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  • File : 1316341364.jpg-(67 KB, 500x707, bad-charity-challenge.jpg)
    67 KB Heart of Gold Threat Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)06:22 No.4978904  
    We've had threads about weeaboo horror stories and awesome con moments. How about any stories when you showed an act of kindness in something nerd related be it giving something away or helping someone out.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)06:31 No.4978927
    Reposting from another thread...

    Have girlfriend who's thin, attractive, and into lolita
    >Totally support her lolita habits, think she looks amazing, smile when she -constantly- gets compliments around town
    >People slow down driving by her, look at her like she's a superstar, are clearly impressed
    >Absolutely terrifying type people, biker dudes, guys covered in tattoos, absolutely fucking ripped and could tear me apart come up, and politely tell her she's absolutely beautiful
    >Randomly, one day, a group of chubby, slutty, poorly dressed (short shorts, shoddy makeup jobs, etc.) highschool girls eating at a KFC start laughing at her
    >Overhear one of them "I didn't know it was Halloween!"
    >Turn to them and calmly say, "Oh, so you dress like a prosti-tot every day, then?"
    >Walk away, they stare in confusion... A few moments later, one of them finally gets it, and yells out "Fuck you!".
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)06:42 No.4978939
    One time I bought a Baby the Stars Shine Bright ring and gave it to a random lolita.
    >> Magical Machete !KonabiK9d2 09/18/11(Sun)06:53 No.4978955
    I have a friend who loves lolita, but she doesnt have the money for it. AP is her favourite brand... I've given her two AP dresses, a BJD, and two cosplays. I have another AP dress I got her for Christmas in my room now, and a new wig for one of the cosplays I bought her before...
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)07:20 No.4978972
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    I love hearing about boyfriends supporting their girlfriends. Good job anon!
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)08:00 No.4979048
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    >> G !!0KLJYlknxts 09/18/11(Sun)13:00 No.4979484

    This is going to be a long story so I'm warning you ahead of time.

    I had a friend who's a super hardcore voice acting fan and has always been pushing me with me endevors to be a voice actor. Guy is a valuable source of information and a great friend. One day he was actually let go from his job due to bullshit reasons and was wallowing around in the biggest depression funk I ever saw him. After staffing AOD I learned that Bang Zoom's Adventures in Voice Acting was coming to the Bay Area in about a month so I got an idea.

    Around the same time my friend was a huge fan of a board game called Red Dragon Inn and knew I posted on their forums a bit asking questions about rules. There was going to be a third set released and he was super excited for that debut.

    To make a long story short, I called his family up and told him my plan to enroll the guy in the Adventure's in Voice Acting Class. After helping pay a portion of the cost (100 bucks plus the fee of my own lesson) I told my friend that I was invited to beta test the third Red Dragon Inn set and I could bring one extra guest to attend. I gave him a date to be free and began to make my move.
    >> G !!0KLJYlknxts 09/18/11(Sun)13:13 No.4979509

    During the month waiting period I would occasionlly call my friend to help feed the lie. I'd ask him stuff like what will his strategy be, what card will he get autograph if he sees the creator and what sets he's dying to play. Meanwhile I'd tell him to bring items needed for the voice acting session but under the context of a card game. Saying stuff like.

    >I bet you that there are gonna be changes, take a notebook and pen so we can write them down as I'll be too busy playing.
    >Don't forget to bring water, we're gonna have some long sessions.

    Guy was falling for my lies hook, line and sinker. On the day of the lesson we arrived in SF via BART and my friend was accompanied by his brother. Leading the way I simply told them to simply follow me to the game story. We stopped by at a local gas station under the context of me being lost, I told the two brothers to stay put while I raced ahead a few doors over to the studio to check my friend in and have the clerk buzz us in on site. When I ran back to the station I pretended I was lost and slowly lead the group back to the studio where at that point I started acting confused. I suggested to them that we should go inside the place in hopes of looking for directions. Inside was empty due to us being thirty minutes early for the lesson. I made my way toward the back under the guise of looking for a person to talk to all the while my friend was just super confused to why I we were walking around a sound studio so casually. Finally I found the main recording booth and saw his teacher and simply said "Hi Tony."

