I commented with something. I don't really remember what I commented, but I know it wasn't even bad. Yet because of my comment she deleted the whole status and posted a new one saying something about people needing to mind their own business. I (rather passive-aggressively) posted one saying how I hate when people complain on facebook and they think everyone's gonna care about it and try to white knight them or something. She ended up deleting me, and every one who liked the status.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)00:32 No.4992941
    What the fuck. If you want people to "mind their own business" don't make status updates complaining about your bullshit and don't get buttmad when your attention seeking tactics don't work the way you want them to.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)00:42 No.4992975
    Got some proof? I would love to throw this in her hypocritical face.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)00:53 No.4993023
    Well considering it happened to one of my best friends, and she called me right after everything happened, I'd say it's proof enough. Plus tons of other people were around to see it as well.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)01:03 No.4993059
    That whole story you wrote pissed me off dude. There should be a program to put these type of people to fucking sleep.
    >> 0 09/22/11(Thu)07:12 No.4993818
    Fuck it, I'll post my pet abuse story. For those of you who don't like furries, or abused animals, don't read it.
    For three years I have been friends with, and as a traditional creeper, let’s call him Keith. Every creeper is called Keith. Keith knew me through many things, but mainly the cosplay scene; he’s your average creepy fat guy who sometimes tries to cosplay on the sidelines of your popular group in something stretched and terrible, but often not. However in addition to being your classic creeper, Keith was also a furry.

    He’d somehow wormed into coming with us for two cons, but every time we did not make the mistake of letting him share a room with us; he booked his own room alone, and creeped about alone trying to get underage furry girls to come back with him, or would hang out in our room until we had to ask him to leave. The second convention we tried to avoid him like wildfire, to no use. Despite this, I felt bad for him, he would always complain how he was a virgin living with his Mother at 25 and had no life, until one day when I was giving him advice on how to be a god damned normal person, he turned around saying he had lost his virginity. To a secret ‘somebody’.

    >> 0 09/22/11(Thu)07:17 No.4993821
    For a long time our group thought he raped some poor girl he’d met online or something, he wouldn’t tell us anything but would go on about how ‘perfect’ she is, and that she’s a furry too, that she was his best friend and always had been and this was the next step.

    >So for a month he talks about this mysterious miss rather sexually.
    >Coming up to a convention, we joke about saying he should bring his fake lay.
    >”Okay then, I will.”
    >Won’t believe it till we see it, so the convention comes around, he doesn’t book a room says he’s going for the day and will meet us there.
    >No mention of his girl.
    >We come across him outside, with his dog.
    >Ask him where his lady is and he sort of shrugs us off saying his dog was the only lady he needed.
    >Right then, I got a really strange vibe from him. What did that mean, exactly? That he had lied, or...
    >Ignore my vibes, get on with the convention but when I come back after a week or so, Keith pops up wanting to talk.
    >> Fe-Minty 09/22/11(Thu)07:23 No.4993826
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    oh god no

    NO. NO. NO.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)07:26 No.4993828
    >Me and another friend end up going round to see him, we occasionally do mostly out of pity of being his only friends, pretty much.
    >We’re sat on his bed with the dog behind us ignoring her as we play LOZ at his desk.
    >After a while I get bored and let them two play, leaning back turning over and playing with his dogwog, Princess... lol.
    >When petting her and being affectionate I notice she’s really quite frightened of me.
    >She’s shake and fearfully wince at my hand, so I began touching her gently, stroking down her back, when she rolled over submissively and I noticed she had blood on her back leg.
    >”Um, your dog id bleeding.”
    >I’m in the process of sitting up trying to get a better look at it, when Keith runs over and wisks Princess away, putting her in her bed in his open closet and saying ‘yeah she has some problems’ and ignored my questions about it.
    >We continued playing, all the while I was now watching his dog, worried he might be abusing her some way.
    >We all went home but I stayed online for quite a while talking to him, sucking up to see if I could make him tell me anything.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)07:35 No.4993839
    >By now, I’m looking through his furraffinity he’s always linking me to but I’m always not clicking, and it’s filled with rather sick drawn pictures of dog sex, or pictures of him kissing Princess, like really kissing her. It was gross.
    >So keep talking to him, and he suddenly asks; “Is it illegal here to do beastiality?”
    >type ‘Nah don’t think so’ completely lying, and ask why.
    >Finally I get it out of him, he sends me this disgusting picture of himself inside of her, blood on his dick, dog looking terrified. I deleted it right away and simply put ‘oh’ and said I had to go. I didn’t tell anyone, I was shocked and repulsed, but more so thinking of that poor, poor dog. Would she be ripped, and bleeding internally?
    >So I phoned a vet and said I knew somebody who was doing this and could it lead any real harm to her, and they read off a list of bad things to come from it that I already guessed.
    >So I told a friend of mine who also knew him, and we forged a plan to rescue Princess and report him.
    >Begrudgingly, I went through my computer trash and got that picture back, printing it out.
    >I showed my friend it and straight away he punched my bed, as we came up with a plan together. We would steal Princess and take her and the picture to a vet straight away, but to do this we had to lure him out when his parents were also out, though he lived in the basement so it turned out we could get in without disturbing them.
    >Our plan didn’t go TO plan though.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)07:44 No.4993845
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    Oh my fucking GOD! ALL OF MY WHY
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)07:44 No.4993846
    >My friend decided he would be the one to spend time with the bastard, turning up while I watched from afar, forcing him to come out and get some fresh air, taking him to the mall while I went about sneaking into his basement home.
    >I could see a small window that could be easily undone, and being thin I managed to slip into it headfirst, not-smoothly falling in and onto his bed. Onto a used pinkening condom. I got up and wiped myself down feeling gross, and saw Princess trembling in her bed.
    >I picked her up and picked up this toy of hers, carefully pushing her through the window, sweet talking to her to stay there while I climbed back through, hurting my side in the process but crawled out.
    >I left another print out of the picture just outside the window encase his Parents did come down and discover her gone, guess, and they would find that. However, when getting up, I turned around right into his Mother.
    >”What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
    >So I showed her, I scooped princess up and told her I’d be contacting the cops and was taking Princess to a vet, saving her form her damn son.
    >She was almost sick when she saw the picture, and cried instantly, letting me take Princess. I called my friend told him I was done, and kept princess on my lap while driving to the vets.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)07:50 No.4993850

