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  • File : 1316380243.png-(1.59 MB, 983x772, weeaboo horror times.png)
    1.59 MB HORROR/DRAMA GENERAL!! Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:10 No.4980195  
    You know the drill! Post:

    -Your drama, past or current, whatever you want to talk about.
    -Cosplay drama/cosplay horror. Some bitch ruin your outfit, did you sew your fingers together while making that sailor skirt?
    -Horror stories; cosplay related/con related/con culture related
    -Hygene horrors, drama's
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:15 No.4980209
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    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:35 No.4980248
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    BRB, preparing some popcorn.

    I only have the pregnant girl story.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:35 No.4980249
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    fake but good lol
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:38 No.4980265
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    guess i'll dump
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:41 No.4980270
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    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:45 No.4980280
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    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:48 No.4980295
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    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:49 No.4980298
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    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:52 No.4980305
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    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)18:01 No.4980330
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    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)18:09 No.4980340
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    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)18:10 No.4980341
    im sorry but posting a fake without saying
    >"hey guys this is my tale! Pic realted but not me"
    makes it sound fake...
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)18:39 No.4980377
    I hope Pete got what he deserved.

    I'm new here, I've not read the stories which everyone's seen before.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)18:46 No.4980382
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    I guess this would be con-friends/con-scene related despite it happening at a friend's house rather than at a con.

    I had just moved back home from splitting up with the person I really thought I was going to marry. He said he couldn't handle my emotional sadness from the loss of a direct family member so we called it splits and I moved back with my parents.
    It was the Saint Patrick's day after the whole ordeal [about 9 months] and I was still kind of getting over the whole thing. I got invited to a party with my regular group of friends and figured, why not, I could use something fun to do. We would usually get together, watch anime, talk like nerds, play video games, the usual. These people had been my friends for a good chunk of my life.
    So I go to said friend's house, we'll call him R, and he invited one of his friends to hang out too. Sure, I the more the merrier, right? We'll call him S.
    The night goes on like it usually does, we drink, watch movies, laugh but then stupid me, I get a little bit depressed again because I miss the family member that passed away. R had been telling me that I need to move on and that S was single and we should hook up. I declined and just shyly laughed at the whole advance as drunken stupidity. So while everyone was finishing playing up some Mario Kart I decided to go lay down because my I just wanted to have a moment alone for myself.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)18:47 No.4980383
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    I ended up falling fast asleep. I'm a really huge light weight and alcohol tends to just knock me out. R had said I could have the bed since everyone else made little camp out spots on the floor. So I curled up in the bed and settled in for the night.
    When I woke up the next morning, I felt something weird. Not only was someone else in the bed with me but their hand was down my pants and in my panties. Then I realized that his finger was inside of me. S had crawled in to bed with me sometime during the middle of the night and decided to touch me while I was still passed out. I didn't know what to do, I wanted to punch him, I wanted to cry, I wanted to run away but my body felt heavy like it was some sort of nightmare.
    After about 5 minutes of being fully awake and knowing what was happening, I finally mustered the courage and pushed away saying 'I have to go to the bathroom'. In the bathroom, I sort of broke down and cried and just, hugged myself in hopes it was still a bad dream but it wasn't.
    I came out of the bathroom and decided to go lay down beside my friend. We'll call her A.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)18:48 No.4980386
    Yay, another thread of reposts!

    Could you guys think you could go the extra mile and repost them as images so the text doesn't reflow on mobile platforms? Yeah, that'd be great.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)18:48 No.4980387
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    I curled close and told her what happened since she was waking up. When S left the room, I told R, A and her boyfriend, T. They didn't do anything. They laughed it off as him being desperate and told me I shouldn't make a big deal about it. I think maybe that hurt the most. I also think that's when I started to realize, maybe these aren't my real friends anymore.
    After a few years, I've stopped talking with all of them and started hanging around some new friends who I really love spending time with but we all did go to a con once and I saw all of them and S there at the con. I froze up and got a little nervous and scared and just, hid behind my new friends.
    I think that's probably why I'm shy and scared around new people now a days. I don't like being alone with guys unless I trust them and even then I tend to keep a distance and I never really look at them eye to eye. I tend to just shyly look around and fiddle with things.

    TLDR. I need to suck up what happened and move on.
    Have some Nutella, CGL.
    >> RiceBowl !Akz323Zsy2 09/18/11(Sun)18:56 No.4980407
    Thats classified as Rape, you know. You need a lawyer and some new friends.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)18:57 No.4980409
    Why u no sexual harassment/press charges?

    Now some faggot is walking around thinking it's okay to get away with that shit. Thanks.
    >> Singed !!nPGQ+PxWLb2 09/18/11(Sun)18:58 No.4980411
    Well she did say she left her old friends, but I do agree that she should of done something about it.
    >> RiceBowl !Akz323Zsy2 09/18/11(Sun)18:58 No.4980412
    oh my bad. missed the part where you said it had been years and you got new friends.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)19:03 No.4980433

    I went to Tekkoshocon in 2009 I believe, dressed as Near because I didn't get the costume I wanted to get done finished. It was a cheap near costume, using a Pandora Hearts Break wig. It was by no means good or bad. Before this I got a blister on the sole of my foot, so I was wearing ooc pig slippers because my foot hurt in the flat ones.

    I know I shouldn't have done that, but it was a costume for the sake of having a costume.

    Anyway, so I'm walking around the con, and I wave to other Death Note cosplayers. All of them snubbed me. At this time I was naive enough to think that people went to cons for fun and to meet new people.

    So I walk past these two cosplayers who are cosplaying Light and L. By this point I was so depressed from being snubbed and rejected that I didn't even wave to them.

    The waved me over to talk to them.

    And they were the /only/ good thing about Tekkoshocon since I started going about 3 years prior to this. I haven't been back since because I realized how elitist that one local con could be
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)19:06 No.4980438
    >sexual harassment

    You both spelled sexual assault wrong, but anon #2 was closer.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)19:07 No.4980446
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    sorry i'll continue dumping, sort of fell asleep.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)19:08 No.4980451
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    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)19:14 No.4980468
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    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)19:14 No.4980469
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    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)19:16 No.4980473
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    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)19:16 No.4980475
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    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)19:17 No.4980476

    My god. I hope whoever this was got tested.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)19:17 No.4980478
    Why do these people keep giving obvious retards/psychos/whatever the benefit of the doubt? I can see a second chance under some circumstances, but after that the victims have to accept part of the blame. So many of these horror stories could have been avoided if people knew how to say "fuck off."
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)19:55 No.4980586
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    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)19:59 No.4980607
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    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)20:11 No.4980647
    you know a theme for a thread has lost it's awesome when 3/5 of the thread is just screen caps...
    >> lawl 09/18/11(Sun)20:15 No.4980662
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    this guy at megacon, not only was it horrifying to look at but the guy is a complete asshole in RL
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)20:20 No.4980687
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    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)20:22 No.4980692
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    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)20:23 No.4980695
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    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)20:24 No.4980697
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    >> blah 09/18/11(Sun)20:35 No.4980738
    Tekko isn't that bad, you just didn't talk to the right people. I haven't had problems talking to people since I started going in 06 and im socially awkward. Usually people go with friends, and friends tend to have a pack mentality, because they don't want to run into crazies. Not to say that there aren't bitches there, but stuck up elitest tend to be everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)20:42 No.4980768

    right click images
    copy image location
    paste link in another tab
    see image

    you'll wish you hadn't though. pretty good real horror story.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)23:28 No.4981350
    does anyone have that story about a guy getting almost raped by two gay dudes who where cosplaying from dragonball z?
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)23:31 No.4981361
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    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)23:31 No.4981365
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    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)00:37 No.4981645
    Oh god that picture comment. I actually laughed in real life.