    Once my friend saw that he was standing in front of Tony Oliver and what he was going to do that day his mouth stayed open for a good five minutes and the guy was just DUMBFOUNDED by surprise and joy.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)13:20 No.4979521
    Not much of a story, but... Once I was walking with a friend from a con to my house and my shoe's strap tore completely off of the shoe. It was unrepairable, so I thought I'd just take off my shoes and walk to my house barefoot.
    My friend proceeded to take off his shoes and give them to me for the remainder of the walk home. He walked barefoot so I wouldn't run the risk of cutting my foot or something... It was so kind. ;_;
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 09/18/11(Sun)13:20 No.4979525
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    May or may not be related.

    I went to Japan with my parents when I was about 9 years old.
    We were at a park. I was just hanging out by myself next to a pond; my parents were across the area looking at something. This old japanese lady walked up and started talking to me in Japanese...

    I wish I knew what she was saying. She was just pointing at the pond and talking in Japanese. Might have been some good ol' Japanese wisdom talk, but I will never know.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)13:30 No.4979545

    ...what the fuck does this have to do with the thread?
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)13:32 No.4979548
    Went to the movies with my friend the other day, and as we were walking back to my car, we were behind a couple with a small child, maybe three or four or something. He was playing with a toy and dropped it. She stopped and knelt down to pick it up, and, still kneeling, gave it back to him.

    Totally stupid, but I was blindsided, and that one hit me like a ton of bricks. Oops. Need to remember to keep the deflector shields up next time. Oh well. I'm honored to say I know somebody with that sort of kindness in their heart.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)14:35 No.4979723
    A positive thread? On MY /cgl/?
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)14:37 No.4979733
    >>I know somebody with that sort of kindness in their heart.

    Cute sentiment, but I guarantee that most people you know have that level of kindness in their heart. Giving a lost toy back to a young child in which you have no other investment is nice, but it's garden-variety nice. I hope you take this as a good thing rather than a slam on your friend: most people are kind like that in a variety of circumstances. Truly.

    For my part, I was working at a convention event and someone who had already won the prize I awarded (a party ticket) found me while I was off-duty at the end of the day and, in tears, explained that she'd set her bag down in the bathroom and walked off without it; her cellphone and badge were gone, and so was the ticket. Could have been a scam, but the ticket was such a trivial thing and she was so visibly upset that I went behind my boss's back and stole a replacement one for her. She hugged me, and I saw her at the party later having a fun time. She hugged me again. Felt good man.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)14:48 No.4979767
    AX this year

    > Got like 5 bottles of morning rescue for free from Jlist because friends were dressed as Morning Rescue
    >Ended up getting 4 last minute tickets this year to the Kalafina concert at AX.
    >Go dressed as Madoka and give other three tickets to friends and ended up making their con for at least two of them.
    >I end up in line with one of them as the other two went to go drop off stuff at the hotel
    >Security tries to confiscate my prop bow and friend's bottle of morning rescue but we convince them to hold onto it for us until the end of the concert
    > Concert was awesome
    > Goes to pick up bow and morning rescue
    >see a guy trying to pick up the his morning rescue except they threw it out when they promised they'd hold onto it (He paid $15 bucks for it)
    >we feel bad and ended up giving him our bottle
    > He looks super happy and says he got rescued by Madoka and Morning rescue

    I really hope we made his con at least a bit better.
    >> LittleJelloSalad !YG.DdnIWg6 09/18/11(Sun)15:06 No.4979820
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    I didn't do it, but someone did it for me.
    >Back when I was 15? 15 or 16
    >Cosplay Lelouch
    >It's my first REAL cosplay and I'm super nervous because it didn't look anywhere as good as the other Lelouch cosplayers I had seen.
    >Get stopped by this girl a little younger than me, in typical cat ears and the such.
    >She looks super fucking stoked and asks for my picture.
    >Gets picture with me
    >Then shyly hands me a drawing she did of Lelouch and tells me I'm the best and I made her convention.