    OMG. Poor Poppie :'(

    You don't fuck with someone's dog. I'm so full of rage now.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)07:54 No.4993854
    >Now it was obvious how much he had hurt Princess, she would lowly whine on my lap the whole way, back legs shaking and hiding her face at my side.
    >I pulled up at the vets, with the picture in my coat pocket, and carried her in; pushing past saying it was an emergency.
    >I saw a female vet and showed her the picture, saying I just rescued her from that, and she went about examining her after putting a muzzle on her.
    >She said she’d been ripped but would heal and was fine inside, though stretched out and would be terribly sore for a good month.
    >Her other problem aside from that was that, somehow, she was unloved, and had huge abandonment issues, and I realised that she was probably shut in that closet every time he wasn’t fucking her.
    >The vet was going to try and re-home her and was sorting through paperwork with the evidence of her abuse to not let Keith ever have another animal and to maybe have him arrested for something; he ended up getting served with a sex offenders thing and having to do community service, also banned from working with animals and children, or owning and breeding animals.
    >But I stopped her and asked if I could keep Princess, and look after her. I was home a lot then so I would always be with her, I didn’t want to abandon her too. The vet let me, and I filled out papers to claim I was fostering her, until they took Keith to court and could hand her over to me permanently.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)08:01 No.4993864
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    >Straight away Keith was trying to ‘sue me’ and get Princess back, but then was shortly arrested, charged, etc.
    >Princess stayed in a new bed I brought her, keeping still with her soreness and would always have her head on my feet, because I was always sat with her on the laptop or watching tv, I’d take her and her bed with me wherever I went.
    >I still have her today, and she’s a lot better now, running about and hyper a lot, but still very nervous of anyone but me, even my parents though she likes my Mother a lot.
    >This is a picture of her from recently. She has a good life now; but I will forever hate furries, no matter how nice they are.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)08:02 No.4993867
    That's such a cute dog, poor thing ;_;
    As a furry, I apologise for so many furries being fucking cunts.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)08:03 No.4993871
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    FUCKING ANIMAL ABUSE! I'd kill the bastard.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)08:07 No.4993872
    Words can't describe the disgust I feel about what he did.
    Poor precious dog :(
    I'm so glad you guys did something, and that you took her in and take care of her now.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)08:12 No.4993876
    What the fuck, that dog is beautiful. How could you POSSIBLY do something that sick to something that looked like this. As an owner of an abused animal, this drives me fucking crazy to see things like this, but also to know that this animal got a very happy ending to a very shitty story.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)08:16 No.4993879

    at least she's with a good family now!

    Crying now anon, thank you for rescuing her
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)08:30 No.4993890
    I own a rescued abused animal too. The first owners of my jack russle set her on fire and would shut her in doors, also had 20+ other dogs so she’d be the one to never get food. She’s very, very old now and has a lived a happy life with me and my family.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)08:55 No.4993900
    What a piece of shit. Though being a furry, I can understand why you would hate them for doing such a terrible thing.
    We're not all like that. I would kill that fucker.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)09:34 No.4993920
    One of the many reasons furries deserve so much hate. Fucking sicko.

    You're an awesome person for saving that dog. :)
    >> Tae !!FET/wqSOx3X 09/22/11(Thu)12:26 No.4994103
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    Oh god that poor sweet dog! She looks like an absolute sweetheart!
    Anon, you're amazing for saving her. That sick fuck deserves so much hell for what he did. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go hug my Shibas
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)12:45 No.4994119
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    Bump i need more.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)13:09 No.4994151
    That story really turned my stomach. Though I don't live in the household any more, our family pet was a rescue dog, and we got her when she was a tiny skinny little thing. She had major seperation anxiety and... well... my brain is crossing wires here, and, if put in the same situation? I don't think I could have been so calm about it. You got the dog out safely as a priority, which is the right thing to do, even in the face of your anger. You get a voucher for 50% off your next internet from me.

    Because they all rape animals AMIRITE? Save your bullshit tirade for a furry thread, dude.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)13:12 No.4994158
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    >they all rape animals
    I didn't know this was a fact-stating thread.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)13:19 No.4994168
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    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)13:35 No.4994195

    Crying right now ;____; There are just no words to describe how awful that is, but so glad to hear that she's safe now. She's a beautiful dog too, at the risk of sounding soppy, you are both so lucky to have each other (now I'm getting all gushey about my husky lol)

    People like Keith need help - not just being locked away but finding out why they do those things and try to aid them in changing their mentality - while trying to keep others safe from them. Some people are just seriously ill in the head :c
    >> Movie Theater Lad !/RUz7lnpiY 09/22/11(Thu)13:41 No.4994199
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    You know what you are? You are a fucking superhero. You are an incredible person who is going to get a high-five from God when you two go to heaven, because you're an amazing human being, and don't you forget it.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)13:49 No.4994211
    Omg, Poppie :(( That is absolutely horrible. I am not joking when I say I would literally kill anyone who deliberately hurt my pets. That cunt would have bled.
    >> ei666shii !otnRSDkuZA 09/22/11(Thu)15:36 No.4994575
    ;( The first time a post on 4chan made me cry. I'm so glad you saved her from that bastard.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)15:55 No.4994630
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    I really wanted these stories to be fake.
    Really, really wanted.

    Good show, Anons. You have my tears and admiration.
    >> Martyr !7zWLMSsaJI 09/22/11(Thu)16:54 No.4994787
    POOR PUPPY. I want to give her a hug so much. I love huskies and I want to stab that little fucker in the eyes for hurting her.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)17:10 No.4994843
    There's a long backstory to this story I've posted once months ago when the horror threads first began, but I'll make it as short as I can.

    Knew this girl through anime club and culture club, she is unlikeable; a Narutard, overweight, huge and taller than me, greasy girl with just as nasty a personality. She was obsessed with Japan, said she was part Japanese and was adopted, all the usual crap.

    Anyway, we went to an exspensive college together, I only knew her through the groups when she would try and be all over me. But our culture club was organising a trip to Japan for two weeks including flights for a pretty good price, so I, actually interested in the culture, signed up. And so did she. Luckily I was with our friend group of relitivly normal people,so we avoided her as much as possible within the extra language classes before the trip.

    Anyway I'm trying to keep it short, on the trip there I had a little final destination moment. I was thinking of plane crashes and terrorism and was freaking out, my friend Amy was about to sit next to me when Liz, the unbearable weeaboo, sat next to me, put her fat, heavy arm over me and did not help the situation by saying how likely it was we might crash in our weather, and how long a plain journy it was.