    Weeaboo guys are desperate though. seriously. (girls too, but they usually go about it in different ways)
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)00:40 No.4981660
    looks like she traced.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)01:01 No.4981757
    She used a base and added the hair/clothes.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)01:07 No.4981779
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    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)01:22 No.4981836
    wtf? you people are sick
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)01:23 No.4981840
    did anyone screenshot that mute girls story from like two days ago?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)01:29 No.4981856
    what? i didnt see that!
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)05:41 No.4982412
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)05:50 No.4982420
    i lurk /cgl/ just for these thread
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)05:56 No.4982424
    She was raped and couldn't scream to her friends who were on the next room

    She tried to excuse the guy who raped her as in 'I think he thought I was enjoying it'. A really nice girl, but clearly sick in the head, the poor thing

    Sauce as in 'source' is this exact same board you're posting in
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)07:20 No.4982532
    K started off innocent enough

    > Be in high school, in my weeb phase. Had a weeb best friend
    > Both of us were really into drawing animu
    > We always sat next to each other in art, always cracking jokes like "mine is better" etc
    > One day someone says to her "Hey K, anon is a way better artist than you".
    > ohgodwhydidudothat.jpg
    > From that day she changed

    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)07:24 No.4982538

    > She starts getting REALLY competitive. It was a slight annoyance at first, but quickly turned bat shit crazy
    > She then started imitating everything I did. EVERYTHING.
    > She started sitting like me, holding her pencil like me, wearing her naruto headband like me
    > I started dying my hair red, because you know I was supa kawaii~
    > The next week, she comes to school with the exact same hair color.
    > She says "I went through the trash in your bathroom to find which color you use"
    > she went through the trash. In my bathroom.

    >> 1 Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)10:56 No.4983091
    Elaine was the kind of girl that when asked if she had any siblings, she would sometimes think for a moment before answering. I had the unpleasant experience of meeting her at a convention, I am a narcissistic publisher working for a small publishing company, now a senior editor. I’m male and I was in my early twenties at the time this took place. I was pulled into the convention seen by a girlfriend at the time, an also narcissistic but histrionic girl who wasn’t particularly into anime yet cosplayed the skimpy outfits for attention among her peers. I was with her for sex, of course. After a month of dating her I realised how lowly intelligent she was and generally annoying; think of her as a Barbie plastic girl. Until I found what I was looking for at the time my nights were filled with plastic Barbie women. Anyway, she’s hardly involved; I’m simply explaining that at the time I was dragged to this anime convention by her and then promptly ditched and kept losing her, so I found my own fun with other idiots in this place.

    Whilst Barbie had disappeared into the crowds of overweight anime fans I was left to simply walk around. I stood out; I probably looked like a Father of a selfish teen; I was clad in quarter-smart clothing, a simple black turtle neck and trousers, carrying a long grey coat and I wear glasses. Although I don’t agree, a lot of people say I look like and dress like most characters Robert Downey Junior has acted as; mostly because I’m short and have a similar hairstyle and goatee. So they say anyway, now we can introduce you to Elaine.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)11:03 No.4983118
    Elaine found me idly stood within the artist’s ally, the only place I found amusing. I was looking over a stall of ‘keep calm, drink a lot of vodka’ and some sarcastic fictional short stories, reading over the tiny handmade books. I began talking about the publishing house I worked for to the stall owner, actually holding an intelligent conversation with him over his writing style and how I liked it, I brought a couple of his little books and hung around making small talk, when we were interrupted by Elaine. Elaine had overheard that I was an editor and promptly flew over to us squealing, putting her arms around my entire waist and squeezing me. Surprised, and raised my eyebrows at her, noticing the stall owner hide his face for a moment, chuckling at my misfortune. Elaine was a large girl, taller than me as most people were, and strong enough to lift my feet off the ground.

    “Sweetheart, take me to dinner first.” I joked, and stepped back from her when she let me go at that. She began asking if I published books and was I here scouting for talent, I tried to explain I was an editor and a sheep of the company and was here with a non existent girlfriend, but she rudely picked up the small book I had just brought, flicking through it pretending to rude it and thrusting it back at rolling her eyes.

    “This western shit is boring, do you read manga? Hee!”
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)11:10 No.4983142
    This girl had no idea what persona space was, she had rather putrid breath and looks, and I felt a little dirty having been touched by her. I’m as polite as I can be to most people, though quick to snap, and when she continued to advance on me I took no bullshit. I outstretched my arm and said ‘arms length’ to which she stayed at only when I had my arm extended, not taking in that I was being rude; she simply continued to talk about manga and yaoi manga, that I looked like somebody who might like yuri manga.

    At the time I did not care for anime or manga. I painfully listened to her, watching her occasionally spit as she spoke, and cut her off when I realised she was getting out something to show me.

    “Actually, um, Elaine,” I read her name badge, she was staff or something, wearing a name badge for some reason like a few others I’d seen were, “That’s lovely and all but actually I have to dash. “ And I literally turned around, sharing a stiff expression with the stall owner I h ad been talking to and left very quickly. For the most part I noticed her follow me, so lost her by weaving into the crowds.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)11:14 No.4983152

    >I am a narcissistic publisher
    >I am narcissistic
    >mostly because I’m short
    >I'm short

    I lol'd
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)11:21 No.4983168
    I saw her only once from a distance just after that and she didn’t reach me in time as I made my escape. I found myself smoking outside, under cover of the front of the entrance of the building, on the phone to my girlfriend trying to find out where the hell she was. She said, throughout the conversation, she was in three different places and didn’t care much about finding me. The phone call cut off with my lack of signal and I put it away again, and then felt arms around me from behind. I leant back into them thinking they were Barbie’s, only to hear that forcedly high voice from earlier.

    “I found you, *Japanese word here*”

    “Off.” I said sharply and parted from her forcing her arms off of me, and put my cigarette out on the ground.

    “Smoking is really bad for you.” She told me seriously as though I didn’t know. I smiled sarcastically, now annoyed that she had found me again. Before I could leave without being impolite she thrust a stabled together 90 page or so ‘manga; at me. It was terribly drawn, terribly written, and when I asked her how old she was I was shocked to find she was 23, almost my age.

    I got a long story of every single poorly thought of character in the book, her favourite influence was Twilight which at the time was not yet a film. It was a horrible half an hour, and she made me keep the copy of this ‘manga’ of hers. I threw it away when I got back to the hotel, only to find on the back was her phone number and email address. I simply ignored it, finally Barbie returned and we had two awkward nights before this god awful convention ended. But, there’s more.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)11:22 No.4983171
    I hate how the horror stories threads have turned into stories about people who just happen to like anime. I want some stories that happen at conventions or involve cosplay!
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)11:26 No.4983183
    to me 5'8 is short for a man, though not hat short in general.

    Two weeks from then, after promptly breaking up with Barbie and returning to work as usual, Elaine found me. At first it was an email ‘R u the guy i met at the con who wanted to publish my manga??’ Um, darling, did I say that? No.