    >My face, man. My face.
    I still have the drawing. Everytime I feel down about my cosplays, I look at the drawing and it instantly makes me feel better.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)15:38 No.4979901

    That honestly doesn't sound special or unique at all. I don't know anyone who wouldn't stop to do that. It's just an automatic thing. Not to demean your story but... dude there's nothing special about it.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)15:42 No.4979915
    Wow, that was a real sweet story
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)16:18 No.4980050
    >Anime Central 2010
    >Be backstage for masquerade.
    >Two J-rock cosplayers huddle by the doors to watch the Yoshiki story during half-time.
    >A staffer starts talking to them and eventually all three girls move closer to the screens.
    >Get close enough that they can see the stage clearly from where they're standing.
    >Yoshiki comes out on stage.
    >Girls start crying from surprise and excite.
    >I d'awwed.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:23 No.4980224
    Bump for more happy stories!
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:37 No.4980257
    >At a dealer's hall
    >There's a booth having an auction for random stuff. People seem into it
    >A Miku statue is being auctioned and there's this girl cosplaying her stoked in trying to get it
    >Notice a depressed look on her face when someone runs up the bid by about 40 and she stops bidding
    >Drop a bid of $350, win the statue, hand it off to the girl and go back to chilling with my friends

    It was my last con, seeing as how there was some drama that made me stop wanting to go to cons. I still make props though.
    Seeing that girl's happy face when I gave her the statue made for a good moment.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:58 No.4980322
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    Excuse my way of writing. I'm not very good at this stuff.

    One time I went to the themepark to see a friend of mine who I don't get to see very often.
    Seeing as he was going there with his cousins, we thought it would be cool to meet up for a little bit and check out some of the rides.

    I didn't want to buy a whole day pass, as I got there late in the afternoon, so I bought a couple of coupons that would let me on a couple of the rides.

    We found a one and went to stand in line, chatting and having a good time.
    We noticed two little girls standing infront of us. I'm guessing they were sisters.
    If you loved the themepark as a kid: Do you remember the excitement?
    Pretty much what was going on between them.

    It didn't take too long before we got to this sort of checkpoint, where someone recieves coupons and looks at the passes. The two girls were about to get through and proceed to the next line when the younger one was suddenly stopped by the staff. Apparently the daily pass her parents had bought her wasn't valid for that ride, and told her that she had to buy coupons.
    She just looked at her sister with the saddest face I've seen in a long time.

    I still had a few tickets to go and I had money left to buy more if I needed to, so I leaned over and gave the guy my coupons and told him that she could have them.
    He looked pretty surprised and asked me a couple of times if I was sure, and if I really was giving her my coupons and then proceeded to let them through. The day was saved for the loli duo and I got to go for free.

    It was a good day.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)18:02 No.4980331
    Ugh, wasn't perhaps related in a nerdy way but I felt like sharing it anyway.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)18:08 No.4980338
    >Anime Expo 2005
    >my boyfriend of 3 years had just dumped me at the con about 10 minutes ago
    >sitting there crying
    >girl comes up to me and asks what's wrong
    >says "We can't let you be sad like that!"
    >takes me and introduces me to her friends
    >they buy me lunch
    >somehow manage to get me a spare ticket to the masq in the same early seating group that they all have
    >they stay with me until nighttime
    >make sure I have dinner
    >escort me back to hotel

    It was a shitty situation but those girls really helped me out above and beyond what a normal person would do when coming across a crying con attendee.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)19:25 No.4980489
    This story really made my night. I'm amazed that there are kindhearted people like that still left on this earth.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)19:28 No.4980495
    Heh, it sure was a good time to break a relationship
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)19:42 No.4980536
    >ColossalCon 2011
    >Use badge reels that clip onto the waistband of pants and retracts (easy way to hide badges but have them accessible)
    >Signed up for hall cosplay judging time slot
    >During judging, said judges were checking nearly all aspects of my costume.
    >Leave after judging and walk back towards my hotel room getting stopped for pics along the way.
    >At hotel room, realize I don't have my badge anymore and lineup for the masq participants was in 20 minutes
    >Obviously masq lineup was beyond the badge checkpoint.
    >Frantically try calling up friends who were not going to the masq to borrow badges, no one has one I can borrow.
    >No show at lineup = disqualified.
    >Check lost and found room, nothing there. Who really returns lost badges anyway, usually they are gone.
    >Run to the registration booth and ask the guy what the badge replacement policy was and explain my situation
    >Guy takes a look at me, looks at my costume, decides I had really been around the con all day as he recognized the costume.
    >Looks both ways, hands me a free badge, then gives me that "Don't tell anyone" look and sends me on my way.
    >Thank him profusely and ask him how long his shift was.
    >He mentions times and goes back to his work.
    >At masq lineup, judges are like "Herpderp, here's your badge". It got knocked off when they were checking my costume.
    >After masq, bring the registration guy takeout container of food for saving my day.

