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  • File : 1316103205.jpg-(106 KB, 467x700, datwig.jpg)
    106 KB Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)12:13 No.4969630  
    Dat wig.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)12:15 No.4969635
    good god
    >> Iris 09/15/11(Thu)12:16 No.4969637
    I remember I saw her at Otakon! She was so fantastic! I think she was Mad Moxxi too?
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)12:43 No.4969639
    holy shiiiiiiit, man, how did she STAND?
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)12:43 No.4969641
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)12:44 No.4969651
    I'm impressed, I must say.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)12:45 No.4969652
    DO WANT.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)12:45 No.4969657
    Wow, eye catching for sure. It looks great, I just hope she was a nice person too.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)12:47 No.4969659
    Anyone have a bigger picture? I'm curious how this wig looks in higher quality.
    >> Avi !puBUpFsw.I 09/15/11(Thu)12:57 No.4969680
    I love that she took proportions into account and really went the extra mile.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)12:59 No.4969692
    where is her arm?
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)13:07 No.4969707
    Behind her, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)13:11 No.4969713
         File1316106666.jpg-(45 KB, 249x498, 1314104637018.jpg)
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    The ends are pretty choppy and there's some weird stuff going on in the bulkiest parts that look like they should have a few more wefts covering them. Also the smaller pigtails should be higher up. Not to mention her hair is more of a pinkish blonde (or vanilla pink) kind of like Sheryl's rather than real blonde. But all nitpicking aside, it's still pretty cute.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)13:14 No.4969722
    this looks amazing, and I don't even know what she's cosplaying from.
    >> Jkid !yYT/u4PSNE 09/15/11(Thu)13:14 No.4969723
         File1316106859.jpg-(80 KB, 359x1080, super_cute_otakon_2011_by_hydf(...).jpg)
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    This is amazing! I actually have another image of this cosplayer in my folder. But since I can't find it, here's a image I found on dA.

    No, defintely not.
    >> Jkid !yYT/u4PSNE 09/15/11(Thu)13:15 No.4969726
    Blazblue: Continuum Shift.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)13:17 No.4969728
    gah, duck lips!
    Also, unless she's like 2-3 ft tall, how can she carry that prop around? Don't most cons have a rule against big props??
    thanks bro
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)13:26 No.4969741
    Oooh dat wig indeed.
    How do you get something to be so volumnous?
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)13:29 No.4969746

    something's inside the wig, maybe like a balloon thing or something else really light
    >> Washu 09/15/11(Thu)13:31 No.4969751
         File1316107882.jpg-(108 KB, 665x768, 112158-ehshell_2009_06_27_17_1(...).jpg)
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    I just want to fuck the shit out of her wig... then make a nest out of it and hang a sign saying
    >home sweet home
    and live in it for ever
    >> Iris 09/15/11(Thu)13:32 No.4969752
    wat? Maybe styrofoam but not a balloon
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)13:35 No.4969754
    I could totally see it being one of those larger rubber balloons, they can be pretty durable, and the hair may not shift around on them too much. Though, Styrofoam is another good idea.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)13:37 No.4969758
    This is awesome! Props to her.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 09/15/11(Thu)14:38 No.4969926
    There's a good chance I'm hidden in the alcove to the right in OP's pic.

    I honestly don't remember why I was there at the time. But at least I can say that costume was fucking awesome in person.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)14:59 No.4969991
    so cute ^-^
    >> o-slap 09/15/11(Thu)15:02 No.4970004
         File1316113335.gif-(899 KB, 318x240, 1314593241726.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)15:03 No.4970009
    Nitpicking on an otherwise great costume: That prop isn't doing her any favors. The wig and the costume are both gorgeous, but it looks like she needs a bit more work on her props (or commission them, I know not everyone has time to make a fuck-huge prop).
    >> Kabuki Mouse !2Ze1d7IESk 09/15/11(Thu)15:04 No.4970012
    Too bad the girl inside that monstrosity looks like a vampire.

    White people are so uncute.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)15:08 No.4970028
    too bad the person behind that nick is a faggot that should die in a fire.

    kabuki theater is so nice.
    >> Kabuki Mouse !2Ze1d7IESk 09/15/11(Thu)18:33 No.4970632

    What the fuck is this, IRC?

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