    I emailed back for some reason and corrected her, telling her now what a piece of shit her thing was and not to contact me again. Two days later, I’m passing the lower floor of our building by and overhear an argument with my poor desk girl. Elaine was there, to my horror, demanding to see ‘the convention guy’. My desk girl was trying to get a name from her, but at her screaming and shouting was now asking her to leave, one button away from calling security so I stepped in quickly, feeling like I had to.

    I told her to ‘go get herself some water’ which was our little code for ‘we’re dealing with a psycho, alert security’ and she left, very shaken. Elaine was furious and looked as dreadful as she had done when I briefly met her.

    “There you are! You didn’t get back to me!” Yes I did, I sent you an email pretty much saying to fuck off. But she ignored this and got out another copy of her photocopied terrible manga, placing it on my desk.

    “So when’s the publishing date?”
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)11:29 No.4983191
    It took five minutes for security to come and stand right next to me as I explained to Elaine no mentally stable person would publish this bollocks, and she was thrown out of the building when she threatened to kill me for not publishing her crap. To me the situation was funny, but it had shaken up my desk girl, and security had dealt with her all day, stopping her from coming back so many times that they had her arrested in the end I believe. Not really a horror story but a stalker story, I still have no idea how she found my name out to find my work email.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)11:31 No.4983199
    eeee kay i have one like that! let me write it up first, my new computer keyboard makes me typo like anything OTL
    >> PastelConfections !!ejua3rxYLfa 09/19/11(Mon)13:33 No.4983504
    What would you guys think if I held a horror story panel at KatsuCon (or joined the one at ALA) and read some of these aloud...? Y/N?
    >> Turtle !!Ozhl4t+R47s 09/19/11(Mon)13:35 No.4983510
    I can't make it to Katsu but yes! And record it please?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)13:41 No.4983529
    That's what I hate about weeaboostories. So many of the stories are just about people who like anime, especially most of the "self-weebs." They're always like "ME AND MY FRIEND WERE 8 AND WE PLAYED FULL METAL ALCHEMIST ON THE PLAYGROUND. WE WERE SUCH WEEBS." I also hate the stories that are just drama/vendetta, and one of the people just happens to like anime ~therefore it's relevant desu~.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)13:46 No.4983549
    Pastel I love you!
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)14:06 No.4983623
    tbh no, reading other people's fictions might end up with you getting sued or something.. I'm an author to some of the famous ones and I'm not sure how I feel about them being read out, though I posted anon'ly so of course I have no say what happens to them. But still, bit weird to have my stories read out. And even worse for the ones that are real. What if that girl who got her throat slit walked by and heard you, or a recording of it what put out on the internet.

    No, pastel, I love you and your stories but reading these out loud may implicate the actual rape victims, what if their rapists heard it too, think of the trouble you could get in, with psycho's or their lawyers. If you do read them out, do not read out anything you haven't written yourself. It's a rape victims worst nightmare for the anonymous story to be read out in front of hundreds of people; if I heard my real story read out, I think I would have a life changing panic attack. Also, you have to think that to other rape victims who don't even know 4chan exist or whatever, this could be triggering.

    You can't go about in public reading such things aloud, you'd have to think very deeply on what to read and how to read it, privately. Families might pass by too. I think it's a horrible idea, personally, though I admire you so much.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)14:09 No.4983629

    It's something to laugh about in private, or with friends. In public, there is a chance of a volatile response which is all sorts of shit you don't need to deal with.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)14:09 No.4983633
    pastel please dont i wrote my story here in confidence that nobody i knew in real life would ever read it. my friends and i go there if they hear it my life is basically ruined. please, please dont.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)14:12 No.4983640
    I've not written any of the stories, but hearing them just triggers my feelings on what happened to me... I'm in the uk but if I walked past and heard something like this read out, in a crowded place where people like me struggle anyway? I don't know what I'd do. I'd feel even more uncomfortable. The thought is almost making me cry, it's a really bad idea.
    >> PastelConfections !!ejua3rxYLfa 09/19/11(Mon)14:17 No.4983656
    Glad to hear your opinions on the matter. I probably wouldn't read the really bad ones, to be honest (the ones involving rape or extreme acts of violence) because I am well aware of what that could trigger. And I haven't read the stories in this actual thread, either, so I didn't really mean any of these.
    I'd still like to host a panel, however, even if I'd just be sharing one or two of my own (there are a couple I can't share online that I could tell).
    >> Zahirus !cKIIerE.OE 09/19/11(Mon)14:26 No.4983686

    oh god YES!! where and when?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)14:29 No.4983696
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    I got a story from MCM expo october last year:
    >Have a sleep disorder, where I can't fall past the second stage of sleep easily or without drugs, and so struggle to get to sleep, I usually live on 4 or less hours of sleep a night
    >Be having a bad week before Expo
    >cosplaying Batman jokingly, like the rollar skates, the hot pants with the logo on, and the logo shaved into my chest, and of course the cape.
    >Quite popular, get a habbit of skating around outside, thus doing a lot, always on my feet.
    >Completely exhausted by the end of the day
    >Skate my way with friends back to the hotel in the evening, noticing our one otaku friend has found a life partner, a fat giant non-cosplaying furry wearing tail and ears.
    >AWIGHT.JPEG, head up, lay ont he bed for just a moment and out of exhaustion, find sleep.
    >sleep, glorious sleep. Apparently I was out snoring and everything for twenty minutes.
    >After twenty minutes something is put onto my face, my friends went back out without me leaving me with our friend and the weeb guy.
    >wake up to a horrible smell, of shit. Poo.
    >His shit-stained boxers are on my fucking face.
    >GAG, get up and throw them the fuck off me
    >"hehehe, told you it'd work!" they were both getting changed to go out with the others.
    >PUNCH him in the fucking nose and run to the bathroom to be sick
    >get up, see SHIT on my face in the mirror
    >rub it off, be sick a lot fucking more.

    He ran away before I could literlly beat the shit out of him more, half dressed, and was never heard of again. We had drama with the otaku friend of ours too and ended up chucking him out that night.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)14:33 No.4983713
    I wanted to write 'holy crap!' at first but... uh...
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)14:37 No.4983734
    I think your idea is interesting, but keeping the naratives on the funnier side. Like >>4983633 said some are really about being anon. I think it would be in your best interest to get consent from those who are to have the story told.

    I'm not sure how you'd plan to stage this, obviously if it's your own story it'd be easier to have a "story telling" experience. Key point is to have it entertaining.

    Personally, I'm really interested in your idea. I hope your able to do it for Katsu.
    >> PastelConfections !!ejua3rxYLfa 09/19/11(Mon)14:45 No.4983768

    I'm not really well-versed on panel hosting. The one I recently went to at NDK was pretty entertaining, though I would have liked it if the girl running it had asked the audience to shared their own stories. Although, there is also the downside that you'd get things you hear on weeaboostories on Tumblr ('omg there was this girl who liked anime and she was such a weeb').
    If you guys have any ideas or if people would like to help me co-host it and tell their stories as well, I'm all for it. Contact me on my deviantArt and we can go over it together!