    This guy was so awesome. I figured getting him a meal was the least I could do for him. He was appreciative of the food too so all was well.
    >> h.n. elly !!P2ojEMMesl4 09/18/11(Sun)19:58 No.4980600
    >Anime Punch 2009, I had just started my OCD medicine and hadn't found the right dosage yet, so I was very prone to freak outs and melt downs.
    >Was doing a presentation, and I had it on my laptop computer. Was promised a projector by con-con.
    >It's AP. Of course I didn't get my projector.
    >Freak out and have a crying meltdown.
    >Later, a stranger stops me to make sure I'm okay now. He sat and talked with me for a bit, and really did take time to make sure I was okay.
    >I was really touched. I've never seen him again, but he did make me feel so much better, and I thought he was a great dude.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)20:25 No.4980707
    Something silly but, touched my heart in an odd way.

    >At AFO 2011
    >My friend and I are are wandering about the dealers rool
    >Stop at a corner booth in the back of the room and look over some things.
    >Mom and her two sons (Look to be about 2 or 3) stop and the mom asks us for a pic
    >Both boys have their hair messily spiked and ends temp. dyed green
    >Both boys seem shy, one hides behind the mom.
    >One of the boys walks over to my friend to get a pic with her.
    >I kneel down and hold my arms out for the other boy, smiling.
    >"Wanna take a picture with me?"
    >Little boy nervously nods and comes over to pose with me.
    >Take picture and complements both boys hair
    >Nervous boy looks at me and mumbles "I like green hair" or something along the lines of that
    >Watch them walk off and d'aww inwardly for 5 minutes.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)21:45 No.4980973
    >at AWA
    >young girls in maid outfits are running around desperately on one of the room floors
    >ask me if I had a glue gun
    >I said it was still plugged into the wall, sure.
    >ten minutes later, three girls in frilly outfits were in our room gluing clothes.
    >room mates so confused

    I'm a fellow cosplayer, I know that feel, bro
    >> Dr.Raccoon !!huVF3AD3Rnz 09/18/11(Sun)22:06 No.4981038
    >Shadocon 2010
    >Went to restroom with a friend.
    >In stall, see a cell phone on a toilet paper dispenser.
    >Lurk through cell phone to see if it has an image of the girl who owned it.
    >Found image.
    >She was walking away from the restroom.
    >Run to catch up with her.
    >Tell her that she left her phone in the bathroom and to be careful next time.
    >She says thanks and walks away.
    >While me and friend are walking away, her boyfriend runs up to us and tells us how he can't believe we gave her phone back, cause her phone has been stolen before.
    >Hands me $4. "It's all that I have, but please take it."
    >Runs away.

    :D I felt really good afterwards. ^_^
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)23:24 No.4981334
    It's great to see /cgl/'s nice side
    >> OUTRAGEOUS 09/18/11(Sun)23:28 No.4981351
    >Running an AMV contest at a con
    >Con staff was irresponsible, didn't get the projector I was promised until about five minutes into the panel.
    >Having hell setting it up, a handful of people start playing with the projector and the laptop I was borrowing trying to get it to work.
    >It eventually works thanks to one guy especially... I thank him and ask him if he wants to help me judge so the judging seems more fair.
    >He's a bro and is delighted and was fun to work with for the remainder of a pretty lackluster competition.
    >Audience is very jovial about all of the technical shit that popped up thanks to staff lacking equipment and proper wires.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)00:00 No.4981463
    Something someone did for me:

    >My friend and former roommate always eye-rolls when I wear lolita
    >I'm having a shitty time at con, my cosplay was accidentally destroyed, I'm bitterly unhappy and fighting with my bf
    >friend comes up to me, "I saw this and thought of you, wear it or whatever" and beats feet
    >It's a OTT sweet lolita ring... in my favorite color with my favorite treat on it
    >realize she must've looked all over the dealer's room for something that I would like