    Before I knew it, we were not allowed to get up again, and that was our arangement for the very, very long flight, me and Liz.

    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)17:18 No.4994873
    So the whole plain journy her fat rolls swept over her seat onto mine, onto me, when I tried to sleep under my jumper she would tuck me in inappropiatly and go as far as to brush my hair. It was horrible.

    When we got there, in Japan, it was worse. "OMG ITS SO... JAPANESE" "SO KAWAIIIII~!" over everything she saw, everything.

    She also complained and we walked aruond so much the first day, all exhausted, that she cried, lazier and more unhealthy than the rest of us. I managed to finally seperate from her by saying no to sharing a room with her when she asked, but just after we were forced into guys/girls so I went off with my male friends, and she put me saying no to being told I couldn't.

    Anyway, I'll leave out her bullshittery. In Japan we were pretty much left to do what we wanted on the weekend in between our whole trip, so I decided to rent a motorcycle and go out to all the bars with my friends, her included, though again nobody wanted her around and she actually got us into all sorts of shit the whole week and that weekend. She came across obviously mental, rude and most of Japan's view of a classic, stupid 'white girl' I don't know if it was the area in Tokyo we were in or the general idea (that I agree with) but they were pretty racist to white european people, especially the girls. The rest of the girls in our group got hardly any shit, but she brought it on herself, and us.

    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)17:29 No.4994907
    Getting to the horror part; we were out in a rather rough part of town around 12 of us, almost the whole group, and one teacher who was the fun one of the three, drinking with us. we were 17-18, the 18 year olds were drinking... well, pretty much all of us were by this point.

    So, I hadn't been drinking, or hadn't had much past one bottle, and so I was giving everybody a lift back and forth, a few girls who wanted to go back to the near by but just out of walking distance hotel. This was also the night Liz came onto me, hard, drunk, and way too forceful. I'd driven two girls back to the hotel and was coming back to see if one more person wanted a lift as we all turned in, moving past Liz through a very narrow hallway in the building of the bar we were in, drinking in two private rooms doing Karaoke, and she touched me, took up so much of the hallway that she trapped me with her fat against the wall.

    She was reached underneith her ovr hanging stomach to try and get my dick out, really trying to force me into something, so I hit her, in the shoulder, and told her what I thought of her. not hard but enough to make her let go of me. I simply passed by her to my friends and walked out with the teacher, all of us leaving slowly.

    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)17:31 No.4994913
    Well I joined a new anime club last Saturday. They seemed pretty great. Come weds. I go for a movie night. One girl is spouting broken Japanese, as we watched AMV hell. No one knew 99% of the animes including Evangelion. After instead of watching more anime like Hell Girl which one of the members brought we go wander around and one girl was trying to get bad-ass cred saying how shitty her life was and how she beats up guys. They all go on /b/.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)17:35 No.4994932
         File1316727324.jpg-(78 KB, 640x427, stitches.jpg)
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    So we're all chilling outside when Liz strolls out and throws a bottle at me, being held back by this poor Japanese waiter who then scolds her in his language and she doesn't understand, telling him he's 'kooow waaiii eeee'

    The bottle didn't hit me but the teacher told her off, and she said she was drunk. I offered to drive people back, but nobody needed a lift, so I would head back on my own. I'd parked a way back behind everyone, so went to get my bike while they walked on along the road, quite a busy one.

    I was coming up behind them going about 30 and beeped on the horn that we fuond humerous, a granny style horn, just as I was going past. And Liz, out of nowhere, jumps out into the road before me causing me to swerve, but then actually extends her arm to grab me. Obviously I was going too fast to be pulled off, but instead I just lost complete control, completely crashed and scrapped on the ground and slammed my face into the sidewalk. A really horrible accident. Got some pics of my injuries too.

    I was knocked unconcious with hitting my face so hard, woke up in hospital with the cool teacher and the serious one, trying to contact my parentals on the phone next to my bed. I didn't break anything, somhow. cont.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)17:38 No.4994941
         File1316727527.jpg-(130 KB, 640x509, arm.jpg)
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    taken in the actual hotel. I'd broken my fall with my ass/thigh which was so badly bruised, also got a picture, I'll upload it next. Because Liz was drinking and said she was just trying to get my attention or some bullshit, she only got into trouble, no convictions and no cops involved. Also because the police system is completely different over there, and our teachers didn't want to deal with it, but she was kicked out of the club when we got back. But I spent the whole of the second week dosed up on pain meds and in the hotel alone, doing nothing but feeling sore and sorry for myself I got back out on the thursday to go sight seeing with everyone, limping along slowing them up to see less things.

    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)17:42 No.4994953
         File1316727727.jpg-(139 KB, 640x480, worst bruise.jpg)
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    Part of my back they said got caught on some broken piece of my rented bike; also the damage to the bike cost shit loads. Teachers had to pay it and my health bills while we were there, but made Liz('s familly) pay when we got back too. My Dad nearly punched her in the face when we had a meeting as soon as we got back, which she tried to get out of 'booo, i'm jet lagggedd' well, no, this shit is serious.

    also this is so nearly my ass, I'm only posting this because nobody else I know goes on 4chan hurrr. You know how much sitting down on this hurt? A lot, yeah.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)17:44 No.4994959

    wow that..that looks pretty darn bad.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)17:51 No.4994986
    You look hot, even when mangled.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)17:52 No.4994990

    Ah, I remember this story. It's been a while though and I don't recall a follow up to what happened to this liz. Eck, still looks damn awful though. :(
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)17:57 No.4995006
    haha thank you!

    Yeah, actually I saw her just the other week, she didn't see me but I saw her in the arcades abusing a DDR machine, saying all sorts of terrible Japanese, calling her -somehow- friend a 'baka' over and over loudly. Almost two years and she still hasn't changed, le sigh.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)17:57 No.4995007
    You already fisting yourself? Up to your elbows?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)17:58 No.4995011
    >le sigh

    You are a similar cancer
    >> Pantsu 09/22/11(Thu)18:02 No.4995028
         File1316728961.gif-(115 KB, 150x146, K-ON-yui-shy.gif)
    115 KB
    you're adorable! I'm sorry about what happened, and for probably creeping you out now, but you really are cute.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:02 No.4995030

    Seconding this with the force of a thousand suns
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:03 No.4995033
         File1316729035.gif-(487 KB, 320x167, tumblr_lqpbwr0z0I1qmczyw.gif)
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    Hey, retarded owner of weeaboo horrors here.