    And yeah, if I end up telling someone else's stories, I'd definitely be telling humorous ones, so long as I can get permission to do so.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)14:50 No.4983790
    >Be at ALA, cosplaying with my baby and (23 year old) sister as Ponyo’s family, myself as Granmamare, my daughter as Ponyo and my sister as Fujimoto lmao.
    >Be breastfeeding her at this point
    >Wearing my maternity bra under my cosplay
    >Sat down with food and sister to breastfeed under the veil of my cosplay
    >Creeper comes and asks to take a picture
    >Shyly say no I’m breastfeeding right now, come back in half an hour.
    >He nods and leaves, but doesn’t leave, lingers around pretending to be looking at some nearby sign.
    >My sister stands up angrily when she notices him taking a picture of me breastfeeding
    >He actually runs off with his little camera phone
    >We see him around the con obsessively taking pictures from a distance of us
    It would have been fine if he had just waited, instead of taking near perverse pictures of me whilst I’m vulnerable and can’t move.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)14:59 No.4983843
    like he'd put full effort in to 4chan :/
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)15:26 No.4983955
    Hello CGL, I'm in the process of uploading all the stories here for you all. I thought it would be handy to archive them, and we can use future threads to actually post new stories, while linking to this for reposts.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)15:35 No.4983981

    You should do something where you tell three different stories. One can be real and the others can be fictional. Then you can have the audience guess which one is the real one.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)15:36 No.4983986
    Correcting typos, spelling words correctly and using correct puntuation and grammar is /effort/? I'm not even a native English speaker but shiiit I feel bad for those who are, and have to deal with idiots. Scratch that, this isn't restricted to English at all. I guess I just hate teenagers or something.
    Note: not talking about the original posts, but this "lol dis is innernets/4chanz not enlish class lol" attitude makes me want to punch babies.

    Sage for meaningless rage on my part. Sorry about that.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)15:42 No.4984003
    I think that, for someone in their line of work, checking their shit should be something they do automatically.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:01 No.4984055

    I definitely want to co-host!
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:26 No.4984167
    how could you hate dr rockso? he does cocaine!
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)19:04 No.4984724
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    My story is fairly mild, and I hope it's not too long.

    In high school, I became friends with this girl named, Violet.
    We had many things in common and were always together at school. One of the things she'd talk about was her best friend, Lily. From the way she talked about her, I figured I'd get along very well with Lily.

    A year later, she brought me to meet Lily at our local con. She was short and kinda chubby, with messy, bleached blonde hair. Her cosplay was the uniform from Ouran High School Host Club, but way too tight. The buttons were just barely in their holes as her unbound breasts pushed against the fabric. You could see rolls and bulges everywhere. Even her pants were too tight.

    Despite her appearance, she seemed nice, friendly, and really.. affectionate.
    As Violet introduced me to her, Lily's face, covered in mild acne, opened her mouth to reveal rows of crooked, slightly yellow teeth.

    "You're Anon-chan?! Herro~!" she greeted me, and instead of shaking the hand I stuck out to her, she pulled me into a long, smelly bear hug.
    I remember there being something very unusual about the stench. It was regular body odor, but combined with shit and poorly covered with a layer of perfume.

    After what seemed like years, she finally released me.
    >> Tae !!FET/wqSOx3X 09/19/11(Mon)19:11 No.4984745
    I know that if Steph ever found out that I had posted my story, she would hunt me down. No doubt about it
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)19:19 No.4984771
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    During the con, she would squee, glomp people, and whine about not having enough money to buy Ramune/Pocky. However, between those times, she would point out other con-goers and bitch about how weebish they all were. Even when they weren't.

    All the lolitas were ita, the cosplayers all sucked, nobody matched their characters, and she was so glad she wasn't like all the stupid weaboos here.
    At first, I thought she was joking, but No. She honestly thought she was better than almost everyone there.
    That was my red flag.

    The second red flag was Violet. Sweet, logical Violet, was joining in on the delusions. In all seriousness.

    To cope, I would just laugh in response to whatever they said and enjoyed the rest of the convention without any problems.

    Afterwards, the three of us would hang out a lot more. I was always much closer to Violet than Lily, but that didn't stop her from clinging to me.
    I noticed after a while, that when Violet would leave for a bit, Lily would keep trying to touch me.

    It was okay when it was just my arm or shoulder, even hugs. Until she started aiming for my thighs and breasts.
    I kept having to swat her hands away and would lecture her about personal space.

    "But Anon-chan! You're just so cute! You're like a little Tsundere~!"
    That was her only excuse and boy, did she use it.

    I actually complained to Violet about it, but she just told me that Lily was being affectionate and I needed to learn how to take a joke.

    I hung out with them less and when we did, I'd constantly move around so Lily couldn't touch me.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)19:41 No.4984882
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    However, I did talk with Violet just as much as before, if not more.
    She was perfectly fine when the topic didn't involve Lily. Naturally, we got even closer and became Best Friends.

    I guess Lily noticed this because at our next hang out, she glued herself completely to Violet and introduced us to Hetalia. We thought it was cool, while Lily became obsessed.
    Then came the character assigning. Lily gave us Hetalia characters that we were going to cosplay the coming year.

    Violet was assigned China, Lily gave herself Korea, and made me, Japan.

    We all played around in character for a minute and got bored, but not Lily. After that, Lily was in character all the time.

    Every time we were together she would cling to Violet and keep me at a distance. Usually by butting me out of conversations and pushing me away so she could be next to Violet.

    When I objected to this shitty treatment, she would reply, "Traitors have no say! After what you did to Oppa, you think you have the right to say anything?!"

    I'd constantly ask Violet to help me out, but she said that this was between Lily and me. We needed to work it out ourselves.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)20:02 No.4984981
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    I ended up not hanging out or talking to either of them most of the time.
    One day, I decided that I didn't really want to be Japan, I wanted to be Hong Kong. So I shot them a text explaining the change and started on my new cosplay.

    Almost every day after that, Lily would text me about how that's not funny, and I'd be screwing up the whole group. She'd constantly bitch about it, but I would refuse to answer anything she sent.

    When the con finally arrived, I met up with them. Violet looked happy, while Lily looked like she just ate sour grapes.
    After small talk and Lily's passive aggressive comments, Violet excused herself to the bathroom and Lily followed. I told them I'd wait for them. Then, after a few seconds I changed my mind and decided to go too.

    As I approached the restroom, I heard them talking. These restrooms were actually pretty empty. I stood near the entrance and tried to listen in on what they were saying.

    Most of it was them bitching about me. At first they ripped on my cosplay. None of the fabric was the right shade, I'm too fat for that character, etc. Then, they started getting more personal. Basically, I was an unfeeling, manipulative, spoiled bitch that couldn't take a joke.

    Now, Lily saying all these things, I saw that coming. It was Violet who was not only joining in, but also contributing to the insults. That's what hurt me the most.

    I went back to our original spot and swore to myself that after this con, I'd cut off all contact with them. For that time, I just wanted to have a good time without drama.

    When they came back, Violet apologised for being late. I was still hurt, but I tried to play it off. Sort of.

    "Finally! What, were you talking about me in there?" I joked, watching their reactions.
    Both glanced at each other and start laughing awkwardly.

    "Don't be silly, Anon! We love you!" Violet tried to assure me and gave me a half-assed side hug.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)20:20 No.4985061
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    During that con, Lily would constantly make remarks about my cosplay and how it didn't suit me. Violet wouldn't talk to me, and when she did, they were short replies.
    Besides that, they'd constantly "lose" me in the crowds. After the third time they ditched me, I went off on my own to have fun and meet new people.

    I assume they had fun without me because they didn't contact me for the whole weekend, and afterwards, I cut off all connections to them.
    But then, they started calling and texting my phone. At first they played nice, but after a while, started getting more aggressive.