    Just... I know she thinks loli is stupid, but she wanted to make me happy. ;_:
    >> TK-421 09/19/11(Mon)00:03 No.4981475
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    Sakura Con
    > I come across this brown teddy bear in the middle of the floor
    > I pick it up and place it on my shoulder
    > The teddy sit on my shoulder as I walk around looking for the owner
    > I created a sign which I taped to the front and back of the teddy
    > It read "I am lost, and I can't find my owner. Help me find my home."
    > I carry the teddy for about and hour on my shoulder
    > I get a few pictures with it on
    >during photo shoots I ask anyone If they know the owner of the bunny.
    > nobody seems to having seen a kid carrying a teddy bear
    > 20 minutes later
    > A kid runs up to me dressed as Nel from Bleach and scream "BEAR BEAR! YOU FOUND HIM!"
    > The mother and father were also dressed from Bleach fallows close behind
    > The parents where so grateful that I have found the bear
    > I crouch down and take off the sign and hand the child her teddy
    > there isn't a DAWWW in the world that can compare
    > the parents hand me $20 bill as a reward
    > I refuse the money

    No thanks is needed sir and ma'am. It's just all in a good days work for a Stormtrooper.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)00:10 No.4981496
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    I absolutely love giving away free stuff when I cosplay, especially if I can work it in to match my costume.

    >AZ 2011
    >Cosplaying pic related
    >Filled a bag with Easter eggs filled with candy as little free Pokemon eggs.
    >Had some little kids come over and chat with me about Pokemon.
    >Offered them their own Pokemon eggs and had to keep from grinning at the looks on their faces when I gave them the Easter eggs.
    >Feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)00:12 No.4981506
    Are you also the one who dressed as a Team Rocket member and fought against kiddies awarding them with pokeymanz?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)00:17 No.4981525
    >Found out Kalafina was going to be at AX, Almost cry because I love them so much and I couldn't afford to go this year
    >Talking to my friend about it, he tells me he's going to AX, immediate jelly
    >After con he sends me a random picture on skype, I open it
    >It's their signed CD
    >He bought a CD and got it signed for me

    ;___; SO KIND
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)00:17 No.4981526
    >ACEN 2010
    >Haven't eaten in a couple of days because I was sick with the stomach flu
    >My friends run off to their rooms to change out of their costumes for the day before we go out to dinner
    >Wait in the lobby for them because I wasn't in cosplay that day.
    >Get incredible stomach cramps while waiting for them
    >No one else around
    >Have to sit down next to the wall because of pain, visibly shaking
    >Someone runs over to help
    >They offer to call an ambulance
    >Tell them I'll be fine and I'm just really hungry
    >They offer me some of their food
    >Take it and thank them
    >They stay with me the entire time until my friends come back
    >I offer to pay them for the bag of chips they gave me
    >They reject the money and they're just glad I'm okay.


    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 09/19/11(Mon)00:25 No.4981574
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    AX this year
    >Walking back to my hotel for something
    >Cosplayer almost trips, I help them steady themselves
    >I see that their sandal tie had come undone, and they're not really in a costume where they can bend down an fix it
    >I ask them if I could fix it for them, they thank me for the offer
    >The rope is damn slippery, but I attempt my best boyscout knots that won't look tacky
    >They thank me again and I tell them to be careful and ask for a photo

    I still to this day do not know if the knot held, what they were cosplaying or who they were.

    Pic is them after I fixed the sandal.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)00:27 No.4981591

    they were cosplaying as origami cyclone from tiger & bunny
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)00:30 No.4981602
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    No, wasn't me, I had my hands full with these. I heard about that though on another thread.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)00:34 No.4981628
    >Katsucon 2008
    >day before con i go in to a shitty dollar store and buy a shit ton of toy phones with pics of BJD on them and play a DDR song
    >pass them out during con
    >at one point, if you stood still in the middle of the hotel you could hear the toy cell phones go off
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)00:36 No.4981633
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    This thread makes me happy.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)00:40 No.4981659
    >Sitting in cosplay judging at San Japan :3
    >Room is very tight, very cramped and very hot.
    >Am coming down with mono but don't know it, assume I just have a regular sore throat and headache and have been taking aspirin all day.
    >Aspirin starts to wear off and I am getting a bad fever. I am overheating and feeling really sick all of the sudden.
    >Face turns bright red, hands start shaking.
    >Amazing Madam Red cosplayer sitting next to me (she later won best in show) notices.
    >She asks me if I'm okay, I say I'm fine and she doesn't believe me.
    >She calls over the volunteers and tells them to get me lots of water.
    >By now everyone sitting around me has noticed and starts handing me their water cups, saying they don't need them.
    >People start fanning me.
    >I nearly cry because everyone is so freaking nice.

    San Japan seriously is like the nicest con ever. Nice stuff like this happens all the time.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)10:05 No.4982896

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