    Does any lovely person have the second half of heambeast prime? :> I forgot to save it though I was sure I had it. Also anything else you'd like uploaded, I know I'm missing a few classics such as bloody miku.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:11 No.4995071

    Owner of the tumblr?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:12 No.4995075
    No, the DA.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:17 No.4995090
    They set a poor fucking jack russel on fire?!
    All the sad doggies in this thread... ;_;
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:23 No.4995110
    im begining to love you more and more.. you just seem so cool. and that gif. id give it to you but i dont collect them on my shared computer sorry ):
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)18:25 No.4995119
         File1316730309.png-(2.23 MB, 1344x2398, deargod.png)
    2.23 MB

    Oh, and you got purdy eyes.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)19:03 No.4995246
         File1316732633.jpg-(237 KB, 988x1399, Hambeast prime 02.jpg)
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    There ya go
    >> Sarah-chan 09/22/11(Thu)21:41 No.4995988
    I'm gonna namefag to keep this all together, just spent like two hours remembering and writing all this down.

    Okay, I think you guys need to know the story of the crazy weeb that lived in my building at Uni. She was one of the thin, greasy, somewhat disgusting and socially awkward kinds of weeaboo, and she lived at the very end of my floor. You had to walk by her door to get to the access stairwell, but that wasn't much of a problem because everyone used the elevator anyway.

    A few things she did included:

    >Tripping the fire alarm during Dead Week because "It was so quiet, nyan~"
    >Spraypainted her art projects in the hallway without laying down newspaper
    >Traced yaoi like Yami no Matsuei and stuff and put the drawings on her door so everyone could see them if they walked by
    >Attempted to start a MASSIVE torrent one day and got our whole building banned from the Uni internet because torrenting wasn't allowed on campus
    >Was a strict vegetarian, because if she ate meat then her Spirit Animal would get mad and bite her. She showed some of us bite scars that she claimed were from her Spirit Wolf named Ruby Moon, but the veterinary student on our floor called her out on self-inflicting them because they were obviously human.
    >Shaved her pubes in the communal bathroom on our floor and left the hairball in the drain
    >> Sarah-chan 09/22/11(Thu)21:43 No.4995995

    She was a little weird, but she was otherwise somewhat bearable. If you left any food whatsoever in the refrigerator in the rec room though, you had to be prepared to come back for it and only find a sticky note saying "Your food's been stolen by the great and wonderful Ninja-chan! Nyan~ =^.^="

    So we (the seven of us besides her) lived with it for a couple terms, but then shit started getting seriously strange. At one point Ninja-chan got a boyfriend (who turned out to be one of the custodians for the building) but she started getting very clingy and obsessive and when he started getting wary she started going nutty and had several screaming matches with him about how he didn't love her and how he hated her so much and wanted her to go die, yadda yadda. It ended with her dumping him.

    That was when stuff started going missing.
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 09/22/11(Thu)21:45 No.4996003
    >Shaved her pubes in the communal bathroom on our floor and left the hairball in the drain

    I don't know why but I started laughing so hard at this....
    >> Sarah-chan 09/22/11(Thu)21:46 No.4996009

    It started with small things- pencils, erasers, the occasional flash drive or small article of clothing. The only reason we thought that it was her was because EVERYONE on our floor was missing something that they couldn't explain the absence of. Eventually the spree of things going missing/getting stolen escalated to larger and more expensive things. The veterinary student, we'll call him Vee, flipped his shit when a $500 coursebook of his went missing. Ella, who had the room right next to Ninja-chan's, had the most things go missing. She had 'mysteriously lost' an entire set of Prismacolor colored pencils she needed for a 499 art class and three massive sheets of 130lb watercolor paper for a design class (as well as other miscellaneous art supplies).

    So we all banded together and tromped down the hall to Ninja-chan's room, and Vee just about knocked down her door before he chewed her a new one.

    She claimed that she had had things taken from her as well, but she wouldn't open the door wide enough for anyone to see inside or behind her. Vee was on the warpath though, and he barged right past her into the room.
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 09/22/11(Thu)21:49 No.4996019
    .....AND, AND?!
    >> Sarah-chan 09/22/11(Thu)21:49 No.4996023

    The hairball was massive, dude. It was like the size of a fucking Tribble.


    What you have to understand about the rooms in our building is that they were decent-sized. You had enough room for a bed, a table and a TV hutch. The rooms came with a desk pre-installed under the window. Ninja-chan's room was completely papered in anime posters and wall scrolls. Like, wall to wall without gaps between them. She had a little bit of everything, and it was honestly insane. Her room was dark as hell because she had papered over the window with posters as well. All but two of her ceiling lights were blown out (I guess because she'd had the tiff with the custodian and he refused to fix shit for her) and it was dark as hell in her room.

    Vee immediately started turning her room upside down looking for his coursebook, while Ninja-chan started cussing at him and yelling in broken Japanese at the rest of us. It was all pretty vanilla stuff, calling us all "Mean temes" and "Evil bakas" while stamping her feet like a child.
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 09/22/11(Thu)21:51 No.4996031
    >> Sarah-chan 09/22/11(Thu)21:51 No.4996033

    Vee finally found his textbook, in a USPS parcel with a shipping address on it to someone in a dorm at NYU. It was pretty easy to put two and two together at that point, and we pressed charges against her for theft. Most of our stuff had been sold at that point, and myself and Ella figured that that's how she had financed her massive anime wallpaper undertaking despite stealing food to feed herself and her whining about affording her coursebooks every term.

    Ninja-chan got in trouble (academic suspension and her financial aid was revoked for a while), but everyone on our floor was out a decent amount of stuff and money. Ella never got her Prismacolors back and had to buy a new set.

    That isn't where it ends, though.
    >> LittleJelloSalad !YG.DdnIWg6 09/22/11(Thu)21:53 No.4996046
         File1316742812.jpg-(108 KB, 1280x720, 1302630196148.jpg)
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    I broke my F5 button.
    But I'm still slamming it.
    >> Sarah-chan 09/22/11(Thu)21:53 No.4996048

    After a relatively calm summer term, in which Ninja-chan behaved herself, shit really started going down. One of the guys on our floor found a dead cat in our refridgerator (it was a stray, and looked to be roadkill) and moved out immediately. The person in charge of the building thought it was a prank and just had the refridgerator bleached and told us not to worry about it.