    Violet would call me a horrible friend, while Lily ranted about how I really was Japan, I had betrayed them, and she knew all this was going to happen.
    I was being typical Japan, and by being this way, I was tempting her to turn into North Korea.

    "You dare stab China in the back, I'll fucking cut you! Fucking traitor!" was just one of the many lovely voicemails she sent me.

    After the first day of harassment, I would just delete everything they sent me without listening or reading any of it. They stopped soon after, eventually realizing I wouldn't respond.

    I became depressed shortly after that, but with a lot of help and patience from my new friends, I recovered quickly.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)20:25 No.4985086
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    Months later, there was a local cosplay meet-up at a park. I went there with two of my new friends, and guess who else was there?

    Violet and Lily, decked out in the same Hetalia cosplays as before.

    As we walked towards the tables, the two of them walked toward us. Only for Lily to bash her arm into my side as they passed by.
    Without thinking I turned around and ran past them, ramming my elbow into Lily's side as she did to me.

    When I turned to look, she had abandoned Violet and was running at me. Before I could dodge, Lily shoved me to the ground. I heard her huff and call me a "Filthy Jap" as she walked back to Violet. (I'm not even Japanese.)

    For once, I actually felt my mind go blank. I got up without a word, walked over to her, and as she turned to face me, I took all the strength I had and slapped her across the face.

    The sound of my hand hitting her face was like music to my ears. I even felt relieved.

    We were both in shock at that and as Lily recovered, one of my friends pulled me away. As we booked it out of the park, I quickly looked back to see Lily trying to run after us, with Violet holding her back.

    Later that night, I got more texts and calls, but I deleted them all without care. Until the two friends that were with me at the meet messaged me on facebook.
    They told me that Lily was sending them angry messages about how she's going to sue all of us and we should watch our backs. I just told them to block her and I'd deal with it.

    It wasn't until that moment that what I had done finally sunk in. I had assaulted someone. I worried about it for weeks, but nothing happened. No court papers, no police showed up at my door.

    I assume it was because there was no real proof. I don't really know what happened, I just count myself as lucky.

    Fortunately, I haven't heard from them since.

    (I'm sorry if there were any spelling/grammar errors, and if the story was boring.)
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)21:03 No.4985264
    Just use your own stories if you want to hold this panel so badly. Just because you think some aren't too triggery it doesn't mean they can't be for others or, what do you know, maybe someone told a sillier story as anon on here and still would never want it read aloud in a place where there could be people who would recognize events and characters.

    Be respectful.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)21:08 No.4985291 there's a fun argument going down on archive!anon's DA. Mygod, the people he/she has attracted just by favouriting their shitty self pics.. haha!
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)21:41 No.4985418

    HAHAHAHAHAHA, this probably has a horror story behind it.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)21:52 No.4985495
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    Though hitting her back was immature, at least they left you alone, Anon.

    God, this really makes me worry, though.
    I hope my Hetalia group doesn't face petty drama.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)22:06 No.4985547
    I agree, it was immature of me. I have no excuse for my actions. I'm just glad it ended at that.

    Also, you shouldn't worry too much. That story was when Hetalia was at the peak of it's popularity. Most of the crazies should have moved on by now.
    >> PastelConfections !!ejua3rxYLfa 09/19/11(Mon)22:37 No.4985708

    Yeah. I said I wouldn't do it unless I had permission to do so and I would share my own stories. I'm not going to fling drama around like that. I've had too many problems of my own happen and I understand the consequences. If someone wants me to tell a story, I have no problems with that. But like I said, not going to use any without permission.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)22:39 No.4985713
    Mm. I guess.
    There's still some lingering yaoi fangirls, but I think I can take it.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)23:45 No.4986070
    They've all moved on to Homestuck.
    I can't tell you how many awkward badly dressed cosplayers have creeped on me, have attempted to carry me off, or have made side commentary about how they'd like to fuck me or something. I probably bring it on myself by cosplaying Karkat, and thank you for the compliment I guess, but jesus christ...
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)23:58 No.4986157
    >Meet this girl in 9th grade, she's a year above me
    >She's really cool, into anime, video games, music, and is quirky like me
    >Hit it off, stuff is cool for the first year and a half
    >Halfway through sophomore year, things start to get weird.
    >Her power level starts showing. Turns out she only THINKS she's not a giaganto weeb, but in fact she is to the NTH degree
    >She's a phenomenal artist, but all of her characters are bishie gary-stues paired up with borderline self inserts.
    >Thinks fairies are hard core legit real, thinks that she's a wicca, thinks Ouija boards are safe, tried to use my cat (who's black) as a familiar. General SPESHUL SNOWFLAKE weird shit.
    >Doesn't like The Who, The Beatles, The Stones, Fleetwood Mac or any classic rock, doesn't like anything new that's good because if it's not J-Rock, it's not REAL music
    >Bails on cons if her outfits and cosplays are PERFECT, but doesn't start until the week before so she never shows up to anything and then complains
    >Is pole thin, but eats like shit. I'm built like a typical German with broad shoulders and a thicker structure. I'm no where NEAR fat. I can outrun, climb, and in general live her, and she doesn't understand how this is possible. Thinks she's supper healthy, and I'm not when I'm the one eating the salad and she's the one with the double baconater.
    >REALLY awkward, and doesn't do shit about it.

    It really sucks because I really thought she was a cool, sane nerd like my friends and I. She gives people like us a bad name.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/11(Tue)01:56 No.4986782
    Sucks that they ended up being bitches, but I hope your much better off now.

    Also, what is that art that you posted from. I'm digging it.
    >> Franchanon 09/20/11(Tue)02:11 No.4986847
    Bodysnatcher-chan OP here (

    Before anyone puts this into an archive, I'd like to expand on it. I have Facebook pictures and stories from N about what K was saying while I was gone/not in the house that I think could flesh out the story more (I was in a hurry when I first wrote it).
    >> Anonymous 09/20/11(Tue)03:40 No.4987183

    Yes please.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/11(Tue)04:03 No.4987235
    >> Anonymous 09/20/11(Tue)06:28 No.4987398
    Where's the expansion on the story, anon? You said there'd be expansion.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/11(Tue)11:58 No.4987779

    This makes me so mad to read, why don't people realize you have rights as a tenant, especially in the UK? It's completely up to you if you want a deadlock or a chain or a security camera, your landlord cannot say you can't. Your landlord has no legal right to enter your property using their key and needs to give 24hours notice and a good reason for doing so. You could have got the police and the council involved and got them in trouble and fined for breaking the law. What she was doing was illegal!
    >> Anonymous 09/20/11(Tue)12:17 No.4987798

    Oh my goodness that's so sad, that poor guy.. I was so ignorant about male rape, but now I feel like I understand how it can happen and how traumatizing it is.
    >> Elias Frost 09/20/11(Tue)13:11 No.4987875
    A&G Ohio 2011, I had a nasty run-in with some very weird Pokemon Fans.
    I cosplayed Giovanni that year, and got some pretty good attention, despite that my hair wasn't black. Nothing really bad happened at first, but I did have a few people hang out with me, but they weren't weird. We all went to the same panels, talked TF2, Pokemon, Minecraft, ect. Well, later down Friday evening, there are 1 or 2 people cosplaying N from PkMn Black and White, along with people fanboying/girling over them. Well when they spot me and my crew, I just smile and wave like "Hey, nice costumes, you guy-" right before I hear "GALACTIC IS BEST DEATH TO THE ROCKETS" before this little group proceeds to pretty much flash-mob me as my little crew I had gathered runs to grab security. The N cosplayers and their group weren't kicked out because they didn't leave bruises or anything visable to prove what they did. But nevertheless, I couldn't go near the entrance to the Vendor's room the rest of the weekend, because the minute I did, the little Galactic Freaks would tackle me, smack me, throw things at me, ect., as long as I was in my Giovanni Cosplay, which was the only cosplay I had that weekend (3 copies of it were really cheap to make).

