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  • File : 1316224726.jpg-(101 KB, 425x640, tumblr_lqjgpb17ZB1qdndeho3_500.jpg)
    101 KB DemonicPretty !!9yxiGcEIwCH 09/16/11(Fri)21:58 No.4975033  
    Nightmare Before Christmas cosplay thread?

    Or any Tim Burton cosplay is fine too, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/11(Fri)22:01 No.4975047
    Oh god that Jack is pretty. I love the idea of it. The Sally is so-so, but I don't really like Sally so w/e.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/11(Fri)22:07 No.4975067
    dat Jack..
    >> Anonymous 09/16/11(Fri)22:08 No.4975070
    Tim Burton is a hack and the Nightmare Before Christmas is babby's first goth merchandise (though at least it doesn't have Johnny Derp like all his other movies)

    But I'm sure there's some good cosplay, maybe. I've never really seen any because all the Jacks I've seen are all on stilts to get the thin gangly skeleton look, and become awkward because of it.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/11(Fri)22:10 No.4975078

    all of this is true

    but look at the picture anon
    >> Anonymous 09/16/11(Fri)22:12 No.4975082
         File1316225550.jpg-(422 KB, 685x1024, Trick_of_Treat_by_xHee_Heex.jpg)
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    Oh wow, that is an Amazing Jack. Might have to try this style out sometime.

    Really want to cosplay Shock though, saw this girl was selling hers but I never managed to get it before she sold it or took it down. Pic related.
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 09/16/11(Fri)22:17 No.4975095
         File1316225861.jpg-(285 KB, 720x720, letmetellya.jpg)
    285 KB
    But the Nightmare Before Christmas was the work of Henry Selick, Tim Burton only produced it.
    >> Anonymous 09/16/11(Fri)22:26 No.4975122
         File1316226381.jpg-(70 KB, 540x720, jack.jpg)
    70 KB
    Saw this Jack at Youmacon & Ohayocon. It certainly wasn't the cleanest looking Jack costume ever, but he was just so damn tall and gangly. He had to have been like six and a half feet tall.
    Pic related. It's one I took of him at Youma.

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