    Then all the scissors in the building went missing. Every single fucking pair.

    It took about three hours to find where they went, because that was when Vee came back and found every single pair stabbed into the drywall over his bed, spelling out one word.

    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 09/22/11(Thu)21:55 No.4996054
    >> Sarah-chan 09/22/11(Thu)21:55 No.4996060

    Nobody was too sure who did it, but everyone's scissors were returned and the holes in Vee's wall were spackled over by the custodian. Everything was decently quiet for the rest of the term, and while everyone on our floor acknowledged that it had probably been Ninja-chan, we figured that she'd been in enough trouble and we let her be. This turned out to be a mistake.

    It was about this time that I started getting messages from a few of my friends on MySpace (this was before Facebook) asking why it had taken me so long to come out of the closet. They were also asking why I had so many costumes, and if it was some kind of fetish and if they even really knew me. I hadn't told anyone about my cosplaying, but that was because I never really saw a need to. When I asked them what they meant, they said that my girlfriend had been showing people her binder full of printed pictures of me and talking about how wonderful and talented her girlfriend was. A few of my friends were honestly confused as to why I was dating someone like Ninja-chan.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)21:56 No.4996064
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 09/22/11(Thu)21:56 No.4996066
    >we figured that she'd been in enough trouble and we let her be
    Full retard.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)21:59 No.4996080
    dat mental image.
    >> Sarah-chan 09/22/11(Thu)21:59 No.4996082

    So I put a stop to that shit pretty fast- explained to my friends that I wasn't a lesbian and that I cosplayed for fun and that it wasn't a fetish, that I wasn't dating Ninja-chan and that I had nothing to do with the girl. Then I went down the hall and confronted Ninja-chan about it. She got a little crazy at that point, screaming and whining at me about how "her Sarah-chan could be so mean, desu ka?" and "Aishiteru, Sarah-chan! Aishiteru!" and stuff like that. Then she started explaining about why she loved me and how Ruby Moon, her Spirit Wolf, had told her that I loved her and that we would always be together and shit like that.

    I told her flat-out that I did not love her and never had, and snapped and yelled at her until I watched her throw out the binder full of printed pictures of me in cosplay (and all of my pictures from my Myspace, and a few badly-traced drawings that I think were supposed to be me and her).

    She kept yelling at me, asking why I was so cruel to her and why I hated her so much, and I finally just left her be and went to go call the campus shrink to see if anything could be done about Ninja-chan's obsessive tendencies. The woman said that she couldn't do anything personally, so I let it be.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)22:02 No.4996083
    >we figured that she'd been in enough trouble and we let her be.

    Man, shit always hits the fan after this.

    If I learned anything from these horror stories, was to never hesitate on confronting a crazed weaboo. Things don't go pretty when you give 'em even an inch.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)22:02 No.4996085
    I am going to have nightmares for weeks now!!! D:
    >> Badr !KuHbpirZVI 09/22/11(Thu)22:03 No.4996086
    >> Sarah-chan 09/22/11(Thu)22:03 No.4996089

    In retrospect, yes, we did in fact all go Full Retard concerning Ninja-chan right about then.


    With that shit over with I went with Vee and another guy from our floor, Don (a Business major that wanted to be a bartender) to another floor to go watch a movie with some friends on their large TV. It was some slasher so we didn't really react when we heard a lot of screaming, but a little while later (about halfway through the movie) someone came up and told us that Ninja-chan had been attacked and was at the hospital on campus. Apparently someone had pushed her down the access stairwell and she had broken her leg and received multiple cuts and bruises all over her body.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)22:05 No.4996094

    u r a QT P2TEE, look me up when you feel better, sailor

    >> Sarah-chan 09/22/11(Thu)22:05 No.4996097

    Due to how long we had been dealing with her, Me, Vee and Don weren't really fazed by the news. It was terrible, yeah, but we weren't about to go bring her flowers or anything like that. So we invited the guy to finish the movie with us and we made some more popcorn and forgot about Ninja-chan.

    It was about when the credits started rolling that the campus cops showed up, looking for me. They went to my room first, and Ella sent them up to the floor we were watching movies on because she didn't know what was going on. They wanted to take me in for questioning because apparently Ninja-chan had said that I was beating her because she wanted to break up with me.
    >> Sarah-chan 09/22/11(Thu)22:07 No.4996106

    Vee and Don, as well as the rest of the room full of people that we had been watching the movie with, immediately came to my defense. I had been in the room with them when her screaming had started, when the guy had come up and told us that she'd been taken to the hospital, basically I hadn't moved from my spot on the couch since the movie had begun.

    I explained the situation to the campus cops, all about Ninja-chan telling people she was dating me without my knowledge (and keeping a binder full of pictures of me she printed off my myspace), about how she thought a wolf named Ruby Moon would tell her things, about her kleptomania and the thing with the scissors in Vee's wall and her obsessive tendencies. All this shit was enough to make the campus cops want to go back and talk to Ninja-chan again.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)22:09 No.4996115

    This is getting pretty intense and I have important morning classes tomorrow.
    Yet I'm reading weeb stories.
    >> Sarah-chan 09/22/11(Thu)22:09 No.4996116

    After enough prompting and questioning Ninja-chan eventually confessed that she had thrown herself down the stairs. She said that Ruby Moon had told her that if she did that I would realize how much I loved her and that I would stop trying to deny it. She kept talking about how Ruby Moon told her Vee was a Youkai that was put on our floor by Satan to try and separate the two of us (Vee's room was, in fact, one of the ones between my room and Ninja-chan's) and she would take things of his (notes, socks) and try to cast spells by burning them to make him leave. She was getting into people's rooms with a Master Key that she had stolen from her custodian ex-boyfriend. At one point one of my friends went through Ninja-chan's laptop they found a shitload of yuri porn with my face badly photoshopped onto one of the girls, and a lot of really crappy fanfiction about how we would go on crazy anime adventures and do ninja missions and have lesbian sex.

    She got medicated and moved out of our building, and I didn't see her for a few terms. The next time I saw her she had gained a lot of weight and dyed her hair pink, and had a large tattoo of a red wolf on her back.

    Never saw her again after that.

    The fucking end.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)22:11 No.4996123
    Oh my god what.