    No visable signs of damage were done to me, but they did leave me with a sore back.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/11(Tue)13:28 No.4987908
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    >realize I am a big eater but stick thin girl who draws in weeb style
    >also realize I am kinda into that kind of /x/ stuff
    >also realize I am german
    >suddenly think this anon might talk about me
    >quite a few things don't match and I also know only a few people with similar hobbys, none being younger than me
    >then get depressed over the thought of people seeing me like that person anon described anyway
    >> Anonymous 09/20/11(Tue)13:54 No.4987955
    It'd made me less trusting, but overall, I'm better off now.

    I think, the pictures are Hetalia fanart from pixiv and google. I collected them over time.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/11(Tue)14:11 No.4987985
    Should've either yelled at them or kicked their asses.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/11(Tue)21:10 No.4988963
    I guess it's a bit late to say this now, but this!!

    I'm acting on behalf of my mother in a similar situation as that girl, and I have absolutely no right to walk in on my tenants the way she did. I never have had occasion to do so either, even though I hold a key in case of emergencies/urgent maintenance. One of the rights in a lease is the ability to exclude anyone else from the property, *including the landlord*. What she did was entirely out of line.

    Not that it really helps now, but heck, bad experiences with leasing can be so stressful.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/11(Tue)21:34 No.4989038
    We need more! <3
    >> Anonymous 09/20/11(Tue)21:57 No.4989125
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    Got a few capped I don't think have been posted. I'm relying on duplicate file warnings to tell me if they have, though, so sorry for any repost.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/11(Tue)21:59 No.4989129
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    That's the famous rape story requested earlier, btw. Personally I think it couldn't be more obviously fictitious if it ended with Bel Air.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/11(Tue)22:00 No.4989134
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    >> Anonymous 09/20/11(Tue)22:03 No.4989145
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    That's it, the rest were duplicate
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)08:34 No.4990374
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    I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)08:51 No.4990400

    I pray that this is fake, because I seriously cried the first time I read it
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)09:12 No.4990418

    Thinking Ouija boards do anything, or indeed are anything other than a toy... I hope tou aren't serious.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)09:40 No.4990440
    juggalo weeaboo, lamo.
    Anybody have any of those stories?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:08 No.4990631

    you* Sorry for the typo
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)15:15 No.4991010
    This isn’t really a horror story but more a form of weeaboo bullying, but hey you said drama op!

    This happened at a convention a few months ago. I’m female, lesbian, and was 19 at the time. I’m shy and withdrawn due to some social anxiety, so I’m considered ‘moe’ but every otaku ever OTL, and for some reason men don’t think shy women can possibly be lesbians. I had/have drama with a boy weeaboo and a girl weeaboo, both of who are not nice people in the slightest. You know that picture floating around the internet of a Mexican-white guy with afro hair and a serious face, slightly sweaty, looks like a rapist, and it’s often capped ‘I AM MOIST’ or other funny stuff; the boy in question looks like him, our group jokes about it loads.

    He has afro curly hair but is white, tall and slightly overweight, and a general downer. Every party we had (as our friend group of nerds) he would complain about anything; that we started drinking too early, that the music was not Japanese or to his exact tastes, that all the girls were not slutty enough, that the anime we were watching was bad. He also was extremely sexual, holding hands forcedly, groping breasts, commenting on very private body parts. Especially to me, because (i know you’ll all hate this) I’m too polite, too afraid to do anything a lot, so I allow it to a certain extent. He commented on my nipples once when I was cold, and when I reacted upset and shy, he just hugged me and laughed at how ‘moe’ I was. I managed to stand up to him and shove him off then tell him not to do things like that, that I wasn’t moe, I was like every other girl; frightened of him. He merely shrugged it off thinking I was cute; he is one of those guys that unless is punched in the face and called out by another man, will never listen or take in a woman’s opinion.

    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)15:25 No.4991041
    >>4991010Now, the girl. She was also in our group friend; through him, his only ‘true’ friend. I think they were fuck buddies of some form but he always denied it; mainly because this girl was not something to show off. She was 6’1 just as tall as him, had wide bulky shoulders and was a lot more overweight than him, she could be a fatty doing it right, but she wears clothes way too tight for her, still the scene or emo clothes some of us wore at 13, 14. Our group by the way, all goes to uni together, I knew my main four friends at college too, and my crush who is also involved in this story, let’s call her Supergirl as she cosplayed her, but anyway, we all met boychan and girlchan at Uni that year, we got on with him (though myself and another rather shy girl didn’t feel comfortable with him) and became friends with him, then after six or so months of knowing him, took them both to a con; he insisted girlchan came too.

    >So we split into two cars to fit everyone but being cheapass students booked one room with two double beds for all seven of us, packing into the car sleeping bags and pillows, and I was wrapped in my duvet in the parking lot as we packed up, ready to wear it in the car the hours journey.
    >Shy girl and three of my friends picked one car, somebody else about to go with them when I freak out, realising I would be going with boychan and girlchan on my own.
    >Then supergirl, who I totally crushed on and have done forever, noticed this and saved me, saying she would come with me. So boychan drove and girlchan claimed the front for her fat ass.
    >Me and supergirl sat in the back sharing my duvet, talking between ourselves rather than with the other two, though we were forced to converse, she agreed with me they acted rudely and out of place to me and others.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)15:31 No.4991056
    Please tell me you get with supergirl
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)15:44 No.4991097
    The first ‘weird’ thing of the drive was boychan not letting me have my window down in the back because he was cold. Fair enough, but I mean the whole hour and twenty minute (it turned out) drive we had the windows all closed up, and I could smell girlchan’s BO faintly.
    >pull up, boiling and have red cheeks from getting so hot.
    >”Anon! You’re so cute, blushing at being so close to me~!” says boychan, pulling me into his stinky cologne soaked torso.
    >Get away from him quickly and trudge up with the others, supergirl carrying my bag as I carried the duvet.
    >Straight away boychan wanted to share the double bed with me. Saving me, supergirl said I was all hers, and we set up camp on the floor, laying on the sofa cushions from the sofa bed, and putting our duvet on top, making up a nice bed for ourselves.
    the first day was ‘okay’, we got changed into our cosplays and headed down and for that whole day I stayed with supergirl, walked around together, and she hinted in the evening (still on our own, texting the others) that she liked being with just me, we had a thing for each other.
    >Finally we had to head back to the hotel, we’d been back and forth but managed to avoid everyone else.
    >boychan was having a shower, stood around with a towel around his waist, not a nice site to see, but girlchan is creaming over his appearance and being grossly sexual.
    >When I roll my eyes, thinking nobody would see, she stands up and gets in my face asking me if I had a problem.
    >”W-Well, just if you’re getting changed and doing stuff just in a towel, you should do it in the bathroom still not in front of everyone else.”
    >Fair enough, right? Nobody wants to see him half naked. He gets all emo saying I don’t like him, nobody wants to see his ‘disgusting body’ and so on, being dramatic. All drama over nothing.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)15:52 No.4991116
    I get with super girl~

