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    12 KB Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)23:08 No.4985838  
    >watching anime at an anime con

    I seriously hope you seagulls don't do this.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)23:14 No.4985873
    >using shitty memes on /cgl/
    >> Anonymous 09/20/11(Tue)05:01 No.4987317

    I personally don't get the point of going to a convention so you can sit in a room and watch anime, either...

    Even worse are the people who bring their laptops.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/11(Tue)05:04 No.4987319
    I know I do for anime films and series I've never seen when I'm in need of a break or I don't have anything scheduled for a bit. Plus they're usually the best air conditioned rooms in the con so it's a great place to relax and cool down.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/11(Tue)06:36 No.4987404
    I know right, the purpose of anime conventions is trying to get attention as much as possible and of course suck at least 12 cocks. I don't understand why people who like anime even go to conventions because they're more like a social gathering, actually all the anime related stuff should be removed and replaced with cosplay/fun things.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/11(Tue)07:10 No.4987427
    I do when it's late at night, I can't sleep but everyone else is.

    Usually I'm drunk and I have a drunk bro or two too, so it's pretty enjoyable.

    Overall, I probably don't spend more than an hour doing it at a 3 day con. And it's full of ass during waking hours, anyway.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/11(Tue)08:53 No.4987529
    I think it's moreso the concept of paying to get into a con, and then wasting that time with something you could get for free. Cons are not only for hallway socializing, but often have panels, raves, parties and other forms of fun. If you sit around all day like you do at home, why even come?
    >> Anonymous 09/20/11(Tue)09:06 No.4987542
    >raves, parties
    These should be banned from cons, they only attract sluts and other people who don't belong there.

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