    This has got to be the saddest ending for the opposing side.
    >> LittleJelloSalad !YG.DdnIWg6 09/22/11(Thu)22:12 No.4996124
         File1316743920.jpg-(92 KB, 1280x720, [Ayako]_Ikoku_Meiro_no_Croisé(...).jpg)
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    I have no words.
    >> Fe-Minty 09/22/11(Thu)22:12 No.4996128
         File1316743957.jpg-(14 KB, 188x212, 1314823774666.jpg)
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    Good story
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)22:20 No.4996161
    Is anybody else visualizing threads like this as a bunch of introverts leaving their basements for long enough to gather around a campfire, but rather than trying to scare each other with ghost stories, telling these weeb-tales? It's like some special rite of /cgl/, coming together to try and scare each other into running for a block the next time we see someone wearing a naruto headband.
    >> Badr !KuHbpirZVI 09/22/11(Thu)22:22 No.4996170
    good. /cgl/ needs some more exercise.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)22:23 No.4996172

    textbook young adult schizophrenic. Yes, they do gain weight on the medication, no, they do not stop being crazy, they just get less actionable on those crazy ideas. they need care for the rest of their lives, though, there's no "get better" there's just medication and management.

    at least for the rich kids. the poor ones kill someone, go to jial or get killed.

    >friend of mines like that
    >verra sad
    >shes a rich kid
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)22:39 No.4996234

    Awesome. Like a CGL version of Are You Afraid of the Dark?

    I submit for the approval of the Weeb-Site Society, the Tale of the Bodysnatcher-Chan...
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:12 No.4996416
    The two pet abuse stories are obvious bullshit. The first one I was buying until the horribly fake dA image, but the second is just pure fantasy. Suuuure you broke into someone's house through a small window to steal away the doggy.

    That latest story was a good'un, though, if a bit weak on the ending.
    >> G !!0KLJYlknxts 09/22/11(Thu)23:17 No.4996439
         File1316747823.jpg-(66 KB, 360x282, cryptkeeper.jpg)
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    You've forced my hand anon
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:23 No.4996469
    >modify your voice some electronically
    >get a skeleton puppet
    >get creepy music
    >upload to youtube
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:29 No.4996489

    ...That made me so happy my eyes teared up. Thank you.

    >captcha: would varybro
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:34 No.4996509
    oh my sweet baby jesus this is fantastic. I love you so fucking much.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:42 No.4996540
         File1316749333.gif-(386 KB, 190x129, lrdywd4CJS1qj543o.gif)
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    That gave me a laugh. Thank you, G!

    Which gives me an idea. Do you guys remember those old radio plays?
    It'd be cool if cgl did a weaboo horror story one.
    >> G !!0KLJYlknxts 09/22/11(Thu)23:47 No.4996574
         File1316749678.jpg-(30 KB, 293x365, crypt-keeper-perfect.jpg)
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    SHIT.....i totally botched the editing job had to do another version cause I'm so mad myself
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:54 No.4996593
    >> Anonymous 09/22/11(Thu)23:59 No.4996603
    brb crying forever

    She's absolutely beautiful. I'm glad she's got a good home now.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:02 No.4996611
    >wanting to do Liger Zero Schneider gijinka
    >head will be on left arm
    >laser blades on back
    >trying to design a way I can easily draw one of them with one arm, while concealing the grip when it's "sheathed"
    >best thing I can think of involves two magnets securing the prop to the costume, and using a button, springs, and PVC pipe for the hidden grip

    This is a real headache. Because I'm drawing with one hand, I also need to stow it with one hand, and this is my best concept without making something that requires two hands. But the way I have it drawn out in my head makes the grip mechanism absolutely huge. If I can find a way to compact it, I'm golden, but this will be a real challenge.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)00:25 No.4996692
    Tales from the Crypt /cgl/ edition
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 09/23/11(Fri)01:12 No.4996907
         File1316754739.jpg-(25 KB, 335x478, 1310834446195.jpg)
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    lol ANYONE reading that journal would immediately know she's insane
    >> Washu 09/23/11(Fri)01:20 No.4996945
         File1316755221.jpg-(72 KB, 562x442, 113598-ehshell_2009_06_29_11_4(...).jpg)
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    My tummy hurts...really bad...
    That made me cry. Good for you anaon
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)02:43 No.4997217
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)03:54 No.4997374
    suffer like [spoiler]G[/spoiler] did
    >> Monoclancer !.EmqUW5J46 09/23/11(Fri)05:32 No.4997485
         File1316770334.jpg-(28 KB, 540x360, Cheer up, cgl.jpg)
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    First allow me to express the depth of my sorrow to those who's pets have been abused by weeaboos, furries, et cetera... by posting this picture of a really cute clownfish. Ironically enough, they don't actually live in a very deep part of the ocean, but just take a look at this fish. See how cute it is? The cuteness of this fish, that is how deep it is, /cgl/.

    Really, I could've just posted a picture of a deep ocean, or just said "I'm really, really sorry for everyone here," but I feel some animal appreciation will probably cheer everybody up.

    In other news:

    Holy fuck, I thought I stopped browsing Voice Acting Alliance years ago! What is this tab still doing open?
    Jokes aside, I liked your first take better than your second, and what microphone are you using? I'm shopping for a more serious business piece.


    Speaking of micophones, I would totally record this in Zeal's voice, if I didn't have two exams happening in less than five hours now.
    >> G !!0KLJYlknxts 09/23/11(Fri)10:41 No.4997771
    Oh the VAA, I still go to post in stuff I'm trying to become active again after not doing anything for a long time. Sill familiar with the "oldbies" but that's a story for a different time. My microphone is a SHURE KSM 32 condenser mic. I really don't think you need something as crazy expensive as mine but if you do get this mic be sure to get a soundboard that supplies phantom power.

    As for horror stories

    Fanime 07 Stage Zero has a "Who's Line is it Anime" and was selected to play scenes from a hat. Right before the game started the host informs us to keep all of our suggestions PG rated on account this is a family con and kids are watching, he then gestures to few little kids in the front row and they wave back. The suggestion pulled was "Alternative Uses for Pokemon."

    We had a few great suggestions like a guy ordering a Mr. Mime to make a sandwitch and things were going smoothly. Suddenly the next person on stage was this huge neckbeard wearing a t-shirt two sizes too small and his belly was hanging out. He goes and does his best Pikachu thunderbolt yell and starts shaking in place like he's experiencing an Earthquake and we're all confused. Seeing how no one got his "joke" he grabs the microphone and goes "You know, for vibrators."