    >For the rest of that evening, girlchan is rude to me every chance she gets, but supergirl is having none of it and defends me every time.
    >The first night was awkward and horrible for me. We all had changed into jammies and showered and were just sat in our beds covering the floor and the actual beds, hanging, discussing today and tomorrow.
    >I came out from getting changed into jammies, girly but normal ones (cotton top and pants, pink, some cute repeated pattern of a cat in pj’s) that girlchan had seen before at a sleep over, and she takes the absolute shit out of me.
    >HAHA YOU LOOK LIKE ENGLAND!! (she’s a hetaliafag) “oh my god you look so lame” “are you for real?” “i can see your nipples through that, why are they always hard?”
    >They weren’t, she was just being an asshole. I know how all of that (at once, one after the other) could be seen as light mood joking, but I’m sensitive and took offense, especially when she’s rude and mean to me all the time anyway.
    >Cover my chest up and get into bed with supergirl, who then suddenly, in front of everyone, kisses me on the lips.
    >I’m shocked but everyone in the room is all ‘AWWW, YOU TWO <33’. Supey was just comforting me, knowing how insecure I am, but she was flirting too.
    >Instantly, girlchan says how gross lesbians are, and though I’m openly gay I don’t broadcast it, however, supergirl..
    >Sits the fuck up and looks directly at her, (lights still on, still talking) and asks her to say it to her ‘lesbian face’ haha. cont
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)16:05 No.4991152
    >Sneering, girlchan does, and they get into a little fight that ends with boychan saying ‘yuri is cool’ and girlchan suddenly agreeing.
    >We go to bed, and that night, quietly in a whisper, supergirl asks me out. We’ve been bedroom-eying each other for a long time, so it felt right, and good, nice. We cuddled up and kept it a xecret for now, everyone else assumed there was something between us anyway.
    The next morning, I had an oh so lovely wake up call...
    >boychan straddles me in bed. This actually hurt, under the covers I was against supergirl, my leg over hers, between hers, if you know what I mean? We were just intwined, and then fatboy comes and straddles ‘me’, so puts hi heavy knee on supergirl’s leg waking her up suddenly in pain, and crushes my hip and ribs.
    >Though we reacted in pain and move him slightly to hurt us less, he keeps advancing with rancid breath and his plump hands holding the sheets down, inches from my face and not too far from super girl’s.
    >”Morning ladies~” He smirks, and begans asking if we had sex last night, saying he could hear panting and moaning. We didn’t, at all, we were wiped and fell asleep almost immidiatly, well I did at least.
    >As we deny it and finally move him off of us, girlchan, clad in only a nighty, showing the tops of her hairy thighs, occasionally flashing us her panties barley containing her huge forever untouched brush when sitting cross legged, pulls the covers back, sucking her fingers, saying in a ‘kawaii’ voice “That was me, hehe...”
    >GROSS NOPE.jpeg
    >the whole room ‘OHHH GODDD’s and we go about getting changed and up.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)16:05 No.4991157
    Supergirl sounds hot. I like her.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)16:10 No.4991178
    >I go to shower, and our bathroom did not have a lock on it. I’m too retarded to figure out how the shower works so give up and take a bath instead, running it whilst doing girl things and getting in, washing off quickly.
    >boychan walks in. Just walks into the bathroom, leaving the door wide open.
    >Scream, cry because he defiantly saw my breasts; I instantly cried, hard, and he merely sighed dramatically saying ‘oh my god, I’m just getting something, I don’t care.’ Sure, he doesn’t, but I do! He got a bottle of deodorant from the side and left, LEAVING THE DOOR OPEN.
    >Continue to cry, yelling loudly for him to shut the door. I get really high pitched when upset so of course he just says ‘MOE~’ from the main room. Supergirl shoved him so hard he falls onto the bed but laughs, and comes to shut the door for me, leaning against ti for a while asking if I’m okay. I asked her to come in, and instantly girlchan said ‘gross!’ from the main room as she did, and hugged me despite me being wet, and uh, naked.
    To explain to others, the reason I am so insecure about my breasts is for the whole year boychan has teased me about my nipples, which have nothing wrong with them, but on my left breast I have a huge scar from a hot water burn as a child, like it’s pink-white scar tissue that runs just over the underneath and on my ribs, up to the middle of my chest. It’s still noticeable as I had the last skin graph done at 16, the incident happened when I was 11.
    Anyway, we have an intimate moment when she touches my breasts, in only a kind way, and tells me they’re beautiful, not to worry even if he had seen them. cont
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)16:21 No.4991213
    Now, this was important for what he said at lunch. I didn’t look at him when I came out, though he said a stiff ‘sorry, though you totally over reacted.’ Harsh. We all headed down and me and super girl avoided them again until we all met up for lunch via coincidence at the same place.
    >Sit down, unconsciously putting my arms in front of my chest, and girlchan gets so annoyed over this that she sighs loudly and grabs my arm, yanking it down, pulling my elbow off the table.
    >”Stop being so annoyingly insecure, you don’t need to cover your tits, NOBODY CARES BUT YOU” Said this really loudly in public.
    >”Exactly, she cares, leave her alone.” Says super girl, and we have an awkward lunch together.
    >At this point, after a small awkward silence, boychan mumbles loudly ‘I don’t blame her’
    >”Wh-what?” I ask, already feeling tears in my eyes.
    >”Well, because your boob is all mutilated.” He, said, this, in front, of, everyone. My heart stopped, I swear. It might sound like nothing but for him to say that, and in my head I truly feel like it is, it was my worse nightmare, and I put my face in my hands and started crying.
    >Super girl and he proceed to have a lawyer style argument and he just thinks that it’s funny, and that I’m over reacting.
    >Though super girl had her arm around me, girlchan got annoyed again and yanked my arm away really hard to uncover my face, telling me to ‘grow up’ and get over it. Cont.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)16:25 No.4991226
    Pics of mutilated boob please.

    purely for evaluation reasons.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)16:28 No.4991234
    >I got up and left, and so did super girl and two of our other friends, saying what an asshole they both always were to me. I got three nasty texts from girlchan and two from boychan saying sorry and then being down on himself, pretty much this.
    >Girlchan: u r such a drama queen u really need to grow up
    >Girlchan: like u r really immature he didn’t even do anything and u made him look bad
    >Girlchan: u made him feel really bad u know that? He is upset n didn’t do ANYTHING U R SO MEAN.
    >Boychan: look i’m sorry okay.
    >Boychan: fine don’t reply, nobody likes me anyway so i don’t blame you, just forget it i’m sure everyone hates me now too because of this.
    I turned my phone off, and spoke to them quietly accepting his apology stiffly when we all got back that evening, having Japanese take out.
    >Girlchan says nothing to me about her mean texts, just gives me glares, and told me I was eating the Japanese food wrong, offending the Japanese nation. Cont.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)16:30 No.4991240

    what the fuck is wrong with some people

    gee. i hope they don't contact you in any single way nowadays.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)16:35 No.4991252
    >eat japanese food "wrong"
    >offend entire country
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)16:39 No.4991266
    Um, fuck no.
    >After dinner we sat around, with boychan sulking in the corner being emo telling girlchan to ‘leave him alone in his corner’.
    >As we’re getting ready for bed, out of nowhere, boychan just storms out of the hotel room with no card to get back in, nothing. Attention seeking by storming off, girlchan blames me for making HIM feel uncomfortable. Ignore her, completely, though she starts saying a lot of thigns before another friend tells her to back off, we all go to bed, without boychan.
    >At, not joking, 2:01 AM (was the time on super girls phone) he knocks at the door to come in. Our friend lets him in asking what the fuck was he doing, where the hell did he go.
    >”Leave me alone” mature. He just strips into boxers and gets into bed, talking loudly with girlchan about how he didn’t feel welcome here. I’m sorry, but I got on with him after that, I did ‘get over it’ and got on with our evening, he was the one suddenly being weird for a situation he put himself in.
    >I’m listening the whole time to the both of them bitching about me and super girl, saying how we’re not real lesbians and super girl’s cosplay was bad, and that I’m pretending to be so shy and ‘moe’. For god’s sake, I’m just normal and quiet. Anyway, I get ready normally and I force myself to be overly nice, jokey and polite to both of them, surprising them both. Cont.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)16:42 No.4991278

    Love, this is a horror story. I mean, girlchan and boychan are just plain HORRIFYING.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)16:47 No.4991295
    >At one point we’re actually sticking as a group, walking around the dealers room, and girlchan becomes my BEST FRIEND EVUURR when she sees some Bleach stuff she wants, asking me to buy it, giving three different sob stories.
    >Politely say no, I only have emergency money left. ‘I’ll pay you back!’ s-sorry, no.
    >”Wow, I thought you changed, you are such a bitch.” She smiled at me, and walks off with boychan.
    >Super girl gets angry but I tell her to leave it, planning to seriously never speak to them again after this. Me and her head back together to drop our bags off and start packing our stuff, leaving that night to head home, in our other friends car this time (so we thought).
    >End up just chilling and not heading back to the con scene, and are laid on the bed boychan and girlchan were sleeping in, on top of the covers, fully clothed, catholic style NOT doing anything.
    >everyone comes back after an hour wondering where we got to.
    >girlchan runs over, drags me by my feet off the bed so that I painfully fall on my, well, butt, on the floor, pretty hard. Oww, wth?
    >Rub my ass as I get up, telling her that hurt and all she says is ‘GOOD’. We’re all sharp with those two, the whole group not liking them now and not that much before this convention, and we all pack up ready to go.
    >Nobody wants to drive with them so everyone runs to get in our friends car with their stuff, and me and super girl are left out again to travel with them, boychan and girlchan not happy either. cont.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)16:56 No.4991322
    >So we hesitantly get in the car, even calling a taxi service first to find they would charge a loooot of money, so deal with it, pack our stuff up and get in. Boychan slams his door when he gets in.
    >Feel that anxiety inside and try not to say anything at all, quietly replying to super girl and dealing with his awful metal music he turned up really loud, also driving really dangerous because he was so pissed off, swerving around corners really fast, over taking on every inside lane he could.
    >Very politely, I asked him to slow down and drive safer as I was scared. Que shit storm of an argument.
    >He only gets angrier and over takes rally badly somebody else who gets pissed off and beeps him off, so he yells to them from in his car. Now even girlchan is gripping the car seat, and super girl asks him to please slow down, and calm down.
    >Suddenly, he swerves over both lanes onto the side of the road, as in the grassy countryside edge of the damn road, not the road at all, and comes to a sudden stop, all of us shooting foreward. He litteraly suddenly breaked at around 50 mph.
    >Then he ‘calml’y tells us to get out. On the middle of a highway in the middle of nowhere.
    >Argue for a bit ask him why he’s being such a nutcase, and he keeps saying ‘just get out’.
    >We get out, about to open the boot for our stuff, and he drives off, pulling into traffic almost getting into an accident. He just TOOK OFF with our stuff, we do not know him well enough to know where he lives, just vaguely knowing he lives in an apartment with another friend of ours who we don’t hang out with, we only see him at Uni.
    >Call a taxi straight away, and then find that friend through facebook (thank goodness we had our phones) and phone him too asking where he lived, driving in a taxi to his place. cont.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)16:59 No.4991327

    >> Tae !!FET/wqSOx3X 09/21/11(Wed)17:00 No.4991330
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    I....Oh my god why did you get in the car with that crazy bastard?! I would've dealt with a taxi charge after all of that!
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:02 No.4991334
    Jesus Christ, F5ing and popcorn.gifing like the wind to this.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:04 No.4991338
    The taxi ride was really expensive, and we were so pissed off he just left us there, we had to walk a mile to a lay-by to be picked up too. Okay not a mile, but quite a way.
    >pull up at his house just as he is, demand for our stuff back, he actually says ‘what stuff’ but super girl forces him to open the boot being the bad ass intimidating girl she is, and we get our bags.
    >We leave in the taxi to our place where the others were heading to (our huge shared house) and tell them what happened and how much that taxi cost us, and they were all so shocked. At uni he ignored us, luckily, though spread bullshit about us demanding to get out the car in the middle of nowhere, but pretty much nobody but girlchan likes boychan, and nobody likes her either.
    >So we see them from time to time but don’t speak, though girlchan loves to be mean to me and bitch whenever she can. She sent a few nasty things on facebook but I deleted them and blocked her, and him too. And that was my drama/horror story! Not that bad considering others D; but it still shook me up for quite a while.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:06 No.4991345
    are you and supergirl still together?
    >> Tae !!FET/wqSOx3X 09/21/11(Wed)17:07 No.4991349
    >not too bad considering others
    Uh, you were harassed by a hambeast and her love-interest. Abandoned in the middle of nowhere on the highway. Had your stuff stolen.
    May not be a rape story, but that's still awful to have happen.

    On a lighter note, you and Supergirl still together? She is fucking BAMF
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:08 No.4991352
    AWWWW SHIT. did anyone cap that? I usually cap anything but i really cant be fucked tonight, please somebody else do it.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:10 No.4991358
    I second this please
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:12 No.4991364
    whoever does cap it make sure to post it here, and to save it as a PNG. I'm going to end up doing it arent i..
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:13 No.4991368
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:14 No.4991370
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    Holy shit dude
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:24 No.4991383
    I capped it you lazy fuckers, it'll be on in a bit
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:30 No.4991408
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    there enough room in here for another longie? I got one about this girl who hurt my dog and then stalked me at a con. Got some messages I can dig up and cap too.. i have noo idea how you check the room of a thread sorry!
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:33 No.4991419
    Yes please!!
    Thank you
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:52 No.4991646
    I fainted at a convention once, I was taking my friends bags back to our hotel room alone and coming right back, but fainted when I was outside, I was only out for a minute but some random creeper decided to carry me .. God knows where, he told everyone we were friends but I’d never met him in my life. I woke up bridal style in his arms being carried away from the hotel area and away from the convention area. I kicked about until he put me down pretty fast explaining he was taking me off to the edge to lay me down, but we were headed across a road, I made him put me down right on the edge of the road. Scary experience, and I bumped into him a few times after that, it really creeped me out. Later found out I was pregnant which was why I fainted, but I’m just glad I woke up in time encase he was taking me God only knows where to do God only knows what :c
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)19:01 No.4991675
    If this thread hasn't maxed out when I get back from shopping, I'll post a story of mine. It's not nearly as intense as most of these, but having a gaiafag threaten to find you, and beats off everyone that got near me was scary at the time.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)19:09 No.4991703
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    >>4991695 new thread for this one is maxing!

    NO reposts, direct them to where the best posts are archived.

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