    Audiance just gave him the LARGEST collective "boo" I ever heard in my life. One of the girls points at herself and makes an expression to say "I did not want to hear that."
    >> Chanana 09/23/11(Fri)13:19 No.4998111
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    P...P-poppie TT______TT
    I hope she's doing well now...
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)17:00 No.4998629
    Holy shit at Ninja-Chan. I would have moved the fuck out of there after the scissors spelled 'DIE' above that guy's bed. Gigantic red flag right there.
    >> Sarah-chan 09/23/11(Fri)19:06 No.4998869

    It was Midterms week, and we were locked into a contract for a term for the building. The guy that left because of the roadkill in the refrigerator got hit with a bunch of fees because he broke his contract, but I remember him saying it was worth it to get out of our crazy-as-fuck building.
    >> Anonymous 09/23/11(Fri)23:00 No.4999658

    Be angry at me being a furry all you want. That "person" was no furry and was just using the fandom to try to fit in.

    I swear our fandom lets in anybody these days with no checks in place. That "person" was a zoophile, a sick fuck and deserves a swift kick to the nuts, repeatedly.
    >> MEV-1 !!qj751nua6oy 09/23/11(Fri)23:57 No.4999895
    I swear to god if those puppy stories are fake I will come to your door and slice off your eyelids and stew them while you watch.

    If those stories are true, then I will cry endless tears because I also own an abused cat and for the past 12 years she's been in loving care and never EVER neglected, not for a minute.

    I'm going to cry anyway because what the fuck.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)00:50 No.5000058
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    >Defending being a furry

    Sorry dude, freak's a freak.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)02:02 No.5000253


    Makes no difference to me.

    Sickos are sickos
    Weaboos are weaboos, etc etc
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)02:02 No.5000257
    this is not really a 'horror' story, just wanted to share because i thought it was really annoying..

    I was in a convention couple years ago, me cosplaying Sweden from hetalia, friend as Finland.
    Suddenly, an Italy cosplayer appears.
    We chat a while, and she seems pretty nice.
    Then she got all weird and stuff, put me and my friend in a fucking leash, and we were her 'dogs' or something.. She walked us around the con area, and was really getting pissed of, my friend thinking it's fun.. Then I took the fricking leash off and was going to go away, and that Italy bitch just kept putting on the leash..
    I just pushed her away and went away with my friend.

    The Italy still tried to put us on the leash..
    We just ignored her then.
    We saw her putting the leash on every hetalia cosplayer she saw.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)02:15 No.5000301
    This thread reminds of a friend of my friend.
    She is skinny, has weird facial features and wears silly clothes. She has really bad skin and is just nasty..
    One time at a convention, we were at a meeting with my bf. That girl, lets call her 'M', was there. She was sitting there on the lawn with some of her horrible weeb friends. At some point, when the meeting was going to an end because everyone were just chilling there doing nothing, she got crazy. She glomped everyone yelling "NO YOU CAN'T GO NYAAA" She did that almost to every single person. Then, she throwed her teddybear at everyone, and muttered something about her teddy getting mad and stuff... I can't understand how my friend can stand her. M is selfish and draws weird furry things..

    Once at an oekaki board, she drew an lineart.. Well, then someone had coloured it. I commented on the coloured one, pointing out errors in the shading etc.
    Then M really got pissed off and she was mad at me for a long time.

    sorry, boring stories but she just gets on my nerves sometimes..
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)08:26 No.5000833
    not actually drama, but a weird and funny story that happened to me on a con last week:

    >> being at a con together with my boyfriend
    >> receive a text message of a guy wo has had a crush on me (more than a year ago, I had my bf back then already) and I've had not much contact to for more than half a year at all
    >> "hey, as you are hardly online in messengers, I try it this way. I would like to talk to you. I know your are at this convention. Can we meet up?"
    >> say it's ok to meet up, don't think it would hurt to talk to him once more, tell him place and time to meet up
    >> find out, that he's not actually attending the con, but he would be sending his boyfriend
    >> WTF? how did he know about me attend the con then?
    >> seems like his bf saw me at the con and recognised me
    >> he then goes on in the SMS, that I should meet his boyfriend and make his fear of anal sex go away, so he could finally fuck him
    >> W T F?
    >> also he compares his bf to me all the time and how he should be more like me, blah blah... seriously, how can you do that to your partner?
    >> I'm getting this message, while we are waiting at the meeting point, so no coming out of this

    >> the guy appears, he actually looks way too much like a smaller and younger version of me, it`s actually kinda freaky. (first time I've met some kind of doppelgänger of me)
    >> he is a cute boy though and we have some fun at the convention
    >> of course we are not having a conversation with him about his sex life
    >> in the end we had a nice day with him, but I told the guy he should stop comparing him with me all the time, as it seemed rather rude towards his shy boyfriend

    But seriously, even though it was fun in the end. The whole situation was extremely akward and weird. But WTF-stories like this are part of a reason, why I still like attending conventions.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)08:44 No.5000859

    good story. shame its not real. drinking age in japan is 20.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)08:58 No.5000869
    I find that they never ID white people, they tend to assume we're all of age. A few American kids on the study abroad program with me are underage but they can buy drinks just fine. But him saying he rented a motorcycle is the fishy thing to me; they don't let you rent shit without a Japanese address/phone number/person with you.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)09:58 No.5000926
    >went to a con
    >see a cosplayer( a girl probably 15 or so)
    >she cosplays typical summoner yuna
    >take pic, ask her about the game
    >she asked "whats this final fantasy?"

    forgive me seagulls i know i should know better but i raged.
    The most insulting thing for me is a cosplayer WHO DOESNT KNOW FUCKING SHIT ABOUT THE CHARACTER. this is my horror
    and this happened more than once, not to just highschoolers. fuck this gay earth.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)13:07 No.5001292
    I studied abroad when I was 18 and got drinks from vending machines all the time. I never tried to buy one from a counter but both my white and black friends said they never got their IDs checked, and they were underage too.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)13:09 No.5001298
    They DID let my friends and I rent bicycles in Tokyo without a Japanese address/person/etc. We just had to have our school IDs.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)18:16 No.5002086
    A girl on a school trip to Japan bought booze over the counter when she was 15 or 16 (don't remember exactly how old she was on the trip but it was around that age). She was Korean with blonde hair, so I think they just assumed she was Japanese and out of high school because of her dyed hair. This was about 4 years ago now, dunno if they've gotten stricter about ID in Japan.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)18:18 No.5002092
    getting alcohol is still a big deal to you people? Are you the kind that brag about getting drunk
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)19:07 No.5002253

    You have very pretty eyes.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)19:47 No.5002330

    Is it possible to shorten stories? I know you guys like going into TONS of detail but after a certain point it becomes TL:DR.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)19:49 No.5002341
    The entire point of these stories is that they are as long as possible for maximum reading potential
    >> Anonymous 09/24/11(Sat)21:44 No.5002886
    uhhhhhh where are you getting that from, i just see a discussion on how often foreigners get carded in japan
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)09:37 No.5004504
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    Such a beautiful goldie, here's mine cuz why not? seriously i just envisioned myself breaking that woman in half out in my front hallway for hurting either of my dogs.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)13:25 No.5004928
    Obviously, weeaboo stories on tumblr is down. I heard she was doing the blog out of another site now? Anyone know about it?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)14:38 No.5005073
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    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)14:40 No.5005081
    Uhhh, is that a good reaction or just general shock?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:17 No.5005167
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    Sarah-chan's story proper.
    The one posted on WH is missing the DIE part.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)18:30 No.5005741
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    >be at AX 09
    >walking around with friends all as bunny girls, we didn't have enough time to finish our huge group cosplay plan so all went as such.
    >linger near a group doing 'yaoi' KH. Linger too damn long.
    >we were sorting our bags out but they came onto the man!bunny in our group, my brother
    >when defending him, they come onto me, his female twin, saying i look like a boy too.
    >in the middle of a mild argument with them telling them how rude they are when
    >hit SO hard on the back of my thigh/side of it/ass. That area.
    >hit so hard I fell over and burst into tears.
    >Was hit with a yaoi padel
    >they legged it as staff looked at us and came over
    >this was the bruise I had that came up the SAME day.

    Fucking hurt. My BF took the picture for me, so.. the name title..
    >> TK-421 09/25/11(Sun)22:00 No.5006347
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    G. No matter where you go in life, know this. You have my sword.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)22:09 No.5006390

    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)22:24 No.5006422
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    I don't actually have any drama but I want to know what the drama is with this Meredith/Ana Aesthetic person? I keep hearing bits and pieces about how she stirred up a ton of shit in Florida and had to move away it got so bad but not juicy details.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)22:59 No.5006529
    Changing names.

    So I have this friend, a little Taiwanese girl, really pretty, quite outgoing. Our group of friends went to a local con in 2009, Eve, the before mentioned friend, was cosplaying in a giant gown. The gown is heavily decorated because Eve handsewn all the decorations while she was hospitalized (she has a plethera of medical issues, and had just gotten out of the hospital right before the con.) Unfortunately, she lost some weight during the hospital stay and the gown was a bit lose on her. So we were sitting around in the afternoon to allow Eve to rest when Bobby found us.

    Now Bobby, he's a slightly chubby hispanic guy who somehow gotten it into his head that Eve liked him and that they belong together. He sort of offended her the first time they met by constantly speaking Japanese to her after she told him she does not speak Japanese. In the idiotic move of idiotic moves, he told her being Japanese is so much better than being Chinese and that she should have learned some when the Japanese was occupying Taiwan (not that she was alive back then.) Now, Eve doesn't have any ill feelings about WWII, but her grandfather WAS beaten into disability by the Japanese. Not wanting to make a scene, she just walked away.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)23:08 No.5006551
    In their other meetings, Bobby then tried to prove how Japanese was superior to Chinese by constantly speaking Japanese to her and showing her various Japanese things, like Pocky. Eve put up with it because she doesn't like to get too emotional (she has a heart problem) and just constantly tried to avoid him.

    But Bobby, thinking it's just her being a 'proper asian lady' (his own words) and being shy, started to pursue her through out the convention. Highlights of his adventure in courting her:

    > Claiming Nanking Massacre never happened
    > Walk up to us eating lunch at a table and took her food so he can feed her
    > Try to feed her mouth-to-mouth when she refused to be fed
    > Then say the food is not good enough for her health, and throw it on the floor
    > Tell her she's not being a 'proper asian lady' when she yelled at him
    > Comment on every picture of hers, with things like 'would be better if you showed more leg' or 'lean lower'
    > Try to get into every group of ours, especially as her character's love interest
    > If no love interest/character already taken, he would try to insist another character is the love interest
    > We never allowed him in on groups, but he'd just cosplay the character anyway and try to get pictures with her.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)23:17 No.5006573

    Now that's where the problem started. Unknown to everyone but a few of close friends. Eve was sexually assaulted in the hospital by another patient and has become quite frightened when anyone gets into her personal space without warning her first.

    So when we did a Gundam 00 group, and Eve was Tieria, Bobby cosplayed Lockon (despite us already having one) and tried to make another move on her. The rest of the group was trying hard to keep him away and pretty much surrounded her constantly. But then we decided to step out of the con center to get some fresh night air and was talking in a circle. Bobby suddenly glomped Eve from behind. Now, he was kind of chubby, and a whole head taller than Eve, so of course she went down. We were all kinda taken back and didn't really react until we heard Eve's muffled screaming under Bobby.

    We tried to pull him off, but he was a pretty big guy and all of us are girls. And he insist on 'comforting' Eve by cuddling her close when she's trying hard to get away from him.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)23:21 No.5006588
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)23:28 No.5006611

    We were frentic now, Eve really look like she was about to lose it. When two guys with a bunch of rave sticks appeared and pulled Bobby off of Eve. While Bobby was yelling at them for poking their nose between him and his 'girlfriend.' Except Eve was cowering in Nicole's lap, shaking so much that she was stuttering and looked absolutely terrified.

    I really don't remember what the guys looked like, my attention was mostly focused on Eve who was still sobbing badly. But they send Bobby on his way and escorted us back to the hotel.

    We never saw Bobby after that. Apparently they are military people, and they had threatened Bobby about what they would do if they caught him assaulting another girl.

    If you guys are reading this. I would like to thank you sincerely for helping us out that night. It was only after everything calmed down that we realized no one had gotten your names and contact info. So I would just like to say thank you on the behave of all of the group.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)23:31 No.5006623
    No problem kiddo
    >> Anonymous 09/26/11(Mon)21:53 No.5009585
    Bumping for this
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)10:27 No.5011186
    for real?
    not the anon who posted the story or even part of it, but thank you for being awesome.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/11(Tue)10:38 No.5011193
    would it be possible to have the first half of that?


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